Syncfusion.GridCommon.WinForms Contains classes used to dispose the instances and also contains some common event arguments. This is a base class for Disposable. It implements the IDisposable interface as suggested in the .NET documentation using the Disposable pattern but it does not implement a finalizer. If you need finalization you need to derive from Disposable or add a finalizer to your derived class and manually call Dispose from the Finalizer. Releases all resources used by the Component. Releases all resources used by the Component. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. See the documentation for the System.ComponentModel.Component class and its Dispose member. This class provides a base class that implements the IDisposable interface as suggested in the .NET documentation using the Disposable pattern. If you derive from this class, you only need to override the protected Dispose method and check the disposing parameter. . In C# and C++, finalizers are expressed using destructor syntax. This class provides a base class that implements the IDisposable interface as suggested in the .NET documentation using the Disposable pattern. After the object was disposed a event is raised. If you derive from this class, you only need to override the protected Dispose method and check the disposing parameter. Releases all resources used by the Component. Releases all resources used by the Component. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. See the documentation for the class and its Dispose member. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Allows to detect if object is disposed or not. True indicates object is disposed, otherwise indicates object is still alive and ready for use. Returns True if object is executing the or method call. Occurs after the object was disposed. An interface for the event. Occurs when Dispose was called. Contains classes and interfaces to maintain the row heights and column widths in a tree structure. A leaf in the tree with value and optional sort key. A branch or leaf in the tree. A branch or leaf in the tree. returns the position in the tree. Returns the number of child nodes (+1 for the current node). Indicates whether leaf is empty. Indicates whether this is a leaf. Returns the tree level of this node. Returns the minimum value (of the leftmost leaf) of the branch in a sorted tree. Walk up parent branches and reset counters. Walk up parent branches and reset summaries. Gets / sets the parent branch. Returns the position in the tree. Returns the minimum value (of the most-left leaf) of the branch in a sorted tree. Indicates whether leaf is empty. Indicates whether this is a leaf. Returns the number of child nodes (+1 for the current node). Returns the tree level of this node. Returns the Debug / text information about the node. Returns the Debug / text information about the node. Walks up parent branches and reset counters. Walks up parent branches and reset summaries. Gets / sets the tree this node belongs to. Gets / sets the parent branch. A leaf with value and optional sort key. Returns the sort key of this leaf. Creates a branch that can hold this entry when new leaves are inserted into the tree. Gets / sets the value attached to this leaf. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. See the documentation for the System.ComponentModel.Component class and its Dispose member. Returns the sort key of this leaf. Returns the minimum value (of the most-left leaf) of the branch in a sorted tree. Returns the number of child nodes (+1 for the current node). Creates a branch that can hold this entry when new leaves are inserted into the tree. Returns the Debug / text information about the node. Indicates whether this is a leaf. Gets or sets the value attached to this leaf. A tree table. Tree table interface definition. Optimizes insertion of many elements when tree is initialized for the first time. Ends optimization of insertion of elements when tree is initialized for the first time. Optimized access to a subsequent entry. Optimized access to a previous entry. Indicates whether this is a sorted tree. A comparer used by sorted trees. Returns the root node. Indicates whether BeginInit was called. Initializes a new . Disposes of the object. Optimizes insertion of many items when thisTree is initialized for the first time. Ends optimization of insertion of items when thisTree is initialized for the first time. Optimized access to a subsequent entry. Optimized access to the previous entry. Inserts an item into the collection at the specified index. The zero-based index at which the item should be inserted. The item to insert. The value must not be a NULL reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). Removes the specified item from the collection. The item to remove from the collection. If the value is NULL or the item is not contained in the collection, the method will do nothing. Removes the item at the specified index of the collection. The zero-based index of the item to remove. Returns the zero-based index of the occurrence of the item in the collection. The item to locate in the collection. The value can be a NULL reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The zero-based index of the occurrence of the item within the entire collection, if found; otherwise -1. Adds a value to the end of the collection. The item to be added to the end of the collection. The value must not be a NULL reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The zero-based collection index at which the value has been added. Removes all items from the collection. Determines if the item belongs to this collection. The object to locate in the collection. The value can be a NULL reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). True if item is found in the collection; otherwise False. Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array. The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the items copied from the ArrayList. The array must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in an array at which copying begins. The non-generic tree table with actual implementation. Gets the root node. Indicates whether thisTree is sorted. Gets or sets the comparer used by sorted trees. Indicates whether BeginInit was called. Gets or sets the item at the zero-based index. Gets the number of items contained in the collection. Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. Returns False. Strongly typed enumerator for . Initializes a new . Resets the enumerator. Indicates whether to move to the next node. Call the Dispose and SuppressFinalize method for dipose the instance of class. Dispose the live resources used by the class. Dispose the instance, if it is True Returns the current enumerator. Returns the current node. Dispose the live resources used by the class. Dispose the instance, if it is True Returns the next item in the collection. Returns the previous item in the collection. Indicates whether BeginInit was called. Enumerator class for items of a . Initalizes the enumerator and attaches it to the collection. The parent collection to enumerate. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first item in the collection. Advances the enumerator to the next item of the collection. True if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next item; False if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Gets the current item in the collection. A tree leaf with value and summary information. A tree leaf with value, sort key and counter information. A tree leaf with value and summary information. A leaf in the tree with value and optional sort key. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. See the documentation for the System.ComponentModel.Componentclass and its Dispose member. Returns the sort key of this leaf. Returns the minimum value (of the most-left leaf) of the branch in a sorted tree. Returns the number of child nodes (+1 for the current node). Creates a branch that can hold this entry when new leaves are inserted into the tree. Returns the Debug / text information about the node. Indicates whether this is a leaf. Gets / sets the value attached to this leaf. Interface definition for a node that has one or more summaries. Returns an array of summary objects. The empty summaries. Marks all summaries dirty in this node and child nodes. if set to true notify entry summary. Indicates whether node has summaries. Creates a branch that can hold this entry when new leaves are inserted into the tree. Returns an array of summary objects. The empty summaries. Called from when called the first time after summaries were invalidated. The empty summaries. Returns the value as . Walks up parent branches and reset summaries. Marks all summaries dirty in this node and child nodes. if set to true notify summary array source. Returns the tree this leaf belongs to. Gets / sets the parent branch. Indicates whether the node has summaries. Interface definition for a node that has counters and summaries. The total of this node's counter and child nodes. The cumulative position of this node. Marks all counters dirty in this node and child nodes. if set to true notify counter source. Creates a branch that can hold this entry when new leaves are inserted into the tree. Returns the cumulative position of this node. Returns the value as . Indicates whether the counter was set dirty. True if dirty; False otherwise. Returns the total of this node's counter and child nodes. Reset cached counter. Invalidates the counter bottom up. if set to true notify counter source. Marks all summaries dirty in this node and child nodes. if set to true notify counter source. Returns the tree this leaf belongs to. Gets / sets the parent branch. Returns the cumulative position of this node. Returns the total of this node's counter and child nodes. Gets or sets the value attached to this leaf. Initializes a new . Disposes of the object. Dispose the live resources used by the class. Dispose the instance, if it is True Optimizes insertion of many items when thisTree is initialized for the first time. Ends optimization of insertion of items when thisTree is initialized for the first time. Optimized access to a subsequent entry. Optimized access to the previous entry. Inserts an item into the collection at the specified index. The zero-based index at which the item should be inserted. The item to insert. The value must not be a NULL reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). Removes the specified item from the collection. The item to remove from the collection. If the value is NULL or the item is not contained in the collection, the method will do nothing. Removes the item at the specified index of the collection. The zero-based index of the item to remove. Returns the zero-based index of the occurrence of the item in the collection. The item to locate in the collection. The value can be a NULL reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The zero-based index of the occurrence of the item within the entire collection, if found; otherwise -1. Adds a value to the end of the collection. The item to be added to the end of the collection. The value must not be a NULL reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The zero-based collection index at which the value has been added. Removes all items from the collection. Determines if the item belongs to this collection. The object to locate in the collection. The value can be a NULL reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). True if item is found in the collection; otherwise False. Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array. The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the items copied from the ArrayList. The array must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in an array at which copying begins. Marks all summaries dirty. if set to true notify summaries source. Returns an array of summary objects. Marks all counters dirty. Returns the total of all counters in this tree. Returns the starting counter for this tree. Overloaded. Returns an entry at the specified counter position. A cookie defines the type of counter. The search position. The cookie. Returns an entry at the specified counter position. A cookie defines the type of counter. The search position. The cookie. Indicates if the leftmost entry should be returned if multiple tree elements have the same searchPosition. Returns the subsequent entry in the collection for which the specific counter is not empty. A cookie defines the type of counter. The current. The cookie. Returns the previous entry in the collection for which the specific counter is not empty. A cookie defines the type of counter. The current. The cookie. Returns the next entry in the collection for which CountVisible counter is not empty. The current. Returns the previous entry in the collection for which CountVisible counter is not empty. The current. The internal thisTree table. Gets the root node. Indicates whether thisTree is sorted. Gets or sets the comparer used by sorted trees. Indicates whether BeginInit was called. Gets or sets the item at the zero-based index. Gets the number of items contained in the collection. Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. Returns False. Indicates whether the tree has summaries. A collection of items maintained in a binary tree Disposes of the object and releases internal objects. Returns the next item in the collection. Returns the previous item in the collection. Returns an enumerator for the entire collection. An Enumerator for the entire collection. Enumerators only allow reading the data in the collection. Enumerators cannot be used to modify the underlying collection. Marks all summaries dirty. if set to true notify summaries source. Returns an array of summary objects. Marks all counters dirty. Returns the total of all counters in this tree. Returns the starting counter for this tree. Overloaded. Returns an entry at the specified counter position. A cookie defines the type of counter. The search position. The cookie. Returns an entry at the specified counter position. A cookie defines the type of counter. The search position. The cookie. Indicates if the leftmost entry should be returned if multiple tree elements have the same searchPosition. Returns the subsequent entry in the collection for which the specific counter is not empty. A cookie defines the type of counter. The current. The cookie. Returns the previous entry in the collection for which the specific counter is not empty. A cookie defines the type of counter. The current. The cookie. Returns the next entry in the collection for which CountVisible counter is not empty. The current. Returns the previous entry in the collection for which CountVisible counter is not empty. The current. Indicates whether BeginInit was called. Indicates whether the tree has summaries. Enumerator class for items of a . Initalizes the enumerator and attaches it to the collection. The parent collection to enumerate. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first item in the collection. Advances the enumerator to the next item of the collection. True if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next item; False if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Gets the current item in the collection. A tree leaf with value and summary information. Gets or sets the value attached to this leaf. Initializes a new . Disposes of the object. Dispose the live resources used by the class. Dispose the instance, if it is True Optimizes insertion of many items when thisTree is initialized for the first time. Ends optimization of insertion of items when thisTree is initialized for the first time. Optimized access to a subsequent entry. Optimized access to the previous entry. Inserts an item into the collection at the specified index. The zero-based index at which the item should be inserted. The item to insert. The value must not be a NULL reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). Removes the specified item from the collection. The item to remove from the collection. If the value is NULL or the item is not contained in the collection, the method will do nothing. Removes the item at the specified index of the collection. The zero-based index of the item to remove. Returns the zero-based index of the occurrence of the item in the collection. The item to locate in the collection. The value can be a NULL reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The zero-based index of the occurrence of the item within the entire collection, if found; otherwise -1. Adds a value to the end of the collection. The item to be added to the end of the collection. The value must not be a NULL reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The zero-based collection index at which the value has been added. Removes all items from the collection. Determines if the item belongs to this collection. The object to locate in the collection. The value can be a NULL reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). True if item is found in the collection; otherwise False. Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array. The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the items copied from the ArrayList. The array must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in an array at which copying begins. Marks all summaries dirty. if set to true notify summaries source. Returns an array of summary objects. The internal thisTree table. Gets the root node. Indicates whether thisTree is sorted. Gets or sets the comparer used by sorted trees. Indicates whether BeginInit was called. Gets or sets the item at the zero-based index. Gets the number of items contained in the collection. Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. Returns False. Indicates whether the tree has summaries. A collection of items maintained in a binary tree Disposes of the object and releases internal objects. Returns the next item in the collection. Returns the previous item in the collection. Returns an enumerator for the entire collection. An Enumerator for the entire collection. Enumerators only allow reading the data in the collection. Enumerators cannot be used to modify the underlying collection. Marks all summaries dirty. if set to true notify summaries source. Returns an array of summary objects. Indicates whether BeginInit was called. Indicates whether the tree has summaries. Enumerator class for items of a . Initalizes the enumerator and attaches it to the collection. The parent collection to enumerate. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first item in the collection. Advances the enumerator to the next item of the collection. True if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next item; False if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Gets the current item in the collection. Contains classes and interfaces to maintain the row heights and column widths in a balanced tree structure. Used by TreeTable to balance the tree with algorithm based on Red-Black tree. Red. Black. A branch with left and right leaves or branches. Sets the left node. The new node. Indicates whether tree-table is in add-mode. Indicates whether tree-table is sorted. Call this method instead of simply setting property if you want to avoid the round-trip call to check whether the tree is in add-mode or if tree-table is sorted. Sets the right node. The new node. Specifies if tree-table is in add-mode. Call this method instead of simply setting property if you want to avoid the round-trip call to check whether the tree is in add-mode or if tree-table is sorted. Returns the left branch cast to ITreeTableBranch. Returns the right branch cast to ITreeTableBranch. Returns the position in the tree table of the specified child node. Sets this object's child node Count dirty and marks parent nodes' child node Count dirty. Sets this object's child node Count dirty and steps through all child branches and marks their child node Count dirty. Sets this object's child node Minimum dirty and marks parent nodes' child node Minimum dirty. Sets this object's child node Minimum dirty and steps through all child branches and marks their child node Minimum dirty. Gets / sets the left node. Gets / sets the right node. Gets / sets the Red-Black tree color. A branch in a tree. Initializes a new branch. Returns the minimum value (of the most-left leaf) of the branch in a sorted tree. Returns the left node cast to ITreeTableBranch. Returns the right node cast to ITreeTableBranch. Sets the left node. The new node. Indicates whether tree-table is in add-mode. Indicates whether tree-table is sorted. Call this method instead of simply setting property if you want to avoid the round-trip call to check whether the tree is in add-mode or if tree-table is sorted. Sets the right node. The new node. Indicates whether tree-table is in add-mode. Call this method instead of simply setting property if you want to avoid the round-trip call to check whether the tree is in add-mode or if tree-table is sorted. Returns the position in the tree table of the specific child node. Returns the number of child nodes (+1 for the current node). Indicates whether this is a leaf. Sets this object's child node count dirty and walks up parent nodes and marks their child node count dirty. Sets this object's child node count dirty and steps through all child branches and marks their child node count dirty. Sets this object's child node minimum dirty and marks parent nodes' child node minimum dirty. Sets this object's child node minimum dirty and steps through all child branches and marks their child node minimum dirty. Gets / sets Red-Black tree algorithm helper. Gets / sets the left leaf or branch. Gets / sets the right tree or branch. An empty node. This object owns a . Returns a reference to an inner tree table. A tree table. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. See the documentation for the class and its Dispose member. Initializes a new . Sets the node at the specified index. Index value where the node is to be inserted. Value of the node that is to be inserted. Optimized access to the previous entry. Optimized access to a subsequent entry. Inserts a node at the specified index. Index value where the node is to be inserted. Value of the node to insert. Removes the specified node. Node value to look for and remove. Resets the cache. Indicates whether the node belongs to this tree. Node value to search for. True if node belongs to this tree; false otherwise. Returns the position of a node. Node value to look for. Index of the node if found. Appends a node. Node value to append. Optimizes insertion of many elements when tree is initialized for the first time. Ends optimization of insertion of elements when tree is initialized for the first time. Adds a node into a sorted tree. Node value to add. Adds a node in a sorted tree only if no node with the same value has not been added yet. Node value to add. Finds a node in a sorted tree. Finds a node in a sorted tree that matches the specified key. The key to search. The node; NULL if not found. Finds the node in a sorted tree is just one entry ahead of the node with the specified key. It searches for the largest possible key that is smaller than the specified key. The key to search. The node; NULL if not found. Removes a node at the specified position. Inserts a node at the specified index. Removes the node with the specified value. Indicates whether the node belongs to this tree. Clears all nodes in the tree. Returns the index of the specified node. Adds the specified node to the tree. Returns the number of leaves. Copies the element from this collection into an array. The destination array. The starting index in thedestination array. Copies the elements from this collection into an array. The destination array. The starting index in the destination array. Returns an enumerator. Returns a . Gets or sets the last index leaf. The last index leaf. Gets / sets the comparer used by sorted trees. Gets / sets the tag that can be associated with this object. Indicates whether tree is sorted. Gets / sets the root node. Gets / sets an item at the specified index. Indicates whether BeginInit was called. Indicates whether the tree is Read-only. Gets / sets the item with the specified index. Index value of the item. Indicates whether the nodes can be added or removed. Not supported. Returns the number of leaves. Not implemented. An object that holds an . Gets a reference to the . A collection of objects that are internally using a . Overloaded. Initializes a new . Initializes a new . Initializes a new . Optimizes insertion of many elements when tree is initialized for the first time. Ends optimization of insertion of elements when tree is initialized for the first time. Indicates whether object belongs to this collection. The value of the object. True if object belongs to the collection; false otherwise. Returns the position of a object in the collection. The value of the object. The position of the object. Copies the contents of the collection to an array. Destination array. Starting index of the destination array. Returns a strongly typed enumerator. A strongly types enumerator. Inserts an object at the specified index. Index value where the object is to be inserted. Value of the object to insert. Appends an object. The value of the object to append. Removes the object. The value of the object to remove. Removes a node at the specified index. Index value of the node to remove. Inserts the object at the specified index. Index value of the object to insert. Value of the object to insert. Removes the specified object. Value of the object to remove. Indicate whether the specified object belongs to this collection. Object value to look for. True if object belongs to the collection; false otherwise. Clears all nodes in the tree. Returns the index of the specified object. Value of the object. Index value of the object. Adds the specified object to the collection. Value of the object to add. Copies elements to destination array. Destination array. Starting index of the destination array. Returns an enumerator. Enumerator. Indicates whether BeginInit was called. Gets / sets an at a specific position. Indicates whether tree is Read-only. Gets / sets the item at the specified index. Index of the item. The item at the specified index. Indicates whether the nodes can be added or removed. Not supported. Returns the number of objects in this collection. A strongly typed enumerator for the . Initializes the . Resets the enumerator. Indicates whether to move to the next object in the collection. Returns the current enumerator. Returns the current object. Interface definition for an object that has counters. Returns the counter object with counters. Marks all counters dirty in this object and child nodes. if set to true notify counter source. Marks all counters dirty in this object and parent nodes. Interface definition for a counter object. Combines this counter object with another counter and returns a new object. A cookie can specify a specific counter type. The other. The cookie. Compares this counter with another counter. A cookie can specify a specific counter type. The other. The cookie. Indicates whether the counter object is empty. A cookie can specify a specific counter type. The cookie. true if the specified cookie is empty; otherwise, false. Returns the integer value of the counter. A cookie specifies a specific counter type. The cookie. Gets the Counter Kind. The kind. Default counter cookies for identifying counter types. All counters. Visible Counter. A counter that counts objects that are marked "Visible". Returns an empty TreeTableVisibleCounter that represents zero visible elements. Initializes a with a specified number of visible elements. The visible count. Returns the visible count. Returns the integer value of the counter. A cookie specifies a specific counter type. The cookie. Combines one tree object with another and returns the new object. The other. The cookie. Factory method creates a new counter object of the same type as this object. Called to combine the values of two counter objects. Results are saved back into this counter object. A cookie can filter the operation to a limited set of counter types. The x. The y. The cookie. Combines the counter values of this counter object with the values of another counter object and returns a new counter object. The other. The cookie. Compares this counter with another counter. A cookie can specify a specific counter type. The other. The cookie. Indicates whether the counter object is empty. A cookie can specify a specific counter type. The cookie. true if the specified cookie is empty; otherwise, false. Returns a that represents the current . A that represents the current . The Counter Kind. A tree table branch with a counter. A tree table branch with a counter. Initializes a new . Returns the left branch node cast to ITreeTableSummaryNode. Returns the right branch node cast to ITreeTableSummaryNode. Returns an array of summary objects. The empty summaries. Walks up parent branches and reset summaries. Marks all summaries dirty in this node and child nodes. if set to true notify counter source. Returns the tree this branch belongs to. Gets / sets the parent branch. Indicates whether this node has summaries. Initializes a new . Returns the cumulative counter position object of a child node with all counter values. The node. Returns the left branch node cast to ITreeTableCounterNode. Returns the right branch node cast to ITreeTableCounterNode. Returns the total of this node's counter and child nodes (cached). Returns the cumulative position of this node. Invalidates the counter bottom up. if set to true notify counter source. Marks all counters dirty in this node and child nodes. if set to true notify counter source. Returns the tree this branch belongs to. Gets / sets the parent branch. A balanced tree with entries. A balanced tree with entries. Initializes a new . Marks all summaries dirty. if set to true notify summaries source. Returns an array of summary objects. Inserts a object at the specified index. Removes an object from the tree. Indicates whether an object belongs to the tree. Returns the index of an object in the tree. Appends an object. Copies the elements of this tree to an array. Returns a strongly typed enumerator. Indicates whether the tree has summaries. Gets / sets a TreeTableWithSummaryEntry. Initializes a new . Ends optimization of insertion of elements when tree is initialized for the first time. Marks all counters dirty. Returns the total of all counters in this tree. Returns the starting counter for this tree. Overloaded. Returns an entry at the specified counter position. A cookie defines the type of counter. The search position. The cookie. Returns an entry at the specified counter position. A cookie defines the type of counter. The search position. The cookie. Indicates if the leftmost entry should be returned if multiple tree elements have the same searchPosition. Gets the entry at counter position. The start. The search position. The cookie. Gets the entry at counter position. The start. The search position. The cookie. if set to true prefer left most. Returns the subsequent entry in the collection for which the specific counter is not empty. A cookie defines the type of counter. The current. The cookie. Returns the previous entry in the collection for which the specific counter is not empty. A cookie defines the type of counter. The current. The cookie. Returns the next entry in the collection for which CountVisible counter is not empty. The current. Returns the previous entry in the collection for which CountVisible counter is not empty. The current. Inserts a object at the specified index. The index. The value. Removes an object from the tree. The value. Indicates whether an entry belongs to the tree. The entry. true if tree contains the specified entry; otherwise, false. Returns the position of an object in the tree. The value. Appends an object. The value. Copies the elements of this tree to an array. The array. The index. Returns a strongly typed enumerator. Gets / sets a TreeTableWithCounterEntry. A strongly typed enumerator for the collection. Initializes a new . Returns the current object. An object that counts objects that are marked "Visible". It implements the ITreeTableCounterSource interface and creates a . Initializes the object with visible count. The visible count. Marks all counters dirty in this object and parent nodes. Returns the counter object with counters. Marks all counters dirty in this object and child nodes. if set to true notify counter source. Interface definition for a summary object. Combines this summary information with another object's summary and returns a new object. The other. Provides a method. Gets an array of summary objects. Interface definition for an object that has summaries. Returns an array of summary objects. An array of empty summary objects. Returns True if summaries were recalculated; False if already cached. An array of summary objects. Marks all summaries dirty in this object and child nodes. Marks all summaries dirty in this object and parent nodes. Marks all summaries dirty in this object only. A strongly typed enumerator for the collection. Initializes a new . Returns the current object. Contains classes and interfaces that manange the scrolling, hidden ranges, height, width and position of each row and column. A collection of entities for which distances need to be counted. The collection provides methods for mapping from a distance position to an entity and vice versa. For example, in a scrollable grid control you have rows with different heights. Use this collection to determine the total height for all rows in the grid, quickly detemine the row index for a given point and also quickly determine the point at which a row is displayed. This also allows a mapping between the scrollbars value and the rows or columns associated with that value. DistanceCounterCollection uses a high-water mark technique for allocating objects up to the modified entry with the highest index. When you modify the size of an entry the collection ensures that that objects are allocated for all entries up to the given index. Entries that are after the modified entry are assumed to have the DefaultSize and will not be allocated. The best-case scenario is when all lines have the same DefaultSize. In such case the internal collection remains completely empty and will not cause any overhead. This makes DistanceCounterCollection also an attractive solution for the scenario where all entries have the same size (e.g. a databound grid where all rows have same height). A collection of entities for which distances need to counted. The collection provides methods for mapping from a distance position to an entity and vice versa. For example, in a scrollable grid control you have rows with different heights. Use this collection to determine the total height for all rows in the grid, quickly detemine the row index for a given point and also quickly determine the point at which a row is displayed. This also allows a mapping between the scrollbars value and the rows or columns associated with that value. Clears this instance. Hides a specified range of entities (lines, rows or colums) The index for the first entity> The raw index for the last entity The distance. Resets the range by restoring the default distance for all entries in the specified range. From. To. Skip subsequent entities for which the distance is 0.0 and return the next entity. Skip previous entities for which the distance is 0.0 and return the next entity. Gets the index of an entity in this collection for which the cumulated count of previous distances is greater or equal the specified cumulatedDistance. (e.g. return row index for pixel position). The cumulated count of previous distances. The entity index. Gets the cumulated count of previous distances for the entity at the specifiec index. (e.g. return pixel position for a row index). The entity index. The cumulated count of previous distances for the entity at the specifiec index. Assigns a collection with nested entities to an item. The index. The nested collection. Gets the nested entities at a given index. If the index does not hold a mested distances collection the method returns null. The index. The nested collection or null. Gets the distance position of the next entity after a given point. The point. The distance position. Gets the distance position of the entity preceeding a given point. If the point is in between entities the starting point of the matching entity is returned. The point. The distance position. Gets the aligned scroll value which is the starting point of the entity found at the given distance position. The point. The starting point of the entity. Connects a nested distance collection with a parent. The nested tree table visible counter source. Insert entities in the collection. Insert position. The number of entities to be inserted. Removes enities from the collection. Index of the first entity to be removed. The number of entities to be removed. The raw number of entities (lines, rows or columns). The default distance (row height or column width) an entity spans The total distance all entities span (e.g. total height of all rows in grid) Gets or sets the distance for an entity. The index for the entity Constructs the class and initializes the internal tree. Clears this instance. Hides a specified range of entities (lines, rows or colums) The index for the first entity> The raw index for the last entity The distance. Assigns a collection with nested entities to an item. The index. The nested collection. Gets the nested entities at a given index. If the index does not hold a mested distances collection the method returns null. The index. The nested collection or null. Gets the distance position of the next entity after a given point. The point. The distance position. Gets the distance position of the entity preceeding a given point. If the point is in between entities the starting point of the matching entity is returned. The point. The distance position. Gets the aligned scroll value which is the starting point of the entity found at the given distance position. The point. The starting point of the entity. Connects a nested distance collection with a parent. The nested tree table visible counter source. Resets the range by restoring the default distance for all entries in the specified range. From. To. Skip subsequent entities for which the distance is 0.0 and return the next entity. Skip previous entities for which the distance is 0.0 and return the next entity. Gets the index of an entity in this collection for which the cumulated count of previous distances is greater or equal the specified cumulatedDistance. (e.g. return row index for pixel position). The cumulated count of previous distances. The entity index. Gets the cumulated count of previous distances for the entity at the specifiec index. (e.g. return pixel position for a row index). The entity index. The cumulated count of previous distances for the entity at the specifiec index. Insert entities in the collection. Insert position. The number of entities to be inserted. Removes enities from the collection. Index of the first entity to be removed. The number of entities to be removed. Call the Dispose and SuppressFinalize method for dipose the instance of class. Dispose the live resources used by the class. Dispose the instance, if it is True The raw number of entities (lines, rows or columns). The default distance (row height or column width) an entity spans The total distance all entities span (e.g. total height of all rows in grid) Gets or sets the distance for an entity. The index for the entity An object that maintains a collection of nested distances and wires it to a parent distance collection. The object is used by the DistanceCounterCollection.SetNestedDistances method to associated the nested distances with an index in the parent collection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent distances. The nested distances. Marks all counters dirty in this object and parent nodes. Returns the object with counters. Gets or sets the counter entry. The entry. Gets the parent distances. The parent distances. Gets the nested distances. The nested distances. A collection of entities that is shared with a parent collection for which distances need to counted. The collection only is a subset for a specific range in the parent distance collection. When you change the size of an element in this collection the change will also be reflected in the parent collection and vice versa. An object that implements the property. Gets or sets the distances. The distances. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent collection for which a subset is "tracked". Restores the distances in the parent collection for this subset to their default distance. Hides a specified range of entities (lines, rows or colums) The index for the first entity> The raw index for the last entity Resets the range by restoring the default distance for all entries in the specified range. From. To. Skip subsequent entities for which the distance is 0.0 and return the next entity. Skip previous entities for which the distance is 0.0 and return the next entity. Gets the index of an entity in this collection for which the cumulated count of previous distances is greater or equal the specified cumulatedDistance. (e.g. return row index for pixel position). The cumulated count of previous distances. The entity index. Gets the cumulated count of previous distances for the entity at the specifiec index. (e.g. return pixel position for a row index). The entity index. The cumulated count of previous distances for the entity at the specifiec index. Assigns a collection with nested entities to an item. The index. The nested collection. Gets the nested entities at a given index. If the index does not hold a mested distances collection the method returns null. The index. The nested collection or null. Gets the distance position of the next entity after a given point. The point. The distance position. Gets the distance position of the entity preceeding a given point. If the point is in between entities the starting point of the matching entity is returned. The point. The distance position. Gets the aligned scroll value which is the starting point of the entity found at the given distance position. The point. The starting point of the entity. This method is not supported for DistanceCounterSubset. The nested tree table visible counter source. Insert entities in the collection. Insert position. The number of entities to be inserted. Removes enities from the collection. Index of the first entity to be removed. The number of entities to be removed. Gets or sets the starting index of this collection in the parent collection. The start. Gets or sets the ending index of this collection in the parent collection. The start. The raw number of entities (lines, rows or columns). The default distance (row height or column width) an entity spans The total distance all entities span (e.g. total height of all rows in grid) Gets or sets the distance for an entity. A collection of entities for which distances need to be counted. The collection provides methods for mapping from a distance position to an entity and vice versa. For example, in a scrollable grid control you have rows with different heights. Use this collection to determine the total height for all rows in the grid, quickly detemine the row index for a given point and also quickly determine the point at which a row is displayed. This also allows a mapping between the scrollbars value and the rows or columns associated with that value. DistanceCounterCollection internally uses ranges for allocating objects up to the modified entry with the highest index. When you modify the size of an entry the collection ensures that that objects are allocated for all entries up to the given index. Entries that are after the modified entry are assumed to have the DefaultSize and will not be allocated. Ranges will only be allocated for those lines that have different sizes. If you do for example only change the size of line 100 to be 10 then the collection will internally create two ranges: Range 1 from 0-99 with DefaultSize and Range 2 from 100-100 with size 10. This approach makes this collection work very efficient with grid scenarios where often many rows have the same height. Returns an empty collection. Constructs the class and initializes the internal tree. Clears this instance. Assigns a collection with nested entities to an item. The index. The nested collection. Gets the nested entities at a given index. If the index does not hold a mested distances collection the method returns null. The index. The nested collection or null. Gets the distance position of the next entity after a given point. The point. The distance position. Gets the distance position of the entity preceeding a given point. If the point is in between entities the starting point of the matching entity is returned. The point. The distance position. Gets the aligned scroll value which is the starting point of the entity found at the given distance position. The point. The starting point of the entity. Connects a nested distance collection with a parent. The nested tree table visible counter source. Skip subsequent entities for which the distance is 0.0 and return the next entity. Skip previous entities for which the distance is 0.0 and return the next entity. Gets the index of an entity in this collection for which the cumulated count of previous distances is greater or equal the specified cumulatedDistance. (e.g. return row index for pixel position). The cumulated count of previous distances. The entity index. Gets the cumulated count of previous distances for the entity at the specifiec index. (e.g. return pixel position for a row index). The entity index. The cumulated count of previous distances for the entity at the specifiec index. Hides a specified range of entities (lines, rows or colums) The index for the first entity> The raw index for the last entity The distance. Resets the range by restoring the default distance for all entries in the specified range. From. To. Insert entities in the collection. Insert position. The number of entities to be inserted. Insert entities in the collection. Insert position. The number of entities to be inserted. The distance to be set. Removes enities from the collection. Index of the first entity to be removed. The number of entities to be removed. Call the Dispose and SuppressFinalize method for dipose the instance of class. Dispose the live resources used by the class. Dispose the instance, if it is True The raw number of entities (lines, rows or columns). The default distance (row height or column width) an entity spans The total distance all entities span (e.g. total height of all rows in grid) Gets or sets the distance for an entity. The index for the entity An object that maintains a collection of nested distances and wires it to a parent distance collection. The object is used by the DistanceCounterCollection.SetNestedDistances method to associated the nested distances with an index in the parent collection. An object that counts objects that are marked "Visible". It implements the ITreeTableCounterSource interface and creates a . Initializes the object with visible count. The visible count. The line count. Returns a string describing the state of the object. Gets or sets the line count. The line count. Gets or sets the distance of a single line. The single line distance. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent distances. The nested distances. The entry. Marks all counters dirty in this object and parent nodes. Returns the object with counters. Gets or sets the counter entry. The entry. Gets the parent distances. The parent distances. Gets the nested distances. The nested distances. A collection of integers used to specify various counter kinds. All counters. Visible Counter. Line Counter. A counter that counts objects that are marked "Visible". Returns an empty DistanceLineCounter that represents zero visible elements. Initializes a with a pecified number of visible elements. The visible count. The line count. Returns the integer value of the counter. A cookie specifies a specific counter type. The cookie. Combines one tree obkect with another and returns the new object. The other. The cookie. Combines the counter values of this counter object with the values of another counter object and returns a new counter object. The other. The cookie. Compares this counter with another counter. A cookie can specify a specific counter type. The other. The cookie. Indicates whether the counter object is empty. A cookie can specify a specific counter type. The cookie. true if the specified cookie is empty; otherwise, false. Returns a that represents the current . A that represents the current . Gets the line count. The line count. Gets the distance. The distance. The Counter Kind. A collection that manages lines with varying height and hidden state. It has properties for header and footer lines, total line count, default size of a line and also lets you add nested collections. Methods are provided for changing the values and getting the total extent. A collection that manages lines with varying height and hidden state. It has properties for header and footer lines, total line count, default size of a line and also lets you add nested collections. Returns the default line size. Returns the line count. Gets the size. The index. The number of subsequent values with same size. Gets the header line count. Gets the footer line count. Gets the hidden state for a line. The index. The number of subsequent lines with same state. Initializes the scroll axis. The scroll axis. Occurs when a lines size was changed. Occurs when a lines hidden state changed. Occurs when the default line size changed. Occurs when the line count was changed. Occurs when the header line count was changed. Occurs when the footer line count was changed. Occurs when lines were inserted. Occurs when lines were removed. Gets the nested lines. The index. Sets the nested lines. The index. The nested lines. Insert a number of lines. The index of the first line to insert. The count. A container with saved state from a preceeding call when lines should be moved. When it is null empty lines with default size are inserted. Removes a number of lines. The index of the first line to be removed. The count. A container to save state for a subsequent call when lines should be moved. Creates the object which holds temporary state when moving lines. Sets the hidden state for a range of lines. From. To. if set to true hide the lines. Sets the line size for a range. From. To. The size. Gets the total extent which is the total of all line sizes. Note: This propert only works if the DistanceCollection has been setup for pixel scrolling; otherwise it returns double.NaN. The total extent or double.NaN. Gets whether the host supports nesting. Gets whether the host supports inserting and removing lines. Gets or sets the default size of lines. The default size of lines. Gets or sets the footer line count. The footer line count. Gets or sets the header line count. The header line count. Gets or sets the line count. The line count. Gets or sets the line size at the specified index. Implements the interface for an empty collection that cannot be modified. Returns the empty collection. Call the Dispose and SuppressFinalize method for dipose the instance of class. Dispose the live resources used by the class. Dispose the instance, if it is True An object that implements the method. Gets the nested distances if a line contains a nested lines collection; null otherwise. The line. Defines an interface that provides all properties to configure a scrollbar. Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a large distance. Gets or sets the upper limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets or sets the lower limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets or sets the value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a small distance. Gets or sets a numeric value that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Gets or sets a number that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. The LineScrollAxis implements scrolling only for whole lines. You can hide lines and LineScrollAxis provides a mapping mechanism between the index of the line and the scroll index and vice versa. Hidden lines are not be counted when the scroll index is determined for a line. The LineScrollAxis does not support scrolling in between lines (pixel scrolling). This can be of advantage if you have a large number of lines with varying line sizes. In such case the LineScrollAxis does not need to maintain a collection that tracks line sizes whereas the does need to. ScrollAxisBase is an abstract base class and implements scrolling logic for both horizontal and vertical scrolling in a . Logical units in the ScrollAxisBase are called "Lines". ScrollAxisBase has support for frozen header and footer lines, maintaining a scroll position and updating and listening to scrollbars. It also maintains a collection of items for all the lines that are visible in the viewing area. ScrollAxisBase wires itself with a and reacts to changes in line count, line sizes, hidden state and default line size. Initializes a new instance of the class. The sb. The scroll lines host. Call the Dispose and SuppressFinalize method for dipose the instance of class. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Dispose the instance, if it is True Updates the scroll bar. Sets the hidden state of the lines. From. To. if set to true [hide]. Sets the size of the lines. From. To. The size. Gets size from ScrollLinesHost or if the line is being resized then get temporary value previously set with The index. The number of subsequent values with same size. Gets the size of the line. The index. Set temporary value for a line size during a resize operation without commiting value to SrollLinesHost. The index. The size. Resets temporary value for line size after a resize operation Gets size from ScrollLinesHost or if the line is being resized then get temporary value previously set with . If size is negative then is returned. The index. The number of subsequent values with same size. Called when lines were removed in ScrollLinesHost. Index of the first removed line. The count. Called when lines were inserted in ScrollLinesHost. Index of the first inserted line. The count. Sets the header line count. The value. Sets the footer line count. The value. Gets the index of the scroll line. Index of the scroll linde. The scroll line offset. The boolean value indicates the right to left mode. And this boolean value considered only for the visible columns calculations. Gets the index of the scroll line. Index of the scroll linde. The scroll line offset. Sets the index of the scroll line. Index of the scroll linde. The scroll line offset. Gets the index of the previous scroll line. Index of the line. Gets the index of the next scroll line. Index of the line. Scrolls to next page. Scrolls to previous page. Scrolls to next line. Scrolls to previous line. Aligns the scroll line. Scrolls the line into viewable area. Index of the line. Size of the line. The boolean value indicates the right to left mode. Scrolls the line into viewable area. Index of the line. The boolean value indicates the right to left mode. Scrolls the line into viewable area. Index of the line. Size of the line. Scrolls the line into viewable area. Index of the line. This method is called in response to a MouseWheel event. The delta. Force recalculation of visible lines and scrollbar properties next time GetVisibleLines is called. Gets the visible lines collection The boolean value indicates the right to left mode. Returns the visible lines collection. Gets the visible lines collection Get the VisibleLines when RTL is False Get the VisibleLines when RTL is True Resets the visible lines collection. Gets the visible line index for a point in the display. The point. Set this true if point can be below corner of last line. Gets the visible line index for a point in the display. The point. Gets the visibles line for a point in the display. The boolean value indicates the right to left mode. The point. The boolean value used to calculate the value for outside the line. It is used to calculate the scroll columns based on the right to left mode. Returns the visible line. Gets the visible line for a point in the display. The point in the display for which the visible line is to be obtained. boolean value The boolean value used to calculate visible columns in right to left mode. The visible line for a point in the display. Gets the visibles line that displays the line with the given absolut line index. Index of the line. Gets the visibles line that displays the line with the given absolut line index. If the line is outside the view and you specify allowCreateEmptyLineIfNotVisible then the method will create an empty line and initializes its LineIndex and LineSize. Index of the line. if set to true and if the line is outside the view then the method will create an empty line and initializes its LineIndex and LineSize. Determines if the line with the given absolut line index is visible. Index of the line. Determines if any of the lines with the given absolut line index are visible. Gets the origin and corner points of body region. The origin. The corner. Adjusts the footer extent to avoid gap between last visible line of body region and first line of footer in case the view is larger than the height/width of all lines. Size of the footer. Size of the arrange. Return indexes for VisibleLinesCollection for area identified by section. 0 - Header, 1 - Body, 2 - Footer The start. The end. Returns the first and last VisibleLine.LineIndex for area identified by section. 0 - Header, 1 - Body, 2 - Footer Return indexes for VisibleLinesCollection for area identified by section. 0 - Header, 1 - Body, 2 - Footer The start. The end. Returns the clipping area for the specified visible lines. Only if is true for first line or if is true for last line then the area will be clipped. Otherwise the whole area from 0 to is returned. The first line. The last line. Gets the line near the given corner point. Use this method for hit-testing row or column lines for resizing cells. The point. The hit test precision in points. The boolean value indicates the right to left mode. Returns the visible line. Gets the line near the given corner point. Use this method for hit-testing row or column lines for resizing cells. The point. The hit test precision in points. The hit test corner. The boolean value indicates the right to left mode. Returns the visible line. Gets the line near the given corner point. Use this method for hit-testing row or column lines for resizing cells. The point. The hit test precision in points. Gets the line near the given corner point. Use this method for hit-testing row or column lines for resizing cells. The point. The hit test precision in points. The hit test corner. Returns points for given absolut line indexes The first index. The last index. if set to true return the first visible line if firstIndex is above viewable area or return last visible line if lastIndex is after viewable area (works also for header and footer). if set to true indicates the line with index firstIndex is visible in viewable area. if set to true indicates the line with index lastIndex is visible in viewable area.. The first line or null if allowAdjust is false and line is not in viewable area. The last line or null if allowAdjust is false and line is not in viewable area. Gets the visible lines clip points (clipped origin of first line and clipped corner of last line). If both lines are above or below viewable area an empty span is returned. If lines are both above and below viewable are then the range for all viewable lines is returned. The first index. The last index. Gets the clip points for a region. The boolean value used to calculate visible columns in right to left mode. The region. Returns an array with 3 ranges indicating the first and last point for the given lines in each region. The index of the first line. The index of the last line. if set to true allow estimates for out of view lines. Returns the first and last point for the given lines in a region. The region. The index of the first line. The index of the last line. if set to true allow estimates for out of view lines. Raises the changed event. Determines the line one page down from the given line. The current line. The line index of the line one page down Determines the line one page up from the given line. The current line. The line index of the line one page up Occurs when a property was changed. Gets the distances collection which is used internally for mapping from a point position to a line index and vice versa. The distances collection. Gets a value indicating whether this axis supports pixel scrolling. true if this instance supports pixel scrolling; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the index of the first line in a parent axis. This is used for shared or nested scroll axis (e.g. a nested grid with shared axis in a covered cell). The index of the first line.. Gets the scroll bar state. The scroll bar state. Gets or sets the line count. The line count. Gets or sets the default size of lines. The default size of lines. Gets the scroll lines host. The scroll lines host. Gets or sets the size (either height or width) of the parent control. The size of the the parent control. Gets the size (either height or width) of the parent control excluding the area occupied by Header and Footer. This size is used for scrolling down or up one page. The size of the the parent control. Gets or sets the clipping region. Depending on the orientation of the axis, this is either the left and right or top and bottom values of the clipping rectangle in the parent control. The clip. Gets the view size of the (either height or width) of the parent control. Normally the ViewSize is the same as . Only if the parent control has more space then needed to display all lines, the ViewSize will be less. In such case the ViewSize is the total height for all lines. The size of the view. Gets the header extent. This is total height (or width) of the header lines. The header extent. Gets the header line count. The header line count. Gets the footer extent. This is total height (or width) of the footer lines. The footer extent. Gets the footer line count. The footer line count. Gets or sets the index of the first visible Line in the Body region. The index of the scroll line. Gets the view corner which is the point after the last visible line of the body region. The view corner. Gets a value indicating whether footer lines are visible. true if footer lines are visible; otherwise, false. Gets the index of the first footer line. The index of the first footer line. Gets the last visible line. The last visible line. Gets the index of the last visible line. The index of the last visible line. distances holds the visible lines. Each visible line has a distance of 1.0. Hidden lines have a distance of 0.0. Initializes a new instance of the class. The state of the scrollbar. The scroll lines host. Updates the linesize for visible lines to be "1" for LineScrollAxis Sets the header line count. The value. Sets the footer line count. The value. Gets the index of the scroll line. Index of the scroll linde. The scroll line delta. The boolean value used to calculate visible columns in right to left mode. Gets the index of the scroll line. Index of the scroll linde. The scroll line delta. The boolean value used to calculate visible columns in right to left mode. Sets the index of the scroll line. Index of the scroll linde. The scroll line delta. Sets the hidden state of the lines. From. To. if set to true [hide]. Sets the size of the lines. Will do nothing for a From. To. The size. Initialize scrollbar properties from line count in header, footer and body. Gets the index of the previous scroll line. The index. Gets the index of the next scroll line. The index. Scrolls to next page. Scrolls to previous page. Scrolls to next line. Scrolls to previous line. Aligns the scroll line. Returns an array with 3 ranges indicating the first and last point for the given lines in each region. The index of the first line. The index of the last line. if set to true allow estimates for out of view lines. Returns the first and last point for the given lines in a region. The region. The index of the first line. The index of the last line. if set to true allow estimates for out of view lines. This method is called in response to a MouseWheel event. The delta. Scrolls the line into viewable area. Index of the line. Called when lines were inserted in ScrollLinesHost. Index of the first inserted line. The count. Gets or sets the line count. The line count. Gets or sets the default size of lines. The default size of lines. Gets the header extent. This is total height (or width) of the header lines. The header extent. Gets the footer extent. This is total height (or width) of the footer lines. The footer extent. Gets or sets the index of the first visible Line in the Body region. The index of the scroll line. Gets the view size of the (either height or width) of the parent control. Normally the ViewSize is the same as . Only if the parent control has more space then needed to display all lines, the ViewSize will be less. In such case the ViewSize is the total height for all lines. The size of the view. Gets a value indicating whether this axis supports pixel scrolling. true if this instance supports pixel scrolling; otherwise, false. A collection that manages lines with varying height and hidden state. It has properties for header and footer lines, total line count, default size of a line and also lets you add nested collections. Returns an empty collection. Sets the line size for a range. From. To. The size. Sets the hidden state for a range of lines. From. To. if set to true hide the lines. Gets the nested lines. The index. Sets the nested lines. The index. The nested lines. If parameter is null the line will be converted to a normal (not nested) line with default line size. Reset the line to become a normal (not nested) line with default line size. Reset the line to become a normal (not nested) line with default line size. The index. Returns the default line size. Returns the line count. Gets the size. The index. The number of subsequent values with same size. Gets the header line count. Gets the footer line count. Gets the hidden state for a line. The index. The number of subsequent lines with same state. Initializes the scroll axis. The scroll axis. Gets the nested distances if a line contains a nested lines collection; null otherwise. The line. Inserts lines in the collection and raises the event. The index of the first line to insert. The count. Inserts lines in the collection and raises the event. The index of the first line to insert. The count. A container with saved state from a preceeding call when lines should be moved. When it is null empty lines with default size are inserted. Removes lines from the collection and raises the event. The index of the first line to be removed. The count. Removes lines from the collection and raises the event. The index of the first line to be removed. The count. A container to save state for a subsequent call when lines should be moved. Creates the object which holds temporary state when moving lines. Initialize the collection with a pattern of hidden lines. The index of the first line where the pattern should be started to be applied. The pattern is applied up to until the lineCount given. The last initialized line is at index lineCount-1. The pattern that is applied repeatedly. Set the hidden state all at once in one operation. Use this method if you want to change the hidden state of many rows at once since this will be much faster instead of individually setting rows hidden. The new hidden state for rows. Gets the total extent which is the total of all line sizes. Note: This propert only works if the DistanceCollection has been setup for pixel scrolling; otherwise it returns double.NaN. The total extent or double.NaN. Gets or sets the header line count. The header line count. Gets or sets the footer line count. The footer line count. Gets or sets the line count. The line count. Gets or sets the default size of lines. The default size of lines. Gets or sets the line size at the specified index. Gets whether the host supports nesting. Occurs when a lines size was changed. Occurs when a lines hidden state changed. Occurs when the default line size changed. Occurs when the line count was changed. Occurs when the header line count was changed. Occurs when the footer line count was changed. Occurs when lines were inserted. Occurs when lines were removed. Gets or sets the distances. The distances. Gets whether the host supports inserting and removing lines. An empty LineSizeCollection. Returns an empty collection. PixelScrollAxis implements scrolling logic for both horizontal and vertical scrolling in a . Logical units in the ScrollAxisBase are called "Lines". PixelScrollAxis supports pixel scrolling and calculates the total height or width of all lines. Distances holds the line sizes. Hidden lines have a distance of 0.0. Initializes a new instance of the class which is nested as a single line in a parent scroll axis. The parent scroll axis. The scrollbar state. The scroll lines host. The distances host. Initializes a new instance of the class. The scrollbar state. The scroll lines host. The distances host. Sets the hidden state of the lines. From. To. if set to true hide lines. Sets the size of the lines. From. To. The size. Set temporary value for a line size during a resize operation without commiting value to SrollLinesHost. The index. The size. Resets temporary value for line size after a resize operation Sets the header line count. The value. Sets the footer line count. The value. Initialize scrollbar properties from header and footer size and total size of lines in body. Gets the index of the scroll line. Index of the scroll linde. The scroll line offset. The boolean value indicates the right to left mode. And this boolean value considered only for the visible columns calculations. Gets the index of the scroll line. Index of the scroll linde. The scroll line delta. Gets the index of the scroll line when RTL is False Index of the scroll linde. The scroll line delta. Gets the index of the scroll line when RTL is True Index of the scroll linde. The scroll line delta. Sets the index of the scroll line. Index of the scroll linde. The scroll line delta. Gets the index of the previous scroll line. The index. Gets the index of the next scroll line. The index. Scrolls to next page. Scrolls to previous page. Scrolls to next line. Scrolls to previous line. Aligns the scroll line. Associates a collection of nested lines with a line in this axis. The index. The nested lines. Returns an array with 3 ranges indicating the first and last point for the given lines in each region. The index of the first line. The index of the last line. if set to true allow estimates for out of view lines. Returns the first and last point for the given lines in a region. The region. The index of the first line. The index of the last line. if set to true allow estimates for out of view lines. Gets the cumulated origin taking scroll position into account. The returned value is between ScrollBar.Minimum and ScrollBar.Maximum. The line. Gets the cumulated corner taking scroll position into account. The returned value is between ScrollBar.Minimum and ScrollBar.Maximum. The line. This method is called in response to a MouseWheel event. The delta. Scrolls the line into viewable area. Index of the line. Size of the line. The boolean value used to calculate the scrolling delta value. Scrolls the line into viewable area. Index of the line. Size of the line. Called when lines were removed in ScrollLinesHost. Index of the first removed line. The count. Called when lines were inserted in ScrollLinesHost. Index of the first inserted line. The count. Dispose the live resources used by the class. Dispose the instance, if it is True Gets a value indicating whether this axis supports pixel scrolling. true if this instance supports pixel scrolling; otherwise, false. Gets the total extent of all line sizes. The total extent. Gets or sets the line count. The line count. Gets or sets the default size of lines. The default size of lines. Gets the header extent. This is total height (or width) of the header lines. The header extent. Gets the footer extent. This is total height (or width) of the footer lines. The footer extent. Gets or sets the index of the first visible Line in the Body region. The index of the scroll line. Gets the view size of the (either height or width) of the parent control. Normally the ViewSize is the same as . Only if the parent control has more space then needed to display all lines, the ViewSize will be less. In such case the ViewSize is the total height for all lines. The size of the view. Handles events with . The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Holds and integer properties. Initializes a new instance of the class. From. To. Gets from. From. Gets to. To. Handles events with . The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Holds and integer properties. Initializes a new instance of the class. RemoveAt. Count. Gets removeAt. RemoveAt. Gets count. Count. Handles events with . The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Holds and integer properties. Initializes a new instance of the class. InsertAt. Count. Gets insertAt. InsertAt. Gets count. Count. Handles events with . The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Holds and integer properties. Initializes a new instance of the class. From. To. true or false Gets from. From. Gets to. To. Holds the coordinates for a cell. Maintains zero-based index of the rows and columns. Initializes a new with row and column coordinates. The row index. The column index. Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. Another object to compare to. true if and this instance are the same type and represent the same value; otherwise, false. Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer that is the hash code for this instance. Returns the type name with state of this instance. Implements the operator ==. The r1. The r2. The result of the operator. Implements the operator !=. The r1. The r2. The result of the operator. Gets the empty instance with RowIndex and ColumnIndex set to int.MinValue The empty. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. true if this instance is empty; otherwise, false. The column index. The row index. Corner side enumeration. Includes both Left and right side or Top and Bottom side. Left side alone. Right side alone. Top side alone. Bottom side alone. A scroll axis has three regions: Header, Body and Footer. The header (at top or left side) The body (center between header and footer) The footer (at bottom or right side) Provides all properties to configure a scrollbar. Called when a property is changed and raises the event. Name of the property. Copies current settings to another object. another object. Clones this instance. Determines whether the specified is equal to the current . The to compare with the current . true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. Serves as a hash function for a particular type. A hash code for the current . Returns a that represents the current . A that represents the current . Gets or sets a number that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a large distance. Gets or sets the upper limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets or sets the lower limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets or sets the value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a small distance. Gets or sets a numeric value that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Occurs when a property value changes. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs before the property is changed. Handles events with . The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Holds and properties. Initializes a new instance of the class. NewValue. OldValue. Gets newValue. NewValue. Gets oldValue. OldValue. Holds a range together with a value assigned to the range. Initializes a new instance of the class. The start and end of the range. Initializes a new instance of the class. The start. The count. The value. Compares the current range with the range of the other object. The value is ignored. An object to compare with this instance. A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared. The return value has these meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This instance is less than . Zero This instance is equal to . Greater than zero This instance is greater than . Returns a with state information about this object. Returns a with state information about this object. Gets or sets the start of the range. The start. Gets or sets the count of the range. The count. Gets or sets the value. The value. Gets or sets the end of the range. The end. A sorted list with ordered by the start index of the ranges. SortedRangeValueList ensures that ranges of the elements inside the list do not overlap and it also ensures that there are no empty gaps meaning that the subsequent range will always have the Start position be set to the End position of the previous range plus one. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The default value used for filling gaps. Clears the stored ranges. Gets a range that contains the specified index and also returns a count indicating the delta between the index and the end of the range. The index. The count. Inserts a range intialized with at the specified index. When necessary it splits a range and creates a new range value pair. The insertion point. The count. Inserts a range intialized with a given value at the specified index. When necessary it splits a range and creates a new range value pair. The insertion point. The count. The value. Inserts a range intialized with at the specified index. When necessary it splits a range and creates a new range value pair. The insertion point. The count. Allocate this object before a preceeding Remove call when moving ranges. Otherwise specify null. Inserts a range intialized with a given value at the specified index. When necessary it splits a range and creates a new range value pair. The insertion point. The count. The value. Allocate this object before a preceeding Remove call when moving ranges. Otherwise specify null. Removes a range at the specified index. When necessary ranges are merged when preceeding and subsquent ranges have the same value. The index for the range to be removed. The count. Removes a range at the specified index. When necessary ranges are merged when preceeding and subsquent ranges have the same value. The index for the range to be removed. The count. Allocate this object before a Remove call when moving ranges and pass it to a subsequent Insert call. Otherwise specify null. Sets the value for a range at the specified index. When necessary ranges are split or merged to make sure integrity of the list is maintained. (SortedRangeValueList ensures that ranges of the elements inside the list do not overlap and it also ensures that there are no empty gaps meaning that the subsequent range will always have the Start position be set to the End position of the previous range plus one.) The index for the range to be changed. The count. The value. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. A enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets or sets the default value used for filling gaps. The default value. Gets the count which is the same as the end position of the last range. The count. Gets the value of the range that contains the specified index or changes the value of the range. When necessary it splits a range and creates a new range value pair to hold the new value for the specified index. Contains information about a visible line (can also be a row or column). Initializes a new instance of the class. Visible index of the line. Absolute index of the line. The size. The clipped origin. The scroll offset. if set to true line is a header. if set to true line is a footer. Initializes a new instance of the class. Used for BinarySearch. The clipped origin. Initializes a new instance of the class. Used for BinarySearch. Index of the line. Returns the type name with state of this instance. Compares the current object with another object of the same type. An object to compare with this object. A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared. The return value has the following meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This object is less than the parameter.Zero This object is equal to . Greater than zero This object is greater than . Gets the visible index of the line. The visible index of the line. Returns whether the line is last visible line. Determines if the line is visible. Gets the index of the line. The index of the line. Gets the size. The size. Gets the size of the clipped area. The size of the clipped area. Gets the corner. The corner. Gets the clipped corner. The clipped corner. Gets the clipped origin. The clipped origin. Gets the origin. The origin. Gets the scroll offset. The scroll offset. Gets the clipped corner extent. The clipped corner extent. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is clipped. true if this instance is clipped; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance corner is clipped. true if this instance corner is clipped; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance origin is clipped. true if this instance origin is clipped; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance is clipped taking into consideration whether it is the the first or last visible line and no clipping is needed for these cases. Gets the axis region this line belongs to. The axis region. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a header. true if this instance is a header; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a footer. true if this instance is a footer; otherwise, false. A strong-typed collection of items. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the visible line at point. The point. visible line at point. Removes all elements from the collection. Gets the the visible line at line index. Index of the line. visible line at line index. Gets the visible line for a line index. If the line specified line is hidden the next visible line is returned. Index of the line. The first visible line for a line index that is not hidden. Gets the visible line indexes. The visible line indexes. Gets the index of the first visible line in the body region. The index of the first visible line in the body region. Gets the index of the first visible line in the footer region. The index of the first visible line in the footer region. Gets the index of the last visible line in the body region. The index of the last visible line in the body region. Contains the utlities used to maintain and perform common functionalities. Holds a start and end value with double precision. An empty object. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The start. The end. Returns a string with start and end values. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. true if this instance is empty; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the start. The start. Gets or sets the end. The end. Gets or sets the length. The length. Holds a start and end value with integer precision. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The start. The end. Gets or sets the start. The start. Gets or sets the end. The end. Gets or sets the count (equals end - start + 1) The count.