Syncfusion.Core.WinForms Specifies the way in which a popup was closed. This information is usually provided in a PopupControlContainer's event. You can use it to determine, in some cases, whether or not to use the updated data in a popup. The user wants the changes made in the popup to be applied. The user canceled the popup and expects the changes, if any, to be ignored. The popup was deactivated due to the user clicking in some other window, a different application getting focus, etc. Specifies the relative alignment of a popup child about its parent. The child will be aligned to the parent's top-left corner and drawn upwards and to the right of the parent's left border. The child will be aligned to the parent's top-right corner and drawn upwards and to the left of the parent's right border. The child will be aligned to the parent's top-right corner and drawn downwards and to the right of the parent. The child will be aligned to the parent's bottom-right corner and drawn upwards and to the right of the parent. The child will be aligned to the parent's bottom-left corner and drawn downwards and to the right of the parent's left border. The child will be aligned to the parent's bottom-right corner and drawn downwards and to the left of the parent's right border. The child will be aligned to the parent's top-left corner and drawn downwards and to the left of the parent. The child will be aligned to the parent's bottom-left corner and drawn downwards and to the right of the parent. Does not indicate any of the above alignments. The top level form-derived class that hosts a when it is dropped-down. You will normally not have to use this class or refer to an instance of this class. An instance of this class will be automatically generated by the which will then set this as its parent when is called on it. However, you can for example access an instance of this class from the PopupControlContainer and change certain properties. You can include a shadow in your popups by setting the NeedShadow property. The boolean value. The alignment. The boolean value. The border color. The border gap. Gets or sets the popup control container. Ignore working area when menu begin popup. Initializes a new instance of the class. Suspend layout operation. Resume the layout operation. The boolean value. Checks whether the popup is shown or not. Returns the boolean value. Shows the popup. Hides the popup. Computes size and position of popup. Overridden. See . The message. Releases the popup. Attaches the popup. Compute the size. Compute the control location. Adjust the location based on the alignment. The location. The alignment. Method used to get the screen bounds. Represents the control. Maintains the location. Method used to get the location for alignment. Maintains the location. Represents the PopupRelativeAlignment. Method used to get the location for RTL alignment. Maintains the location. Represents the PopupRelativeAlignment. Method used to get the default location for popup. Maintains the location. Represents the PopupRelativeAlignment. Compute the location. Method used to get the preferred location for popup. Represents the PopupRelativeAlignment. Returns the location. Method used to get the preferred alignment for left. Returns the PopupRelativeAlignment. Method used to get the preferred alignment for right. Returns the PopupRelativeAlignment. Method used to get the preferred alignment for top. Returns the PopupRelativeAlignment. Method used to get the preferred alignment for bottom. Returns the PopupRelativeAlignment. Get the adjusted location. The location. Returns the location. Overridden. See . The event argument. Occurs when location changed. The event arguments. Overridden. See . The event arguments Overridden. See . The paint event argument. Updates popup host visibility and z-order. Occurs when deactivate the host. The event arguments Checks the right to left mode. Return true if right to left mode. Releases the unmanaged resources. The boolean value. Occurs while handle is created. The event arguments Necessary since CS_SAVEBITS for this top-level is not good-enough to ensure that the window underneath is refreshed. Important when navigating menu using keyboard. Initialize the settings. Adjust the popup size based on the screen and popup size. The popup location. True if size and location is adjusted. Otherwise false; Gets or sets a value indicating whether a shadow should be drawn around the popup window. True if a shadow is needed; False otherwise. Gets a value indicating the current alignment of the popup window. A value. Gets or sets the overlap border color with which this top-level form should be drawn. A color value. This color will be used by this form only when the is set to None. The form will draw a custom single-line border with this color and also draw the overlapped look, if overlapped borders are available. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore working area when menu begin popup. Gets or sets the popup control. Gets or sets the position for popup. Gets or sets the border gap. Gets the popup control Gets or sets the PopupControlContainer that this PopupHost will host. An implementation of the interface. Gets or sets a value indicating whether state of drop-down window. Gets or sets the embedded child control. Gets or sets the last size of the window. Overrides the create parameters. Represents a class that provides the support to host any control. Defines an interface that a can take and parent itself to. provides a default implementation that should be useful for all practical purposes. Defines a generic interface which when implemented will allow that object / control to participate in the popup framework. This interface should be implemented by an object / control that acts like a popup window and wants to participate in the popup framework. A generic interface for any control that wants to participate in the Popup framework. Returns the popup's control parent. If such a control exists, then the Popup framework will use it in its popup activation logic. The control. Indicates whether a specified control is part of the popup hierarchy. A control instance. True indicates this query should be passed to the IPopupParent, if any; False indicates you should not query the popup parent. True if the control is part of the Popup hierarchy; False otherwise. Defines the interface for the keyboard operations. Handles the keyboard message. The value. Returns the boolean value. Defines the interface for the mouse move operations. Handles the mouse message. The value. Returns the boolean value. Defines the interface for the mouse hook process. Implement the mouse hook process. The message. The position. The control handle. The hit test code. The additional information. Returns the boolean. Defines the interfaces for the keyboard process. The keyboard hook process used to handle the key board operations. The window parameter. The integer contains the value. Returns the b0olean value. Hides the popup window. The PopupCloseType value that indicates the mode in which this popup should be closed. Indicates whether a popup is currently active / open. True if it is open; False otherwise. Gets the parent. An instance of the interface. The Popup framework can handle a hierarchy of popups (like in a menu) for which it requires each popup child to provide a reference to its popup parent. Provides the appropriate location to the popup given the alignment preferences. This method is usually called to determine whether the open popup should be closed due to some action in a different control. If this different control is a "related" control, the popup framework will not close the popup. The previous alignment. The new alignment. Return the point. Gets or sets the this container is parented to. An instance of the class. If this is a control, you would set it to be a child of the and position it appropriately in the set property. A generic interface that defines a popup parent, that will control the alignment of a popup, etc. Any object / control that wants to act as a popup's parent and participate in the popup framework should implement this interface. Take a look at the PopupsInDepth sample under the Tools\Samples\Editors Package\PopupControlContainer\Advanced folder for an implementation of this interface. Will be called to indicate that the popup child was closed in the specified mode. The child that was closed. A value. Returns the location for popup, given the preferred relative alignments. This method allows you to provide 8 different preferred positions for your popup, in any order. Different preferred positions are necessary because some positions may not be ideal for the popup as there may not be enough screen space for the popup when shown in that position. The popup will first call this method with previous Alignment set to . You should then return a location and designate this location as one of the 8 positions in the enumeration using the newAlignment reference. The popup will then check if there is enough space in the screen to draw at this location. If not, it will call this method again with previous Alignment set to newAlignment from the previous call. This goes on until you return a location that the popup finds acceptable. However, if you run out of locations before the popup can find an acceptable location, then you should set newAlignment to . The popup will then assume that you don't have any more positions to supply and do the best it can with the supplied location. The previous alignment. The new alignment designated for the returned location. An ideal location for popup designated by one of the values in new Alignment. Or returns a Point.Empty and set newAlignment to if you do not intend to provide multiple preferred locations. Returns a line (defined by 2 points) in screen co-ordinates that indicates the border overlap between the child and parent. The preferred alignment selected using the method. If a valid line is provided, the popup child in that area will be drawn in an overlap style. An array of 2 points representing a line (in screen co-ordinates) where the overlap takes place. NULL if no overlap is desired. Gets a value indicating whether control's elements should be rendered right-to-left. The boolean value. The boolean value. The parent control. The popup parent. The location. The popup host. The popup close request listener. The mouse hooker. The boolean value indicates the this contains the focus or not. The boolean indicates ignore the dialog key. The boolean value indicates the ignore the keys. The boolean value indicates the ignore the mouse messages. The current popup child. Holds the position for popup. The boolean value indicates the need to dispose or not. The form sub class. The parent form. Default size of the control Shows the popup at the specified location. A point in screen coordinates. Can be Point.Empty. A popup's position is determined as follows. First, if an interface is associated (using the property), then it is queried for the preferred position. If there is no such interface, the location specified in the method call is used. If ShowPopup was called with Point.Empty, then the 's bounds are used to determine an appropriate position to drop-down. This will throw a followed by a event. Use to hide the popup in code. When the popup is closed either programmatically or by the user, the event will be thrown that will indicate whether the popup was closed or canceled. The boolean value indicates the prevents the events for tool tip. The boolean value indicates the shadow can show or not. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified container. A that represents the container of the . Containers are objects that encapsulate and track zero or more components. In this context, containment refers to logical containment, not visual containment. You can use components and containers in a variety of scenarios, including scenarios that are both visual and not visual. Note to Implementers: To be a container, the class must implement the IContainer interface, which supports methods for adding, removing and retrieving components. Unlike other controls, a is not a direct child of your form (though this is the case during design-time). This requires you to explicitly dispose of this control before the form gets destroyed. With this constructor override, the automatically plugs itself into a form's default component-containment pattern (through the IContainer member) during design-time. If you create this class in code, then you have to set it up manually. The implementation simply adds the instance into the container. Indicates whether the popup is currently dropped down. True indicates popup is dropped down; False otherwise. Gets preferred location. The previous alignment The new alignment. Returns the preferred location. Shows the popup. The location. Hides a popup that is open. This method will hide the popup with the mode. Hides a popup with the specified mode. A PopupCloseType value. Checks whether the control is a related control. The control The boolean value. Returns true if control relates properly. The mouse message. A message. Returns the boolean value. The mouse hook process. A message. The point. The handle. The hit test code The extra information. Returns the boolean value. The keyboard message. A message. Returns the boolean value. The keyboard hook process. The window handle parameter. The handle parameter. Returns the process. Get the location for popup. Previous alignment. The new alignment. Returns the points. Gets the border points The relative alignment. Returns the points collection. Occurs while child closing occurs. The child. The popup close type. Gets the popup parent control. Returns the popup parent control Ensures that the property returns a valid PopupHost. Normally the property will return a non-NULL value only when the popup was displayed at least once. Calling this method will ensure that the property returns a non-NULL value. Specifies whether the control is in set focus. Returns the boolean value Sets focus on the popup parent control. Focuses first visible parent. This method is called from the BarManager class when the parent form is deactivated. It checks whether the user clicked inside a child control of this PopupControlContainer. If this is not the case (e.g. user clicked on another window on the desktop) then the popup gets hidden. Overridden. . The message. Overridden. See . The key. Returns the boolean. Raises the BeforePopup event. A CancelEventArgs that contains the event data. The OnBeforePopup method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnBeforePopup in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnBeforePopup method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the event. A . The OnCloseUp method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnCloseUp in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnCloseUp method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the event. An EventArgs instance containing data pertaining to this event. The OnPopup method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnPopup in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnPopup method so that registered delegates receive the event. Releases the unmanaged resources. The boolean value. Creates a new popup host. Returns the popup host. Process the mouse message. The destination. The message. The handle parameter. The window parameter Returns the boolean value. Verify the mouse mouse based activation. The destination control. The message. Occurs when size changed. The event arguments. Get the location for popup. Previous alignment The new alignment. returns the point. Get the border. The alignment. Returns the points Occurs while child closing. The child. The popup type. Update the right to left mode. Attach the delegates. Releases the delegates. Occurs when disposed the parent control. The sender. A event arguments. Occurs when right to left mode of the parent control gets changed. The sender. A event arguments. Gets the boolean value indicating the right to left mode. Returns true if this is in right to left mode. Gets a value indicating whether the control is in design-mode. Gets or sets the drop down style. Gets or sets a reference to the PopupHost that will be used to host this PopupControlContainer when dropped down. The PopupHost object that will host this PopupControlContainer. PopupHost is the top level form-based control that hosts this PopupControlContainer when dropped down. The PopupControlContainer usually creates a custom PopupHost when it is asked to drop down. However, you can provide your own PopupHost if you have a customized version. You can also get a reference to the that the PopupControlContainer uses by default and make changes to it. The PopupControlContainer creates a default PopupHost when there is no PopupHost supplied to it, but gets called to show the popup. Hence, the best place to get the default PopupHost associated with this PopupControlContainer is in the handler. Or call to create the default PopupHost if it is not yet created. Gets or sets the PopupControlContainer's control parent. A control instance. The Parent-Child relationship in this case is NOT similar to the one in the control hierarchy. When you specify a Parent Control via ParentControl and pass a Point.Empty location to ShowPopup, the popup location will be dynamically determined based on the ParentControl bounds and the screen area. Gets or sets the parent. An instance that implements . When you associate an IPopupParent interface with the PopupControlContainer you get even more control over the alignment and positioning of the Popup, (this you would do instead of the PopupControl based parenting). When you provide this interface, the alignment and positioning logic is delegated to this interface. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a shadow should be drawn around the popup window. True if a shadow is needed; False otherwise. Gets a value indicating whether the right to left mode. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore all mouse messages. True to ignore all mouse messages; False otherwise. Default is False. When the popup is showing it will "swallow" all the mouse messages that are sent to controls not in the popup-hierarchy. When showing, the popup will also listen to mouse messages to determine if the popup should be closed (for mouse down outside the popup-hierarchy, for example). To prevent this behavior, set this property to True. When set to True, the popup will close only when you call the method or when a new popup gets shown. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore all keys. True to ignore all keys; False otherwise. Default is False. When the popup is showing, it will "swallow" all the WM_KEYDOWN and WM_CHAR messages. To prevent it, set this property to True. Gets or sets the current popup child in the popup hierarchy. An instance of interface. When you want to show a parent-child hierarchy of popups, call this property on the parent popup before showing the child popup. Gets or sets the mouse hooker. Gets the default size. The default margin. Gets or sets the position for popup. Represents a class that contains the keyboard process handles. The process id. The client. The handle. The boolean indicates the hook can disable. The mouse hook handle. The mouse hook root. Initializes a new instance of the class. The handle. The client/ Finalizes an instance of the class. Releases a unmanaged resources. Hook the message. Hook process used for catch mouse messages. The code. Window parameter. The handle parameter. Returns the pointer. Unhook the message. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the hook message can be disabled. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the hook message can be done. Represents a class that contains the message hook object. The action. The reference Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent. The callback message. The code. Window parameter. The handle parameter. Returns the pointer. Represents a class that provides the customized window support. The popup container Initializes a new instance of the class. The popup container Destroys the window and its handle. Invokes the default window procedure associated with this window. A System.Windows.Forms.Message that is associated with the current Windows message. Represents a class that provides support to list the popup close actions. The popup container. The parent control. The popup host control. Initializes a new instance of the class. The popup container. Dispose the managed and unmanaged resources. Attach the control. Release the control. Occurs when parent lost focus. The sender. The event arguments. Occurs when menu closed. The sender. The event arguments occurs when deactivate the form. The sender. The event arguments. Gets or sets a integer value. Gets or sets the popup host. Gets or sets the parent control. Represents a class that contains the mouse process hooker helper functions. The process id. The client. The handle. The hook disable. The mouse hook handle. The message hook root. Initializes a new instance of the class. The handle. The client handle. Finalizes an instance of the class. Releases the unmanaged resources. Hook the message. Hook process used for catch mouse messages. The code. Window parameter. The handle parameter. The message pointer. Unhook the message. Gets or sets a value indicating whether can disable hook message. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the message can hook. Represents a class that contains the message hook object. The reference. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent. Call back. A code. Window parameter. Handle parameter. Returns the pointer value. Represent a class that provides the helper methods for the popup container. The constant value for no active. The constant value for show window. Show the window at top. The handle. The location. The size. Set visible when not active. The control. The boolean value. Get the parent control. The handle. Returns the parent control. Compute the default top bottom alignment. The previous alignment. The new alignment. The rectangle. The boolean indicates the right to left mode. Returns the point. Compute the default top bottom alignment. The previous alignment. The new alignment. The parent. The rectangle. The boolean indicates the right to left mode. Returns the point. Compute the default left right alignment. The previous alignment. The new alignment. The rectangle. The boolean indicates the right to left mode. Returns the point. Compute the default left right alignment. The previous alignment. The new alignment. The parent. The rectangle. The boolean indicates the right to left mode. Returns the point. Compute the location based on the alignment. The alignment. The bounds. Returns the point. Compute the location based on default popup alignment. The previous alignment. The next alignment The first preference alignment. The last preference alignment The parent bounds. Returns the location. Compute the default border locations. The alignment. The bounds. Returns the locations. This class will provide more information that the .Net equivalent ignored. The app key down. The boolean value. The string value. The boolean value. Gets a value indicating whether the menu access keys are always underlined. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current application is a .Net application. True if .Net; false otherwise. By default, this method will automatically determine whether or not the current active app is a .Net app or a native app. However, to speed up performance (by a fraction of a second), you can set this value appropriately at the beginning of your app. Note that an incorrect setting would cause unforeseen behavior. Gets a value indicating whether the component is used inside developer studio. Represents a class that provides support for handling mouse and keyboard process, This needs to be ThreadStatic because pre-filter notifications happen on a thread-basis. The boolean value. WF-49801-Set environment for VB6 to close dropdown in SfComboBox. The boolean value. The array list. The hash table. The hash table. The flag. The mouse process hooker. The keyboard process hooker. The boolean value. The array list. The message filter entry helper. Prevents a default instance of the class from being created. Releases the resources. Handle the mouse hook process. The message. The point. The control handle. The integer value contains the hit test code. The integer value. Returns the boolean value. Implements the keyboard hook process. The integer contains the windows parameter. The integer value contains the value used to keyboard. Returns the boolean value. Implements the message filter implementation. The message. Returns the boolean value. Remove the message filter. The interface that will receive messages for filtering in a .NET app. Suspends applying filters by tag. The object. Resumes applying filters by tag. The object Add the message filter. The interface that will receive messages for filtering in a .NET app. Specifies whether or not this filter should be inserted on top (with highest priority). The object. Utility to help you filter messages in both a .NET and Native app. The interface that will receive messages for filtering in a .NET app. Specifies whether or not this filter should be inserted on top (with highest priority). Suspend the internal process. The object. Resume the internal process. The object. Add the message filter. The interface that will receive messages for filtering in a .NET app. Specifies whether or not this filter should be inserted on top (with highest priority). The object. Add the internal message filter. The interface that will receive messages for filtering in a .NET app. Specifies whether or not this filter should be inserted on top (with highest priority). Remove the message filter. The interface that will receive messages for filtering in a .NET app. Occurs when the application is idle. The sender. The event args. Change the parse filter on before filters. Verify the hooks requirement Change the parse filter mode after applied the filters. Initialize the hooks. Release the hooks used in this class. Gets the value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable release hook or not Represents a class that provides the message filter support. Initializes a new instance of the class. The target. Application idle weak event handler. The object. The event data. Represents a class that provides the support for popup control container. The popup manager. The current popup child control. The boolean value. The timer. The last focus control. The previous popup. Initializes a new instance of the class. Releases the used resources. Handles the filter message. The message. Returns the boolean value. Implements the mouse hook process. The message. The position. The handle. The hit test code. The integer value. Returns the boolean value. Handles the keyboard hook process. The integer value contains the window parameter. The integer value. Returns the boolean value. Set the current popup client. Popup client. The boolean value indicates active. The boolean value. Gets the the boolean value. The popup child. The popup parent. Returns the boolean value. Calls the kill focus. Sets the focus. Delayed set focus. The sender. The event arguments. Set the current popup. The popup child. The boolean value indicates the active. The boolean value. Gets the active popup child. Gets the popup manager. Gets the current popup control. Represents the class to define the style for control. Maintains the default style of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The style object that contains the original data. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds data for this . All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. The identity. A that holds data for this . All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines whether Font has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether Fore Color has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets the default DropDownStyleInfo value. Gets or sets the fore color of textbox Gets or sets the BorderColor of dropdown. Gets or sets the back color of the textbox Represents the class holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the SfComboBox dropdown border color property. Maintains the static data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Populates the SerializationInfo store with the name, type, and value of each piece of information it wants to serialize Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Creates a copy of the current object. A duplicate of the current object. Initializes the , if is null. Overridden to get the static data source. Modified PopupControlContainer that takes a child control and adds a sizable grip so that the window can be sized. Initializes the container control. The child control that is to be embedded. The boolean value indicates the currently the window is resizing. The boolean value. Indicates whether size is dependant of child control size. Initializes a new instance of the class. The child control Displays the popup control. The location at which the popup's left top position will appear. Confirm while deactivate. Adjusts bounds of the popupHost. Disposing the elements. The boolean value. Override the paint. The paint event arguments Create the popup host. Returns the sizable popup host. Occurs when mouse down. A mouse event arguments Occurs when mouse leave from the control. A event data. Occurs while moue moved. The mouse event arguments. Occurs when mouse up. The mouse event arguments Gets the right to left mode. Returns true if right to left mode enabled Used to paint the content. The source control. The that contains the event data. Draws the resize gripper for the control. The that contains event data. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the button can show or not. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the gripper can show or not. Gets a value for the dpi factor Gets or sets a value indicating whether size is dependant of child control size. Gets the child control Gets the bottom area of the resizing cursor. Gets the bottom right area of the resizing cursor. Derives from the PopupHost class and adds a gripper label and makes the form sizable. The minimum bounds width. The minimum bounds height. Used when ShowGripper or ShowCloseButton property is set to true; The current size - used when resizing. Indicates whether the window is being resized. The boolean value. The host rectangle. Indicates whether to show gripper. Initializes a new instance of the class. The child control Hides the popup. Handles the MouseDown event of the gripper label. The gripper label. The event data. Handles the MouseUp event of the gripper label. The gripper label. The event data. Process the resizing release operation. The boolean value. Handler for the MouseMove event of the gripper label. The gripper label. The event data. Releases the unmanaged resources. The boolean value. Overrides PopupHost.ComputeMySize. Sets the bounds. The x position. The y position. The width The height. The boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a gripper will be shown that can used for resizing Gets or sets a value indicating whether the button can disable or not. Represents the class that provides the accessibility object for the SfButton. Specifies the accessibility control. Initializes a new instance of the class. The SfButton which needs to create the accessibility object. Gets the AccessibleRole of the control. Gets the AccessibleName of the control. Gets the accessibility object of the parent. Gets the AccessibleDescription of the control. Gets the bounds of the control. Represents the method that will handle the event. The source of the event. The that contains event data. Represents the method that will handle the and events. The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Represents the method that will handle the event. The source of the event. The that contains the event data. Handles the DragScroll event of an IntelliMouseDragScroll object. The object of the sender. The class. Provides data for the event. Specifies the reason for the auto scrolling. Specifies the direction of the auto scrolling. Initializes a new instance of the class. The reason for scrolling. The direction of the auto scrolling. Gets the reason for performing the auto scrolling, either scrollbar acceleration or mouse dragging outside window bounds. Gets the scrollbars that need to be perform the auto scroll. Provides the data for the and events. The horizontal scroll amount. The vertical scroll amount. Holds the rectangle that need to be scrolled. Holds the rectangle that need to be clipped while scrolling. Specifies the updated rectangle after the scrolling. Initializes a new instance of the class. The horizontal scroll distance in pixel. The vertical scroll distance in pixel. The bounds of the rectangle that is scrolled. Clipping rectangle. The rectangle that was scrolled into view. Gets the horizontal scroll distance in pixels. Gets the vertical scroll distance in pixels. Gets the bounds of the rectangle that is scrolled. Gets the clipped rectangle. Gets the rectangle that need to be updated. Provides data about the cancel-able event. Specifies the point that needs to be show the context menu. The context menu strip. Initializes a new instance of the class. The mouse location in screen coordinates. The context menu strip that needs to be show on the given point. Gets the screen coordinates of the mouse cursor. Gets or sets the context menu strip that need to be displayed. Provides data for the DragScroll event of an IntelliMouseDragScroll object. The value of the horizontal co-ordinate. The value of the vertical co-ordinate. Initializes a new instance of the class. The distance in pixels the mouse pointer has been moved horizontally. The distance in pixels the mouse pointer has been moved vertically. Gets or sets the distance in pixels the mouse pointer has been moved horizontally. Gets or sets the distance in pixels the mouse pointer has been moved vertically. Interface for implementing by parent control for supporting Drag operation. Methods of this interface invoke corresponding drag methods of parent control. Dispatch the message for DragOver. The that contains event data. Dispatches the message for DragDrop. The that contains event data. Dispatches the message for DragEnter. The that contains event data. Dispatches the message for DragLeave. An that contains event data. Dispatches the message for QueryContinueDrag. The that contains event data. Dispatches the message for GiveFeedback. The that contains event data. Provides the drag drop effects. The data that need to be dragged. The drag drop effects. Returns the DragDropEffects. Represents the class that used to show the bitmap while dragging the cursor. Holds the bitmap that needs to be dragged. Specifies whether the dragging is in process or not. Specifies the origin of the bitmap. Holds the cursor that needs to be set for the control. Specifies the methods for implementing by parent control for supporting Drag operation. Specifies whether the shift is calculated or not. The point that needs to be tracked for the dragging. Initializes a new instance of the class. Displays the drag window as the topmost window. Sets the current display cursor. The windows process message. Starts the Dragging of window. The mouse point. Return false, when the background image is null otherwise return true. Stops the dragging of window. If the window is in dragging it will return true, otherwise return false. Overrides the WndProc method for setting the drag cursor. The windows message. Changes the windows background as the transparent. The that contains event data. Occurs while dragging is done over the window. The that contains event data. Occurs while dropping the window. The that contains event data. Occurs while entering the drag window. An that contains event data. Occurs while mouse leaves the drag window. An that contains event data. Occurs while continue the dragging. The that contains event data. Occurs while showing the feed back about the dragging. The that contains event data. Initialize the components of the . Handles the Window message for SETCURSOR. The window message. Moves the cursor to the specific point. The point to move the cursor. Gets or sets the bitmap image for the DragDrop. Gets or sets the window cursor. Gets or sets the parent control supporting drag operation. Overrides the CreateParams. Implements support for reader mode scrolling. When the user presses the middle mouse button and drags the mouse, the window will scroll. has built-in support for this call. Provides the base class for Disposable object. Releases all resources used by the Component. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. See the documentation for the class and its Dispose member. Specifies the manifest for retrieving the resources. Specifies the default click hold ticks for scrolling. The drag window that used to show the bitmap for the reader mode scrolling. The reader mode scroll controller. The semaphore for the dragging. The parent control of the controller. Specifies the rectangle region of the bitmap. The start point of the scrolling. Specifies the timer count for the mouse down. The timer count of the reader mode scrolling. Specifies whether to perform the vertical scrolling or not. Specifies whether the perform the horizontal scrolling or not. Specifies whether the mouse click is remain hold or not. Specifies whether the Reader mode scrolling is enabled or not. Specifies whether the dragging is started by using the parent controls mouse down or not. The timer for the reader mode scrolling. Initializes a new instance of the class. The control to add this functionality to. Initializes a new instance of the class. The control to add this functionality to. True if should listen for MouseDown event; False if dragging should be started manually by calling StartDrag. Returns the bitmap from manifest. The bitmap image name. Returns the bitmap. Starts the IntelliSence mouse dragging at the given screen coordinates. The screen coordinates. Stops the IntelliSence-Mouse dragging. Disposes the unused resources. Specifies whether to dispose both managed and unmanaged resources or only the unmanaged resources. Wire the mouse events for the control. Unwire the mouse events. Occurs when mouse down is performed on the control. The object of the sender. The that contains event data. Occurs when mouse up is performed over the control. The object of the sender. The that contains event data. Occurs when the mouse click is performed. The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Sets the cursor for the given control. The control that need to be override the given cursor. The cursor that need to be set for the control. Checks the Action of the mouse controller. Raise the event. The x location of the mouse. the y location of the mouse. Returns false when the ea.Cancel is set to true other wise return true. Start the timer. Slows the timer. Stops the timer. Occurs while the timer is elapsed. The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Occurs when the user has dragged the mouse outside the scrolling bitmap. Gets the DragWindow. Gets the active object. Gets or sets the scrolling direction. Gets a value indicating whether the user is dragging. Gets the cursor to be displayed. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Reader mode scrolling feature is enabled or not. Represents the class that provides the accessibility object for the SfScrollBar. Specifies the scrollbar. Initializes a new instance of the class. The ScrollBarBase. Overridden to get the child count of the scrollbar. Returns the child count of the scrollbar. Overridden to get the child at the given index. The index of the child. Returns the accessibility object of the child. Gets the accessibility object for the given index. The index of the child control. Returns the accessibility object of the child control. Gets the AccessibleRole of the control. Gets the AccessibleName of the control. Gets the accessibility object of the parent. Gets the AccessibleDescription of the control. Gets the bounds of the control. Represents the class that provides the accessibility object of the Scrollbar components. Specifies the parent control of the accessibility object. Specifies the region of the scrollbar component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent control. The region of the scrollbar component. Gets the AccessibleName of the Scrollbar component. Gets the AccessibleRole of the component. Gets the bounds of the scrollbar component. Gets the accessibility object of the parent control. Represents a class that provides the accessibility object for the SfScrollControl. Specifies the SfScrollControl. Initializes a new instance of the class. The SfScrollControl. Overridden to get the child count of the SfScrollFrame. Returns the child count of the scrollbar. Overridden to get the child at the given index. The index of the child. Returns the accessibility object of the child. Gets the AccessibleRole of the control. Gets the AccessibleName of the control. Gets the accessibility object of the parent. Gets the AccessibleDescription of the control. Gets the bounds of the control. Provides the cursors for the intelliSence mouse drag scrolling. Specifies the assembly name space for retrieving the values from the resource. Holds the cursor that used indicate the dragging in all direction. Holds the cursor that used indicate the dragging in south direction. Holds the cursor that used indicate the dragging in north direction. Holds the cursor that used indicate the dragging in west direction. Holds the cursor that used indicate the dragging in east direction. Gets the scroll cursor. The name of the cursor. Returns the cursor. Gets the cursor for mouse wheel at all direction. Gets the cursor for drag wheel at south direction. Gets the cursor for drag wheel at North direction. Gets the cursor for drag wheel at west direction. Gets the cursor for drag wheel at east direction. Represents a class that is used to draw the horizontal scrollbar of the scroll control. Represents a base class that is used to draw the Horizontal and Vertical scrollbars of the . The timer delegate. The large change of the scrollbar. Holds the previous large change value. The maximum value of the scrollbar. The minimum value of the scrollbar. The small change of the scrollbar. The value of the scrollbar. Holds the rectangle regions for the scrollbar elements. Specifies whether the thumb is enabled or not. Specifies whether the minimum arrow is enabled or not. Specifies whether the maximum arrow is enabled or not. Specifies whether the scrollbar state is needs to be update or not. Specifies whether the scrollbar is horizontal or vertical. The timer for the repeat scrolling. The pressed region of the scrollbar. The selected region of the scrollbar. The moved region of the scrollbar. The style info of the scrollbar. The context menu strip that needs to be showed while right clicking on the scrollbar. Holds the current mouse location. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type of the scrollbar. The of the scroll bar. Destroys the handle associated with the control. Raise the MouseDown event The that contains data. Used to raise the MouseMove event. The contains event data Used to raise the MouseUp event The that contains event data Sends or emulates a scroll event. The . Recalculates the bounds of the scrollbar. Gets the style of the . Returns the ScrollBar style. Gets a value indicating whether RightToLeft mode is enabled or not for scrollbar. Returns true when the RTL is enabled otherwise return false. Releases the unmanaged resources. Specifies whether to dispose the managed and unmanaged resources or only the unmanaged resource.> Recalculates the scrollbar regions when performs the layout. The that contains event data. Overridden to update the accessibility object of the SfScrollBar. Returns the accessibility object of the SfScrollBar. Draws the Scrollbar components based on the value. The that contains event data. Draws the arrow for the scrollbar button. The that used to draw the arrow.. The bounds of the arrow. The scroll button type. The scroll button state. The Style of the scrollbar. Draws the background for the scrollbar. The object. The bounds of the scrollbar. The state of the scrollbar. The Style of the scrollbar. Draws the background for the scrollbar Thumb. The object. The bounds of the scroll button. The state of the scroll button. The Style of the scrollbar. Raises the event. An that contains event data. Raises the event. An that contains event data. Raises the event. The that contains event data. Redraws the scroll control when RightToLeft is changed. An that contains event data. Performs the scrolling on the event. The that contains event data. Raises the event. An that contains event data. Raises the event. The that contains event data. Raises the event. An that contains event data. Occurs when the scrollbar thumb is dragged. The X co-ordinates. The Y co-ordinates. Gets min button. Returns the min scroll button. Gets max button. Returns the max scroll button. Invalidates the bounds of the arrow buttons. Invalidates the bounds of the thumb region. Used for calculating thumb offset. The X co-ordinate. The Y co-ordinate. Gets the value of the scrollbar at the given point. The X co-ordinate. The Y co-ordinate. Returns the value of the scrollbar. Raise the Scroll event. The that contains event data. Raises the mouse click on the scrollbar. The object of the sender An that contains the event data. Raises the Scroll event when the mouse click on minimum thumb region. The object of the sender An that contains the event data. Raises the Scroll event when mouse click on maximum thumb region. The object of the sender An that contains the event data. Raises the Scroll event when the mouse click on top left thumb region. The object of the sender An that contains the event data. Raises the Scroll event mouse click on bottom right thumb region. The object of the sender An that contains the event data. Raises Scroll event when the mouse click on top left thumb region. The object of the sender An that contains the event data. Raises the Scroll event when the mouse click on down left thumb region. The object of the sender An that contains the event data. Initialize the context menu strip for the scrollbar. The context menu strip that need to be displayed. Creates and displays the context menu for the control. The control. Raises the event. The object of the sender. The that contains event data. Occurs when the time tick is performed. The object of the sender. Performs the scrolling based on the moved region. The region of the scrollbar that needs to be scrolled. Performs the mouse click on left thumb region. The object of the sender An that contains the event data. Performs the mouse click on max region. The object of the sender An that contains the event data. Performs the mouse click on min button. The object of the sender. An that contains the event data. Performs the mouse click on max button. The object of the sender An that contains the event data. Defines the moved position of the cursor. The point which need to be in the moved region. Defines the moved position of the cursor. X coordinate of mouse. Y coordinate of mouse. Sets value without raising the ValueChanged event. The value that need to be set for the scrollbar. Defines pressed region. The X co-ordinate. The Y co-ordinate. Returns the pressed region. Updates the scrollbar value based on the given ScrollBarRegion. The that contains event data. The in which the mouse down is occurs. Occurs when the Value property is changed. Occurs when the scrolling is performed. Occurs when the context menu is showing for the control. Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the property when the scroll box is moved a large distance. When the user clicks the scroll bar, Maximum button or minimum button, the property changes according to the value set in the property. Gets or sets the upper limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets or sets the lower limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets or sets a value to be added or subtracted from the Value property when the scroll box is moved a small distance. When the user clicks the scroll bar, Maximum button or minimum button , the property changes according to the value set in the property. Gets or sets a numeric value that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the scroll bar thumb can be enabled or not. Default value is true. Gets or sets a value indicating whether minimum arrow can be enabled or not. Default value is true. Gets or sets a value indicating whether maximum arrow can be enabled or not. Default value is true. Gets or sets the with settings that control the appearance of the scroll bar. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the accessibility is enabled for the control or not. Gets the orientation of the scrolling. Gets the current mouse location. Gets the rectangle regions of the scrollbar elements. Gets or sets the value for the control. Specifies the default thumb width. Specifies the location of the mouse click on the thumb. The default size of the scrollbar. The attached SfScrollControl; Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The for the horizontal scrollbar. Initializes a new instance of the class. The for the horizontal scrollbar. Instance of the SfScrollControl. Gets the style of the Returns the ScrollControl' horizontal scrollbar style. Gets value by cursor position. The x position of the scrollbar. The y position of the scrollbar. Returns the value of the given point. Recalculates the arrow positions of the scrollbar. Recalculates the thumb positions of the scrollbar. Gets the maximum button. Returns the maximum scroll button. Gets the Minimum scroll button. Returns the minimum scroll button. Occurs while moving the mouse position on the scrollbar. The location of the x co-ordinate. The location of the y co-ordinate. Calculates the delta value of x. The x position of the mouse cursor. The y position of the mouse cursor. Occurs while clicking the ScrollHere menu item. The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Occurs while clicking on the PageDown or Right menu items. The sender of the event. An that contains event data. Occurs while clicking the PageUp or Left menu items. The sender of the event. The that contains event data. Calculates the positions of the Arrow button. Calculates the bounds for leftThumb and rightThumb region of the scrollbar. Gets the default size of the horizontal scrollbar. Provides a class that contains properties to get the localized string for the based on the current culture. Gets the localized string for ScrollHere item of ScrollBar ContextMenu. Gets the localized string for ScrollUp item of ScrollBar ContextMenu. Gets the localized string for ScrollDown item of ScrollBar ContextMenu. Gets the localized string for PageUp item of ScrollBar ContextMenu. Gets the localized string for PageDown item of ScrollBar ContextMenu. Gets the localized string for Top item of ScrollBar ContextMenu. Gets the localized string for Bottom item of ScrollBar ContextMenu. Gets the localized string for ScrollLeft item of ScrollBar ContextMenu. Gets the localized string for ScrollRight item of ScrollBar ContextMenu. Gets the localized string for PageLeft item of ScrollBar ContextMenu. Gets the localized string for PageRight item of ScrollBar ContextMenu. Gets the localized string for LeftEdge item of ScrollBar ContextMenu. Gets the localized string for RightEdge item of ScrollBar ContextMenu. Represents a class that holds the properties of the scrollbar. Specifies whether the scrollbar is the attached scrollbar or not. The scrollbar base that needs to be wrapped. Holds the custom attached scrollbar. Holds the attached system scrollbar. Initializes a new instance of the class. The scrollbar. Attach the scroll events of the given scrollbar to the scroll control. The scrollbar that need to be attached. Remove the scroll events of the attached scrollbars. Initializes the values of the attached scrollbar. Raises the ValueChanged event. The object of the sender. The that contains event data. Raises the event of the scrollbar. The object of the sender. The that contains event data. Occurs when the value property is changed. Occurs when the scrolling is done on the scrollbar. Gets the reference to the scrollbar. Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a large distance. Gets or sets the upper limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets or sets a lower limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets or sets the value to be added or subtracted from the Value property when the scroll box is moved a small distance. Gets or sets the numeric value that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the scrollbar can be enabled. Represents a base class for the controls that supports scrolling. Provides the functionalities for the control to have BeginUpdate and EndUpdate options. Suspends updating the component. An internal counter will be increased if called multiple times. Resumes updating the component. If was called multiple times, an internal counter is decreased. Gets a value indicating whether was called. Specifies the semaphore for the auto scroll timer. Specifies the cursor that needs to set for the scroll control. Specifies the parent form of the scroll control. Specifies the repeat scroll timer message for the control. Specifies the auto scroll bounds of the control. Holds the default auto scrolling mode of the control. Specifies the auto scroll margin for the control. Specifies the timer for the repeat scrolling. Holds the horizontal scrollbar. Holds the vertical scrollbar. Holds the reader mode scroll controller. Specifies the size box that needs to be added to the scroll control. Holds the number of updates pending for the control. holds the timer tick for the auto scrolling. Holds the size of the GestureConfig. Holds the size of the GestureInfo. Holds the value of the vertical scrollbar. Holds the value of the horizontal scrollbar. Specifies the value that needs to be incremented/decremented for vertical scrollbar using the mouse wheel. Specifies the value that needs to be incremented/decremented for horizontal scrollbar using the mouse wheel. Holds the timer count of the auto scroll timer. Holds the starting touch point of the scroll control. Holds the value that indicates whether the horizontal scrollbar can be visible. Holds the value that indicates whether the vertical scrollbar can be visible. Holds the value that indicates whether the auto scrolling is needs to be disabled. Specifies whether the paint pending is available or not. Specifies the value that indicates whether the scroll control is active or not. Holds a value that indicates whether the Scroll control has the focus or not. Specifies whether the control is currently in the DragOver state or not. Specifies whether the auto scrolling is currently in performing on the control or not. Specifies whether the hovering is made on the horizontal scrollbar using the touch. Specifies whether the hovering is made on the vertical scrollbar using the touch. Holds the style info collection for the scroll control elements. Holds the wrapped properties of the horizontal scrollbar. Holds the wrapped properties of the vertical scrollbar. Holds the timespan for the auto scrolling interval. Initializes a new instance of the class. Suspends the painting of the control until the method is called. Resumes the painting of the control suspended by calling the BeginUpdate method. Scrolls the contents of the control based on the given values. Returns the rectangle region that is scrolled. The x amount that need to be scrolled. The y amount that need to be scrolled on vertical direction. The bounds that need to be scrolled. The ClipRectangle. Specifies the value for update the window after the scrolling or not. Synchronize the scrollbar regions to reflect the changes. Helps to apply the ThemeName settings in control The ThemeName. Helps to apply the ControlName settings in control The ControlName. Returns the control name. Increase the scrollbar SmallChange to perform the accelerated scrolling. The that need to be accelerate. The time count. Wires the scroll events. Unwire the ScrollEvent. Stops the auto scrolling timer. Overrides the WndProc method. An Window message. To handle the window messages internally for the Touch, ContextMenu and painting operations. Raises the and event when theme name changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Updates the parent form of the control. An that contains event data. Disposes the unused resources. Specifies whether to dispose both managed and unmanaged resources or only the unmanaged resources. Performs the mouse wheel scrolling when the event is occur. An that contains event data. Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and the mouse button is pressed. The that contains event data. Occurs when mouse up is performed on the control. The that contains event data. Starts the auto scrolling when the mouse pointer is moved away from the scroll bounds. The that contains event data. Sets the default cursor when the mouse pointer leaves the control. An that contains event data. Stops the auto scroll timer when the mouse pointer is moves over the control. An that contains event data. Occurs when the control's display required redraw. An that contains the event data. Occurs when the control is entered. An that contains event data. Occurs when the input focus leaves the control. An that contains event data. Occurs while invalidating is called for the control. The that contains event data. Occurs when the control finished the validating. An that contains event data. Occurs when the control loses focus. An that contains event data. Occurs when the control receives focus. An that contains event data. Occurs when the control is removed from the . The that contains event data. Wires the and events of the added control. The that contains event data. Updates the scrollbar locations when the property value is changed. An that contains event data. Updates the scrollbar locations when the property is changed. An that contains event data. Wire the parent forms event when the . An that contains event data. Update the scrollbars when the event is occured. An that contains event data. Starts the auto scrolling timer when the mouse is dragging over the control. The that contains event data. Occurs on Changing the RTL mode of the control. An that contains event data. Starts the AutoScroll timer. The message to be sent to the current control. Starts the AutoScroll timer. The message to be sent to the current control. The initial interval for sending messages. Overridden to update the Accessibility object of the SfScrollControl. Returns the accessibility object of the SfScrollControl Invalidates the Scroll window. The Rectangle region that need to be invalidate. Initially save the current scrollbar values when begin the panning operation. Touch begin position. return true Adjust the horizontal and vertical scrollbar values based on current touch position. The current touch position. Used to decide whether to perform swipe or pan operation. Returns true. After panning operation completes save the current scroll bar values. The touch end position. Return true. Raises the event. The that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains event data. Sets the current mouse cursor. The Window message. Occurs when the horizontal scrollbar value is changed. Occurs when the vertical scrollbar value is changed. Raises the event for horizontal scroll. The that contains the event data. Raises the event for vertical scroll. The that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. The that contains the event data. Raises the event. This method is called when the control or any child control gets focus and this control did not have focus before. Raises the event. This method is called when the control or any child control loses focus and the new focused control is not a child of this control. Creates a value for use as an lParam parameter in a message. Returns the LPARAM value. The lower order value. The higher order value. Gets the resolved scrollbar value based on the min, max values of the scrollbar. The ScrollProperties of the scrollbar. The value that needs to be resolved. Returns the resolved scrollbar value. Occurs when the user is enters to the parent form. An object of the sender. An that contains event data. Raises the event. The object of the sender. The that contains the event data. Handles the of the horizontal scrollbar. The source of the event. An that contains the event data. Handles the of the vertical scrollbar. The source of the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. The object of the sender.. The that contains the event data. Decode the touch messages to do corresponding operations windows touch messages Return true when the message properly handled otherwise it will be false Display or hides the horizontal and vertical auto scrollbars. True if the horizontal scrollbar should be displayed. True if the vertical scrollbar should be displayed. Elapse the time for scroll event. The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Occurs when the child control got the focus. The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Occurs when the child lost the focus. The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Sets the focus for the control. Reset the focus for the control. Adjust the location of the SizeGrip. Determines whether the Style should be serialized or not. Returns true if the style need to be serialized otherwise return false. Performs the reader mode mouse scrolling. The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Occurs when scrolling is performed. Occurs when accelerated scrollbar scrolling or mouse drag-scrolling starts. Occurs when the auto scrolling is ends. Occurs after the window has been scrolled. Occurs while the window is being scrolled. Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Gets or sets the direction for automatic scrolling when the user drags the mouse cursor out of the scrolling area. Gets or sets the multiplier for vertical mouse wheel scrolling. Gets or sets the multiplier for horizontal mouse wheel scrolling. Gets the vertical scrollbar settings of the control. Gets the horizontal scrollbar settings of the control. Gets or sets a bounds for the auto scrolling. Gets or sets a default margins for the scrolling area when the user moves the mouse to the margin between InsideScrollBounds and AutoScrollBounds. Gets or sets a style of the ScrollControl components. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the horizontal scroll bar is visible or not. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the vertical scroll bar is visible or not. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the reader mode mouse scrolling is enabled or not. Reader mode shows a special scroll origin icon and scrolls the window in a direction and speed relative to the scroll origin. Gets a value indicating whether the BeginUpdate() has been called and the painting for a control is suspended. Gets the rectangle that represents the client area of the control. Gets or sets the ClientSize of the control based on the visibility of the scrollbars. Gets or sets a value for the auto scrolling. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the accessibility is enabled for the control or not. Gets or sets a cursor that needs to be applied for the scroll control. Gets a value indicating whether the control is currently scrolling and the user drags the mouse outside the inner scrolling area. Changes RTL extended styles and also consider the control's setting. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the AutoScrolling can be enabled. Gets the inside scrolling area. The control will scroll if the user drags the mouse outside this area. Represents the class that provides the method for drawing the size grip. The default style info of the size grip. The attached SfScrollControl; Initializes a new instance of the class. The control that need to be display the size grip. Initializes a new instance of the class. The control that need to be display the size grip. The of the control. Initializes a new instance of the class. The control that need to be display the size grip. The of the control. Gets the style of the . Returns the ScrollControl' size grip style. Overridden to draw the size grip of the control. An that contains event data. Draws the size grip. The of the control. The rectangle region that need to be draw the size grip. The style information of the SizeGrip. Gets or sets the style for drawing the size grip. Implements the functionalities that provides a StyleInfoBase object for ScrollBarStyleInfo properties in a ScrollBar. Holds the default style info of the scrollbar. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Gets the default value for the ScrollBarStyleInfo. Returns the default value for the ScrollBarStyleInfo object. Determines whether StackedHeaderStyle has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets the default style for the ScrollBarStyleInfo object. Gets or sets the background color for the arrow button. This is applicable for both the Min and Max buttons. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the background color for the arrow button in hovering state. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the background color for the arrow button in pressed state. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the foreground color for the arrow button. This will set the background color for the arrow which is shown in the arrow button. This is applicable for both the Min and Max buttons. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the foreground color for the arrow button in hovering state. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the foreground color for the arrow button in pressed state. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the background color for the scrollbar. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the background color for the thumb. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the background color for the thumb in hovering state. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the background color for the thumb in pressed state. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the width of the thumb. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the border background color for the arrow button. Gets or sets the hover border color for the arrow button. Gets or sets the pressed border color for the arrow button. Gets or sets the disabled border color for the arrow button. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets a value for ThumbBorderColor. Gets or sets a value for hover border color of the thumb. Gets or sets a value for pressed border color of the thumb. Gets or sets a value for disabled border color of the thumb. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets a value for ThumbDisabledColor. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the value for ArrowButtonDisabledForeColor. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the value for ArrowButtonDisabledBackColor. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Contains the collection of properties. Gets the value for the ArrowButton BackColor property. Gets the value for the ArrowButton hover BackColor property. Gets the value for the ArrowButton pressed BackColor properly. Gets the value for the ArrowButton ForeColor property. Gets the value for the ArrowButton hover ForeColor property. Gets the value for the ArrowButton pressed ForeColor property. Gets the value for the ScrollBarBackColor property. Gets the value for the ThumbColor property. Gets the value for the ThumbHoverColor property. Gets the value for the ThumbPressedColor property. Gets the value for the ThumbWidth property. Gets the value for the ArrowButtonBorderColor property. Gets the value for the property. Gets the value for the property. Gets the value for the property. Gets the value for the ThumbBorderColor property. Gets the value for the property. Gets the value for the property. Gets the value for the property. Gets the value for ThumbDisabledColor property. Gets the value for ArrowButtonDisabledForeColor property. Gets the value for ArrowButtonDisabledBackColor property. Holds the static data for the Scrollbar style info store. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Creates an exact copy of the current object. Copied object. Initializes the StaticData, if is null. Returns the StaticData. Provides the static data of the ScrollBarStyleInfo. Contains the list of properties that are used to customize the appearance of the scroll control. This contains the elements that are available in the scroll control. i.e. Horizontal scrollbar, Vertical scrol bar and SizeGripper. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new instance of the class. A to create the identity for ScrollBars. Determines whether HorizontalScrollBar has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether VerticalScrollBar has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Override this method to create a product-specific identity object for a sub object. An identity object for a sub object of this style. The . Provide the default style of the . Default style object. Disposes the unused resources. Specifies whether to dispose both managed and unmanaged resources or only the unmanaged resources. Determines whether SizeGrip has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets the default style of the . Gets or sets the for the horizontal scrollbar of the scroll control. Gets or sets the for the vertical scrollbar of the scroll control. Gets or sets the for the size grip of the scroll control. Defines a class that provides style identity information for nested objects of the VisualStyleInfo class of the control. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with a specified. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the StaticData, if is null. Returns the StaticData Gets the static data value of the class. Contains the static data of the SizeGripStyleInfo class. Gets the value of ForeColor property. Gets the value of BackColor property. Gets the value of the ShowResizeGripper property. Holds the static data of the size grip style info. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Creates an exact copy of the current object. Copied object. Initializes the StaticData, if is null. Returns the StaticData. Gets the static data for the SizeGripStyleInfo. Implements the class that provide an identity information of using . Maintains the SfScrollContol for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. Control to create an identity for ScrollBars(HorizontalScrollBar/VerticalScrollBar). Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Implements the functionalities that holds all information stored for a SizeGrip of the scroll control. ScrollBarSizeGripStyleInfo provides user-friendly access to all properties stored in ScrollBarSizeGripStyleInfoStore. Holds the default style info of the Scrollbar size grip. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Gets the default style of the SizeGrip. Returns the default style. Gets the default value for the SizeGripStyleInfo. Gets or sets the fore color for the SizeGrip. Gets a value indicating whether ForeColor property is modified or not. Gets or sets the BackColor for the SizeGrip. Gets a value indicating whether the BackColor property has been modified or not. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the displaying of resize gripper. Gets a value indicating whether the ShowResizeGripper property has been modified or not. Represents a class that is used to draw the vertical scrollbar of the scroll control. The default height of the thumb. Holds the mouse down position on the thumb. The default size of the scrollbar. The attached SfScrollControl; Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The for the vertical scrollbar. Initializes a new instance of the class. The for the vertical scrollbar. Instance of SfScrollControl > Gets the style of the Returns the ScrollControl' vertical scrollbar style. Gets the value of the vertical scrollbar at the given cursor position. The x co-ordinate of the cursor. The y co-ordinate of the cursor. Returns the value of the given co-ordinates. Invalidates the Arrow location. Invalidates the scrollbar thumb location. Calculates the delta value in vertical co-ordinates. The X position of the cursor. The y position of the cursor. Calculates the thumb position on moving the cursor over the scrollbar. The X co-ordinate of the cursor. The Y co-ordinate of the cursor. Occurs while clicking the ScrollHere option from the context menu. The sender of the object. An that contains event data. Occurs while clicking the ScrollDown option from the context menu. The sender of the event. An that contains event data. Occurs while clicking the PageUp option from the context menu. The sender of the event. An that contains event data. Calculating bounds for left and right Thumb regions of the scrollbar. Gets the default size of the vertical scrollbar. Represents the component that manages the scrollbars of the control and assigns the theme-able scrollbars to that control. LargeIcon View small increment value. SmallIcon View small increment value. Tile View small increment value. Details View small increment value. List View small increment value. Represents the instance of the SizeGrip The control that is attached to the SfScrollerFrame. Provides the PreFilterMessage for handling the WndProc messages of the attached control. The style of the scroller frame. Represents the struct that holds the details of the horizontal scrollbar. Represents the struct that holds the details of the vertical scrollbar. Represents the struct that holds the details of the horizontal scroll info. Represents the struct that holds the details of the vertical scroll info. Initializes a new instance of the class. Helps to apply the ThemeName settings in control The ThemeName. Helps to apply the ControlName settings in control The ControlName. Returns the control name. Forces the scroller frame to update the attached scrollbars and immediately redraw its scrollbars. Updates the SfScrollerFrame based on the WndProc message of the parent control. The that passed to the parent control. Return true when the message is need to be forward to the parent, otherwise return false. Updates the scrollbar location based on the system scrollbars of the attached control. Updates the small increment value for the List view. Raises the and event when theme name changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Updates the SfScrollerFrame based on the WndProc message of the parent control. The that passed to the parent control. Return true when the message is need to be forward to the parent, otherwise return false. Disposes the unused resources. Specifies whether to dispose both managed and unmanaged resources or only the unmanaged resources. Updates the scrollbar values based on the scroll info. The scrollbar that need to be updated. The scroll info of the attached control. Attaches the given control to the SfScrollerFrame. The that need to be attached. Occurs when the value is changed for the horizontal scrollbar The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Occurs when the value is changed for the vertical scrollbar The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Updates the visibility of the scrollbars when the attached control's visibility is changed. The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Occurs when the parent of the attached control is changed. The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Updates the when changing the RTL mode of the parent control. The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Removes the scrollbars when the attached controls handle is destroyed. The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Performs the AttachFrmae when the handle is created for the attached control. The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Attaches the scrollbars to the parent control. Updates the scrollbars parent control. Synchronizes the horizontal and vertical scrollbars. Removes the from the attached control. Removes the scrollbars when the attached controls parent handle is destroyed. Updates the visibility of the scrollbars. Represents the visibility of the scrollbars. When its set to true, It will update the parent scrollbars visibility. Otherwise it will hides the scrollbars. Performs the scrolling of the attached control through the SfScrollbars. The object of the sender. The that contains event data. Performs the scrolling of the attached list view control. The that contains event data. The native scroll info of the attached control. The integer value that specifies the scrollbar type. Gets the scroll value of the list view. The that contains event data. The of that need to be scrolled. The native scroll info of the control. The value that is used to calculate the scroll position in DetailsView of list view. Return the scroll value of the list view. Occurs when style is changed. The changed style object. The that contains the event data. Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Gets the vertical scrollbar of the attached scroller frame. Gets the horizontal scrollbar of the attached scroller frame. Gets or sets the control to attach the scroll frame. The can be attached to a control which is derived from the or if the WS_HSCROLL and WS_VSCROLL window styles are enabled for that control. Gets or sets the with settings that control the appearance of the . Gets a value indicating whether the horizontal scrollbar is visible for the attached control. Gets the SizeGrip of the ScrollFrame Gets a value indicating whether the vertical scrollbar is visible for the attached control. Implements the class that provide an identity information of using . Maintains the SfScrollFrame for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. Control to create an identity for ScrollFrame. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Provides the a NativeWindow that used to pre-filter the WndProc messages of the given handle. Its used to updated the scroll positions and the scrolling of the attached control to the SfScrollerFrame. Message filter for the native windows. Initializes a new instance of the class. Window Handle. Override the WndProc method. The window message that need to be processed. Gets or sets the reference of the message filter instance. Implements the for control. Designer ActionList collection. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a designer action list collection to provide the designer action support for control. Defines a class which implements the that supports the actions performed in the designer window of the control. Defines a class which implements the that supports the actions performed in the designer window of the control. The string value contains the documentation link details. The string value contains the forum link details. The string value contains the online link details. Initializes a new instance of the class. A component related to the . Returns the collection of objects contained in the list. A array that contains the in this list. Used to add the default action items to be displayed in smart tag panel. Collection of ActionItems of the SmartTag panel. returns the array that contains the of the SmartTag panel. Opens the User Guide documentation for WindowsForms link. Opens the Forums for WindowsForms link. Opens the Direct-Trac login link. Used to open the provided link. The link to be opened in browser. Gets or sets the link for Online Documentation. Gets or sets the link for Forums. Gets or sets the Direct-Trac Login link. Initializes a new instance of the class. A component related to the . Returns the collection of objects contained in the list. A array that contains the in this list. Returns the value from the component based on the given property name. The name of the property used to get the property descriptor. Returns the property descriptor value. Initialize the value to the of the component based on the property name. The property name used to initialize the value. The object value to initialize the of the component. Gets the value of the of the component based on the property name. The string value used to get the value of the component. Returns the object value from component. Gets or sets the name of the control. Gets or sets the text value of the control. Changing this property's value at runtime raises the TextChanged event. If the property is set to true, can use the rich text value to show the button caption. A string value representing the button's caption. Gets or sets the image of the control. An object representing the image to be displayed on the button. The default value is null. The allows to animate, when set the animated GIF file to property and enable the property is true. The button's image can also be specified using the ImageList and ImageIndex properties. Assign an image collection to the button's ImageList property and then use the ImageIndex property to specify the index of the image to display. Gets or sets the image alignment value of the control. One of the System.Drawing.ContentAlignment values. The default value is MiddleCenter. Gets or sets the text alignment value of the control. One of the System.Drawing.ContentAlignment values. The default value is MiddleCenter. Gets or sets the back color of the control. This color has filled to background of the button only when set the property to GradientStyle.None or property to null. Gets or sets the fore color of the control. A value representing the foreground color of the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the has show focus rectangle when receive focus. The value that specifies whether the dotted focus rectangle is displayed within the SimpleButton when it has focus. The default value is true. Represents a class that draws the control. The value contains any right alignment combination. The value contains any bottom alignment combination. The value contains any center alignment combination. The value contains any middle alignment combination. The control. The rectangle area to draw the text. The alignment of the text. The rectangle area to draw the image. Initializes a new instance of the class. A instance. Clean up the unmanaged resources. Draws the control. The graphics object to draw. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Calculates the background rectangle area. The button client area. The integer value contains the border width. Returns the calculated background rectangle value. Calculate the between space value based on the position and size. A integer value indicates the position. A size value used to calculate the displace value. The client size value used to calculate the displace value. Returns the between space value. Calculate the bounds based on the horizontal or vertical alignment. The size value used to calculate the bounds. The rectangle value used to calculate the bounds. The alignment value used to calculate bounds. The boolean value used to calculate bounds in horizontal or vertical direction. Returns the calculated bounds value. Gets the alignment in the right to left mode. A alignment value to convert in Right to left mode. Returns the alignment in the right to left mode. Calculate the between space value based on the alignment and size values. The alignment flag value to calculate the position. A size value used to calculate the displace value. The client size value used to calculate the displace value. Returns the between space value. Gets the alignment flag value based on the TextImageRelation value. The alignment value. The relation between the text and image. The boolean value used to specify the vertical alignment of text and image. The flag value based on the alignment. Calculate the displacement value of the image based on the image and text alignment. The image alignment flag value used to calculate the displacement value. The text alignment flag value used to calculate the displacement value. The image size used to calculate the image displacement value. The text size used to calculate the image displacement value. The client size value used to calculate the displacement value. Returns the image displacement value. Calculate the displacement value of the text based on the image and text alignment. The image alignment flag value used to calculate the displacement value. The text alignment flag value used to calculate the displacement value. The image size used to calculate the text displacement value. The text size used to calculate the text displacement value. The client size value used to calculate the image displacement value. Returns the text displacement value. Calculate the rectangle value based on the alignment, size and rectangle. A alignment value used to calculate the bounds. A rectangle value used to calculate the bounds. A size value used to calculate the bounds. Returns the calculated bounds value. To return if the default language is uisng or not string used to find out the default language or not Returns the default language. Draws the border of the based on the property. The graphics object to draw. Draws the focus rectangle when control got focused and the property is true. The graphics used to draw the focus rectangle. Calculates the border rectangle based on the border of the . The rectangle area to draw the button. Returns the calculated border rectangle value. Calculates the focused rectangle based on the border width. The rectangle area to draw the button. Returns the focused rectangle area. Draws the control background. The graphics object to draw. Draws the image on the control based on its image customization. The graphics object used to draw the text. The bounds to be used when rendering the image. Image to render. Draws the text on the control based on its text customization. The graphics object to draw. Calculates the bounds of the image based on the alignment, size and padding values. Calculate the bounds of the image and text based on the property. The graphics value used to calculate text and image bounds. Calculate the text and image bounds based on the alignment flags and size values. The graphics value used to calculate text and image bounds. The integer value specifies the alignment flag value of image. The integer value contains the alignment flag value of text. A boolean value specifies the vertical or horizontal alignment of image and text. The image size used to calculate the text and image bounds. The text size used to calculate the text and image bounds. The client size used to calculate the text and image bounds. The border size used to calculate the text and image bounds. Calculate the text and image bounds when image drawn before the text. The graphics value used to calculate text and image bounds. The integer value contains the image alignment flag. The integer value indicates the text alignment flag. The boolean value specifies the alignment of the image and text relation. The image size used to calculate the text and image bounds. The text size used to calculate the text and image bounds. The client size used to calculate the text and image bounds. The border size used to calculate the text and image bounds. Calculates the bounds of the text based on the alignment and padding. The graphics to calculate text size. Calculates the size of the text based on the given size information. A size value used to calculate the text size. The graphics context. Returns the size of the text. Gets the image that is displayed on a button control based on the state. Gets a image fore color value based on the button state. Gets a based on the current button state. Gets a border value based on the current button state. Represents a button control with advanced customization options on background, text, border and image, etc. This example shows how to initialize the control. //Initializing new instance of the SfButton. SfButton sfButton1 = new SfButton(); //Initialize the location for the SfButton. sfButton1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(348, 71); //Initialize the name of the SfButton. sfButton1.Name = "sfButton1"; //Initialize the size of the SfButton. sfButton1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(94, 30); //Initialize the text value of the SfButton. sfButton1.Text = "sfButton1"; The value contains the update count. It stores the value of the property. It stores the value of the property. A instance of the used to draw the button control. Specifies the current state the button control. Specifies whether the tool tip has shown on the button. The text tool tip value that can be used to draw on the button. It stores the value of the property. It stores the value of the property. It stores the value of the property. It stores the value of the property. Indicating whether image has currently animating on the button control. It contains the value of the property. It stores the value of the property. It stores the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the VisualTheme property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. The constructor initializes the created button with default settings. Filters out a message before it is dispatched. The message to be dispatched. You cannot modify this message. true to filter the message and stop it from being dispatched; false to allow the message to continue to the next filter or control. Suspends the painting of the control until the method is called. //Suspend updating the button. sfButton1.BeginUpdate(); //Initialize styles changes to the button. sfButton1.Style.BackColor = Color.Gray; sfButton1.Style.ForeColor = Color.Black; //Resume updating the button and update the above changes. sfButton1.EndUpdate(); Resumes the painting of the control suspended by calling the BeginUpdate method. //Suspend updating the button. sfButton1.BeginUpdate(); //Initialize styles changes to the button. sfButton1.Style.BackColor = Color.Gray; sfButton1.Style.ForeColor = Color.Black; //Resume updating the button and update the above changes. sfButton1.EndUpdate(); Gets the active theme name of the button control. Returns the active theme name. Invalidate the control when animation image frame change. The sender. A contains the event data. Forces the control to invalidate its client area when updateCount value is less than or equal to zero. Gets a value indicating whether the control should display focus rectangles. True if the control should display focus rectangles; otherwise, false. Cleans up any resources being used by the class. True to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Override the method to draw the customized button. If the is not customized then raises the method. A that contains the event data. Overridden to update the accessibility object for the SfButton. Returns the accessibility object for the SfButton. Get the text value without the Mnemonics character. The text with mnemonics character. Returns the text without mnemonics character. Begin the animation of the animated image. Occurs before a ToolTip is initially displayed. The source of the event. A contains event data. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the boolean value indicating whether the mouse point is inside the button control. Returns true if the mouse point inside the button, otherwise returns false. Raises the and event when theme name changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a dotted focus rectangle is displayed within the when it has focus. The default value is false. The value that specifies whether the dotted focus rectangle is displayed within the SimpleButton when it has focus. The default value is true. Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the button. Gets or sets the value for the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can respond to user interaction. True if the control can respond to user interaction; otherwise, false. The default value is true. Gets a value indicating whether the BeginUpdate() has been called and the painting for a control is suspended. True if the control is currently updating, otherwise false. Gets or sets the background color of the button control. This color has filled to background of the button only when set the property to GradientStyle.None or property to null. Gets or sets the foreground color of the button control. A value representing the foreground color of the control. Gets or sets the text to be displayed on the button. Changing this property's value at runtime raises the TextChanged event. If the property is set to true, can use the rich text value to show the button caption. A string value representing the button's caption. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the rich text has been displayed on the button. True, if the current button caption can show the rich text, otherwise false. The default value is false. The button will display the rich text only when set the value as rich text. //Initialize the AllowRichText property to true. sfButton1.AllowRichText = true; //Initialize the rich text value to button sfButton1.Text = "{\\rtf1\\ansi \\i This is boldText \\b Draw in the button}"; Gets or sets the margin of the text on the button control. A representing the space between text and image or border of the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ellipsis character (...) appears at the right edge of the control, denoting that the control text extends beyond the specified length of the control. True if the additional label text is to be indicated by an ellipsis; otherwise, false. The default is true. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text has been wrapped on the button control. True if the text should wrap to the available layout rectangle otherwise, false. Default value is false. The text will be wrapped only when the is false. Gets or sets the padding within the button control. A representing the control's internal spacing characteristics. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the button resizes based on its contents. The default value is false. true if the control automatically resizes based on its contents; otherwise, false. The default is true. Gets a value indicating whether to use the class (GDI+) to rendering text. The control does not provide support the GDI drawing. Gets or sets the size of the image that will be displayed on the control. Gets or sets the margin of the image on the button control. A representing the space between image and text or border of the control. Gets or sets the image that is displayed on a button control. The default value is null. An object representing the image to be displayed on the button. The default value is null. The allows to animate, when set the animated GIF file to property and enable the property is true. The button's image can also be specified using the ImageList and ImageIndex properties. Assign an image collection to the button's ImageList property and then use the ImageIndex property to specify the index of the image to display. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the image has been animate in the button. If true, the button allows to animate the image, otherwise it does not allow the button animate the image. The default value is
The allows to animate when set the animated GIF file to property. Other images like , , and images are not allow to animate.
Gets or sets the that contains the displayed on a button control. The default value is null. After assign an image source to the ImageList property, use the ImageIndex property to specify the image to be displayed within the button. Gets or sets the image layout as defined in the enumeration used to draw the image within the button. The default value is ImageLayout.None. Gets the appearance of the border and the colors used to indicate check state and mouse state. Gets or sets the position of text and image relative to each other. The enumeration that specifies how the button's image is aligned relative to the button's text. The default value is TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText Gets or sets a value indicating whether the accessibility is enabled for the control or not. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a theme style has been applied to the control. The default value is true. Gets or sets the theme name of the button control. The default value is null. The theme will be applied only when the particular theme for this control has included the Themes assembly. Gets or sets a value indicating whether control elements styles can be overridden by theme style settings. Default value is false. By default, the control's element styles will not be overridden by theme style settings if the style is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, element style will be overridden by theme style settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before calling the ThemeName property of the control. Gets the name of the control. Gets or sets the BaseThemeName of the theme Gets or sets the VisualTheme of the SfListView control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the alt key has been pressed. Gets a value indicating whether the button control is currently in design mode. Gets or sets a current state of the button control. Gets or sets the BaseThemeName of the control. Gets or sets the visualTheme of the control, which holds the ThemeName applied from SkinManager Returns the default size of the control. Gets a value indicating whether the visual style based theme is applied to the control and also indicates whether the theme files are referred from external assemblies or not. Return true, if the visual style based theme is applied to the control. Otherwise returns false. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents the class to define the style for control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the background color of the control. The value is used to fill the background of the button. This color has filled to background of the button only when set the property to null. Gets or sets the background color of the control in pressed state. The value is used to fill the background of the button. This color has filled to background of the button only when set the property to null. Gets or sets the background color of the control in mouse hover state. The value is used to fill the background of the button. This color has filled to background of the button only when set the property to null. Gets or sets the fore color of the control in focused state. The value is used to fill the background of the button. This color has filled to background of the button only when set the property to null. Gets or sets the background color of the control in the disabled state. The value is used to fill the background of the button. This color has filled to background of the button only when set the property to null. Gets or sets the fore color value of the control. The value is used to draw the text of the button. The text will draw on the button by using this color value, when the button state is default. Gets or sets the fore color value of the control in pressed state The text will draw on the button by using this color value, when the button state is pressed. Gets or sets the fore color value of the control in focused state. The value is used to draw the text of the button. The text will draw on the button by using this color value, when the button state is focused. Gets or sets the fore color value of the control in hover state. The value is used to draw the text of the button. The text will draw on the button by using this color value, when the button state is hover. Gets or sets the fore color value of the control in disabled state. The value is used to draw the text of the button. The text will draw on the button by using this color value, when the button state is disabled. Gets or sets the used to fill the background of the control in default state. The default value is null. If this value is null, the is used to fill the background of the button in default state. This example shows how to initialize the property. // Initialize the gradient brush value to SfButton. sfButton1.Style.GradientBrush = new Syncfusion.WinForms.Core.BrushInfo(Syncfusion.WinForms.Core.GradientStyle.BackwardDiagonal, new Color[] { Color.Red, Color.Green }); Gets or sets the used to fill the background of the control in pressed state. The default value is null. If this value is null, the is used to fill the background of the button in pressed state. This example shows how to initialize the property. // Initialize the pressed gradient brush value to SfButton. sfButton1.Style.PressedGradientBrush = new Syncfusion.WinForms.Core.BrushInfo(Syncfusion.WinForms.Core.GradientStyle.BackwardDiagonal, new Color[] { Color.Red, Color.Green }); Gets or sets the used to fill the background of the control in hover state. The default value is null. If this value is null, the is used to fill the background of the button in hover state. This example shows how to initialize the property. // Initialize the hover gradient brush value to SfButton. sfButton1.Style.HoverGradientBrush = new Syncfusion.WinForms.Core.BrushInfo(Syncfusion.WinForms.Core.GradientStyle.BackwardDiagonal, new Color[] { Color.Red, Color.Green }); Gets or sets the used to fill the background of the control in focused state. The default value is null. If this value is null, the is used to fill the background of the button in focused state. This example shows how to initialize the property. // Initialize the focused gradient brush value to SfButton. sfButton1.Style.FocusedGradientBrush = new Syncfusion.WinForms.Core.BrushInfo(Syncfusion.WinForms.Core.GradientStyle.BackwardDiagonal, new Color[] { Color.Red, Color.Green }); Gets or sets the used to fill the background of the control in disabled state. The default value is null. If this value is null, the is used to fill the background of the button in disabled state. This example shows how to initialize the property. // Initialize the disabled gradient brush value to SfButton. sfButton1.Style.DisabledGradientBrush = new Syncfusion.WinForms.Core.BrushInfo(Syncfusion.WinForms.Core.GradientStyle.BackwardDiagonal, new Color[] { Color.Red, Color.Green }); Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control in default state. The value is used to draw the border of the button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control in pressed state. The value is used to draw the border of the button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control in hover state. The value is used to draw the border of the button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control in disabled state. The value is used to draw the border of the button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control in focused state. The value is used to draw the border of the button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the image that is displayed on a button control in default state. The value used to displayed on the button. The default value is null. The allows to animate, when set the animated GIF file to property and enable the property is true. Gets or sets the image that is displayed on a button control in hover state. The value used to displayed on the button. The default value is null. The does not allows to animate, when set the animated GIF file to property and even the property is true. If the property is animated GIF file then this property not used in button. Gets or sets the image that is displayed on a button control in pressed state. The value used to displayed on the button. The default value is null. The does not allows to animate, when set the animated GIF file to property and even the property is true. If the property is animated GIF file then this property not used in button. Gets or sets the image that is displayed on a button control in focused state. The value used to displayed on the button. The default value is null. The does not allows to animate, when set the animated GIF file to property and even the property is true. If the property is animated GIF file then this property not used in button. Gets or sets the image that is displayed on a button control in disabled state. The value used to displayed on the button. The default value is null. The does allows to animate, when set the animated GIF file to property and even the property is true. If the property is animated GIF file then this property not used in button. Gets or sets the fore color of the image that will be displayed on the control in default state. The value is used to draw the image. The default value is Color.Empty. Gets or sets the fore color of the image that will be displayed on the control in hover state. The value is used to draw the image. The default value is Color.Empty. Gets or sets the fore color of the image that will be displayed on the control in pressed state. The value is used to draw the image. The default value is Color.Empty. Gets or sets the fore color of the image that will be displayed on the control in focused state. The value is used to draw the image on focused state of the button. The default value is Color.Empty. Gets or sets the fore color of the image that will be displayed on the control in disabled state. The value is used to draw the image. The default value is Color.Empty. Gets or sets the Padding value of the control. Gets a value indicating whether padding has been initialized for the control. Gets a value indicating whether the Image property has been initialized for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the Image property has been initialized for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the PressedImage property has been initialized for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the FocusedImage property has been initialized for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the DisabledImage property has been initialized for the current object. Gets or sets color of the border Gets or sets hover color of the border Gets or sets pressed color of the border Gets or sets focused color of the border Gets or sets disabled color of the border Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the SfDataGrid for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents the static class the contains the methods for painting the checkbox. Draws the check box for the cell. The that used to draw the check box. The bounds of the check box. The state of the check box. The style for the check box. Get the checkbox size based on the given value. The value. Returns the checkbox size. Represents a class that provides the various options for drawing the images and icons. The bitmap cache. The manifest to load from. The bitmaps should be saved in the Resources tree in the Visual Studio project with the build action set to "Embedded Resource". The assembly to load from. The bitmaps should be saved in the Resources tree in Visual Studio project with the build action set to "Embedded Resource". Initializes a new instance of the class, with manifestPrefix and a reference to the assembly to load bitmaps from. The manifest to load from. The bitmaps should be saved in the Resources tree in the Visual Studio project with the build action set to "Embedded Resource". The assembly to load from. The bitmaps should be saved in the Resources tree in Visual Studio project with the build action set to "Embedded Resource". Paints the bitmap by substituting black pixels with a new color. A graphics object used to draw the bitmap. A rectangle which contains the boundary data. A point that specifies pixels to offset the bitmap from its origin point. The bitmap to be drawn on the screen. The new color used to substitute black pixels. Returns a rectangle which contains the boundary data of the drawn bitmap. Paints the bitmap by substituting old color with a new color. A graphics object used to draw the bitmap. A rectangle which contains the boundary data. A point that specifies pixels to offset the bitmap from its origin point. The bitmap to be drawn on the screen. The new color used to substitute old color. The old color value. A rectangle which contains the boundary data of the drawn bitmap. Draws the image on the given graphics based on the image layout type and rectangle values. A graphics object used to draw the image. A image used to draw on the graphics. Image layout of the image to draw. A rectangle area where need to draw the image. The offset value used to adjust the image location. A boolean value indicates the right to left mode. Draws the image on the given graphics based on the image layout type, rectangle and image attribute values. A graphics object used to draw the image. A image value. Image layout of the image. A rectangle area where need to draw the image. The offset value. A boolean value indicates the right to left mode. A image attribute value. Draws the grayed image at the specified coordinates. A context. A context. The integer value indicates the left position of the image. The integer value indicates the top position of the image. Draws the image based on the greyScale value. A context. A context. The integer value indicates the left position of the image. The integer value indicates the top position of the image. The float value indicates the gray scale value of the image. Draws the grayed image from source rectangle to destination rectangle. A context. A context. The destination rectangle. The source rectangle. Draws the grayed image from source rectangle to destination rectangle based on the gray Scale value. A context. A context. The destination rectangle. The source rectangle. The gray scale value. Draws the transparent image at specified position based on the transparency value. A context. A context. A context. A transparency value. The transparency should be in the range 0 to 1. Draws the transparent image at specified rectangle based on the transparency value. A context. A context. A context. A transparency value. The transparency should be in the range 0 to 1. Draws the image with shadow at specified coordinates based on the shadowScale and shadowOffset values. A context. A context. A context. A shadow scale value used to specify the shadow level.The shadowScale should be in the range 0 to 1. A shadow offset value. This value is must be greater than zero. A value. Draws the image with shadow at specified coordinates based on the shadowScale and shadowOffset values. A context. A context. The integer value indicates the left position of the image. The integer value indicates the top position of the image. The integer value indicates the width of the image. The integer value indicates the height of the image. A shadow scale value used to specify the shadow level.The shadow scale should be in the range 0 to 1. A shadow offset value. A specifies options to draw shadow. Draws the image with shadow at specified position based on the shadowScale and shadowOffset values. A context. A context. A point value holds the image location. A shadow scale value used to specify the shadow level.The shadowScale should be in the range 0 to 1. A shadow offset value. A specifies options to draw shadow. Draws the rotated image at specified location based on the angle information. A context. A context. A angle value. A value. Draws the image represented by the specified within the area specified by a structure. A handle to the device context. A context. A context. Draws an image to graphics context using the native methods. A handle to the device context. A value. A context. Draws an image from the based on the specified index. A handle to the device context. The containing the images. The index of the image. The rectangle into which to draw. Gets a bitmap from cache or loads bitmap from manifest on first use. The bitmap name. Reference to bitmap; NULL if bitmap failed to load. Loads the bitmap from the manifest and paints it by substituting black pixels with a new color. A graphics object used to draw the bitmap. A rectangle which contains the boundary data. A point that specifies pixel to offset the bitmap from its origin point. The name of the bitmap. The new color used to substitute black pixels. Loads the bitmap from the manifest and paints it by substituting old color with a new color. A graphics object used to draw the bitmap. A rectangle which contains the boundary data. A point that specifies pixel to offset the bitmap from its origin point. The name of the bitmap. The new color used to substitute black pixels. The old color value. Calculates rectangle to draw on it image, depending on imageLayout. A rectangle value used to calculate the image bounds. A image used to calculate the bounds. Image layout of the image. Returns a rectangle value. Returns the rotated image based on the angle information. The bitmap image which need to rotate. The rotation angle. Returns the rotated image Calculates the shadow location based on the rectangle, shadow offset and shadow option values. The rectangle value used to calculate the shadow rectangle. The ShadowOption used to calculate the shadow rectangle. The integer value used to initialize the shadow width. Returns the calculated shadow location. Calculates the color matrix value based on the shadow scale value. The value indicates the shadow scale. Returns the color matrix value based on the shadow scale value. Calculates the transparent color matrix value based on the shadow scale. The value used to calculate the transparent matrix. Returns the transparent color matrix value. Calculates the color matrix value based on the gray scale value. The value is used to calculates the color matrix. Returns the calculated color matrix value based on the gray scale value. Creates a TextureBrush value for the image based on the offset value. The image used to create a texture brush. The offset value used to calculate Returns the TextBrush value based on the image and offset value. Calculate the image rectangle value based on the ImageLayout.Center position. The intersect rectangle contains the original rectangle and client rectangle. /// The rectangle contains the original rectangle and client rectangle. Returns the image rectangle value. A helper class that provides the options for converting the actual rectangle to right to left mode rectangle. Gets an equivalent rectangle value for the right to left mode. The context. The size value. Returns the rectangle value for the RightToLeft mode. Gets an equivalent rectangle value for the right to left mode. Based on the offset value the right to left mode rectangle has calculated. The context. The size value. The offset value used to calculate the rectangle value for right to left mode. Returns the rectangle value for right to left mode. Represents the functionalities that encapsulates the painting logic for a triangle. Maintains the triangle's height ratio. Maintains the triangle's width ratio. Paints a triangle to a given graphics canvas. The context of the canvas. The with the bounds. The which indicates the sort order. Brush to paint the inner region of the triangle. Pen to draw a triangle boundary. Specifies if the triangle should be drawn transparent. Creates the Triangle points. Specifies the direction of Triangle. The with the bounds. Triangle points. Creates the Offset points. Array of triangle points. X-Co ordinate. Y-Co ordinate. Represents a class that provides the animation for an image based on the time-based frames. Specifies the control that needs to show the busy indicator. Specifies whether to calculate the location for the busy indicator or not. Specifies whether the busy indicator needs to be shown or not. Specifies the indicator display location at the attached control. Specifies the image that needs to be displayed as the busy indicator. Specifies the object which helps to Lock the code to avoid exceptions. Initializes a new instance of the class. Shows the busy indicator for the given control. The control which needs to be display the busy indicator. By default, busy Indicator will be displayed at the center of the control until set the property. Displays the busy indicator for the given control with the given image. The control which needs to be display the busy indicator. The image which needs to be shown as the busy indicator. By default, busy Indicator will be displayed at the center of the control until set the property. Displays the busy indicator for the given control at the given location. The control which needs to be display the busy indicator. The location of the busy Indicator. Displays the busy indicator for the given control based on the given image and location The control which needs to be display the busy indicator. The image which needs to be shown as the busy indicator. The location of the busy Indicator. Hides the busy indicator for the control. Releases all resources used by the BusyIndicator. Cleans up any resources being used by the class. True to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Animates the image on the attached control. Occurs on the frequency of the updated frames. The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Draws the busy indicator for the attached control. The object of the sender. Occurs when the attached controls size is change. The object of the sender. An that contains event data. Gets or sets the image for the busy indicator. Gets or sets the location of the busy indicator. Specifies the delegate for drawing the busy indicator asynchronously. The object of the sender. A helper class that provides the functionalities to dispose the object. Releases the all resources that are used by the object. The that need to be disposed. Releases the all resources that are used by the object. The that need to be disposed. Releases the all resources used by the object. The that need to be disposed. Releases the all resources that are used by the object. The that need to be disposed. Releases the all resources that are used by the object. An that need to be disposed. Releases the all resources that are used by the object. The that need to be disposed. A helper class that provides the functionalities for converting the object to the specified type. This will return the null if the object cannot be converted to specified type. Returns an object of the specified type whose value is equivalent to the specified object. The object that need to be convert. The target . It can also be a type. Returns the converted value as object. Returns an object of the specified type whose value is equivalent to the specified object. The value that need to be converted to the target type. The target .It can also be a type. The object. Returns null when the object is not converted to the target type otherwise return the converted value. Changes the DBNull object as null. The object that need to be checked as the DBNull. The target of the object. Returns the DBNull object as null. Returns an object of the specified type whose value is equivalent to the specified object. The value that need to be converted. The target . The object. Returns the converted object. A helper class that provides the functionalities to retrieve information about assemblies, modules, members, parameters, and other entities in managed code. Searches for the specified method, using the specified binding constraints. The type used to get the method. The string containing the name of the method to get. The integer containing the arguments count of the method to get. An object representing the method that matches the specified requirements, if found; otherwise, null. Searches for the specified method, using the specified binding constraints. The type used to get the method. The string containing the name of the method to get. An object representing the method that matches the specified requirements, if found; otherwise, null. name is null. Searches for the specified property, using the specified binding constraints. The type used to get the property. The string containing the name of the property to get. An object representing the property that matches the specified requirements, if found; otherwise, null. name is null. Searches for the specified field, using the specified binding constraints. The type used to get the field. The string containing the name of the field to get. An object representing the field that matches the specified requirements, if found; otherwise, null. name is null. Returns the property value of a specified object. The object whose field value will be returned. The string containing the name of the property or field to get value. The property value of the specified object. Sets the property value of a specified object. The object whose property value will be set. The name of the property. The new property value. Returns true if value set properly, otherwise false. Invokes the method or constructor represented by the current instance, using the specified parameters. The method information. The object on which to invoke the method or constructor. If a method is static, this argument is ignored. If a constructor is static, this argument must be null or an instance of the class that defines the constructor. An argument list for the invoked method or constructor. This is an array of objects with the same number, order, and type as the parameters of the method or constructor to be invoked. An object containing the return value of the invoked method, or null in the case of a constructor.CautionElements of the parameters array that represent parameters declared with the ref or out keyword may also be modified. A helper class that provides various options to enable or disable the touch gestures for the control. Indicates the size of the GESTURECONFIG structure. Gets the touch position of control when WM_GESTURENOTIFY message raises. The touch message. The Control. Returns the touch position. Disables the all touch gestures for the control. The control which need to disable the gesture. Returns true when properly disabled all gestures, otherwise returns false. Disables the gestures for control based on the information. The control which need to disable the gesture. The gesture options. Returns true when properly disabled the gestures mentioned in gesture options, otherwise returns false. Disables the gestures for control based on the and information. The control which need to disable the gesture. The touch options. The panning options. Returns true when properly disabled the gestures mentioned in touch options, otherwise returns false. Enables all the gestures for the given control. The control which need to enable the gesture. Returns true when properly enabled the all gestures, otherwise returns false. Enables the gestures for control based on the information. The control which need to enable the gesture. The gesture options. Returns true when properly enabled the gestures mentioned in gesture options, otherwise returns false. Enables the gestures for control based on the and information. The control which need to enable the gesture. The gesture options. The panning options. Returns true when properly enabled the gestures mentioned in gesture options, otherwise returns false. Gets the gesture configuration information for panning gesture. The boolean values contains enable or disabled. Returns the gesture configuration value for panning. Gets the gesture configuration information for panning gesture. The panning options. A value indicates the gesture configuration for enable or disable gesture. Returns the gesture configuration information. Gets the gesture configuration for the zooming gesture. A value indicates the gesture configuration for enable or disable gesture. Returns the gesture configuration information. Gets the gesture configuration for the rotate gesture. A value indicates the gesture configuration for enable or disable gesture. Returns the gesture configuration information. Gets the gesture configuration for the two finger tap gesture. A value indicates the gesture configuration for enable or disable gesture. Returns the gesture configuration information. Gets the gesture configuration for the press and tap gesture. A value indicates the gesture configuration for enable or disable gesture. Returns the gesture configuration information. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Looks up a localized string similar to Bottom. Looks up a localized string similar to LeftEdge. Looks up a localized string similar to PageDown. Looks up a localized string similar to PageLeft. Looks up a localized string similar to Page. Looks up a localized string similar to PageUp. Looks up a localized string similar to RightEdge. Looks up a localized string similar to ScrollDown. Looks up a localized string similar to ScrollHere. Looks up a localized string similar to LeftScroll. Looks up a localized string similar to RightScroll. Looks up a localized string similar to ScrollUp. Looks up a localized string similar to Top. Applies and manages the themes for the controls and components which are derived from the and . The applies the themes for the controls or components of type. The ThemeName of the must be available in , Otherwise the default theme settings of control or component will be applied. The component of the skin manager. The string contains the theme name of the skin manager. Initializes a new instance of the class and add this to the specified container. The control. This will allow to create only one instance in a given container. Loads the assembly to register the theme XML configured files. An assembly that has the theme XML configuration file. Sets the theme to given control and its inner controls which are derived from the . The to set the theme. A name of the theme to be set to control. This method will set the theme to controls which is derived from . Releases all resources used by the class. True to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Sets the theme to given Component which are derived from the and The to set the theme. A name of the theme to be set to component. This method will set the theme to components which is derived from and . Occurs when new control is added to the control which has the theme settings that is set by the . The sender. A that contains events data. Occurs when any control is removed from the control which has the theme settings that is set by the . The sender. A contains events data. Unwires the and events of the given controls. The control. Wires the and events of the given control and its child controls. The control. Gets or sets the control or component to apply the theme settings. Gets or sets a name of the theme to be applied to control. The theme name must be available in , Otherwise the default theme settings will be applied to the control of the .