Syncfusion.SfListView.WinForms Defines the constants that speicifies the mode of and for auto complete. String that starts with the specified text. String that containes the specified text. Defines the constants that speicifies the mode of ComboBox. Specify the single selection mode. Specify the multi selection mode with CheckBox. Defines the constants that speicifies the editing mode. Specifies that user can enter a new value and can select an existing value in the list. User can perfom AutoComplete. Specifies that user is not allowed to enter a new value and can select an existing value in the list. User cannot perfom AutoComplete. Specifies the state of the control. The default state. The hover state. The focused state. The disabled state. Represents a control that used to select single or multiple value from the drop down list. The text box to hold editor portion of . Button to hold Drop down portion of . Button to hold clear button portion of . The boolean value indicates whether the back key is pressed or not. It contains the maximum drop down items count. holds auto complete mode. Initializes a new instance of the class. Width of drop down button in . The instances of list view which should be shown in popup control. Holds data source of list view The boolean value. Indicates displayMember of the source Indicates value membe of the source Holds Delimiter char Holds filter Mode value holds display mode for combo box. Holds dropdown position for combo box. Holds tool tip need to be show or not The timer used for apply the filter delay. Holds drop down style Maintains Selection start index value for Text box Text value. The boolean value; Indicated whther mouse is wheeling in up or down direction Holds list view items index value when mouse wheeling Holds whther mouse down on list view to check popup container is opened or not to hold clone checked items Holds water mark text value The selected value; To ignore text changed for auto complete process It contains the state of the . Border Style Holds allow null value The boolean value indicates whether the clear button is visible or not. The boolean value It maintains the control graphics. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should enable its Accessibility support. The value contains the update count. Specifies whether the data source is changed or not. Specifies whether the text property is changed or not. Indicates whether the selected value is changed. Indicates whether the water mark text is changed. The boolean to change default text value. The boolean to allow reset the text value. The boolean value indicates the drop down style is changed or not. The scaling factor. Variable to detect whether the click event has been hooked. Variable to detect whether the clipboard text is pasted in textBox. Initialize the object Holds closebutton default width. Specifies spacing factor between item and dropdownbutton Specifies whether token support is enable or not To hold selectedItems while enabling token support To hold the token item, when the cursor is hover the close button of the token item. It holds the font family, image width and font style of the font icon Specifies whether text entered for the first time or not. Initializes a new instance of the class. Occurs when drop down is opening Occurs when drop down is hiding. occurs when drop down is hiding popup close type Signals the object that initialization is starting. Signals the object that initialization is complete. Suspends the painting of the control until the method is called. Resumes the painting of the control suspended by calling the method. Helps to apply the ThemeName settings in control The theme name. Helps to apply the Control Name settings in control The control name. Returns the control name. Helps to apply the CanOverrideStyle settings in control Specifies whether to override the style or not. Helps to apply the CanApplyTheme settings in control Specifies whether to apply the theme or not. Method to draw close button using font icon Graphics parameter Close button Rectangle Close button back color. Updates the grid when the is changed. The old value of the . The new value of the . Specifies whether to raise the event or not. Returns true, If the event is wired; Otherwise return false. Specifies whether to raise the event or not. Returns true, If the event is wired; Otherwise return false. Specifies whether to raise the event or not. Returns true, If the event is wired; Otherwise return false. Specifies whether to raise the event or not. Returns true, If the event is wired; Otherwise return false. Specifies whether to raise the event or not. Returns true, If the event is wired; Otherwise return false. Specifies whether to raise the event or not. Returns true, If the event is wired; Otherwise return false. Forces the control to invalidate its client area when updateCount value is less than or equal to zero. Raises the event. The that contains the event data. Raises the event. The that contains the event data. Event will be trigged before opening the popup. drop down opening event arguments Event will be trigged after opening the popup. event arguments Event will be trigged before closing the popup. drop down closing event arguments Event will be trigged after closing the popup. drop down closed event arguments Gets the height of the control based on the font Returns the control height To add checked items value to combo box Add the token in . token item text. Index of the display item To add token to combo box To Update Popup Location To Update Cursor position Gets triggered upon token Item close button is clicked The sender value. event arguments Set the size for the drop down. Set the size for the drop down control when size is changed on drop down opening event. The size should be change for drop down control Occurs when Cancel button clicked Select the items based on the match items Performs auto suggest for the datatable. Raises the and event when theme name changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Called after the control has been added to another container. Process the input key on The character input. either true or false Activates the mouse leave event for the control Event args Occurs while changing the control size. A event arguments. Scales a control's location, size, padding and margin. The factor by which the height and width of the control will be scaled. A value that specifies the bounds of the control to use when defining its size and position. Activates the mouse enter event for the control Event args Occurs when right to left property is changed A that contains the Layout event data. Raises the Paint event. A that contains the event data. Occurs on Mouse move Event argument Occurs when key process on message of key value One of the values. returns key value To Update child Items Layout. A that contains the Layout event data. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Creates a new accessibility object in . A new System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject for the SfComboBox, when AccessibilityEnabled is set as true Occues when key down on A that contains the event data Occurs when key press on A that contains the event data Occurs when perform the mouse down operation. A contains event data. Occurs when the control got focus. Event Args Occurs while perform the mouse wheel operations. A contains the event data. Occurs when the control loses focus. An that contains event data. Occurs after the property of the changed. A event data. To set bounds of control Specifies the x location of control Specifies the y location of control Specifies the width of the control Specifies the height of the control Specifies the bounds of the control Creates a value for use as aa parameter in a message. The lower order value. The higher order value. Returns the parameter value. To get item text value Item in the list view control returns string of items passed Performs AutoSuggest based on Entered Charcter A that contains the event data. Get the Item from listView based on index value passed. Finds index from ListView. Returns item Search for items in ListView. String to find. Index to start the search. To declare either case sensitive or not. Returns index value. To show drop down control Update the text box area bounds. Occurs when the listview horizontal scrollbar visible changed. The sender. The that contains the event data. Occurs when desinger about to be changed from default value The sender. A event data. Raises selected value changed event The that contains the event data. Raises selected index changed event The that contains the event data. Draws the drop down icon in button. The sender. A event data. Draws the close icon in clear button. The sender. A event data. Gets the drop down button fore color. Returns the button fore color value. Gets the clear button fore color based on the button states. Returns the clear button fore color value. Determines whether SelectedItems has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether Padding has changed or not. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. To Update child Items Layout Redraws the whole control. To update bounds value of text box portion To update bounds value of drop down button. Method used to add the clear button into Occurs when mouse click on clear button. The sender is clearButton. A that contains the event data. Custom filter for filtering item same as data passed data need to be filtered Returns item data Hide dropdown when click outside the control The sender Event data Dropdown closing when parent control visible changed the sender is A that contains the event data Used to check the no of controls attached with this control Collection of Controls Hook Items for each items in ToolStripItemCollection Items in ToolstripItemCollection UnHook Items for each items in ToolStripItemCollection Items in ToolstripItemCollection HideDropDown based on the control when mouse down. The Sender Event data UnHook the Form controls Collection of Controls When up or down key pressed while using token Index of selected item When Enter key pressed while using token When Back key pressed while using token To hook all events used in control. Adds the token item when the token items collection is changed. Token items. Notify collection changed event args. Occurs when the key is pressed. The sender. A key event data. Occurs while drop down button size changed. The sender. A event data. Occurs while changing the text box size. The sender. A event data. occurs when checked items collection changed the list view control The event arguments occurs when selected items collection changed. the list view control. A event data. Occurs while drop down button loses its focus. The sender. A event data. Occurs when mouse click on Drop down button of the control The sender that contains control A that contains the event data Occurs when mouse move on the control text box of the combo box A that contains the event data Occurs when mouse move on the control text box of the combo box A that contains the event data Occurs when the enabled property changed. The sender. A event data. Occurs when leave focus from button. Rhe sender. A event data. Occurs when enter the mouse to the button. The sender. A event data. Occurs when mouse down on text box of the combo box text box of the combo box A that contains the event data Occurs when text box the combo box got focus text box of the combo box A that contains the event data Occurs when text box is lost its focus text box of the combo box A that contains the event data To get item text value Item in the list view control Display member or value member of the the control returns string of item text value Occuers when list view selected value is changed The sender that contains SfListView Control A that contains the event data Occurs when key down on list view control the sender is A that contains the event data To remove the selected items from DisplayItems the item to be removed form listview display items returns the boolean value which is used to remove the selected item Occurs when mouse click on SfComboBox the sender is A that contains the event data Occurs when textbox is clicked on SfComboBox the sender is A that contains the event data Occurs when mouse leave on text box editor portion of the SfComboBox A that contains the event data Occurs when mouse move on text box pf combo box text box of the combo box A that contains the event data Display the tooltip for the item. Cursor position of combo box Creates the ToolTipItem and ToolTipInfo objects to display the tooltip for the items. Represents the display text of the hovered item. Occurs when mouse down on list view list view A that contains the event data Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the list view list view A that contains the event data occurs when key press in text box editor control of combo Box A that contains the event data occurs when mouse wheel on text box of combobox The sender. A value. To update list view items while mouse wheel Indicates that mouse is wheeling up or not Occurs when the filter delay timer is tick. The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Occurs when the property changed. Occurs when drop down style value changed Occurs while changing the text. Occurs while changing the data source. occurs when display mode value is changed. To draw string when text box is not visible provides paint event arguments Ensures view related operations in View. Occurs when chaning the watermark text. The string. Occurs when selected value is changed The selected value. occurs when selected index value is changed occurs when selected item value is changed Occurs when selected item changed event about to fire Occurs when selected index changed event about to fire Specifies whether to raise the event or not. Returns true, If the event is wired; Otherwise return false. Specifies whether to raise the event or not. Returns true, If the event is wired; Otherwise return false. occurs when PopupOpened value is changed occurs when text box text is changing The sender that contains Text Box control A that contains the event data Performs auto complete Occurs when showing suggested items on auto complete process To Unhook all events used in control. Set the water mark text for the textbox. Occurs when changing the font. The font value. Occurs when selected value is changed. Occurs when selected index value is changed. Occurs while showing the tooltip for the control. Occurs while showing the tooltip for the control. Occurs when the popup is about to be shown. occurs when drop down is opened. Occurs when the popup is about to be closed. Occurs when the popup is closed. Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Gets or sets the text associated with . Gets or sets the predicate to filters the values while typing text in editor portion of the . (int) item) { return true; } } ]]> AutoCompleteFilter is supported for collection type datasource. It does not support for DataTable datasource. Gets or sets the auto complete mode for . Gets a TextBox that used to hold editor portion of the . Gets a button that used to represent the drop down portion of a . Gets or sets the style for the elements. Gets or sets the mode for suggesting the dropdown list of AutoComplete Suggest and SuggestAppend modes. Gets or sets the options for the tooltip to be displayed when hovering on the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether control's elements are aligned to support locales using right to left fonts. Gets or sets the value that specifies the editing style of the . Gets or sets the display mode for . The cannot be changed while in disabled state. Gets or sets water mark text to . Watermark will be shown if is enabled. Gets or sets a value indicating whether tool tip can be shown when mouse hover on editor portion of the for MultiSelection ComboBox. Tool tip will be shown when is . Gets or sets a value indicating whether the select all item can be shown at top of the dropdown to select whole items. Gets or sets the maximum drop down items count when drop down is showing. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the drop down can be resized. Gets or sets selected value for . The SelectedValue returns the value based on is it is defined. Otherwise it returns the value based on . Gets or sets the currently selected item of . Gets or sets an index of the selected item . Gets or sets the collection of the selected items of . Gets or sets the collection containing the checked items of . Gets the list view of . Gets the popup control of the . Gets or sets the delay in milliseconds for and . Gets or sets the delimiter character to separate the multiple selected items in the when the is . Gets or sets data source of the . Gets or sets the background color for the . Gets or sets the foreground color for the . Gets or sets the font of the text displayed by the control. Gets or sets the position of the dropdown relative to the . The value. The default value is Gets or sets the property to display for the Gets or sets the property to use as the actual value for the items in the Gets or sets a value indicating whether null or empty string can be set to . If is true, the Watermark text will be shown in the . Otherwise, empty string will be shown. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the clear button can be shown in the . When click the clear button, existing selection will clear in . If is true, the clear button will be shown in the . Otherwise, false. The clear button will be shown in the for both single selection and multiple selection. Gets or sets border style of . Gets or sets a value indicating whether the autocomplete Suggest and SuggestAppend mode should be processed based on case sensitive. Gets the size of a rectangular area into which the control can fit. Gets or sets the padding value within the . Gets or sets the value of site to override deafult value of property. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable or disable token support in Gets the of the . Gets or sets a value indicating whether popup window is opened or not Gets or sets a value indicating whether the accessibility is enabled for the control or not. Gets or sets a value of string which need to be serach while performing auto complete Gets the internal border color for drawing the border in all states. Gets or sets the tooltip object displayed while hovering on the list view item. Gets the graphics of the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the is painted or not. Gets a value indicating whether the is updating or not. Gets default size of the control Gets or sets the ToolTipInfo used to show tooltip when hovering on the cells. Gets or sets the ToolTipItem used to show tooltip when hovering on the cells. Represents a class that provides the options to customize the ToolTipOption of . Maintains the list view control object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Object of the ListView. Gets or sets a value indicating whether shadow should be drawn for the ToolTipOption. Gets or sets the period of time the ToolTipOption remains visible if the pointer is stationary on a item. Gets or sets the time that passes before the ToolTipOption appears. Represents a class that helps to show popup control for . Default border color of the control. Default minimum size for multi selection mode in the popup control. Default minimum size for the single selection mode. The ok button. The cancel button. The boolean value. The boolean vlaue indicates the gripper area shown or not. Checks whether the minimize for the popup window is set or not. Initializes a new instance of the class. The control. The control. Shows the popup when click on the drop down button of . The location where need to show the popup window. Hides a popup with the specified mode. A PopupCloseType value. Initialize the ok and cancel buttons for the popup window when enable the Override WndProc to get the window messages. Window message is sent to the handle of the window. Fires the event indicating that the panel has been resized. An that contains the event data. Performs the work of setting the specified bounds of this control. The new Left property value of the control. The new Top property value of the control. The new Width property value of the control. The new Height property value of the control. A bitwise combination of the System.Windows.Forms.BoundsSpecified values. Set the ok and cancel button bounds. Occurs when cancal button of the popup container is clicked button control of popup container A that contains the event data Occurs when ok button of the popup container is clicked ok button control of popup container A that contains the event data Gets or sets BorderColor. Gets the ok button control for drop doww. Gets the cancel button control for drop down. Gets or sets the maximum drop down size. Minimum size of the drop down popup containter control. Overrides the show buttons Gets or sets a value indicating whether the gripper can show or not. Gets or sets the which is used to open this popup window. The class provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. It contains the value of the control. Initializes a new instance of the class. which needs to be used for accessibility application. Gets the AccessibleRole of the control. Gets the Name of the which is used by Accessibility program Gets the Bounds of the which is used by Accessibility program Gets the Parent of the which is used by Accessibility program. Gets or sets the value of the . Provides data about the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The fisplay text of an item. The ToolTipInfo of the ToolTip. The location of the tool tip. Gets the display text of an item. Gets or sets the ToolTipInfo of the Tooltip. Gets or sets the location of the ToolTip. Provides data about the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The display text of an item. The ToolTipInfo of the ToolTip. The location of the tool tip. Gets the display text of an item. Gets or sets the ToolTipInfo of the Tooltip. Gets or sets the location of the ToolTip. Provides data about the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The location of the drop down container. The Size of the drop down container. Gets or sets the location of the drop down container. Gets or sets the size of the drop down container. Provides data about the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. drop down closed type Gets or sets the type of the drop down closing. Provides data about the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. drop down closed type Gets or sets the type of the drop down closing. This class helps to render token in SfComboBox Initialize the row index Initializes a new instance of the class. Method to draw the polygen for Token Rectangle as parameter radius for polygen points to draw the polygen Gets or sets RowIndex of Gets or sets CloseRectangle Gets or sets the Text Gets or sets the Bounds of the token Gets or sets the Size of the token Token Collection class to store the collection of items Initializes a new instance of the class. The Token object that owns this collection. The token class that owns this collection is passed in as a parameter and this collection class will use this reference to the owner to inform it to add a token control or remove a token control when an item is added or removed to the collection. Adds a to the collection. The object to be added. The index of the object in the collection. Checked whether the list contains Current token The index of token in the list Removes a object from the collection. The Token that is to be removed from the collection. Removes the Token from the internal List object if the Token exists. Indicates whether an object exists in this collection. The object to check for. True if the object exists in this collection; false otherwise. This method is used for checking if an item exists in the collection before trying to delete or change that item. Gets / sets the Indexer property Index of Returns the index Represents the class to define the style for control. Maintains the default style of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The style object that contains the original data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The store. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines whether Back Color has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines whether Fore Color has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether Font has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets the default value of class. Gets or sets the back color of visaulitem Gets or sets the back color of visaulitem Gets or sets the Fore color Gets or sets the Border color of the control. Gets or sets the font value of Token control. Represents the class holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Maintains the static data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Populates the SerializationInfo store with the name, type, and value of each piece of information it wants to serialize Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the Static data Represents the class to define the style for control. Maintains the default style of the . Specifies the text box that used to hold editor Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. To get instances of TextBox Initializes a new instance of the class. The style object that contains the original data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The store. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Determines whether Font has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether Fore Color has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether Back Color has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether disabled Back Color has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether disabled watermark fore Color has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether disabled watermark fore Color has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether disabled fore Color has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default value of class. Gets or sets the font value of textbox control. Gets or sets the fore color of textbox Gets or sets the disabled back color of textbox Gets or sets the disabled fore color of textbox Gets or sets the back color of the textbox Gets or sets a value indicating whether draws the fore color of the control, when the control draws water mark. Gets or sets a value indicating whether draws the fore color of the control, when the control draws water mark. Gets or sets the background color of the control. Gets or sets the background color of the control. Gets or sets the background color of the control. Gets or sets the background color of the control. Represents the class holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Maintains the static data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Populates the SerializationInfo store with the name, type, and value of each piece of information it wants to serialize Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Creates a copy of the current object. A duplicate of the current object. Initializes the , if is null. Overridden to get the static data source. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the combo box instance for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. text box of the class. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents the class to define the style for control. It contains the value of the property. The . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the border style for the control. Gets or sets style for drop down button of the control. Gets or sets style for clear button of the control. Gets or sets style for drop down of the control. Gets or sets style for drop down button of the control. Gets or sets style for . Gets or sets style for drop down button of the control. Gets or sets the style applied to the tooltip. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Gets or sets the combo box instance for create the identity. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents a class that provides style identity information for nested objects of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Represents the class to define the style for clear button. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Gets the default style value for the control. Represents the class to define the style for control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Gets the default style value for the control. Represents the class to define the style for control. Maintains the default style of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. To get instances of TextBox Initializes a new instance of the class. The store. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Determines whether disabled fore Color has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets the default value of class. Gets or sets the focus rectangle color of the textbox Defines the constants that specifies the possible item types in . Specifies the item type of record item. Specifies the item type of header item. Specifies the item type of SelectAll item. Specifies the item type of header item. Specifies the item type of footer item. Defines the constants that specifies the possible checkbox selection types in sflistview It species the CheckOnItemClick selection to row, only on single selection mode. It species the default selection to row It species the selectoncheck to row It species the synchronize selection to row Defines the AutoFit mode for . Consider the value of and layout the items. AutoFit the item based on its content and when layout, consider the height of the item. Provides enumerators to define the properties, based on that properties behavior is defined like ItemType, CheckBoxSelectionMode and AutoFitMode. Provides data for the and events. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a group that is being expanded or collapsed in view. The that is being changed in view. Provides data for the and events. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a group that is expanded or collapsed in view. The that is being changed in view. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a list that contains the items that were selected. A list of items to be selection. Gets a list that contains the items that were unselected. A list of items to be removed selection. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a list that contains the items that were selected. A list of items selected. Gets a list that contains the items that were unselected. A list of items unselected. Provides data about the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The display text of an item. An index of list view item. The ToolTipInfo of the list view item. Location of the tool tip. Item which need to show tool tip. Gets the display text of an item. Gets an index of an item. Gets or sets the ToolTipInfo of an item. Gets or sets the location of the ToolTip. Gets the underlying data object of an item. Provides data about the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The display text of an item. An index of list view item. The ToolTipInfo of the list view item. Location of the tool tip value. Gets the display text of an item. Gets an index of an item. Gets or sets the ToolTipInfo of an item. Gets or sets the location of the ToolTip. Provides data about the event. Maintains the bounds as Rectangle. Maintains the value for the DataRow. Maintains the text for the DataRow. Maintains the type for the item. Maintains the graphics. Maintains the value indicating that the drawing of cell is handled or not. Maintains the row index of the cell. Maintains the ListViewItemStyleInfo object. Maintains the item data. Maintain the image to draw in item. Maintain the image alignment to draw the image. Maintain the position to draw the image in record item. Initializes a new instance of the class. The graphics context. The item rectangle bounds. The text value used to draw the cell The item value. The data object of an item which is bound with listview. The type of an item. An item index. A used to draw the items. An item image. An item image alignement. An item tect and image relation. Handle to determine whether customization should be applied. Gets the bounds of an item rectangle. Gets the value of an item. It returns the value of ValueMember. Gets the underlying data object of an item. Gets or sets the display text of an item. It returns the value of DisplayMember. Gets the type of an item. Gets the style of an item. Gets an index of an item. Gets the Graphics context of . Gets or sets an image for an item. Gets or sets the alignment for image. Gets or sets the image and text relation. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the drawing of an cell is handled or not. Provide data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets an index of an item. Gets or sets the size of the item. For vertical orientation, it will be considered as item height and for horizontal orientation, it will be considered as item width. For , size of the largest item in a row will be set to all other items in that row. Gets the underlying data of queried item. Gets the item type of queried item. Gets or sets a value indicating whether event should be handled. If true, set the queried item size to a row otherwise get the default item size. Provides data about the event. Itemdata of item Itemindex of item Old checkedstate of item New checkedstate of item Initializes a new instance of the class. itemdata of item itemindex of item old checkedstate of item new checkedstate of item Gets the underlying data of an item. Gets an index of an item. Gets an old check state of an item. Gets the new check state for an item. Provides data about the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. An itemdata of item. An itemindex of item. Old checked state of item. New checked state of item. Gets the underlying data of an item. Gets an index of an item. Gets an old check state of an item. Gets the new check state for an item. Provides data about the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The underlying record itemIndex of the item. The style for the check box in the listview. The item type of an item. The text of an item. The value of an item. The item checkbox can be handled or not Gets the row index of the check box. Gets or sets the style for the check box of the item. Gets the underlying item of the check box. Gets the underlying item of the check box. Gets the underlying item of the check box. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the checkbox of an cell is handled or not. Provides classes and delegates which are used for customizing and handling the operations of various features like Grouping, Selection, Item Checking, etc. The class provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. It contains the value of the control. Specifies the index of the vertical scrollbar. Specifies the index of the horizontal scrollbar. Initializes a new instance of the class. which needs to be used for accessibility application. Gets the count of the items in the . Returns the child count of the list view. Gets an accessibility object of the child at the given index. The index of the child control. Returns the child object at the given index. /// Navigates to other accessible object. An accessible object. Accessible navigation direction. The Object of the child for the specified index. Gets the AccessibleRole of the control. Gets the Name of the which is used by Accessibility program Gets the Bounds of the which is used by Accessibility program Gets the Parent of the which is used by Accessibility program. Gets or sets the DateTimeText of the . Represents a class that provides an accessibility object for the items in the . It contains the value of the control. Specifies the item detils of the control. Initializes a new instance of the class. The SfListView control. An index of the row. The item details of the list item. Navigates to other accessible object. One of the AccessibleNavigation values. An object that represents one of the navigation direction values. Gets the AccessibleRole of an item. Gets the AccessibleName of an item. Gets the AccessibleState of an item. Gets the AccessibleDescription of an item. Gets the bounds of an item. Gets the AccessibleValue of an item. Gets the item index value. Provides classes that can be used to make the SfListView control to a wide variety of users for accessibility support. A class that generates the instances in a control. Determines to get the value of item from display member Determines sflistview class That used to get itemdata of item That used to get display member. Returns the text of itemdata using display member Determines to set the value of item from checked member Determines sflistview class That used to get itemdata of item That used to get checked member. /// That used to set new checked state. Determines to get the index of View PageDown or View PageUp Determines sflistview class It is used to check key combination pressed Returns the index of PageUp or PageDown. Converts the given to the . Determines sflistview class The that needs to be converted. Determine the line alignment. Determine the alignment. Determines that used to clear all selected rows Determines sflistview class Determines that to find slectallitem. The Sflistview class Rturns if true, otherwise false. Determines it clears selection and checkeditems in listview Determines sflistview class Gets the top items count. The control. Returns the top items count. Gets the bottom items count. The control. Returns the bottom items count. Checks whether the need to resolve the row index based on the or properties. The control. Returns the true, if need to resolve index. Otherwise returns false. Represents a class that provides the options to customize the ToolTipOption of . Maintains the list view control object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Object of the ListView. Gets or sets a value indicating whether shadow should be drawn for the ToolTipOption. Gets or sets the period of time the ToolTipOption remains visible if the pointer is stationary on a item. Gets or sets the time that passes before the ToolTipOption appears. Represents a class that contains the instances in a control. The Sflistview control Initializes a new instance of the class. The SfListview. Determines to update ListViewItemInfo to new item It indicates ListViewItemInfoBase. Item index of item The item data. Determines to update ListViewItemInfo to new item. It indicates ListViewItemInfoBase. Index of item The item data. Determines that adding of item properties it indicates ListViewItemInfoBase itemindex of item itemdata of item Detemines to create new group item of ListViewItemInfo Itemindex of item Itemtype of item Itemdata of item Returns the group item Determines to create new item of ListViewItemInfo Itemindex of item Itemtype of item Itemdata of item Returns the record item Determines to create new item of ListViewItemInfo Itemindex of item Itemtype of item Itemdata of item Returns the record item Determines to create new item of sflistviewitem Index of item Itemtype of item The item data. Returns the record item Determines to create new item of . Index of item. Itemtype of item The item data. Returns the record item Determines to update ListViewItemInfo to new item it indicates ListViewItemInfoBase itemindex of item itemdata of item Determines to update ListViewItemInfo to new item it indicates ListViewItemInfoBase itemindex of item itemdata of item Determines to gets the checkstate value for the integer,boolean and decimal. Value of the checkstate Returns the checkstate value Method which will ensure whether the row is selected or not. Corresponding ListViewItemInfo. Method which will ensure whether the row is checked or not. Corresponding listviewitem.% Provides an information of list view item. Provides an information of list view item. Gets or sets the rowtype of listviewitem Gets or sets the index of the data row. Gets or sets the data of the row. Gets or sets the item state in listview control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the row is already ensured or not. Gets or sets a value indicating whether that represents to enable selection for item in listview control. Maintains the details. Initializes a new instance of the class. The value. Returns the the value. Returns the value. Get the text value based on the display member. Returns the text value. Gets the text for the . Gets the value for the . Gets or sets a value indicating whether that represents to enable hover for item in listview control. Gets or sets the style is used to set for record item and group item. Gets or sets the style is used to set for header item. Gets or sets the style is used to set for footer item. Gets or sets the style is used to set for record item and group item. Gets or sets the style is used to draw checkbox for item. Represents a class is display the items in vertical. The SFListView control Maintains the item startindex Maintains the item endindex Initializes a new instance of the class. The SfListview. Creates or updates the visible rows. Helper method to find the row index from the index of DisplayItems. Indicates the index of DisplayItems. Returns the row index from display item index. Reset the items when is changed. Determines when display items collection has been changed. Sender of the object The that contains the event data. Set queried row size into lineSize collection based index. Denotes the . Returns the item height. Update the items. The value. Update the header item in . Returns the height of the header item. Update the footer item in . Returns the height of the footer item. Set row height to lineSize collection by query item. Indicates the listView item info. Indicates the index of the item. Indicates the actual size. Get the AutoFit item size based on bounds of container size. The used to calculate the item size. The item size. Returns the rectangle that represents the region to invalidate for add or remove action rowIndex for the desired rectangle. The Rectangle represents for Invalidation. Returns the rectangle that represents the region to invalidate entire view. Line collection represents the entire visible lines. The Rectangle represents for invalidation. Create the based on index, item type and item data. Indicates the item index Indicates the item type Indicates the item data. Returns the ListView item info Update the . Indicates the information of item info. Indicates the item index. Indicates the item type. Indicates the item data. Recycle the listviewitem based on the itemdata Start index of item End index of item Determines itemtype of item. Rturns item while using reusing otherwise it returns null. Gets or sets the items added into listviewitem The is a control that displays the collection of data in vertical list. Maintains the collection of visible rows. Maintains the collection of visible columns. Maintains the items source for the list view. Maintains the information of scrollbar Maintains the information of horizontal scrollbar Maintains the old value of vertical scroll bar Maintains the old value of horizontal scroll bar Indicates column to visible Maintain the value member. Indicates column to visible with checkedstate That used to set selection mode to item Gets an selected item in listview control Selected item in listview control Selected index of item in listview control Indicates whether the selected index is changed. Indicates whether the selected item is changed. Indicates whether the selected items is changed. Gets an checked item in listview control Maintains the collection of row heights. To show tool tip To hold style for list view To show checkbox To show tristatemode It contains the item height. It contains the group header height. It contains the header height. It contains the footer height. The Graphics of the SfListView. It contains the value for property. Maintains the collection of column widths. Matintains the default item width. To hold style for list view It contains the value for property. It contains the value for property. Specifies whether the data source is changed or not. Specifies whether the datasource collection changed or not. The value contains the update count. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the visualTheme property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should enable its Accessibility support. Checks whether the is changed or not. Checks whether the header displayed or not. Checks whether the footer displayed or not. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns row index of the item according to the bounds. Represents the mouse pointer Row index Expands all the groups in . This method expand all the groups in programmatically. Collapses all the groups in . This method collapse all the groups in programmatically. Expands the specified group in the control. Specifies the to expand it from view. Collapses the specified group in the control. Specifies the to collapse it from view. Updates the Scrollbar when perform row or column manipulation(Insert, delete, hide, adjust size, etc.). Scrolls the SfListView to show the row of the defined object index Specifies the object to bring into view Scrolls the item into view at the specified index. Specifies the rowIndex of the row to bring into view. Suspends the painting of the control until the method is called. Resumes the painting of the control suspended by calling the method. Signals the object that initialization is starting. Signals the object that initialization is complete. Checks whether the given source is data table or not. The object that need to be checked. Returns true if the given source is DataTable/DataView/DataTableCollectionView, otherwise returns false. Drawing the custom border color for the control. The border style of the control. The border color for the control. The 3D border style of the control. The border sides of the control. The back color of the control. Window message. Gets the source list for the given object. The object that need to be converted to the source list. Returns the source list for the given object. Returns the rectangle that represents the display area for a cell,as determined by row index. The row index for the desired cell. True to get clipped Rectangle ;false to get Rectangle value. The Rectangle represents the area of the desired cell. Updates the size of the ViewPort, visible rows and visible columns. The size that needs to be updated for the view port. Occurs when the selectionMode is changed. The old value of the selectionMode. The new value of the GridSelectionModes. Updates the view after group operation has been done. Raises the event. The that contains the event data. Raises the event. The that contains the event data. Helper method for can query the item checking. Returns the boolean value. Helper method for can query the item checked. Returns the boolean value. Helper method for can query the item checked. Returns the boolean value. Helper method for can query the item checked. Returns the boolean value. Helper method for can query the item checked. Returns the boolean value. Helper method for can query the item checked. Returns the boolean value. Helper method for can query the item checked. Returns the boolean value. Helper method for can query the item checked. Returns the boolean value. It triggers when checkboxes is clicked Returns the boolean value An itemdata of item. An itemindex of item. Old checked state of item. New checked state of item. Redraw the borders of the SfListView. Determines that invalidate item SelectedIndex of item value indicates whether the item is clipped Helper method to raise the event An DrawCheckBoxEventArgs that contains the event data. Helper method to raise the event An GroupChangingEventArgs that contains the event data. Returns the boolean cancel value. Helper method to raise the event An GroupChangedEventArgs that contains the event data. Helper method for raise the event when selection changing. The . true, if selection changing was raised, false otherwise. Helper method for raise the event when selection changed. The . Updates the vertical scrollbar Updates the ScrollBar values. Inserts the new rows at the given index. The index at which the new row needs to be added. The no of rows needs to be added. Removes the lines at the given row index. The row index that needs to be removed. The no of rows needs to be removed from the row index. Helper method to raise the event An GroupChangingEventArgs that contains the event data. Returns the boolean handled value. Specifies whether to raise the event or not. Returns true, If the event is wired; Otherwise return false. Determines whether the event is needs to be raised. Returns true when the RowStyle event is hooked; Otherwise returns false. Specifies whether to raise the event or not. Returns true, If the event is wired; Otherwise return false. Resolves the row index corresponding to the specified item index in SFListView. Specifies record index to get its corresponding row index. Returns the row index of the specified item index in SFListView. Helper method to raise the event An GroupChangedEventArgs that contains the event data. Helper method to raise the event An DrawItemEventArgs that contains the event data. Determines whether the event is needs to be raised. Returns true when the DrawCheckBox event is hooked; Otherwise returns false. Updates the grid when the is changed. The old value of the . The new value of the . To handle the source collection changed. Represents the DataSource collection Represents the Query the item size of the given index. Indicates the item index. Indicates the item size. Indicates the underlying item data. Indicates the type of the item. Returns the boolean value. Helper method to raise the event. An ListViewItemCheckingEventArgs that contains the event data. Helper method for can query the item size. Returns the boolean value. Gets the item height of the control. Returns the item height. If the item height is modified then return the modified value, otherwise returns the item height based on the current DPI value. Gets the header item height of the control. Returns the header item height. If the item height is modified then return the modified value, otherwise returns the header item height based on the current DPI value. Gets the footer item height of the control. Returns the footer item height. If the item height is modified then return the modified value, otherwise returns the footer item height based on the current DPI value. Gets the group header height of the control. Returns the group header height. If the group header height is modified then return the modified value, otherwise returns the group header height based on the current DPI value. Determines whether the specified key is a regular input key or a special key that requires preprocessing. One of the values. true if the specified key is a regular input key; otherwise, false. Creates the collection for storing the row heights. Returns the line size collection. Creates the collection for storing the column widths. Returns the line size collection. Overridden to call the method to draw the table control. Provides paint data to the control. Overridden to calculates the offset for vertical scrolling. The that contains the event data. Overridden to calculates the offset for horizontal scrolling. The that contains the event data. Processes Windows messages. The Windows System.Windows.Forms.Message to process. Overridden to update the old scroll values on panning. The current touch position. Indicates whether to perform swipe or pan operation. Returns false when the panning is started over the frozen rows, otherwise returns true. Overridden to perform the scrolling on the while changing the vertical scrollbar value. Overridden to perform the scrolling on the while changing the horizontal scrollbar value. Overridden to update the scroll bars when the size of the control is changed. The that contains event data. Overridden to update the scrollbars and the view of control. The that contains the event data. overriden to dispose the events To check whether should dispose happen or not Creates a new accessibility object in . A new System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject for the SfListView, when AccessibilityEnabled is set as true Wires the events for the control. UnWired all events Determines to process itemheight. The new value. Occurs when header item height changed. The header item height value. Occurs when footer item height changed. The footer item height. Update the group header height. The new value. Helper method to raise the event. An QueryItemSizeEventArgs that contains the event data. Occurs when DataSource is changed. The old value of the DataSource. The new value of the DataSource. Sets the value of the vertical scrollbar. The value that needs to be set for the scrollbar. Sets the value of the horizontal scrollbar. The value that needs to be set for the scrollbar. Determines to define datasource The old value of the DataSource. The new value of the DataSource. Determines to get the row count in listview. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Ensures selection related operations in View. Process the selection when source collection is changed. Represents the Updates the listview item when property changed. Underlying data object. The that contains event data Occurs when modify the changed. Occurs when modify the property changed. Occurs when modify the property changed. The boolean value. Occurs when the selected items collection is changed. The object of the sender. The that contains the event data. Creates the collection of lines to hold the visible columns and the visible rows. Indicates whether to create the collection for pixel scrolling or line scrolling. The scrollbar. The collection of line sizes. Returns the collection of visible rows. Determines whether SelectedItems has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether CheckedItems has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether Padding has changed or not. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Helper method to raise the event. An ListViewItemCheckedEventArgs that contains the event data. Occurs when the selected index is changed. The old value of the SelectedIndex. The new value of the SelectedIndex. Occurs when the selected item is changed. The old value of the SelectedItem. The new value of the SelectedItem. Determines to insert lines if ischeckall become true ischeckall boolean value. Occurs when the selected items property is changed. The old value of the selected items. The new value of the selected items. Occurs when the chedked items property is changed. The old value of the checked items. The new value of the checked items. Handles the item selection when the collection changes on DataSource properties in sflistview. The that contains data for collection changes. This method is called when the collection changes on DataSource properties in sflistview. Handles the item check state when the collection changes on DataSource properties in sflistview. The that contains data for collection changes. This method is called when the collection changes on DataSource properties in sflistview. Occurs when the checked items collection is changed. The object of the sender. The that contains the event data. Raises the event when theme name changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Occurs when property changed. The boolean value. Occurs when the property changed. The boolean value. Occurs when a group is being expanded in control. You can cancel or customize the group being expanded through event argument. Occurs when a group is being collapsed in control. You can cancel or customize the group being collapsed through event argument. Occurs when a group is expanded in control. This event occurs after the event if that event is not canceled. Occurs when a group is collapsed in control. This event occurs after the event if that event is not canceled. Occurs when selection is changing in control. Occurs when selection is changed in control. Occurs while showing the tooltip for the cell. Occurs while showing the tooltip for the cell. Occurs when draw the item in control. Occurs when item comes into view and query the item size. Occurs when item checking in the control. Occurs when item checked in the control. Occurs while drawing the check box in the listview item. Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Gets or sets a value indicating whether recursive checking can be enabled for group header and its items. When recursive checking is enabled for LitView, the group header will be shown with the CheckBox. The whole group items will be selected or deselected while checking or unchecking the group header CheckBox. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the select all item can be shown at top of the ListView to select whole items. Gets or sets the padding within the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tristate mode can be enabled for CheckBox to show the Indeterminate state. The indeterminate state can be shown in CheckBox only if the is assigned to ListView. Gets or sets the checked member for bounding the CheckBox states with datasource. The CheckedMember should be in type of to maintain the three states of CheckBox. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a CheckBox can be shown for each items. Gets to keep all listview items. Gets or sets the control which is bounds to the header item in . The header item control is visible only when enable the property. Gets or sets the control which is bounds to the footer item in . The footer item control is visible only when enable the property. Gets or sets the group header height of the control. Gets or sets the item height value of the control. Gets or sets the item width of the control. If the is set for the ListView, the horizontal scrollbar visibility will eb enabled for ListView if the assigned value is maximum than the control size. Gets or sets the property to display for the Gets or sets the property to use as the actual value for the items in the Gets or sets the used to customize the appearance of the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether tool tip can be shown on item. Gets or sets the options for the tooltip to be displayed when hovering on the item. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the auto fit the items based on its content. Gets or sets the collection that is used to generate the content of the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether header can be shown on . Gets or sets a value indicating whether footer item can be shown on . Gets or sets the height of the header item in . Gets or sets the height of the footer item in . Gets the total number rows in the control. Gets or sets the multiplier for vertical mouse wheel scrolling. Gets or sets currently selected item in the control. Gets or sets the collection containing the selected items in the control. Gets or sets the collection containing the checked items in the control. Gets or sets an index of the selected item in control. Gets or sets a value that indicates how the items can be selected in the control. Gets or sets the value that indicates how the items can be selected when the CheckBox is enabled in the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether items should react on mouse hover. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a theme style has been applied to the control. If the value is true, then the SkinManager theme will apply to the control, otherwise the SkinManager theme will not affect the control theme. The default value is true. Gets or sets the theme name of the control. The default value is null. The theme will be applied only when the particular theme for this control has included the Themes assembly. Gets or sets a value indicating whether control elements styles can be overridden by theme style settings. Default value is false. By default, the control's element styles will not be overridden by theme style settings if the style is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, element style will be overridden by theme style settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before calling the ThemeName property of the control. Gets the name of the control. Gets or sets the BaseThemeName of the theme Gets or sets the VisualTheme of the SfListView control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid is painted or not. Gets a value indicating whether the grid is updating or not. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the accessibility is enabled for the control or not. Gets or sets that layout class that used to holds the item of SfListView. Gets or sets that listviewpainter class that used to draw the SfListView. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selection is suspended Gets or sets a value indicating that current selected item index in listview control when multisimple mode. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item height is changed. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the header item height is changed. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the footer item height is changed. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the group header item height is changed. Gets the collection of the row heights. Gets the collection of visible rows. Gets the scroll columns. Gets the collection of the column widths. Gets the horizontal scrollbar values. Gets the information of vertical scrollbar. Gets or sets the ItemGenerator for create or update a . Gets the Graphics of the SfDataGrid. Gets or sets that used to get selectioncontroller class Gets or sets the tooltip object displayed while hovering on the list view item. Gets a value indicating whether the has groups or not. Gets a value indicating whether listview has data bound Gets a value indicating whether listview has data bound and checked member initialized. Gets or sets the visible area of the listview control. Gets or sets the BaseThemeName of the control. Gets or sets the visualTheme of the control, which holds the ThemeName applied from SkinManager Overridden to set the border style of the control. Gets default size of the control Provides classes, interfaces that provide information about the SfListView and implement the functionality for filtering, sorting and grouping. Represents a class that used to draw a row The value contains any right alignment combination. The value contains any bottom alignment combination. The value contains any center alignment combination. The value contains any middle alignment combination. The SfListView control. The layout of the SfListView. Indicates the space between the checkbox, group icon and text. The expander icon size. The rectangle area to draw the text. The rectangle area to draw the image. Initializes a new instance of the class. Th sflistview class Get the check box rectangle. The item rectangle The list view control. The underlying item of listview control. Returns the checkbox rectangle. Determines to get item rectangle The visible row. The visible column. Returns true if able to draw. Overridden to draws the rows in the visible bounds. The that contains the event data. The client size. Calculate the displacement value of the text based on the image and text alignment. The image alignment flag value used to calculate the displacement value. The text alignment flag value used to calculate the displacement value. The image size used to calculate the text displacement value. The text size used to calculate the text displacement value. The client size value used to calculate the image displacement value. Returns the text displacement value. Gets the alignment flag value based on the TextImageRelation value. The alignment value. The relation between the text and image. The boolean value used to specify the vertical alignment of text and image. The flag value based on the alignment. Calculate the between space value based on the position and size. A integer value indicates the position. A size value used to calculate the displace value. The client size value used to calculate the displace value. Returns the between space value. Calculate the displacement value of the image based on the image and text alignment. The image alignment flag value used to calculate the displacement value. The text alignment flag value used to calculate the displacement value. The image size used to calculate the image displacement value. The text size used to calculate the image displacement value. The client size value used to calculate the displacement value. Returns the image displacement value. Calculate the between space value based on the alignment and size values. The alignment flag value to calculate the position. A size value used to calculate the displace value. The client size value used to calculate the displace value. Returns the between space value. Gets the alignment in the right to left mode. A alignment value to convert in Right to left mode. Returns the alignment in the right to left mode. Calculate the rectangle value based on the alignment, size and rectangle. A alignment value used to calculate the bounds. A rectangle value used to calculate the bounds. A size value used to calculate the bounds. Returns the calculated bounds value. Calculate the bounds based on the horizontal or vertical alignment. The size value used to calculate the bounds. The rectangle value used to calculate the bounds. The alignment value used to calculate bounds. The boolean value used to calculate bounds in horizontal or vertical direction. Returns the calculated bounds value. Measures the client size to update the scroll axis of the . The client size of the control. Returns the modified client size based on the visible rows. Draws the particular row on the given rectangle. The that used to draw the row. Draws the header item. The graphics. The header item to draw. Draws the header or footer items based on the given parameters. The graphics used to draw the item. The rectangle area to draw the item. The item to draw in specified location. The item style. The image. The image alignment. The text and image relations. The item text. Draws the footer item in . The graphics. The footer item to draw. Draws the body items. The graphics. The body items to draw. Checks whether the item can be drawn or not. The visible row. The visible column. The graphics. The rectangle area to draw. Returns true if able to draw. Draw the each row as group item on given rectangle The that used to draw the row group item. Indicates the item Indicates the size of rectangle Draw the expander icon on the group caption. d The that used to draw the row. Rectangle to draw the expander icon. Indicates whether the group is expanded or not. The current ListViewItem Draw the each row item on given rectangle The that used to draw the row. Indicates the item Indicates the size of rectangle Determines to find the item position if checkbox is enabled. To find the rectangle size of row. To get the horizontal alignment of row. The Rectangle represents for text string position. Draw the image in record item. The that used to draw the row. Indicates the size of rectangle image to draw on the record item. imageAlignemnt used to calculate the image rectangle textimageRelation used to calculate the textImageRelation. item used to get the text and style. To get the text of the item. Calculate the bounds of the image and text based on the property. The graphics value used to calculate text and image bounds. /// Indicates the size of rectangle /// image to draw on the record item. imageAlignemnt used to calculate the image rectangle textimageRelation used to calculate the textImageRelation. item used to get the text and style. To get the text of the item. Calculate the text and image bounds when image drawn before the text. The graphics value used to calculate text and image bounds. The integer value contains the image alignment flag. The integer value indicates the text alignment flag. The boolean value specifies the alignment of the image and text relation. The image size used to calculate the text and image bounds. The text size used to calculate the text and image bounds. The client size used to calculate the text and image bounds. item used to get the text and style. To get the text of the item. Calculate the text and image bounds based on the alignment flags and size values. The graphics value used to calculate text and image bounds. The integer value specifies the alignment flag value of image. The integer value contains the alignment flag value of text. A boolean value specifies the vertical or horizontal alignment of image and text. The image size used to calculate the text and image bounds. The text size used to calculate the text and image bounds. The client size used to calculate the text and image bounds. item used to get the text and style. To get the text of the item. Calculates the bounds of the text based on RTL mode. The graphics value used to calculate text and image bounds. The rectangle value used to calculate the bounds. item used to get the text and style. To get the text of the item. Get the text size based on the RTL mode The graphics value used to calculate text and image bounds. The rectangle value used to calculate the bounds. The item value used to get the text alignment to calculate the text size. To get the text of the item. returns the calculated text size. Calculate the image bounds based on the image alignment. The rectangle value used to calculate the bounds. The image used to get the size. The alignment value used to calculate bounds. Represents the functionalities that holds all information stored for a group item. Represents the functionalities that holds all information stored for a items. Maintains the default ItemStyleInfo. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The style object that contains the original data. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds data for this . All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this . All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Override this method to return a default style object for your derived class. A default style object. Determines whether BackColor has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether ForeColor has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether Horizontal Alignment has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether Font has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets a with default settings. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the BackColor of a item instead of using . Gets or sets the color for drawing the item text. Gets or sets the font for drawing text. Gets or sets alignment of text in the item. Gets the object that holds all the data for this style object. Maintains the default GroupItemStyleInfo. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity for . Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity for . A that holds data for this . All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Override this method to return a default style object for your derived class. A default style object. Gets the default GroupItemStyleInfo value. Gets the object that holds all the data for this style object. Represents the functionalities that holds all information stored for a items. Maintains the default ItemStyleInfo. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity for . Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity for . A that holds data for this . All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Override this method to return a default style object for your derived class. A default style object. Gets a with default settings. Gets the object that holds all the data for this style object. Represents the functionalities that holds all information stored for a items. Maintains the default ItemStyleInfo. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity for . Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity for . A that holds data for this . All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Override this method to return a default style object for your derived class. A default style object. Gets a with default settings. Gets the object that holds all the data for this style object. Represents the functionalities that holds all information stored for a items. Maintains the default ItemStyleInfo. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity for . Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity for . A that holds data for this . All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Override this method to return a default style object for your derived class. A default style object. Gets a with default settings. Gets the object that holds all the data for this style object. Represents the class holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Maintains the static data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Populates the SerializationInfo store with the name, type, and value of each piece of information it wants to serialize Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Creates a copy of the current object. A duplicate of the current object. Initializes the , if is null. Overridden to get the static data source. Represents the different styles maintained for SfListView It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A value. Determines whether item selection has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether item has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether group item has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether item selection has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether tooltip has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether checkbox has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets the default style of the form. Gets or sets the style applied to the tooltip. Gets or sets the border color for the SfListView. Gets or sets the border 3D style of the control. Gets or sets the border sides of the control. Gets a value indicating whether the BorderColor property has been changed or not. Gets a value indicating whether the BorderStyle property has been changed or not. Gets a value indicating whether the BorderSides property has been changed or not. Gets or sets the style applied to all the checkbox items in SFListView. The style that is applied to all the checkbox items in SFListView. The default value is null. Gets or sets the style applied to all the record items in SFListView. The style that is applied to all the record items in SFListView. The default value is null. Gets or sets the style applied to header item in SFListView. The style that is applied to the header item in SFListView. The default value is null. Gets or sets the style applied to the header item in SfListView. The style that is applied to all the footer item in SfListView. The default value is null. Gets or sets the style applied to all the group items in SFListView. The style that is applied to all the record cells in SFListView. The default value is null. Gets or sets the style applied to all the item selection in SFListView. The style that is applied to all the item selection in SFListView. The default value is null. Gets or sets border style for control. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Implements the class that provide the identity information of . Maintains the SfListView for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. is an abstract base class for classes to be used as sub-objects in a . is derived from and thus provides the same easy way to provide properties that can inherit values from base styles at run-time. The difference is that supports this inheritance mechanism as a sub-object from a . A sub-object needs to have knowledge about its parent object and be able to walk the base styles from the parent object. Examples for implementation of are the font and border classes in Essential Grid. Programmers can derive their own style classes from and add type-safe supported custom properties to the style class. If you write your own SpinButton class that needs individual properties, simply add a CellSpinButtonInfo class as sub object. If you derive CellSpinButtonInfo from DataGridStyleInfoSubObject, your new object will support property inheritance from base styles. See the overview for for further discussion about style objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instances of the object and associates it with a specified . The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Represents the functionalities that holds all information stored for a item selection. Maintains the default ItemSelectionStyleInfo. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity for . Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity for . A that holds data for this . All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Override this method to return a default style object for your derived class. A default style object. Determines whether hover back selection has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether hover fore selection has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether item selection back colorhas been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether item selection fore color has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets the default ItemSelectionStyleInfo value. Gets the object that holds all the data for this style object. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selection BackColor of a item while mouse hovering instead of using . Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selection ForeColor of a item while mouse hovering instead of using . Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item Hover BackColor of a item instead of using . Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item Hover foreColor of a item instead of using . Represents the class holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Maintains the static data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Populates the SerializationInfo store with the name, type, and value of each piece of information it wants to serialize Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Creates a copy of the current object. A duplicate of the current object. Initializes the , if is null. Overridden to get the static data source. Implements the functionalities that holds all information stored for a ToolTipOption. The default style of ToolTipStyleInfo. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity for . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Override this method to return a default style object for your derived class. A default style object. Determines whether HeaderStyle has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets the default style of the ToolTipOption Gets or sets the Border Color of the ToolTipOption. Gets or sets the Border thickness of the ToolTipOption. Gets the object that holds all the data for this style object. Represents a class that provides the properties to get the localized string based on the current culture. Gets the resource value for SelectAll resource name. Instance of . Represents a class which contains resource manager that provides convenient access to culture-specific resources at run time. Sets the resource manager based on the assembly and namespace. It can be used to get the values from the application resource files when the assembly name and the namespace of the control or application is different. The control assembly. The namespace of the control. Gets the localized string for the current culture. The string that need to be localized. Returns the localized string. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Looks up a localized string similar to Select All. Represents a class that used to add selection for items when mouse action happens. The SFListView control The layout class of listview control Gets the mousedown point in when click happens in listview control Gets the mouseup point in when click happens in listview control Gets the mousemove point in when click happens in listview control Gets the mousepoint of row based on mousemove. It sets the when drag process starts It gets true when press Shift key along with PageUp Key It gets true when press Shift key along with PageDown Key It sets the startIndex of multiple selection while press Shift key along with PageUp/PageDown key Initializes a new instance of the class. The Sflistview class Gets the row index of the cell based on the given point. The point that needs to get the row and column index. It gets true when item item not in view otherwise it remains false. Returns the row index of cell at the given point. Unwires the mouse events of the listview control. Determines to change the geoupitem checkstate. The groupItem Item collection from groupitem Temporarily suspends the updates for the selection and current cell events operation in SfDataGrid. Resumes usual selection and current cell events operation in SfDataGrid. Processes the row selection when the property value changes. Determines old selection mode Determines new selection mode determines that used to find other items from same group is checked or unchecked it is used to find selected itemdata. Wires the mouse events of the listview control. Determines that to perform selection while control key is pressed Collection is used to add items to select. Collection is used to remove items from selection The boolean is used to check whether should change perform selection or not. Determines that to perform selection while control key is pressed Collection is used to add items to select. Collection is used to remove items from selection Collection is used to get common items from selected items. The boolean is used to check whether should change perform selection or not. Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the listview and a mouse button is released. The object of the sender. The that contains the event data. Determines the item into selection process That is new selected row to process selection Determines the recursive checking for all items gets checked or unchecked if group item checked or unchecked It is used to get selected item It is used to get point where we made click True if checkbox was clicked;False otherwise Determines whether checked or unchecked all items deends upon group item It denotes listviewitem Detemines that used to checked or unchecked all items in group The group item. CheckState of group item. Determines that changed the checkbox state when checkbox is selected That used to get new selected item That used to get new selected rectangle The that contains the event data. Determines that add all item to checked while dragging. The itemdata of row. /// The itemindex of row. Determmines when the checkbox is clicked. The that contains the event data. That used to get new selected rectangle The sflistview item. Cliked or selected item Already Clicked or selected item. Determines that to select all items when selectall row clicked or checked The SelectAll row The boolean value indicates whether click on item or checkbox. Determines that change selectall row checkstate Determines to get a new checkedstate of item Gives type of item Current checkedstate of item Returns the newcheckedstate of item Process the multiple selection operation when as extended. Represents the selected item. Process the single selection operation when as single. Represents the selected item. Process the multiple selection operation when as multiple. Represents the selected item. Updates the and also triggers the selection events. Represents the selected item data. Represents the current selected item data. Helper method to raise the . The list of added items. The list of removed items. Helper method to raise the . The list of added items. The list of removed items. A boolean value specifying whether the selection is changed. Occurs when the mouse pointer is move over the listview control. The object of the sender The that contains the event data Display the tooltip for the item. Cursor position of list view. Creates the ToolTipItem and ToolTipInfo objects to display the tooltip for the items. Represents the display text of the hovered item. Determines the item into hover selection process That used to get new selected row when mouse move on item That used to add selection when mouse move on item That used to get new selected row That used to remove selection of previously hovered item in listview control. That used to get previous new selected row Determines the item into selection process when mouseclick is in downstate That used to get new selected rectangle index That used to get pressed index Get the added items for raising the selection events. Represents the start row index Represents the end row index Returns the added items collection Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the listview and a mouse button is pressed. The object of the sender The that contains the event data Occurs when the keyboard is pressed up when focus in listview control The object of the sender The that contains the event data. Occurs when the keyboard is pressed when focus in listview control The object of the sender The that contains the event data Determines whether the Shift key is pressed in SfListView. Returns true if the Shift key is pressed; otherwise, false. Determines to perform single selection key actions The that contains the event data It is used for ItemIndex Determines to perform multiple selection key actions The that contains the event data It is used for ItemIndex Determines the item should be add or remove from selection It denotes selected the items It denotes unselect the items It indicates pageup or pagedown Determines the items to add into selection It denotes mouse click on item. It denotes the previous index of item Returns the collection of new added items Occurs when the mouse pointer is leave the listview control. The object of the sender. The that contains the event data. Gets the index of the row positioned at the start point of SfListView. Returns the first row index in SfListView. Gets the index of the row positioned at the end point of SfListView. Returns the last row index in SfListView. Gets or sets a value indicating to get a pressed item in listview control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selection events is suspended. Gets or sets the ToolTipInfo used to show tooltip when hovering on the cells. Gets or sets the ToolTipItem used to show tooltip when hovering on the cells. Provides classes and interfaces that can be used for interactive features like Selection, Mouse Interactions, Keyboard Interactions, CheckBox Interaction, Hot Tracking and ToolTip.