Syncfusion.Shared.Base This class holds the name of the Syncfusion.Shared.Base assembly and provides a helper routine that helps with resolving types when loading a serialization stream and when the framework probes for assemblies by reflection. The full name of this assembly without version information: "Syncfusion.Shared.Base". A reference to the for the grid assembly. The root namespace of this assembly. Used internally for locating resources within the assembly. This delegate helps with resolving types and can be used as an eventhandler for a event. The source of the event. The event data with information about the type. A reference to the assembly where the type is located. Defines the interface for extendable text box wrappper. Invalidates text box. Text box control native handle. Must return if handle isn't created yet. Occurs when text box is created. Occurs when text of text box is changed. Indicates whether text box is focused. Background color of text box. Client rectangle of text box Font of text box. Indicates whether text box is in RTL mode. Defines the interface for extending text box owned by some components. Specifies whether this component can provide banner text extender properties to the specified object. The to receive the extender properties. true if this object can provide extender properties to the specified object. Retrieves extendable text box info. Extended component. object Type of extended component. Component's type. Collection of extended components. Stores text box to component backaward mapping. Stores map of bannet text info to extenders . Default banner text providers. Default constructor. Creates instance of class and registers it in owner's container. Owner's container. Static constructor. Registers default banner text providers. Register additional . Provider to register. Returns for given component. Component to retirive info for. Associated object. Returns a copy of object. Associates with component. Component. info object. Retrieves text box to component backward map. Mapping is created on demand. Renders banner text for -derived control. Draws banner text. to draw at. Specifies banner text appearance. Banner text background color. Fallback font for the case when doesn't contain valid font. Text flow layout. Rectangle to draw within. Determines whether draw text is visible and must be drawn. Describes banner text appearance. Indicates whether extended text box is focused. Indicates whether extended text box's text is empty. True if banner text is visible. Describes banner text rendering behavior. Banner text disappears when the control gets focus. Banner text disappears only when associated text box is not empty. Describes banner text appearance and behavior. Variable to indicate the Text alignment for BannerTextInfo. Static constructor. Default constructor. Copy constructor. Specifies whether to serialize TextAlignment property Returns true when the value is not Near. Specifies whether to reset TextAlignment property Specifies banner text. Gets or sets the value to indicate the Text alignment for . Specifies font of banner text. Specifies banner text rendering mode. See for details. Specifies banner text color. Type converter for Designer for Base implementation for interface. HandleCreated event delegate. TextBoxTextChanged event delegate. Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the is reclaimed by garbage collection. Extendable text box wrapper for . Initializes a new instance of the class. The text box. Sets the cursor position to initial state The font. Invalidates this instance. Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Gets the handle. The handle. Gets a value indicating whether this is focused. true if focused; otherwise, false. Gets the color of the back. The color of the back. Gets the client rectangle. The client rectangle. Gets the font. The font. Gets the right to left. The right to left. Banner text provider for TextBox-derived classes. Banner text provider for ComboDropDown-derived classes. Extendable text box wrapper for . Banner text provider for ComboBox-derived classes. Represents the class used to validate customization. Helps to calculate the Path for CornerRadius customization in Control Render button in metro style Basic class for all renderers. ButtonRenderer provides the basic plumbing that is needed by all renderers. You can derive from ButtonRenderer to create your own renderers. True - class is disposed, otherwise False. Specifies region for drawing Sets vista color scheme for the control. Sets office 2010 color scheme for the control. Sets Metro color scheme for the control. This function does much of the rendering. In the base , it does not do anything. The graphics object to use. Draws text on ButtonAdv with specified color The graphics object to use. Color of the text Draws background image, image and text The graphics object to use. Helper function to get an image from within embedded resources. The resource name to get. An image; NULL if the image is not available. The class can take an image based on the property. This helper function loads the images based on the resource name. Gets the button type images for new theme True if button has state , otherwise False. True if button has state , otherwise False. True if button has state , otherwise False. Renders an background image. The graphics object to use. BackgroundImage to render. The layout of background image. The bounds of the control. The rectangle to draw on it. Offset of location of the image when layout is tile. The rightToLeft property of the control. Renders an image. Delegates to the class. The graphics object to use. The bounds to be used when rendering the image. Image to render. Renders an inverted triangle. Delegates to the class. The graphics object to use. The bounds to be used when rendering the shape. The brush to be used for filling the interior of the rendered triangle. The pen to be used for stroking the triangle. Renders a triangle. Delegates to the class. The graphics object to use. The bounds to be used when rendering the shape. The brush to be used for filling the interior of the rendered triangle. The pen to use for stroking the triangle. Default radius truncation coreners of the control. Angle for vertical gradient brush. Width for brush. Blend for selected control. Blend for control. Blend for pressed control. Blend for disabled control. Metro ForeColor Make class cleanup Sets metro color Gets vertical gradient brush. Draws background. Draws border. Fill rectangle with gradient for disabled control. Specifies region for drawing Constructor for this class CreateDrawingObjects method has been set to define background and border color Design of background Design of border Draws text over the button Overrides the render method from base(ButtonRenderer) Constructor for this class CreateDrawingObjects method has been set to define background and border color Design of background Design of border Draws text over the button Overrides the render method from base(ButtonRenderer) Constructor for this class CreateDrawingObjects method has been set to define background and border color Design of background Design of border Overrides the render method from base(ButtonRenderer) Constructor for this class CreateDrawingObjects method has been set to define background and border color Design of background Design of border Draws text over the button Overrides the render method from base(ButtonRenderer) Represents the class to define the style for control. Represents the base class for visual styles to define the elements style. is an abstract base class for classes to be used as subobjects in a . is derived from and thus provides the same easy way to provide properties that can inherit values from base styles at run-time. The difference is that supports this inheritance mechanism as a subobject from a . A subobject needs to have knowledge about its parent object and be able to walk the base styles from the parent object. Examples for implementation of are the font and border classes in Essential Grid. Programmers can derive their own style classes from and add type-safe (and Intelli-sense) supported custom properties to the style class. If you write your own SpinButton class that needs individual properties, simply add a "CellSpinButtonInfo" class as subobject. If you derive CellSpinButtonInfo from StyleInfoSubObjectBase, your new object will support property inheritance from base styles. See the overview for for further discussion about style objects. The following example shows how you can use the GridFontInfo class in Essential Grid: standard.Font.Facename = "Helvetica"; model[1, 3].Font.Bold = true; string faceName = model[1, 3].Font.Facename; // any cell inherits standard style Console.WriteLIne(faceName); // will output "Helvetica" Console.WriteLIne(model[1, 3].Font.Bold); // will output "true" Console.WriteLIne(model[1, 3].Font.HasFaceName); // will output "False" Provides a wrapper object for the object with type safe access to all properties stored in the style object. Style objects provide a very user friendly way to modify data. It is very much like in Excel VBA. For example, to change the bold setting for a cell, you simply call grid[5,2].Font.Bold = True. The is a wrapper around the . It provides type safe accessor properties to modify data of the underlying data store and can hold temporary information about the style object that does not need to be persisted. In Essential Grid for the example, the GridStyleInfo class holds extensive identity information about a style object such as cached base styles, row and column index, a reference to the grid model, and more. This is all the information that can be discarded when the style is no longer used (because maybe the cell is not visible anymore). Only the part needs to be kept alive. Style objects only exist temporarily and will be created as a weak reference in a volatile data store. Once Garbage Collection kicks in smart style objects that are not referenced any more will be garbage collected. The volatile data cache can also be cleared manually. Because Style objects know their identity they can notify their owner of changes or load base style information when the user interacts with the style object. This allows you to make changes to a style object directly, such as Cell.Font.Bold = True; Style objects support property inheritance from parent styles, e.g. in a grid a cell can inherit properties from a parent row, column, table or a collection of names styles in a base styles map. Style objects support subobjects. Subobjects can support inheritance (e.g. a Font.Bold can be inherited). Immutable subobjects like BrushInfo don't support inheritance of individual properties. allows you to register any number of properties but keeps the data very memory efficient. Only properties that are actually used for a style object will be allocated for an object. The StyleObjectStore handles the storage of the object. For short integers, enums and Boolean values, the data will be stored in a BitVector32 structure to save even more memory. Programmers can derive their own style classes from and add type-safe (and intellisense) supported custom properties to the style class. If you write, for example, your own SpinButton class that needs individual properties, simply add a �CellSpinButtonInfo� class as subobject. If you derive CellSpinButtonInfo from StyleInfoSubObjectBase, your new object will support property inheritance from base styles. Style objects can be written into a string (see ) and later be recreated using the method. When writing the string you have the option to show default values (use the �d� format). Subobjects will be identified with a dot �.�, e.g. �Font.Bold� Style object support several operations how to combine information from two styles. Style operations include: apply changes, apply initialized properties, override initialized properties, exclude properties. See the method. Style objects integrate with . The property grid displays values that belong to a style object in bold. Values that are inherited from parent styles will be displayed as default values. The user can select several cells in a grid and the operation will show common settings in the property grid as bold. Style objects support BeginUpdate, EndUpdate mechanism. This allows users to batch several operations on a style object into one transaction. The following example shows how you can use the GridFontInfo class in Essential Grid: standard.Font.Facename = "Helvetica"; model[1, 3].Font.Bold = true; string faceName = model[1, 3].Font.Facename; // any cell inherits standard style Console.WriteLIne(faceName); // will output "Helvetica" Console.WriteLIne(model[1, 3].Font.Bold); // will output "true" Console.WriteLIne(model[1, 3].Font.HasFaceName); // will output "False" If the static DesignerPersistance.IsPersisting property gets set, then deriving from this type will do the following: It will return a custom property descriptor for the properties it contains that will return property values after checking the ShouldSerializeXXX impl. This is useful while serializing web pages in the designer - as the web designer doesn't check for ShouldSerializeXXX, by default. Defines an interface implemented both by and that allows you to check the state of the object, read and write specific property and execute style operations with the . method. Compares all properties with another style object and indicates whether the current set of initialized properties is a subset of the other style object. The other style to compare with. True if this style object is a subset of the other style object. Applies changes to a style object as specified with . The style object to be applied on the current object. The actual operation to be performed. Merges two styles. Resets all properties that differ among the two style object and keeps only those properties that are equal. The other style object this style object should merge with. Parses a given string and applies the results to affected properties in this style object. The string to be interpreted. consumes strings previously generated with a method call. Indicates whether a specific property has been initialized for the current object. A that identifies the property to operate on. Queries the value for a specific property that has been initialized for the current object. A that identifies the property to operate on. Indicates whether the style is empty. Indicates whether any properties for this object have changed since it was applied last time. Returns the object that holds all the data for this style object. Serializes the contents of this object into an XML stream. Represents the XML stream. Not implemented and returns NULL. Deserializes the contents of this object from an XML stream. Represents the XML stream. Sets the object that holds all the data for this style object. Clears the cache. Overloaded. Initializes a new style object with no identity and data initialized. Initalizes a new object and associates it with an existing . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initalizes a new object and associates it with an existing and . A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initalizes a new object and associates it with an existing and . A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. if set to true the style the resulting value of a property when inherited from a basestyle so that the property does not have to be evaluated multiple times when called repeatedly. Releases all resources used by the component. Releases all resources used by the component. Indicates whether two style objects are equal. Identity is left out with this comparison, only the data () are compared. The other style object to compare the current object with. True if both objects have equal data; false otherwise. Compares two objects for equality. Works also with NULL references. The first object to compare. The second object to compare. True if both objects are equal. Returns a hash code which is based on values inside the . An integer hash code. Overloaded. Creates a formatted string for this style object. This string can later be consumed by . A string with formatted style information. Style objects can be formatted into a string that can be consumed by to recreate style information. When writing the string, you have the option to show default values (use the �d� format). Subobjects will be identified with a period ".", e.g. "Font.Bold". Creates a formatted string for this style object. This string can later be consumed by . You can specify "d" as format if you want to write out default values inherited from a base style. Use "d" if default values should be included; "G" and NULL are default. A string with formatted style information. Style objects can be formatted into a string that can be consumed by to recreate style information. When writing the string you have the option to show default values (use the "d" format) or not. Subobjects will be identified with a period ".", e.g. "Font.Bold". Creates a formatted string for this style object. This string can later be consumed by . You can specify "d" as format if you want to write out default values inherited from a base style. Use "d" if default values should be included; "G" and NULL are default. A string with formatted style information. An to be used for the operation. Can be NULL. Style objects can be formatted into a string that can be consumed by to recreate style information. When writing the string you have the option to show default values (use the "d" format) or not. Subobjects will be identified with a period ".", e.g. "Font.Bold". Parses a given string and applies it's results to affected properties in this style object. The string to be parsed. consumes strings previously generated with a method call. Suspends raising events until is called and will not change the state of this object. Resumes raising events and resets the state of this object. Suspends raising events until is called. Suspends raising events and if changes were made before the call, it will raise a changed notification immediately. Override this method to return a default style object for your derived class. A default style object. You should cache the default style object in a static field. Override this method to create a product-specific identity object for a sub object. An identity object for a subobject of this style. The following code is an example how Essential Grid creates GridStyleInfoSubObjectIdentity: public override StyleInfoSubObjectIdentity CreateSubObjectIdentity(StyleInfoProperty sip) { return new GridStyleInfoSubObjectIdentity(this, sip); } Locates the in the list of base styles that provides a specific property. Identifies the property to look for. The style store object that has the specified property. Locates the base style that has the specified property and returns its instance. Identifies the property to look for. The style object that has the specified property. Notifies the associated identity object that a specific property was changed and raises a event. Identifies the property to look for. Notifies the associated identity object that a specific property will be changed and raises a event. Identifies the property to look for. Compares all properties with another style object and indicates whether the current set of initialized properties is a subset of the other style object. The other style to compare with. True if this style object is a subset of the other style object. Copies properties from another style object. This method raises Changing and Changed notifications if the other object differs. (ModifyStyle does not raise these events). The style object to be applied on the current object. Applies changes to a style object as specified with . The style object to be applied on the current object. The actual operation to be performed. Applies changes to a style object as specified with . The style object to be applied on the current object. Merges two styles. Resets all properties that differ among the two style objects and keeps only those properties that are equal. The other style object this style object should merge with. Indicates whether the specified property has been initialized for the current object. A that identifies the property to operate on. Indicates whether the specified property has been modified for the current object. A that identifies the property to operate on. Marks the specified property as uninitialized for the current object. A that identifies the property to operate on. Queries the value for the specified property that has been initialized for the current object or locates it in a base style. A that identifies the property to operate on. Gets the default value from a base style. The sip. Queries the value for the specified property that has been initialized for the current object or locates it in a base style. A that identifies the property to operate on. Overloaded. Initializes the value for the specified property. A that identifies the property to operate on. The value to be saved for the property. Initializes the value for the specified property. A that identifies the property to operate on. The value to be saved for the property. Gets / sets the identity information for the current . The object that holds all the data for this style object. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance should cache values for resolved base style properties. true if instance should cache values; otherwise, false. Occurs when a property in the style object or in a sub object is changed. A list of listeners that will be referenced using a WeakReference. The listeners must implement the interface. When this style object method is called it will then loop through all objects in this list and call each objects method. Occurs before a property in the style object or in a sub object is changed. Indicates whether was called for this object. Indicates whether the style is empty. Indicates whether any properties for this object have changed since it was applied last time. defines an interface for classes used as sub-objects in a . implements this interface. Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object and registered with the new owner style object. Returns a unique identifier for this sub object in the owner style object. Returns a reference to the owner style object. Returns the data for this object. This is the StyleInfoStore from the constructor. Overloaded. Initializes a new object and associates it with an existing . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new object and associates it with an existing . A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Releases all the resources used by the component. Locates the base style that has the specified property and returns its instance. Identifies the property to look for. The style object that has the specified property. Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Returns the with identity information about this object. Returns a unique identifier for this subobject in the owner style object. Returns the data for this object. This is the StyleInfoStore from the constructor. Returns a reference to the owner style object. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with an existing . Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with an existing . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with an existing and . A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Updates the styles from the XML configured file to the target style. The control that is defined with the . Provide the default style of the . Default style object. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the value of the control. Gets or sets the value for corner radius of the control. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control in default state. The value is used to draw the border of the button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control in pressed state. The value is used to draw the border of the button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control in disabled state. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control in default state. The value is used to draw the border of the button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control in pressed state. The value is used to draw the border of the button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control in disabled state. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control in focused state. The value is used to draw the border of the button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the font of the control in hover state. The value is used to draw the font of the button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the font of the control in pressed state. The value is used to draw the font of the button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control in focused state. The value is used to draw the border of the button. The default value is null. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Provides style identity information for subobjects. This is an abstract base class that provides identity information for objects. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A that identifies the property to operate on. A that has the property initialized. Releases all resources used by the component. Loops through all base styles until it finds an expandable that has one or more properties initialized. The style object. A that identifies the property to operate on. A that has the property initialized. Returns an array with base styles for the specified style object. The style object. An array of style objects that are base styles for the current style object. Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs before a property in the is changing. The instance that is changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Gets / sets another identity object to be used for determining base styles. GetBaseStyle will call InnerIdentity.GetBaseStyle if this object is not NULL. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this object is disposable. true if this object is disposable; otherwise, false. Releases all the resources used by the component. Instantiates a new for a given owner and . The owner style of the sub object. The identifier of the subobject in the owner object. Returns an array with base styles for the specified style object. The style object. An array of style objects that are base styles for the current style object. Returns the owner style of the subobject. Returns the identifier of the subobject in the owner object. Maintains the ButtonAdv for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Provides storage for the object. Provides storage for the object. Provides storage for the object. You cannot instantiate a class directly. You have to derive a concrete class from this class that you can instantiate. In derived classes of , you always need to implement a / pair. The holds all the data that are specific to the style object and should be persisted. The is a wrapper around the . It provides type safe accessor properties to modify data of the underlying data store and can hold temporary information about the style object that does not need to be persisted. In Essential Grid for example, the GridStyleInfo class holds extensive identity information about a style object such as cached base styles, row and column index, a reference to the grid model and more. These are all the information that can be discarded when the style is no longer used (because maybe the cell is not visible anymore). Only the part needs to be kept alive. allows you to register any number of properties but keeps the data very memory efficient. Only properties that are actually used for a style object will be allocated for an object. The StyleObjectStore handles the storage of objects. For short integers, enums and Boolean values the data will be stored in a BitVector32 structure to save even more memory. See the overview for for further discussion about style objects. Searches the with the given name. The name of the property to look for. A that is associated with the specified name. Initializes a new from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes an empty . Creates an exact copy of the current object. A with same data as the current object. Copies all properties to another . The target to copy all properties to. Releases all the resources used by the component. Resets all "Changed" bits that mark certain properties as modified. Clears out all properties for this . Indicates whether a specific property has been initialized for the current object. A that identifies the property to operate on. Indicates whether a specific property has been modified for the current object. A that identifies the property to operate on. Marks a specific property as modified or unmodified for the current object. A that identifies the property to operate on. The new value. Marks a specific property as uninitialized for the current object. A that identifies the property to operate on. Queries the value for a specific property that has been initialized for the current object. A that identifies the property to operate on. Queries the value for a specific property that has been initialized for the current object. A that identifies the property to operate on. Overloaded. Initializes the value for a specific property. A that identifies the property to operate on. The value to be saved for the property. Initializes the value for a specific property. A that identifies the property to operate on. The value to be saved for the property. Gets sip from current storage by sip from another store Checks SIP belonging to current store. If current store doesn't contain SIP than returns SIP from current store with identical PropertyName. Compares all properties with another style object and determines if the current set of initialized properties is a subset of the other style object. The other style to compare with. True if this style object is a subset of the other style object. Applies changes to a style object as specified with . The style object to be applied on the current object. The actual operation to be performed. Applies changes to a style object as specified with . If a property is modified its Changed flag is set so that the parent style object can identify modified properties in a subsequent Changed notification. The style object to be applied on the current object. The actual operation to be performed. Merges two styles. Resets all properties that differ among the two style objects and keeps only those properties that are equal. The other style object this style object should merge with. Applies changes to a style object as specified with The other style object this style object should inherit with. Style operation Modifieds property from different stores Assigns property with sipInfo from style if sipSrc is different store with current store than find StyleInfoProperty in current store with identical PropertyName and reset property sip from some store Modifies expanded property sip from another storage style source operation Allows customization of serializing the StyleInfoProperty. Returns True if you override this method and do not want default serialization behavior for this property. Allows customization of serializing the StyleInfoProperty. Returns True if you override this method and do not want default serialization behavior for this property. Serializes all properties of this object to XML. Registers the XmlSerializer for a specific type. This XmlSerializer will be used when a object of the specified type is read back in from an xml stream. You can for example register an "ImageHolder" serializer for a custom ImageHolder type and have that serializer be used when GridStyleInfo.CellValue contains an ImageHolder object. XmlSerializer imageHolderSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(object), new Type[] { typeof(ImageHolder) }); GridStyleInfoStore.RegisterXmlSerializer(typeof(ImageHolder), imageHolderSerializer); Serializes all properties of this object from XML. Returns a collection with objects. Static data must be declared static in derived classes (this avoids collisions when StyleInfoStore is used in the same project for different types of style classes). The class checks this property to find out about the sort order of the properties in this . Indicates whether this is an empty object and no properties have been initialized. Indicates whether any properties have been changed. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Gets a Static data must be declared static in derived classes (this avoids collisions when StyleInfoStore is used in the same project for different types of style classes). Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents a ButtonAdv control with advanced customization options on background, text, and border etc. Button with advanced rendering features. Provides the functionalities for the control to provide theme support. Interface for SkinManager Gets the name of the active theme that is currently applied to the control. Occurs when theme is changed. Gets or sets the name of the theme. Gets the name of the control. Gets or sets the Base ThemeName of the theme Gets or sets a value indicating whether the theme should be applied to the control. Default value is true. If true, will be applied to control. Otherwise will be applied to control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether control elements styles can be overridden by theme style settings. By default, the control's element styles will not be overridden by theme style settings if the style is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, element style will be overridden by theme style settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before calling the ThemeName property of the control. Gets a value indicating whether the visual style based theme is applied to the control and also indicates whether the theme files are referred from external assemblies or not. Return true, if the visual style based theme is applied to the control. Otherwise returns false. Specifies that this object supports . Enables rendering with . Specifies to use. Specifies that this object subscribes to event. Specifies ButtonAdv default border width. Draw the window only if it is visible. Draw the non-client area of the window. Draw the client area of the window. Erase the background before drawing the window. Draw all visible child windows. Draw all owned windows. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Gets the active theme name of the ButtonAdv control. Returns the active theme name. Returns the name of the control. Raises the event when themename changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Helps to reset Layout customization of the ButtonAdv Control. Updates the Style renderers of ButtonAdv Control based on applied Theme. Indicates whether renderer could draw the background for half of the control differently. Used in XP style when used as a combo button. Used only for by class. Indicates whether renderer could draw the background for half of the control differently. Used in XP style when used as a combo button. Used only for by class. Specifies border style of ButtonAdv. Internal usage field ( Border drawing ). Reference counter. Indicates whether ButtonAdv will show focus rectenagle. Metrocolor Default size of the control Drawing ButtonAdv's surface on custom Graphics Graphics to draw on buttonAdv control to draw Point that represents the location of the upper-left corner of the drawn image. private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { e.Graphics.RotateTransform(20); ButtonAdv.PaintButton(e.Graphics, this.buttonAdv1, new Point(75, 25)); } It stores the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. To indicate whether to serialize MetroColor or not To Reset MetroColor Gets or sets the ImageListAdv of the ButtonAdv Constructor. Indicates whether button is of combo button type. Cleans up any resources being used. applies the scaling Font changed event Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Indicates whether to animate the image. Sets the value of animateState member. If animate is true - animates the image, else doesn`t animate. finding the button is BackStageButton or not. Holds MessageBoxAdvOptionButton Holds is DropDown Button Reset DropDown Button Specifies whether this is DropDown Button Specifies whether this is DropDown Button Creates delegates for border drawing methods. Performs border drawing. PaintEventArgs from OnPaint method border width Draws border with ButtonAdvBorderStyle.Flat style. Graphics to draw on rectangle to draw border in border width Draws border with ButtonAdvBorderStyle.SunkenOuter style. Graphics to draw on rectangle to draw border in border width Draws border with ButtonAdvBorderStyle.SunkenInner style. Graphics to draw on rectangle to draw border in border width Draws border with ButtonAdvBorderStyle.Sunken style. Graphics to draw on rectangle to draw border in border width Draws border with ButtonAdvBorderStyle.RaisedOuter style. Graphics to draw on rectangle to draw border in border width Draws border with ButtonAdvBorderStyle.RaisedInner style. Graphics to draw on rectangle to draw border in border width Draws border with ButtonAdvBorderStyle.Raised style. Graphics to draw on rectangle to draw border in border width Draws border with ButtonAdvBorderStyle.Etched style. Graphics to draw on rectangle to draw border in border width Draws border with ButtonAdvBorderStyle.Bump style. Graphics to draw on rectangle to draw border in border width Draws border with ButtonAdvBorderStyle.Outset style. Graphics to draw on rectangle to draw border in border width Draws border with ButtonAdvBorderStyle.Inset style. Graphics to draw on rectangle to draw border in border width Draws border with ButtonAdvBorderStyle.Solid style. Graphics to draw on rectangle to draw border in border width Draws border with ButtonAdvBorderStyle.Dotted style. Graphics to draw on rectangle to draw border in border width Draws border with ButtonAdvBorderStyle.Dashed style. Graphics to draw on rectangle to draw border in border width This method draws nothing. Used with ButtonAdvBorderStyle.Default and ButtonAdvBorderStyle.None Graphics to draw on rectangle to draw border in border width Gets color to draw border with. border color Recover or suspends mouse handling logic for property . True to suspend, otherwise to resume handling logic. Suspend property updating till the method call. Recover mouse handling logic for property . To suspend call method. If the isLastleftButton is set to True, the button's renderer could draw the background for half of the control differently. Used in XP style when used as a combo button. Used only for by class. The value that is to be set. If the IsFirstRightButton is set to True, the button's renderer could draw the background for half of the control differently. Used in XP style when used as a combo button. Used only for by class. The value that is to be set. If the isLastleftButton is set to True, the button's renderer could draw the background for half of the control differently. Used in XP style when used as a combo button. Used only for by class. If the IsFirstRightButton is set to True, the button's renderer could draw the background for half of the control differently. Used in XP style when used as a combo button. Used only for by class. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Resets the UseVisualStyle to default. Resets the ComboEditBackColor to default. Resets the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ForeColor property to its default value. Resets the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackColor property to its default value. Should serialize for IsBackStageButton. Indicates whether the property should be persisted. Method allow to raise event. Paint event arguments. Sets region of the control Gets ButtonAppearance depending on current operating system Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a theme style has been applied to the control. The default value is true. Gets or sets the theme name of the ButtonAdv control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether control elements styles can be overridden by theme style settings. Default value is false. By default, the control's element styles will not be overridden by theme style settings if the style is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, element style will be overridden by theme style settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before calling the ThemeName property of the control. Gets or sets the BaseTheme name of the theme Gets a value indicating whether the visual style based theme is applied to the control and also indicates whether the theme files are referred from external assemblies or not. Return true, if the visual style based theme is applied to the control. Otherwise returns false. Gets the name of the control. Indicates whether button have DesignMode Gets or sets office 2007 color scheme. Gets or sets office 2010 color scheme. Gets or sets ButtonAdv border style. Borders styles supported only in appearance styles: , and . Gets or Sets value specifying whether ButtonAdv will show focus rectangle receiveng focus. Gets or sets the look and feel of the ButtonAdv. Set to True if you want to apply style on button, otherwise False. Gets or sets the MetroColor color of the ButtonAdv Gets or sets the value for the control. Gets or sets the foreground color of the ButtonAdv Gets or sets the background color of the ButtonAdv Gets or sets the background color of the ButtonAdv Gets or sets a value indicating whether the custom managed color is to be applied by overriding the Form's managed color Indicates whether Visual Styles must be enabled for the button. Set value to True if you want to apply settings of properties: , , and etc. on current button. Gets or sets the type of button to be used. Gets or sets the text to be displayed on the button. Gets or sets the different states the button can hold: Default, MouseOver, Pressed. Indicates the state of control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether state should be reset on focus lost. true if reset state on lost focus; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the mouse is currently pressed. Indicates whether the button is of ComboButton type. Gets or sets the combo edit backcolor. Indicates whether Appearance of the ButtonAdv has changed. gets or sets the touchmode Gets/Sets the value for IsBackStageButton Gets/Sets whether this is MessageBoxAdv Button Gets/Sets whether this is DropDownButton Gets/Sets Control size before touch enabled Delegate used for border drawing. Represents the class to define the Theme customization of control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. ButtonAdv Draws text over the button Overrides the render method from base(ButtonRenderer) Design of background Design of border Represents the class that provides the accessibility object for the Specifies the accessibility control. Initializes a new instance of the class. The which needs to create the accessibility object. Overridden. Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. The horizontal screen coordinate. The vertical screen coordinate. Gets the AccessibleRole of the control. Gets the AccessibleName of the control. Gets the bounds of the control. Gets the AccessibleDescription of the control. Gets the details about what the object does or how the object is used. Gets the accessibility object of the parent. Gets the state for the control. Gets the selected color value of the control. Represents the class that provides the accessibility object for the Specifies the accessibility control. Initializes a new instance of the class. The which needs to create the accessibility object. Gets the AccessibleRole of the . Gets the AccessibleName of the . Gets the bounds of the accessible object. Gets the AccessibleDescription of the . Gets the details about what the object does or how the object is used. Gets the accessibility object of the parent. Gets the state for the . Gets the value of the . Design the property values into the class. Initialize a new instance of the ColorUIActionList class. Represents component Overrridden InitializeActionList. Gets or sets the Text Gets or sets the visual style. The style. Gets or sets the visual style. The style. Gets or sets Name. Renderer in colorful style. Gets the color table of the . Sets the ForeColor of the Sets the ForeColor of the listbox in Sets the ForeColor of the listbox in Gets the MetroColor of the Gets the MetroFore color of the Gets the TabPanelBackground color of the Renderer in black theme style. Sets the ForeColor of the Sets the ForeColor of the list box in Sets the BackColor of the list box in Sets the MetroColor of the Sets the TabPanelBackground color of the Sets the MetroFore of the Renderer in white theme style. Gets the ForeColor of the Gets the ForeColor of the listbox in Gets the BackColor of the list box in Gets the MetroColor of the Gets the TabPanelBackground color of the Gets the MetroForeColor of the Renderer in dark gray style. Gets the ForeColor of the Gets the ForeColor of the listbox in Gets the BackColor of the listbox in Gets the MetroColor of the Gets the TabPanelBackground color of the Gets the MetroForeColor of the Represents the class to define the style for control. Maintains the default style of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The style object that contains the original data. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds data for this . All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. The identity. A that holds data for this . All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default ColorTabControlStyleInfo value. Gets or sets the border color of ColorTabControl The value is used to set the border of the ColorTabControl. Gets or sets the background color of ColorTabControl The value is used to fill the background of the ColorTabControl. Gets or sets the background color of ColorTabControl The value is used to fill the background of the TabItem. Gets or sets the background color of ColorTabControl in selected state. The value is used to fill the background of the ColorTabControl in selected state. Gets or sets the fore color of the ColorTabControl. The value is used to set fore color of ColorTabControl. Gets or sets the fore color of control in selected state. The value is used to set fore color of ColorTabControl. Represents the class holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Maintains the static data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Populates the SerializationInfo store with the name, type, and value of each piece of information it wants to serialize Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Creates a copy of the current object. A duplicate of the current object. Overridden to get the static data source. Represents the class to define the style for control. Maintains the default style of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The style object that contains the original data. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds data for this . All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. The identity. A that holds data for this . All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default ColorPaletteStyleInfo value. Gets or sets the PressedBorder color of the color item. The value is used to set border color for color item. Gets or sets the Border color of the color item. The value is used to set border color for color item. Represents the class holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Maintains the static data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Populates the SerializationInfo store with the name, type, and value of each piece of information it wants to serialize Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Creates a copy of the current object. A duplicate of the current object. Overridden to get the static data source. Represents the class to define the style for control. Maintains the default style of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The style object that contains the original data. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds data for this . All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. The identity. A that holds data for this . All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default ColorListStyleInfo value. Gets or sets the back color of the list item. The value is used to set back color for list item. Gets or sets the border color of the color palette in list item. The value is used to set border color for color palette in list item. Gets or sets the fore color of the list item. The value is used to set fore color for list item. Represents the class holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Maintains the static data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Populates the SerializationInfo store with the name, type, and value of each piece of information it wants to serialize Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Creates a copy of the current object. A duplicate of the current object. Overridden to get the static data source. Represents the class to define the style for control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the value of the control. Gets or sets the BackColor of The value is used to set BackColor of the control. The default value is null. Gets or sets the ForeColor of the control. The value is used to set ForeColor of the control. The default value is null. Gets or sets style for ColorPalette of the control. Gets or sets style for ListBox of the control. Gets or sets style for ColorTabControl of the control. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents a class that provides style identity information for nested objects of the class. Provides style identity information for nested expandable objects of the GridStyleInfo and TreeStyleInfo classes. Creates a new object and associates it with a . The that owns this subobject. The descriptor for this expandable subobject. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the SplitButton for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents a standard interface for selecting colors. The ColorUIControl implements a palette type visual interface for selecting colors at run-time similar to the color picker drop-down provided by the Visual Studio.NET environment. The ColorUIControl class offers a selection of colors divided into three color groupings arranged as tabs. The three color groupings are the SystemColors consisting of the colors defined within the class, the StandardColors consisting of the colors defined within and a CustomColors providing a customizable color palette. The ColorUIControl control can be used either as a regular control hosted within a parent container or it can be used as a drop-down control in combination with the control. The following code creates a ColorUIControl, sets the color groups and adds an event handler for the ColorUIControl.ColorSelected event: private void InitializeColorUIControl() { // Create the ColorUIControl. Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ColorUIControl clrUIControl = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ColorUIControl(); // Set the ColorGroups to be displayed clrUIControl.ColorGroups = ( Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ColorUIGroups.CustomColors| Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ColorUIGroups.StandardColors| Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ColorUIGroups.SystemColors ); // Set the initially selected group and color. clrUIControl.SelectedColorGroup = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ColorUISelectedGroup.SystemColors; clrUIControl.SelectedColor = SystemColors.ControlDark; // Provide a handler for the ColorUIControl.ColorSelected event. clrUIControl.ColorSelected += new EventHandler(this.OnColorSelected); } // Handler for the ColorUIControl.ColorSelected event. private void OnColorSelected(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Color clrselected = (sender as ColorUIControl).SelectedColor; } Private Sub InitializeColorUIControl() ' Create an instance of the ColorUIControl. Me.clrUIControl = New Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ColorUIControl() ' Set the color groups to be shown. Me.clrUIControl.ColorGroups = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ColorUIGroups.CustomColors Or Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ColorUIGroups.StandardColors ' Set the initially selected group. Me.clrUIControl.SelectedColorGroup = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ColorUISelectedGroup.CustomColors ' Subscribe to the ColorUIControl.ColorSelected event. AddHandler Me.clrUIControl.ColorSelected, New System.EventHandler(AddressOf clrUIControl_ColorSelected) End Sub ' Handler for the ColorUIControl.ColorSelected event. Private Sub clrUIControl_ColorSelected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim clrselected As Color = Me.clrUIControl.SelectedColor End Sub 'clrUIControl_ColorSelected Represents a BaseControl with VisualStyle based theme customization settings. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Raises the event when theme name changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Gets the active theme name of the control. Returns the active theme name. Helps to override the ThemeName property settings ThemeName Helps to override the ThemeName property settings ThemeName Helps to override the CanApplyTheme property settings CanApplyTheme Helps to override the CanOverriderStyle property settings CanOverriderStyle Occurs when theme name of the control has changed. Gets or sets the theme name of the control. The default value is null. This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether control elements styles can be overridden by theme style settings. Default value is false. By default, the control's element styles will not be overridden by theme style settings if the style is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, element style will be overridden by theme style settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before calling the ThemeName property of the control. Gets or sets the Base Theme name of the theme Gets or sets a value indicating whether a theme settings can be applied to the control. The default value is true. This property must be initialized before applying the VisualTheme /> Gets the name of the control. Gets or sets the VisualTheme of the control. Gets a value indicating whether the visual style based theme is applied to the control and also indicates whether the theme files are referred from external assemblies or not. Return true, if the visual style based theme is applied to the control. Otherwise returns false. Helps to apply the ControlName settings in control ControlName Default size of the control User tab page. User colors palette. User custom colors. User custom colors collection. User colors collection. Enable stretch custom colors panel on resize. Enable stretch user colors panel on resize. Specifies an advanced appearance this control. Specifies a value to show / hide the user selection color swatches. Specifies TabControl item height Update the colors when the style is changed. Get or Set of Skin Manager Interface Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Initialize a new instance of the class. Scale the control based on the scale factor passed in the argument. value to scale the factor based upon. Takes the given color and looks for an instance in the ColorValues table. Retrieves an array of color constants for the given object. Overridden. See . Creates a new accessibility object in . Returns a new System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject for the Overridden. See . Raises the event. A value that contains the event data. Paints a representative value of the given object to the provided canvas. The instance containing the event data. Paints a representative value of the given object to the provided canvas. The value to paint. Gets the System.Drawing.Graphics object with which painting should be done. Gets the rectangle that indicates the area in which the painting should be done. Overridden. See . Displays the colorUI control as a drop-down component. Displays the control as a drop-down component. The initially selected color. Ends the color display drop-down. Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Gets or sets a flag value. Gets or sets the theme forecolor of the ColorUI. Gets or sets the theme color of the ColorUI. Gets or sets a value to show or hide the user selection color swatches. Gets or sets custom color to scroller. Gets or sets enable stretch custom colors panel on resize. Gets or sets an advanced appearance for the ColorUI. Gets or sets enable stretch user colors panel on resize. Gets user custom colors. ColorGroups must be UserColors for use this property. Gets user colors. ColorGroups must be UserColors for use this property. Gets or sets the text displayed on the user colors tab. The ColorSelected event occurs when a color is selected from one of the palettes in the . Gets or sets the color tabpages to be displayed by the control. A value. The default is ColorUIGroups.All. Gets or sets the tab associated with this color group the selected tab. A value. Gets or sets the text displayed on the custom colors tab. A String value. Gets or sets the text displayed on the standard colors tab. A String value. Gets or sets the text displayed on the system colors tab. A String value. Gets or sets the current selected color. A value. Gets or sets the border style of the control. A value. The default is BorderStyle.Fixed3D. Overridden. See . Gets the . Gets or sets Control size before touch enabled. Overrides the Font property. Gets or sets value to enable or disable the Touchmode to the controls. Scale factor will be updated automatically if scalefactor is equal to 1 Returns an array of standard colors. Retrieves the array of custom colors for our use. Returns an array of system colors. Design the property values into class. Color array. Control for invalidate if color array was chenged. Copies the element of the to an , starting at a particular index. Returns the enumerator that iterates through the item collection. Gets or sets the color value of index. Gets a value indicating whether access to the is synchronized. Gets a count value. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . Assigns the value for Oldvalue Assigns the scale factor Update the control style. Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Paint event. A System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs that contains the event data. Paints the background of the control. A System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs that contains information about the control to paint Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.GotFocus event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Overrides the base class font property. Create a new instance of the ColorPalette class with the specified a colorUI. Provides a standard interface for selecting colors. Retrieves the array of custom colors. Stretch color cell on resize. Gets standard colors array; Gets or sets stretch color cell on resize. Gets custom colors array. Gets or sets the current selected colors. Initialize a new instance of the ColorPaletteAccessibleObject class. Overridden. See . It contains that index value. Overridden. See . Overridden. See Gets the object name. Gets a parent of an object. Gets the role of colorcell. Gets the value of an object. Initialize a new instance of the CustomColorDialog class. Represents the comparison between standard colors. It contains that first color value. It contains that another color value. Represens the comparison between system color. It contains that first color value. It contains that another color value. A framework independent utility class for the new Nullable type in .NET Framework 2.0 Use this method instead of Convert.ChangeType. Makes Convert.ChangeType work with Nullable types. Use this method instead of Convert.ChangeType. Makes Convert.ChangeType work with Nullable types. Returns null if value is DBNull and specified type is a Nullable type. Otherwise the value is returned unchanged. Returns the underlying type of a Nullable type. For .NET 1.0 and 1.1 this method will always return null. A helper class that provides the options to paints window background based on the information. Fills the interior of path based on the value. A context. A context. A value. Fills the interior of a path based on the information. A context. A context. A value. Fills the interior of a path based on the gradient style and color values. A context. A context. A value. A array of the value. Fills the interior of a rectangle based on the information. A context. A structure that represents the rectangle to fill. object that determines the characteristics of the fill. Fills the interior of a rectangle based on the gradient style information. A context. A structure that represents the rectangle to fill. A value. A used for the fore color of the gradient fill. A used for the back color gradient fill. Fills the interior of a rectangle based on the gradient style information. A context A structure that represents the rectangle to fill. A value. An array of used for the gradient fill. Fills the interior of a rectangle based on the pattern style and color values. A context A structure that represents the rectangle to fill. A information. A used for the fore color of pattern fill. A used for the back color of pattern fill. Fills the interior of a rectangle based on the color value. A context. A structure that represents the rectangle to fill. A value. Fills the interior of a region based on the information. A context. A structure that represents the region to fill. A object that determines the characteristics of the fill. Fills the interior of a region based on the gradient style. A context. A structure that represents the region to fill. A value. An array of used for the gradient fill. Fills the interior of a region based on the information. A context. A structure that represents the region to fill. A value. A used for the fore color of pattern fill. A used for the back color of pattern fill. Fills the interior of a region based on the color value. A context. A structure that represents the region to fill. A value. Fills a rectangle with gradient style based on the foreColors values. A context. A value. A contains the colors details. Fills a rectangle with gradient style based on the foreColors values. A context. A value. A contains the colors details. Boolean value indicates to draw in vertical or horizontal. Fills the gradient style to rectangle based on the color values. A context. A value. A contains the first color of gradient fill. A contains the second color the gradient fill.> Fills the gradient style to rectangle based on the color values. A context. A value. A contains the first color of gradient fill. A contains the second color the gradient fill.> Boolean value indicates to draw in vertical or horizontal. Draws a border based on the border style and border color information. A context. A value. A context. A context. A context. A context. Draws a border based on the border style and border color. A context. A value. A context. A used for the border style. A context. A context. A used for the 3-D border style. Draws the borders based on the specified styles information. A context. A output rectangle. A border style. 3D border style. Border style in single mode. Border color in single mode. Sides that have to be drawn by methods. True - fix known bug in method, otherwise leave old code (for compatibility only). Fills the interior of rectangle based on the information. A handle to the device context. A context. A context. Fills the interior of rectangle based on the information. A handle to the device context. A context. A context. Fills the gradient style to rectangle based on the color values. A handle to the device context. Rectangle area. Starting color of the gradient. Ending color of the gradient. Fills the gradient style to rectangle based on the color values. A handle to the device context. Rectangle area. Starting color of the gradient. Ending color of the gradient. Boolean value indicates to draw in vertical or horizontal. Fills the region based on the color information. A handle to the device context. A context. A context. Fills the region based on the information. A handle to the device context. A context. A context. Fills the interior of a path based on the information. A handle to the device context. A context. A context. Fills the interior of a path based on the information. A handle to the device context. A context. A context. Draws the line based on the position values. A handle to the device context. A context Start X position Start Y position End X position End Y position Draws the rectangle based on the information. A handle to the device context. A context. Rectangle area. Converts the ColorRef value into the RGB value. The integer value indicates the color value. Returns the RGB value. Recalculates the rectangle based on the graphics matrix settings. A context. A context. Returns the transformed rectangle value. Converts the value to the value. A context. Returns the value. Converts the color array to the value. A array of the color. Returns the value. Gets a new instance of the based on the color values. A value. A contains the first color of gradient fill. A contains the second color the gradient fill.> Returns a class with the specified points and colors.Returns the value. Returns a new instance of the based on the color values. A value. A contains the first color of gradient fill. A contains the second color the gradient fill.> Returns a with the specified points and colors.Returns the value. Returns the Linear gradient brush value based on the path, gradient style and color collection values. The collection of colors used create a brush instance. The rectangle area used to create a linear gradient brush. The style of the gradient brush. Returns the linear gradient brush. Returns the path gradient brush value based on the given path and color collection. The used to initialize the path gradient. The color collection used to create a path gradient brush. Returns the path gradient brush. Holds information on how to fill the background of a window or grid cell. lets you specify a solid back color, gradient or pattern style with both back and fore color. This information can be persisted with serialization. You can also convert the information to a string and recreate it from a string. is immutable (just like ). You cannot change its values. Instead you have to create a new object. can also be persisted into code when used as a property in a component designer. The separator value. The collection of separator values. The empty brush value. The of the . The brush style information of the . It contains the or information of the . The back color is the first entry in this list and the fore color is the last entry in the list. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified solid back color. A used as solid background. Initializes a new instance of the class with a solid back color and fore color. The fore Color. The back Color. Initializes a new instance of the class with a hatch style and pattern colors. A . A used for fore color of the pattern. A used for back color the pattern. Initializes a new instance of the class with a hatch style and pattern colors. A value. List of colors. Initializes a new instance of the class with a hatch style and pattern colors. A . List of colors. Initializes a new instance of the class with a gradient style and gradient fill colors. A . A used for fore color of the gradient fill. A used for back color the gradient fill. Initializes a new instance of the class with a gradient style and gradient fill colors. A . List of gradient fill colors. Initializes a new instance of the class with a hatch style and pattern colors. A . List of colors. Initializes a new instance of the class with any BrushStyle. Internal only. The style. The style Info. The fore Color. The back Color. Initializes a new instance of the class with a new alpha-blend value and copies other information from a given . The alpha value that should be applied to the fore color and back color of the new brush. A that holds information for this . Initializes a new instance of the class and copies its information from a given . A that holds information for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A serialization information. A contains the information. Creates a new object and initializes it from a string. A string in the format BrushStyle;Style;ForeColor;BackColor. A new object. Clears the information. Overloaded. Returns the string representation of the brush in the format BrushStyle;Style;ForeColor;BackColor. The value. Returns the string representation of the brush in the format BrushStyle;Style;ForeColor;BackColor. Specifies the format for string. NULL for default, "compact" for a compact string, "G" for more descriptive text. Returns the string value. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Clean up any resources being used. Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. The to populate with data. The destination for this serialization. Creates a new object that is a copy of this instance. The copy of this will be return. Serializes the contents of this object into an XML stream. Represents the XML stream. Not implemented and returns NULL. Returns a null. De-serialize the contents of this object from an XML stream. Represents the XML stream. Gets the style of the . Returns the information. Sets the style for the . A context. Returns the value. Gets the back color value of the . Returns the color value. Sets the back color for . A value. Returns the value. Gets the pattern style of the . Returns the pattern style. Sets the for . The value. Returns the value. Gets the of . Returns the value. Sets the of . The value. Returns the value. Gets the fore color value of the . Returns the color value. Sets the fore color value for . A value. Returns the value. Initializes the gradient colors based on the foreColor and backColor values. A value contains the back color value. A value contains the fore color value. Initializes the gradient colors based on the value. A context. Sets the description for the . The string value. Returns the information. Gets a empty . Gets a value indicating whether a brush is an empty object. Gets the back color. Gets the fore color value. Gets the colors list.The first entry in this list will be the same as the back color property, the last entry will be same as the fore color property. A reference to the instance. Gets the pattern style. Gets the gradient style. Gets the brush style information (solid, gradient or pattern). Represents a class that provides options to save list of objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Overloaded. Creates a new instance of this class. Initializes a new instance of the class with some colors. An array of color objects Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Overridden. See . The zero-based index at which the new elements should be inserted. The whose elements should be inserted into the . The collection itself cannot be null, but it can contain elements that are null. Overridden. See . Overridden. See . The zero-based index at which the new elements should be inserted. The number of elements to remove.> Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. The to populate with data. The destination for this serialization. Add the color value in collection. A value. Add the array of color values into the collection. A array of the objects. Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. The to populate with data. The destination for this serialization. Gets or sets the color at the specified index. The index value. Returns the color value. Provides a user interface that can edit most types of collections at design time. Initializes a new instance of the class base on the specified collection type. The type of the collection for this editor to edit. Overridden. See . An that can be used to gain additional context information. A service provider object through which editing services can be obtained. The object to edit the value of. The new value of the object. If the value of the object has not changed, this should return the same object it was passed. Overridden. See . The collection to edit. An array of objects to set as the collection items. The newly created collection object or, otherwise, the collection indicated by the editValue parameter. Prevent deleting items when there are only 2 items (or less) in the collection. A value. true if it is permissible to remove this value from the collection; otherwise, false. The default implementation always returns true. Gets the items count in ListBox from the CollectionEditor. Returns the items count Provides a unified way of converting types of values to other types. Overridden. See . An that provides a format context. A . If null is passed, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. The to convert the value parameter to. An that represents the converted value. Overridden. See . An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you want to convert to. true if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, false. Represents a helper class for Net core. Specifies the change in the ListProperty. Used by Changing and Changed events of strong typed collections. An item is appended. An item is removed. An item is inserted. An item is moved. The whole collection is changed. An item is replaced. A nested property of an item is changed. Defines the constants that specifies the style of the tooltip. Indicates that the tooltip should be drawn as regular rectangle. Indicates that the tooltip should be drawn as balloon. Defines the constants that specifies the options of image alignment. Image is aligned at the left. Image is aligned at the right. Defines the constants that specifies the location of the tooltip. Indicates that the tooltip will be shown in its mouse position. If ToolTipStyle is Balloon, will be shown in TopRight of mouse position. Otherwise, BottomRight of the mouse position. Indicates that the tooltip should be shown in TopLeft of the mouse position. Indicates that the tooltip should be shown in TopRight of the mouse position. Indicates that the tooltip should be shown in TopCenter of the mouse position. Indicates that the tooltip should be shown in BottomLeft of the mouse position. Indicates that the tooltip should be shown in BottomRight of the mouse position. Indicates that the tooltip should be shown in BottomCenter of the mouse position. Indicates that the tooltip should be shown in RightCenter of the mouse position. Indicates that the tooltip should be shown in LeftCenter of the mouse position. Defines the constants that specifies the type of auto scrolling. An user has dragged the mouse outside the auto scroll bounds. An user is moving the mouse over the control during OLE drag-and-drop operation. Defines the constants that specifies auto scrolling direction. No auto scrolling. Only horizontal auto scrolling. Only vertical auto scrolling. Both horizontal and vertical auto scrolling. Defines the constants that specifies the scrollbar regions. Sets no region. Indicates the minimum button region. Indicates the Maximum button region. Indicates the Thumb region. Indicates the up or left rectangle of the scrollbar thumb. Indicates the right or bottom rectangle of the scrollbar thumb. Defines the length of the scrollbar regions. Specifies the state of a button. The button has its normal appearance. The button appears pressed. The button is inactive. The mouse hover on the button. The focus state of the button. Defines the constants that specify the various brush styles. The is an empty object. The represents a solid fill. The represents a pattern fill. The represents a gradient fill. Defines the constants that specify various pattern styles. A none value. A pattern of horizontal lines. A pattern of vertical lines. A pattern of lines on a diagonal from top-left to bottom-right. A pattern of lines on a diagonal from top-right to bottom-left. A pattern of cross-cross horizontal and vertical lines. A pattern of cross-cross diagonal lines. Specifies a 5-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 5:100. Specifies a 10-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 10:100. Specifies a 20-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 20:100. Specifies a 25-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 25:100. Specifies a 30-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 30:100. Specifies a 40-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 40:100. Specifies a 50-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 50:100. Specifies a 60-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 60:100. Specifies a 70-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 70:100. Specifies a 75-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 75:100. Specifies a 80-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 80:100. Specifies a 90-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 90:100. Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the right from top points to bottom points and are spaced 50 percent closer together than BackwardDiagonal, but they are not anti-aliased. Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the left from top points to bottom points and are spaced 50 percent closer together than BackwardDiagonal, but they are not anti-aliased. Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the right from top points to bottom points, are spaced 50 percent closer together than, and are twice the width of ForwardDiagonal. This hatch pattern is not anti-aliased. Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the left from top points to bottom points, are spaced 50 percent closer together than BackwardDiagonal and are twice its width, but the lines are not anti-aliased. Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the right from top points to bottom points, have the same spacing as hatch style ForwardDiagonal and are triple its width, but are not anti-aliased. Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the left from top points to bottom points, have the same spacing as hatch style BackwardDiagonal and are triple its width, but are not anti-aliased. Specifies light vertical lines. Specifies light horizontal lines. Specifies narrow vertical lines . Specifies narrow horizontal lines Specifies vertical lines that are spaced 50 percent closer together than Vertical and are twice its width. Specifies horizontal lines that are spaced 50 percent closer together than Horizontal and are twice the width of HatchStyleHorizontal. Specifies dashed diagonal lines, that slant to the right from top points to bottom points. Specifies dashed diagonal lines, that slant to the left from top points to bottom points. Specifies dashed horizontal lines. Specifies dashed vertical lines. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of confetti. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of confetti and is composed of larger pieces than SmallConfetti. Specifies horizontal lines that are composed of zigzags. Specifies horizontal lines that are composed of tildes. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of layered bricks that slant to the left from top points to bottom points. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of horizontally layered bricks. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a woven material. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a plaid material. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of divots. Specifies horizontal and vertical lines, each of which is composed of dots, that cross. Specifies forward diagonal and backward diagonal lines, each of which is composed of dots, that cross. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of diagonally-layered shingles that slant to the right from top points to bottom points. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a trellis. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of spheres laid adjacent to one another. Specifies horizontal and vertical lines that cross and are spaced 50 percent closer together than hatch style Cross. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a checkerboard. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a checkerboard with squares that are twice the size of SmallCheckerBoard. Specifies forward diagonal and backward diagonal lines that cross but are not anti aliased. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a checkerboard placed diagonally. Defines the constants that specify various gradient styles. A none value. ForwardDiagonal Gradient. BackwardDiagonal Gradient. Horizontal Gradient. Vertical Gradient. PathRectangle Gradient. PathEllipse Gradient. Defines the constants that specify the gesture option for the control. Does not allow to configure any touch gestures to control. Allows the control to enable all gesture options. Allows the control to enable the panning gesture. Allows the control to enable the zooming gesture. Allows the control to enable the rotate gesture. Allows the control to enable the two finger tap gesture. Allows the control to enable the press and tap gesture. Defines the constants that specify touch panning option for control. Does not allow the control to the perform any panning operations. Allows the control to enable all panning options. Allows the control to perform the panning operation in vertical direction. Allows the control to perform the panning operation in horizontal direction. Allows the control to perform the panning operation with gutter. Allows the control to perform the panning operation with inertia. Defines the constants that specify the shadow option to draw the image with shadow. Does not allow to draw shadow for the image. Allows to draw the shadow in all sides of the image. Allows to draw the shadow at bottom and left sides of the image. Allows to draw the shadow at top and right sides of the image. Allows to draw the shadow at top and left sides of the image. Allows to draw the shadow at bottom and right sides of the image. Defines the constants that specifies the direction of the triangle. A triangle pointing up. A triangle pointing down. A triangle pointing to the left. A triangle pointing to the right. Represents a class that provides support to get the current DPI value and calculate the values based on the current DPI values. The which is used to calculate the DPI value. Gets the image file from given assembly based on the DPI scaling factor. If the DPI scaling is greater than 175 then returns the high DPI image, otherwise returns the default image. The used to read the image file. The string contains the folder path. The string value represents the name of the image file. The imageName must contains the extension like AddNewRowIcon.png or AddNewRowIcon.bmp Returns the image file from specified folder path. Converts a logical DPI value to it's equivalent device unit DPI value. The logical value to convert. Returns the equivalent device unit DPI value. Gets the current DPI value of the device. Returns the current DPI value of the device. Gets the used to calculate the DPI value of the device. This class represents to maintain DPI based image Instance of . Instance of . Image in 125 scaling Image in 150 scaling Image in 200 scaling Stores the value of DPI120Image Stores the value of DPI144Image Stores the value of DPI192Image Stores the value of Index Get or sets the image of the item in 125 scaling Get or sets the image of the item in 150 scaling Get or sets the image of the item in 200 scaling Gets or sets the index of the default image. The class which represents the collection of DPI images. Adds image to the collection. Image to add. Checks whether collection contains given image. Image to be checked. True if collection contains given image; otherwise false. Removes given image from collection. Image to remove. Gets index of given image. Image to get index of. Index of given image or -1 if image doesn't exist in collection. Adds array of images to collection. Array of images to add. Gets value indicating whether collection is empty. Gets or sets image at specified index. Index of image. Image at specified index The class which represents the collection editor to store the DPI images. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type of the collection for this editor to edit. Initializes the class. Static instance of custom for s. Static instance of . Creates the instance. The type. Returns a list containing the given object An returned as an object. An which contains the individual objects to be created. Destroys the specified instance of the object. The object to destroy. Edits the value of the specified object using the specified service provider and context. An that can be used to gain additional context information. A service provider object through which editing services can be obtained. The object to edit the value of. The new value of the object. If the value of the object has not changed, this should return the same object it was passed. An attempt to check out a file that is checked into a source code management program did not succeed. Custom provider of custom type descriptor for class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a custom type descriptor for the given type and object. The type of object for which to retrieve the type descriptor. An instance of the type. Can be null if no instance was passed to the . An that can provide metadata for the type. Editor for DPiImages in ImageListAdv. FileDialog for selecting images. Array of image editors of different types. Used in building string of file extensions. Initializes static members. Edits the specified object value using the edit style provided by GetEditStyle. An ITypeDescriptorContext that can be used to gain additional context information. A service provider object through which editing services can be obtained. An instance of the value being edited. The new value of the object. If the value of the object has not changed, this method should return the same object passed to it. Represents a class which contains resource manager that provides convenient access to culture-specific resources at run time. The loader. The resource manager. Initializes a new instance of the class. Sets the resource manager based on the assembly and namespace. It can be used to get the values from the application resource files when the assembly name and the namespace of the control or application is different. The control assembly. The namespace of the control. Gets the localized string for the current culture. The string that need to be localized. Returns the localized string. Gets the static object. Returns the value. Gets the localized ResourceManager. The assembly of the control. The namespace of the control. Returns the resource manager. Represents a class that provides the native methods. The GetDC function retrieves a handle to a device context (DC) for the client area of a specified window or for the entire screen. A handle to the window whose DC is to be retrieved. If this value is NULL, GetDC retrieves the DC for the entire screen. If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the DC for the specified window's client area. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. Updates the position, size, shape, content, and translucency of a layered window. A handle to a layered window. A layered window is created by specifying WS_EX_LAYERED when creating the window with the CreateWindowEx function. A handle to a DC for the screen. A pointer to a structure that specifies the new screen position of the layered window. Specifies the new size of the layered window. A handle to a DC for the surface that defines the layered window. A pointer to a structure that specifies the location of the layer in the device context. A structure that specifies the color key to be used when composing the layered window. A pointer to a structure that specifies the transparency value to be used when composing the layered window. Use flag as the blend function If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise zero This function creates a rectangular region with rounded corners. Specifies the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the region in device units. Specifies the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the region in device units. Specifies the x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the region in device units. Specifies the y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the region in device units. Specifies the width of the ellipse used to create the rounded corners in device units. Specifies the height of the ellipse used to create the rounded corners in device units. If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to the region. Otherwise return NULL Calls the next hook process. The hook. The code. The window handle parameter. The handle parameter. Returns the pointer. Sets the windows hook process. The hook id. The process hook. The pointer value. The thread id Returns the pointer value. The get window process id. The handle. process id. Returns the integer value. Unhook the window handle. The hook. Returns the boolean value. Translate the message. The message. Returns true if translate success. Dispatch message. The message. Returns integer value. Peek the message. The message. The handle. The message minimum. The maximum message. The integer value. Returns boolean value. Gets the parent of the given handle. The handle. Returns the parent handle. The system parameter information. The action. The parameter used to get the system information. The current action parameter, Window handle. returns the integer value. Checks the focus. Returns the handle. Gets the current thread id. Returns the current thread id. Gets the extra information for the mouse event. The extra information provided by Windows API. Gets the system information. The index Returns the index. Configures the messages that are sent from a window for Windows Touch gestures. A handle to the window to set the gesture configuration. Its a reserved parameter, must be set to 0. A count of the gesture configuration structures that are being passed. An array of gesture configuration structures that specify the gesture configuration. The size of the gesture configuration (GESTURECONFIG) structure. Returns true if the configuration succeed, otherwise returns false. Configures the messages that are sent from a window for Windows Touch gestures. A handle to the window to set the gesture configuration. Its a reserved parameter, must be set to 0. A count of the gesture configuration structures that are being passed. An array of gesture configuration structures that specify the gesture configuration. The size of the gesture configuration (GESTURECONFIG) structure. Returns true if the configuration succeed, otherwise returns false. Retrieves a GESTUREINFO structure given a handle to the gesture information. The Gesture information handle. A pointer to the Gesture information structure. If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Moves the cursor to the specified screen coordinates. If the new coordinates are not within the screen rectangle set by the most recent ClipCursor function call, the system automatically adjusts the coordinates so that the cursor stays within the rectangle. The new x-coordinate of the cursor, in screen coordinates. The new y-coordinate of the cursor, in screen coordinates. Returns nonzero if successful or zero otherwise. Changes the size, position, and Z order of a child, pop-up, or top-level window. These windows are ordered according to their appearance on the screen. The topmost window receives the highest rank and is the first window in the Z order. A Handle to the window. A handle to the window to precede the positioned window in the Z order. The new position of the left side of the window, in client coordinates. The new position of the top of the window, in client coordinates. The new width of the window, in pixels. The new height of the window, in pixels. The window sizing and positioning flags. Returns the boolean value when position has set. The ScrollWindowEx function scrolls the contents of the specified window's client area. Handle to the window where the client area is to be scrolled. Specifies the amount, in device units, of horizontal scrolling. This parameter must be a negative value to scroll to the left. Specifies the amount, in device units, of vertical scrolling. This parameter must be a negative value to scroll up. The portion of the client area to be scrolled. If this parameter is NULL, the entire client area is scrolled. Contains the coordinates of the clipping rectangle. Only device bits within the clipping rectangle are affected. Bits scrolled from the outside of the rectangle to the inside are painted; bits scrolled from the inside of the rectangle to the outside are not painted. This parameter may be NULL. Handle to the region that is modified to hold the region invalidated by scrolling. This parameter may be NULL. Pointer to a RECT structure that receives the boundaries of the rectangle invalidated by scrolling. This parameter may be NULL. Specifies flags that control scrolling. Returns the boolean value. The SetScrollInfo function sets the parameters of a scroll bar, including the minimum and maximum scrolling positions, the page size, and the position of the scroll box (thumb). The function also redraws the scroll bar, if requested. Handle to a scroll bar control or a window with a standard scroll bar, depending on the value of the functionBar parameter. Specifies the type of scroll bar for which to set parameters. This parameter can be one of the following values. Pointer to a SCROLLINFO structure. Before calling SetScrollInfo, set the size member of the structure to sizeof(SCROLLINFO), set the fMask member to indicate the parameters to set, and specify the new parameter values in the appropriate members. Specifies whether the scroll bar is redrawn to reflect the changes to the scroll bar. If this parameter is TRUE, the scroll bar is redrawn, otherwise, it is not redrawn. The return value is the current position of the scroll box. The GetScrollInfo function retrieves the parameters of a scroll bar, including the minimum and maximum scrolling positions, the page size, and the position of the scroll box (thumb). Handle to a scroll bar control or a window with a standard scroll bar, depending on the value of the functionBar parameter. Specifies the type of scroll bar for which to retrieve parameters. Pointer to a SCROLLINFO structure. Before calling GetScrollInfo, set the size member to sizeof(SCROLLINFO), and set the fMask member to specify the scroll bar parameters to retrieve. Before returning, the function copies the specified parameters to the appropriate members of the structure. If the function retrieved any values, the return value is nonzero otherwise the return zero. The GetScrollBarInfo function retrieves information about the specified scroll bar. Handle to a window associated with the scroll bar whose information is to be retrieved. If the idObject parameter is OBJID_CLIENT, hwnd is a handle to a scroll bar control. Otherwise, hwnd is a handle to a window created with WS_VSCROLL and/or WS_HSCROLL style. Specifies the scroll bar object. This parameter can be one of the following values. Pointer to a SCROLLBARINFO structure to receive the information. Before calling GetScrollBarInfo, set the cbSize member to sizeof(SCROLLBARINFO). If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. The GetRegionData function fills the specified buffer with data describing a region. This data includes the dimensions of the rectangles that make up the region. A handle to the region. The size, in bytes, of the lpRgnData buffer. A pointer to a RGNDATA structure that receives the information. The dimensions of the region are in logical units. If this parameter is NULL, the return value contains the number of bytes needed for the region data. If the function succeeds and dwCount specifies an adequate number of bytes, the return value is always dwCount. If dwCount is too small or the function fails, the return value is 0. If lpRgnData is NULL, the return value is the required number of bytes. If the function fails, the return value is zero. Changes the parent window of the specified child window. A handle to the child window. A handle to the new parent window. If this parameter is NULL, the desktop window becomes the new parent window. If this parameter is HWND_MESSAGE, the child window becomes a message-only window. If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the previous parent window. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. Retrieves a handle to a window that has the specified relationship (Z-Order or owner) to the specified window. A handle to a window. The window handle retrieved is relative to this window, based on the value of the uCmd parameter. The relationship between the specified window and the window whose handle is to be retrieved. This parameter can be one of the following values. If the function succeeds, the return value is a window handle. If no window exists with the specified relationship to the specified window, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. Retrieves information about the specified window. The function also retrieves the 32-bit (DWORD) value at the specified offset into the extra window memory. A handle to the window and, indirectly, the class to which the window belongs. The zero-based offset to the value to be retrieved. Valid values are in the range zero through the number of bytes of extra window memory, minus four; If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. Retrieves the dimensions of the bounding rectangle of the specified window. The dimensions are given in screen coordinates that are relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. A handle to the window. A pointer to a RECT structure that receives the screen coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the window. If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero, otherwise return zero. Draws formatted text in the specified rectangle. A handle to the device context. A pointer to the string that specifies the text to be drawn. If the nCount parameter is -1, the string must be null-terminated. The length, in characters, of the string. If count is -1, then the textString parameter is assumed to be a pointer to a null-terminated string and DrawText computes the character count automatically. A pointer to a RECT structure that contains the rectangle (in logical coordinates) in which the text is to be formatted. The method of formatting the text. If the function succeeds, the return value is the height of the text in logical units, else return zero. This function fills a rectangle by using the specified brush. This function includes the left and top borders, but excludes the right and bottom borders of the rectangle. A handle to the device context. A pointer to a RECT structure that contains the logical coordinates of the rectangle to be filled. A handle to the brush used to fill the rectangle. If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero else return zero. The DeleteObject function deletes a logical pen, brush, font, bitmap, region, or palette, freeing all system resources associated with the object. After the object is deleted, the specified handle is no longer valid. A handle to a logical pen, brush, font, bitmap, region, or palette. If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero, else return zero. The SelectObject function selects an object into the specified device context (DC). The new object replaces the previous object of the same type. A handle to the DC. A handle to the object to be selected. If the selected object is not a region and the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the object being replaced. If the selected object is a region and the function succeeds, the return value is one of the following values. This method used to fill the gradient. A handle to the Device Context. The array of objects. The index of the vertex to be selected. The array of objects. The index of the object array to be selected. The Gradient fill mode. If the function fails, the return value is zero else return non zero value. The CreatePen function creates a logical pen that has the specified style, width, and color. The pen can subsequently be selected into a device context and used to draw lines and curves. The pen style. The width of the pen, in logical units. If nWidth is zero, the pen is a single pixel wide, regardless of the current transformation. A color reference for the pen color. If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle that identifies a logical pen. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. This function fills a region by using the specified brush. A handle to the Device Context. Handle to the region to be filled. The region's coordinates are presumed to be in logical units. Handle to the brush to be used to fill the region. If the function fails, the return value is zero else return non zero value. This function updates the current position to the specified point and optionally returns the previous position. A handle to the Device Context. The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. Pointer to a POINT structure that receives the previous current position. If this parameter is a NULL pointer, the previous position is not returned. If the function fails, the return value is zero else return non zero value. This function draws a line from the current position up to, but not including, the specified point. A handle to the Device Context. The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. If the function fails, the return value is zero else return non zero value. This function creates a logical brush that has the specified style, color, and pattern. A pointer to a LOGBRUSH structure that contains information about the brush. If the function succeeds, the return value identifies a logical brush. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. This function creates a logical brush that has the specified solid color. The color of the brush. If the function succeeds, the return value identifies a logical brush. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. This method used to draws the rectangle. A handle to the Device Context. The left position of rectangle. The top position of rectangle. The right position of rectangle. The bottom position of rectangle. If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero, else return zero. Creates a new image (icon, cursor, or bitmap) and copies the attributes of the specified image to the new one. If necessary, the function stretches the bits to fit the desired size of the new image. A handle to the image to be copied. The type of image to be copied. This parameter can be one of the following values. The desired width, in pixels, of the image. If this is zero, then the returned image will have the same width as the original hImage. The desired height, in pixels, of the image. If this is zero, then the returned image will have the same height as the original hImage. This parameter can be one or more of the following values. If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to the newly created image. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. This function displays an image and applies a visual effect to indicate a state, such as a disabled or default state. A handle to the device context to draw in. A handle to the brush used to draw the image, if the state specified by the fuFlags parameter is DSS_MONO. This parameter is ignored for other states. A pointer to an application-defined callback function used to render the image. This parameter is required if the image type in fuFlags is DST_COMPLEX. It is optional and can be NULL if the image type is DST_TEXT. For all other image types, this parameter is ignored. Information about the image. The meaning of this parameter depends on the image type. The Information about the image. The meaning of this parameter depends on the image type. The horizontal location, in device units, at which to draw the image. The vertical location, in device units, at which to draw the image. The width of the image, in device units. The height of the image, in device units. The image type and state. This parameter can be one of the following type values. If the function fails, the return value is zero else return non zero value. Destroys an icon and frees any memory the icon occupied. A handle to the icon to be destroyed. The icon must not be in use. If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. This function retrieves the dimensions of the tightest bounding rectangle that can be drawn around the current visible area on the device. A handle to the Device Context. A pointer to a RECT structure that is to receive the rectangle dimensions, in logical units. If the function succeeds, the return value specifies the clipping box's complexity and can be one of the following values. This function creates a new clipping region from the intersection of the current clipping region and the specified rectangle. A handle to the Device Context. The x-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. The y-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. The x-coordinate, in logical units, of the lower-right corner of the rectangle. The y-coordinate, in logical units, of the lower-right corner of the rectangle. The return value specifies the new clipping region's type and can be one of the following values. Draws an image list item in the specified device context. The function uses the specified drawing style and blends the image with the specified color. A handle to the image list The index of the image to draw. A handle to the destination device context. The x-coordinate at which to draw within the specified device context. The y-coordinate at which to draw within the specified device context. The width of the portion of the image to draw relative to the upper-left corner of the image. If width and height parameters are zero, the function draws the entire image. The function does not ensure that the parameters are valid. The height of the portion of the image to draw, relative to the upper-left corner of the image. If width and height parameters are zero, the function draws the entire image. The function does not ensure that the parameters are valid. The background color of the image. The foreground color of the image. The drawing style and, optionally, the overlay image. If the function fails, the return value is zero else return non zero value. This function selects a region as the current clipping region for the specified device context. A handle to the device context. A handle to the region to be selected. The return value specifies the region's complexity and can be one of the following values. This function creates a memory device context (DC) compatible with the specified device. A handle to an existing DC. If this handle is NULL, the function creates a memory DC compatible with the application's current screen. If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to a memory DC. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. This function retrieves the device context (DC) for the entire window, including title bar, menus, and scroll bars. A window device context permits painting anywhere in a window, because the origin of the device context is the upper-left corner of the window instead of the client area. A handle to the window with a device context that is to be retrieved. If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to a device context for the specified window. If the function fails, the return value is NULL, indicating an error or an invalid windows handle parameter. Sends the specified message to a window or windows. The SendMessage function calls the window procedure for the specified window and does not return until the window procedure has processed the message. A handle to the window whose window procedure will receive the message. The message to be sent. Additional message-specific information. A Additional message-specific information. The return value specifies the result of the message processing; it depends on the message sent. Sends the specified message to a window or windows. The SendMessage function calls the window procedure for the specified window and does not return until the window procedure has processed the message. A handle to the window whose window procedure will receive the message. The message to be sent. Additional message-specific information. A Additional message-specific information. The return value specifies the result of the message processing; it depends on the message sent. Sends the specified message to a window or windows. The SendMessage function calls the window procedure for the specified window and does not return until the window procedure has processed the message. A handle to the window whose window procedure will receive the message. The message to be sent. Additional message-specific information. A Additional message-specific information. The return value specifies the result of the message processing; it depends on the message sent. This function creates a bitmap compatible with the device that is associated with the specified device context. A handle to a device context. The bitmap width, in pixels. The bitmap height, in pixels. If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the compatible bitmap (DDB). If the function fails, the return value is NULL. Places (posts) a message in the message queue associated with the thread that created the specified window and returns without waiting for the thread to process the message. A handle to the window whose window procedure is to receive the message. The message to be posted. Additional message-specific information. A Additional message-specific information. If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. This function sets the text color for the specified device context to the specified color. A handle to the device context. The color of the text. If the function succeeds, the return value is a color reference for the previous text color as a COLORREF value. If the function fails, the return value is CLR_INVALID. This function sets the fore color for the specified device context to the specified color. A handle to the device context. The background mode. If the function succeeds, the return value specifies the previous background mode. If the function fails, the return value is zero. Loads the specified module into the address space of the calling process. The specified module may cause other modules to be loaded. The name of the module. This can be either a library module or an executable module (an .exe file). If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the module. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. This function disables or enables drawing in the specified window. Only one window can be locked at a time. The window in which drawing will be disabled. If this parameter is NULL, drawing in the locked window is enabled. If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero, indicating that an error occurred or another window was already locked. This function posts messages when the mouse pointer leaves a window or hovers over a window for a specified amount of time. A pointer to a TRACKMOUSEEVENT structure that contains tracking information. Returns zero if the function fails. Otherwise return non zero value This function creates a new clipping region that consists of the existing clipping region minus the specified rectangle. A handle to the device context. The x-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. The y-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. The x-coordinate, in logical units, of the lower-right corner of the rectangle. The y-coordinate, in logical units, of the lower-right corner of the rectangle. The return value specifies the new clipping region's complexity This method performs a bit-block transfer of the color data corresponding to a rectangle of pixels from the specified source device context into a destination device context. A handle to the destination device context. The x-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. The y-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. The width, in logical units, of the source and destination rectangles. The height, in logical units, of the source and the destination rectangles. A handle to the source device context. The x-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. The y-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. A raster-operation code. These codes define how the color data for the source rectangle is to be combined with the color data for the destination rectangle to achieve the final color. If the function succeeds the return value is nonzero, otherwise zero This function creates a rectangular region. Specifies the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the region. Specifies the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the region. Specifies the x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the region. Specifies the y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the region. If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to the region. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. This method determines the area within the window where the system permits drawing. A handle to the window whose window region is to be set. A handle to a region.The function sets the window region of the window to this region. Specifies whether the system redraws the window after setting the window region. If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to the region. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. The DeleteDC function deletes the specified device context (DC). A handle to the device context. If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. The RedrawWindow function updates the specified rectangle or region in a window's client area. A handle to the window to be redrawn. If this parameter is NULL, the desktop window is updated. A pointer to a RECT structure containing the coordinates, in device units, of the update rectangle. This parameter is ignored if the region Update parameter identifies a region. A handle to the update region. If both the region Update and Update parameters are NULL, the entire client area is added to the update region. One or more redraw flags. This parameter can be used to invalidate or validate a window, control repainting, and control which windows are affected by RedrawWindow. If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. The Offset Region function moves a region by the specified offsets. Handle to the region to be moved. Specifies the number of logical units to move left or right. Specifies the number of logical units to move up or down. The return value specifies the new region's complexity. The Combine region function combines two regions and stores the result in a third region. The two regions are combined according to the specified mode. A handle to a new region with dimensions defined by combining two other regions. A handle to the first of two regions to be combined. A handle to the second of two regions to be combined. A mode indicating how the two regions will be combined. The return value specifies the type of the resulting region. Calculates the required size of the window rectangle. A pointer to a RECT structure that contains the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners of the desired client area. The window style of the window whose required size is to be calculated. Indicates whether the window has a menu. The extended window style of the window whose required size is to be calculated. If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. The hook process delegates. The code The window parameter. The handle parameter. Returns the pointer. The BLENDFUNCTION structure controls blending by specifying the blending functions for source and destination bitmaps. The source blend operation. Must be zero. Specifies an alpha transparency value to be used on the entire source bitmap. The SourceConstantAlpha value is combined with any per-pixel alpha values in the source bitmap. If you set SourceConstantAlpha to 0, it is assumed that your image is transparent. Set the SourceConstantAlpha value to 255 (opaque) when you only want to use per-pixel alpha values. This member controls the way the source and destination bitmaps are interpreted. Used by the TrackMouseEvent function to track when the mouse pointer leaves a window or hovers over a window for a specified amount of time. The size of the TRACKMOUSEEVENT structure, in bytes. The services requested. A handle to the window to track. The hover time-out (if TME_HOVER was specified in dwFlags), in milliseconds. Can be HOVER_DEFAULT, which means to use the system default hover time-out. The Message. The handle. The message. The window parameter. The handle parameter The time. The x position. The y position Contains information about the size and position of a window. A handle to the window. he position of the window in Z order (front-to-back position). The position of the left edge of the window. The position of the top edge of the window. The window width, in pixels. The window height, in pixels. The window position. This function is an application-defined callback function that renders a complex image for the DrawState function. A handle to the Device Context. Specifies information about the image, which the application passed to DrawState. This specifies information about the image, which the application passed to DrawState. The image width, in device units, as specified by the call to DrawState. The image height, in device units, as specified by the call to DrawState. If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. Represents a class that provides the native methods for Painting. Defines the constants that specify the type of inner and outer edges to draw. Raised outer edge. Sunken outer edge. Raised inner edge. Sunken inner edge. Combination of BDR_RAISEDOUTER and BDR_SUNKENINNER Combination of BDR_SUNKENOUTER and BDR_RAISEDINNER Combination of BDR_RAISEDOUTER and BDR_RAISEDINNER. Combination of BDR_SUNKENOUTER and BDR_SUNKENINNER. Defines the constants that specify the type of border. Left side of border rectangle. Top of border rectangle. Right side of border rectangle. Bottom of border rectangle. Entire border rectangle. If this flag is passed, shrink the rectangle pointed to by the QRC parameter to exclude the edges that were drawn. If this flag is not passed, then do not change the rectangle pointed to by the QRC parameter. Flat border. Interior of rectangle to be filled. Defines the constants that specify the types of fill options for gradient style. In this mode, two endpoints describe a rectangle. The rectangle is defined to have a constant color (specified by the TRIVERTEX structure) for the left and right edges. GDI interpolates the color from the left to right edge and fills the interior. In this mode, two endpoints describe a rectangle. The rectangle is defined to have a constant color (specified by the TRIVERTEX structure) for the top and bottom edges. GDI interpolates the color from the top to bottom edge and fills the interior. In this mode, an array of TRIVERTEX structures is passed to GDI along with a list of array indexes that describe separate triangles. GDI performs linear interpolation between triangle vertices and fills the interior. Drawing is done directly in 24- and 32-bpp modes. Dithering is performed in 16-, 8-, 4-, and 1-bpp mode. Optional flag. Defines the constants that specify the mouse handle types. The journal record. The journal play back. The keyboard. The get message. The call window process. The option System message filter. The mouse. Hardware mode. Debug mode. The shell mode. The fore ground idle mode. Call window process. Keyboard operations. Mouse operations Contains the information about the application and used to paint the client area of the window owned by that application. Indicates whether the background must be erased. This value is nonzero if the application should erase the background. The application is responsible for erasing the background if a window class is created without a background brush. Left region of the rectangle. Top region of the rectangle. Right region of the rectangle. Bottom region of the rectangle. Reserved; used internally by the system. Reserved; used internally by the system. reserved value. reserved value. reserved value. reserved value. reserved value. reserved value. reserved value. reserved value. A handle to the display DC to be used for painting. Defines the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of a rectangle. The left coordinate of the rectangle. The top coordinate of the rectangle. The right coordinate of the rectangle. The bottom location of the rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The Rectangle that need to convert to the RECT. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. The x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle. The y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle. Convert the RECT to System.Drawing.Rectangle structure. The RECT region of the control. Returns the rectangle. Return the co-ordinates of the rectangle in a string format. The string value of the rectangle region. Returns the RECT from the given values. The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. The width of the rectangle. The height of the rectangle. Returns the new RECT value based on the given values. Gets the width of the RECT. Gets the Height of the RECT. Provides the color information and position information. The x-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. The y-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. The color information at the point of x, y. The color information at the point of x, y. The color information at the point of x, y. The color information at the point of x, y. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The X position. The Y position. The red color value. The green color value. The blue color value. The alpha color value. Specifies the index of two vertices in the pVertex array in the GradientFill function. These two vertices form the upper-left and lower-right boundaries of a rectangle. The upper-left corner of a rectangle. The lower-left corner of a rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The top left position. The bottom right position. Defines the style, color, and pattern of a physical brush. It is used by the CreateBrushIndirect and ExtCreatePen functions. Specifies the brush style. Specifies the color in which the brush is to be drawn. If LogBrushStyle is the BS_HOLLOW or BS_PATTERN style, LogBrushColor is ignored. If LogBrushStyle is BS_DIBPATTERN or BS_DIBPATTERNBT, the low-order word of LogBrushColor specifies whether the colors members of the BITMAPINFO structure contain explicit red, green, blue (RGB) values or indices into the currently realized logical palette. Specifies a hatch style. The meaning depends on the brush style defined by log brush Style. Selects a red, green, blue (RGB) color based on the arguments supplied and the color capabilities of the output device. The reserved fields. The reserved fields. The reserved fields. The reserved fields. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The color value. Convert the RGB color value to integer value. Returns the converted value. Information that a rich edit control uses to format its output for a particular device. A HDC for the device to render to, if EM_FORMATRANGE is being used to send the output to a device. An HDC for the target device to format for. The area within the page rectangle to render to. The entire area of a page on the rendering device. The range of characters to format. Specifies a range of characters in a rich edit control. Character position index immediately preceding the first character in the range. Character position immediately following the last character in the range. Represents a mouse hook structure. The X point The y point The pointer contains the window handle. The hit test code. The extra information. The mouse hook structure. The X position. The Y position. The mouse data. The flags. The time The extra information. Represents a class that provides the native methods for scrolling. Defines the constant that used to specifies the scrollbar parameters. The range of the scrollbar. Page information. Scroll position. Returns or sets a value that determines whether scroll bars in the RichTextBox control are disabled. Returns the position of the scrollbar thumb. Specifies all the scrollbar information. Defines the constants that used to specify the state of objects in an application UI. For the scroll bar itself, indicates the specified vertical or horizontal scroll bar does not exist. For the page up or page down regions, indicates the thumb is positioned such that the region does not exist. For the scroll bar itself, indicates the window is sized such that the specified vertical or horizontal scroll bar is not currently displayed. The arrow button or page region is pressed. The component is disabled. Contains the information about the scroll bar component. Specifies the size of the structure. Coordinates of the scroll bar as specified in a RECT structure. Height or width of the thumb. Top/Left position of the thumb. Indicates the bottom/right position of the thumb. Reserved variable. An array of DWORD elements. Each element indicates the state of a scroll bar component. Contains the information about the scrollbar parameters that are set by using SetScrollInfo method. The size of the scroll info. The mask value of the scroll info. Specifies the minimum scrolling position. Specifies the maximum scrolling position. The nPage member contains the page size for a proportional scroll bar. This contains the scroll box position, which is not updated while the user drags the scroll box. This contains the current position of the scroll box while the user is dragging it. Gets the rectangle region for the given offset. Cracks the region. The pointer to the region. Returns the RECT array. Gets the rectangle region. The buffer. The header value. The count. Returns the RECT array. Converts the value to integer. The byte array. The offset value. Returns the integer value. Represents a class that provides native methods for Touch support. Stores the information about the gesture. The size of the structure, in bytes. The caller must set this to sizeof(GESTUREINFO). The state of the gesture. The identifier of the gesture command. handle to window targeted by this gesture. Current location of this gesture. These coordinates are always relative to the origin of the screen. Internally used identifier for structure. Internally used identifier for sequence. Arguments for gestures whose arguments fit in 8 BYTES. The size, in bytes, of extra arguments that accompany this gesture. Represents an ordered pair of integer x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane. Gets or sets the x-coordinate of this Point. Gets or sets the Y-coordinate value of this Point. Converts the x and y coordinate values to the point. Returns the point value. Gets and sets the configuration for enabling gesture messages and the type of this configuration. The identifier for the type of configuration that will have messages enabled or disabled. Settings related to gesture ID that are to be turned on. Settings related to gesture ID that are to be turned off. Gets and sets the gesture notification information for enable the gesture. The size of the structure. Reserved for future use. The target window for the gesture notification. The location of the gesture in physical screen coordinates. A specific gesture instance with gesture messages starting with GID_BEGIN and ending with GID_END. Represents a class that provides the options to paint the text and rotated text. The flag which is used for drawing the text using the native methods. The instance of used to draw the rich text content. Draws the text in the specified rectangle based on the value. A handle to the device context. String to measure. that defines the text format of the string. that specifies the maximum layout area for the text. True - we use RTL, otherwise normal drawing. Draws the text in the specified rectangle based on the and values. A handle to the device context. String to measure. that defines the text format of the string. that specifies the maximum layout area for the text. The text color. True - we use RTL, otherwise normal drawing. Measures the string bounds based on the angle information. The actual string size value. The angle value. Returns the measured rotated string size value. Measures the string bounds based on the angle information. The graphics. The string value used to measure the size. The font value used to calculate the string bounds. The width value. A context. The rotation angle. Returns the measured string size based on the angle. Draws the text based on the rotation angle information. The graphics. The String value used to measure the size. The Font value used to calculate the string bounds. The Brush information used to draw the string. The Rectangle value used to draw the rotated string. A context. The rotation angle. Draws the text based on the rotation angle information. The graphics. The string value used to measure the size. The font value used to calculate the string bounds. The brush information used to draw the string. The rectangle value used to draw the rotated string. A context. The rotation angle. Calculates the size of the rich text box based on the font and text values. The string value contains rich text. The preferred size used to draw the rich text. The value. A boolean value indicates rich text allows wrap text or not. A value indicates the right to left mode. Returns the size of the rich text box. Draws the rich text on the given graphics based on the text, font, fore color and wrap text mode. The graphics context. The string value contains the rich text content. The rectangle value used to draw the rich text. Draws the rich text on the given graphics based on the text, font, fore color and wrap text mode. The graphics context. The string value contains the rich text content. The rectangle value used to draw the rich text. The font value used to draw the rich text. The fore color value used to draw the rich text. A boolean value indicates rich text allows wrap text or not. A value indicates the right to left mode. Calculates the outside rectangle value based on the angle information. The actual rectangle value. The angle value. Returns the calculated outside rectangle value. Calculates the center of the rectangle value based on the size information. The actual rectangle value. The size value. Returns the rectangle value. Calculates the outside rectangle based on angle value. The actual rectangle value. The angle value. Returns the calculated outside rectangle value. Occurs content within the RichTextBox are resized. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Returns the rotated point value based on the angle information. The Point value. The angle value. Returns the calculated point value. Returns the rotated point value based on the angle and origin point values. The point which used to calculate. The angle. The origin point. Returns the calculated point value. Returns the rotated points for creating the rectangle based on the angle information. The actual rectangle value. The angle which used for calculate. Returns the array of points. Returns the rotated points for creating the rectangle based on the angle and origin point values. The actual rectangle value. The angle. The origin point. Returns the array point values. Represents a class that provide options to draw the rich text on the . The constant value. The constant value for format range. The constant value for the transparent range. Draws the rich text box to the given device context. The device context. The rectangle area to draw the rich text box. Gets the required creation parameters when the control handle is created. Represents a class that provides the list of window messages that are used in window process callback function. One of the fields in GESTUREINFO structure is type of (8 bytes). The relevant gesture information is stored in lower 4 bytes. This bit mask is used to get 4 lower bytes from this argument. Provides the chance for configure the gestures. Handling the WM_GESTURENOTIFY message will change the gesture configuration for the lifetime of the Window, not just for the next gesture. Passes the information about the gesture. Indicates all the gestures. Indicates generic gesture is begin. Indicates generic gesture is end. Indicates zoom start, zoom move, or zoom stop. The first GID_ZOOM command message begins a zoom but does not cause any zooming. The second GID_ZOOM command triggers a zoom relative to the state contained in the first GID_ZOOM. Indicates pan move or pan start. Indicates rotate move or rotate start. Indicates the two finger tap gesture. Indicates the press and tap gesture. A gesture is starting. Set the gesture is triggered inertia. A gesture is finished. Indicates all pan gesture. Indicates the vertical panning with single finger. Indicates the horizontal panning with single finger. Limits perpendicular movement to primary direction until a threshold is reached to break out of the gutter. Indicates panning with inertia to smoothly slow when pan gestures stop. Indicates the window request for the paint. Sent to the clipboard owner by a clipboard viewer window when the clipboard contains data in the CF_OWNERDISPLAY format and the clipboard viewer's client area needs repainting. The WM_PAINTICON message is sent to a minimized window when the icon is to be painted but only if the application is written for Windows 3.x. A window receives this message only if a class icon is defined for the window; otherwise, WM_PAINT is sent instead. Indicates that the frame must need a paint. Indicates the window requests to the redrawn. Indicates the invalidate. Causes a WM_PAINT message to be posted to the window regardless of whether the window contains an invalid region. Causes the window to receive a WM_ERASEBKGND message when the window is repainted. The RDW_INVALIDATE flag must also be specified; otherwise RDW_ERASE has no effect. Occurs while validating the entire window. This flag does not affect internal WM_PAINT messages. Suppresses any pending internal WM_PAINT messages. This flag does not affect WM_PAINT messages resulting from invalid areas. Suppress the pending WM_ERASEBKGND messages. Excludes child windows, if any, from the repainting operation Includes the child windows in the repainting operation. Causes the affected windows (as specified by the RDW_ALLCHILDREN and RDW_NOCHILDREN flags) to receive WM_NCPAINT, WM_ERASEBKGND, and WM_PAINT messages, if necessary, before the function returns. Causes the affected windows (as specified by the RDW_ALLCHILDREN and RDW_NOCHILDREN flags) to receive WM_NCPAINT and WM_ERASEBKGND messages, if necessary, before the function returns. WM_PAINT messages are received at the ordinary time. Causes any part of the non-client area of the window that intersects the update region to receive a WM_NCPAINT message. The RDW_INVALIDATE flag must also be specified; otherwise, RDW_FRAME has no effect. The WM_NCPAINT message is typically not sent during the execution of RedrawWindow unless either RDW_UPDATENOW or RDW_ERASENOW is specified. Causes the window to receive a WM_ERASEBKGND message when the window is repainted. The RDW_INVALIDATE flag must also be specified; otherwise, RDW_ERASE has no effect. Justifies the text to the top of the rectangle Aligns text to the left. Centers text horizontally in the rectangle. Aligns text to the right. Centers text vertically. This value is used only with the DT_SINGLELINE value. Justifies the text to the bottom of the rectangle. This value is used only with the DT_SINGLELINE value. Breaks words. Lines are automatically broken between words if a word would extend past the edge of the rectangle specified by the rectangle parameter. A carriage return-line feed sequence also breaks the line. If this is not specified, output is on one line. Displays text on a single line only. Carriage returns and line feeds do not break the line. Expands tab characters. The default number of characters per tab is eight. The DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS, DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS, and DT_END_ELLIPSIS values cannot be used with the DT_EXPANDTABS value. Sets tab stops. Bits 15-8 (high-order byte of the low-order word) of the uFormat parameter specify the number of characters for each tab. The default number of characters per tab is eight. The DT_CALCRECT, DT_EXTERNALLEADING, DT_INTERNAL, DT_NOCLIP, and DT_NOPREFIX values cannot be used with the DT_TABSTOP value. Draws without clipping. DrawText is somewhat faster when DT_NOCLIP is used. Includes the font external leading in line height. Normally, external leading is not included in the height of a line of text. Determines the width and height of the rectangle. If there are multiple lines of text, DrawText uses the width of the rectangle pointed to by the lpRect parameter and extends the base of the rectangle to bound the last line of text. If the largest word is wider than the rectangle, the width is expanded. If the text is less than the width of the rectangle, the width is reduced. If there is only one line of text, DrawText modifies the right side of the rectangle so that it bounds the last character in the line. In either case, DrawText returns the height of the formatted text but does not draw the text. Turns off processing of prefix characters. Normally, DrawText interprets the mnemonic-prefix character as a directive to underscore the character that follows, and the mnemonic-prefix characters as a directive to print a single. By specifying DT_NOPREFIX, this processing is turned off. Uses the system font to calculate text metrics. Duplicates the text-displaying characteristics of a multi line edit control. Specifically, the average character width is calculated in the same manner as for an edit control, and the function does not display a partially visible last line. For displayed text, replaces characters in the middle of the string with ellipses so that the result fits in the specified rectangle. If the string contains backslash (\) characters, DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS preserves as much as possible of the text after the last backslash. For displayed text, if the end of a string does not fit in the rectangle, it is truncated and ellipses are added. If a word that is not at the end of the string goes beyond the limits of the rectangle, it is truncated without ellipses. Modifies the specified string to match the displayed text. This value has no effect unless DT_END_ELLIPSIS or DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS is specified. Layout in right-to-left reading order for bidirectional text when the font selected into the hdc is a Hebrew or Arabic font. The default reading order for all text is left-to-right. Truncates any word that does not fit in the rectangle and adds ellipses. Prevents a line break at a DBCS (double-wide character string), so that the line breaking rule is equivalent to SBCS strings. For example, this can be used in Korean windows, for more readability of icon labels. This value has no effect unless DT_WORDBREAK is specified. Ignores the ampersand prefix character in the text. The letter that follows will not be underlined, but other mnemonic-prefix characters are still processed. Draws only an underline at the position of the character following the ampersand prefix character. Does not draw any other characters in the string. Occurs when the horizontal scrolling is made on the control or scrollbar. Occurs when the window scroll event is occur on the vertical scrollbar. Sent to the clipboard owner by a clipboard viewer window when the clipboard contains data in the CF_OWNERDISPLAY format and an event occurs in the clipboard viewer's horizontal scroll bar. The owner should scroll the clipboard image and update the scroll bar values. Sent to the clipboard owner by a clipboard viewer window when the clipboard contains data in the CF_OWNERDISPLAY format and an event occurs in the clipboard viewer's vertical scroll bar. The owner should scroll the clipboard image and update the scroll bar values. Occurs while the scroll bar is drawn. by handling this message user can customize the background color of the scrollbar. Occurs while enable or disable both arrows in scrollbar. Occurs when GridScrollPos is called. Occurs when GetSCrollRange function is called. Sent by an application to retrieve information about the specified scroll bar. Occurs when SetScrollPos is called. Occurs while setting the min and maximum range of the scroll control. Occurs while setting the minimum and maximum position values and to redraw the control. Occurs while setting the scroll info. Erases the newly invalidated region by sending a WM_ERASEBKGND message to the window when specified with the SW_INVALIDATE flag. Invalidates the region identified by the hrgnUpdate parameter after scrolling. Scrolls all child windows that intersect the rectangle pointed to by the prcScroll parameter. The child windows are scrolled by the number of pixels specified by the dx and dy parameters. The system sends a WM_MOVE message to all child windows that intersect the prcScroll rectangle, even if they do not move. Scrolls using smooth scrolling. Use the HIWORD portion of the flags parameter to indicate how much time, in milliseconds, the smooth-scrolling operation should take. The window's vertical scroll bar. The window's Horizontal scroll bar. A scroll bar control The horizontal scroll bar of the specified window. The Thumb position of the scroll bar. The vertical scroll bar of the specified window. Disables the bottom arrow on a vertical scroll bar. Disables the left arrow on a horizontal scroll bar. Disables the right arrow on a horizontal scroll bar. Disables the top arrow on a vertical scroll bar. Sets the list-view control first item. Scrolls the content of a list-view control. Activates the window and displays it as a minimized window. Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window. Hides the window and activates another window. Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized, the system restores it to its original size and position. An application should specify this flag when displaying the window for the first time. Represents the reflect window message. Sent to both the window being activated and the window being deactivated. If the windows use the same input queue, the message is sent synchronously, first to the window procedure of the top-level window being deactivated, then to the window procedure of the top-level window being activated. If the windows use different input queues, the message is sent asynchronously, so the window is activated immediately. Sent when a window belonging to a different application than the active window is about to be activated. The message is sent to the application whose window is being activated and to the application whose window is being deactivated. Represents the window message Affix first. Represents the window message Affix last. Used to define private messages, usually of the form WM_APP+x, where x is an integer value. Sent to the clipboard owner by a clipboard viewer window to request the name of a CF_OWNERDISPLAY clipboard format. Posted to an application when a user cancels the application's journaling activities. The message is posted with a NULL window handle. Sent to cancel certain modes, such as mouse capture. For example, the system sends this message to the active window when a dialog box or message box is displayed. Certain functions also send this message explicitly to the specified window regardless of whether it is the active window. For example, the EnableWindow function sends this message when disabling the specified window. Sent to the window that is losing the mouse capture. Sent to the first window in the clipboard viewer chain when a window is being removed from the chain. An application sends the WM_CHANGEUISTATE message to indicate that the UI state should be changed. Posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a WM_KEYDOWN message is translated by the TranslateMessage function. The WM_CHAR message contains the character code of the key that was pressed. Sent by a list box with the LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT style to its owner in response to a WM_CHAR message. Sent to a child window when the user clicks the window's title bar or when the window is activated, moved, or sized. An application sends the WM_CHOOSEFONT_GETLOGFONT message to a Font dialog box to retrieve information about the user's current font selections. An application sends a WM_CLEAR message to an edit control or combo box to delete (clear) the current selection, if any, from the edit control. Sent as a signal that a window or an application should terminate. Sent when the user selects a command item from a menu, when a control sends a notification message to its parent window, or when an accelerator keystroke is translated. Represents the common action is performed. Sent to all top-level windows when the system detects more than 12.5 percent of system time over a 30- to 60-second interval is being spent compacting memory. This indicates that system memory is low. Sent to determine the relative position of a new item in the sorted list of an owner-drawn combo box or list box. Whenever the application adds a new item, the system sends this message to the owner of a combo box or list box created with the CBS_SORT or LBS_SORT style. Notifies a window that the user clicked the right mouse button (right-clicked) in the window. An application sends the WM_COPY message to an edit control or combo box to copy the current selection to the clipboard in CF_TEXT format. An application sends the WM_COPYDATA message to pass data to another application. Sent when an application requests that a window be created by calling the CreateWindowEx or CreateWindow function. (The message is sent before the function returns.) The window procedure of the new window receives this message after the window is created, but before the window becomes visible. The WM_CTLCOLORBTN message is sent to the parent window of a button before drawing the button. The parent window can change the button's text and background colors. However, only owner-drawn buttons respond to the parent window processing this message. Sent to a dialog box before the system draws the dialog box. By responding to this message, the dialog box can set its text and background colors using the specified display device context handle. An edit control that is not read-only or disabled sends the WM_CTLCOLOREDIT message to its parent window when the control is about to be drawn. By responding to this message, the parent window can use the specified device context handle to set the text and background colors of the edit control. Sent to the parent window of a list box before the system draws the list box. By responding to this message, the parent window can set the text and background colors of the list box by using the specified display device context handle. Send to owner window before draws the MessageBox. A static control, or an edit control that is read-only or disabled, sends the WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC message to its parent window when the control is about to be drawn. By responding to this message, the parent window can use the specified device context handle to set the text foreground and background colors of the static control. An application sends a WM_CUT message to an edit control or combo box to delete (cut) the current selection, if any, in the edit control and copy the deleted text to the clipboard in CF_TEXT format. The WM_DDE_ACK message notifies a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) application of the receipt and processing of the following messages: WM_DDE_POKE, WM_DDE_EXECUTE, WM_DDE_DATA, WM_DDE_ADVISE, WM_DDE_UNADVISE, WM_DDE_INITIATE, or WM_DDE_REQUEST (in some cases). A Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) client application posts the WM_DDE_ADVISE message to a DDE server application to request the server to supply an update for a data item whenever the item changes. To post this message, call the PostMessage function with the following parameters. A Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) server application posts a WM_DDE_DATA message to a DDE client application to pass a data item to the client or to notify the client of the availability of a data item. A Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) client application posts a WM_DDE_EXECUTE message to a DDE server application to send a string to the server to be processed as a series of commands. The server application is expected to post a WM_DDE_ACK message in response. A Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) client application posts a WM_DDE_FIRST message to a DDE server application to send a string to the server to be processed as a series of commands. The server application is expected to post a WM_DDE_ACK message in response. A Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) client application sends a WM_DDE_INITIATE message to initiate a conversation with a server application responding to the specified application and topic names. Upon receiving this message, all server applications with names that match the specified application and that support the specified topic are expected to acknowledge it. A Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) client application posts a WM_DDE_LAST message to a DDE server application. A Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) client application posts a WM_DDE_POKE message to a DDE server application. A client uses this message to request the server to accept an unsolicited data item. The server is expected to reply with a WM_DDE_ACK message indicating whether it accepted the data item. A Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) client application posts a WM_DDE_REQUEST message to a DDE server application to request the value of a data item. A Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) application (client or server) posts a WM_DDE_TERMINATE message to terminate a conversation. A Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) client application posts a WM_DDE_UNADVISE message to inform a DDE server application that the specified item or a particular clipboard format for the item should no longer be updated. This terminates the warm or hot data link for the specified item. Posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a WM_KEYUP message is translated by the TranslateMessage function. WM_DEADCHAR specifies a character code generated by a dead key. A dead key is a key that generates a character, such as the umlaut (double-dot), that is combined with another character to form a composite character. For example, the umlaut-O character (Ö) is generated by typing the dead key for the umlaut character, and then typing the O key. Sent to the owner of a list box or combo box when the list box or combo box is destroyed or when items are removed by the LB_DELETESTRING, LB_RESETCONTENT, CB_DELETESTRING, or CB_RESETCONTENT message. The system sends a WM_DELETEITEM message for each deleted item. The system sends the WM_DELETEITEM message for any deleted list box or combo box item with nonzero item data. Sent when a window is being destroyed. It is sent to the window procedure of the window being destroyed after the window is removed from the screen. This message is sent first to the window being destroyed and then to the child windows (if any) as they are destroyed. During the processing of the message, it can be assumed that all child windows still exist. Sent to the clipboard owner when a call to the EmptyClipboard function empties the clipboard. Notifies an application of a change to the hardware configuration of a device or the computer. The WM_DEVMODECHANGE message is sent to all top-level windows whenever the user changes device-mode settings. The WM_DISPLAYCHANGE message is sent to all windows when the display resolution has changed. Sent to the first window in the clipboard viewer chain when the content of the clipboard changes. This enables a clipboard viewer window to display the new content of the clipboard. Sent to the parent window of an owner-drawn button, combo box, list box, or menu when a visual aspect of the button, combo box, list box, or menu has changed. Sent when the user drops a file on the window of an application that has registered itself as a recipient of dropped files. Sent when an application changes the enabled state of a window. It is sent to the window whose enabled state is changing. This message is sent before the EnableWindow function returns, but after the enabled state (WS_DISABLED style bit) of the window has changed. The WM_ENDSESSION message is sent to an application after the system processes the results of the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message. The WM_ENDSESSION message informs the application whether the session is ending. Sent to the owner window of a modal dialog box or menu that is entering an idle state. A modal dialog box or menu enters an idle state when no messages are waiting in its queue after it has processed one or more previous messages. Notifies an application's main window procedure that a menu modal loop has been entered. Sent one time to a window after it enters the moving or sizing modal loop. The window enters the moving or sizing modal loop when the user clicks the window's title bar or sizing border, or when the window passes the WM_SYSCOMMAND message to the DefWindowProc function and the wParam parameter of the message specifies the SC_MOVE or SC_SIZE value. The operation is complete when DefWindowProc returns. The system sends the WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE message regardless of whether the dragging of full windows is enabled. Sent when the window background must be erased (for example, when a window is resized). The message is sent to prepare an invalidated portion of a window for painting. Notifies an application's main window procedure that a menu modal loop has been exited. Sent one time to a window, after it has exited the moving or sizing modal loop. The window enters the moving or sizing modal loop when the user clicks the window's title bar or sizing border, or when the window passes the WM_SYSCOMMAND message to the DefWindowProc function and the wParam parameter of the message specifies the SC_MOVE or SC_SIZE value. The operation is complete when DefWindowProc returns. An application sends the WM_FONTCHANGE message to all top-level windows in the system after changing the pool of font resources. Sent to the window procedure associated with a control. By default, the system handles all keyboard input to the control; the system interprets certain types of keyboard input as dialog box navigation keys. To override this default behavior, the control can respond to the WM_GETDLGCODE message to indicate the types of input it wants to process itself. Retrieves the font with which the control is currently drawing its text. Sent to determine the hot key associated with a window. Sent to a window to retrieve a handle to the large or small icon associated with a window. The system displays the large icon in the ALT+TAB dialog, and the small icon in the window caption. Sent to a window when the size or position of the window is about to change. An application can use this message to override the window's default maximized size and position, or its default minimum or maximum tracking size. Sent by both Microsoft Active Accessibility and Microsoft UI Automation to obtain information about an accessible object contained in a server application. Copies the text that corresponds to a window into a buffer provided by the caller. Determines the length, in characters, of the text associated with a window. Represents the window message that handled first. Represents the window message that handled last. Indicates that the user pressed the F1 key. If a menu is active when F1 is pressed, WM_HELP is sent to the window associated with the menu; otherwise, WM_HELP is sent to the window that has the keyboard focus. If no window has the keyboard focus, WM_HELP is sent to the currently active window. Posted when the user presses a hot key registered by the RegisterHotKey function. The message is placed at the top of the message queue associated with the thread that registered the hot key. This message is sent to a minimized window when the background of the icon must be filled before painting the icon. A window receives this message only if a class icon is defined for the window; otherwise, WM_ERASEBKGND is sent. Sent to an application when the IME gets a character of the conversion result. Sent to an application when the IME changes composition status as a result of a keystroke. A window receives this message through its WindowProc function. Sent to an application when the IME window finds no space to extend the area for the composition window. Sent by an application to direct the IME window to carry out the requested command. The application uses this message to control the IME window that it has created. To send this message, the application calls the SendMessage function with the following parameters. Sent to an application when the IME ends composition. A window receives this message through its WindowProc function. Sent to an application by the IME to notify the application of a key press and to keep message order. Sent to an application by the IME to notify the application of a key last and to keep message order. Sent to an application by the IME to notify the application of a key release and to keep message order Sent to an application to notify it of changes to the IME window. Sent to an application when the operating system is about to change the current IME. Sent to an application when a window is activated. Sent immediately before the IME generates the composition string as a result of a keystroke. Sent to the dialog box procedure immediately before a dialog box is displayed. Dialog box procedures typically use this message to initialize controls and carry out any other initialization tasks that affect the appearance of the dialog box. Sent when a menu is about to become active. It occurs when the user clicks an item on the menu bar or presses a menu key. This allows the application to modify the menu before it is displayed. Sent when a drop-down menu or submenu is about to become active. This allows an application to modify the menu before it is displayed, without changing the entire menu. Sent to the topmost affected window after an application's input language has been changed. You should make any application-specific settings and pass the message to the DefWindowProc function, which passes the message to all first-level child windows. These child windows can pass the message to DefWindowProc to have it pass the message to their child windows, and so on. Posted to the window with the focus when the user chooses a new input language, either with the hotkey (specified in the Keyboard control panel application) or from the indicator on the system taskbar. An application can accept the change by passing the message to the DefWindowProc function or reject the change (and prevent it from taking place) by returning immediately. Posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a nonsystem key is pressed. A nonsystem key is a key that is pressed when the ALT key is not pressed. This message filters for keyboard messages. This message filters for keyboard messages. Posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a nonsystem key is released. A nonsystem key is a key that is pressed when the ALT key is not pressed, or a keyboard key that is pressed when a window has the keyboard focus. Sent to a window immediately before it loses the keyboard focus. Posted when the user double-clicks the left mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse. Posted when the user presses the left mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse. Posted when the user releases the left mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse. Posted when the user double-clicks the middle mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse. Posted when the user presses the middle mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse. Posted when the user releases the middle mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse. An application sends the WM_MDIACTIVATE message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to instruct the client window to activate a different MDI child window. An application sends the WM_MDICASCADE message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to arrange all its child windows in a cascade format. An application sends the WM_MDICREATE message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to create an MDI child window. An application sends the WM_MDIDESTROY message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to close an MDI child window. An application sends the WM_MDIGETACTIVE message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to retrieve the handle to the active MDI child window. An application sends the WM_MDIICONARRANGE message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to arrange all minimized MDI child windows. It does not affect child windows that are not minimized. An application sends the WM_MDIMAXIMIZE message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to maximize an MDI child window. The system resizes the child window to make its client area fill the client window. The system places the child window's window menu icon in the rightmost position of the frame window's menu bar, and places the child window's restore icon in the leftmost position. The system also appends the title bar text of the child window to that of the frame window. An application sends the WM_MDINEXT message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to activate the next or previous child window. An application sends the WM_MDIREFRESHMENU message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to refresh the window menu of the MDI frame window. An application sends the WM_MDIRESTORE message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to restore an MDI child window from maximized or minimized size. An application sends the WM_MDISETMENU message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to replace the entire menu of an MDI frame window, to replace the window menu of the frame window, or both. An application sends the WM_MDITILE message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to arrange all of its MDI child windows in a tile format. Sent to the owner window of a combo box, list box, list-view control, or menu item when the control or menu is created. Sent when a menu is active and the user presses a key that does not correspond to any mnemonic or accelerator key. This message is sent to the window that owns the menu. Sent to a menu's owner window when the user selects a menu item. Sent when the cursor is in an inactive window and the user presses a mouse button. The parent window receives this message only if the child window passes it to the DefWindowProc function. Specify the first mouse message. Posted to a window when the cursor hovers over the client area of the window for the period of time specified in a prior call to TrackMouseEvent. Posted to a window to get the last mouse position. Posted to a window when the cursor leaves the client area of the window specified in a prior call to TrackMouseEvent. Posted to a window when the cursor moves. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse. Sent to the focus window when the mouse wheel is rotated. The DefWindowProc function propagates the message to the window's parent. There should be no internal forwarding of the message, since DefWindowProc propagates it up the parent chain until it finds a window that processes it. Sent after a window has been moved. Sent while window is in moving. Sent to a window when its non client area needs to be changed to indicate an active or inactive state. Sent when the size and position of a window's client area must be calculated. By processing this message, an application can control the content of the window's client area when the size or position of the window changes. Sent prior to the WM_CREATE message when a window is first created. Notifies a window that its non client area is being destroyed. The DestroyWindow function sends the WM_NCDESTROY message to the window following the WM_DESTROY message.WM_DESTROY is used to free the allocated memory object associated with the window. The WM_NCDESTROY message is sent after the child windows have been destroyed. In contrast, WM_DESTROY is sent before the child windows are destroyed. Sent to a window in order to determine what part of the window corresponds to a particular screen coordinate. This can happen, for example, when the cursor moves, when a mouse button is pressed or released, or in response to a call to a function such as WindowFromPoint. If the mouse is not captured, the message is sent to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is sent to the window that has captured the mouse. Posted when the user double-clicks the left mouse button while the cursor is within the non-client area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted. Posted when the user presses the left mouse button while the cursor is within the non-client area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted. Posted when the user releases the left mouse button while the cursor is within the non-client area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted. Posted when the user double-clicks the middle mouse button while the cursor is within the non-client area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted. Posted when the user presses the middle mouse button while the cursor is within the non-client area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted. Posted when the user releases the middle mouse button while the cursor is within the non-client area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted. Posted to a window when the cursor hovers over the non-client area of the window for the period of time specified in a prior call to TrackMouseEvent. Posted to a window when the cursor leaves the non-client area of the window specified in a prior call to TrackMouseEvent. Posted to a window when the cursor is moved within the non-client area of the window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted. Posted when the user double-clicks the right mouse button while the cursor is within the non-client area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted. Posted when the user presses the right mouse button while the cursor is within the non-client area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted. Posted when the user releases the right mouse button while the cursor is within the non-client area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted. Sent to a dialog box procedure to set the keyboard focus to a different control in the dialog box. Sent to an application when the right or left arrow key is used to switch between the menu bar and the system menu. Sent by a common control to its parent window when an event has occurred or the control requires some information. Determines if a window accepts ANSI or Unicode structures in the WM_NOTIFY notification message. WM_NOTIFYFORMAT messages are sent from a common control to its parent window and from the parent window to the common control. Performs no operation. An application sends the WM_NULL message if it wants to post a message that the recipient window will ignore. The WM_PALETTECHANGED message is sent to all top-level and overlapped windows after the window with the keyboard focus has realized its logical palette, thereby changing the system palette. This message enables a window that uses a color palette but does not have the keyboard focus to realize its logical palette and update its client area. The WM_PALETTEISCHANGING message informs applications that an application is going to realize its logical palette. Sent to a window when a significant action occurs on a descendant window. This message is now extended to include the WM_POINTERDOWN event. When the child window is being created, the system sends WM_PARENTNOTIFY just before the CreateWindow or CreateWindowEx function that creates the window returns. When the child window is being destroyed, the system sends the message before any processing to destroy the window takes place. An application sends a WM_PASTE message to an edit control or combo box to copy the current content of the clipboard to the edit control at the current caret position. Data is inserted only if the clipboard contains data in CF_TEXT format. The pend that creates first for the drawing. The pend that creates last for the drawing. Notifies applications that the system, typically a battery-powered personal computer, is about to enter a suspended mode. Notifies applications that a power-management event has occurred. The WM_PRINT message is sent to a window to request that it draw itself in the specified device context, most commonly in a printer device context. The WM_PRINTCLIENT message is sent to a window to request that it draw its client area in the specified device context, most commonly in a printer device context. Unlike WM_PRINT, WM_PRINTCLIENT is not processed by DefWindowProc. A window should process the WM_PRINTCLIENT message through an application-defined WindowProc function for it to be used properly. Notifies the hook procedure of a Page Setup dialog box, PagePaintHook, that the dialog box is about to draw the envelope-stamp rectangle of the sample page. Notifies a PagePaintHook hook procedure of the coordinates of the sample page rectangle in the Page Setup dialog box. The dialog box sends this message when it is about to draw the contents of the sample page. Notifies the hook procedure of a Page Setup dialog box, PagePaintHook, that the dialog box is about to draw Greek text inside the margin rectangle of the sample page. Notifies the hook procedure of a Page Setup dialog box, PagePaintHook, that the dialog box is about to draw the margin rectangle of the sample page. Notifies a PagePaintHook hook procedure of the coordinates of the margin rectangle in the sample page. A Page Setup dialog box sends this message when it is about to draw the contents of the sample page. Notifies a PagePaintHook hook procedure that the Page Setup dialog box is about to draw the contents of the sample page. The hook procedure can use this message to carry out initialization tasks related to drawing the contents of the sample page. Notifies the hook procedure of a Page Setup dialog box, PagePaintHook, that the dialog box is about to draw the return address portion of an envelope sample page. Sent to a minimized (iconic) window. The window is about to be dragged by the user but does not have an icon defined for its class. An application can return a handle to an icon or cursor. The system displays this cursor or icon while the user drags the icon. The WM_QUERYENDSESSION message is sent when the user chooses to end the session or when an application calls one of the system shutdown functions. If any application returns zero, the session is not ended. The system stops sending WM_QUERYENDSESSION messages as soon as one application returns zero. After processing this message, the system sends the WM_ENDSESSION message with the wParam parameter set to the results of the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message. The WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE message informs a window that it is about to receive the keyboard focus, giving the window the opportunity to realize its logical palette when it receives the focus. Sent to an icon when the user requests that the window be restored to its previous size and position. An application sends the WM_QUERYUISTATE message to retrieve the UI state for a window. Sent by a computer-based training (CBT) application to separate user-input messages from other messages sent through the WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK procedure. Indicates a request to terminate an application, and is generated when the application calls the PostQuitMessage function. This message causes the GetMessage function to return zero. Posted when the user double-clicks the right mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse. Posted when the user presses the right mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse. Posted when the user releases the right mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse. Sent to the clipboard owner before it is destroyed, if the clipboard owner has delayed rendering one or more clipboard formats. For the content of the clipboard to remain available to other applications, the clipboard owner must render data in all the formats it is capable of generating, and place the data on the clipboard by calling the SetClipboardData function. Sent to the clipboard owner if it has delayed rendering a specific clipboard format and if an application has requested data in that format. The clipboard owner must render data in the specified format and place it on the clipboard by calling the SetClipboardData function. Sent to a window if the mouse causes the cursor to move within a window and mouse input is not captured. Sent to a window after it has gained the keyboard focus. Sets the font that a control is to use when drawing text. Sent to a window to associate a hot key with the window. When the user presses the hot key, the system activates the window. Associates a new large or small icon with a window. The system displays the large icon in the ALT+TAB dialog box, and the small icon in the window caption. Sets the text of a window. A message that is sent to all top-level windows when the SystemParametersInfo function changes a system-wide setting or when policy settings have changed. Sent to a window when the window is about to be hidden or shown. Sent to a window after its size has changed. Sent to the clipboard owner by a clipboard viewer window when the clipboard contains data in the CF_OWNERDISPLAY format and the clipboard viewer's client area has changed size. Sent to a window that the user is resizing. By processing this message, an application can monitor the size and position of the drag rectangle and, if needed, change its size or position. The WM_SPOOLERSTATUS message is sent from Print Manager whenever a job is added to or removed from the Print Manager queue. Sent to a window after the SetWindowLong function has changed one or more of the window's styles. Sent to a window when the SetWindowLong function is about to change one or more of the window's styles. Posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is translated by the TranslateMessage function. It specifies the character code of a system character key — that is, a character key that is pressed while the ALT key is down. The WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE message is sent to all top-level windows when a change is made to a system color setting. A window receives this message when the user chooses a command from the Window menu (formerly known as the system or control menu) or when the user chooses the maximize button, minimize button, restore button, or close button. Sent to the window with the keyboard focus when a WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is translated by the TranslateMessage function. WM_SYSDEADCHAR specifies the character code of a system dead key — that is, a dead key that is pressed while holding down the ALT key. Posted to the window with the keyboard focus when the user presses the F10 key (which activates the menu bar) or holds down the ALT key and then presses another key. It also occurs when no window currently has the keyboard focus; in this case, the WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is sent to the active window. The window that receives the message can distinguish between these two contexts by checking the context code in the lParam parameter. Posted to the window with the keyboard focus when the user releases a key that was pressed while the ALT key was held down. It also occurs when no window currently has the keyboard focus; in this case, the WM_SYSKEYUP message is sent to the active window. The window that receives the message can distinguish between these two contexts by checking the context code in the lParam parameter. Sent to an application that has initiated a training card with Windows Help. The message informs the application when the user clicks an authorable button. An application initiates a training card by specifying the HELP_TCARD command in a call to the WinHelp function. A message that is sent whenever there is a change in the system time. Posted to the installing thread's message queue when a timer expires. The message is posted by the GetMessage or PeekMessage function. An application sends a WM_UNDO message to an edit control to undo the last operation. When this message is sent to an edit control, the previously deleted text is restored or the previously added text is deleted. An application sends the WM_UPDATEUISTATE message to change the UI state for the specified window and all its child windows. Used to define private messages for use by private window classes, usually of the form WM_USER+x, where x is an integer value. Sent to all windows after the user has logged on or off. When the user logs on or off, the system updates the user-specific settings. The system sends this message immediately after updating the settings. Sent by a list box with the LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT style to its owner in response to a WM_KEYDOWN message. Sent to a window whose size, position, or place in the Z order has changed as a result of a call to the SetWindowPos function or another window-management function. Sent to a window whose size, position, or place in the Z order is about to change as a result of a call to the SetWindowPos function or another window-management function. An application sends the WM_WININICHANGE message to all top-level windows after making a change to the WIN.INI file. The SystemParametersInfo function sends this message after an application uses the function to change a setting in WIN.INI. The window is an overlapped window. An overlapped window has a title bar and a border. Same as the WS_TILED style. The windows is a pop-up window. This style cannot be used with the WS_CHILD style. The window is a child window. A window with this style cannot have a menu bar. This style cannot be used with the WS_POPUP style. The window is initially minimized. Same as the WS_ICONIC style. The window is initially visible. This style can be turned on and off by using the ShowWindow or SetWindowPos function. The window is initially disabled. A disabled window cannot receive input from the user. To change this after a window has been created, use the EnableWindow function. Clips child windows relative to each other; that is, when a particular child window receives a WM_PAINT message, the WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style clips all other overlapping child windows out of the region of the child window to be updated. If WS_CLIPSIBLINGS is not specified and child windows overlap, it is possible, when drawing within the client area of a child window, to draw within the client area of a neighboring child window. Excludes the area occupied by child windows when drawing occurs within the parent window. This style is used when creating the parent window. The window is initially maximized. The window has a title bar (includes the WS_BORDER style). The window has a thin-line border. The window has a border of a style typically used with dialog boxes. A window with this style cannot have a title bar. The window has a vertical scroll bar. The window has a horizontal scroll bar. The window has a window menu on its title bar. The WS_CAPTION style must also be specified. The window has a sizing border. Same as the WS_SIZEBOX style. The window is a control that can receive the keyboard focus when the user presses the TAB key. Pressing the TAB key changes the keyboard focus to the next control with the WS_TABSTOP style. The window has a minimize button. Cannot be combined with the WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP style. The WS_SYSMENU style must also be specified. The window has a maximize button. Cannot be combined with the WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP style. The WS_SYSMENU style must also be specified. The window has a double border; the window can, optionally, be created with a title bar by specifying the WS_CAPTION style in the dwStyle parameter. The window is a MDI child window. The window is intended to be used as a floating toolbar. A tool window has a title bar that is shorter than a normal title bar, and the window title is drawn using a smaller font. A tool window does not appear in the taskbar or in the dialog that appears when the user presses ALT+TAB. If a tool window has a system menu, its icon is not displayed on the title bar. However, you can display the system menu by right-clicking or by typing ALT+SPACE. The window has a border with a sunken edge. The title bar of the window includes a question mark. When the user clicks the question mark, the cursor changes to a question mark with a pointer. If the user then clicks a child window, the child receives a WM_HELP message. The child window should pass the message to the parent window procedure, which should call the WinHelp function using the HELP_WM_HELP command. The Help application displays a pop-up window that typically contains help for the child window. WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP cannot be used with the WS_MAXIMIZEBOX or WS_MINIMIZEBOX styles. The window has generic "right-aligned" properties. This depends on the window class. This style has an effect only if the shell language is Hebrew, Arabic, or another language that supports reading-order alignment; otherwise, the style is ignored. The window has generic left-aligned properties. This is the default. If the shell language is Hebrew, Arabic, or another language that supports reading-order alignment, the window text is displayed using right-to-left reading-order properties. For other languages, the style is ignored. If the shell language is Hebrew, Arabic, or another language that supports reading order alignment, the vertical scroll bar (if present) is to the left of the client area. For other languages, the style is ignored. The window itself contains child windows that should take part in dialog box navigation. If this style is specified, the dialog manager recursive into children of this window when performing navigation operations such as handling the TAB key, an arrow key, or a keyboard mnemonic. The window has a three-dimensional border style intended to be used for items that do not accept user input. Forces a top-level window onto the task-bar when the window is visible. The window is a layered window. This style cannot be used if the window has a class style of either CS_OWNDC or CS_CLASSDC. The window should be placed above all non-topmost windows and should stay above them, even when the window is deactivated. To add or remove this style, use the SetWindowPos function. The window has a border with a raised edge. The window has a border with a raised edge. If the shell language is Hebrew, Arabic, or another language that supports reading order alignment, the horizontal origin of the window is on the right edge. Increasing horizontal values advance to the left. Sizes the window. Moves the window. Minimizes the window. Maximizes the window. Closes the window. Retrieves the window menu as a result of a mouse click. Retrieves the window menu as a result of a keystroke. For more information, see the Remarks section. Restores the window to its normal position and size. Changes the cursor to a question mark with a pointer. If the user then clicks a control in the dialog box, the control receives a WM_HELP message. Selects the default item; the user double-clicked the window menu. Activates the window associated with the application-specified hot key. The lParam parameter identifies the window to activate. This message enables or disables the OK button for the Browse For Folder dialog box. This message indicates that the selection in the dialog box changed. This message sets the status text in the Browse For Folder dialog box. Sets the text that is displayed on the dialog box's OK button. Specifies the path of a folder to expand in the Browse dialog box. The path can be specified as a Unicode string or a PIDL. The dialog box has finished initializing. This message indicates that the selection in the dialog box changed. The user typed an invalid name into the dialog's edit box. A nonexistent folder is considered an invalid name. An IUnknown interface is available to the dialog box. The retrieved handle identifies the window of the same type that is highest in the Z order. The retrieved handle identifies the window of the same type that is lowest in the Z order. The retrieved handle identifies the window below the specified window in the Z order. The retrieved handle identifies the window above the specified window in the Z order. The retrieved handle identifies the specified window's owner window, if any. For more information, see Owned Windows. The retrieved handle identifies the child window at the top of the Z order, if the specified window is a parent window; otherwise, the retrieved handle is NULL. The function examines only child windows of the specified window. It does not examine descendant windows. The retrieved handle identifies the enabled popup window owned by the specified window (the search uses the first such window found using GW_HWNDNEXT); otherwise, if there are no enabled popup windows, the retrieved handle is that of the specified window. Sets a new address for the window procedure. You cannot change this attribute if the window does not belong to the same process as the calling thread. Index to change the parent of a child window. Sets a new window style. Sets a new extended window style. Sets a new identifier of the child window. The window cannot be a top-level window. Enables the drop shadow effect on a window. Copies the source rectangle directly to the destination rectangle. Returns a DC that corresponds to the window rectangle rather than the client rectangle. Returns a DC from the cache, rather than the OWNDC or CLASSDC window. Essentially overrides CS_OWNDC and CS_CLASSDC. The clipping region identified by hrgnClip is intersected with the visible region of the returned DC. Allows drawing even if there is a LockWindowUpdate call in effect that would otherwise exclude this window. Used for drawing during tracking. Uses the visible region of the parent window. The parent's WS_CLIPCHILDREN and CS_PARENTDC style bits are ignored. The origin is set to the upper-left corner of the window identified by hWnd. Excludes the visible regions of all sibling windows above the window identified by hWnd. Excludes the visible regions of all child windows below the window identified by hWnd. The clipping region identified by hrgnClip is excluded from the visible region of the returned DC. Creates the intersection of the two combined regions. Creates the union of two combined regions. Creates the union of two combined regions except for any overlapping areas. Combines the parts of hrgnSrc1 that are not part of hrgnSrc2. Creates a copy of the region identified by hrgnSrc1. Gets the formatting rectangle of an edit control. Gets information about the character closest to a specified point in the client area of an edit control. A WM_KEYUP, WM_KEYDOWN, WM_SYSKEYUP, or WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is in the queue. A WM_MOUSEMOVE message is in Queue. A mouse-button message (WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_RBUTTONDOWN, and so on). A posted message (other than those listed here) is in the queue. A WM_TIMER message is in the queue. A WM_PAINT message is in the queue. A message sent by another thread or application is in the queue. A WM_HOTKEY message is in the queue. A posted message (other than those listed here) is in the queue. A raw input message is in the queue. For more information, see Raw Input. A WM_MOUSEMOVE message or mouse-button message (WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_RBUTTONDOWN, and so on). An input message is in the queue. An input, WM_TIMER, WM_PAINT, WM_HOTKEY, or posted message is in the queue. Any message is in the queue. The state of the specified object is signaled. The time-out interval elapsed, and the object's state is non-signaled. A constant used to specify an infinite waiting period, for threading methods that accept an Int32 parameter. Retains the current size (ignores the cx and cy parameters). Retains the current position (ignores X and Y parameters). Retains the current Z order (ignores the hWndInsertAfter parameter). Does not redraw changes. If this flag is set, no repainting of any kind occurs. This applies to the client area, the non-client area (including the title bar and scroll bars), and any part of the parent window uncovered as a result of the window being moved. When this flag is set, the application must explicitly invalidate or redraw any parts of the window and parent window that need redrawing. Does not activate the window. If this flag is not set, the window is activated and moved to the top of either the topmost or non-topmost group (depending on the setting of the hWndInsertAfter parameter). Applies new frame styles set using the SetWindowLong function. Sends a WM_NCCALCSIZE message to the window, even if the window's size is not being changed. If this flag is not specified, WM_NCCALCSIZE is sent only when the window's size is being changed. Displays the window. Hides the window. Discards the entire contents of the client area. If this flag is not specified, the valid contents of the client area are saved and copied back into the client area after the window is sized or repositioned. Does not change the owner window's position in the Z order. Prevents the window from receiving the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message. Retrieves the bounding rectangle of the Windows task bar. Retrieves the size of the work area on the primary display monitor. Bottom edge. Left edge. Right edge. Top edge. Provides a representation of an object so it can be displayed as an embedded object inside of a container. This value is typically specified for compound document objects. The presentation can be provided for the screen or printer. Represents the transparent or irregular parts of on object, typically parts that are expensive or impossible to clip out. Objects may or may not support this aspect. Represents the opaque, easy to clip parts of an object. Objects may or may not support this aspect. Represents the bits per pixel. Represents the adding of pixel in horizontal. Represents the adding of pixel in vertical. Represents the planes. Activates the window, and does not discard the mouse message. Activates the window, and discards the mouse message. Does not activate the window, and does not discard the mouse message. Does not activate the window, but discards the mouse message. On the screen background or on a dividing line between windows (same as HTNOWHERE, except that the DefWindowProc function produces a system beep to indicate an error). On the screen background or on a dividing line between windows. In a client area. In a title bar. In a window menu or in a Close button in a child window. In a size box (same as HTSIZE). In a menu. In a Minimize button. In a Maximize button. In the lower-left corner of a border of a re-sizable window (the user can click the mouse to resize the window diagonally). In the lower-right corner of a border of a re-sizable window (the user can click the mouse to resize the window diagonally). In the lower corner of a border of a re-sizable window (the user can click the mouse to resize the window diagonally). In the right corner of a border of a re-sizable window (the user can click the mouse to resize the window diagonally). In the top corner of a border of a re-sizable window (the user can click the mouse to resize the window diagonally). In the top-left corner of a border of a re-sizable window (the user can click the mouse to resize the window diagonally). In the top-right corner of a border of a re-sizable window (the user can click the mouse to resize the window diagonally). In the left corner of a border of a re-sizable window (the user can click the mouse to resize the window diagonally). In the border of a window that does not have a sizing border. In a Close button. In a Help button. Places the window at the top of the Z order. Places the window at the bottom of the Z order. If the hWnd parameter identifies a topmost window, the window loses its topmost status and is placed at the bottom of all other windows. Places the window above all non-topmost windows. The window maintains its topmost position even when it is deactivated. Places the window above all non-topmost windows (that is, behind all topmost windows). This flag has no effect if the window is already a non-topmost window. The left mouse button is down. The right mouse button is down. The middle mouse button is down. The CTRL key is down. The middle mouse button is down. Indicates the deactivated. Activated by some method other than a mouse click (for example, by a call to the SetActiveWindow function or by use of the keyboard interface to select the window). Activated by a mouse click. A Notification is delivered as a WM_MOUSELEAVE message. If the mouse is not over the specified window or area, a leave notification is generated immediately and no further tracking is performed. If the mouse is hover on or leave from the non client areas a notification is delivered as WM_NCMOUSEHOVER and WM_NCMOUSELEAVE messages. The constant value for scroll. UseVisualStyle is true UseVisualStyle is false value for UseVisualStyle inherits from parent Specifies the appearance of the button. Specifies the state of the button. Specifies ButtonAdv border style. Provides the design time functionality for control. Design the property values into the class. This should be called WindowsXPColorAndLayoutScheme. Specifies the layout and colors for buttons and combo box buttons. Defines the different colors that will be used to define the 3 Windows XP color schemes supported. Defines the different colors that are used to define the Office 2003 look and feel. Defines the different colors that are used to define the Office XP look and feel. Gets Bordercolorwhite Gets Bordercolordarkgray Gets Bordercolorblack Gets Bordercolorcolorful Represents the class for drawing style option of the control. Initialize the Button Appearance. Default constructor Constructor with variables initialization. Gets/ Sets the Button Appearance. The types of buttons that the child button of the ButtonEdit class can be set to. The ButtonType specifies the image that is to be used for the button. Set the button to normal appearance if you want to use your own image. The ButtonType and property are only loosely enforced by the control and the designer. In the case where the ButtonType is set to one of these values other than ButtonTypes.Normal and the Image property of the ButtonEditChildButton is changed, the new image will be displayed and the ButtonType will still be the same (it will not be changed to normal as its displaying a new image). The ButtonTypes are only provided for ease of use and do not in any way change the functionality of the buttons. Normal button. The image can be set by the user. Calculator image is used. Currency image is used. Down image is used. Down image like in a Windows XP combo box. Up image is used. Left image is used. Right image is used. Redo image is used. Undo image is used. Check image is used. Browse image is used. Left end image is used. Right end image is used. Render button in classic style Defines the different colors that will be used to define the 3 Windows XP color schemes supported. Summary description for Office2000ButtonRenderer. Office2003 button style rendering. Represents renderer of the Office 2007 style for ButtonAdv. Default radius truncation coreners of the control. Angle for vertical gradient brush. Width for brush. Blend for selected control. Blend for control. Blend for pressed control. Blend for disabled control. The color scheme that the renderer will render. Current color table. Initialize all drawing objects Make class cleanup Sets vista color scheme for the control. Gets rounded path for control. Gets rectangle for background. Gets rectangle for internal border. Gets vertical gradient brush. Draws background. Draws border. Draws background for control when it don't press and mouse don't over it. Draws background for control when it pressed. Draws background for control when mouse over it. Draws background for disable control. Fill rectangle with gradient. Fill rectangle with gradient for pressed control. Fill rectangle with gradient for selected control. Fill rectangle with gradient for disabled control. Specifies region for drawing Draws text on ButtonAdv with specified color The graphics object to use. Color of the text Represents renderer of the Office 2007 style for ButtonAdv. Default radius truncation coreners of the control. Angle for vertical gradient brush. Width for brush. Blend for selected control. Blend for control. Blend for pressed control. Blend for disabled control. The color scheme that the renderer will render. Current color table. Initialize all drawing objects Make class cleanup Sets vista color scheme for the control. Gets rounded path for control. Gets rectangle for background. Gets rectangle for internal border. Gets vertical gradient brush. Draws background. Draws border. Draws background for control when it don't press and mouse don't over it. Draws background for control when it pressed. Draws background for control when mouse over it. Draws background for disable control. Fill rectangle with gradient. Fill rectangle with gradient for pressed control. Fill rectangle with gradient for selected control. Fill rectangle with gradient for disabled control. Specifies region for drawing Draws text on ButtonAdv with specified color The graphics object to use. Color of the text Summary description for OfficeXPButtonRenderer. Show or Hide the prefix character Summary description for RenderingHelper. Calculates rectangle to draw on it backgroundImage, depending on imageLayout Bounds of the control Background image of the control Image layout of the background image WindowsXP button Renderer. The color scheme that the renderer will render. Sets the rectangles and paths used to draw the XP button when the size of the button is set. Set drawing bounds. Sets WindowsXP color scheme for the control. Set the color scheme for the button based on the current XP Scheme and the IsComboButton property. Calculates bounds for helper rectangles. Renders ButtonAdv using visual styles. Extends ArrayList by throwing events when Collection changes, an item's property changes, etc. This class lets you know through the event when an item gets added or deleted from the ArrayList or when an exisiting item is replaced by a new item at a position. It will also listen for property change notifications from the items in the list, provided the items implement the interface and forward them using the event. Overloaded. Creates a new instance of the ArrayListExt class. Creates a new instance of the ArrayListExt class and inserts the items specified in an array into the ArrayList. An array of objects. Raises the event. A object containing data pertaining to this event. The method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnCollectionChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnCollectionChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Called when an item is being added, removed, moved or when an exisiting item is replaced by a new item. This method does not fire a corresponding event. Raises the event. The source of the event. The object that contains data pertaining to this event. The method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's method so that registered delegates receive the event. Called when an item gets removed from the list. The object that got removed from the list. This provides you a convenient place where you can perform operations pertaining to the removal of an object from the list. Make sure to call the base class when you override this function.The base class will call the event with appropriate parameters. Called when an object gets added to the list. The object that got added to the list. This provides you a convenient place where you can perform operations pertaining to the addition of an object to the list. Make sure to call the base class when you override this function.The method will call the method with appropriate parameters. Call this method to force a event. The args for the above mentioned event. This method is useful when after suspending and resuming events in this list, you might want to fire the CollectionChanged event for some specific changes. Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See Overridden. See . Sorts the elements in the entire System.Collections.ArrayList using the System.IComparable implementation of each element. Reverse range of items in collection from position specified by index parameter and length specified by count parameter. range start position. range length. Allows you to move one or more items in the collection from one position to another. The beginning index of the range of items to move. The destination index where the items will be moved to. The number of elements in the range to be moved. If the above indices are not within the list's count, this method will return without performing any operation. For example, say a list contains the following elements: A, B, C, D, E, F. Then the following call:list.Move(2, 4, 2); will result in the following array: A, B, E, F, C, D. Will suspend the and events temporarily. Call when you are ready to receive events again. The / calls are useful when you are performing a series of operations that will result in multiple changes in the collection, throwing multiple events. In such cases, you could use these methods to have a single event thrown at the end of the series of operations.Note that there is no one-to-one correspondence between and . could be called more than once but a single subsequent call will resume throwing events. Starts throwing the and events. True will throw a event; False will not. Call this method after calling a method to resume throwing the and events.Note that there is no one-to-one correspondence between SuspendEvents and ResumeEvents. SuspendEvents could be called more than once but a single subsequent ResumeEvents call will resume throwing events. Overridden. See . Indicates whether the collection is Read-only. True to make the collection Read-only; False otherwise. Default is False. When set to True, the property will return True and exisiting items in the list cannot be replaced. Indicates whether the collection should be made fixed size. True to make the collection fixed size; False otherwise. Default is False. When set to True, the property will return True and no new elements can be added to the list. Indicates whether firing event is suspended. True indicates firing the event is suspended; False otherwise. Will be thrown when the Collection has changed due to the addition or removal of one or more items. Will be thrown if the items in the Collection implement interface and when their property changes. A list deriving from with a strongly-typed indexer of type int. An derived class that supports creating "visually inheritable lists". A "visually inheritable list" is one that keeps track of and persists in code, the incremental changes applied on the list in a derived class's designer. You should typically not use the methods and properties exposed by this class in your code. The properties are meant to be used during design-time to store the incremental changes done at design-time. Overloaded. Creates a new instance of the without any support for visual inheritance. Creates a new instance of the class and inserts the items specified in the array into the VisuallyInheritableList without any support for visual inheritance. An array of objects. Creates a new instance of the with support for visual inheritance provided based on the specified parent's design state. A reference to the interface that typically contains this collection. This list keeps track of the incremental changes happening in a designer by following the parent's property. Indicates whether to continue applying incremental-changes done in the previous design-time invocation. True to continue; False otherwise. This method is called if it seems like items were removed in the base class since the last invoke of this design-time. Called to apply the changes made in the previous design-time invoke. A list specifying the new positions based on the positions of the exisiting items set in the base class. Returns a list representing the incremental changes made at design-time. A list representing the new position of the items based on the position of the items in the base class. This list will be provided in a call to to reapply the changes done during this design-time. Compares two objects for equality. Object 1. Object 2. True if identical; False otherwise. The base class version uses the "==" operator to perform the comparison. This could be overridden to support boxed types (int, for example), where 2 integers should be compared based on their value rather than the boxed object instance. Overridden. See . Gets / sets the associated parent. Gets / sets the incremental changes done at design-time. Overloaded. Creates a new instance of the class. Creates a new instance of the class and inserts the items specified in an array into the , without support for visual inheritance. An array of integers. Creates a new instance of the with support for visual inheritance provided based on the specified parent's design state. A reference to the interface that typically contains this collection. Lets you add an array of integers into the list. An integer array. Available to enable serialization using AddRange in designer. Overridden. See . Object 1. Object 2. True if identical; False otherwise. Custom indexer of type int. See for more information. A list deriving from with a strongly-typed indexer of type int. Overloaded. Creates a new instance of the IntList class. Creates a new instance of the IntList class and inserts the items specified in array into the IntList. An array of integers. Lets you add an array of integers into the list. An integer array. Available to enable serialization via AddRange in designer. Custom indexer of type int. See for more information. An ArrayListExt instance that will enforce the type of objects that can be added to the array during runtime. Specifies the type of objects that can be added to the array. An indexer of the specified template type. The index of the object in the list that you want to retrieve. The object at the specified index. An IBindingList that wraps a DataTable and provides optimized access to the rows of the datatable. Assign this list to a grid as DataSource to improve performance when inserting records into an existing table with many records. Initializes a new object and attaches it to the wrapped DataTable. The DataTable to be wrapped. Not implemented. Not implemented. Returns -1. Not implemented. Adds a new row (calling DataTable.NewRow) and returns the new object. Not implemented. Removes the element at the specified index of the collection. The zero-based index of the element to remove. Inserts an element into the collection at the specified index. The zero-based index at which the element should be inserted. The element to insert. The value must not be a NULL reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). Removes the specified row object from the collection. The element to remove from the collection. If the value is NULL or the element is not contained in the collection, the method will do nothing. Always False, the method is not implemented yet. Removes all elements from the collection. Always -1, the method is not implemented. Adds a row object to the end of the collection. The element to be added to the end of the collection. The value must not be a NULL reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The zero-based collection index at which the value has been added. Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array. The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the ArrayList. The array must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in an array at which copying begins. Returns an enumerator. Returns a PropertyDescriptorCollection that represents the DataTable.Columns collection. Returns DataTable.TableName. The underlying DataTable. Always True. Not implemented. Always False. Always False. Always True. Always False. Not implemented. Broadcasts the event. Always True. Always True. Always False. Returns the element at the zero-based index. Setting is not supported and will throw an exception since the collection is Read-only. Always False since this collection has no fixed size. Not implemented. Returns the number of elements contained in the collection. Not implemented. A custom PropertyDescriptor that is used within a to access a DataColumn. Initializes a new PropertyDescriptor and attaches it to a DataColumn. Returns the DataColumn. Specifies the change in the ListProperty. Used by OnChanging and OnChanged events of strong typed collections. An item is appended. An item is removed. An item is inserted. An item is moved. The whole collection is changed. An item is replaced. A nested property of an item is changed. Used by OnChanging and OnChanged events of strong typed collections. Provides data for a cancellable event. Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the SyncfusionCancelEventArgs class. Initializes a new instance of the SyncfusionCancelEventArgs class with the Cancel property set to the given value. Initializes the ListPropertyChangedEventArgs. Initializes the ListPropertyChangedEventArgs. Returns the type in which the list changed. Returns the index of the item that is changed. Returns a reference to the affected item. Returns the names of the affected property. If tag is EventArgs, then it returns the Tag casted to EventArgs. Gets / sets a tag. Used by OnChanging and OnChanged events of strong typed collections. Provides helper routines for exploring properties in a collection. Essential Grid uses this routine to find out about columns and relations to be displayed in the grid when a collection is specified as datasource. Checks IBindingList.SortDirection. Checks IBindingList.SortProperty. The list to check. Calls IBindingList.ApplySort. List to be sorted. Checks IBindingList.SupportsSorting. Checks IBindingList.AllowRemove for IBindingList or IList.IsReadOnly and IList.IsFixedSize for IList collections. Indicates whether the property represents a relation or nested collection. Compares the two PropertyDescriptorCollection and indicates whether they are equal. Returns the PropertyDescriptorCollection for the relation or nested collection. Overloaded. Returns the PropertyDescriptorCollection for the relation or nested collection. Returns the PropertyDescriptorCollection for the relation or nested collection. Returns the PropertyDescriptorCollection for the relation or nested collection. Indicates whether the specified PropertyDescriptor has nested properties. The PropertyDescriptor to be checked. True if nested properties are found; False otherwise. Indicates whether the specified Type has nested properties. The Type to be checked. True if nested properties are found; False otherwise. Lets you register additional types that should return false when is called. Returns the or DataTable of the Returns the of the if it is a DataColumnPropertyDescriptor. Determines and returns the DataTable object for the given list. Returns the or DataTable of the Returns the properties for the specified type. Returns the type of the items in the list if the list is strong-typed. Returns the type of the items in the list if the list is strong-typed. Returns the properties for the object. Returns the value for the ValueMember of the specified item. The row item. The list The name of the value member The value of the ValueMember. Extends List{T} with events. Type of collection elements. Add method. Determines the index of a specific item in the list. Inserts an item to the list at the specified index. Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the collection. Removes item at the specified index. Determines whether the list contains a specific value. Removes all items from the list. Adds an item to the list. Removes all items from the list. Determines whether the list contains a specific value. Determines the index of a specific item in the list. Inserts an item to the list at the specified index. Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the list. Removes item at the specified index. Copies the elements of the ICollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. Performs additional custom processes before inserting a new element into the collection. TRUE to insert object Performs additional custom processes when removing an element from the collection. TRUE to remove object Fires ItemAdded event. Fires ItemRemoved event. Gets or sets the element at the specified index. Gets a value indicating whether the list has a fixed size. Gets a value indicating whether the list is read-only. Gets or sets the element at the specified index. Gets the number of elements contained in the ICollection. Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Fired when new item is added to the collection. Fired when item is removed from collection. Event arguments for ObservableList events. Type of items in InnerList. Underlying item. Creates and initializes new instance of ListItemEventArgs. Underlying item. Implements a two-dimensional table that holds an of rows. Each row is an of objects.

This is a memory efficient way to represent a table where values can remain empty. Only rows that actually contain data will allocate an and the array only holds as many objects as the specific row contains columns.

When you access data that are out of range, an empty () object will be returned. If you set data that are out of range, an exception will be thrown. If you set data for a row that is empty, the row will be allocated before the value is stored.

SFTable provides methods that let you insert, remove or rearrange columns or rows in the table.

Initializes a new instance of the class from the specified instances of the and classes. An instance of the class containing the information required to serialize the new instance. An instance of the class containing the source of the serialized stream associated with the new instance. This constructor implements the interface for the class. Implements the ISerializable interface and returns the data needed to serialize the . A SerializationInfo object containing the information required to serialize the object. A StreamingContext object containing the source and destination of the serialized stream. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class that is empty. Initializes a new instance of the class and optional copies of data from an existing table. Creates a deep copy of the . A deep copy of the . Removes all elements from the . Creates and returns a new . A new Creates a collection of cells for a row. An or derived object for the cell collection. Inserts a specified number of empty rows in the at a given row index. The zero-based row index of the first row to be inserted. The number of rows to be added. not used. Inserts a specified number of empty columns for each row in the at a given column index. The zero-based column index of the first column to be inserted. The number of columns to be inserted. not used. Removes a specified number of rows from the at a given row index. The zero-based row index of the first row to be removed. The number of rows to be removed. not used. Removes a specified number of columns for each row in the at a given column index. The zero-based column index of the first column to be removed. The number of columns to be removed. not used. Rearranges rows in the . The zero-based index of the first row to be moved. The number of rows in the range to be moved. The new starting index for the range. The zero-based index is based on the original array. SFTable array = new SFTable(); array.RowCount = 5; array.ColCount = 1; array[0,0] = 0; array[1,0] = 1; array[2,0] = 2; array[3,0] = 3; array.MoveRows(0, 2, 3); // results in new order: 2, 0, 1, 3 Rearranges columns in the . The zero-based index of the first column to be moved. The number of columns in the range to be moved. The new starting index for the range. The zero-based index is based on the original array. SFTable array = new SFTable(); array.ColCount = 5; array.RowCount = 1; array[0,0] = 0; array[0,1] = 1; array[0,2] = 2; array[0,3] = 3; array.MoveCols(0, 2, 3); // results in new order: 2, 0, 1, 3 Indicates whether an element is at the specified coordinates in the . The zero-based row index. The zero-based column index. if an element exists at the specified coordinates in the ; otherwise. Returns the from all rows. Gets / sets the number of rows contained in the . If you decrease the row count, the rows in the will be removed. Gets / sets the number of columns contained in the . If you decrease the column count, the last columns in each row will be removed. Gets / sets an element at the specified coordinates in the . The zero-based row index. The zero-based column index. If you query for an element and the coordinates are out of range, an empty () object will be returned. If you set an element and the the coordinates are out of range, an exception is thrown. Extends ArrayList with MoveRange, InsertRange and RemoveRange methods. The Item property will grow the array on demand or return NULL if an index is out of range. Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the class that is empty and has the default initial capacity. Initializes a new instance of the class that contains elements copied from the specified collection and has the same initial capacity as the number of elements copied. The whose elements are copied to the new list. Overridden. Creates a deep copy of the . A deep copy of the . Rearranges the values in the . The zero-based index of the first value to be moved. The number of values in the range to be moved. The new starting index for the range. The zero-based index is based on the original array. SFArrayList array = new SFArrayList(); array[0] = 0; array[1] = 1; array[2] = 2; array[3] = 3; array.MoveRange(0, 2, 3); // results in new order: 2, 0, 1, 3 Enlarges the array if needed. The size to be checked. If the array has less elements, empty () objects will be appended at the end of the array. Removes a range of values from the . The zero-based index of the first value to be removed. The number of values in the range to be removed. SFArrayList array = new SFArrayList(); array[0] = 0; array[1] = 1; array[2] = 2; array[3] = 3; array.RemoveRange(1, 2); // results in new order: 0, 3 Inserts a specified number of () values in the at a given index. The zero-based index of the first value to be inserted. The number of values in the range to be added. SFArrayList array = new SFArrayList(); array[0] = 0; array[1] = 1; array[2] = 2; array[3] = 3; array.InsertRange(1, 2); // results in new order: 0, null, null, 2, 3 Gets / sets the element at the specified index. In C#, this property is the indexer for the class. The zero-based index of the element to get / set. The element at the specified index. When querying the value and the index is out of range, an empty () object will be returned. When setting the value and the index is out of range the array will be enlarged. See Used by TreeTable to balance the tree with algorithm based on Red-Black tree. Red. Black. A branch or leaf in the tree. returns the position in the tree. Returns the number of child nodes (+1 for the current node). Indicates whether leaf is empty. Indicates whether this is a leaf. Returns the tree level of this node. Returns the minimum value (of the leftmost leaf) of the branch in a sorted tree. Walk up parent branches and reset counters. Walk up parent branches and reset summaries. Gets / sets the parent branch. A branch with left and right leaves or branches. Sets the left node. The new node. Indicates whether tree-table is in add-mode. Indicates whether tree-table is sorted. Call this method instead of simply setting property if you want to avoid the round-trip call to check whether the tree is in add-mode or if tree-table is sorted. Sets the right node. The new node. Specifies if tree-table is in add-mode. Call this method instead of simply setting property if you want to avoid the round-trip call to check whether the tree is in add-mode or if tree-table is sorted. Returns the left branch cast to ITreeTableBranch. Returns the right branch cast to ITreeTableBranch. Returns the position in the tree table of the specified child node. Sets this object's child node Count dirty and marks parent nodes' child node Count dirty. Sets this object's child node Count dirty and steps through all child branches and marks their child node Count dirty. Sets this object's child node Minimum dirty and marks parent nodes' child node Minimum dirty. Sets this object's child node Minimum dirty and steps through all child branches and marks their child node Minimum dirty. Gets / sets the left node. Gets / sets the right node. Gets / sets the Red-Black tree color. A leaf with value and optional sort key. Returns the sort key of this leaf. Creates a branch that can hold this entry when new leaves are inserted into the tree. Gets / sets the value attached to this leaf. A branch or leaf in the tree. This class provides a base class that implements the IDisposable interface as suggested in the .NET documentation using the Disposable pattern. If you derive from this class, you only need to override the protected Dispose method and check the disposing parameter. This is a base class for Disposable. It implements the IDisposable interface as suggested in the .NET documentation using the Disposable pattern but it does not implement a finalizer. If you need finalization you need to derive from Disposable or add a finalizer to your derived class and manually call Dispose from the Finalizer. Releases all resources used by the Component. Releases all resources used by the Component. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. See the documentation for the class and its Dispose member. . In C# and C++, finalizers are expressed using destructor syntax. Returns the position in the tree. Returns the minimum value (of the most-left leaf) of the branch in a sorted tree. Indicates whether leaf is empty. Indicates whether this is a leaf. Returns the number of child nodes (+1 for the current node). Returns the tree level of this node. Returns the Debug / text information about the node. Returns the Debug / text information about the node. Walks up parent branches and reset counters. Walks up parent branches and reset summaries. Gets / sets the tree this node belongs to. Gets / sets the parent branch. A branch in a tree. Initializes a new branch. Returns the minimum value (of the most-left leaf) of the branch in a sorted tree. Returns the left node cast to ITreeTableBranch. Returns the right node cast to ITreeTableBranch. Sets the left node. The new node. Indicates whether tree-table is in add-mode. Indicates whether tree-table is sorted. Call this method instead of simply setting property if you want to avoid the round-trip call to check whether the tree is in add-mode or if tree-table is sorted. Sets the right node. The new node. Indicates whether tree-table is in add-mode. Call this method instead of simply setting property if you want to avoid the round-trip call to check whether the tree is in add-mode or if tree-table is sorted. Returns the position in the tree table of the specific child node. Returns the number of child nodes (+1 for the current node). Indicates whether this is a leaf. Sets this object's child node count dirty and walks up parent nodes and marks their child node count dirty. Sets this object's child node count dirty and steps through all child branches and marks their child node count dirty. Sets this object's child node minimum dirty and marks parent nodes' child node minimum dirty. Sets this object's child node minimum dirty and steps through all child branches and marks their child node minimum dirty. Gets / sets Red-Black tree algorithm helper. Gets / sets the left leaf or branch. Gets / sets the right tree or branch. A leaf in the tree with value and optional sort key. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. See the documentation for the class and its Dispose member. Returns the sort key of this leaf. Returns the minimum value (of the most-left leaf) of the branch in a sorted tree. Returns the number of child nodes (+1 for the current node). Creates a branch that can hold this entry when new leaves are inserted into the tree. Returns the Debug / text information about the node. Indicates whether this is a leaf. Gets / sets the value attached to this leaf. An empty node. Tree table interface definition. Optimizes insertion of many elements when tree is initialized for the first time. Ends optimization of insertion of elements when tree is initialized for the first time. Optimized access to a subsequent entry. Optimized access to a previous entry. Indicates whether this is a sorted tree. A comparer used by sorted trees. Returns the root node. Indicates whether BeginInit was called. This object owns a . Returns a reference to an inner tree table. A tree table. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. See the documentation for the class and its Dispose member. Initializes a new . Sets the node at the specified index. Index value where the node is to be inserted. Value of the node that is to be inserted. Optimized access to the previous entry. Optimized access to a subsequent entry. Inserts a node at the specified index. Index value where the node is to be inserted. Value of the node to insert. Removes the specified node. Node value to look for and remove. Resets the cache. Indicates whether the node belongs to this tree. Node value to search for. True if node belongs to this tree; false otherwise. Returns the position of a node. Node value to look for. Index of the node if found. Appends a node. Node value to append. Optimizes insertion of many elements when tree is initialized for the first time. Ends optimization of insertion of elements when tree is initialized for the first time. Adds a node into a sorted tree. Node value to add. Adds a node in a sorted tree only if no node with the same value has not been added yet. Node value to add. Finds a node in a sorted tree. Finds a node in a sorted tree that matches the specified key. The key to search. The node; NULL if not found. Finds the node in a sorted tree is just one entry ahead of the node with the specified key. It searches for the largest possible key that is smaller than the specified key. The key to search. The node; NULL if not found. Removes a node at the specified position. Inserts a node at the specified index. Removes the node with the specified value. Indicates whether the node belongs to this tree. Clears all nodes in the tree. Returns the index of the specified node. Adds the specified node to the tree. Returns the number of leaves. Copies the element from this collection into an array. The destination array. The starting index in thedestination array. Copies the elements from this collection into an array. The destination array. The starting index in the destination array. Returns an enumerator. Returns a . Gets / sets the comparer used by sorted trees. Gets / sets the tag that can be associated with this object. Indicates whether tree is sorted. Gets / sets the root node. Gets / sets an item at the specified index. Indicates whether BeginInit was called. Indicates whether the tree is Read-only. Gets / sets the item with the specified index. Index value of the item. Indicates whether the nodes can be added or removed. Not supported. Returns the number of leaves. Not implemented. Strongly typed enumerator for . Initializes a new . Resets the enumerator. Indicates whether to move to the next node. Returns the current enumerator. Returns the current node. An object that holds an . Gets a reference to the . A collection of objects that are internally using a . Overloaded. Initializes a new . Initializes a new . Initializes a new . Optimizes insertion of many elements when tree is initialized for the first time. Ends optimization of insertion of elements when tree is initialized for the first time. Indicates whether object belongs to this collection. The value of the object. True if object belongs to the collection; false otherwise. Returns the position of a object in the collection. The value of the object. The position of the object. Copies the contents of the collection to an array. Destination array. Starting index of the destination array. Returns a strongly typed enumerator. A strongly types enumerator. Inserts an object at the specified index. Index value where the object is to be inserted. Value of the object to insert. Appends an object. The value of the object to append. Removes the object. The value of the object to remove. Removes a node at the specified index. Index value of the node to remove. Inserts the object at the specified index. Index value of the object to insert. Value of the object to insert. Removes the specified object. Value of the object to remove. Indicate whether the specified object belongs to this collection. Object value to look for. True if object belongs to the collection; false otherwise. Clears all nodes in the tree. Returns the index of the specified object. Value of the object. Index value of the object. Adds the specified object to the collection. Value of the object to add. Copies elements to destination array. Destination array. Starting index of the destination array. Returns an enumerator. Enumerator. Indicates whether BeginInit was called. Gets / sets an at a specific position. Indicates whether tree is Read-only. Gets / sets the item at the specified index. Index of the item. The item at the specified index. Indicates whether the nodes can be added or removed. Not supported. Returns the number of objects in this collection. A strongly typed enumerator for the . Initializes the . Resets the enumerator. Indicates whether to move to the next object in the collection. Returns the current enumerator. Returns the current object. Interface definition for a node that has counters and summaries. Interface definition for a node that has one or more summaries. Returns an array of summary objects. The empty summaries. Marks all summaries dirty in this node and child nodes. if set to true notify entry summary. Indicates whether node has summaries. The total of this node's counter and child nodes. The cumulative position of this node. Marks all counters dirty in this node and child nodes. if set to true notify counter source. Interface definition for an object that has counters. Returns the counter object with counters. Marks all counters dirty in this object and child nodes. if set to true notify counter source. Marks all counters dirty in this object and parent nodes. Interface definition for a counter object. Combines this counter object with another counter and returns a new object. A cookie can specify a specific counter type. The other. The cookie. Compares this counter with another counter. A cookie can specify a specific counter type. The other. The cookie. Indicates whether the counter object is empty. A cookie can specify a specific counter type. The cookie. true if the specified cookie is empty; otherwise, false. Returns the integer value of the counter. A cookie specifies a specific counter type. The cookie. Gets the Counter Kind. The kind. Default counter cookies for identifying counter types. All counters. Visible Counter. A counter that counts objects that are marked "Visible". Returns an empty TreeTableVisibleCounter that represents zero visible elements. Initializes a with a specified number of visible elements. The visible count. Returns the visible count. Returns the integer value of the counter. A cookie specifies a specific counter type. The cookie. Combines one tree object with another and returns the new object. The other. The cookie. Factory method creates a new counter object of the same type as this object. Called to combine the values of two counter objects. Results are saved back into this counter object. A cookie can filter the operation to a limited set of counter types. The x. The y. The cookie. Combines the counter values of this counter object with the values of another counter object and returns a new counter object. The other. The cookie. Compares this counter with another counter. A cookie can specify a specific counter type. The other. The cookie. Indicates whether the counter object is empty. A cookie can specify a specific counter type. The cookie. true if the specified cookie is empty; otherwise, false. Returns a that represents the current . A that represents the current . The Counter Kind. A tree table branch with a counter. A tree table branch with a counter. Initializes a new . Returns the left branch node cast to ITreeTableSummaryNode. Returns the right branch node cast to ITreeTableSummaryNode. Returns an array of summary objects. The empty summaries. Walks up parent branches and reset summaries. Marks all summaries dirty in this node and child nodes. if set to true notify counter source. Returns the tree this branch belongs to. Gets / sets the parent branch. Indicates whether this node has summaries. Initializes a new . Returns the cumulative counter position object of a child node with all counter values. The node. Returns the left branch node cast to ITreeTableCounterNode. Returns the right branch node cast to ITreeTableCounterNode. Returns the total of this node's counter and child nodes (cached). Returns the cumulative position of this node. Invalidates the counter bottom up. if set to true notify counter source. Marks all counters dirty in this node and child nodes. if set to true notify counter source. Returns the tree this branch belongs to. Gets / sets the parent branch. A tree leaf with value, sort key and counter information. A tree leaf with value and summary information. Creates a branch that can hold this entry when new leaves are inserted into the tree. Returns an array of summary objects. The empty summaries. Called from when called the first time after summaries were invalidated. The empty summaries. Returns the value as . Walks up parent branches and reset summaries. Marks all summaries dirty in this node and child nodes. if set to true notify summary array source. Returns the tree this leaf belongs to. Gets / sets the parent branch. Indicates whether the node has summaries. Creates a branch that can hold this entry when new leaves are inserted into the tree. Returns the cumulative position of this node. Returns the value as . Indicates whether the counter was set dirty. True if dirty; False otherwise. Returns the total of this node's counter and child nodes. Reset cached counter. Invalidates the counter bottom up. if set to true notify counter source. Marks all summaries dirty in this node and child nodes. if set to true notify counter source. Returns the tree this leaf belongs to. Gets / sets the parent branch. A balanced tree with entries. A balanced tree with entries. Initializes a new . Marks all summaries dirty. if set to true notify summaries source. Returns an array of summary objects. Inserts a object at the specified index. Removes an object from the tree. Indicates whether an object belongs to the tree. Returns the index of an object in the tree. Appends an object. Copies the elements of this tree to an array. Returns a strongly typed enumerator. Indicates whether the tree has summaries. Gets / sets a TreeTableWithSummaryEntry. Initializes a new . Ends optimization of insertion of elements when tree is initialized for the first time. Marks all counters dirty. Returns the total of all counters in this tree. Returns the starting counter for this tree. Overloaded. Returns an entry at the specified counter position. A cookie defines the type of counter. The search position. The cookie. Returns an entry at the specified counter position. A cookie defines the type of counter. The search position. The cookie. Indicates if the leftmost entry should be returned if multiple tree elements have the same searchPosition. Gets the entry at counter position. The start. The search position. The cookie. Gets the entry at counter position. The start. The search position. The cookie. if set to true prefer left most. Returns the subsequent entry in the collection for which the specific counter is not empty. A cookie defines the type of counter. The current. The cookie. Returns the previous entry in the collection for which the specific counter is not empty. A cookie defines the type of counter. The current. The cookie. Returns the next entry in the collection for which CountVisible counter is not empty. The current. Returns the previous entry in the collection for which CountVisible counter is not empty. The current. Inserts a object at the specified index. The index. The value. Removes an object from the tree. The value. Indicates whether an entry belongs to the tree. The entry. true if tree contains the specified entry; otherwise, false. Returns the position of an object in the tree. The value. Appends an object. The value. Copies the elements of this tree to an array. The array. The index. Returns a strongly typed enumerator. Gets / sets a TreeTableWithCounterEntry. A strongly typed enumerator for the collection. Initializes a new . Returns the current object. An object that counts objects that are marked "Visible". It implements the ITreeTableCounterSource interface and creates a . Initializes the object with visible count. The visible count. Marks all counters dirty in this object and parent nodes. Returns the counter object with counters. Marks all counters dirty in this object and child nodes. if set to true notify counter source. Interface definition for a summary object. Combines this summary information with another object's summary and returns a new object. The other. Provides a method. Gets an array of summary objects. Interface definition for an object that has summaries. Returns an array of summary objects. An array of empty summary objects. Returns True if summaries were recalculated; False if already cached. An array of summary objects. Marks all summaries dirty in this object and child nodes. Marks all summaries dirty in this object and parent nodes. Marks all summaries dirty in this object only. A strongly typed enumerator for the collection. Initializes a new . Returns the current object. Provides the base class for a strongly typed collection of key-and-value pairs. This class is very similar to the class. The main difference is that this version allows you to set the InnerHashtable. only provides a Read-only property for the InnerHashtable. Initializes a new . Initializes a new . Initializes a new and associates it with a . The inner collection that will hold entries of this collection. Clears the contents of the instance. Copies the elements to a one-dimensional at the specified index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the objects copied from the instance. The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in an at which copying begins. Returns a that can iterate through the instance. A for the instance. Returns the enumerator. Enumerator. Performs additional custom processes before clearing the contents of the instance. Returns the element with the specified key and value in the instance. The key of the element to get. The current value of the element associated with . A containing the element with the specified key and value. Performs additional custom processes before inserting a new element into the instance. The key of the element to insert. The value of the element to insert. Performs additional custom processes before removing an element from the instance. The key of the element to remove. The value of the element to remove. Performs additional custom processes before setting a value in the instance. The key of the element to locate. The old value of the element associated with . The new value of the element associated with . Performs additional custom processes when validating the element with the specified key and value. The key of the element to validate. The value of the element to validate. Adds the element with the specified key and value to the instance. Returns the list of keys contained in the instance. Returns the list of values contained in the instance. Removes the number of elements contained in the instance. Removes the list of elements contained in the instance. Gets / sets the list of elements contained in the instance. Indicates whether the is Read-only. Indicates whether the has a fixed size. Indicates whether access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . Implements a drop-down button control for selecting colors. The ColorPickerButton class is a button-type control that pops-up an instance of the Syncfusion when clicked. This class derives from the Windows Forms Button class and hence can be used in place of a regular button control. The ColorPickerButton's ColorUIControl component can be accessed through the property. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Creates a new instance of the class. Process touch gestures Gesture messages true/false Overridden. See . Sets the font to ColorUI control Creates a new accessibility object in . Returns a new System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject for the Creates a default instance of a . The instance. Returns the name of the control. Initializes the drop-down container. Adds a . Called when the drop-down has been closed. Overridden. See . The ColorSelected event occurs when a color is selected from the drop-down . Gets a reference to the drop-down ColorUIControl. A reference to the instance. Overrides the base class font property. Gets or sets the size of the drop-down . A Size value. Gets or sets the visibility drop down. True if the drop-down is visible; False otherwise. By default, it is False. Gets or sets the touchmode of is enable. Gets or sets a value whether is set as the backcolor. True if the SelectedColor is used; False otherwise. By default, it is False. Gets or sets a value whether is set as the text. True if the SelectedColor is used; false otherwise. By default, it is False. Gets or sets the current selected color. A color value. Gets or sets the tab associated with this colorgroup in the drop-down . A value. The default is ColorUIGroups.All. Gets or sets the tab associated with this colorgroup as the selected tab in the drop-down . A value. Gets or sets the text displayed on the drop-down 's custom colors tab. A String value. Gets or sets the text displayed on the drop-down 's standard colors tab. A String value. Gets or sets the text displayed on the drop-down 's system colors tab. A String value. Gets a reference to the that will contain the . A reference to the instance. Gets/Sets if Dropdown opened using Touch Gesture Defines the constant that specify constants that define the color groups for the ColorPicker controls. The ColorUIGroup's enumeration is used for specifying the color tab pages to be displayed in the and the controls.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute that allows a combination of its member values.

None of the color groups are displayed. Displays the custom colors group. Displays the standard colors group. Displays the system colors group. Displays all color groups, but not displays UserColors groups. Displays the user colors group. Displays all color groups. Defines the constant that specify the selected color group in the ColorPicker controls. The ColorUISelectedGroup enumeration is used for specifying the selected color group in the and the controls. No color group is selected. The custom colors group is selected. The standard colors group is selected. The system colors groups is selected. The user colors groups is selected. Defines the constant which specifies the possible source of ColorUI Style. Classic appearance. Office2010 like appearance. Office2016 colorful appearance. Office2016 white theme appearance. Office2016 black theme appearance. Office2016 dark gray appearance. Metro-like appearance. Design the property values into class. Designer ActionList collection Initialize a new instance of the ColorUIDesigner class. Gets a value indication the designer action. Special type converter that can convert the associated type to a byte array and vice-versa when requested by the design-time, for example. An abstract class that encapsulates a command to be executed at a later point in time. Execute the command this object represents. Get a description for the command. Still being discussed if they should be included in shared. Still being discussed if they should be included in shared. Provides support for the method that returns a . Returns a that is associated with the current object. Empty attributes array for optimization. Hide default constructor. Allow to see it only inheritors. This is a base class for DisposableWithDisposedProp. It implements the IDisposable interface as suggested in the .NET documentation using the Disposable pattern but it does not implement a finalizer. If you need finalization you need to derive from Disposable or add a finalizer to your derived class and manually call Dispose from the Finalizer. Storage for IsDisposed property. True - object is disposed, otherwise object is still alive and available for user use. Releases all resources used by the Component. Releases all resources used by the Component. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. See the documentation for the class and its Dispose member. Allows to detect if object is disposed or not. True indicates object is disposed, otherwise indicates object is still alive and ready for use. This class provides a base class that implements the IDisposable interface as suggested in the .NET documentation using the Disposable pattern. If you derive from this class, you only need to override the protected Dispose method and check the disposing parameter. . In C# and C++, finalizers are expressed using destructor syntax. Clear collection and then reset it reference to NULL. Dispose array items and then clear collection and reset it reference to NULL. Gets the value of a property from some object Object from which we want to take the value of property Name of the property from which we want to take value Type of value? which to return Value which we want to take Specifies the expected effect of the change in property of an object / Control. Used by the class. The Control needs a repaint due to change in property's value. The Control needs to be laid out due to change in a property's value. No effect when there is change in a property's value. Provides data for the delegate. Creates an instance of the SyncfusionPropertyChangedEventArgs class. A PropertyChangeEffect value. The name of the property. The old value cast into an object. The new value cast into an object. Gets / sets the of this change in property value. The . The old value of the property before it changes. The object representing the old value. This can be cast to the type of the property. The new value of the property after it changes. The object representing the new value. This can be cast to the type of the property. Represents the method that will handle the PropertyChanged event of certain classes. The source of the event. A object that contains the event data. A class implements this interface to let it be known that it provides a event. The class makes use of this interface when the items in its list implement it. The listens to this event and forwards the event args using its own event. Occurs when one of the object's property changes. This event provides a generic way of notifying changes in an object's property, along with the old value, new value and the PropertyChangeEffect. Used internally to expose the DesignMode property of certain component-derived classes. Indicates whether the component is in design-mode. Indicates the current state of the operation. The operation is starting. The operation is in progress. The operation is finished. This class listens to a list of and fires a event if the operation takes longer than a specified . Derive from this class if you want to add support for displaying status messages in your status bar. operates on the same thread where the long operation takes place. See the class how to give feedback about the operation on a different thread and allow the user to cancel the operation by pressing the Cancel button in a dialog. Adds an that this object will listen to and provide user feedback for. An object that implements the interface. Removes an from the list of feedback providers. An object that implements the interface. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Occurs to indicate the progress of an ongoing operation. Gets / sets the delay in milliseconds before Progress events about an operation should be raised. Holds status information about an ongoing operation. Initializes the event args. The current status of the operation. The name of the operation. A textual description for the operation. The percentage of work the operation completed so far or -1 if the operation is not able to calculate a meaningful percentage value. The number of milliseconds that passed since the operation started. Indicates whether the operation can be canceled by the user. Indicates whether changes made by the operation can be rolled back if the operation is canceled by the user. Returns the percentage of work the operation completed so far; -1 if the operation is not able to calculate a meaningful percentage value. Returns the name of the operation. Returns the textual description for the operation. Indicates whether the operation can be canceled by the user. Indicates whether changes made by the operation can be rolled back if the operation is canceled by the user. Indicates whether the operation should roll back. Returns the current status of the operation. Returns the number of milliseconds that passed since the operation started. Represents the method that will handle the OperationFeedbackEvent event of certain classes. The source of the event. An OperationFeedbackEventArgs object that contains the event data. The class that implements the component where operations are operated on should implement this interface. Raises an RaiseOperationFeedbackEvent. An OperationFeedbackEventArgs object that contains the event data. Returns the stack for nested operations. Occurs to indicate the progress of an ongoing operation. Use this class when you want to provide feedback during time-consuming operations or if you want the user to be able to abort an operation. You need to implement IOperationFeedbackProvider in your class. // interface IOperationFeedbackProvider public event OperationFeedbackEventHandler OperationFeedback; Stack feedbackStack = new Stack(); void IOperationFeedbackProvider.RaiseOperationFeedbackEvent(OperationFeedbackEventArgs e) { if (OperationFeedback != null) OperationFeedback(this, e); } Stack IOperationFeedbackProvider.FeedbackStack { get { return feedbackStack; } } When you implement an operation that you want to be cancellable or where you want to show feedback (e.g. display percentage in status bar) you do this by creating an OperationFeedback object inside a using statement. Example: using (OperationFeedback op = new OperationFeedback(this)) { op.Name = "Cell"; op.Description = "Command Description"; op.AllowCancel = true; op.AllowNestedProgress = true; op.AllowNestedFeedback = false; while (n++ != 100) { if (op.ShouldCancel()) return; op.PercentComplete = n; } } It is also supported in nest operations in case your method calls other routines that also use OperationFeedback. AllowNestedProgress will disable OperationFeedback and OperationProgress / ShouldCancel in nested routines. AllowNestedFeedback will simply prohibit changing the description. But the object will still fire OperationProgress events. A sample for a consumer is the DelayedWaitCursor class. You can assign a DelayedWaitCursor to a grid table. The DelayedWaitCursor object will listen to OperationFeedback events and automatically change the cursor to a wait cursor if operations take more time. Initializes a new OperationFeedback object and pushes the object onto the providers feedback stack. Component that implements IOperationFeedbackProvider. Closes the current operation. Removes the object from FeedbackStack. Call this method to signal the start of the operation. If you do not explicitly call this routine, it will be called automatically the first time Progress or ShouldCancel is called. Call this method to signal the end of the operation. If you do not explicitly call this routine it will be called automatically when you are using the "using" statement in C# and / or when Dispose is called. Call this method inside a loop from your method that implements the operation. Gets / sets the number of series if you have a series of nested operations. If you know the number of operations in advance, you should specify this value. This allows OperationFeedback to adjust the percentage display to reflect the percentage in the overall operation. If you have two operations, the first operation will show percentage from 0 to 50 and the second from 51 to 100. In the original program code for these operations, you can keep your original calculations (setting percentage from 0 to 100). OperationFeedback simply divides the percentage by SeriesCount when it fires the Progress event. Indicate whether this operation is nested inside another operation. Indicates whether nested operations are enabled / disabled. Indicates whether calls to Progress or ShouldCancel have any effect. Indicates whether the percent complete and description should be shown or discarded for this operation. Indicates whether percentage display and description for nested operations are enabled / disabled. Indicates whether the user wants to abort the operation. ShouldCancel will call Progress. Indicates whether cancelling the current operation is enabled / disabled. Indicates whether rolling back (undoing) the current operation is enabled / disabled. Indicates whether the canceled operation should be rolled back. Returns False. Gets / sets the short name of the operation. Returns the number of ticks elapsed since the operation was started. Gets / sets the description of the operation. Use localized string (SR.GetString("...")) if necessary. Gets / sets the progress in percentage for the current operation. Returns the number of counts of calls to Progress. Specifies whether a property should be shown in the ToString result. Specifies that a property should be shown in the ToString result. This field is Read-only. Specifies that a property should not be shown in the ToString result. This field is Read-only. The default value for TracePropertyAttribute. (No) Initializes a new instance of the class. if a property should be shown in ToString result; otherwise. The default is . Overridden. See . Indicates whether a property is shown in the ToString result. Helper class for creating a string concatenating the string representation of all properties in an object. The static method of this helper class will loop through any property in a given object and check if the has been set. If it has been set, the string representation of the property will be appended to the resulting string. Indicates whether the has been set for the property. A . True if property has a ; False otherwise. This method will loop through any property in a given object and append the string representation of the property if the has been set. This is a base class for events of the Syncfusion libraries. It supports writing properties in its ToString() method. This method will loop through all properties in a derived class and append the string representation of the property if the has been set. Provides data for an event that indicates success or failure. Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the SyncfusionSuccessEventArgs class with the Success property set to True. Initializes a new instance of the SyncfusionSuccessEventArgs class with the Success property set to the given value. Indicates whether an operation was successful. Indicates whether an operation was successful. Provides data for a event that can be handled by a subscriber and overrides the event's default behavior. Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the SyncfusionHandledEventArgs class with the Handled property set to False. Initializes a new instance of the SyncfusionHandledEventArgs class with the Handled property set to the given value. Indicates whether the event has been handled and no further processing of the event should happen. Provides a basic implementation for the ITypeDescriptorContext interface and can be used together with WindowsFormsEditorService to launch an Editor directly outside a property grid. The grid uses this class to display a collection editor: public static DialogResult ShowGridBaseStylesMapDialog(object instance, string propertyName) { GridBaseStyleCollectionEditor ce = new GridBaseStyleCollectionEditor(typeof(ArrayList)); WindowsFormsEditorServiceContainer esc = new WindowsFormsEditorServiceContainer(null); PropertyDescriptor pd = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(instance)[propertyName]; TypeDescriptorContext tdc = new TypeDescriptorContext(instance, pd); tdc.ServiceProvider = esc; object v = ce.EditValue(tdc, esc, ((ICloneable) pd.GetValue(instance)).Clone()); if (esc.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { pd.SetValue(instance, v); } return esc.DialogResult; } Initializes a TypeDescriptorContext for the given object and PropertyDescriptor. The instance of the property to be edited. A PropertyDescriptor that contains information about the property. Gets / sets the associated IServiceProvider. An IServiceProvider value. Provides support for the method that returns a . Returns a collection of property descriptors. Provides a basic implementation for the IWindowsFormsEditorService and IServiceProvider interfaces and can be used together with TypeDescriptorContext to launch an Editor directly outside a property grid. The grid uses this class to display a collection editor. public static DialogResult ShowGridBaseStylesMapDialog(object instance, string propertyName) { GridBaseStyleCollectionEditor ce = new GridBaseStyleCollectionEditor(typeof(ArrayList)); WindowsFormsEditorServiceContainer esc = new WindowsFormsEditorServiceContainer(null); PropertyDescriptor pd = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(instance)[propertyName]; TypeDescriptorContext tdc = new TypeDescriptorContext(instance, pd); tdc.ServiceProvider = esc; object v = ce.EditValue(tdc, esc, ((ICloneable) pd.GetValue(instance)).Clone()); if (esc.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { pd.SetValue(instance, v); } return esc.DialogResult; } Initializes a WindowsFormsEditorServiceContainer with the given IServiceProvider. An IServiceProvider. Can be NULL. Occurs immediately before the Dialog is displayed. The ControlEventArgs.Control the form. Returns the dialog result of the edit operation. Gets / sets the associated IServiceProvider. Extends the class to handle currency input and validation. The CurrencyTextBox is derived from the textbox and provides all the functionality of a text box and adds additional functionality of its own. Collecting currency input in a consistent format requires a lot of validation code that needs to be built into the application when using the Windows Forms textbox control. The CurrencyTextBox includes all this logic into its methods and properties and makes it easy for the developer and the end user to collect and enter currency data. The CurrencyTextBox is also closely tied to the globalization settings of the operating system for Currency related properties. Please refer to the class for a detailed explanation of globalization and Currency related attributes. The CurrencyTextBox has full support for the Windows Forms designer and you can just drag-and-drop and set properties on the control just as you would with the Windows Forms textbox. The CurrencyTextBox also raises a event when inappropriate data is entered into the control. All clipboard functions such as copy, paste and cut are also supported with special accommodations for currency related issues. // Create the Calculator Control. this.currencyTextBox1 = new CurrencyTextBox(); // Set the initial value. this.currencyTextBox1.Text = "$1.00"; // Set the clipmode. this.currencyTextBox1.ClipMode = CurrencyClipModes.IncludeFormatting; // Set formatting properties. this.currencyTextBox1.CurrencyDecimalDigits = 2; this.currencyTextBox1.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = "."; this.currencyTextBox1.CurrencyGroupSeparator = ","; this.currencyTextBox1.CurrencyGroupSizes = new int[] {3}; this.currencyTextBox1.CurrencyNegativePattern = 1; this.currencyTextBox1.CurrencyNumberDigits = 27; this.currencyTextBox1.CurrencyPositivePattern = 0; this.currencyTextBox1.CurrencySymbol = "$"; this.currencyTextBox1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.currencyTextBox1.NegativeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; this.currencyTextBox1.NegativeSign = "-"; this.currencyTextBox1.PositiveColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.currencyTextBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(256, 20); this.currencyTextBox1.TextAlign = System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Right; // Add the CurrencyTextBox control to the form. this.Controls.Add(this.currencyTextBox1); Represents the class to apply the theme for control. Extends the class to handle numeric input and validation. The NumberTextBoxBase class is not to be used directly. Defines the base class for controls that provide specific formatting and validation for different data types. Represents a class to apply the theme for the control. An extended textbox that provides advanced border styles. The property provides you advanced 3D border options. The property lets you specify custom single border colors. Overflow indicator border indent. Default windows message for gesture support. Default windows message for Mouse captured. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Helps to apply the ThemeName settings in control ThemeName Helps to override the ControlName property settings ControlName Helps to draw text border of control Overflow indicator size. Overflow indicator element size. Overflow indicator border color. Overflow indicator foreground element color. Overflow indicator ToolTip offset. Default size of the control To check whether the scaling of the TextBoxExt; Default font style of the control Font which stored after changed in design Parent sub class. overflow indicator visibility. Last overflow indicator state. Overflow indicator ToolTip. Left last painted overflow indicator rectcangle. Right last painted overflow indicator rectcangle. Collects the boolean value if Control is selected by Touch or Mouse control. Show overflow indicator ToolTip. Scale the control based on the scale factor passed in the argument. value to scale the factor based upon. MetroColor. Used to set the Hover and Focussed border color It contains the value of the property. Gets the active theme name of the control. Returns the active theme name. Event will be triggered when the TextBoxExt lost its Focus. Creates a new instance of the TextBoxExt class. To Show/Display the virtual keyboard To hide the touch keyboad. Dispose all created internal object Raises the MaximumSizeChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The OnMaximumSizeChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnMaximumSizeChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnMaximumSizeChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Event will be triggered while clicking on the TextBoxExt. Sends the specified message to the default windows procedure. Raises the MinimumSizeChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The OnMinimumSizeChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnMinimumSizeChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnMinimumSizeChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the CharacterCasingChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The OnCharacterCasingChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnCharacterCasingChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnCharacterCasingChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the BorderSidesChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The OnBorderSidesChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OmBorderSidesChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnBorderSidesChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the BorderColorChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The OnBorderColorChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnBorderColorChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnBorderColorChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the Border3DStyleChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The OnBorder3DStyleChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnBorder3DStyleChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnBorder3DStyleChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the event when theme name changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Helps to override the CanApplyTheme property settings CanApplyTheme Helps to override the CanOverriderStyle property settings CanOverriderStyle Raises the ThemesEnabledChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The OnThemesEnabledChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnThemesEnabledChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnThemesEnabledChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.EnabledChanged event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Helps to reset Control Layout Settings Overflow indicators drawing. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Return GDI text size. Send WM_NCCALCSIZE message. Send WM_NCCALCSIZE message and invalidate NC area. Return overflow indicator state. Get or Set of Skin Manager Interface Draw one overflow indicator. Draw overflow indicator foregraund element. Signals the object that initialization is starting. Signals the object that initialization is complete. Gets or sets the Base Theme name of the theme Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Gets the name of the control. Gets a value indicating whether the visual style based theme is applied to the control and also indicates whether the theme files are referred from external assemblies or not. Return true, if the visual style based theme is applied to the control. Otherwise returns false. Overrides the base class font property. Gets/Sets Control size before touch enabled Gets or sets value to enable or disable the Touchmode to the controls. Scale factor will be updated automatically if scalefactor is equal to 1 Gets or sets the metrocolor. Gets or sets the FocusBorderColor Enables the FocusBorderColor property Gets or sets can show overflow indicator ToolTip. Gets or sets overflow indicator ToolTip text. Gets or sets overflow indicator visibility. Indicates whether the text should be drawn active even when the control is disabled. False for default textbox behavior; True to draw the text enabled even when the control is disabled. Gets or sets the border sides for which you want the 3D border style applied. This property is used only when BorderStyle is Fixed3D. Gets or sets the 3D border style for the control. This property is used only when BorderStyle is Fixed3D. Gets or sets the single border color for the control. This property is used only when BorderStyle is FixedSingle. Gets or sets the Hover and Focussed border color for Office2016 styles. Last overflow indicator state. Overflow indicator ToolTip. Indicates whether XPThemes should be used when BorderStyle is set to Fixed3D. True to use XPThemes; False otherwise. Default is True. This property is used only when BorderStyle is Fixed3D. Gets or sets the maximum size for the control. Gets or sets the minimum size for the control. Gets or sets the case of characters as they are typed. Gets or sets corner radius of control. Radius has to be not less than zero or half of minimum dimension (width or height) of control. If radius is zero, control has standard rectangular appearance. Gets or sets the near image. Gets or sets the theme name of the control. The default value is null. This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Gets or sets the far image. This event is raised if the BorderSides property is changed. This event is raised if the Border3DStyle property is changed. Occurs when theme name of the control has changed. This event is raised when the value of the BorderColor property is changed. This event is raised if the ThemesEnabled property is changed. This event is raised if the MaximumSize property is changed. This event is raised if the MinimumSize property is changed. This event is raised if the CharacterCasing property is changed. Gets or sets a value indicating whether control elements styles can be overridden by theme style settings. Default value is false. By default, the control's element styles will not be overridden by theme style settings if the style is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, element style will be overridden by theme style settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before calling the ThemeName property of the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a theme settings can be applied to the control. The default value is true. This property must be initialized before applying the VisualTheme /> Office2010 color scheme. Gets color table for Office2010 visual style. Gets or sets the Office2016 colors for the Office2016 style. Office2007 color scheme. Gets color table for Office2007 visual style. Gets a value indicating whether this is initializing. true if initializing; otherwise, false. The NumberFormatInfo object that will specify the localized attributes for displaying the currency value. Forecolor to be used when the value is negative. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to overrite the immediate text. Specifies when the MinMax Validation Need to be performed. Specifies the Action To be Performed when Validation Fails Forecolor to be used when the value is positive. Forecolor to be used when the value is zero. Indicates whether the current value is negative. The clip mode specifies the kind of data to be returned when copied to the clip board. The context menu for the text box. Menu items. Menu items. Menu items. Menu items. Menu items. Menu items. String for holding undo buffer. String for holding redo buffer. Internal variable to suppress TextChanged event. The currently selected culture. Indicates whether the special culture values need to be applied. Array of cultures that require RightToLeft by default. The UseUserOverride value to be passed in when creating CultureInfo objects. The NULL string value. Indicates whether the control is in NULL state. The IFormatProvider for formatting NULL entries. Indicates whether the NULL String should be used. Indicates whether an operation is to be rolled back because of an error. Support for culture initialization. Support for NumberFormatInfo initialization. Indicates whether to allow the KeyPress event to be raised but no other action to be taken by the base class. Indicates whether to allow the KeyDown event to be raised but no other action to be taken by the base class. Indicates whether the current value can be held in numeric form or has been 'dirtied' by user input. Used when the NegativeSign is keyed in when the value is zero. Indicates whether the control is to listen to the event and refresh the culture. (Only if the SpecialCultureValue is set to CurrentCulture.) This will be set to True when the negative key is input with the entire contents of the textbox selected. Custom backcolor that will be used when the control is Read-only. Gets or Sets the BackGroundColor of the control. Overloaded. Creates an object of type NumberTextBox. The NumberTextBox object will be initialized with the default values for the display and data properties. You need to set any specific values. Implementation of the interface. Initialize the context menu. This method raises the ValidationError event. The text that was input. The start position of the error. See the method for more information. Invokes the ValidationError event. A ValidationErrorEventArgs that contains the event data. The OnValidationError method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Inheritors: When overriding OnValidationError in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnValidationError method so that registered delegates receive the event. Overrides method. The event data. Raises the event when there is unacceptable text in the control. Validates the control. Indicates whether the validation error is to be raised. Refreshes and reapplies the culture specific settings. Call this function when there has been a change in the CurrentCulture of the application. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Indicates whether the NegativeSign should not be serialized if the value is the same as the one for the current culture. True if the property should be serialized; otherwise False. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Returns a copy of the current NumberFormatInfo. Indicates whether NegativeColor property value should be serialized. Resets NegativeColor property to default value. Indicates whether ZeroColor property value should be serialized. Resets ZeroColor property to default value. Indicates whether PositiveColor property value should be serialized. Resets ResetPositiveColor property to default value. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Sets the control's forecolor depending on whether the current value is negative. See the and properties. Takes the incoming text, formats it based on the rules and settings prevailing currently and sets the display accordingly. Returns the length of the new text after setting the display. Takes the incoming text, formats it based on the rules and settings prevailing currently and sets the display accordingly. Returns the length of the new text after setting the display. Formats the given text according to the current setting. Resets the ControlBackColor property to its default value. Resets the ControlBackColor property to its default value. Resets ReadOnlyBackColor property to default value. Gets the clip text. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Handles the Context popup. The context menu. Handles the Undo menu click. The undo menu. The event data. Handles the Cut menu. Cut menu. The event data. Handles the Copy menu. Copy menu. The event data. Handles the Delete menu. Delete menu. The event data. Handles the Select All menu. Select All menu. The event data. Handles the Paste menu. Paste menu. The event data. This method will Undo the previous operation. This method is invoked when the Undo context menu item is clicked or the shortcut (CTRL+Z) is clicked. You can override this method to provide your own implementation for Undo. Selects all text in the text box. This method is called when the menu item "Select All" or its shortcut (CTRL+A) is used. This method overrides the base implementation in . Override this method to provide your own implementation for SelectAll. Pastes the data in the clipboard into the NumberTextBox control. The data will be formatted before being pasted into the text box. Copies the content of the NumberTextBox to the clipboard. The ClipMode property dictates what gets copied. If the text of the control is $56,000.12, this is the content that will be copied to the clipboard based on whether the ClipMode is set to or . IncludeFormatting - $56,000.12 ExcludeFormatting - 56000.12 Cuts the selected data to the clipboard. The selected text in the CurrencyTextBox will be deleted and the content will be copied to the clipboard. Deletes the current selection of the text box. This method is invoked by the ContextMenu "Delete" menu item of the text box through the "Del" shortcut or by selecting the menu item. If you want to override the default behavior of this method, derive and override this method to provide your own implementation. The NumberTextBox accepts numeric digits only. This method checks for numeric input. The character to be checked. True if the character is valid; false otherwise. Overloaded. Override this method to provide an implementation for parsing a negative value. The text to be parsed. True if the value is negative; false otherwise. Override this method to provide an implementation for parsing a negative value. The text to be parsed. True if the value is negative; false otherwise. Sets the start position to value passed and sets the SelectionLength to be zero. The start of the selection. Returns the first data position which is the index within the current string content of the edit control at which data can be inserted. The index of the first possible data position. Returns the next valid position for receiving data input. The position to start seeking from. Indicates whether the start position is after the decimal separator. Indicates whether the backspace key has been pressed. The index in the string that is valid for input. Overloaded. Returns the position of the decimal separator taking into account the CurrencySymbol. The text in which to look for the decimal separator. The decimal separator's position. Returns the position of the decimal separator taking into account the CurrencySymbol. The text in which to look for the decimal separator. The decimal separator's position. Returns the previous valid data position for text input. The position to seek from. Overloaded. Override this to return DecimalSeparator in NumberTextBox. Override this to return DecimalSeparator in NumberTextBox. Overloaded. Override this to return GroupSeparator in NumberTextBox. Override this to return GroupSeparator in NumberTextBox. Deletes the currently selected text. The content of the text box after deletion. Deletes the currently selected text. The content of the text box after deletion. Returns the first data position that can take valid input. The start position to seek from. The index of the first valid position. Checks if the text can be inserted subject to the constraints. The current content of the text box. The text to be inserted. The length of the acceptable string to be inserted. Indicates whether the given value meets the minimum and maximum value considerations. Checks whether the NullSring Value is with in the Min Max Values True if it is in range else false override this method to check the nullString is in range by parsing it to respective Type Double doubleVal; bool isNumber = Double.TryParse(currentTextValue, out doubleVal); if (isNumber) { return CheckForMinMax(doubleVal.ToString(),true); } else return true; Inserts a string into the textbox at the current position. The string data will be parsed for valid numeric data and only the valid characters will be accepted. The string to be inserted. Paste and Text properties will be treated differently for validation. True if the operation succeeds. This method attempts to insert the text passed in as the parameter into the NumberTextBox subject to the constraints imposed by the other attributes of the NumberTextBox such as the maximum length of a the string etc. Concat modified text. Overrides OnTextChanged. The event data. Checks the length of the decimal part of the text box content. The input raw text string. The checked string. Returns the count of zeros at the beginning of the string. This is needed as we will have to compensate for this once a valid number appears after it for repositioning the cursor. Indicates whether the start position is after the decimal separator. The current text. The start position to seek for. This method overrides the method and handles the key messages that are of interest to the NumberTextBox. The message that is to handled. True if the key message is handled; false otherwise. Overrides to suppress KeyPress. Only the KeyPress event is raised - no other processing is done. The message. True if the message is a KeyPress; otherwise the base class handles this. Handles the backspace key. True if the key was accepted and the action performed; false otherwise. The backspace key results in one character being removed in front of the current selection if the selection is empty or deletion of the selection if the selection is not empty. Invoked when a character key is pressed. The character to be inserted. True if the insert was successful; false otherwise. Character entry is accepted if the character is a valid digit. This method invokes the InsertString method to insert the character into the CurrencyTextBox. When the start position is in the number part and there is only a zero, the cursor should be moved. Invoked when the Delete key is pressed. True if the key is handle; false otherwise. This method performs the action of removing the selected text when the delete key was pressed and also positioning the cursor appropriately. Invoked when the negative key is pressed. True if the key is handled; false otherwise. The defined behavior for this key is to toggle the sign (negativity) of the content of the NumberTextBox. Decimal typing mode. Use if NullString is true; Decimal digits position. Use for typing in decimal mode. Invoked when the decimal key is pressed. True if the key is handled; false otherwise. The defined behavior for this key is to jump to the position immediately after the decimal position. Invoked for positioning the cursor at the right position after something has changed. The number of valid numbers before the point. Indicates whether the point comes after the decimal separator. Indicates whether the direction is backwards. Need all select OnMouseDown. Event raised when NULL State is to be set based on a value. Event raised when a Key is to be validated. This validation is performed before any of the NumberTextBox's own validation of the input character. If the Min Max values are not met, the Validating event will be handled and cancelled if this property is set to true. Occurs when the input text is invalid for the current state of the control. This event can be handled and you can do your processing based on the information provided. The ValidationErrorEventArgs object will provide the invalid text that was input and also the position within that text where the error occurred. The ValidationError event is raised when: 1. The event is raised (if there is invalid input). 2. Invalid key characters are input. 3. Invalid values are set through the Text property. Console.WriteLine("ValidationError in currencyTextBox1 InvalidText" + e.InvalidText); Console.WriteLine("ValidationError in currencyTextBox1 StartPosition" + e.StartPosition ); Gets or sets the culture that is to be used for formatting the numeric display. Gets or sets the mode for the cultures. Indicates whether the Culture property is to be refreshed when the culture changes. The UseUserOverride parameter for CultureInfo. The NumberTextBoxBase control has several properties that expose culture-specific information. These properties use a object for handling the culture specific information. This property is used in the creation of the NumberFormatInfo object. Indicates whether the NULLString property will be used. Gets or sets a value indicating whether control's elements are aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. Gets or sets the back color. (overridden property) Gets or sets the NumberFormatInfo object that will be used for formatting the number value. This property will not be exposed to the developer. This is only meant to be an accessor for use within the control. The developer will be able to access the properties of the NumberFormatInfo through the individual properties exposed. Gets or sets the sign that is to be used to indicate a negative value. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. Gets or sets the forecolor when the current value is negative. You can customize the look and provide feedback to the user by defining a different color for the negative numbers. Gets or sets the forecolor when the current value is zero. You can customize the look and provide feedback to the user by defining a different color for displaying zero. Gets or sets the forecolor when the current value is positive. You can customize the look and provide feedback to the user by defining a different color for the positive numbers. Returns the NumberFormatInfo object for the NULL display. Gets or sets the NULL string to be displayed. Gets or sets the NULL string to be displayed. Occurs when the property is changed. Occurs when the property is changed. Wrapper property around the selected value. Use this property if you want to be able to set the value of the control to NULL. Gets or set the default value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to overrite the immediate text when the text cannot be inserted. Effective when MinMaxValidation is set to OnKeyPress. Specifies when the MinMax Validation Need to be performed. Overrides the MaxLength property. This has no effect on this EditControl as it does not honor MinValue and MaxValue properties. The control does not honor the MaxLength property. Set the and properties. Specifies the action to be performed when validation fails, Effective only if MinMaxValidation is set to OnLostFocus Indicates whether the field is Null(NullString) or Not. when this is True and is True the field will be assigned with Indicates the NULLState of the control. Gets or Sets the BackGroundColor of the control. Color to be used for the Backcolor when the control is Read-only. Determines whether to include or exclude the literal characters in the input mask when doing a copy command. This property is used when copying to the clipboard and also the property. When databinding the Text property, it is advisable to have the ClipMode set to in cases where the data source does not accept the formatted text. Returns the clipped text without the formatting. For example, if the text in the CurrencyTextBox is $45,000.00, the ClipText property will give 45000.00. Occurs when the property is changed. Returns the formatted text with the formatting. For example, if the Text in the CurrencyTextBox is $45,000.00, the FormattedText property will give $45,000.00. Occurs when the property is changed. Indicates whether the Undo operation is possible at this time. The NumberTextBox maintains its own undo mechanism and hence needs to implement this method to be compatible with the Undo mechanism. This property defines the behavior when the contents of the TextBox is fully selected and the negative key is pressed by the user. If the value is set to True - The current value is not changed at all. The next key stroke is taken to be a new value and the entire contents of the TextBox is replaced by the negative value of the key stroke character entered. Example: If the current value of the TextBox is 1.00 and all the text is selected and the user presses the -ve key followed by the key 5 - the value is -5.00 If the value is set to False - The current value is changed to the negative value immediately. Example: If the current value of the TextBox is 1.00 and all the text is selected and the user presses the -ve key the value is -1.00 Specifies if the text should be selected when the control gets the focus. Gets or sets SelectedText. (overridden property) Please use NegativeColor, ZeroColor and PositiveColor properties instead of ForeColor property. The maximum number of valid digits the textbox can take. This is set to the maximum value a decimal type can hold. The negative patterns. The minimum value. The maximum value. The maximum number of currency digits. The initial decimal value set in InitializeComponent. The decimal value when the control gets the focus. Used when validating. The decimal value that is set through the DecimalValue property. For initialization of Culture related values. Needed when SpecialCultureValue is not the default value. Since the base class will reset the Culture property during ISupportInitialize.EndInit, we will have to hold these values and set them on the correct cultureinfo / numberformatinfo. Static initializer for the CurrencyTextBox. Gets the currency formatted text and the decimal value for a given NumberFormatInfo object and text value. The NumberFormatFormatInfo object to be used for the formatting. The text to be formatted. The value to be returned if the currencyText is considered a NULL value. This should be NULL if the string is not to be formatted as NULL even if value is NULL. The decimal value. Overloaded. Creates an object of type CurrencyTextBox. The CurrencyTextBox object will be initialized with the default values for the display and data properties. You need to set any specific values. Overrides . Indicates whether to serialize the CurrencyNumberDigits property if its the same as the MaximumLength. Restores the CurrencyNumberDigits to the MaximumLength. Indicates whether the CurrencyDecimalDigits should not be serialized if the value is the same as the one for the current culture. True if the value is different from the value for the current culture. Reset the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the CurrencyDecimalSeparator should not be serialized if the value is the same as the one for the current culture. True if the value is different from the value for the current culture. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the CurrencyGroupSeparator should not be serialized if the value is the same as the one for the current culture. True if the value is different from the value for the current culture. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the CurrencyGroupSizes should not be serialized if the value is the same as the one for the current culture. True if the value is different from the value for the current culture. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the CurrencyNegativePattern should not be serialized if the value is the same as the one for the current culture. True if the value is different from the value for the current culture. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the CurrencyPositivePattern should not be serialized if the value is the same as the one for the current culture. True if the value is different from the value for the current culture. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the CurrencySymbol should not be serialized if the value is the same as the one for the current culture. True if the value is different from the value for the current culture. Resets the value to the culture specific value Indicates whether to serialize the CurrencyNumberDigits property if its the same as the MaximumLength Restores the CurrencyNumberDigits to the MaximumLength. Leading symbol. Remove last decimal zeros. If need correct ConcatModifiedText. Zeros need added count. Format the given text according to the current setting. Indicates whether to serialize the Text property if it is null or quals NullString Restores the CurrencyNumberDigits to the MaximumLength. Indicates whether the MaxValue property should be serialized. true if the value is not equal to Resets the value to the default. Indicates whether the MinValue property should be serialized. True if the value is not equal to Resets the value to the default. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Overrides OnTextChanged. The event data. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanage resources. Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.EnabledChanged event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Calculates start position of numeric value. Calculates end position of numeric value. Checks if the text can be inserted subject to the constraints. The current content of the TextBox. The text to be inserted. The length of the acceptable string to be inserted. Returns the position of the decimal separator taking into account the CurrencySymbol. The text in which to look for the decimal separator. The decimal separator's position. Override this to return CurrencyDecimalSeparator in CurrencyTextBox and PercentDecimalSeparator in PercentTextBox. Override this to return CurrencyDecimalSeparator in CurrencyTextBox and PercentGroupSeparator in PercentTextBox. Overrides The text to be parsed. True if the value is negative; false, otherwise Overrides the method. The event data. Saves the current DecimalValue so that it can be compared during validation. The DecimalValueChanged and TextChanged event will only be raised if the value is different during validation. It contains the value of the property. Checks whether the value is zero. True, if value is zero. Helps to apply the ThemeName settings in control ThemeName Helps to override the ThemeName property settings ThemeName Helps to override the OnGotFocus events An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Helps to draw text border of control The number of digits for the number part. This is not part of the globalization structure. This value is initially set based on the maximum value of the Currency data type. The maximum number of digits for the decimal portion of the currency. The US dollar requires 2 decimal points to accomodate the smallest denomination and this property will have the value 2 in this case. If there is a need to have a different value based on the locale, it will be automatically changed based on the current locale. The decimal separator character that will be used for the display. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. This property specifies the separator to be used for grouping digits. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. This property specifies the grouping of CurrencyDigits in the CurrencyTextBox. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. This property specifies the pattern to use when the value is negative. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. This property specifies the pattern to use when the value is positive. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. This property specifies the currency symbol to be used in the CurrencyTextBox. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. The number of digits for the number part. This is not part of the globalization structure. This value is initially set based on the maximum value of the Currency data type. Gets or sets remove last decimal zeros. Overrides the Text property of . This property is overriden in order to normalize the data that is set to the Text property and format it as needed. The method is used to format the data. The Maximum Value that can be set through the CurrencyTextBox. The default value is the MaxValue for . The Minimum Value that can be set through the CurrencyTextBox. Occurs when the property is changed. The decimal value of the control. This will be formatted and displayed. Provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. CurrencyTextBox Constructor The RibbonControlAdv instance. Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. The horizontal screen coordinate. The vertical screen coordinate. An RibbonControlAdvAccessibility that represents the child object at the given screen coordinates. This method returns the calling object if the object itself is at the location specified. Returns null if no object is at the tested location. Bounds of the Control The accessible object bounds. Gets the role for the RibbonControlAdv. This is used by accessibility programs. Gets or sets the accessible object name The accessible object name. Gets the description of the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility A string describing the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility. Represents a class to define the style for the control. Represents a class to define the style for the control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the value of the control. Gets or sets the value used to draw the back color of the control in the default state. The value is used to draw the back color of the TextBoxExt. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the back color of the control in the disabled state. The value is used to draw the disabled back color of the TextBoxExt. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the fore color of the control in the default state. The value is used to draw the fore color of the TextBoxExt. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the fore color of the control in the disabled state. The value is used to draw the disabled fore color of the TextBoxExt. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border color of the control in the default state. The value is used to draw the border color of the TextBoxExt. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border color of the control in the focussed state. The value is used to draw the focussed border color of the TextBoxExt. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border color of the control in the disabled state. The value is used to draw the disabled border color of the TextBoxExt. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border color of the control in the hover state. The value is used to draw the hover border color of the TextBoxExt. The default value is null. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the value used to draw the fore color of the control when text value is negative. The value is used to fill the fore color of the textbox. Gets or sets the value used to draw the fore color of the control when text value is zero. The value is used to fill the fore color of the textbox. Gets or sets the value used to draw the back color of the control when text value is read only. The value is used to fill the back color of the textbox. Implements a class that provide the identity information of using . Implements a class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the TextBoxExt for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Maintains the CurrencyTextBox for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents a class that provides style identity information for nested objects of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Overloaded. Looks for bindable properties in each of the component objects and create a new PD entry for it. It then creates a brand new PDC combining the PDs of the originalList and the new entries and returns the new PDC. The originalList consists of the PDC of the parent control. The lookupObjects list consists of the array of instances of the component classes. A collection of property descriptors. Looks for bindable properties in each of the component objects and create a new PD entry for it. It then creates a brand new PDC combining the PDs of the originalList and the new entries and returns the new PDC. The originalList consists of the PDC of the parent control. The lookupObjects list consists of the array of instances of the component classes. A collection of property descriptors. Attribute used to specify the default child type for a parent type. A parent type designer, say TabControl for example, usually lets you add child types, TabPage in this case, during design-time. However, when you create custom types deriving from TabControl and TabPage, the designer needs to be informed about this change in "default child type" for your derived parent type. This attribute lets you declare this relationship. Some of our components like TabControlExt and XPTaskBar use this attribute to declare their default child type. Their corresponding designers query this attribute before creating a new child instance. This way, when you derive custom types for the above Controls, you can specify the new default child type using this attribute on your parent type. Creates a new instance of the DefaultChildTypeAttribute specifying the child type. An Type instance. Returns the specified child Type. This should be called during design time when a component has been moved, sized or re-parented, but the change was not the result of a property change. All property changes are monitored by the selection UI service, so this is automatic most of the time. There are times, however, when a component may be moved without property change notification occurring. Scrolling an auto scroll Win32 form is an example of this. This method simply re-queries all currently selected components for their bounds and updates the selection handles for the ones that have changed. Initializes the PersistenceModeAttribute type with the specified constant, using reflection, if the System.Web.dll is loaded. A dummy PropertyDescriptor that could be used to add custom attributes dynamically. Generic enumeration value filter class. Enumeration values to be skipped. Default enumeration value filter class. Skips value. Default values to be skipped. EnumFlagsEditor implements a UITypeEditor for modifying a enum value that has been marked with the FlagsAttribute. The editor lets you check and uncheck individual flags in a dropdown CheckedListBox. A None button allows to reset all flags at once. Summary description for CurrencyCultureEditor. Updates bounds of the instertion pointer Managed control Summary description for MaskedEditCultureEditor. TypeConverter for MaskedEditDataGroupInfo. Indicates whether this converter can convert an object to the given destination type using the context. An ITypeDescriptorContext object that provides a format context. A object that represents the type to which you want to convert. True if conversion is possible; false otherwise. This member overrides . An ITypeDescriptorContext that provides a format context. A CultureInfo object. If a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) is passed, the current culture is assumed. The Object to convert. The Type to convert the value parameter to. Converted object. Returns the edit style from the current context. The context of the object the bindings provide values to. A value. Edits the specified value using the specified provider within the specified context. The context of the value. The provider to use to provide values. The object to be edited. Adds an event handler to listen to the disposed event on the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The collection of bindings to store. Adds an event handler to listen to the disposed event on the component. Gets / sets the name for this object. Gets / sets the collection of bindings. Indicates whether to show all bindings. Initializes a new instance of the class. A type descriptor context that can provide context information. Indicates whether the value of this property should be persisted. The component that owns the property to determine whether the value should be persisted. if the property should be persisted; otherwise. Sets the specified value of the property on the specified component. The component that owns the property whose value has to be set. The value to set the property to. Resets the value of the property on the specified component. The component with this property that should be reset. Returns the current value of the property on the specified component. The component from which to get the value of the property this descriptor describes. The value of the property on the specified component. Returns an editor of the specified type. The type of editor to retrieve. An instance of the requested editor type, or if an editor could not be found. Indicates whether resetting the component will change the value of the component. The component to determine if resetting will change the value of the property on. if the component can be reset without changing the value of the property; otherwise. In a derived class, adds the attributes of the inherited class to the specified list of attributes in the parent class. An that lists the attributes in the parent class. Initially, this will be empty. Returns the type of the property. Indicates whether this property is read-only. Returns the type of component this property is bound to. Indicates whether the specified component should persist the value. The component to determine whether the value of should be persisted. if the value should be persisted; otherwise. Sets the specified value for the specified component. The component to set the value for. The value to set. Resets the value of the specified component. The component whose value is to be reset. Returns a value from the specified component. The component to retrieve a value from. The value of the specified component. Indicates whether the specified component can reset the value of the property. The component to test whether it can change the value of the property. if the value can be reset; otherwise. Returns the type of the property. Indicates whether the property is read-only. Returns the type converter. Returns the type of the component that owns the property. Provides predefined switches for enabling / disabling trace output or code instrumentation in the Syncfusion shared library. General switch for Shared Library. Enable Tracing for the Styles. Enable Tracing for the Shared Serialization. Enable Tracing for the ScrollControl. Enable Tracing for Timer Start and Stop Enable Tracing for Timer Start and Stop. Enable Tracing for BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods calls Enable Tracing for MouseController. Enable Tracing for OperationFeedback. Enable Tracing for BrushPaint drawing methods. Enable Tracing for ArrowButtonBar events. Enable Tracing for ButtonBar events. Enable Tracing for RecordNavigationBar events. Enable Tracing for RecordNavigationControl events. Enable Tracing for SplitterControl events. Enable Tracing for TabBar events. Enable Tracing for TabBarSplitterControl events. Enable Tracing for MouseControllerDispatcher events. Enable Tracing for ScrollControl events. Enable Tracing for Focus events. Returns the General Tracing level for the Grid Library. Provides various diagnostic utilities for tracing methods, exception and more. Writes a trace log for the given exception together with information where the exception was caught. An Exception. Indicates whether a given procedure is being called by another procedure. The method to be looked up in the stack trace. True if method was found; false otherwise. if (TraceUtil.IsCalledFrom(typeof(Form1).GetMethod("Form1_Load", BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Instance))) Debugger.Break(); Writes a trace log of the current stack. Writes a trace log of the current stack. Writes a trace log with information about current class and method name and string representations of any method arguments if the condition is true. Indicates whether to skip or write the log. An array of method arguments. The number of levels to check in call stack. The following method shows typical usage of this diagnostic method. private void OnTimerElapsed(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { TraceUtil.TraceCalledFromIf(Switches.Timers.TraceVerbose, 3); } Writes a trace log of the current stack. The number of method on the stack to trace. Writes a trace log with information about current class and method name and string representations of any method arguments. An array of method arguments. Writes a trace log with information about current class and method name and string representations of any method arguments if the condition is true. Indicates whether to skip or write the log. An array of method arguments. The following method shows typical usage of this diagnostic method. private void OnTimerElapsed(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { TraceUtil.TraceCurrentMethodInfoIf(Switches.Timers.TraceVerbose); } Provides a diagnostic utility for measuring performance. The following example display a message box with performance info. private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int rows = (int) this.numericUpDown1.Value; this.gridControl1.theData = new VirtGrid.VirtData(rows, 20); this.gridControl1.Refresh(); using (Syncfusion.Diagnostics.MeasureTime.Measure("gridControl1.TopRowIndex = 500000")) { this.gridControl1.TopRowIndex = 5000000; } MessageBox.Show(Syncfusion.Diagnostics.MeasureTime.DumpTimes()); } Insert this before a code block that should be measured. Ends the code block that should be measured and increments the associated performance counter. Prints all performance counters into a string and sorts it by ids. All counters will be reset afterwards. Returns the time since Reset in microseconds. Provides support for capturing an ActiveX or Windows Forms control to a bitmap. Captures the contents of an ActiveX control to a bitmap using the IViewObject interface. Captures the contents of an ActiveX control to a bitmap using the IViewObject interface. The ActiveX control. The bitmap with the display contents of the ActiveX control. The control must have an implementation of the IViewObject interface. Captures the contents of an ActiveX control to a bitmap using the IViewObject interface. The ActiveX control. Indicates whether IViewObject2 interface should be used if available. The bitmap with the display contents of the ActiveX control. Captures the contents of a Windows Forms control using the WM_PRINT message. The control to be captured. The bitmap with the display contents of the Windows Forms control. Captures the contents of a Windows Forms control using the WM_PRINTCLIENT message. The control to be captured. The bitmap with the display contents of the Windows Forms control. Captures the contents of a Windows Forms control using the WM_PRINTCLIENT or WM_PRINT message. The control to be captured. WM_PRINT or WM_PRINTCLIENT. Flags used for the WM_PRINT message. The size of the window. The bitmap with the display contents of the Windows Forms control. Temporarily resizes the control without updating the screen. Call to switch the control back to regular behavior. The target control. The new size. The saved bounds of the control. Ends temporary resizing of a control after you called . The target control. The saved bounds of the control. Sends a WM_LBUTTONDOWN and WM_LBUTTONUP message to the control at the specified client coordinates. The target control. The client coordinates where to simulate the click. Indicates whether there are issues with WM_PRINT and it is not properly supported by the framework. The property is available to provide a workaround for issues with GenericControlCell and early Whidbey builds. Default is false. if (Environment.Version.Major >= 2) ActiveXSnapshot.ForceWmPaintInPrintWindow = true; Utility class comes handy when you need to perform simple animations in your control. The method in this class allows you to specify the number of animation positions (0 to N), the direction of animation (whether animation is from 0 towards N or from N towards 0), and the speed (X) at which animation is performed. When the method is called, the current animation position is set ( property) which gets reduced (or incremented based on the direction of animation) every X time interval specified in the method call, until it reaches the other extreme of the Animation position range. Every time the value changes, an event is thrown. Upon reaching the last animation position, an event is thrown. Creates an instance of the AnimationHelper class. Indicates whether more animation positions are to be drawn to complete this animation. True indicates there is more to come; False otherwise. Defines the animation range: 0 to maxPosition; specifies the direction of animation: 0 to maxPositon or maxPosition to 0; specifies the interval at which animation should be performed: interval, and starts animation. The integer value indicating the max position of animation. The direction of animation. The frequency at which animation is performed. This class uses a to trigger the event, which means events will be thrown within the same thread as this method call. Allows you to stop animation abruptly (if it is currently on). This will then throw the event. Triggers to force drawing next animation position. You can optionally use this method to force animation not waiting for the timer to break. Returns the maximum animation position specified in the method. An integer value indicating the maximum animation position. Returns the current animation position once animation is started. An integer value some where in between (including) 0 and . Indicates whether Animation is on. True indicates Animation is on; False otherwise. Indicates in which direction animation is performed. True indicates animation is towards ; False indicates animation is towards zero. Will be thrown as the property changes during animation. After calling , you should listen to this event to repaint your control for each new animation position. This will be called when animation is complete or when is called. Holds information on how to fill the background of a window or grid cell. BrushInfo lets you specify a solid backcolor, gradient or pattern style with both back and forecolor. This information can be persisted with serialization. You can also convert the information to a string and recreate it from a string. BrushInfo is immutable (just like ). You cannot change its values. Instead you have to create a new BrushInfo object. BrushInfo can also be persisted into code when used as a property in a component designer. shows how to fill a rectangle using information. Overloaded. Initializes a new empty instance of BrushInfo. Initializes a new instance of BrushInfo with the specified solid backcolor. A used as solid background. Initializes a new instance of BrushInfo with a solid backcolor and forecolor. Initializes a new instance of BrushInfo with a hatch style and pattern colors. A . A used for the pattern. A used for the pattern. Initializes a new instance of BrushInfo with a hatch style and pattern colors. A . List of colors. Initializes a new instance of BrushInfo with a hatch style and pattern colors. A . List of colors. Initializes a new instance of BrushInfo with a gradient style and gradient fill colors. A . A used for the gradient fill. A used for the gradient fill. Initializes a new instance of BrushInfo with a gradient style and gradient fill colors. A . List of gradient fill colors. Initializes a new instance of BrushInfo with a hatch style and pattern colors. A . List of colors. Initializes a new instance of BrushInfo with any BrushStyle. Internal only. Initializes a new instance of BrushInfo with a new alpha-blend value and copies other information from a given BrushInfo. The alpha value that should be applied to the forecolor and backcolor of the new brush. A BrushInfo that holds information for this BrushInfo. Initializes a new instance of BrushInfo and copies its information from a given BrushInfo. A BrushInfo that holds information for this BrushInfo. Creates a new BrushInfo object and initializes it from a string. A string in the format BrushStyle;Style;ForeColor;BackColor. A new BrushInfo object. Overloaded. Returns the string representation of the brush in the format BrushStyle;Style;ForeColor;BackColor. Returns the string representation of the brush in the format BrushStyle;Style;ForeColor;BackColor. Returns the string representation of the brush in the format BrushStyle;Style;ForeColor;BackColor. Specifies the format for string. NULL for default, "compact" for a compact string, "G" for more descriptive text. Returns the string representation of the brush in the format BrushStyle;Style;ForeColor;BackColor. Specifies the format for string. NULL for default, "compact", for a compact string or "G" for more descriptive text. The IFormatProvider to use to format the value. -or- A reference to obtain the numeric format information from the current locale setting of the operating system. Overridden. Compares two BrushInfo object and indicates whether they are equal. The to compare with the current . True if the specified Object is equal to the current ; false otherwise. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Creates a new BrushInfo with the same style but with only black and white colors. A new object with the same style and black and white colors. Returns a string id that you can use to store the BrushInfo in a HashTable. A string with compact identitiy information about the BrushInfo. Serializes the contents of this object into an XML stream. Represents the XML stream. Not implemented and returns NULL. Deserializes the contents of this object from an XML stream. Represents the XML stream. An empty BrushInfo. Returns a string description of the BrushInfo. See . Indicates whether this is an empty object. Returns the backcolor. Returns the forecolor. Returns the gradient colors. A reference to the instance.

This color list will be used to specify the or the depending on the selected.

The first entry in this list will be the same as the property and the last entry (not the 2nd) will be the same as the property.

Note that this list is Read-only.

Returns the pattern style. Returns the gradient style. Returns the brush style (solid, gradient or pattern). A list of colors returned by the property in the type. When returned by the property, this list will be made Read-only. Overloaded. Creates a new instance of this class. Creates a new instance of this class with some colors. An array of colors. Initializes a new from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Returns the color at the specified index. Provides a way to convert to a string and from a string. Paints window background using information. Overloaded. Fills the interior of a rectangle using information. A context. structure that represents the rectangle to fill. object that determines the characteristics of the fill. Fills the interior of a rectangle using information. A context. Structure that represents the rectangle to fill. Object that determines the characteristics of the fill. Fills the interior of a rectangle with a gradient. A context. Structure that represents the rectangle to fill. . A used for the gradient fill. A used for the gradient fill. Fills the interior of a rectangle with a gradient. A context Structure that represents the rectangle to fill. . A used for the gradient fill. A used for the gradient fill. Fills the interior of a rectangle with a gradient. A context Structure that represents the rectangle to fill. . An array of used for the gradient fill. Fills the interior of a rectangle with a gradient. A context Structure that represents the rectangle to fill. . An array of used for the gradient fill. Fills the interior of a rectangle with a pattern. A context Structure that represents the rectangle to fill. . A used for the pattern fill. A used for the pattern fill. Fills the interior of a rectangle with a pattern. A context Structure that represents the rectangle to fill. . A used for the pattern fill. A used for the pattern fill. Fills the interior of a rectangle with a solid color. A context. Structure that represents the rectangle to fill. A . Fills the interior of a rectangle with a solid color. A context. Structure that represents the rectangle to fill. A . Overloaded. Fills the interior of a region using information. A context. Structure that represents the region to fill. object that determines the characteristics of the fill. Fills the interior of a region with a gradient. A context. Structure that represents the region to fill. . A used for the gradient fill. A used for the gradient fill. Fills the interior of a region with a gradient. A context. structure that represents the region to fill. . An array of used for the gradient fill. Fills the interior of a region with a pattern. A context. Structure that represents the region to fill. . A used for the pattern fill. A used for the pattern fill. Fills the interior of a region with a solid color. A context. Structure that represents the region to fill. A . Specifies the BrushStyle used by . The is an empty object. The represents a solid fill. The represents a pattern fill. The represents a gradient fill. Conversion methods for a to and from a string. ColorFromString parses a string previously generated with ColorToString and returns a color. String generated with ColorToString. Color value that was encoded in parseStr. ColorToString creates a string from a color. All information such as knownColor and name in the color structure will be preserved. A string that can be passed as parameter to ColorFromString. HSL color space. Method converts Color defined in RGB values to HSL color space. Hue value. Saturation value. Luminance value. Method converts Color defined in HSL values to RGB color space. Hue value. Saturation value. Luminance value. Hue component of a color space. Saturation component of a color space. Luminance component of a color space. Gets or sets hue component of a color space. Gets or sets saturation component of a color space. Gets or sets luminance component of a color space. HSV color space. Method converts Color defined in RGB values to HSL color space. Hue value. Saturation value. Luminance value. Method converts Color defined in HSV values to RGB color space. Hue component of a color space. Saturation component of a color space. Value component of a color space. Gets or sets hue component of a color space. Gets or sets saturation component of a color space. Gets or sets value component of a color space. Inflate offset for drawing selection rectangle. Methods recalculate top left and right bottom points using Graphics matrix settings. This method required when we will draw on Graphics created from HDC that does not have applied transformations. Very useful when used ControlPaint class for drawing. reference on Graphics rectangle to recalculate. Transformed rectangle. Methods will work fine only in limited cases. If on graphics applied rotations then in most cases will be wrong calculated rectangle. Rectangle rcBorders = ControlDrawing.Transform( g, this.Bounds ); ControlDrawing.DrawBorderInternal( g, rcBorders, this.BorderStyle, this.Border3DStyle, this.BorderSingle, this.BorderColor, this.BorderSides ); Methods recalculate point using Graphics matrix settings. This method required when we will draw on Graphics created from HDC that does not have applied transformations. Very useful when used ControlPaint class for drawing. reference on Graphics Point to recalculate. Transformed point. Method allow to draw borders according to specified styles. Reference on Graphics. Output rectangle. border style. 3D border style. border style in single mode. border color in single mode. sides that have to be drawn by methods. True - fix known bug in method, otherwise leave old code (for compatibility only). Returns the width required to draw the text specified using the font specified. A object. The text that is to be drawn. The using which to draw. True - we use RTL, otherwise normal drawing. Width required. Measure string with limit by width. -1 - apply single line mode for measuring, values greater zero enables multiline measuring mode. Represents a class that provides support to get the current DPI value and calculate the values based on the current DPI values. Indicates the logpixel. Stores the current dpi value. Stores the current device units. Gets the image file from given assembly based on the DPI scaling factor. If the DPI scaling is greater than 175 then returns the high DPI image, otherwise returns the default image. The used to read the image file. The string contains the folder path. The string value represents the name of the image file. The imageName must contains the extension like AddNewRowIcon.png or AddNewRowIcon.bmp Returns the image file from specified folder path. Gets an equivalent value based on the current DPI value. The float value. Returns the value based on DPI value. Gets the current DPI value of the device. Returns the current DPI value of the device. Implement this method and draw your NonClient area using the passed in parameters. The PaintEventArgs using this to draw the non client area. The control's window bounds into which to draw. Left and Top are usually zero. The control's bounds in screen co-ordinates. HRgn (as IntPtr) that excludes the region you just drew in the displayRect. Call this method to help you prepare for non client painting. This method will in turn call your INonClientPaintingSupport.NonClientPaint implementation. The control in which we will be drawing. The INonClientPaintingSupport implementation to which we will delegate the final non client drawing. The WM_NCPAINT message. Paints a rectangular area with the given colors in Office2007 style. A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The border color. The top gradient start color. The top gradient end color. The bottom gradient start color. The bottom gradient end color. The bottom line color. Adjusts the specified forecolor's brightness based on the specified backcolor and preferred contrast. The forecolor to adjust. The backcolor for reference. Preferred contrast level. This method checks if the current contrast in brightness between the 2 colors is less than the specified contrast level. If so, it brightens or darkens the forecolor appropriately. Draws an image using the ImageList, taking into account the Graphics.ClipBounds. The Graphics object into which to draw. The ImageList containing the image. The index of the image. The rectangle into which to draw. This method will use ImageList_DrawEx to draw the image (to use the transparency info in the embedded images). We use the PInvoke rather than ImageList.Draw because, the Draw method uses the PaintEventArgs.ClipRectangle rather than g.ClipBounds (both can be different) and here we force the ClipBounds on the DC.

Also, you do not have to use this method if your images will never be drawn clipped (in that case just use ImageList.Draw).

Draws specified image to graphics context. If image size is less than maxWidth, maxHeight parameters, it will be drawn without any changes, otherwise - it will be scaled proportionally to those values. Graphics context. Image object which must be drawing. X coordinate of the destination location. Y coordinate of the destination location. Maximum width of the image. Maximum height of the image. Converts the HSB value to RGB. Hue. Saturation. Brightness. Red. Green. Blue. This does not seem to yield accurate results, but very close. Enumeration of Panose Font Family Types. These can be used for determining the similarity of two fonts or for detecting non-character fonts like WingDings. Any No Fit Text and Display Script Decorative Pictorial Gets the for the specified font. A graphics object to use when detecting the Panose family. The font to check. The Panose font family type. Gets / sets the ImageList to wrap around. Gets/ sets the base directory from which the images will be added. This helps to maintain a relative path in the SourceFiles list. Returns the source of the images in the underlying ImageList. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type of the collection to edit. Creates an instance of the specified type in the collection. The type of the image to insert in the collection. Apply functionality to choose alpha-blended icon and correctly change it to bitmap. Stores info about drawing icons. Utility class for mirroring graphics output if needed. Value of advanced graphics state. Mode of transformation matrix multiplication. Graphics object for target context. Temporary virtual Graphics object. Temporary bitmap object. Target rectangle. Rectangle of virtual temporary area. Target graphics path. Indicates whether image must be mirrored. Indicates whether OS supports needed API functions. Holds old value of source graphics mode. Holds old value of source graphics transformation. Handle wrapper of graphics object. Handle of graphics object. Private constructor. Overloaded. Creates a new mirror object for drawing mirrored images. Source graphics object. Source graphics path object. If True mirror output; False otherwise. Creates a new mirror object for drawing mirrored images. Source graphics object. Source rectangle structure. If True mirror output; False otherwise. Overloaded ctor.. as a workaround for Themed Mirrored rendering issue. Creates a new mirror object for drawing mirrored images. Source graphics object. Source rectangle structure. If True mirror output; False otherwise. False as a workaround when drawing themed mirrored graphics. Disposes all resources, but first paints all data from the buffer to source device context. Initializes an object. Source graphics object. Source rectangle structure. If True mirror output; False otherwise. Checks OS Version for API functions support. Need NT 3.1 or later. True if current OS is NT 3.1 or later; False otherwise. Transforms graphics. Restores graphics to its previous state. Flushes all drawing data to destination if needed. Returns virtual graphics context object. Returns virtual rectangle. Returns virtual Graphics path object. Indicates whether additional bitmap is needed. Class does 2D ratio and offset tranformation for object using property. Transform is done in constructor and reverted in Dispose() method. Supposed to be used with keyword. Class does 2D mirroring for X axis for . Transform is done in constructor and reverted in Dispose() method. Supposed to be used with keyword. Class does 2D mirroring for Y axis for . Transform is done in constructor and reverted in Dispose() method. Supposed to be used with keyword. Specifies the Gradient style used by the . None. ForwardDiagonal Gradient. BackwardDiagonal Gradient. Horizontal Gradient. Vertical Gradient. PathRectangle Gradient. PathEllipse Gradient. Provides a for the enumeration. Provides data for the event of a instance. The event lets you apply custom settings for the Graphics object, before other routines draw to the object. Initializes a new empty . Initializes a new with a object. The graphics object. Initializes a new empty . Returns the window graphics object. Represents a method that handles a event of a instance. Implements an interface that returns a graphics context when needed and raises a event to initialize the graphics object. Creates and returns a cached graphics object. Called after a new object was created and gives the handler a chance to initialize the graphics context. Returns a graphics context when needed and raises a event to initialize the graphics object. Initializes a new empty . Initializes a new with a object. The Graphics object that will be used. The event will not be fired when this type is instantiated via this constructor. Initializes a new with a object. The control that will be used for creating the graphics object. Initializes a new empty . Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Called after a new object was created and gives the handler a chance to initialize the graphics context. Creates and returns a cached graphics object. Represents a class to define the style for the control. Represents a class to define the style for the control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border thickness of the control. The value is used to draw the border thickness of the GradientPanel. Gets or sets the value used to draw the back color of the control in the default state. The value is used to draw the back color of the GradientPanel. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the back color of the control in the disabled state. The value is used to draw the disabled back color of the GradientPanel. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border color of the control in the default state. The value is used to draw the border color of the GradientPanel. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border color of the control in the disabled state. The value is used to draw the disabled border color of the GradientPanel. The default value is null. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the value used to draw the inner border color of the control in default state. The value is used to draw the inner border color of the GradientPanelExt. Gets or sets the value used to draw the disabled inner border color of the control in disabled state. The value is used to draw the disabled inner border color of the GradientPanelExt. Gets or sets the value used to draw the inner back color of the control in default state. The value is used to draw the inner back color of the GradientPanelExt. Gets or sets the value used to draw the inner back color of the control in disabled state. The value is used to draw the disabled inner back color of the GradientPanelExt. Gets or sets the value used to draw the CornerRadius of the control. The value is used to draw the CornerRadius of the GradientPanelExt. Implements a class that provide the identity information of using . Implements a class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the GradientPanel for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Maintains the GradientPanelExt for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents a class that provides style identity information for nested objects of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Represents a class that provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents a class that provides style identity information for nested objects of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Represents a class to apply the theme for the control. The GradientPanel is a -derived class that has numerous border styles and has a background composed of a multiple gradient brush. Implement this interface in a derived class to start supporting themes. Indicates whether themes are enabled. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Get or Set of Skin Manager Interface It contains the value of the property. Gets the active theme name of the control. Returns the active theme name. Helps to override the CanOverriderStyle property settings CanOverriderStyle Helps to override the CanApplyTheme property settings CanApplyTheme Raises the event when theme name changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Helps to apply the ThemeName settings in control ThemeName Helps to override the ControlName property settings ControlName Default size of the control Required designer variable. Cleans up any resources being used. Required method for designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Applies the scaling for controls Font changed Signals the object that initialization is starting. Signals the object that initialization is complete. Gets or sets the theme name of the control. The default value is null. This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Get or Set of Visual theme Gets or sets a value indicating whether control elements styles can be overridden by theme style settings. Default value is false. By default, the control's element styles will not be overridden by theme style settings if the style is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, element style will be overridden by theme style settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before calling the ThemeName property of the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a theme settings can be applied to the control. The default value is true. This property must be initialized before applying the VisualTheme /> Gets or sets the Base Theme name of the theme Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Gets a value indicating whether the visual style based theme is applied to the control and also indicates whether the theme files are referred from external assemblies or not. Return true, if the visual style based theme is applied to the control. Otherwise returns false. Gets the name of the control. Occurs when border style is changed. Occurs when border's 3D style is changed. Occurs when border's 2D style is changed. Occurs when border color is changed. Occurs when gradient background is changed. Occurs when vertical gradient is changed. Occurs when gradient colors are changed. Occurs when border sides are changed. Occurs when property is changed. Indicates whether the control will ignore the theme's background color and draw the backcolor instead. Indicates whether the control is themed. Gets or sets the border sides of the panel. The background color, gradient and other styles can be set through this property. The GradientPanel control provides this property to enable specialized custom gradient backgrounds. Gets or Sets whether to have custom scrollbar Gets or sets the color array that defines the gradient. This property will be removed in the future. Please use the BackgroundColor property instead. Indicates whether the gradient is vertical. This property will be removed in the future. Please use the BackgroundColor property instead. Indicates whether the background will be drawn with the gradient. This property will be removed in the future. Please use the BackgroundColor property instead. Gets or sets the color of the 2D border. Gets or sets the 2D border style. Gets or sets the border style of the panel. Gets or sets the style of the 3D border. Gets the ScrollerFrame Gets or Sets the touch mode Represents the class to apply the theme for control. Represents panel that has border and collection of that can be drawn on border. Control perhaps has rounded or right corner. For setting rounded corner, assign property. You can set space between the bounds of the control and border using property. Control has two states: collapse or expand. For change this state use property. Collapse/Expand state can be used with animation. For using animation, you must set as true. For specifying speed animation use . To specify delay for animation use . Control can contain , see . Gap between primitive and bounds control. Minimum lenght for border where draw primitives. Default corner radius. Gap between border and bounds control. Width for pent which draws light line for border. Gap between border and side of the primitive. Offset for border. Offset for border when control is collapse. Delay for timer. Animation speed. Angle degree 0. Angle degree 45. Angle degree 90; Angle degree 180; Angle degree 270; It contains the value of the property. Helps to apply the ThemeName settings in control ThemeName Helps to override the ThemeName property settings ThemeName Helps to override the OnGotFocus events An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Invoked when corner radius changed. Sets correctly corner radius. Gets maximum radius. Find maximum size of the primitive in the collection. Refresh work sizes. Gets size collapsed control. Gets minimum size of the control. Gets minimum size of the control relative to Primitives. Gets minimum size of the control relative to controls when contains control. Refresh location for all primitives Sets correctly position of the primitive. Gets IDesignerHost interface. Gets start point position primitive from given side. Gets end point position of the primitive from given side. Gets rectangle which primitive is drawing. Sets size of the control. Sets correctly border gap. Gets minimum border gap for a specific side. Find maximum size of the primitive in the collection for a specific side. Gets maximum border gap for the specified side. Gets minimum border gap. Gets rounded path. Gets rounded path. Indicate that control is collapse or expande. Radius truncation of the corner. Space between the bound of the control and the border. Inner Border Thickness Inner Rectangle Border Color Inner Rectangle Border Color Inner Rectangle Background Brush Inner Rectangle Background Brush Padding like space between the bounds of the control and the borders. Background color for control. Graphics path which represent client area. Graphics path which represent control area. Collection of the Primitives. Size of the control for expande state. Location of the control for expande state. Alignment collapse control. Last alignment of the control. Use for sets correctly location control regarding client path. A value indicating whether the control uses animation. Collapsed size of the control. Mimimal controls size. Rectangle which contains border. Uses for animation. Indicate that control in process of collapse. Uses by redraw. Delay for animation. Speed of animation. Indicate that control need redraw. Uses by redraw before animation. Default size of the control Resets the Inner Rectangle Border Thickness Serializes the Inner Border Thickness Resets the Inner Rectangle Border Color Serializes the Inner Rectangle Border Color Resets the Inner Rectangle Background Brush Serializes the Inner Rectangle Background Brush Initialize animation. Initialize control's style. Initialize control's colors. Initialize primitives. Applies the scaling Font Chnaged Draws transparent background. Calculates count position of animation. Initiate animation. Collapsing control. Expanding control. Check position added control regarding client path. True if control contains within client area, otherwise False. Refresh control path and client path. Refresh location for all primitives Refresh correctly position and size for all controls which contain in GradinetPanelExt. Refresh work sizes. Gets inscribed rectangle in rounded path. Gets rectangle which drawing control. Gets rectangle which drawing control. Gets rounded path. Gets graphics path which represent control. Gets graphics path which represent client area of the control. Gets rectangle which primitive is drawing. Gets start point position primitive from given side. Gets end point position of the primitive from given side. Gets size collapsed control. Find maximum size of the primitive in the collection. Find maximum size of the primitive in the collection for a specific side. Gets minimum border gap. Gets minimum border gap for a specific side. Gets maximum border gap. Gets maximum border gap for the specified side. Ensures if the PBorderGap can be set Gets maximum radius. Gets minimum size of the control. Gets minimum size of the control relative to Primitives. Gets minimum size of the control relative to controls when contains control. Gets lines which dont contained in border. Gets IDesignerHost interface. Gets region when dont draw. Draws control. Draws the border. Draws non-rectangle border. Draws light lines for non-rectangle border. Draws dark lines for non-rectangle border. Draws light arcs for non-rectangle border. Draws dark arcs for non-rectangle border. Draws rectangle border. Draws lines for collapsed control. Draws light line for collapsed control. Draws dark line for collapsed control. Changes size of the control. Changes location of the control. Sets correctly position of the control regarding client path. Determines whether the control is the HostControl. Sets correctly corner radius. Sets correctly border gap. Sets correctly position of the primitive. Gets correct size of the control. Sets position of the control. Hide primitives. Show primitives. Sets size of the control. Hide all controls which contains this control. Show all controls which contains this control. Gets bound of the control when doing animation. Gets rectangle for redwaw when doing animation. Gets dark pen for border. Gets light pen for border. Changes collapse state for each CollapsePrimitive from . Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Gets or sets delay for animation. Gets or sets speed of animation. Location expanded control. When control expanded it is Empty. Size expanded control. When control expanded it is Empty. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control uses animation. Gets or sets state of the control, collapsed or expanded. Gets or sets alignment collapsed control. Gets or sets radius truncation corner of the control. Gets or sets border gap. Gets or sets border gap. Gets / Sets the Inner Rectangle Border Thickness Gets / Sets the Inner Rectangle Border Color Gets / Sets the Inner Rectangle Background Brush Gets or sets graphics path which represent client area. Gets or sets graphics path which represent control area. Gets collection of the primitives. Gets bounds for expanded control. Gets size for expanded control. Get location for expanded control. Gets or Sets the touchmode Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Represents the class to define the style for control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the value of the control. Gets or sets the background color of the control. The value is used to fill the background of the GroupViewItem. Gets or sets the background color of the control in selected state. The value is used to fill the background of the GroupViewItem. Gets or sets the hover background color of the control in selected state. The value is used to fill the background of the GroupViewItem. Gets or sets the hover foreground color of the control in selected state. Gets or sets the hover border color of the control in selected state. Gets or sets the background color of the control in mouse hover state. Gets or sets the border color of the control. Gets or sets the border thickness of the control. Gets or sets the border color of the control in mouse hover state. Gets or sets the border color of the control in selected state. Gets or sets the border color of the control in disabled state. Gets or sets the background color of the control in the disabled state. Gets or sets the foreground color value of the control. Gets or sets the foreground color of the control in hover state. Gets or sets the foreground color of the control in selected state. Gets or sets the foreground value of the control in disabled state. Gets or sets the tooltip background color value of the control. Gets or sets the tooltip foreground color value of the control in disabled state. Gets or sets the tooltip border color value of the control in disabled state. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents the class to define the style for control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the value used to draw the background of the control in default state. The value is used to draw the background of the control. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control. The value is used to draw the border of the control. The default value is null. Gets or sets the borderthickness of control. Gets or sets the value used to draw the background color of the scroll button in control. The value used to draw the background color of the scroll button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the background color of the scroll button in control in hover state. The value used to draw the background color of the scroll button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the background color of the scroll button in control in pressed state. The value used to draw the background color of the scroll button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the foreground color of the scroll button in control. The value used to draw the foreground color of the scroll button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the foreground color of the scroll button in control in hover state. Gets or sets the value used to draw the foreground color of the scroll button in control in selected state. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border color of the scroll button in control. The value used to draw the border color of the scroll button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the hover border color of the scroll button in control. The value used to draw the border color of the scroll button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the pressed border color of the scroll button in control. The value used to draw the border color of the scroll button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the borderthickness used to draw the border of the scroll button in control. Gets or sets style for of the control. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the GroupView for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents the class which provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents a class that provides style identity information for nested objects of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Represents the partial class of the GroupView which contains the theme renderer properties and methods. Represents a control that can display a list of items.

The GroupView control implements a list type control that can display a set of items where each item is represented by an image and a descriptor. Items are implemented as instances of the class. The collection of GroupViewItems in the control can be accessed through the property that returns a reference to the object maintained by the control.

The GroupView control is capable of displaying items with large or small icons in various combinable styles such as the default selectable style, button-type selection, full-item select and an icon-only flowview mode. All styles are available in the regular 3D or a FlatLook mode. The control also implements an IntegratedScrolling option that allows scrolling to be delegated to its parent container.

The GroupView control can be used in conjunction with the Essential Tools control to implement composite controls such as the Microsoft OutlookBar and the Visual Studio.NET toolbox window. The latter scenario makes use of the IntegratedScrolling feature supported by the two controls.

The sample code shows how to create a GroupView control and initialize the Behavior and Appearance properties to resemble the Visual Studio.NET toolbox window. A handler for the GroupView.GroupViewItemSelected event is also shown.
Specifies the name of the custom type used for drag-and-drop. It contains the value of the property. Helps to apply the ThemeName settings for the . ThemeName Helps to apply the ControlName settings for . ThemeName Gets the rectangle for the items to be drawn Helps to update the renderer settings of . PaintEventArgs Draws the highlighting of GroupViewitem. object. The index of the groupViewItem. value specifying the GroupViewItem bounds. The state of the item. Returns the Backcolor according to the . of the GroupViewItem Returns the forecolor according to the . of the GroupViewItem Returns the border color according to the . of the GroupViewItem Helps to draw text of the . object. The index of the groupViewItem. value specifying the GroupViewItem bounds. The state of the item. Helps to draw the background of the . PaintEventArgs object Helps to draw the drag drop indicator of the . object. Start point of the drag provider End point of the drag provider Helps to draw the scroll button of the . object. Rectangle of the ScrollButton Button direction Draws the arrow of scrollbuttons for GroupView Indicates whether the is enabled / disabled. True if the ToolTip is enabled. The default is False. Indicates whether the items being selected. Indicates whether FlowView value was changed during renaming. Store index of which was hitted before current Indicate whether is under mouse pointer Indicate whether is showing for the first time False if the ToolTip isn't showing. The default is True. Initialize Timer Initialize ToolTip Shows ToolTip A string value representing ToolTip's text Get which is under mouse pointer Represent mouse pointer Start showing tooltips Representint interval before showing ToolTip Stops showing tooltips Applies the scaling Font changed ToolTip last mouse buttons downed. ToolTip last mouse downed time. ToolTip last mouse downed point. Indicates whether control should show GroupViewItem text in FlowView mode. Stores length in FlowView mode. GroupViev orientation. Gets the small icon width of the GroupViewItem based on DPI Width of the Icon Gets the large icon width of the GroupViewItem based on DPI Width of the Icon Gets the spacing between text and image spacing between text and image Gets the height between the highlighted edge of a GroupViewItem and the image. spacing between highligheted edge of item and image Gets the horizontal distance between a GroupViewItem and the control's left border. Gets the vertical distance between a GroupViewItem and the control's bottom border. Gets the GroupViewItem Bounds. GroupViewItem index Padding between the GroupViewItem Bounds Gets the GroupViewItem Bounds. GroupViewItem index Padding between the GroupViewItem Bounds Name visible property for PropertyChangedEventArgs ArrayList visible items. Holds the backcolor of metro theme Default size of the control Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Holds the office2016 colorscheme Reset the Office2016ColorScheme Serializes the Office2016ColorScheme Holds the style Reset the Style Serializes the Style Occurs when the style changes Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Allow drag any object. Creates a new instance of the control. Starts an in-place edit of the specified text. Invoking this method will create an editable text box and and populate it with the item text. Editing the textbox contents and selecting ENTER will update the item text. Selecting ESC will cancel the edit. The zero-based index of the item to be renamed. Cancels an inplace renaming that is in progress. Brings the specified into the visible area of the control. The zero-based index of the item. Raises the event. A value that contains the event data. Raises the GroupView Item double click event. GroupViewItemDoubleClickEventArgs Raises the event. A value that contains the event data. Raises the event. A value that contains the event data. Raises the event. A value that contains the event data. Raises the event. A value that contains the event data. Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Size changed Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Called by the tab control when mouse hovers on the control. The instance containing the event data. Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overloaded. Returns the GroupViewItem at the specified point in client coordinates. X - coordinate of the item. Y- coordinate of the item. GroupViewItem, whose area contains specified point; null, if nothing is found. Returns GroupViewItem at the specified point in client coordinates. Point where the GroupViewItem is located. GroupViewItem, whose area contains specified point; Null, if nothing is found. Retrieving Image with its default image size Expected size of the images collection of images which is need to be changed New image list with updated image size Draws the highlighting of GroupViewitem. A object. The index of the groupViewItem. A value specifying the GroupViewItem bounds. The state of the item. Overridden. See . Variable which denotes the value changed of TextSpacing property Variable which denotes the value changed of ImageSpacing property Variable which denotes the value changed of ItemYSpacing property Variable which denotes the value changed of ItemXSpacing property Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Gets or sets whether tooltips for GroupViewItems should be shown or not. Use property to get\set ToolTip text. Gets or sets the value of the control. Gets/Sets Control size before touch enabled Gets or Sets the touchmode Gets or sets GroupViev orientation. Gets or sets ToolTip last mouse buttons downed. Gets or sets ToolTip last mouse downed time. Gets or sets ToolTip last mouse downed point. Gets ArrayList visible items. Occurs when a in the control is selected. Use the property to get the index of the newly selected item. Occurs when a GroupViewItem is double clicked. Occurs when a in the control is highlighted. Use the property to get the index of the newly selected item. Occurs after the items in a control have been reordered by a drag-and-drop operation. Occurs after a has been renamed by an in-place edit operation. See and . . Occurs when the right mouse button is clicked over the control. The property will provide the index of the over which the mouse was clicked. Gets / sets the collection of objects in the control. An instance of the type. Gets or sets the height between the highlighted edge of a and the image. In mode, the ImageSpacing value also dictates the horizontal distance between the highlighted edge and the image. An integer value. Gets / sets the distance between the image and the text. In large icon mode, this attribute represents the vertical distance between the GroupViewItem image and the text, while in small icon mode, it represents the horizontal distance between the two. An integer value. Gets / sets the horizontal distance between a and the control's left border. An integer value. This attribute is valid only when is True. In large image view, the items are drawn centered. Gets / sets the height between adjacent s. An integer value. Gets or sets the 's text length in FlowView mode. An integer value. Gets or sets the distance by which the image is offset when the mouse is moved over it. A value. Gets or sets the distance by which the text is offset when the mouse is moved over it. A value. Gets the office2016 style colors respective to the style Gets or sets the office2016 colorscheme Gets or sets the style Gets / sets the distance by which the image is offset when it is selected. A value. Gets / sets the distance by which the text is offset when it is selected. A value. Gets / sets the distance by which the selected image is offset when the mouse is moved over it. A value. Gets / sets the distance by which the selected text is offset when the mouse is moved over it. A value. Gets / sets the distance by which the image is offset when it is being selected. A value. Gets / sets the distance by which the text is offset when it is being selected. A value. Gets / sets the image list containing the large (32x32) images. An ImageList type. Gets / sets the image list containing the small (16x16) images. An ImageList type. Indicates whether the control displays items using the images in the . True if the small image mode is set. The default is False. Indicates whether items are drawn with a button-type flat look upon selection. True if the button-type selection is set. The default is False. Indicates whether the flow view display mode is set. In the default display mode, the control items are arranged top-down in list form. In the flow mode, however, item images are arranged side by side for the full width of the control. Resizing the control will wrap the images. Text will not be displayed in this mode, unless the ShowFlowViewItemText property set to True. True if flow view is set. The default is False. Indicates whether control should show GroupViewItem text in FlowView mode. True if should show text. The default is False. Indicates whether scrolling should be delegated to the control's parent. This option is primarily intended for use with the Syncfusion control. When this option is set, the GroupView control delegates scrolling behavior to the parent GroupBar control. When IntegratedScrolling is set to False, the control provides its own scroll buttons. True to enable integrated scrolling. The default is False. Gets / sets the index of the currently selected . The zero-based index of the selected item. -1 if a selected item is not available. Returns the over which the mouse cursor is hovering. The zero-based index of the item under the cursor. -1 if no item is being highlighted. Returns the index of that triggered the event. The zero-based index of the item. Gets / sets a value indicating whether the image is highlighted when the mouse is moved over it. False if image highlighting is disabled. The default is True. Indicates whether the text is highlighted when the mouse is moved over it. False if text highlighting is disabled. The default is True. Indicates whether the text is underlined when the mouse is moved over it. True if text underlining is enabled. The default is False. Gets or sets the color used for drawing the background of a when the mouse is moved over it. A value. Gets / sets the color used for drawing the background of the selected . A value. Gets / sets the color used for drawing the background of the selected when the mouse is moved over it. A value. Gets / sets the color used for drawing the background of the being selected. A value. Gets or sets the color used for drawing the text when the mouse is moved over it. A value. Gets / sets the color used for drawing the selected text. A value. Gets / sets the color used for drawing the selected text when the mouse is moved over it. A value. Gets / sets the color used for drawing the text while it is being selected. A value. Gets or sets the brush used for drawing the control background. A value. Gets / sets the color used for drawing the Metro style border A value. Gets or sets the brush used for drawing the background of the selected . A value. Gets or sets the brush used for drawing the background of the selected when the mouse is moved over it. A value. Gets or sets the brush used for drawing the background of the highlighted . A value. Gets or sets the brush used for drawing the background of the being selected. A value. Gets or sets the border style of the control. A value. The default is BorderStyle.Fixed3D. Indicates whether the text should be wrapped. Text wrapping is available only with the large icon display mode. True to turn on wrapping. The default is False. Indicates whether the control is displayed with a flat look. True to display in flat mode. The default is False. Indicates whether XP Themes (visual styles) should be used for drawing the control. True to turn on themes; the default is False. Gets a value indicating whether the control supports drop. Indicates whether the control supports drag-and-drop of objects. Gets or sets allow drag any object. For use this property AllowDragDrop must be true. Indicates whether the selection bounds of a are clipped around its image and text. A Boolean value. The default is False. Gets the Height of the Item's Text. The collection of objects present in the GroupView control. Each item in a control is an instance of a type and the collection is represented by the GroupViewItemCollection class. The GroupViewItemCollection class implements the IList and ICollection interfaces. Raises the collection changed event. Creates a new instance of the class. The control that contains this collection. Adds the GroupViewItem to the collection. The to be added. The zero-based index of the new item within the collection. Inserts the into the collection at the specified index. The zero-based index at which the item is to be inserted. The to be inserted. Removes the GroupViewItem from the collection. The to be removed. Adds an array of GroupViewItems to the control's collection. An array of objects. Indicates whether the specified GroupViewItem is present in the collection. The to locate in the collection. True if the item is present; False otherwise. Returns the zero-based index of the GroupViewItem. The to locate in the collection. The zero-based index of the item; -1 if the item cannot be found. Occurs when a is changed. Gets / sets a in the collection. The zero-based index of the GroupViewItem to get or set. Represents the class to define the style for CollapseButton present in control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the GroupBarCollapseButton present in control. Gets or sets the collapse button background color of the stack mode . Gets or sets the collapse button background color of the stack mode in hover state. Gets or sets the collapse button fore color of the stack mode . Gets or sets the collapse button fore color of the stack mode in hover state. Gets or sets the collapse image value of the stack mode control. Gets or sets the expand image value of the stack mode control. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents the class to define the style for collapsed state of control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for collapsed state of control. Gets or sets the background color of the navigation pane of control. Gets or sets the background color of navigation pane of control in selected state. Gets or sets the background color of navigation pane of control in hover state. Gets or sets the border color of navigation pane of control. Gets or sets the foreground color of navigation pane of control. Gets or sets the foreground color of navigation pane of control in hover state. Gets or sets the foreground color of navigation pane of control in selected state. Gets or sets the value of the navigation pane of control. Gets or sets item style for collapsed state view of the control. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents the class to define the style for control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the value of the control. This property is not applicable for collapsed GroupBarItem. Gets or sets the background color of the control. Gets or sets the background color of the control in selected state. Gets or sets the background color of the control in mouse hover state. Gets or sets the border color of the control. Gets or sets the border thickness of the control. Gets or sets the background color of the control in the disabled state. Gets or sets the foreground color of the control. This property is not applicable for collapsed GroupBarItem. Gets or sets the foreground color of the control in hover state. This property is not applicable for collapsed GroupBarItem. Gets or sets the foreground color of the control. This property is not applicable for collapsed GroupBarItem. Gets or sets the foreground color of the control in disabled state. This property is not applicable for collapsed GroupBarItem. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents the class to define the style for control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the value used to draw the background of the control in default state. The value is used to draw the background of the control. The default value is null. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control. The value is used to draw the border of the control. The default value is null. Gets or sets the int value used to draw the border thickness of the control. The int value is used to draw the border of the control. The default value is null. Gets or sets style for of the control. Gets or sets style for stack mode container of the control. Gets or sets style for collapsed state container of the control. Gets or sets style for collapsed state container of the control. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the GroupBar for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents the class which provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents a class that provides style identity information for nested objects of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Represents the class to define the style for GroupBarOptionButton present in control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the GroupBarOptionButton present in control. Gets or sets the option button background color value of the stack mode control. Gets or sets the option button background color value of the stack mode control in hover state. Gets or sets the option button foreground color value of the stack mode control. Gets or sets the option button foreground color value of the stack mode control in hover state. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents the class to define the style for stacked mode of control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the stacked mode of > control. Gets or sets the header background color of the stack mode control. Gets or sets the header foreground color of the control. Gets or sets the value of the header of stack mode control. Gets or sets the background color of the splitter of stack mode . Gets or sets the foreground color of the splitter of stack mode . Gets or sets style for collapse/expand button of the stacked mode control. Gets or sets style for option button of the stacked mode control. Gets or sets the collapse panel backcolor color value of the stack mode control. Gets or sets style for collapsed of the stacked mode control. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents the class to define the style for ToolTip present in control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the ToolTip present in control. Gets or sets the value of the ToolTip present in control. Gets or sets the background color of the ToolTip present in control. Gets or sets the border color value of the ToolTip present in control. Gets or sets the foreground color value of the ToolTip present in control. Gets or sets the bool value indicates whether to show shadow of the ToolTip present in control. Gets or sets the border thickness of the ToolTip present in control. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Displays a set of related controls as selectable groups or tabs.

The GroupBar class implements a container that can serve as a host for other controls. The control is functionally similar to the Windows Forms and provides a tab user-interface that will display only one control, the , at any given time.

Each control in the GroupBar is associated with a and the various GroupBarItems are arranged in a vertical stack. Clicking on a GroupBarItem will make it the current selected item and the client control tied to that item will be displayed within the GroupBar's client region. The collection of GroupBarItems in the control is implemented as an instance of the type and can be accessed and manipulated through the property.

The GroupBar can be used in combination with the Syncfusion control to implement composite controls with user interfaces similar to the Outlook Bar in Microsoft Outlook and the toolbox window present in the Visual Studio.NET development environment.

The sample code shows how to create a GroupBar, create and add two GroupBarBarItems, and assign client controls to each of the GroupBarItems.
Defines a base class for custom controls that support scrolling behavior. The ScrollControl class acts as a base class for controls that require the ability to scroll. To allow a control to display scrollbars as needed, set the AutoScroll property to True. To select which scrollbars should be visible, set the VScroll and HScroll properties. You can also associate stand-alone scrollbars with the ScrollControl. The VertScrollBar and HorizScrollBar properties allow you to associate external scrollbars. This is of benefit if you want to share one scrollbar with a parent control. For example, if the ScrollControl is a view inside a workbook or dynamic splitter frame. ScrollControl supports automatic scrolling when the user drags the mouse. In a grid when the user starts selecting cells the user can drag the mouse outside the grid area and the grid will automatically scroll. To enable auto scrolling, override the OnMouseDown event in your derived control and initialize the AutoScrolling, AutoScrollBounds and InsideScrollBounds properties. When the user scrolls your control and holds down the mouse on the down or up arrow of the scrollbar, the scrolling speed will accelerate. The FixRenderOrigin method will ensure correct initialization of the rendering origin for brushes and patterns. You can call FixRenderOrigin from your control's OnPaint method. ScrollControl supports scrolling with the mouse wheel and also cooperates fine with with the IntelliMouseDragScroll class. If you want to provide context information about your control and change the cursor on the fly while the user moves the mouse, set the OverrideCursor property to the cursor you want to show. Instead, you can also implement IMouseController and add the object to MouseControllerDispatcher. ICancelModeProvider provides an interface for the CancelMode event. Occurs when the window receives a WM_CANCELMODE message. WM_CANCELMODE is sent to cancel certain modes, such as mouse capture. For example, the system sends this message to the active window when a dialog box or message box is displayed. Certain functions also send this message explicitly to the specified window regardless of whether it is the active window. For example, the EnableWindow function sends this message when disabling the specified window. Provides a property support for using the control inside a dynamic splitter window and sharing scrollbars with the parent window. Indicates that the splitter control is closing the pane with this control. Indicates that the splitter control has closed the pane with this control. Toggles support for using the control inside a dynamic splitter window and sharing scrollbars with the parent window. Indicates whether the splitter control is closing the pane with this control. Indicates whether the splitter control has closed the pane with this control. This interface provides properties for accessing a vertical and horizontal and an method. Updates scrollbars to reflect recent changes in scroll position, minimum and maximum scroll position values. Returns a reference to an object with vertical scrollbar settings of the control. Returns a reference to an object with horizontal scrollbar settings of the control. Defines an interface for classes that support a BeginUpdate / EndUpdate pattern. Suspends updating the component. An internal counter will be increased if called multiple times. Resumes updating the component. If was called multiple times, an internal counter is decreased. Indicates whether was called. Provides a property that lets you toggle support for Intelli-Mouse panning. Toggles support for Intelli-Mouse panning. When the user presses the middle mouse button and drags the mouse, the window will scroll. The latest Intelli-Mouse drivers have also built-in . Provides support for method. Indicates whether this control contains focus. Override this method if you want to show drop-down windows and indicate the control has not lost focus when the drop-down is shown. True if the control or any child control has focus; false otherwise. Internal only. Internal only. Indicates the shared behavior of the vertical scrollbar Indicate the shared behavior of the horizontal scrollbar Holds the style info collection for the scroll control elements. The SizeGripStyle behavior has been changed after version 6.1. For old behavior set this to true. Default value is false. Initializes a new instance of . Disposes the control. Raises a CancelMode for the active mouse controller for this control. holds a collection of mouse controllers. Indicates whether serialize property value or not. Offsets the point. Returns PointToClient(LastMousePosition). Returns a value indicating the context at a given mouse position. Returns a value indicating the context at a given mouse position. The mouse position in client coordinates. A value indicating the context at a given mouse position; zero if no context found. Any Mouse Controller needs to implement the IMouseController interface. In its implementation of MouseController.HitTest the mouse controller determines whether it wants to handle the mouse events for the current mouse position. MouseControllerDispatcher will call HitTest for each Mouse Controller that has been registered with Add(IMouseController). The Mouse Controller that wins the vote will be returned together with the context value its HitTest implementation returned. Returns a value indicating the context at a given mouse position. The mouse position in client coordinates. Indicates which mouse button was pressed. A value indicating the context at a given mouse position; 0 if no context found. Returns a value indicating the context at a given mouse position. The mouse position in client coordinates. Indicates which mouse button was pressed. A place holder where the controller is returned that won the vote. A value indicating the context at a given mouse position; 0 if no context found. Returns a value indicating the context at a given mouse position. The mouse position in client coordinates. Indicates which mouse button was pressed. Specifies the number of times the mouse button was pressed and released. A place holder where the controller is returned that won the vote. A value indicating the context at a given mouse position; 0 if no context found. Handles the WM_SETCURSOR message Initialize the last vertical scroll value. Initialize the last horizontal scroll value. Used to save the touch start position. Used to check the touch mode is enabled or not. Used to check touch on the Horizontal scroll bar or not. Used to check touch on the Vertical scroll bar or not. Used to save the object for MultiTouch to configure the touch. Used to disable the Gesture. Decode the touch messages to do corresponding operations windows touch messages return true when the message properly handled otherwise it will be false Applies the color table for scrollbars. Apply the color settings for Office2016 scrollbar. Scrollbar visual styles Apply Office2016Black color settings for scrollbar. Apply Office2016DarkGray color settings for scrollbar. Apply Office2016White color settings for scrollbar. Apply Office2016Colorful color settings for scrollbar. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Get or Set of Skin Manager Interface Raises the event. Event data. Raises the event. Event data. Raises the event. Event data. Raises the event Office scrollbar type Checks whether current theme is VisualStyle based theme or not. Helps to set the scrollbars based on visual style. Apply the color scheme for Office2016 scrollbar. Handles mouse wheel processing for our scrollbars. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Fires the ScrollbarsVisibleChanged event. A that contains the event data. Override this method to implement zooming in your derived control. The event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Initially save the current scrollbar values when begin the panning operation Touch begin position return true Adjust the HScrollBar and VScrollBar values based on current touch position Current touch position Used to decide the doing swipe operation or pan operation After panning operation completes save the current scroll bar values touch end position return true Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Handles the of the horizontal scrollbar. The source of the event. An that contains the event data. Handles the of the vertical scrollbar. The source of the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Listens for the horizontal scrollbar's scroll event. A that contains data about the control. A that contains the event data. Listens for the vertical scrollbar's scroll event. A that contains data about the control. A that contains the event data. Raises the ShowContextMenu event when the user right-clicks inside the control. You can cancel showing a content menu when you assign True to . Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. Method calculate new client area size. If you want to increase Non-Client area for control and draw on it then this is method especially for you. Rectangle of the control client area. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Factory method that creates a for displaying ScrollTips. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. The event handler for this event can check to determine if or was called. Overridden. See the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. This method is called when the control or any child control gets focus and this control did not have focus before. Inheriting classes should override this method instead of overriding because is also called when child controls get focus and it is not called when focus is moved within child controls of this control. Raises the event. This method is called when the control or any child control loses focus and the new focused control is not a child of this control. Inheriting classes should override this method instead of overriding because is also called when child controls lose focus and it is not called when focus is moved within child controls of this control. This method is called if the control's notification occurs while handling a event. This typically occurs if a message box is displayed from a event handler. Minimizes the time the first time the control is drawn. Calling OnPaint before the control is made visible ensures that all relevant code for drawing has been jitted. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Given a component, this retrieves the that it is parented to; NULL if it is not parented to any . The component to check. A that the component is parented to; NULL if no such interface exists. This will return the component if it is an instance of . Given a component, this retrieves the that it is parented to; NULL if it is not parented to any . The component to check. An that the component is parented to; NULL if no such interface exists. This will return the component if it is an instance of . Delegates the MouseWheelEvent from a child control. A MouseEventArgs that holds event data. public class GridTextBox: RichTextBox { private GridTextBoxCell parent; protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e) { parent.Grid.ProcessMouseWheel(e); } } Invalidate the vertical scrollbar Invalidate the horizontal scrollbar The scrollbar height and width will be increased, when the DPI of system is increased. ScrollBarCustomDraw Displays / hides the horizontal and vertical autoscrollbars. This will also adjust the values of formState to reflect the new state. True if the horizontal scrollbar should be displayed. True if the vertical scrollbar should be displayed. True if the form needs to be layed out again. Resets the property. Raises the specified mouse event and catches any exception. If an exception is caught, NotifyCancelMode is called. Returns False if event should be ignored by the grid. A that contains the event data. A delegate that handles the event. False if CancelMouseEventArgs.Cancel is True; True otherwise Method force to invalidate Non Client area of control. Invalidate specified rectangle in Non Client area. Rectangle to Invalidate. Invalidate and wait till area update on Non Client area. Method draws non-client area of an ScrollControl. EventArgs with Non-client info for drawing. Raises a event. Increases small change of the ScrollBar. Resets the property to its default value. Starts the AutoScroll timer. The scrollbar to be automatically scrolled. The event to be sent to this scrollbar. Starts the AutoScroll timer. Starts the AutoScroll timer. The message to be sent to the current control. Starts the AutoScroll timer. The message to be sent to the current control. The initial interval for sending messages. Call this method from your control's OnPaint method to ensure correct rendering origin for brushes and patterns. The graphics object. Updates scrollbars to reflect recent changes in scroll position, minimum and maximum scroll position values. Call this method to check if you should do any update calculations for the view in your control and to notify scroll control that the control's content needs to be updated. True if you should invalidate areas that need to be redrawn; False if a complete Refresh for the control is pending and therefore invalidating the view is not necessary. Call this method to check if you should do any update calculations for the view in your control and to notify scroll control that the control's content needs to be updated. If markPaintPending is True, ScrollControl will assume the control needs to be repainted in a subsequent EndUpdate call. True if you should Invalidate regions to be repainted in your control. It will return False if a complete Refresh of the control is pending and you don't need to invalidate individual regions of your control. Suspends the painting of the control until the method is called. When many paints are made to the appearance of a control, you should invoke the BeginUpdate method to temporarily freeze the drawing of the control. This results in less distraction to the user and a performance gain. After all updates have been made, invoke the EndUpdate method to resume drawing of the control. Suspends the painting of the control until the method is called. Specifies the painting support during the BeginUpdate, EndUpdate batch. When many paints are made to the appearance of a control, you should invoke the BeginUpdate method to temporarily freeze the drawing of the control. This results in less distraction to the user and a performance gain. After all updates have been made, invoke the EndUpdate method to resume drawing of the control. Pass BeginUpdateOptions if you do not want to do a complete Refresh of the control and instead want to have certain regions of your control be invalidated or scroll the contents of control. If you call BeginUpdate() and then later EndUpdate(), the control will know if a paint is pending and only refresh the control if a paint is pending. Calling ShouldPrepareUpdate, Invalidate or a WM_PAINT message during the BeginUpdate EndUpdate block will signal the control that a paint is pending. Calls for both scrollbars. Calls for both scrollbars. Resumes the painting of the control suspended by calling the BeginUpdate method. When many paints are made to the appearance of a control, you should invoke the BeginUpdate method to temporarily freeze the drawing of the control. This results in less distraction to the user and a performance gain. After all updates have been made, invoke the EndUpdate method to resume drawing of the control. Cancels any prior calls. Resumes the painting of the control suspended by calling the BeginUpdate method. When many paint are made to the appearance of a control you should invoke the BeginUpdate method to temporarily freeze the drawing of the control. This results in less distraction to the user, and a performance gain. After all updates have been made, invoke the EndUpdate method to resume drawing of the control. Scrolls the contents of the control similar to the ScrollWindow Windows API. The method will raise a WindowScrolling event before the contents are scrolled and a WindowScrolled event after the contents have been scrolled. If DisableScrollWindow is True, any calls to the ScrollWindow method will simply invalidate the affect region. The rendering origin will still be recorded correctly and WindowScrolling and WindowScrolled events will be raised.If DisableScrollWindow is False, ScrollWindow will scroll the contents of the control. Discards paint messages. Indicates whether this control contains focus. Override this method if you want to show drop-down windows and indicate the control has not lost focus when the drop-down is shown. True if the control or any child control has focus; false otherwise. Checks if the control is visible and a window handle has been created. If it has not been drawn before, it calls . Set this True if you want to force a call to even if the control is not visible and / or no window handle has been created. Enables the DoubleBufferSurface for this control. The DoubleBufferSurface buffering is different from the automatic .NET double buffering and also a bit slower but it reduces flicker if lots of scrolling is used and gdi drawing for individual cells in a grid. Forces the assigned styles to be reapplied to the control. Indicates whether the time the first time the control is drawn should be optimized by calling OnPaint before the control is made visible and so that all relevant code for drawing has been jitted (Just in Time) Gets / sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the control. A object. Disables or specifies the direction for automatic scrolling when the user drags the mouse cursor out of the scrolling area. ScrollBars.None will disable scrolling.ScrollBars.Horizontal will enable horizontal scrolling.ScrollBars.Vertical will enable vertical scrolling.ScrollBars.Horizontal|ScrollBars.Vertical will enable both horizontal and vertical scrolling. Lets you check or specify the setting if the window should be scrolled when ScrollWindow is called. If DisableScrollWindow is True, any calls to the ScrollWindow method will simply invalidate the affect region. The rendering origin will still be recorded correctly and WindowScrolling and WindowScrolled events will be raised.If DisableScrollWindow is False, the ScrollWindow will scroll the contents of the control. DisableScrollWindow will return True if BeginUpdate was called without the BeginUpdateOptions.ScrollWindow option. Indicates whether the control should scroll while the user is dragging a scrollbar thumb. Indicates whether the control should scroll while the user is dragging a vertical scrollbar thumb. Indicates whether the control should scroll while the user is dragging a horizontal scrollbar thumb. Indicates whether the control should show ScrollTips while the user is dragging a vertical scrollbar thumb. Indicates whether the control should show ScrollTips while the user is dragging a horizontal scrollbar thumb. Gets or sets a size grip that should be drawn at the bottom-right corner if both scrollbars are visible. Indicates whether a size grip can be drawn inside the SizeBox and if the of the parent form is allowed to be changed. Indicates whether the size box should always be drawn when both scrollbars are visible. This property differs from such that the control will not check the docking state and parent form to determine whether to show the size box. Note: Another better solution is drawing NonClientArea ourselves. See SizeGripStyle which implements this newer solution. Showing the size box works around a problem with .NET controls because by default the area at the bottom right is not drawn and that can cause drawing glitches. Note: Another better solution is drawing the NonClientArea ourselves. See SizeGripStyle which implements this newer solution. Indicates whether the size box should be drawn when both scrollbars are visible and the control is not a docked window in an MDIChild window. Note: Another better solution is drawing the NonClientArea ourselves. See SizeGripStyle which implements this newer solution. Showing the size box works around a problem with .NET controls because by default the the area at the bottom right is not drawn and that can cause drawing glitches. Note: Another better solution is drawing NonClientArea ourselves. See SizeGripStyle which implements this newer solution. Indicates whether the control is currently scrolling and the user drags the mouse outside the inner scrolling area. Returns a reference to an object with vertical scrollbar settings of the control. Returns a reference to an object with horizontal scrollbar settings of the control. Internal only. Toggles thumb track mode. See ScrollBarWrapper.IsThumbTracking for a public getter for this state. Indicates whether the scroll control can increase the property while doing accelerated scrolling. If this is True, the will be set to 3 after 40 rows and to 5 after 80 rows. By default the scroll control will increase the scrolling step after a while. Set this to False if you want to enforce scrolling only one row at a time even with accelerated scrolling. Gets or sets the outer scrolling area. Typically the client area of the control. Returns the inside scrolling area. The control will scroll if the user drags the mouse outside this area. Gets or sets the default margins for the scrolling area when the user moves the mouse to the margin between InsideScrollBounds and AutoScrollBounds. Returns a reference to the for this control. Can be NULL. Gets or sets the text to be displayed in the ScrollTip window with a place holder for scroll position . For example, " Position {0} " Immediately changes the shown cursor. Indicates whether the control is handling a event. Indicates whether the method has been called. and resets this flag. Indicates whether the method has been called. and resets this flag. Indicates whether has been called. resets this flag. Indicates whether has been called. resets this flag. Indicates whether has been called. resets this flag. ScrollControlMouseController checks this to see if it should cancel existing mouse operation and call ScrollControlMouseController.CancelMode when a UICuesChanged event is sent. That can happen when user activates another application or simply when styles for a child window have changed. Returns the Pane information. Lets you override the scroll behavior for rolling the mouse wheel. Default is SystemInformation.MouseWheelScrollLines. Indicates whether the control should perform one scroll command (faster) or if it should perform multiple scroll commands with smaller increments (smoother) when user rolls mouse wheel. Gets or sets the multiplier for mouse wheel scrolling. Gets or sets the multiplier for mouse wheel scrolling. Enables shared scrollbars. Use this if the control is not embedded in a container control that implements IScrollBarFrame and you want to provide your own scrollbars. Gets / sets the border style of the control. Indicates whether the horizontal scroll bar is visible. if the horizontal scroll bar is visible; otherwise. Indicates whether the vertical scroll bar is visible. if the vertical scroll bar is visible; otherwise. Indicates whether the splitter control has closed the pane with this control. MouseControllerDispatcher coordinates mouse events among competing mouse controllers. Based on the position of the mouse and context of the control every registered controller's HitTest method is called to determine the best controller for the following mouse action. This controller will then receive mouse events. See for more information. Returns a reference to the active mouse controller that is receiving MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp messages when the user has pressed a mouse button. Toggles support for using the control inside a dynamic splitter window and sharing scrollbars with the parent window. Indicates whether the splitter control is closing the pane with this control. Toggles support for Intelli-Mouse panning. When the user presses the middle mouse button and drags the mouse, the window will scroll. When you call BeginUpdate(), the control by default does not handle WM_PAINT messages. Only once you call EndUpdate they will be processed. If this causes problems in your application, you can set this static property to True. In such cases, WM_PAINT messages will be simply discarded and any invalid regions will be validated. There is a problem with the default implementation of BeginUpdate. If a screen region is marked invalid, the WndProc will be repeatedly called with WM_PAINT at the the top of the WndProc until EndUpdate is called. This can cause your application to freeze if another window gets created or if you make a web service call and WndProc messages need to be processed. Setting DiscardPaintMessagesAfterBeginUpdate to True will help avoid these scenarios. Returns true if object is executing method call. Property MousePosition (Point) - cached Control.MousePosition. The variable is set before any WM_MOUSE* messages being processed. Gets or sets the acceleration behavior for scrollbars. Indicates whether OnMouseMove should be called from OnDragOver. Gets or sets the control's size. Size is overridden here to prevent Code Generation in Designer. Gets or sets the control's bounds. Size is overridden here to prevent Code Generation in Designer. Gets or sets the TabIndex. TabIndex is overridden here to prevent Code Generation in Designer. Returns the settings for the current BeginUpdate option. Indicates whether BeginUpdate() has been called and the painting for a control is suspended. Indicates whether there are updates pending for the control when painting is suspended by BeginUpdate. Determines if EnableDoubleBufferSurface method was called and double buffering using the DoubleBufferSurface is enabled. The DoubleBufferSurface buffering is different from the automatic .NET double buffering and also a bit slower but it reduces flicker if lots of scrolling is used and gdi drawing for individual cells in a grid. Returns the DoubleBufferSurface if EnableDoubleBufferSurface() was called. Otherwise the method returns null. Indicates whether is internally called. Gets or sets a style of the ScrollControl components. Occurs when both and occur. Occurs when the property has been changed. Occurs when vertical scrollbar is moved. Occurs when horizontal scrollbar is moved. Occurs when the user presses the mouse wheel and drags the mouse. Set of to True if you provide customized scrolling in your event handler. The ShowContextMenu event occurs when the user right-clicks inside the control. You can cancel showing a content menu when you assign True to . Occurs when accelerated scrollbar scrolling or mouse drag-scrolling starts. Occurs when the splitter control has closed the pane with this control. Occurs when the splitter control is closing the pane with this control. Occurs when the user is dragging the scrollbar thumb. Occurs when scrollbars are hidden or shown. Occurs when the user holds the Control Key and rolls the mouse wheel. Occurs when the value has changed. Occurs when has been called the first time or has been called the last time. Occurs after the window has been scrolled. Occurs while the window is being scrolled. Occurs before a is raised and allows you to cancel the mouse event. Occurs after a is raised. Occurs before a is raised and allows you to cancel the mouse event. Occurs after a event is raised and after auto-scrolling. Occurs before a is raised and allows you to cancel the mouse event. Occurs after a event is raised. Occurs when the window receives a WM_CANCELMODE message. WM_CANCELMODE is sent to cancel certain modes, such as mouse capture. For example, the system sends this message to the active window when a dialog box or message box is displayed. Certain functions also send this message explicitly to the specified window regardless of whether it is the active window. For example, the EnableWindow function sends this message when disabling the specified window. Occurs when the AutoScrolling property is changed. If you want to prevent autoscrolling, you should handle this event and reset the AutoScrolling property to ScrollBars.None. Overridden. Changes to show or hide scrollbars and also consider the control's setting. Gets or sets the touch mode. Gets or sets the color table for Office2016 Black theme scrollbar. Gets or sets the color table for Office2016 white theme scrollbar. Gets or sets the color table for Office2016 Dark gray theme scrollbar. Gets or sets the color table for Office2016 colorful theme scrollbar. Gets or sets the Office2016 Scrollbars Toggles between standard and Office2007 scrollbars. Gets or sets the style of Office2007 scroll bars. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Gets the rectangle that represents the client area of the control. If custom scroll bars (ScrollBarCustomDraw, Office2007 style) are shown in the client area, then this method will remove the area occupied by the scrollbars. Gets or sets the height and width of the client area of the control. If custom scroll bars (ScrollBarCustomDraw, Office2007 style) are shown the client area, then this method will remove the area occupied by the scrollbars. Gets or sets the Office like scrollbars. Gets or sets the style of MS Office2010 scroll bars. Gets or sets the style of Office2016 theme for scrollbars. This is applicable for both the horizontal and vertical scrollbar. Gets or sets the boolean value for enhanching the apperance settings for DpiAware enabled Application. Provides the data about event of a . Initializes a new . The record index. Gets or sets the Office scroll bars Delegate for ScrollControlMouseDown, OnBeforeMouseMove and ScrollControlMouseUp methods. It contains the value of the property. Helps to apply the ThemeName settings for the . ThemeName Helps to apply the ControlName settings for . ThemeName Draws GroupBarItem for theme renderer Graphics used for drawing Zero-Based index of the GroupBarItem Rectangle used to draw the GroupBarItem Draws text of the GroupBarItem for theme renderer Graphics used for drawing Zero-Based index of the GroupBarItem Rectangle used to draw the GroupBarItem text Draws border od the GroupBar Graphics used for drawing Rectangle used to draw the border Draw header background of stacked groupbar Graphics used for drawing Rectangle used to draw the header Draws Header text of the stacked groupbar Graphics used for drawing Text to be drawn Rectangle used to draw the header Gets the background color of the GroupBarItem according to the item state State of the GroupBarItem Indicates the item enabled Sets the size of ToopTip based on the font. Gets the foreground color of the GroupBarItem according to the item state State of the GroupBarItem Indicates the item enabled Draws stacked GroupBar for theme renderer Graphics used for drawing Rectangle used to draw the Stacked GroupBar Draws expand/collapse button for theme renderer Graphics used for drawing Draws Navigation pane for GroupBar Renderer Graphics used for drawing Rectangle used to draw the navigation pane Draws DropDown button for GroupBar Renderer Graphics used for drawing Rectangle used to draw the button Indicates whether orientation is RightToLeft Draws collapsed client area background for GroupBar Renderer Graphics used for drawing Draws the collapse expand button Graphics used for drawing Rectangle used to draw the button Draws the tooltip for theme Tooltip object invokes the event DrawToolTipEventArgs of the tooltip Draws the navigation pane text for theme Graphics used for drawing Indicates whether RightToLeft applied Draws background of the GroupBar Draws border of the GroupBar Holds the Office2016 Theme colors Indicates whether ScrollBar is displayed Scroll Position ScrollerFrame Indicates whether to show the chevron button on the Navigation Panel in the stacked GroupBar. Collection of visible group bar items. Gets or sets the color of the splitter in GroupBar if GroupBar is in stacked mode Enable to change the color of the splitter in stacked mode. Colors for Office2007 visual style. Colors for Office2010 visual style. Default item height for Office2019Theme Indcates the touch down is enabled or not. Default size of the control Default size of the collapsebutton Header font barItem height Header height Collapsedwidth Gets or sets a value indicating whether GroupBarItem background color is changed internally or not. Method to apply office2016 style to Tooltip Draws office2016 theme tooltip Resets the Splittercolor ShouldSerialize the AddButtonHoverColor. Resets the EnableSplittercolorCustomization ShouldSerialize the EnableSplittercolorCustomization. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Applies the scaling Gets a value of GroupBarItem height based on DPI Height of GroupBar item Gets a value of GroupBar Header height based on DPI Height of GroupBar Header Gets a width of the collapsed GroupBar based on DPI Width of the collapsed group bar Gets a height of the navigation pane based on DPI Height of navigation pane Gets the width of the navigation button based on DPI Width of the navigation button Font changed Creates a new instance of the class. Starts an in-place edit of the specified text. Invoking this method will create an editable text box and and populates it with the item text. Editing the text box contents and selecting ENTER will update the GroupBarItem text. Selecting ESC will cancel the edit. The zero-based index of the item to be renamed. Cancels an in-place edit that is in progress. Raises the event. A value that contains the event data. Raises the event. A value that contains the event data. Raises the event. A value that contains the event data. Raises the event. A value that contains the event data. Raises the event. An value that contains the event data. Raises the event. A value that contains the event data. Raises the event. A value that contains the event data. Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Draws the group bar control. A object. Draws the stacked group bar. The GPH. Draws the Header for . The control calls this method to paint the specified GroupBar Header. Override this method to customize the GroupBar Header drawing. A object. Draws the object. The control calls this method to paint the specified GroupBarItem. Override this method to customize the GroupBar drawing. A object. The zero-based index of the to be drawn. A value specifying the GroupBarItem bounds. Helps to apply the background color of GroupBarItem. graphics to draw on group bar item rectangle to fill the back color back color Draws a border around the selected client control. The control calls this method to paint a border around the the current selected client control. Override this method to customize the GroupBar drawing. A object. A value specifying the client control bounds. Draws the icon. The control calls this method to paint the specified GroupBarItem's icon. Override this method to customize the GroupBar drawing. A object. The zero-based index of the for which the icon is drawn. A value specifying the GroupBarItem bounds. Draws the icon. The control calls this method to paint the specified GroupBarItem's icon. Override this method to customize the GroupBar drawing. A object. The zero-based index of the for which the icon is drawn. A value specifying the GroupBarItem bounds. Draws the text. The control calls this method to paint the specified GroupBarItem's text. Override this method to customize the GroupBar drawing. A object. The zero-based index of the for which the text is drawn. A value specifying the GroupBarItem bounds. Draws icon\image in navigation panel. Draws the drop down button. A object. A value specifying the GroupBarItem bounds. If set to true button is mirrored for RTL. Overridden. See . Gets or Sets a value indicating whether selection logic includes visible items alone for SelectedItem calculation. Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overrides the MouseWheel event Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Index of selected item is VisibleGroupBarItems Index of selected item is GroupBarItems collection Gets the GroupBarItem from the corresponding mouse point. Overloaded. Returns the GroupBarItem at the specified point in client coordinates. X - coordinate of the item. Y - coordinate of the item. GroupBarItem, whose area contains the specified point; Null, if nothing is found. Returns GroupBarItem at specified point in client coordinates. Point to search GroupBarItem at. GroupBarItem, whose area contains the specified point; Null, if nothing is found. Creates and displays the drop-down button context menu. Initializes the navigation button menu. The context menu provider used to create the menus. Raises the navigation pane button click event. An that contains the event data. Called when more buttons menuitem is clicked. An that contains the event data. Called when fewer buttons menuitem is clicked. An that contains the event data. Helps to apply the Visual Style for Scroll Bar Helps to update the Bounds of GroupBarItems Helps to update the Bounds of GroupBarItems, when Scrolling action is performed AutoScrollPosition Overridden. See . Signals the object that initialization is starting. Signals the object that initialization is complete. Indicates whether is collapsed. Stores value while initialization. Indicates whether can be collapsed. Width of the collapsed . Width of the expanded . Item popup's client heigth. Text shown in collapsed client area of GroupBar. Collapse button's state. Collapsed client area's state. Collapse button's image in expanded state. Collapse button's image in collapsed state. Collapse button's tooltip, when control is expanded. Group Bar button's tooltip. GroupBarDropDownTooltip. Navigation pane's tooltip. 's popup. Indicates whether item popup is allowed to be opened. Image list for navigation menu in collapsed mode. Image list for navigation menu for add/remove sub menu. Size of the popup for GroupBarItem client. item to its popup size mapping. Indicates whether to show popup's gripper. Popup's resize mode. Indicates whether popup is shown to the left of . Indicates whether popup is shown to the top of Indicates whether popup is closed after clicking on item. for drawing . Default collapse button's image in expanded state. Default collapse button's image in collapsed state. Group Bar button's tooltip. Collapse button's tooltip, when is expanded. Collapsed client area's tooltip. Caption for add/remove parent menu item in navgation menu. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Indicates whether property should be serialized. Indicates whether property should be serialized. Resets the property to its default value. Indicates whether property should be serialized. Resets the property to its default value. Indicates whether property should be serialized. Resets the property to its default value. Indicates whether property should be serialized. Indicates whether property should be serialized. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Indicates whether property should be serialized. Resets the property to its default value. Indicates whether property should be serialized. Shows the item popup when the Group bar is Collapsed GroupBar Item for which Popup to be shown Hides the 's popup. Variable to denotes the value changed of GroupBarItemHeight Variable to denotes the value changed of GroupBarHeaderHeight Variable to denotes the value changed of Collapsed width of GroupBar Variable to denotes the value changed of Navigation Pane height of GroupBar Variable to denotes the value changed of width of the navigation button Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Occurs when a in the control is selected. Use the property to get the index of the newly selected item. Occurs when a in the control is being selected. Occurs after a has been renamed by an in-place edit operation. See and . . Occurs after a has been added to the collection. See and . Occurs after a has been removed from the collection. See and . Occurs when the right mouse button is clicked over the control. The property will provide the index of the over which the mouse was clicked. Occurs when a is about to be drawn. Handle this event to provide a custom brush for painting the GroupBarItem background. See and . Occurs when the user clicks on the control's navigation pane drop-down button. This GroupBar control displays the navigation pane only when the property is set. See and . Specifies the type of rendering done to icons Returns the collection of visible group bar items. Returns the collection of s in the control. An instance of the type. Gets / sets the alignment of the text displayed on the . A value. The default value is TextAlignment.Center. Indicates whether applying the default forecolor for GroupBar as per the visual style True if highlighting is enabled. The default is True. Indicates whether moving the mouse cursor over a will highlight it. True if highlighting is enabled. The default is True. Indicates whether switching between different s is animated. True if animated selection is enabled. The default is True. Gets / sets an integer that represents the index of the current selected . An integer value that specifies the zero-based index of the GroupBarItem. Returns the index of the that is currently under the mouse cursor. An integer value that specifies the zero-based index of the GroupBarItem. Returns the index of the that triggered the event. The zero-based index of the item. Gets / sets the height. An integer value that specifies the item height. Indicates whether integrated scroll buttons are to be used. This option is primarily intended for use with the Syncfusion control. When this flag is set, the provides the scroll buttons for the current selected GroupView control and interacts with it to achieve seamless scrolling behavior. True to enable integrated scrolling. The default is False. Gets / sets the border style of the control. A value. The default is BorderStyle.Fixed3D. Indicates whether XP Themes (visual styles) should be used for drawing the control. True to turn on themes; the default is False. Indicates whether the control is displayed with a flat look. True to display in flat mode. The default is False. Indicates the style to be used for drawing the control. A value; the default is VisualStyle.OfficeXP. Indicates the Office2007 theme used for drawing the control. Indicates the Office2010 theme used for drawing the control. Gets / sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the control. A object. Gets / sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the s. A object. Indicates whether the s are displayed in a stack.

When the property is set, the GroupBarItems are stacked at the bottom of the control on top of a navigation pane. The stack size can be increased or decreased by moving items to and from the navigation pane.

NOTE: The StackedMode interface is similar to the Navigation Pane in Microsoft Outlook 2003.
True to set the stacked mode. The default is False.
Gets / sets the height of the header. The GroupBar header is shown only when the property is set. An integer value that specifies the header height. Gets / sets the font of the text displayed in the header. The GroupBar header is shown only when the property is set. A value. Gets / sets the forecolor for the header. The GroupBar header is shown only when the property is set. A value. Gets / sets the backcolor for the header. The GroupBar header is shown only when the property is set. A value. Gets / sets the height of the navigation pane. The navigation pane is shown only when the property is set. An integer value that specifies the height. Gets / sets the width of the s shown in the navigation pane. The navigation pane is shown only when the property is set. An integer value that specifies the GroupBarItem width. Indicates whether a border is drawn around the 's client window. The border colors for each can be individually specified using the property. A boolean value; the default is False. Gets / sets the menu provider object that will implement the 's contextmenu. The GroupBar control automatically initializes this property depending on the presence of the Syncfusion Essential Tools library. If Essential Tools is available, then the menu provider object will be an instance of the type. If not, the class is used for implementing the standard .NET context menu.

The GroupBar's automatic initialization should suffice for most applications and you should explicitly set this property only when you want to override the default menu provider assignment.

A implementation; the default is .
Indicates whether the Chevron button on the Navigation Panel is shown in the Stacked GroupBar. The navigation pane is shown only when the property is set. Indicates whether the selected item's image is shown in header in the Stacked GroupBar. Indicates the color of the 2D border. Gets/Sets Control size before touch enabled Gets or Sets the touchmode Returns the String format for text drawing. Returns the string format object for header drawing. Indicates, if process of setting client for is in progress. Gets or Sets a value indicating whether selection logic includes visible items alone for SelectedItem calculation. Get is control initializing. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is collapsed. Works only is in stacked mode. Gets or sets a value indicating whether can be collapsed. Gets or sets the width of the collapsed . Gets or sets the text shown in collapsed client area of . Gets or sets the image of the collapse button in expanded state. Gets or sets the image of the collapse button in collapsed state. Gets or sets the initial size of the popup for client. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show popup's gripper. Gets or sets the popup's resize mode. Gets or sets the tooltip for collapse button, when control is expanded. Gets or sets the tooltip for collapse button, when control is collapsed. Gets or sets the tooltip for GroupBarDropDownToolTip. Gets or sets the navigation pane's tooltip. Gets or sets a value indicating whether popup is closed after clicking on item. Occurs when property is changed. Occurs when property is about to be changed. Can cancel state changing. Occurs when before 's popup is shown. Can cancel popup showing. The collection of objects in the control. Each group in the GroupBar is an instance of the GroupBarItem type and the collection of these groups is represented by an instance of the GroupBarItemCollection class. GroupBarItems may be added or removed using the IList and ICollection interface methods implemented by the GroupBarItemCollection. Creates an instance of the GroupBarItemCollection class. The control that contains this collection. Adds the to the collection. The to be added. The index of the new item within the collection. Inserts the into the collection at the specified index. The zero-based index at which the item is to be inserted. The to be inserted. Removes the specified by the index parameter. A zero-based index specifying the GroupBarItem to be removed. Removes the from the collection. The to be removed. Adds an array of GroupBarItems to the control's collection. An array of objects. Indicates whether the specified is present in the collection. The to locate in the collection. True if the item is present; False otherwise. Returns the zero-based index of the in the collection. The to locate in the collection. The zero-based index of the item; -1 if the item is not present. Gets / sets a in the collection. The zero-based index of the GroupBarItem to get / set. Collection of visible Visible group bar items array list. Copies the elements of the to an , starting at a particular index. Returns the enumerator that iterates through the item collection. Gets the number of elements contained in the . Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . Gets a value indicating whether access to the is synchronized (thread safe). Provides data for the event. The collapsed control uses the events to notify users, that 's popup is about to be shown. Item that popup. Popup's bounds. Indicates whether popup is shown to the left of . Indicates whether popup is shown to the top of Initializes a new instance of the class. The item. The popup's bounds. true to cancel the event; otherwise, false. Initializes a new instance of the class. The item. The popup's bounds. The that popups. Gets or sets the popup's bounds. Indicates whether popup is shown to the left of . Indicates whether popup is shown to the top of Represents the method that will handle the event in the control. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Defines the constant that specify the alignment of the check box. Specifies that the check box will be left aligned. Specifies that the check box will be right aligned. Specifies the state of Controls The Control has its normal appearance. The Control appears pressed. The mouse hover on the Control. The focus state of the Control. Defines the constants that specifies the mode of the caption bar height on maximized state. Specifies that the caption bar height will be reduced when form is maximized. Specifies that the caption bar height will be retained same when form is maximized. Represents the method that will handle the event. A sender contains the control. A that contains the event data. Provides data for the event. The theme name. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the theme. Gets the name of the theme. Represents the class to define the FontFamily settings for the Controls It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Gets or sets the FontFamily used to display text in the Control. FontHelper.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Times New Roman"); Gets or sets a value indicating whether control FontFamily can be overridden by settings. Default value is false. By default, the control's Font will not be overridden by settings if the Font is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, control's Font will be overridden by settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before applying the property. This class helps to register and render icon font in a Windows Forms application from *.ttf file. Holds private/custom font collection. Holds private/custom font collection. Helps to register the private/custom icon fonts in the system memory for rendering in Windows Forms. Helps to retrieve the icon font as string from its unicode for drawing purpose. Holds the icon font unicode. Helps to dispose the instances used in IconFontHelper class. Holds FontFamilies collection Holds icon font unicode. Represents the CustomAttribute class used to validate the property information that needs to be displayed in Theme Studio It contains the value of Initialize the instance of Initialize the instance of Gets / Sets whether the marked property can be displayed in Theme Studio. Gets the back color of the AutoLabel for office2016 colorful style. Gets the Fore color of the AutoLabel for office2016 colorful style. Gets the Fore color of the AutoLabel, when control is disabled. Gets the Border color of the AutoLabel for office2016 colorful style. Gets the back color of the AutoLabel for office2016DarkGray style. Gets the Fore color of the AutoLabel for office2016DarkGray style. Gets the Border color of the AutoLabel for office2016DarkGray style. Gets the Border color of the AutoLabel for office2016 colorful style. Gets the back color of the AutoLabel for office2016Black style. Gets the Fore color of the AutoLabel for office2016Black style. Gets the Border color of the AutoLabel for office2016Black style. Represents the class to define the style of control. Maintains the default style of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default AutoLabelStyleInfo value. Gets or sets the value for corner radius of the control. Gets or sets the value for the drop down of control. Gets or sets the background color of the control. Gets or sets the fore color value of the items of control in disabled state. Gets or sets the fore color value of the control. Gets or sets the fore color value of the items of control in disabled state. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control in default state. Gets or sets the fore color value of the items of control in disabled state. Represents the class holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Maintains the static data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Populates the SerializationInfo store with the name, type, and value of each piece of information it wants to serialize Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Overridden to get the static data source. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the AutoLabel for create the identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents a control with advanced customization options on background, text, and border etc. A derived class that lets you label any control with it. Once a control is labeled by an instance of AutoLabel (through the property, the label gets moved around as the labeled control moves around automatically, preserving the relative positions. The relative positions can also be configured to be left, top or custom through the property. Note that the manager will treat the label and its control as a pair, always laying them out together as if they were one single control. using System.Windows.Forms; namespace AutoLabel { public partial class Form1 : Form { private Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.AutoLabel autoLabel1; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); //Initialization this.autoLabel1 = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.AutoLabel(); //Set the properties this.autoLabel1.Text = "autoLabel1"; this.autoLabel1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.autoLabel1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.autoLabel1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.autoLabel1.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; // Add the AutoLabel control to the form. this.Controls.Add(this.autoLabel1); } } } Value for PreferredHeight adding when borders are present. Value for PreferredHeight adding when borders are absent. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Gets the active theme name of the control. Returns the active theme name. Raises the event when themename changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Apply themes based on the theme name passing in the Represents style for the control Initializes a new instance of the class. Font changed Raises the PropertyChanged event. An object containing data pertaining to this event. The OnPropertyChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnPropertyChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnPropertyChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Sets the specified bounds of the label. Get location of the when the parameters that affect the relative positions have changed (like the LabeledControl's position, size, etc.). Updates the position of the when the parameters that affect the relative positions have changed (like the LabeledControl's position, size, etc.). Called when a new control is getting labeled (when set through the property. The control that is being labeled. Called when an exisiting label is getting unlabeled. The control that is being unlabeled. Gets or Sets of Interface. Processes Windows messages. The Windows System.Windows.Forms.Message to process. Paints the control. Draw the border to the contol. Represents the Graphics to draw. Represents the dimension of border. Represents the color of border. Calculates the size of the label's text. Text for measuring. Current font. Size of the text. Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a . has been applied to the control. The default value is true. Gets or sets the theme name of the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether control elements styles can be overridden by settings. Default value is false. By default, the control's element styles will not be overridden by settings if the style is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, element style will be overridden by settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before calling the property of the control. Gets or sets the BaseTheme name of the theme Gets the name of the control. Gets a value indicating whether the visual style based theme is applied to the control and also indicates whether the theme files are referred from external assemblies or not. Return true, if the visual style based theme is applied to the control. Otherwise returns false. Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Fired when the Control, and properties of this class changes. Update the renderer for Office2016 style. Gets or sets the to the . Gets or sets the control is enabled. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is automatically resized to display its entire contents. Gets or sets the control that is being labeled. A control instance. Gets or sets the relative position of the control and the . Gets or sets the horizontal and vertical gap to use when computing the relative position. Gets or sets the effective horizontal distance between the left of the and its labeled control. When == DX is the distance between the right of the labeled control and the right of the . Gets or sets the effective vertical distance between the top of the AutoLabel and its labeled control. Represents the class that manages the localization for syncfusion controls. Holds the resource manager of the Initializes new instance of . Gets the assembly of the project. Returns assembly of the project. Gets the default namespace of the referred project. Control assembly default namespace. Gets the localized ResourceManager. The assembly from where the resource needs to be looked up. The namespace of the control. Returns the resource manager. Gets the localized text. String that has to be localized. Control object The localized string. Gets the localized text. String that has to be localized. The localized string. Gets the localized text. Current UI culture. String that has to be localized. Control name. The localized string Sets the resource manager based on the assembly and namespace. It can be used to get the values from the application resource files when the assembly name and the namespace of the control or application is different. The control assembly. The namespace of the control. Insance of . Represents a class to define the style for the control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the value used to draw the fore color of the control when text value is negative. The value is used to fill the fore color of the textbox. Gets or sets the value used to draw the fore color of the control when text value is zero. The value is used to fill the fore color of the textbox. Gets or sets the value used to draw the back color of the control when text value is read only. The value is used to fill the back color of the textbox. Implements a class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the DoubleTextBox for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents a class that provides style identity information for nested objects of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Represents a class to define the style for the control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the value used to draw the fore color of the control when text value is negative. The value is used to fill the fore color of the textbox. Gets or sets the value used to draw the fore color of the control when text value is zero. The value is used to fill the fore color of the textbox. Gets or sets the value used to draw the back color of the control when text value is read only. The value is used to fill the back color of the textbox. Implements a class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the IntegerTextBox for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents a class that provides style identity information for nested objects of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Represents the class to apply the theme for control. Extends the class to handle double input and validation. The DoubleTextBox is derived from textbox and provides all the functionality of a textbox and adds additional functionality of its own. Collecting double input in a consistent format requires validation code that needs to be built into the application when using the Windows Forms text box control. The DoubleTextBox includes all this logic into its methods and properties and makes it easy for the developer and the end user to collect and enter double data. The DoubleTextBox is also closely tied to the globalization settings of the operating system for number related properties. Please refer to the class for a detailed explanation of globalization and number related attributes. The DoubleTextBox has full support for the Windows Forms designer and you can just drag-and-drop and set properties on the control just as you would with the Windows Forms text box. The DoubleTextBox also raises a event when in appropriate data is entered into the control. All clipboard functions such as copy, paste and cut are also supported with special accommodations for number related issues. Extends the class to handle numeric input and validation. The NumericTextBox is not to be used directly. For initialization of culture-related values. Needed when SpecialCultureValue is not the default value. Since the base class will reset the Culture property during ISupportInitialize.EndInit, we will have to hold these values and set them on the correct cultureinfo / numberformatinfo. Overloaded. Creates an object of type NumericTextBox. The NumericTextBox object will be initialized with the default values for the display and data properties. You need to set any specific values. Indicates whether the NumberDecimalDigits should not be serialized if the UseLocaleDefault property is set. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the NumberDecimalSeparator should not be serialized if the UseLocaleDefault property is set. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the NumberGroupSeparator should not be serialized if the UseLocaleDefault property is set. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the NumberGroupPattern should not be serialized if the UseLocaleDefault property is set. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the NumberNegativePattern should not be serialized if the UseLocaleDefault property is set. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Gets or sets the maximum number of digits for the decimal portion of the number. If the number requires two decimal points to accommodate the smallest denomination and this property will have the value 2 in this case. If there is a need to have a different value based on the locale, it will be automatically changed if the property is True. Gets or sets the decimal separator character that will be used for the display. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. Gets or sets the separator to be used for grouping digits. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. Gets or sets the grouping of NumberDigits in the NumberTextBox. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. Gets or sets the pattern to use when the value is negative. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to delete selection when number is changed to negative. true if [delete selection on negative]; otherwise, false. The line of the null value. It contains the value of the property. Helps to apply the ThemeName settings in control ThemeName Helps to draw text border of control Helps to override the ThemeName property settings ThemeName Helps to override the OnGotFocus events An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. The minimum value. The maximum value. The initial double value set in InitializeComponent. The double value when the control gets the focus. Used when validating. The double value that is set through the DoubleValue property. Overloaded. Creates an object of type DoubleTextBox. The DoubleTextBox object will be initialized with the default values for the display and data properties. You need to set any specific values. Overrides . Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.EnabledChanged event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanage resources. Formats the given text according to the current setting. Indicates whether to serialize the Text property if it is null or quals NullString Restores the CurrencyNumberDigits to the MaximumLength. Indicates whether the MaxValue property should be serialized. True if the value is not equal to . Resets the Max value to the default. Indicates whether the MinValue property should be serialized. True if the value is not equal to . Resets the value to the default. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Overrides OnTextChanged. The event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Overrides the method. The event data. Saves the current DoubleValue so that it can be compared during validation. The DoubleValueChanged and TextChanged event will only be raised if the value is different during validation. Occurs when the property is changed. Overrides the Text property of . This property is overriden in order to normalize the data that is set to the Text property and format it as needed. The method is used to format the data. Indicates whether the NULLString property will be used. Gets or sets the double value of the control. This will be formatted and displayed. Gets or sets the maximum value that can be set through the DoubleTextBox. Gets or sets the minimum value that can be set through the DoubleTextBox. Represents the class to apply the theme for control. Extends the class to handle integer input and validation. The IntegerTextBox is derived from textbox and provides all the functionality of a textbox and adds additional functionality of its own. Collecting integer input in a consistent format requires validation code that needs to be built into the application when using the Windows Forms textbox control. The IntegerTextBox includes all this logic into its methods and properties and makes it easy for the developer and the end user to collect and enter double data. The IntegerTextBox is also closely tied to the globalization settings of the operating system for number related properties. Please refer to the class for a detailed explanation of globalization and number related attributes. The IntegerTextBox has full support for the Windows Forms designer and you can just drag-and-drop and set properties on the control just as you would with the Windows Forms textbox. The IntegerTextBox also raises a event when inappropriate data is entered into the control. All clipboard functions such as copy, paste and cut are also supported with special accommodations for a number related issues. It contains the value of the property. Helps to draw text border of control Helps to apply the ThemeName settings in control ThemeName Helps to override the ThemeName property settings ThemeName Helps to override the OnGotFocus events An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Specifies whether MinMaxValidation is being in progress. The minimum value. The maximum value. The initial Int64 value set in InitializeComponent. The integer value when the control gets the focus. Used when validating. The text when the control gets the focus. Used when validating. The Int64 value that is set through the IntegerValue property. Indicates whether to allow insets zero in the beginning value. Indicates whether NullString should be set if UseNullString is true. Overloaded. Creates an object of type IntegerTextBox. The IntegerTextBox object will be initialized with the default values for the display and data properties. You need to set any specific values. Overrides . Indicates whether to serialize the Text property if it is null or quals NullString Indicates whether the MaxValue property should be serialized. True if the value is not equal to . Resets the max value to the default. Generates string format for use in Conver.Format. Adds negative symbol. Returns zero string as began sValue. Indicates whether the MinValue property should be serialized. True if the value is not equal to . Resets the value to the default. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Overrides OnTextChanged. The event data. Overrides the method. The event data. Saves the current IntegerValue so that it can be compared during validation. The IntegerValueChanged and TextChanged event will only be raised if the value is different during validation. performs the Min/Max validation. Indicates whether to serialize property value. Indicates whether to serialize property value Releases the unmanaged resources used by the and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanage resources. Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.EnabledChanged event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Formats the given text according to the current setting. Occurs when the property is changed. Overrides the Text property of . This property is overriden in order to normalize the data that is set to the Text property and format it as needed. The method is used to format the data. Gets / sets the integer value of the control. This will be formatted and displayed. Gets / sets the maximum value that can be set through the IntegerTextBox. Gets / sets the minimum value that can be set through the IntegerTextBox. Indicates whether to allow insets zero in the beginning value. Gets / sets the decimal separator character that will be used for the display. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. Gets / sets the maximum number of digits for the decimal portion. This property is always set to zero for the IntegerTextBox. Represents the class that provides the accessibility object for the SfForm. Specifies the SfForm for the accessibility object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The SfForm. Overridden to update the child count of the SfForm. Returns the child count of the Form. Overridden to return the inner elements of the form. The index of the child. Returns the accessibility object of the child. Gets the AccessibleRole of the . Gets the AccessibleName of the . Gets the accessibility object of the parent. Gets the AccessibleDescription of the . Gets the bounds of the . Represents the class that provides the accessibility object for the SfForm TitleBar. Specifies the parent form of the title bar. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent of the title bar. Gets the child count of the form. Returns the count of the accessibility object. Gets the child accessibility object of the TitleBar. The index of the child. Returns the accessibility object of the child control with the given index. Gets the AccessibleRole of the . Gets the AccessibleName of the . Gets the accessibility object of the parent. Gets the AccessibleDescription of the . Gets the bounds of the . Represents the class that provides the accessibility object for the SfForm TitleBar. Specifies the parent for the Title bar. Specifies the index of the child. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent form of the title bar. The index of the child. Gets the AccessibleRole of the . Gets the AccessibleName of the . Gets the accessibility object of the parent. Gets the AccessibleDescription of the . Gets the bounds of the . Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents the class that defines the MDI style information for the control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Determines a value that indicates whether to serialize the CloseButtonSize property or not. returns true if serialized; Otherwise false Determines a value that indicates whether to serialize the MaximizeButtonSize property or not. returns true if serialized; Otherwise false Determines a value that indicates whether to serialize the MinimizeButtonSize property or not. returns true if serialized; Otherwise false Determines a value that indicates whether to serialize the HelpButtonSize property or not. returns true if serialized; Otherwise false Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Provide the default style of the MDI form. Default style object. Gets the default style of the MDI form. Gets or sets the background color of the MDI form titlebar. Gets or sets the backcolor for the MDI form icon. Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the MDI form title bar icon. The default value is left. Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the MDI form title bar icon. The default value is center. Gets or sets the fore color of the MDI form close button. Gets or sets the fore color of the MDI form maximize button. Gets or sets the fore color of the MDI form minimize button. Gets or sets the fore color of the MDI form help button. Gets or sets the hover fore color for the MDI form close button. Gets or sets the hover fore color for the MDI form maximize button. Gets or sets the hover fore color for the MDI form minimize button. Gets or sets the hover fore color for the MDI form help button. Gets or sets the hover back color for the MDI form close button. Gets or sets the hover back color for the MDI form maximize button. Gets or sets the hover back color for the MDI form minimize button. Gets or sets the hover back color for the MDI help button. Gets or sets the pressed fore color of the MDI form close button. Gets or sets the pressed fore color of the MDI form maximize button. Gets or sets the pressed fore color of the MDI form minimize button. Gets or sets the pressed fore color of the MDI form help button. Gets or sets the pressed background color of the MDI form close button. Gets or sets the pressed background color of the MDI form maximize button. Gets or sets the pressed background color of the MDI form minimize button. Gets or sets the pressed background color of the MDI form help button. Gets or sets the image for the MDI form close button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the hover image for the MDI form close button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the pressed image for the MDI form close button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the image for the MDI form maximize button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the hover image for the MDI form maximize button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the pressed image for the MDI form maximize button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the image for the MDI form minimize button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the hover image for the MDI form minimize button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the pressed image for the MDI form minimize button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the image for the MDI form help button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the hover image for the MDI form help button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the pressed image for the MDI form help button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the height of the MDI form title bar. Gets or sets the size of the MDI form close button. Gets or sets the size of the MDI form maximize button. Gets or sets the size of the MDI form minimize button. Gets or sets the size of the MDI form help button. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents a window or dialog box that makes up an application's user interface with options to customize its appearance. Indicates the close button of the form. Indicates the maximize/restore button of the form. Indicates the minimize button of the form. Indicates the help button of the form. Indicates the close button for the maximized MDI child. Indicates the restore button of the maximized MDI child. Indicates the minimize button of the maximized MDI child. Indicates the help button of the maximized MDI child. Indicates the scaling value for 100% dpi Indicates the scaling value for 125% dpi Indicates the scaling value for 150% dpi Indicates the scaling value for 175% dpi Indicates the scaling value for 200% dpi Indicates the scaling value for 225% dpi Indicates the scaling value for 250% dpi Indicates the scaling value for 275% dpi Indicates the scaling value for 300% dpi It stores the value of property. It stores the height of the title bar. It stores the height of the mdi parent's title bar. It stores the value of the Style property. To track the mouse event. Represents the width between the border and the client area in DesignMode Represents the instance of the class. Used to set bound for the form. It stores the update count value. It stores the TitleBarTextControl. Represents the form shadow window. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Maintains the value indicating whether the title height should retain or not. Value to store the title padding. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the active theme name of the . Returns the active theme name. Gets the control name. Raises the event. The sender value. A contains the event data. Suspends the painting of the control until the method is called. //Call BeginUpdate() to ensure the form is painted only once. this.BeginUpdate(); //Change the appearance of the form. this.Style.TitleBar.ForeColor = Color.Red; this.Style.TitleBar.BackColor = Color.SkyBlue; //Call EndUpdate() when finish changing the appearance of the form. this.EndUpdate(); Resumes the painting of the control suspended by calling the method. //Call BeginUpdate() to ensure the form is painted only once. this.BeginUpdate(); //Change the appearance of the form. this.Style.TitleBar.ForeColor = Color.Red; this.Style.TitleBar.BackColor = Color.SkyBlue; //Call EndUpdate() when finish changing the appearance of the form. this.EndUpdate(); Gets the height of the title bar. Returns the height of the caption bar Gets the height of the mdichild title bar. Returns the height of the mdi caption bar Gets the size of the close button. Returns the size of the close button Gets the size of the maximum button. Returns the size of the maximum button Gets the size of the minimum button. Returns the size of the minimum button Gets the size of the help button Returns the size of the help button Gets the size of the mdi close button Returns the size of the mdi close button Gets the size of the mdi maximum button Returns the size of the mdi maximum button Gets the size of the mdi minimum button Returns the size of the minimum button Get the size of the mdi help button Returns the size of the help button Refresh the form to update the appearance. Occurs when the form handle is created. The that contains the event data. Processes Windows messages. Windows message. Set the specified bound for the form. The Left property value of the form. The Top property value of the form. The Width property value of the form. The Height property value of the form. Specifies the bounds of the form. Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Form.Load event. Event Arguments. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Overridden to set the accessibility object for the SfForm. Returns the accessibility object of the SfForm. Updates the title padding. Updates to retain the title bar height in maximized state. Invalidate the frame Sets the text of a window. Received window message. Process the WM_NCACTIVATE Windows message. Occurs when the form is activated or deactivated. Received window message. Process the WM_NCHITTEST Windows message. To determine what part of the window corresponds to a particular screen coordinate Received window message. Determines the area on the form corresponding to the specified point. Specifies the cursor position. Returns a value that indicates the mouse hit position. Process the WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK Windows message. Occurs when the left mouse button is double clicked while the cursor is on the non client area of the form. Received window message. Process the WM_NCMOUSELEAVE Windows message Occurs when the cursor leaves the non client area of the form. Received window message. Process the WM_NCMOUSEMOVE Windows message Occurs when the cursor is moved within the non client area of the form. Received window message. Process the WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN Windows message Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the cursor is on the non client area of the form. Received window message. Process the WM_NCLBUTTONUP Windows message Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the cursor is on the non client area of the form. Received window message. Process the WM_NCPaint Windows message To draw the title bar, border lines and background of the form. Received window message. Draw the non-client area of the form. Graphics object Window rectangle Draw the border for the form with specified color and thickness. Graphics object. Rectangle to draw border. Draw the region excluding the caption bar and client area of the form. Graphics object Window rectangle. Process the WM_NCCALCSIZE Windows message Calculates the size and position of the form's client area. Received window message. Calculate the client region of the form. Window rectangle. Form border thickness. Title bar height of the form.param> Returns the client rectangle of the form. Calculate the client region of the form. Window rectangle. Window rectangle of the parent form. Form border thickness. Returns the client rectangle of the child form. Process the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED Windows message Occurs when the size, position or place of the form is changed. Received window message. Clip the required visible region within the window rectangle. Window Handle. To get the ID of the button present in the specified point. Specifies the cursor position. Returns button ID. Get the cursor position. Returns the cursor position. Redraw the button when its state changed. Graphics object Gets or sets padding within the form. Gets or sets the control to be displayed in the title bar of the form instead of the title bar text. //Loads a Button control to the title bar of the form. TitleBarTextControl = new Button(); //Sets the text for the TitleBarTextControl. TitleBarTextControl.Text = "Control1"; Form.Text property value will be displayed on the title bar only when this property value is equal to null. The default value is null. Gets the value used to customize the appearance of the form. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the close button is displayed in the caption bar of the form. The default value is true. Gets or sets a value indicating the size of the form icon. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tooltip for the title bar button is enabled. The default value is true. Gets or sets the back color of the form. Gets or sets the fore color of the form. Gets a value indicating whether the visual style based theme is applied to the control and also indicates whether the theme files are referred from external assemblies or not. Return true, if the visual style based theme is applied to the control. Otherwise returns false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the accessibility is enabled for the Form or not. Gets or sets the instance of the TitleBar. Gets or sets the initial width of the TitleBarTextControl. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the form is active or not. Gets or sets the caption bar button on which the mouse pointer is hovered. Gets the value indicating whether the current operating system is windows7 or not. Occurs when theme name of the has been changed. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a theme style settings can be applied to the control. The default value is true. Gets or sets the theme name of the . Gets or sets a value indicating whether control elements styles can be overridden by theme style settings. Default value is false. By default, the control's element styles will not be overridden by theme style settings if the style is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, element style will be overridden by theme style settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before calling the ThemeName property of the control. Gets or sets the base theme name of the . Gets or sets the VisualTheme of the . Gets or sets the visual theme, which holds the applied from . Gets the name of the control. Sends the specified message to a window or windows. The SendMessage function calls the window procedure for the specified window and does not return until the window procedure has processed the message. A handle to the window whose window procedure will receive the message. The message to be sent. Additional message-specific information. A Additional message-specific information. The return value specifies the result of the message processing; it depends on the message sent. Represents the class that provides the shadow effect for the . Represents an instance of class. represents the shadow bitmap. Represents the width of form shadow. Initializes a new instance of the class. Base form for which the shadow should be provided. Set location of the ShadowForm. Sender object. Event arguments. Draw the shadowForm and clip the region belongs to the Base Form from the ShadowForm. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Processes Windows messages. Windows message. Provide the shadow like appearance for the background window. Bitmap created from the background window. Returns a that contains the required creation parameters when the handle to the control is created. Represents the class to define the style for control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Override this method to create a product-specific identity object for a sub object. An identity object for a sub object of this style. The following code is an example how Essential form creates FormVisualStyleInfoSubObjectIdentity: public override StyleInfoSubObjectIdentity CreateSubObjectIdentity(StyleInfoProperty sip) { return new FormVisualStyleInfoSubObjectIdentity(this, sip); } The . Provide the default style of the form. Default style object. Gets the default style of the form. Gets or sets the style information of the MDI form. Gets or sets the style information of the caption bar. Gets or sets the back color of the control. Gets or sets the fore color of the control. Gets or sets the selected state border of the control. The width of the active state border and inactive state border should be same. Gets or sets the inactive state border of the control. The width of the active state border and inactive state border should be same. Gets or sets the opacity of the form's shadow in selected state. The value should be from 0 to 255. Gets or sets the opacity of the form's shadow in normal state. The value should be from 0 to 255. Gets or sets the active state border of the control. Gets or sets the inactive state border of the control. Defines a class that provides style identity information for nested objects of the VisualStyleInfo class of the control. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with a specified. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the SfDataGrid for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents the class that draws the title bar of the form. Rectangle to draw the close button of the caption bar. Rectangle to draw the maximize/restore button of the caption bar. Rectangle to draw the minimize button of the caption bar. Rectangle to draw the help button of the caption bar. Rectangle used to draw the title bar icon of the form. Rectangle to draw the MDI close button of the caption bar. Rectangle to draw the MDI maximize button of the caption bar. Rectangle to draw the MDI minimize button of the caption bar. Rectangle to draw the MDI help button of the caption bar. Rectangle used to draw the MDI icon on the caption bar. Rectangle used to draw the title bar text. Rectangle that holds the close icon of the caption bar. Rectangle used to draw the maximize icon of the caption bar. Rectangle used to draw the restore up icon of the caption bar of minimized mdi child. Rectangle that specifies the area in the caption bar that contains MDI buttons and icon. Represents an instance of class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Instance of class. Clean up the unmanaged resources Draw the caption bar of the form. Graphics object. Caption rectangle. Draw the close button of the caption bar. Graphics object Caption button BackColor Caption ButtonColor Button image Draw the help button button of the caption bar. Graphics object Caption button BackColor Caption ButtonColor Button image Draw the minimize button button of the caption bar. Graphics object Caption button BackColor Caption ButtonColor Button image Draw the maximize button button of the caption bar. Graphics object Caption button BackColor Caption ButtonColor Button image Draw the buttons on the caption bar. Graphics object Caption Rectangle Draw MDI Help button on the caption bar. Graphics object. ForeColor of the MDI help button. MDI help button image. Draw MDI close button on the caption bar. Graphics object. ForeColor of the MDI close button. MDI close button image. Draw the MDI maximize button on the caption bar. Graphics object. BackColor of the MDI maximize button. ForeColor of the MDI maximize button. MDI maximize button image. Draw the MDI minimize button on the caption bar. Graphics object. ForeColor of the MDI minimize button. MDI minimize button image. Draw the MDI buttons on the caption bar. Graphics object. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Calculate the rectangle to draw the close button. Title bar rectangle. Form border width. Button Width. Button height. Button Y position. Returns the rectangle to draw the close button. Calculate the rectangle to draw the maximize button. Close button rectangle. Button width. Button Height. Button Y position. Returns the rectangle to draw the maximize button. Calculate the rectangle to draw the minimize button. Maximize button rectangle. Button width. Button height. Button Y position. Returns the rectangle to draw the minimize button. Calculate the rectangle to draw the help button. Minimize button rectangle. Button width. Button height. Button Y position. Returns the rectangle to draw the help button. Calculate the rectangles to draw the mdi buttons. Title bar rectangle. Calculate the rectangle to draw the title bar of the form. Window rectangle. Height of the title bar. Returns the rectangle to draw the title bar of the form. Draw the form icon on the caption bar. Graphics object. Rectangle to draw the form icon. Calculate the rectangle to draw the title bar icon. Title bar rectangle. Returns the rectangle to draw the title bar icon. Calculate the rectangle to draw the mdi icon. Fill the caption bar with the color specified by CaptionBackColor property. Graphics object. Caption bar rectangle. Caption bar backcolor. Draw the text in the caption bar Graphics object. Caption bar rectangle. Calculate the rectangle to draw the title bar text. Title bar rectangle. Returns the rectangle to draw the title bar text. Draw the caption image in the caption bar. Graphics object Height of the caption bar. Draws the rich text on the given graphics. Graphics object. The string value contains the rich text content. The rectangle value used to draw the rich text. Gets the value indicating the rectangle to draw the close button. Gets the value indicating the rectangle to draw the maximize button. Gets the value indicating the rectangle to draw the minimize button. Gets the value indicating the rectangle to draw the help button. Gets the value indicating the rectangle to draw the form icon. Gets the value indicating the rectangle to draw the mdi close button. Gets the value indicating the rectangle to draw the mdi maximize button. Gets the value indicating the rectangle to draw the mdi minimize button. Gets the value indicating the rectangle to draw the mdi help button. Represents the class that defines the title bar style information for the control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with an existing . A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with an existing . A that holds the identity for this . Determines a value that indicates whether to serialize the Font property or not. returns true if serialized; Otherwise false Determines a value that indicates whether to serialize the CloseButtonSize property or not. returns true if serialized; Otherwise false Determines a value that indicates whether to serialize the MaximizeButtonSize property or not. returns true if serialized; Otherwise false Determines a value that indicates whether to serialize the MinimizeButtonSize property or not. returns true if serialized; Otherwise false Determines a value that indicates whether to serialize the HelpButtonSize property or not. returns true if serialized; Otherwise false Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Provide the default style of the TitleBar bar. Default style object. Determines a value that indicates whether to serialize the property or not. returns true if serialized; Otherwise false Determines a value that indicates whether to serialize the property or not. returns true if serialized; Otherwise false Determines a value that indicates whether to serialize the property or not. returns true if serialized; Otherwise false Gets the default style of the TitleBar bar. Gets or sets a value indicating whether rich text can be provided as caption or not. The default value is false. this.Style.TitleBar.AllowRichText = true; // Set rich text for the Form.Text property. this.Text = "{\\rtf\\ansi \\b Form1}"; Gets or sets the pressed fore color of the close button. Gets or sets the pressed fore color of the maximize button. Gets or sets the pressed fore color of the minimize button. Gets or sets the pressed fore color of the help button. Gets or sets the pressed background color of the close button. Gets or sets the pressed background color of the maximize button. Gets or sets the pressed background color of the minimize button. Gets or sets the pressed background color of the help button. Gets or sets the hover fore color for the close button. Gets or sets the hover fore color for the maximize button. Gets or sets the hover fore color for the minimize button. Gets or sets the hover fore color for the help button. Gets or sets the hover back color for the close button. Gets or sets the hover back color for the maximize button. Gets or sets the hover back color for the minimize button. Gets or sets the hover back color for the help button. Gets or sets the fore color of the close button. Gets or sets the fore color of the maximize button. Gets or sets the fore color of the minimize button. Gets or sets the fore color of the help button. Gets or sets the foreground color of the TitleBar. Gets or sets the background color of the TitleBar. Gets or sets the bottom border color of the TitleBar. Gets or sets the height of the TitleBar. Gets or sets the padding for the . Gets or sets the backcolor for the icon Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the title bar icon. The default value is left. Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the title bar icon. The default value is center. Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the title bar text. The default value is left. Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the title Bar text. The default value is center. Gets or sets the image for the close button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the hover image for the close button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the pressed image for the close button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the image for the maximize button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the hover image for the maximize button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the pressed image for the maximize button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the image for the minimize button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the hover image for the minimize button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the pressed image for the minimize button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the image for the help button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the hover image for the help button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the image to the caption bar. The default value is null. Gets or sets the location to the caption image. Gets or sets the pressed image for the help button. The default value is null. Gets or sets the size of the close button. Gets or sets the size of the maximize button. Gets or sets the size of the minimize button. Gets or sets the size of the help button. Gets or sets the Font used to display text in the title bar. this.Style.TitleBar.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 15, FontStyle.Bold); Gets a value indicating whether Font has been initialized for the TitleBar. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Returns the property value. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents a ToolTip window that displays a brief description about a control when user rests the mouse on that control. This sample shows how to set tooltip text for a control. SfToolTip sfToolTip = new SfToolTip(); sfToolTip.SetToolTip(this.button1, "Sample Tooltip"); This sample shows how to set for a control to show as a tooltip. SfToolTip sfToolTip = new SfToolTip(); ToolTipInfo tooltipInfo1 = new ToolTipInfo(); ToolTipItem toolTipItem1 = new ToolTipItem(); toolTipItem1.Text = "Tooltip item 1 text"; ToolTipItem toolTipItem2 = new ToolTipItem(); toolTipItem2.Text = "Tooltip item 2 text"; toolTipInfo.Items.AddRange(new ToolTipItem[] { toolTipItem1, toolTipItem2}); sfToolTip.SetToolTipInfo( this.button2, toolTipInfo); Represents a BaseComponent with VisualStyle based theme customization settings. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Raises the event when theme name changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Gets the active theme name of the control. Returns the active theme name. Helps to override the ThemeName property settings ThemeName Helps to override the ThemeName property settings ThemeName Helps to override the CanApplyTheme property settings CanApplyTheme Helps to override the CanOverriderStyle property settings CanOverriderStyle Occurs when theme name of the control has changed. Gets or sets the theme name of the control. The default value is null. The theme will be applied only when the particular theme for this control has included the Themes assembly. Gets or sets a value indicating whether control elements styles can be overridden by theme style settings. Default value is false. By default, the control's element styles will not be overridden by theme style settings if the style is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, element style will be overridden by theme style settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before calling the ThemeName property of the control. Gets or sets the Base Theme name of the theme Gets or sets a value indicating whether a theme settings can be applied to the control. The default value is true. This property must be initialized before applying the VisualTheme /> Gets the name of the control. Gets or sets the VisualTheme of the control. Gets a value indicating whether the visual style based theme is applied to the control and also indicates whether the theme files are referred from external assemblies or not. Return true, if the visual style based theme is applied to the control. Otherwise returns false. The collection of controls registered for tooltip with their ToolTipInfo. The collection of controls registered for tooltip with text. The timer for initial delay. The timer for popup delay. The information to be shown in tooltip for show method. The tooltip item to be shown in tooltip for show method. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The container in which the SfToolTip component has to be added. Gets the of the Control. An object of control. Returns the of the control. Associates the with the specified control. The control to associate with the . The to be displayed when the pointer is on the control. Associates the with the specified control. The control to associate with the . The tooltip text to be displayed when the pointer is on the control. Gets the tooltip text of the Control. An object of control. Returns the tooltip text of the control. Disables the ToolTip for the specified control. The control for which the ToolTip has to be disabled. Hides the ToolTip, if it is being displayed. Shows the ToolTip with the at the specified relative position. to be displayed as ToolTip. A point in which the ToolTip to be displayed. Shows the ToolTip with the at the specified relative position. to be displayed as ToolTip. The horizontal offset position in which the ToolTip has to be displayed. The vertical offset position in which the ToolTip has to be displayed. Shows the ToolTip with the at the specified relative position for a specified duration. to be displayed as ToolTip. The horizontal offset position in which the ToolTip has to be displayed. The vertical offset position in which the ToolTip has to be displayed. The period of time that the ToolTip should remain visible. Shows the ToolTip with the at the specified relative position for a specified duration with specified initial delay. ToolTip location will be adjusted with respect to the screen bounds, if adjustToScreenBounds value is true. to be displayed as ToolTip. A point in which the ToolTip to be displayed. The period of time that passes before the ToolTip appears. The period of time that the ToolTip should remain visible. Specifies whether to adjust the ToolTip location respective to the screen bounds. Shows the ToolTip with the at the specified relative position for a specified duration. to be displayed as ToolTip. A point in which the ToolTip to be displayed. The period of time that the ToolTip should remain visible. Shows the ToolTip with the tooltip text at the specified relative position. The text to be displayed as tooltip. A point in which the ToolTip to be displayed. Shows the ToolTip with the tooltip text at the specified relative position. The text to be displayed as tooltip. The horizontal offset position in which the ToolTip has to be displayed. The vertical offset position in which the ToolTip has to be displayed. Shows the ToolTip with the tooltip text for the specified duration at the specified relative position. The text to be displayed as tooltip. The horizontal offset position in which the ToolTip has to be displayed. The vertical offset position in which the ToolTip has to be displayed. The period of time that the ToolTip should remain visible. Shows the ToolTip with the tooltip text for the specified duration at the specified relative position. The text to be displayed as tooltip. A point in which the ToolTip to be displayed. The period of time that the ToolTip should remain visible. Shows the ToolTip with the tooltip text at the cursor position. The text to be displayed as tooltip. Shows the ToolTip with the at the cursor position. to be displayed as ToolTip. Helps to apply the ControlName settings in control The ControlName. Returns the control name. Helps to apply the ThemeName settings in control The ThemeName. Specifies whether this object can provide its extender properties to the specified object. The Object to receive the extender properties. true if this object can provide extender properties to the specified object; otherwise, false. Raises the event. An object of that contains event data. Raises the event. An object of that contains event data. Raises the event. An object of that contains event data. Specifies whether this object can provide its extender properties to the specified object. The Object to receive the extender properties. true if this object can provide extender properties to the specified object; otherwise, false. Raises the and event when theme name changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Determines whether the extended property for ToolTip should be serialized or not. An object of component. Returns true when it need to be serialized otherwise return false. Determines whether the extended property for ToolTip should be serialized or not. An object of component. Returns true when it need to be serialized otherwise return false. Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. The sender that contains the control from which the mouse pointer leaves. A that contains the event data. Occurs when the mouse pointer rests on the control. The sender that contains the control in which the mouse pointer is hovered. A that contains the event data. Occurs when the mouse down event of the control occurs. The sender that contains the control in which the mouse down is occurred. A that contains the event data. Modifies the tooltip if any information is changed. A that contains the event data. Occurs when the popup delay timer interval has elapsed and the timer is enabled. The sender that contains the for tooltip popup delay. A that contains the event data. Occurs when the initial delay timer interval has elapsed and the timer is enabled. The sender that contains the for tooltip initial delay. A that contains the event data. Occurs when the Visible property value changes. The sender that contains the tooltip form. A that contains the event data. Occurs when the tooltip is showing. The event is raised whenever a ToolTip is displaying, either by calling method or implicitly called by v. The class contains all the information needed to customize the , including the location, . This event can be canceled. Occurs when the tooltip is shown. The event is raised whenever a ToolTip is displayed, either by calling method or implicitly called by v. Occurs before drawing the tooltip item. By using the event, the appearance of the can be customized. The class contains all the information needed to paint the , including the ToolTip text, the Rectangle, and the Graphics object on which the drawing should be done. This event can be canceled. Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Gets or sets the time that passes before the ToolTip appears. By using property, you can shorten or lengthen the time that the ToolTip waits before displaying a ToolTip window. Gets or sets the period of time the ToolTip remains visible if the pointer is stationary on a control. The period of time, in milliseconds, that the ToolTip remains visible when the pointer is stationary on a control. The default value is 5000. By using property, you can shorten or lengthen the time that the ToolTip window is displayed when the pointer is on a control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether shadow should be drawn for the ToolTip. Gets or sets the tooltip window for the . Gets or sets the active associated control with the tooltip. Gets or sets the value of the to customize the appearance of the tooltip. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the location of the ToolTip can be adjusted respective to the screen bounds. Represents a window as a tooltip. The const for balloon size. The object of component. The height of the balloon. The width of the balloon. The value indicating whether shadow should be drawn for the ToolTip. Initializes a new instance of the class. The object of SfToolTip. Gets the location of the ToolTip based on provided ToolTipLocation option. The cursor position. Returns the Location of the tooltip to be shown. Adjusts the point respective to the Screen bounds. The location of the ToolTip which is to be adjusted with screen bounds. Returns the adjusted position of the ToolTip. Raises the Layout event. A that contains the event data. Raises the Paint event. A that contains the event data. Draws the background appearance of the . An object that graphics data. The rectangle of the . An object. Gets the based on the property of the An object. Returns the . Checks whether valid image is available in or not. An object. true if valid image is available, otherwise false. Gets the image size of the . An object. Returns the specified size if ImageSize is set, otherwise returns the size of the image itself. Sets the location of the . The current size of the tooltip. The object of ToolTipItem. The location in which the tooltip is to be shown. The value indicating that the separator for previous item is enabled or not. Gets the GraphicsPath based on the tooltip location for balloon drawing. Value indicating to get graphics path based on region updating. Returns the GraphicsPath for balloon drawing. Gets the GraphicsPath of the ballon beak area. Returns the GraphicsPath of the ballon beak area. Draws the appearance of the . An object that graphics data. The rectangle of the . An object. The value indicating that the separator for previous item is enabled or not. Draws the ToolTip text of the . An object that graphics data. The rectangle of the . An object. The value indicating that the separator for previous item is enabled or not. Draws the separator line of the , if is true. An object that graphics data. The rectangle of the . An object. Draws the ToolTip image of the . An object that graphics data. The rectangle of the . An object. The value indicating that the separator for previous item is enabled or not. Gets the rectangle of . The rectangle of the . An object. The value indicating that the separator for previous item is enabled or not. Returns the rectangle of the . Gets the rectangle of the . The rectangle of the . An object. The value indicating that the separator for previous item is enabled or not. Returns the rectangle of the . Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tooltip is shown through show method or not. Gets or sets the location in which the tooltip to be shown. Maintained temporarily to change the balloon drawing when the tooltip is clipped in screen bounds case. Gets or sets the ToolTipInfo to be shown in the tooltip. Gets or sets the point in which the tooltip is to be shown. Gets or sets a value indicating whether shadow should be drawn for the ToolTip. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the location of the tooltip is changed in tooltip showing event. Gets a value indicating whether the window will be activated when it is shown. Overridden to return true to avoid activating the tooltip. If not, parent form will lost focus when the tooltip is activated. Gets the required creation parameters when the control handle is created. Overridden to set the tooltip window's extended style as TopMost. If not, tooltip will not be shown in front as we are not activating the tooltip window. Used by Changing and Changed events of strong typed collections. The sender that contains the object of . An object of that contains event data. Represents a class used by Changed event of strong typed collections. The changed type of the List property. The index. The item object. The property name. The tag object. Initializes a new instance of the class. ListPropertyChangedType value. Index in which the list gets affected. Item which affects the collection. Property in which the collection gets affected. Initializes a new instance of the class. ListPropertyChangedType value. Index in which the list gets affected. Item which affects the collection. Property in which the collection gets affected. Tag for additional information. Gets the type in which the list changed. Gets the index of the item that is changed. Gets the reference to the affected item. Gets the name of the affected property. Gets the . If tag is EventArgs, then it returns the Tag casted to EventArgs. Gets or sets a tag. Represents a class that contains the information to be displayed in the ToolTip. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. An object of ToolTipInfo. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the collection and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Determines whether the property should be serialized or not. Returns true when it need to be serialized otherwise return false. Determines whether the property should be serialized or not. Returns true when it need to be serialized otherwise return false. Determines whether the property should be serialized or not. Returns true when it need to be serialized otherwise return false. Determines whether the property should be serialized or not. Returns true when it need to be serialized otherwise return false. Gets or sets the . Gets or sets the BorderColor of the v. Gets or sets the Minimum width of the v. If is lesser than , then the value of will be considered as a maximum width for the ToolTip. Gets or sets the Maximum width of the v. If is lesser than , then the value of will be considered as a maximum width for the ToolTip. Gets or sets a value indicating whether v elements are aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. Gets or sets the location of the ToolTip based on the mouse pointer. If the Balloon tooltip style is enabled, the balloon beak will be shown near to the mouse pointer based on the corresponding tooltip location. Gets or sets the style of the ToolTip. Gets or sets the border thickness of the tooltip. Gets or sets the beak background color of the balloon tooltip. By default, beak back color will not be applied based on the corresponding ToolTip item's back color. Beak back color can be applied manually based on the corresponding ToolTip item. Implements a type converter for . Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you want to convert to. true if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, false. Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the specified context and culture information. An that provides a format context. A . If null is passed, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. The to convert the value parameter to. An that represents the converted value. Represents a class that maintains the information of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Overriden. To return a string which represents the object instance. Returns a string which represents the objecr instance. Determines whether the property should be serialized or not. Returns true when it need to be serialized otherwise return false. Determines whether the property should be serialized or not. Returns true when it need to be serialized otherwise return false. Gets or sets the ToolTip text of the . Gets or sets the with settings that control the appearance of the . Gets or sets a value indicating whether gradient background drawing for the should be enabled or not. The gradient brush can be set to the tooltip item by using the property which is available in the property. Gets or sets a value indicating whether separator line between the should be enabled or not. If the is enabled for the tooltip item, the line will be drawn to the bottom of that tooltip item. The separator line cannot be drawn for the last tooltip item. Gets or sets the image of the tooltip item. Gets or sets the of the tooltip item. If the is specified, the tooltip will not consider the image from ImageList collection. ImageList collection will be only considered when is not specified. Gets or sets the zero-based index of an image in a collection to be displayed in a tooltip item. Gets or sets a control to be added on the . If the control is set to the tooltip item, the text, image and other customization cannot be applied to the tooltip item. The assigned control only will be displayed in the tooltip item. Gets or sets the padding of the tooltip item. The padding is applicable for entire tooltip item i.e. tooltip item's image, text and control will be drawn based on the padding. Gets or sets the size of the . Gets or sets the text size of the . Gets or sets the name of the tooltip item. Represents the editor for Image of the tooltip item. Gets the editor style used by the EditValue method. An that can be used to gain additional context information. A value that indicates the style of editor used by the EditValue method. If the does not support this method, then it will return None. Edits the specified object's value using the editor style indicated by the method. An that can be used to gain additional context information. An that this editor can use to obtain services. The object to edit. The new value of the object. If the value of the object has not changed, this should return the same object it was passed. Represents a collection of . The list of ToolTipItem. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds the in the . An object of . Returns the index in which the item is added. Adds the range of in the . Collection of objects. Inserts the in the specified index. The index in which the element has to be inserted. An object of . Inserts the range of in the specified index. The index in which the range of elements has to be inserted. Collection of objects. Removes the from the . An object of . Removes the at the specified index from the . The index of the element to be removed. Removes the range of from the . Collection of objects. Gets the index of the in the . An object of . Returns the index of the . Removes all the elements from the . Determines whether an element exists in the . An object of . true if item is found; otherwise, false. Overriden. To return the count of the collection. Returns the count of the collection. Copies the elements of the collection to an Array, starting at a particular index. The one-dimentioanl Array that is the destination of the elements copied from Collection. Index in array at which copying begins. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a . An IEnumerator object that can be used to iterate through the . Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Determines whether the contains a specific value. The object to locate in the . true if the value is found in the ; otherwise, false. Determines the index of a specific item in the . The object to locate in the . The index of value if found in the list; otherwise, -1. Inserts an item to the at the specified index. The zero-based index at which value should be inserted. The object to insert into the . Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the . The object to remove from the . Adds an item to the . The object to add to the . The position into which the new element was inserted, or -1 to indicate that the item was not inserted into the collection. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the collection and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Raises the changed event of . An object of that contains event data. Occurs after a property in the collection is changed. Gets a value indicating whether the has a fixed size. Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only. Gets the number of elements actually contained in the . Gets a value indicating whether access to the is synchronized. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the Collection. Gets or sets the at the specified index. The index of the element to get or set. The element at the specified index. Gets or sets the element at the specified index. The zero-based index of the element to get or set. The element at the specified index. Provides a user interface that can edit collections of tooltip items at design-time. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type of the collection for this editor to edit. Gets the data type that this collection contains. The data type of the items in the collection. Indicates whether multiple collection items can be selected at once. true if it multiple collection members can be selected at the same time; otherwise, false. By default, this returns true. Implements a type converter for . Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you want to convert to. true if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, false. Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the specified context and culture information. An that provides a format context. A . If null is passed, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. The to convert the value parameter to. An that represents the converted value. Represents a store which holds the properties of the object. Provides information about the BorderColor property. Provides information about the BorderThickness property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the BeakBackColor property. Provides the StaticData of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the StaticData, if is null. Returns the StaticData. Provides the StaticData of the . Implements the functionalities that holds all information stored for a . The default ToolTipStyleInfo. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Override this method to create a product-specific identity object for a sub object. An identity object for a sub object of this style. The following code is an example how Essential Grid creates GridStyleInfoSubObjectIdentity: public override StyleInfoSubObjectIdentity CreateSubObjectIdentity(StyleInfoProperty sip) { return new GridStyleInfoSubObjectIdentity(this, sip); } The . Gets the default style of the . Default style of the . Determines whether the property should be serialized or not. Returns true when it need to be serialized otherwise return false. Determines whether the property should be serialized or not. Returns true when it need to be serialized otherwise return false. Determines whether the property should be serialized or not. Returns true when it need to be serialized otherwise return false. Determines whether the property should be serialized or not. Returns true when it need to be serialized otherwise return false. Gets the default style of the . Gets or sets the foreground color of the . Gets or sets the background color of the . Gets or sets the font of the . Gets or sets the TextAlignment of the . Gets or sets the GradientBrush of the , if is true. Gets or sets the separator color of the to draw separator, if is true. Gets or sets the separator style of the to draw separator, if is true. Gets or sets the separator pattern of the to draw separator, if is true, when is set as Custom. Gets or sets the alignment of the image on the . If the has both the text and image and is set, the image will be positioned based on the alignment settings and text will be positioned just opposite alignment. i.e. if an image is aligned to left, text will be aligned to right position. Gets or sets the size of the . Gets or sets the offset space between the image and text of the tooltip item. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the border color of the ToolTipInfo. Gets or sets the beak back color of the ToolTipInfo. Provides style identity information for nested expandable objects of the ToolTipVisualStyle class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Represents the method that will handles the event. The sender that contains the v. An object that contains event data. Represents the method that will handles the event. The Sender that contains the v. An object that contains event data. Represents the method that will handle the event. The sender that contains the v. An object that contains event data. Provides data about the cancelable event when the tooltip is showing. To abort the showing of tooltip, set to True. To change the of the tooltip, use the property. To change the location of the tooltip, use the property. In order to set the location or ToolTipInfo of the tooltip, then the must be set to true. The ToolTipInfo of the tooltip. The location of the tooltip. The control which shows the tooltip. Initializes a new instance of the class. The control which shows the tooltip. The of the tooltip to be shown. The location of the that the tooltip is set to be shown. Gets a control which shows the tooltip. Gets or sets the specified of the tooltip. Gets or sets the location that the tooltip is to be shown. Provides data sbout the event after the tooltip is shown. The of the tooltip can be from property. The location that the tooltip was shown can be get from property. The control which shown the tooltip. The ToolTipInfo displayed in the tooltip. The location that the tooltip was shown. Initializes a new instance of the class. The control which shown the tooltip. The of the tooltip shown. The location that the tooltip was shown. Gets a control which shown tooltip. Gets the of the shown tooltip. Gets the location that the tooltip was shown. Provides data about the event on drawing the tooltip item. To abort the default drawing of the tooltip item, set property to true. The graphics of the tooltip control. The rectangle of the tooltip item. The tooltip item. Initializes a new instance of the class. An object that contains graphics data of tooltip. The rectangle of the tooltip item. An object. Gets the graphics of the tooltip. Gets the rectangle of the tooltip item. Gets the to be drawn. Provide a user interface for representing and editing the values of objects. Gets the editor style used by the EditValue method. An that can be used to gain additional context information. A value that indicates the style of editor used by the EditValue method. If the does not support this method, then it will return None. Edits the specified object's value using the editor style indicated by the method. An that can be used to gain additional context information. An that this editor can use to obtain services. The object to edit. The new value of the object. If the value of the object has not changed, this should return the same object it was passed. Provides a window for editing the objects. Provides a window for editing the objects. The property grid for showing the properties of ToolTipInfo. Initializes a new instance of the class. An object of . An object of . Initializes the design surface of the ToolTipEditorForm with related ToolTipInfo. An object of . An object of . Occurs when OK button in the ToolTipEditorForm is clicked. The sender that contains the OK button. An object of that contains event data. Occurs when Cancel button in the ToolTipEditorForm is clicked. The sender that contains the Cancel button. An object of that contains event data. Required designer variable. The design panel of the ToolTipEditorForm. The button panel of the ToolTipEditorForm. The Cancel button of the ToolTipEditorForm. The Ok button of the ToolTipEditorForm. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Gets or sets the ToolTipInfo of the editor form. A helper class that provides the functionality to merge the styles from the XML configuration to the element style. Gets or sets the themes collection. Gets or sets the assemblies to read the image resources. Loads the assembly to register the theme XML configured files. An assembly that has the theme XML configuration file. Reads the control tag elements. The . The object that needs to be merged. The xml reader. Combines the styles defined in the XML document to the target style. The The target object to combine. Combines the styles defined in the XML document to the target style. Name of control The target object to combine. Helps to retrieve the Theme resource stream ThemeName of the Control Control name. Stream Reads the control tag elements. Name of the control. The object that needs to be merged. The xml reader. Reads the properties tag elements. The object that needs to be merged. The xml reader. Reads the Attributes of the Elements tags of the control. The object that needs to be merged. The xml reader. Sets the style objects properties from the XML attribute. The object that needs to be merged. The property to set the property value of object. The XmlReader. Reads the element tag attributes. The object that needs to be merged. The xml reader. Reads the Attributes of the Elements. The object that needs to be merged. The xml reader. Reads the Attributes of the Elements. The object that needs to be merged. The xml reader. Read the inner elements of the XmlReader. The style info object. The XmlReader. Read the font attributes of inner elements in the XmlReader. The object that needs to be merged. The xml reader. Helps to retrieve the Theme resource stream ThemeName of the Control Control Stream Reads the properties tag elements. The . The xml reader. Reads the element tag attributes. The . The object that needs to be merged. The xml reader. Reads the Attributes of the Elements. The . The object that needs to be merged. The object. The xml reader. Reads the Attributes of the Elements. The . The object that needs to be merged. The xml reader. Read the inner elements of the XmlReader. The provider. The style info object. The XmlReader. Reads the Attributes of the Elements tags of the control. The . The object that needs to be merged. The xml reader. Read the font attributes of inner elements in the XmlReader. The . The object that needs to be merged. The xml reader. Sets the style objects properties from the XML attribute. The . The object that needs to be merged. The property to set the property value of object. The XmlReader. Gets the Font The attribute value The font Gets the color. The attribute value. The color. Gets the brush. The attribute value. The brush. Checks whether given string is Hex color code or not. The Hex color code string. True if given string is Hex color code otherwise false. Gets the image from the XML configured file. The provider. The image resource file name. Name of the theme. An image. Get the image from given assembly. The used to get the image. The string value contains the image name. Returns the image. Helps to retrieve whether the applied Theme is built-in or VisualStyle based theme. IThemeProvider Whether the applied theme is VisualStyle based theme or not Represents a class that contains the properties for customizing the styles of the check box. Maintains the default style of the currentcell to read. Maintains the default style of the CurrentCellStyleInfo. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that need to be initialized. Initializes a new instance of the class. The . Initializes a new instance of the class. . Initializes a new instance of the class. . The . Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Retrieves the default style of the current cell. Returns the default style of the current cell. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style of the . Gets or sets the size of the check box. Gets or sets the border color of the unchecked state check box. Gets or sets the back color of the unchecked state check box. Gets or sets the back color of the checked state check box. Gets or sets the border color of the checked state check box. Gets or sets the tick color of the checked state check box. Gets or sets the color of the indeterminate state check box. Gets or sets the border color of the indeterminate state check box. Gets or sets the back color of the indeterminate state check box. Gets or sets a value indicating the alignment of the check box. Gets a value indicating whether padding has been initialized for the control. Implements the data store for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Maintains the static data for the CheckBoxCellStyleInfo. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Populates the SerializationInfo store with the name, type, and value of each piece of information it wants to serialize Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Overridden to create the exact copy of the current instance. Returns the copied object. Initializes the , if is null. Overridden to gets the static data. Represents a class that provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents a class that provides style identity information for nested objects of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. CheckBoxAdvActionList class. Initializes a new instance of the ClockActionList class. Represents component Overrridden InitializeActionList. Gets the image collection Class for Custom Button Gets/Sets if this is Custom Buttons Class for MessageBoxMetroStyleFormAdv Normal font weight Maintains the value indicating whether the caption height should retain or not. Stores the value indicating whether the caption height has been initialized or not. Value to store the title padding. To Reset the CaptionBarBrush Indicates whether to serialize CaptionBarBrush Hover Color for CaptionButton Gets/Sets touch enabled Updates the title padding. Updates to retain the title bar height in maximized state. To Hold the CaptionButtons visibility Hold to apply the Multi Monitor appearance Reset the value of the ShowMaximizeBox Serializing the value of the ShowMaximizeBox Serializing the value of the ShowMinimizeBox Reset the value of the ShowMinimizeBox Reset the value of the ShowMinimizeBox applies the scaling applies the scaling To define whether the customization needs to be applied Occurs when Form Location is changed Helper method to raise the mouse enter event. Calculates the non client area of the form reference message retruns true if the method returns combiantion of values returns false if the method return zero Helper method to raise caption image hover events. Helper method to raise the caption image mouse move events. Handles the mouse events of CaptionImage or CaptionLabels. Handles the mouse events of CaptionImage or CaptionLabels. Style of CaptionBar is updated while detaching the MetroForm from TabbedMDIManager. Helps to update the Bounds pt - coordinates of the cursor. The coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. pt - coordinates of the cursor. The coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. Method to draw the caption label. Graphics object Rectangle to draw caption label Metroform in which caption image should drawn. Mdi caption height. Paint the caption bar background Graphics Object. Caption Bar rectangle. Height of the Mdi caption bar. Width of the caption bar. Value for the adjustment. Caption bar Height. Color to fill the caption bar. MetroForm. Draws the icon for MDIChild. Graphics Object. Rectangle to draw mdiform icon. Value to adjust icon. Form to load the Icon Disabling the controlbox highlights Gets Image for a button by specific ID. Button ID that indicates Image. Gets system command by specific buttonID. Button ID that indicates system command. Invalidates client area if MetroScheme back color is used. Occurs when property is changed. Variable to maintain the visibility of the inner border of the Form. variable to check whether the mouse is moved over the caption image Selected system button. (SB__MAX - no button is selected) Pressed system button. (SB__MAX - no button is pressed) CaptionText Color location for label in caption CaptionImage Collection LabelCollection BorderColor to highlights the ControlBox Value for show/hide the highlights Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Gets/sets if to disable Office2007 look and feel. Gets or sets the value indicating whether the caption bar of the form should retain its default height when form is maximized or not. Gets or Sets Mouse over color for CaptionButtons Gets or Sets the value for CaptionBarColor BorderColor MetroColor Gets or Sets the value for CaptionBarColor Gets/Sets the value for CaptionVerticalAlignment Gets or Sets the value for CaptionBarColor BorderColor Gets/Sets the value for CaptionButtonColor Gets/Sets the value for CaptionButtonHoverColor Gets or Sets value for CaptionBarHeight Gets/Sets touch enabled Gets or Set the valur for BorderThickness Gets/sets if to Force the OS Aero theme look and feel when Office2007Visual style is enabled. If DisableOffice2007Style is set to true then the ordinary form drawn will still have the aero theme applied as the default frame is drawn in the base. Gets or sets the font of the form's title. Don't rename this property. Name is important for CodeDomSerialization order. Gets or sets the color for caption in titlebar Gets or sets the alignment of of the form's title. Gets or Set Value to Drop Shadow to the form Gets the value used to adjust the titlebar. Gets / Sets whether to hide the CaptionButtons, when displayed in Secondary Monitor Gets / Sets whether to apply the Multi Monitor appearance Gets the value indicating whether the current operating system is windows7 or not. Gets / set the value to enable the MaximizeBox Gets or sets the visibility of the inner border of the Form. Gets / set the value to enable the MinimizeBox Specifies whether current selected Office2007 scheme background color is used to fill form's backround is used. If false is used. Gets/Sets the label for form caption Gets/Sets the CaptionImage for form caption This Event will be triggered, when CaptionBar is painted and it is used to customize the CaptionBar. Border width of the Office2007Form instance. Gets border width of the Office2007Form instance. Gets the horizontal padding Gets the vertical padding Lock Window update function detailButtonSpace control using for increase the space in flow layout panel inbetween the detail button and message box buttons in while resizing. Holds the height of the before the detail view is collapsed. Holds the height of the before the detail view expand. Holds the Button height Custom Button Collection Defines the CustomButton ForeColor Defines the CustomButton BackColor Variable for buttons panel Variable for ok ButtonAdv Variable for cancel ButtonAdv Variable for yes ButtonAdv Variable for ignore ButtonAdv Variable for retry ButtonAdv Variable for abort ButtonAdv Variable for no ButtonAdv Variable for no ButtonAdv Variable for no ButtonAdv Gets MessageBoxButtons Gets Custom MessageBox Buttons Gets MessageBoxIcon Gets MessageBoxDefaultButton Gets MessageBoxOptions Variable for owner Variable for CancelEventHandler Static variable for buttons Static variable for s_buttonNames Static variable for System defined strings Constructor for MessageBoxMetroStyleFormAdv Constructor for MessageBoxMetroStyleFormAdv Method to set same width for all Buttons in the MessageBoxAdv Collection of buttons Greater width Method to calculate the height of the panel of MessageBoxAdv Panel height Initializes the new instance for MessageBoxMetroStyleFormAdv class. owner window text form caption buttons form icon default button options to show helpbutton click event data image sizing image Variable which indicates whether custom buttons are already initialized or not Initializes the new instance for MessageBoxMetroStyleFormAdv class. owner window text form caption buttons form icon default button options to show helpbutton click event data image sizing image Initializes the new instance for MessageBoxMetroStyleFormAdv class. owner window text form caption buttons form icon default button options to show helpbutton click event data Initialization of button names Custom Button Initialization Click Event for Custom Buttons Button Initialization Returns the button for the dialog Initialize image which is used in MessageBoxAdv Icon Initialization Icon Initialize the TextAlign Helps to apply the Font Settings to Custom Buttons Helps to apply the Font Settings to built buttons Custom Button Size initialization Size initialization Method to get the button Sets the padding for the buttons Returns the client size Size Returns the Button width Returns the Button width Returns the system defined strings Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Method to set the cursor position Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Validate the messagebox height in while initialize the control Handle the size of the message box while closing and expanding the details view. Gets or sets whether the image is showing Gets the button operations Enumeration for system defined strings Class for Office2010StyleMessageBoxAdv Class for Office2010StyleMessageBoxAdv. Normal font weight constructor for Office2010form with empty arguments Indicates whether to enable dpiaware or not. Variable to Gets or Set Value to Drop Shadow to the form. Gets or sets the managed color table value. Reset the value of the DropShadow Serializing the value of the DropShadow To Hold the CaptionButtons visibility Hold to apply the Multi Monitor appearance Gets/Sets touch enabled applies the scaling applies the scaling Gets the closebox To define whether the customization needs to be applied Occurs when Form Location is changed pt - coordinates of the cursor. The coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. To customize the image size Gets Image for a button by specific ID. Button ID that indicates Image. Gets system command by specific buttonID. Button ID that indicates system command. Invalidates client area if Office2010Scheme back color is used. Occurs when property is changed. Determines whether CaptionBarHeight has been modified. True if CaptionBarHeight is changed; False otherwise. Resets the CaptionBarHeight back to its default value. Selected system button. (SB__MAX - no button is selected) Pressed system button. (SB__MAX - no button is pressed) Holds the value for Caption Height CaptionText Color Gets or Sets whether to enable Drop Shadow to the Office2010form Gets or sets a value indicating whether dpi aware should be enabled or not. Gets the CreateParams for the Office2007 form. Gets/sets if to disable Office2010 look and feel. Gets/sets if to Force the OS Aero theme look and feel when Office2010Visual style is enabled. If DisableOffice2010Style is set to true then the ordinary form drawn will still have the aero theme applied as the default frame is drawn in the base. Gets or Sets the AutoScroll value Gets or sets the Office2010 colorscheme Gets or sets the font of the form's title. Don't rename this property. Name is important for CodeDomSerialization order. Gets or sets the color for caption in titlebar Gets or Sets the CaptionBar Height. Gets or sets the alignment of of the form's title. Gets the colortable for Office2010 Gets the value for IsActive Gets whether right to left has been set Gets or Sets the Selected button Gets the value indicating whether the current operating system is windows7 or not. Gets or Sets the pressed button Gets or Sets the highlighted button Gets / Sets whether to hide the CaptionButtons, when displayed in Secondary Monitor Gets / Sets whether to apply the Multi Monitor appearance Gets the Maximize button Gets the Minimize button Gets the layout Gets the caption height value Gets/Sets touch enabled Gets the value of title height Gets whether the form is minimized Gets whether the form is maximized Gets whether the form is sizable Gets the screen rectangle Gets the area to be painted Gets the value of Isvisible property Specifies whether current selected Office2010 scheme background color is used to fill form's backround is used. If false is used. Gets the caption font Gets the system font Gets the closebox value DPI Scaling Defines whether the DPI setting is enabled. Defines the dpi scaling To retrieve DPI Value Border width of the Office2010Form instance. Gets border width of the Office2010Form instance. DeviceCap Constructor for CaptionManager Gets the horizontal padding Gets the vertical padding Initializes the new instance for Office2010StyleMessageBoxAdv class Method to set same width for all Buttons in the MessageBoxAdv Collection of buttons Greater width Method to calculate the height of the panel of MessageBoxAdv Panel height Initializes the new instance for Office2010StyleMessageBoxAdv class Lock Window update function Holds the height of the before the detail view is collapsed. Holds the height of the before the detail view expand. detailButtonSpace control using for increase the space in flow layout panel inbetween the detail button and message box buttons in while resizing. Holds the Button height String variable for details text Variable for no ButtonAdv Variable for no ButtonAdv Custom Button Collection Variable for content panel Variable for buttons panel Variable for ok ButtonAdv Variable for cancel ButtonAdv Variable for yes ButtonAdv Variable for ignore ButtonAdv Variable for retry ButtonAdv Variable for abort ButtonAdv Variable for no ButtonAdv Variable for PictureBox Variable for Label Gets MessageBoxButtons Gets Custom MessageBox Buttons Gets MessageBoxIcon Gets MessageBoxDefaultButton Gets MessageBoxOptions Variable for owner Variable for CancelEventHandler Static variable for buttons Static variable for s_buttonNames Static variable for System defined strings Initializes the new instance for MessageBoxMetroStyleFormAdv class. owner window text form caption buttons form icon default button options to show helpbutton click event data image sizing image Variable which indicates whether custom buttons are already initialized or not Initializes the new instance for Office2010StyleMessageBoxAdv. owner window text form caption buttons form icon default button options to show helpbutton click event data image sizing image Method to change the arrow color of the image. the bitmap of image after changing the arrow color Initializes the new instance for Office2010StyleMessageBoxAdv. owner window text form caption buttons form icon default button options to show helpbutton click event data Custom Button Initialization Click Event for Custom Buttons Custom Button Size initialization Returns the Button width Initialization of button names Button Initialization Returns the button for the dialog Return value of a dialog box. Initialize image which is used in MessageBoxAdv Image which is used in MessageBoxAdv Width of the Button Icon Initialization Icon Initialize the TextAlign Size initialization Helps to apply the Font Settings to Custom Buttons Helps to apply the Font Settings to built buttons Method to get the button Specifies identifiers to indicate the return value of a dialog box. ButtonAdv Sets the padding for the Button Size of the Button Width of the Button Returns the client size Size of the Text Size Returns the Button width Width of the Button Returns the system defined strings Specifies identifiers to indicate the return value of a dialog box. String value Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Method to set the cursor position Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. This will be called in a "pure .net app". Implements a Windows message. true to filter the message and stop it from being dispatched; false to allow the message to continue to the next filter or control. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control The sender that contains the control in which the mouse pointer is leaved that contains the event data. Occurs when the mouse pointer rests on the control. The sender that contains the control in which the mouse pointer is hovered that contains the event data. Validate the messagebox height in while initialize the control Handle the size of the message box while closing and expanding the details view. Gets or sets whether the image is showing Gets the button operations Enumeration for system defined strings Class for ButtonAdv with Border customization Constructor Variable to define whether this is Custom Button Instance to hold the BorderColor Paint Overrides Gets/Sets whether this is Custom Button Gets/Sets option to customize the BorderColor Class for Office2013StyleMessageBoxAdv Class for Office2013StyleMessageBoxAdv. Gets the horizontal padding Gets the vertical padding Initializes the new instance for Office2010StyleMessageBoxAdv class Initializes the new instance for Office2013StyleMessageBoxAdv class Method to set same width for all Buttons in the MessageBoxAdv Collection of buttons Greater width Method to calculate the height of the panel of MessageBoxAdv Panel height Initializes the new instance for Office2013StyleMessageBoxAdv. owner window text form caption buttons form icon default button options to show helpbutton click event data image sizing image Initializes the new instance for Office2013StyleMessageBoxAdv. owner window text form caption buttons form icon default button options to show helpbutton click event data detailButtonSpace control using for increase the space in flow layout panel inbetween the detail button and message box buttons in while resizing. Holds the height of the before the detail view is collapsed. Holds the height of the before the detail view expand. Holds the Button height Custom Button Collection Defines the CustomButton ForeColor Defines the CustomButton BackColor Variable for ok ButtonAdv Variable for cancel ButtonAdv Variable for yes ButtonAdv Variable for ignore ButtonAdv Variable for retry ButtonAdv Variable for abort ButtonAdv Variable for no ButtonAdv Variable for Label Gets MessageBoxButtons Gets Custom MessageBox Buttons Gets MessageBoxIcon Gets MessageBoxDefaultButton Gets MessageBoxOptions Variable for owner Variable for CancelEventHandler Variable which indicates whether custom buttons are already initialized or not Static variable for buttons Static variable for s_buttonNames Static variable for System defined strings CustomButtons Mouse Down Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Initialization of button names Custom Button Initialization Click Event for Custom Buttons Button Initialization Returns the button for the dialog Returns value of the Dialog Box Initialize image which is used in MessageBoxAdv Image which is used in MessageBoxAdv Size of the Image Icon Initialization Icon CustomButtons Mouse Down Custom Button Size initialization Size initialization Helps to apply the Font Settings to Custom Buttons Helps to apply the Font Settings to built buttons Method to get the button Specifies identifiers to indicate the return value of a dialog box. ButtonAdv Sets the padding for the Button Size of the Button Width of the Button Returns the client size Size of the Text Size Returns the Button width Returns the Button width Returns the system defined strings Specifies identifiers to indicate the return value of a dialog box. String value Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Method to set the cursor position Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Initializes the s_office2013theme variable. This will be called in a "pure .net app". Implements a Windows message. true to filter the message and stop it from being dispatched; false to allow the message to continue to the next filter or control. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Validate the messagebox height in while initialize the control Handle the size of the message box while closing and expanding the details view. Initializes the bordercolor variable. Occurs when the control is redrawn. Object sender PaintEventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the control is redrawn. Object sender PaintEventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the control is redrawn. Object sender PaintEventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the control is redrawn. Object sender PaintEventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the control is redrawn. Object sender PaintEventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the control is redrawn. Object sender PaintEventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the control is redrawn. Object sender PaintEventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Object sender MouseEventArgs which contains Event Data Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Object sender MouseEventArgs which contains Event Data Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Object sender MouseEventArgs which contains Event Data Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Object sender MouseEventArgs which contains Event Data Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Object sender MouseEventArgs which contains Event Data Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Object sender MouseEventArgs which contains Event Data Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Object sender MouseEventArgs which contains Event Data Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Object sender MouseEventArgs which contains Event Data Occurs when the control is redrawn. Object sender PaintEventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Gets or sets whether the image is showing Gets the button operations Gets or sets the Office2013 color theme. Enumeration for system defined strings Class for Office2016StyleMessageBoxAdv. Class for Office2013StyleMessageBoxAdv. Gets the horizontal padding Gets the vertical padding Initializes the new instance for Office2016StyleMessageBoxAdv class. Initializes the new instance for Office2016StyleMessageBoxAdv class. Method to calculate the height of the panel of MessageBoxAdv Panel height Initializes the new instance for Office2016StyleMessageBoxAdv. owner window text form caption buttons form icon default button options to show helpbutton click event data image sizing image Initializes the new instance for Office2013StyleMessageBoxAdv. owner window text form caption buttons form icon default button options to show helpbutton click event data detailButtonSpace control using for increase the space in flow layout panel inbetween the detail button and message box buttons in while resizing. Holds the height of the before the detail view is collapsed. Holds the height of the before the detail view expand. Holds the Button height Custom Button Collection Defines the CustomButton ForeColor Defines the CustomButton BackColor Variable for ok ButtonAdv Variable for cancel ButtonAdv Variable for yes ButtonAdv Variable for ignore ButtonAdv Variable for retry ButtonAdv Variable for abort ButtonAdv Variable for no ButtonAdv Variable for Label Gets MessageBoxButtons Gets Custom MessageBox Buttons Gets MessageBoxIcon Gets MessageBoxDefaultButton Gets MessageBoxOptions Variable for owner Variable for CancelEventHandler Variable which indicates whether custom buttons are already initialized or not Static variable for buttons Static variable for s_buttonNames Static variable for System defined strings CustomButtons Mouse Down Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Initialization of button names Custom Button Initialization Click Event for Custom Buttons Method to set same width for all Buttons in the MessageBoxAdv Collection of buttons Greater width Button Initialization Returns the button for the dialog Returns value of the Dialog Box Initialize image which is used in MessageBoxAdv Image which is used in MessageBoxAdv Size of the Image Icon Initialization Icon CustomButtons Mouse Down Custom Button Size initialization Size initialization Helps to apply the Font Settings to Custom Buttons Helps to apply the Font Settings to built buttons Method to get the button Specifies identifiers to indicate the return value of a dialog box. ButtonAdv Sets the padding for the Button Size of the Button Width of the Button Returns the client size Size of the Text Size Returns the Button width Returns the Button width Returns the system defined strings Specifies identifiers to indicate the return value of a dialog box. String value Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Method to set the cursor position Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Initializes the s_office2016theme variable. This will be called in a "pure .net app". Implements a Windows message. true to filter the message and stop it from being dispatched; false to allow the message to continue to the next filter or control. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Validate the messagebox height in while initialize the control Handle the size of the message box while closing and expanding the details view. Initializes the bordercolor variable. Occurs when the control is redrawn. Object sender PaintEventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the control is redrawn. Object sender PaintEventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the control is redrawn. Object sender PaintEventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the control is redrawn. Object sender PaintEventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the control is redrawn. Object sender PaintEventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the control is redrawn. Object sender PaintEventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the control is redrawn. Object sender PaintEventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Object sender MouseEventArgs which contains Event Data Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Object sender MouseEventArgs which contains Event Data Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Object sender MouseEventArgs which contains Event Data Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Object sender MouseEventArgs which contains Event Data Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Object sender MouseEventArgs which contains Event Data Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Object sender MouseEventArgs which contains Event Data Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Object sender MouseEventArgs which contains Event Data Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Object sender MouseEventArgs which contains Event Data Occurs when the control is redrawn. Object sender PaintEventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. sender object EventArgs which contains EventData Gets or sets whether the image is showing Gets the button operations Gets or sets the Office2016 color theme. Enumeration for system defined strings It contains the value of the property. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style values for Gets or sets the font for DetailsView. Gets or sets the background color for TitleBar. Gets or sets the background color for TitleBar. Gets or sets the fore color for TitleBar. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. It contains the value of the property. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style values for Gets or sets the Font for TitleBar. Gets or sets the background color for TitleBar. Gets or sets the fore color for TitleBar. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for Gets or sets the Font for MessageBoxAdv. Gets or sets fore color for MessageBoxAdv. Gets or sets the background color for MessageBoxAdv. Gets or sets the border color for MessageBoxAdv. Gets or sets the value for styles. Gets or sets the value for styles. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Displays a message box with Office2007 style that can contain text, buttons, and symbols that inform and instruct the user. It contains the value of the property. Initializes the s_office10theme variable. Initializes the m_CaptionAlign variable. Initializes the m_Size variable. holds to Details Text Variable for Style Variable to notify MessageBox is Opened or not, Should be open only one MessageBoxAdv at a time. Variable to specify the Shadow effect of the MessageBox. Variable to specify the Layout of the MessageBoxAdv. Variable to specify the Font for Button options Variable to specify the Font for Message information. Gets or sets the Message Font Gets or sets the Details Font Variable to specify the default backcolor of the MessageBoxAdv. Helps to specify whether the MessageBoxStyle is changed at sample level or not. Variable for MetroColorTable Initializes the s_office2013theme variable. Initializes the s_Office2016Theme variable. Gets or sets whehter to apply AeroTheme in Default MessageBoxStyle. Displays a message box with specified text. The text to display in the message box. One of the values. Displays a message box with specified text and caption. The text to display in the message box. The text to display in the title bar of the message box. One of the values. Displays a message box in front of the specified object and with the specified text. The owner. The text. One of the values. Displays a message box with specified text, caption, and buttons. The text to display in the message box. The text to display in the title bar of the message box. One of the values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box. One of the values. Displays a message box in front of the specified object and with the specified text and caption. An implementation of that will own the modal dialog box. The text to display in the message box. The text to display in the title bar of the message box. One of the values. Displays a message box with specified text, caption, buttons, and icon. The text to display in the message box. The text to display in the title bar of the message box. One of the values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box. One of the values that specifies which icon to display in the message box. One of the values. Displays a message box with specified text, caption, buttons, and icon. The text to display in the message box. The text to display in the title bar of the message box. One of the values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box. The image used instead of system icon. Size of the image. If empty, original image size is used. One of the values. Displays a message box in front of the specified object and with the specified text, caption, and buttons. The owner. The text to display in the message box. The caption. One of the values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box. One of the values. To Show MessageBoxAdv Form MessageBoxAdv Text MessageBoxAdv Caption Custom Buttons Collection Image to be displayed in MessageBoxAdv Size of the Image Selected Button Index To Show MessageBoxAdv MessageBoxAdv Text MessageBoxAdv Caption Custom Buttons Collection Image to be displayed in MessageBoxAdv Size of the Image Selected Button Index To Show MessageBoxAdv Form MessageBoxAdv Text MessageBoxAdv Caption Custom Buttons Collection Icon to be displayed in MessageBoxAdv Selected Button Index To Show MessageBoxAdv MessageBoxAdv Text MessageBoxAdv Caption Custom Buttons Collection Icon to be displayed in MessageBoxAdv Selected Button Index To Show MessageBoxAdv MessageBoxAdv Text MessageBoxAdv Caption Custom Buttons Collection To Show MessageBoxAdv Form MessageBoxAdv Text MessageBoxAdv Caption Custom Buttons Collection To calculate the Index Parent Form Message Text Message Caption Custom Buttons Collection MessageIcon Default Button MessageBoxAdv Option To show the help option To calculate the Index Parent Form Message Text Message Caption Custom Buttons Collection MessageIcon Default Button MessageBoxAdv Option To show the help option To get the CancelEventHandler To display the MessageBoxAdv Parent Form MessageBoxAdv Text MessageBoxAdv Caption Custom Buttons MessageBoxAdv Icons MessageBoxAdv Default Button MessageBoxAdv Option To show / hide the Help option HelpButtonClickEventHandler Image to be displayed in MessageBoxAdv Size of image to be displayed in MessageBoxAdv Method to get the image from specifed folder Image to retrive from the folder Bitmap image Method to get the width of the button ButtonAdv Graphics variable Width of the button Displays a message box with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, and default button. The text to display in the message box. The text to display in the title bar of the message box. One of the values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box. One of the values that specifies which icon to display in the message box. One of the values that specifies the default button for the message box. One of the values. Displays a message box with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, and default button. The text to display in the message box. The text to display in the title bar of the message box. One of the values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box. The image used instead of system icon. Size of the image. If empty, original image size is used. One of the values that specifies the default button for the message box. One of the values. Displays a message box in front of the specified object and with the specified text, caption, buttons, and icon. The owner. The text. The caption. The buttons. The icon. One of the values. Displays a message box in front of the specified object and with the specified text, caption, buttons, and icon. The owner. The text. The caption. The buttons. The image used instead of system icon. Size of the image. If empty, original image size is used. One of the values. Displays a message box with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, default button, and options. The text to display in the message box. The text to display in the title bar of the message box. One of the values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box. One of the values that specifies which icon to display in the message box. One of the values that specifies the default button for the message box. One of the values that specifies which display and association options will be used for the message box. You may pass in 0 if you wish to use the defaults. One of the values. Displays a message box with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, default button, and options. The text to display in the message box. The text to display in the title bar of the message box. One of the values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box. The image used instead of system icon. Size of the image. If empty, original image size is used. One of the values that specifies the default button for the message box. One of the values that specifies which display and association options will be used for the message box. You may pass in 0 if you wish to use the defaults. One of the values. Displays a message box in front of the specified object and with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, and default button. The owner. The text to display in the message box. The caption. One of the values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box. The icon. One of the values that specifies the default button for the message box. One of the values. Displays a message box in front of the specified object and with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, and default button. The owner. The text to display in the message box. The caption. One of the values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box. The image used instead of system icon. Size of the image. If empty, original image size is used. One of the values that specifies the default button for the message box. One of the values. Displays a message box with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, default button, options, and Help button. The text to display in the message box. The text to display in the title bar of the message box. One of the values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box. One of the values that specifies which icon to display in the message box. One of the values that specifies the default button for the message box. One of the values that specifies which display and association options will be used for the message box. You may pass in 0 if you wish to use the defaults. true to show the Help button; otherwise, false. The default is false. One of the values. Displays a message box with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, default button, options, and Help button. The text to display in the message box. The text to display in the title bar of the message box. One of the values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box. The image used instead of system icon. Size of the image. If empty, original image size is used. One of the values that specifies the default button for the message box. One of the values that specifies which display and association options will be used for the message box. You may pass in 0 if you wish to use the defaults. true to show the Help button; otherwise, false. The default is false. One of the values. Displays a message box with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, default button, options, and Help button, using the specified Help file. The text to display in the message box. The text to display in the title bar of the message box. One of the values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box. One of the values that specifies which icon to display in the message box. One of the values that specifies the default button for the message box. One of the values that specifies which display and association options will be used for the message box. You may pass in 0 if you wish to use the defaults. The help button click handler. One of the values. Displays a message box with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, default button, options, and Help button, using the specified Help file. The text to display in the message box. The text to display in the title bar of the message box. One of the values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box. The image used instead of system icon. Size of the image. If empty, original image size is used. One of the values that specifies the default button for the message box. One of the values that specifies which display and association options will be used for the message box. You may pass in 0 if you wish to use the defaults. The help button click handler. One of the values. Displays a message box in front of the specified object and with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, default button, and options. The owner. The text. The caption. The buttons. The icon. One of the values the specifies the default button for the message box. The options. One of the values. Displays a message box in front of the specified object and with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, default button, and options. The owner. The text. The caption. The buttons. The image used instead of system icon. Size of the image. If empty, original image size is used. One of the values the specifies the default button for the message box. The options. One of the values. Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Gets or sets the theme name of the control. The default value is null. This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Specifies the title alignment of MessageBoxAdv. Default caption alignment is Left. This property is not applicaple when enabling ApplyAeroTheme property in Default Style. Specifies the Maximum Size of MessageBoxAdv. Specifies the Shadow effect of the MessageBox. Gets or sets a value indicating whether control's elements are aligned to Right-To-Left or Left-To-Right Layout Gets or sets the Button option Font Gets or sets the Message Font Gets or sets the Caption Font Gets or sets the Details Font Specifies the default backcolor of the MessageBoxAdv. Gets or sets a value indicating the style used for drawing the control Gets or sets value to determine whether can be resized. Color table to customize the buttons,captions and text color in MessageBoxAdv Gets or sets the Office2007 theme, which is used to show message boxes. The Office2007 theme. Gets or sets the Office2010 color theme. Gets or sets the Office2013 color theme. Gets or sets the Office2016 color theme. Gets or sets whehter to apply AeroTheme in Default MessageBoxStyle. Specifies the style in which controls will appear and behave. Default appearance Office2010Form appearance Office2013 appearance Metro appearance Office2016 appearance Class for VisualStyle based theme. Gets the horizontal padding Gets the vertical padding Holds the Button height Custom Button Collection Defines the CustomButton ForeColor Defines the CustomButton BackColor Variable for ok ButtonAdv Variable for cancel ButtonAdv Variable for yes ButtonAdv Variable for ignore ButtonAdv Variable for retry ButtonAdv Variable for abort ButtonAdv Variable for no ButtonAdv Variable for Label Gets MessageBoxButtons Gets Custom MessageBox Buttons Gets MessageBoxIcon Gets MessageBoxDefaultButton Gets MessageBoxOptions Variable for owner detailButtonSpace control using for increase the space in flow layout panel inbetween the detail button and message box buttons in while resizing. Holds the height of the before the detail view is collapsed. Holds the height of the before the detail view expand. Variable for CancelEventHandler Variable which indicates whether custom buttons are already initialized or not Static variable for buttons Static variable for s_buttonNames Static variable for System defined strings Initializes the new instance for Office2016StyleMessageBoxAdv. owner window text form caption buttons form icon default button options to show helpbutton click event data image sizing image Initializes the new instance for VisualStyleMessageBoxAdv. owner window text form caption buttons form icon default button options to show helpbutton click event data Method to calculate the height of the panel of MessageBoxAdv Panel height Initialization of button names Custom Button Initialization Click Event for Custom Buttons Method to set same width for all Buttons in the MessageBoxAdv Collection of buttons Greater width Button Initialization Returns the button for the dialog Returns value of the Dialog Box Initialize image which is used in MessageBoxAdv Image which is used in MessageBoxAdv Size of the Image Icon Initialization Icon CustomButtons Mouse Down Custom Button Size initialization Size initialization Helps to apply the Font Settings to Custom Buttons Helps to apply the Font Settings to built buttons Method used to set location for close button. Method to get the button Specifies identifiers to indicate the return value of a dialog box. ButtonAdv Sets the padding for the Button Size of the Button Width of the Button Returns the client size Size of the Text Size Returns the Button width Returns the Button width Returns the system defined strings Specifies identifiers to indicate the return value of a dialog box. String value Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Method to set the cursor position Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Validate the messagebox height in while initialize the control Handle the size of the message box while closing and expanding the details view. Initializes the bordercolor variable. Gets or sets whether the image is showing Gets the button operations Enumeration for system defined strings Advanced caption image for Metro form location for CaptionImage image for CaptionImage size for CaptionImage backcolor for CaptionImage Font for CaptionImage forecolor for CaptionImage Constructor for FormCaptionImage Mouse move event for CaptionImage Mouse leave event for CaptionImage Mouse enter event for CaptionImage Mouse down event for CaptionImage Mouse up event for CaptionImage Gets/Sets the value for forecolor Indicates whether the current value of the backcolor property is to be serialized. Resets the BackColor. Indicates whether the current value of the forecolor property is to be serialized. Resets the BackColor. Indicates whether the current value of the Size property is to be serialized. Resets the Size. Indicates whether the current value of the image property is to be serialized. Resets the image. Indicates whether the current value of the location property is to be serialized. Resets the location. Mouse move event for CaptionImage Mouse leave event for CaptionImage Mouse enter event for CaptionImage Mouse down delegate for CaptionImage Mouse up delegate for CaptionImage Gets/sets the value for location Gets/Sets the value for Image Gets/Sets the value for CaptionImage size Gets/Sets the value for backcolor Gets or Sets the instance name Mouse move delegate for CaptionImage Mouse leave delegate for CaptionImage Mouse enter delegate for CaptionImage Mouse down delegate for CaptionImage Mouse up delegate for CaptionImage Collection of Images used in the Form Caption Constructor for CaptionImageCollection Returns whether the list contains the CaptionImage type Adds the CaptionImage type to the list Removes the CaptionImage type from the list Inserts the CaptionImage type into the list Returns the index of the CaptionImage type searches the name in the list Overrides the oninsert method Gets the unique name Gets the index of for the CaptionImage Mouse Move events for caption image Constructor for ImageMouseLeaveEventArgs Owner for the events Image for caption image BackColor for caption image Location for caption image Size of the caption image ForeColor for caption image Mouse points in X-co ordinate Mouse points in Y-co ordinate Owner for the events ForeColor for caption image Size of the caption image BackColor for caption image Location for the caption image Gets/Sets the value for forecolor Gets/Sets the value for size Gets/Sets the value for backcolor Gets/Sets the value for Location Constructor for ImageMouseEnterEventArgs Owner for the events Image for caption image BackColor for caption image Location for caption image Size of the caption image ForeColor for caption image Mouse points in X-co ordinate Mouse points in Y-co ordinate Owner for the events ForeColor for caption image Size of the caption image BackColor for caption image Location for the caption image Gets/Sets the value for forecolor Gets/Sets the value for size Gets/Sets the value for backcolor Gets/Sets the value for Location Constructor for ImageMouseMoveEventArgs Owner for the events Image for caption image BackColor for caption image Location for caption image Size of the caption image ForeColor for caption image Mouse points in X-co ordinate Mouse points in Y-co ordinate Owner for the events ForeColor for caption image Size of the caption image BackColor for caption image Location for the caption image Gets/Sets the value for forecolor Gets/Sets the value for size Gets/Sets the value for backcolor Gets/Sets the value for Location Mouse Up events for caption image Constructor for ImageMouseUpEventArgs Owner for the events Image for caption image BackColor for caption image Font for caption image Location for caption image Size of the caption image ForeColor for caption image Mouse points in X-co ordinate Mouse points in Y-co ordinate Owner for the events ForeColor for caption image Size of the caption image BackColor for caption image Location for the caption image Gets/Sets the value for forecolor Gets/Sets the value for size Gets/Sets the value for backcolor Gets/Sets the value for Location Mouse Down events for caption image Constructor for ImageMouseDownEventArgs Owner for the events Image for caption image BackColor for caption image Location for caption image Size of the caption image ForeColor for caption image Mouse points in X-co ordinate Mouse points in Y-co ordinate Owner for the events Image for caption image ForeColor for caption image Size of the caption image BackColor for caption image Location for the caption image Gets/Sets the value for Image Gets/Sets the value for forecolor Gets/Sets the value for size Gets/Sets the value for backcolor Gets/Sets the value for Location Advanced caption label for Metro form value for label text value for label location value for label size value for label backcolor value for label font value for label forecolor constructor for CaptionLabel constructor for CaptionLabel label Mouse move event invoking Mouse enter event invoking Mouse leave event invoking Mouse down event invoking Mouse up event invoking Specifies the owner of the label Indicates whether the current value of the backcolor property is to be serialized. Resets the BackColor. Indicates whether the current value of the forecolor property is to be serialized. Resets the BackColor. Indicates whether the current value of the font property is to be serialized. Resets the BackColor. Indicates whether the current value of the Size property is to be serialized. Resets the Size. Indicates whether the current value of the location property is to be serialized. Resets the location. Indicates whether the current value of the text property is to be serialized. Resets the Text. Gets/Sets the value for Label text Mouse move event for CaptionLabel Mouse leave event for CaptionLabel Mouse enter event for CaptionLabel Mouse down event for CaptionLabel Mouse up event for CaptionLabel Gets/Sets the value for label location Gets/Sets the value for label size Gets/Sets the value for label backcolor Gets/Sets the value for label font. Gets or Sets the instance label name Gets or Sets the Forecolor of the CaptionLabel. Mouse move delegate for CaptionLabel Mouse leave delegate for CaptionLabel Mouse enter delegate for CaptionLabel Mouse down delegate for CaptionLabel Mouse up delegate for CaptionLabel Collection of Labels used in the Form Caption Constructor for CaptionLabelCollection Returns whether the list contains the label type Adds the label type to the list Removes the label type from the list Inserts the label type into the list Returns the index of the label type searches the name in the list Overrides the oninsert method Gets the unique name Gets the index of for the label Mouse Move events for caption label Constructor for LabelMouseMoveEventArgs Owner for the events BackColor for caption label Font for caption label Text for caption label Location for caption label Size of the caption label ForeColor for caption label Mouse points in X-co ordinate Mouse points in Y-co ordinate Owner for the events ForeColor for caption label Size of the caption label BackColor for caption label Font for caption label Text for caption label Location for the caption label Gets/Sets the value for forecolor Gets/Sets the value for size Gets/Sets the value for backcolor Gets/Sets the value for Font Gets/Sets the value for Text Gets/Sets the value for Location Constructor for LabelMouseLeaveEventArgs Owner for the events BackColor for caption label Font for caption label Text for caption label Location for caption label Size of the caption label ForeColor for caption label Mouse points in X-co ordinate Mouse points in Y-co ordinate Owner for the events ForeColor for caption label Size of the caption label BackColor for caption label Font for caption label Text for caption label Location for the caption label Gets/Sets the value for forecolor Gets/Sets the value for size Gets/Sets the value for backcolor Gets/Sets the value for Font Gets/Sets the value for Text Gets/Sets the value for Location Constructor for LabelMouseEnterEventArgs Owner for the events BackColor for caption label Font for caption label Text for caption label Location for caption label Size of the caption label ForeColor for caption label Mouse points in X-co ordinate Mouse points in Y-co ordinate Owner for the events ForeColor for caption label Size of the caption label BackColor for caption label Font for caption label Text for caption label Location for the caption label Gets/Sets the value for forecolor Gets/Sets the value for size Gets/Sets the value for backcolor Gets/Sets the value for Font Gets/Sets the value for Text Gets/Sets the value for Location Mouse Up events for caption label Constructor for LabelMouseUpEventArgs Owner for the events BackColor for caption label Font for caption label Text for caption label Location for caption label Size of the caption label ForeColor for caption label Mouse points in X-co ordinate Mouse points in Y-co ordinate Owner for the events ForeColor for caption label Size of the caption label BackColor for caption label Font for caption label Text for caption label Location for the caption label Gets/Sets the value for forecolor Gets/Sets the value for size Gets/Sets the value for backcolor Gets/Sets the value for Font Gets/Sets the value for Text Gets/Sets the value for Location Mouse Down events for caption label Constructor for LabelMouseDownEventArgs Owner for the events BackColor for caption label Font for caption label Text for caption label Location for caption label Size of the caption label ForeColor for caption label Mouse points in X-co ordinate Mouse points in Y-co ordinate Owner for the events ForeColor for caption label Size of the caption label BackColor for caption label Font for caption label Text for caption label Location for the caption label Gets/Sets the value for forecolor Gets/Sets the value for size Gets/Sets the value for backcolor Gets/Sets the value for Font Gets/Sets the value for Text Gets/Sets the value for Location Provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. MetroForm Constructor The RibbonControlAdv instance. Gets the parent of an accessible object. An RibbonControlAdvAccessibility that represents the parent of an accessible object, or null if there is no parent object. Retrieves the object that has the focus. >An RibbonControlAdvAccessibility that specifies the currently focused child. This method returns the calling object if the object itself is focused. Returns null if no object has focus. Bounds of the Control The accessible object bounds. Gets the role for the RibbonControlAdv. This is used by accessibility programs. Gets or sets the accessible object name The accessible object name. Gets the description of the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility A string describing the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility. Gets the state of this accessible object. Gets the description of what the object does or how the object is used. The description of what the object does or how the object is used. Gets or sets the value of an accessible object. Vertical Alignment Top Center Provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. Office2010Form Constructor The RibbonControlAdv instance. Retrieves the number of children in the accessible object. Number of Child. Retrieves the accessible child corresponding to the index. Index Child specified to the index Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. The horizontal screen coordinate. The vertical screen coordinate. An RibbonControlAdvAccessibility that represents the child object at the given screen coordinates. This method returns the calling object if the object itself is at the location specified. Returns null if no object is at the tested location. Bounds of the Control The accessible object bounds. Gets the role for the RibbonControlAdv. This is used by accessibility programs. Gets or sets the accessible object name The accessible object name. Gets the description of the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility A string describing the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility. Represents the class to define the style of control. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default ProgressBarAdvStyleInfo value. Gets or sets used to draw the progress value of the control. Gets or sets an integer value that describes the thickness of border. Gets or sets an interger integer value that describes the amount of space between a progress rectangle and its element border. Gets or sets the background color of the control. Gets or sets the background color of the control in the disabled state. Gets or sets the fore color used to draw the progress value of the control. Gets or sets the progress fill color value used to draw the progress rectangle of the control. Gets or sets the progress fill color used to draw the progress rectangle of the control in the disabled state. Gets or sets the border color used to draw the border of the control in the disabled state. Gets or sets the foreground color value used to draw the text of the control to in the disabled state. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control in the default state. Represents the class holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Maintains the static data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Populates the SerializationInfo store with the name, type, and value of each piece of information it wants to serialize Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Overridden to get the static data source. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the progressBarAdv for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. ProgressBarAdv is an extension to the standard progress bar with many styles to choose from. The ProgressBarAdv control has background, border and foreground styles. The background styles are . The border styles are . The foreground styles are . this.progressBarEx1 = new ProgressBarAdv(); this.progressBarEx1.BackGradientEndColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlLightLight; this.progressBarEx1.BackGradientStartColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlDark; this.progressBarEx1.BackgroundStyle = ProgressBarBackgroundStyles.VerticalGradient; this.progressBarEx1.BackSegments = false; this.progressBarEx1.Border3DStyle = System.Windows.Forms.Border3DStyle.RaisedOuter; this.progressBarEx1.FontColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.HighlightText; this.progressBarEx1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(240, 8); this.progressBarEx1.ProgressStyle = ProgressBarStyles.Tube; this.progressBarEx1.SegmentWidth = 20; this.progressBarEx1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(400, 23); this.progressBarEx1.TextShadow = false; this.progressBarEx1.ThemesEnabled = false; this.progressBarEx1.TubeEndColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control; this.progressBarEx1.TubeStartColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlDark; this.progressBarEx1.Value = 79; ProgressBarAdv is an extension to the standard progress bar with many styles to choose from. The ProgressBarAdv control has background, border and foreground styles. The background styles are . The border styles are . The foreground styles are . this.progressBarEx1 = new ProgressBarAdv(); this.progressBarEx1.BackGradientEndColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlLightLight; this.progressBarEx1.BackGradientStartColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlDark; this.progressBarEx1.BackgroundStyle = ProgressBarBackgroundStyles.VerticalGradient; this.progressBarEx1.BackSegments = false; this.progressBarEx1.Border3DStyle = System.Windows.Forms.Border3DStyle.RaisedOuter; this.progressBarEx1.FontColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.HighlightText; this.progressBarEx1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(240, 8); this.progressBarEx1.ProgressStyle = ProgressBarStyles.Tube; this.progressBarEx1.SegmentWidth = 20; this.progressBarEx1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(400, 23); this.progressBarEx1.TextShadow = false; this.progressBarEx1.ThemesEnabled = false; this.progressBarEx1.TubeEndColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control; this.progressBarEx1.TubeStartColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlDark; this.progressBarEx1.Value = 79; A implementing the interface. Raises the ThemeChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. The OnThemeChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnThemeChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnThemeChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Fired when the ThemesEnabled property changes. Indicates whether themes are enabled for this control. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Draws the dual gradient color of the progress bar when office2016 theme is selected. Draws the border of the ProgressBar. The object to the border. The of the border. Draws the specified text string at the specified location. The object to the text. The of the ProgressBarAdv Gets the active theme name of the ProgressBarAdv control. Returns the active theme name. Raises the event when themename changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Updates the Style renderers of ProgressBarAdv Control based on applied Theme. Helps to reset Layout customization of the ProgressBarAdv Control. Starts initialization mode. Ends initialization mode and calls . Implementation of the interface. Set this to False if you want to refresh brushes later. Constructor. Cleans up any resources being used. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Gets/Sets the renderer of the ProgressBarAdv. Paints the control. Event sender. Event data. Paints the control by using Renderer class. Provides data for the Paint event. The is helps to draw the progress. Font changed Draws the contents of the progress bar at the specified rectangle. This method can only be called when the control has no handle attached or is not visible. Draws the contents of the progress bar at the specified rectangle. This method can only be called when the control has no handle attached or is not visible. The graphics context. The rectangle. Essential Grid calls this method to render the contents of the progress bar within a cell's area. No border will be drawn around the control. The method will throw an InvalidOperationException if the control has a handle and is visible. The method will reset the bounds and BorderStyle of this control. This method only supports horizontal progress bars. We will add support for static drawing of vertical progress bars in the future. Draws the contents of the progress bar at the specified rectangle. This method can only be called when the control has no handle attached or is not visible. The graphics context. The rectangle. Specifies if the progressbar should be drawn right to left. Essential Grid calls this method to render the contents of the progress bar within a cell's area. No border will be drawn around the control. The method will throw an InvalidOperationException if the control has a handle and is visible. The method will reset bounds and BorderStyle of this control. This method only support horizontal progress bars. We will add support for static drawing of vertical progress bars in the future. Holds the progress rectangle bounds Gets or sets a value indicating whether the fore color is changed or not. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the GradientStartColor is changed or not. Gets or sets a value indicating whether GradientEndColor is changed or not. Gets or sets a value indicating whether BackGradientStartColor is changed or not. Gets or sets a value indicating whether BackGradientEndColor is changed or not. Gets or sets a value indicating whether FontColor is changed or not. Gets or sets a value indicating whether BorderColor is changed or not. Serialize the gradient color Resets the gradient color Serialize the gradient color Resets the gradient color Initialize the whether the Marker imager is shown or not. Resets the property to it's default value. Indicates whether the current value of the property is to be serialized. Display the marker image. Resets the property to it's default value. Indicates whether the current value of the property is to be serialized. Specify the marker image size. Resets the property to it's default value. Indicates whether the current value of the property is to be serialized. Serialize the borderstyle Reset the border style Serializes the bordercolor Resets the bordercolor Determines whether FontColor has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if FontColor were changed; False otherwise. Resets the FontColor back to its default value. Determines whether BackTubeStartColor has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if BackTubeStartColor were changed; False otherwise. Resets the BackTubeStartColor back to its default value. Determines whether BackTubeEndColor has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if BackTubeEndColor were changed; False otherwise. Resets the BackTubeEndColor back to its default value. Determines whether TubeEndColor has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if TubeEndColor were changed; False otherwise. Resets the TubeEndColor back to its default value. Determines whether TubeStartColor has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if TubeStartColor were changed; False otherwise. Resets the TubeStartColor back to its default value. Determines whether BackGradientStartColor has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if BackGradientStartColor were changed; False otherwise. Resets the BackGradientStartColor back to its default value. Determines whether BackGradientEndColor has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if BackGradientEndColor were changed; False otherwise. Resets the BackGradientEndColor back to its default value. Recreates the brushes used to draw the ProgressBar. Draws the fill color of the ProgressBar when continuous is selected. Draws segments in the given rectangle when system is selected. The to draw the segments in. Draws the dual gradient of the ProgressBar when gradient is selected. Draws the dual gradient color of the progress bar when office2016 theme is selected. Draws the image of the ProgressBar when image is selected. The to draw the image in. The used to draw in the rectangle. Draws the dual tube of the ProgressBar when tube is selected. Draws the multiple gradient of the ProgressBar when multiple gradient is selected. Returns the region of the segments if segment mode is selected. The rectangle in which the segments are situated in. Indicates the segments are offset. The region containing the segments. Indicates whether the ProgressBar is vertical. Increments the Value property with the Step value. The success or failure of the Increment. It fails if the incremented value is bigger than the maximum. Decrements the Value property with the Step value. The success or failure of the Increment. It fails if the incremented value is smaller than minimum. Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . Gets or sets a value indicating whether a theme style has been applied to the control. The default value is true. Gets or sets the theme name of the ProgressBarAdv control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether control elements styles can be overridden by theme style settings. Default value is false. By default, the control's element styles will not be overridden by theme style settings if the style is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, element style will be overridden by theme style settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before calling the ThemeName property of the control. Gets or sets the BaseTheme name of the theme Gets a value indicating whether the visual style based theme is applied to the control and also indicates whether the theme files are referred from external assemblies or not. Return true, if the visual style based theme is applied to the control. Otherwise returns false. Gets or sets the VisualTheme of the ProgressBarAdv control. Gets the name of the control. Handle this event to set the text of the progressbar when the value changes. Make sure the TextStyle property is set to Custom. To set the text of the progressbar, set the and the to True. Handle this event to draw a custom waiting render. WaitingCustomRender must be set to True. Gets/Sets the Renderer of the ProgressBarAdv. Gets the Office2016 style colors respective to the ProgressBarAdv style Gets / sets the value between minimum and maximum. This value represents the progress state of the ProgessBar. For default if it is set to 50, minimum=0 and maximum=100 ( 50% ). Gets / sets the lower boundary for the value. By default, its value is zero which means that the value of the ProgressBar cannot take values lower than zero. Gets / sets the upper boundary for the value. By default, its value is 100 which means that the value of the ProgressBar cannot take values higher than 100. Gets / sets the value to increment when Increment() and Decrement() methods. By default, its value is 10 which means that when Increment() is called, the value of the ProgressBar is incremented by 10. Indicates whether the waiting gradient will be replaced by another custom waiting render which is defaulted to segments. To customize it, handle the DrawCustomWaitingRender event. Gets / sets the width of the waiting gradient. Indicates whether the waiting gradient is enabled. Gets / sets the interval of the waiting gradient. Indicates whether the foreground is segmented. By default, its value is True which means that the foreground will be drawn segmented. Indicates whether the multiple gradient is compressed if the value is smaller than the maximum. By default, its value is True which means that if the value is less than the maximum, the multiple gradient is compressed. Gets / sets the colors of the foreground multiple gradient when ForegroundStyle is multiple gradient. By default, its value is an empty color array. You can add colors to multiple gradients by modifying this property. Gets / sets the start color of the foreground gradient when ForegroundStyle is gradient. Gets / sets the end color of the foreground gradient when ForegroundStyle is gradient. Gets / sets the start color of the foreground tube when ForegroundStyle is Tube. Gets / sets the end color of the foreground tube when ForegroundStyle is Tube. Indicates whether the background is segmented. By default, its value is False. Gets / sets the colors of the background multiple gradients when BackgroundStyle is multiple gradient. By default, its value is an empty array of colors. Gets / sets the start color of the background gradient when BackgroundStyle is gradient or vertical gradient. Gets / sets the end color of the background gradient when BackgroundStyle is gradient or vertical gradient. Gets / sets the start color of the background tube when BackgroundStyle is Tube. Gets / sets the end color of the background tube when BackgroundStyle is Tube. Gets / sets the text alignment of the ProgressBarAdv. Indicates whether the foreground image will be stretched. By default, its value is True. Gets / sets the image to draw on the foreground when ProgressStyle is Image. Gets / sets the width of the segments. By default, its value is 12. Gets / sets the color of the font. Gets / sets the color used to draw the foreground in segment mode and constant mode. Indicates whether the text is visible. Gets / sets the style of the text: -Percentage -Value (Ex: 70/150 ) Gets / sets the orientation of the text. Indicates whether the text shadow is visible. Gets or sets the custom text for the ProgressBarAdv. The custom text. This value represents the CustomText of the ProgessBarAdv. The customText is returned only if we set the ProgressBarTextStyles.Custom Gets / sets the style of the foreground: -Constant -Gradient -Multiple gradient -Tube -Image -System -Office2016Colorful -Office2016Black -Office2016White -Office2016DarkGray By default, its value is constant. Gets or sets used to draw the progress value of the control. Gets or sets whether the Marker image is shows on ProgressBar. Gets / sets the marker image to draw on right side of the Progress. Gets / sets the marker image size to draw on right side of the Progress. Gets / sets the style of the foreground when ProgressStyle is System and the system can not support themes. Gets / sets the style of the border when BorderStyle is Fixed3D. By default, its value is Sunken. Gets / sets the style of the border. It can be None, 3D or 2D. By default, its value is Fixed3D. Gets / sets the style of the border when BorderStyles is FixedSingle. By default, its value is Solid. Gets / sets the color of the border when BorderStyles is FixedSingle. Gets / sets the style of the background. It can have the following values: -Office2016Colorful -Office2016Black -Office2016White -Office2016DarkGray -Image -Gradient -Vertical gradient -Tube -Multiple gradient -System -None By default, its value is None. Gets / sets the style of the background when BackgroundStyle is set to System and the system cannot support themes. By default, its value is None. Gets / sets the horizontal or vertical style of the progress bar. By default, its value is Horizontal. Gets or sets value indicating whether progress rectangle bounds value Represents the class to define the style of control. Maintains the default style of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default value. Gets or sets the value used to draw the border of the control. Gets or sets the value for the control. Gets or sets the background color of the control. Gets or sets the fore color value of the control. Represents the class holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. Provides information about the control's BorderColor property. Provides information about the control's Font property. Provides information about the control's ForeColor property. Provides information about the control's BackColor property. Maintains the static data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Populates the SerializationInfo store with the name, type, and value of each piece of information it wants to serialize Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Overridden to get the static data source. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the CheckBoxAdv for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. This class represents the information to be displayed in the ToolTip. Summary description for ToolTipAdv. Tooltip occurs if the TreeViewAdv control's width is shorter than the text length of some of the nodes and when the mouse pointer is hovered on top of the texts of these nodes, a filled rectangle is displayed.The name of the tooltipAdv depends upon the text of the TreeNodeAdv. By default tooltips will display ,if the user leaves the mouse pointer stationary over the node(whose text Length is greater than the width of the tree)for a short period. This example describes how to display Tooltips for the images's associated with the TreeNodeAdv. The tooltips for the images ,associated with the nodes can be displayed by using Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ToolTipAdv along with handling treeViewAdv's MouseHoverEvent .The tooltips for the images are displayed in the same way as the tooltips for the nodes.Here PointToClient and PointToNode methods are used in the treeViewAdv. private void treeViewAdv1_MouseHover(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { TreeNodeAdv node=new TreeNodeAdv(); Point p=this.treeViewAdv1.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition); node=this.treeViewAdv1.PointToNode(p); Point mouseLoc=Control.MousePosition; mouseLoc.Offset(10,10); if(node==this.treeViewAdv1.Nodes[0]) { this.toolTipAdv1.ShowPopup(mouseLoc); } if(node==this.treeViewAdv1.Nodes[1]) { this.toolTipAdv2.ShowPopup(mouseLoc); } if(node==this.treeViewAdv1.Nodes[2]) { this.toolTipAdv3.ShowPopup(mouseLoc); } if(node==this.treeViewAdv1.Nodes[3]) { this.toolTipAdv4.ShowPopup(mouseLoc); } } Private Sub treeViewAdv1_MouseHover(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim node As TreeNodeAdv = New TreeNodeAdv() Dim p As Point=Me.treeViewAdv1.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition) node=Me.treeViewAdv1.PointToNode(p) Dim mouseLoc As Point=Control.MousePosition mouseLoc.Offset(10,10) If node Is Me.treeViewAdv1.Nodes(0) Then Me.toolTipAdv1.ShowPopup(mouseLoc) End If If node Is Me.treeViewAdv1.Nodes(1) Then Me.toolTipAdv2.ShowPopup(mouseLoc) End If If node Is Me.treeViewAdv1.Nodes(2) Then Me.toolTipAdv3.ShowPopup(mouseLoc) End If If node Is Me.treeViewAdv1.Nodes(3) Then Me.toolTipAdv4.ShowPopup(mouseLoc) End If End Sub This example describes the way for completely disabling the Tooltips in the TreeViewAdv and the way for disabling of tooltips for some particular nodes. The tooltip for some of the nodes which have HelpText can be disabled by handling ToolTipControl_BeforePopup event.Here in the treeViewAdv, for some of the nodes e.Cancel property is set to true by getting the node's position in ToolTipControl's BeforePopup event handler in which the tooltips for the respective nodes are disabled .The tooltips for the same nodes can be enabled by setting the e.Cancel=false in ToolTipControl's BeforePopup Event. private void ToolTipControl_BeforePopup(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { Point pt=this.treeViewAdv1.PointToClient(new Point(MousePosition.X,MousePosition.Y)); TreeNodeAdv node=this.treeViewAdv1.GetNodeAtPoint(pt); if(node!=null) { if(node.Text=="Node1" || node.Text=="Node3"||node.Text=="Node5"||node.Text=="Node7") { e.Cancel=true; } } } Private Sub ToolTipControl_BeforePopup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CancelEventArgs) Dim pt As Point=Me.treeViewAdv1.PointToClient(New Point(MousePosition.X,MousePosition.Y)) Dim node As TreeNodeAdv=Me.treeViewAdv1.GetNodeAtPoint(pt) If Not node Is Nothing Then If node.Text="Node1" OrElse node.Text="Node3" OrElse node.Text="Node5" OrElse node.Text="Node7" Then e.Cancel=True End If End If End Sub A panel-derived class that will let you design custom popups within a form's designer. To design a custom popup, drag-and-drop it off the toolbox into a form during design-time. Then populate it with appropriate controls just like you would any other panel. You can mark it as invisible (Visible = false) so that it will not interfere with the form's layout mechanism. It's also recommended that you unparent it from the design-time parent in your form constructor code, as shown in the sample code below. When you are ready to popup, call this class's method. This will show the popup at the specified location. There are different configurations in which you can use this PopupControlContainer. When you specify a Parent Control using and pass a Point.Empty location to , the popup location will be dynamically determined based on the 's bounds and the screen area. For even more control over the alignment and positioning of the popup, you should implement an interface and assign that to the property (this you would do instead of the above PopupControl-based alignment.). When the popup is showing, the PopupControlContainer, in the ProcessDialogKey override will look for Alt, Enter, Tab, Esc, F4, and F2 keys and either cancel or close the popup. If you want to prevent this, then set to False. You should then make sure to close the popup manually whenever appropriate using . The PopupControlContainer also fires the , (after popup) and events that you can handle. You could for example set the focus on a control within the PopupControlContainer in the popup event handler. The following example has a PopupControlContainer that gets shown when the user does an Alt+DownArrow on a text box. public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); // It's recommended that you keep the PopupControlContainer unparented by // any control on the form (which will be the default case as set up during design-time). // Otherwise, the Form won't close sometimes after dropping down this popup! this.popupControlContainer1.Parent.Controls.Remove(this.popupControlContainer1); } #region Windows Form Designer generated code private void InitializeComponent() { System.Resources.ResourceManager resources = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(Form1)); this.popupControlContainer1 = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.PopupControlContainer(); this.cancel = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.OK = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.popupTextBox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.sourceTextBox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.groupBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox(); this.dropDownBtn = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.mainMenu1 = new System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu(); this.menuItem1 = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); this.menuItem2 = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); this.popupControlContainer1.SuspendLayout(); this.groupBox1.SuspendLayout(); this.SuspendLayout(); // // popupControlContainer1 // this.popupControlContainer1.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle; this.popupControlContainer1.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { this.cancel, this.OK, this.popupTextBox}); this.popupControlContainer1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(80, 128); this.popupControlContainer1.Name = "popupControlContainer1"; this.popupControlContainer1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 128); this.popupControlContainer1.TabIndex = 0; this.popupControlContainer1.Visible = false; this.popupControlContainer1.Popup += new System.EventHandler(this.popupControlContainer1_Popup); this.popupControlContainer1.CloseUp += new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.PopupClosedEventHandler(this.popupControlContainer1_CloseUp); this.popupControlContainer1.BeforePopup += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(this.popupControlContainer1_BeforePopup); // // cancel // this.cancel.Anchor = (((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom) | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left) | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right); this.cancel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(64, 96); this.cancel.Name = "cancel"; this.cancel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(48, 24); this.cancel.TabIndex = 2; this.cancel.Text = "Cancel"; this.cancel.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.cancelButton_Click); // // OK // this.OK.Anchor = (((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom) | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left) | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right); this.OK.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 96); this.OK.Name = "OK"; this.OK.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(48, 24); this.OK.TabIndex = 1; this.OK.Text = "OK"; this.OK.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.OK_Click); // // popupTextBox // this.popupTextBox.Multiline = true; this.popupTextBox.Name = "popupTextBox"; this.popupTextBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(118, 90); this.popupTextBox.TabIndex = 0; this.popupTextBox.Text = ""; // // label1 // this.label1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((System.Byte)(0))); this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 56); this.label1.Name = "label1"; this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(256, 64); this.label1.TabIndex = 1; this.label1.Text = "Associate a PopupControlContainer with this TextBox. And also transfer data back " + "and forth between the popup and the TextBox."; // // sourceTextBox // this.sourceTextBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(40, 128); this.sourceTextBox.Name = "sourceTextBox"; this.sourceTextBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(200, 20); this.sourceTextBox.TabIndex = 2; this.sourceTextBox.Text = "Alt+DownArrow for popup"; this.sourceTextBox.KeyDown += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventHandler(this.textBoxPopupParent_KeyDown); // // groupBox1 // this.groupBox1.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { this.dropDownBtn}); this.groupBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 32); this.groupBox1.Name = "groupBox1"; this.groupBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(280, 128); this.groupBox1.TabIndex = 3; this.groupBox1.TabStop = false; this.groupBox1.Text = "PopupControlContainer demo"; // // dropDownBtn // this.dropDownBtn.Image = ((System.Drawing.Bitmap)(resources.GetObject("dropDownBtn.Image"))); this.dropDownBtn.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(240, 96); this.dropDownBtn.Name = "dropDownBtn"; this.dropDownBtn.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(26, 20); this.dropDownBtn.TabIndex = 0; this.dropDownBtn.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.dropDownBtn_Click); // // mainMenu1 // this.mainMenu1.MenuItems.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] { this.menuItem1}); // // menuItem1 // this.menuItem1.Index = 0; this.menuItem1.MenuItems.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] { this.menuItem2}); this.menuItem1.Text = "Help"; // // menuItem2 // this.menuItem2.Index = 0; this.menuItem2.Text = "About Syncfusion"; this.menuItem2.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.menuItem2_Click); // // Form1 // this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13); this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(292, 273); this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { this.sourceTextBox, this.label1, this.popupControlContainer1, this.groupBox1}); this.Icon = ((System.Drawing.Icon)(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon"))); this.Menu = this.mainMenu1; this.Name = "Form1"; this.Text = "Custom Popups Dialog"; this.popupControlContainer1.ResumeLayout(false); this.groupBox1.ResumeLayout(false); this.ResumeLayout(false); } #endregion [STAThread] public static void Main() { Application.Run(new Form1()); } #region OpenClosePopup private void textBoxPopupParent_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e) { // Using this unconventional if statement syntax to avoid "and" symbol (documentation restriction, please ignore). // If user pressed key down, then show the popup. if(e.Alt) if(e.KeyCode == Keys.Down) if(!this.popupControlContainer1.IsShowing()) { // Let the popup align around the source textBox. this.popupControlContainer1.ParentControl = this.sourceTextBox; // Passing Point.Empty will align it automatically around the above ParentControl. this.popupControlContainer1.ShowPopup(Point.Empty); e.Handled = true; } // Escape should close the popup. if(e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) if(this.popupControlContainer1.IsShowing()) this.popupControlContainer1.HidePopup(PopupCloseType.Canceled); } private void OK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { this.popupControlContainer1.HidePopup(PopupCloseType.Done); } private void cancelButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { this.popupControlContainer1.HidePopup(PopupCloseType.Canceled); } #endregion OpenClosePopup #region PopupEvents private void popupControlContainer1_BeforePopup(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { // Set the text to be edited with the text in the form text box. this.popupTextBox.Text = this.sourceTextBox.Text; } private void popupControlContainer1_Popup(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Set the focus on the text box inside the popup after it is open. this.popupTextBox.Focus(); this.popupTextBox.SelectionStart = 0; this.popupTextBox.SelectionLength = 0; } private void popupControlContainer1_CloseUp(object sender, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.PopupClosedEventArgs args) { // Transfer data from the popup. if(args.PopupCloseType == PopupCloseType.Done) { this.sourceTextBox.Text = this.popupTextBox.Text; } // Set focus back to textbox. if(args.PopupCloseType == PopupCloseType.Done || args.PopupCloseType == PopupCloseType.Canceled) this.sourceTextBox.Focus(); } #endregion PopupEvents Defines an interface that a can take and parent itself to. provides a default implementation that should be useful for all practical purposes. Defines a generic interface which when implemented will allow that object / control to participate in the popup framework. This interface should be implemented by an object / control that acts like a popup window and wants to participate in the popup framework. A generic interface for any control that wants to participate in the Popup framework. Returns the popup's control parent. If such a control exists, then the Popup framework will use it in its popup activation logic. Indicates whether a specified control is part of the popup hierarchy. A control instance. True indicates this query should be passed to the IPopupParent, if any; False indicates you should not query the popup parent. True if the control is part of the Popup hierarchy; False otherwise. Hides the popup window. The PopupCloseType value that indicates the mode in which this popup should be closed. Indicates whether a popup is currently active / open. True if it is open; False otherwise. Returns the parent. An instance of the interface. The Popup framework can handle a hierarchy of popups (like in a menu) for which it requires each popup child to provide a reference to its popup parent. Provides the appropriate location to the popup given the alignment preferences. This method is usually called to determine whether the open popup should be closed due to some action in a different control. If this different control is a "related" control, the popup framework will not close the popup. Gets / sets the this container is parented to. An instance of the class. If this is a control, you would set it to be a child of the and position it appropriately in the set property. A generic interface that defines a popup parent, that will control the alignment of a popup, etc. Any object / control that wants to act as a popup's parent and participate in the popup framework should implement this interface. Take a look at the PopupsInDepth sample under the Tools\Samples\Editors Package\PopupControlContainer\Advanced folder for an implementation of this interface. Will be called to indicate that the popup child was closed in the specified mode. The child that was closed. A value. Returns the location for popup, given the preferred relative alignments. This method allows you to provide 8 different preferred positions for your popup, in any order. Different preferred positions are necessary because some positions may not be ideal for the popup as there may not be enough screen space for the popup when shown in that position. The popup will first call this method with prevAlignment set to . You should then return a location and designate this location as one of the 8 positions in the enumeration using the newAlignment reference. The popup will then check if there is enough space in the screen to draw at this location. If not, it will call this method again with prevAlignment set to newAlignment from the previous call. This goes on until you return a location that the popup finds acceptable. However, if you run out of locations before the popup can find an acceptable location, then you should set newAlignment to . The popup will then assume that you don't have any more positions to supply and do the best it can with the supplied location. The previous alignment. The new alignment designated for the returned location. An ideal location for popup designated by one of the values in newAlignment. Or returns a Point.Empty and set newAlignment to if you do not intend to provide multiple preferred locations. Returns a line (defined by 2 points) in screen co-ordinates that indicates the border overlap between the child and parent. The preferred alignment selected using the method. If a valid line is provided, the popup child in that area will be drawn in an overlap style. An array of 2 points representing a line (in screen co-ordinates) where the overlap takes place. NULL if no overlap is desired. Indicates whether control's elements should be rendered right-to-left. Default size of the control Ensures that the property returns a valid PopupHost. Normally the property will return a non-NULL value only when the popup was displayed at least once. Calling this method will ensure that the property returns a non-NULL value. Creates a new instance of the . Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified container. A that represents the container of the . Containers are objects that encapsulate and track zero or more components. In this context, containment refers to logical containment, not visual containment. You can use components and containers in a variety of scenarios, including scenarios that are both visual and not visual. Note to Implementers: To be a container, the class must implement the IContainer interface, which supports methods for adding, removing and retrieving components. Unlike other controls, a is not a direct child of your form (though this is the case during design-time). This requires you to explicitly dispose of this control before the form gets destroyed. With this constructor override, the automatically plugs itself into a form's default component-containment pattern (through the IContainer member) during design-time. If you create this class in code, then you have to set it up manually. The implementation simply adds the instance into the container. Gets preferred location. Shows the popup at the specified location. A point in screen coordinates. Can be Point.Empty. A popup's position is determined as follows. First, if an interface is associated (using the property), then it is queried for the preferred position. If there is no such interface, the location specified in the method call is used. If ShowPopup was called with Point.Empty, then the 's bounds are used to determine an appropriate position to drop-down. This will throw a followed by a event. Use to hide the popup in code. When the popup is closed either programmatically or by the user, the event will be thrown that will indicate whether the popup was closed or canceled. Hides a popup that is open. This method will hide the popup with the mode. This method is called from the BarManager class when the parent form is deactivated. It checks whether the user clicked inside a child control of this PopupControlContainer. If this is not the case (e.g. user clicked on another window on the desktop) then the popup gets hidden. Hides a popup with the specified mode. A PopupCloseType value. Overridden. See . Overridden. . Sets focus on the popup parent control. Focuses first visible parent. Specifies whether the control is in set focus. applies the scaling font changed Get the parent control of the popupcontrol container. The control Returns the popup of the parent control Checks whether the control is a related control. Indicates whether the popup is currently dropped down. True indicates popup is dropped down; False otherwise. Raises the BeforePopup event. A CancelEventArgs that contains the event data. The OnBeforePopup method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnBeforePopup in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnBeforePopup method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the event. A instance containing data pertaining to this event. The OnCloseUp method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnCloseUp in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnCloseUp method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the event. An EventArgs instance containing data pertaining to this event. The OnPopup method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnPopup in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnPopup method so that registered delegates receive the event. Indicates whether the control is in design-mode. Gets or sets the value for the control. Indicates whether the popup should send a kill focus message to the control with focus when the popup was shown. True to send a KillFocus message; False otherwise. Default value is False. Faking focus is only necessary when the doesn't take the focus but you want it to look like it took the focus. When this property is True, a KillFocus message will be sent to the control that currently has the focus after the PopupControlContainer is dropped down and a SetFocus message will be sent to the control with focus when the popup is closed. Again, you will probably not need this functionality in most of the cases, since you will probably set the focus on some control with this PopupControlContainer as soon as it pops up (from within the popup event handler). Gets or sets a reference to the PopupHost that will be used to host this PopupControlContainer when dropped down. The PopupHost object that will host this PopupControlContainer. PopupHost is the top level form-based control that hosts this PopupControlContainer when dropped down. The PopupControlContainer usually creates a custom PopupHost when it is asked to drop down. However, you can provide your own PopupHost if you have a customized version. You can also get a reference to the that the PopupControlContainer uses by default and make changes to it. The PopupControlContainer creates a default PopupHost when there is no PopupHost supplied to it, but gets called to show the popup. Hence, the best place to get the default PopupHost associated with this PopupControlContainer is in the handler. Or call to create the default PopupHost if it is not yet created. The following example shows how to make the PopupHost's border style resizable to create a resizable popup. // The PopupControlContainer's BeforePopup event handler private void popupControlContainer1_BeforePopup(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { // Create a Popup, that can be resized. // Make the popup host's border style resizable. this.popupControlContainer1.PopupHost.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.SizableToolWindow; this.popupControlContainer1.PopupHost.BackColor = this.BackColor; // Necessary to set the host's client size every time, especially since the // popup's Dock style is set to DockStyle.Fill. if(!(this.popupControlContainer1.PopupHost.Size.Width >= 140)) this.popupControlContainer1.PopupHost.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(140, 150); // So that the popup container will fill the entire popup host when resized. this.popupControlContainer1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; } Gets or sets the discreet location. Specifies the PopupControlContainer's control parent. A control instance. The Parent-Child relationship in this case is NOT similar to the one in the control hierarchy. When you specify a Parent Control via ParentControl and pass a Point.Empty location to ShowPopup, the popup location will be dynamically determined based on the ParentControl bounds and the screen area. Specifies the parent. An instance that implements . When you associate an IPopupParent interface with the PopupControlContainer you get even more control over the alignment and positioning of the Popup, (this you would do instead of the PopupControl based parenting). When you provide this interface, the alignment and positioning logic is delegated to this interface. Indicates whether to ignore dialog keys. True to ignore dialog keys; False if not to. Default is False. When the popup is showing, the PopupControlContainer in the ProcessDialogKey override will look for Alt, Enter, Tab, Esc, F4, and F2 keys and either cancel or close the popup. If you want to prevent this, set IgnoreDialogKey = False. You should then listen for the above keys and make sure to close the popup manually whenever appropriate using HidePopup. Indicates whether to ignore all mouse messages. True to ignore all mouse messages; False otherwise. Default is False. When the popup is showing it will "swallow" all the mouse messages that are sent to controls not in the popup-hierarchy. When showing, the popup will also listen to mouse messages to determine if the popup should be closed (for mouse down outside the popup-hierarchy, for example). To prevent this behavior, set this property to True. When set to True, the popup will close only when you call the method or when a new popup gets shown. Indicates whether to ignore all keys. True to ignore all keys; False otherwise. Default is False. When the popup is showing, it will "swallow" all the WM_KEYDOWN and WM_CHAR messages. To prevent it, set this property to True. Occurs before a popup is closed. Specifies whether the drop down need to be closed on pressing tab on the last item and shift tab on the first item in the drop down. gets or sets the touchmode Gets or sets the current popup child in the popup hierarchy. An instance of interface. When you want to show a parent-child hierarchy of popups, call this property on the parent popup before showing the child popup. // While the parent PopupControlContainer is showing, you might want to show another child // PopupControlContainer. You can do so as follows: // Set up parent-child relationship. parentPopupControlContainer.CurrentPopupChild = childPopupControlContainer; childPopupControlContainer.PopupParent = parentPopupControlContainer; // Now show the child popup. childPopupControlContainer.ShowPopup(); Occurs when a popup is closed. Handling this event will tell you whether the popup was closed or canceled by the user. This, in some cases, will then let you know whether or not you should accept changes in the popup. Occurs when the popup is about to be shown. You may choose to cancel drop-down in this handler. This is also a good place, for example, to access the PopupControlContainer's PopupHost and make changes to it. Occurs after the popup has been dropped down and made visible. This is a good place, for example, to set the focus on a control in the popup. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. This value used to customize the apperance of the Get or Set of Skin Manager Interface Gets the active theme name of the ToolTipAdv control. Returns the active theme name. Raises the event when themename changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Updates the Style renderers of ToolTipAdv Control based on applied Theme. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Raises the before popup event, when popup is about to be shown Raised when the size of the label's text is changed Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Gets or sets the theme name of the ToolTipAdv control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a theme style has been applied to the control. The default value is true. Gets or sets a value indicating whether control elements styles can be overridden by theme style settings. Default value is false. By default, the control's element styles will not be overridden by theme style settings if the style is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, element style will be overridden by theme style settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before calling the ThemeName property of the control. Gets or sets the BaseTheme name of the theme Gets the name of the control. Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Gets a value indicating whether the visual style based theme is applied to the control and also indicates whether the theme files are referred from external assemblies or not. Return true, if the visual style based theme is applied to the control. Otherwise returns false. The background color, gradient and other styles can be set through this property. The ToolTipAdv control provides this property to enable specialized custom gradient backgrounds. Gets / sets the 2D border style. Gets / sets the style of the 3D border. Gets / sets the border style of the panel. Gets or sets the maximum width of the tooltip control. It wraps text that flows beyond the restricted width.To allow text to flow in a single line, set restricted width to zero. Indicates if cursor of host control is used. Indicates whether to ignore all keys. True to ignore all keys; False otherwise. Default is False. When the popup is showing, it will "swallow" all the WM_KEYDOWN and WM_CHAR messages. To prevent it, set this property to True. CheckBoxAdvActionList class. Initializes a new instance of the ClockActionList class. Represents component Overrridden InitializeActionList. Gets or sets Name. Gets or sets the Progressbar style. The style. Gets or sets the Text style. The style. Gets or sets the Text style. The style. Gets or sets the Text orientation. The style. Interface to create an Office 2010 color table. Color table for Office 2010 like scroll bars. Constructor for Office2010 color table which is used to register the color style of each theme. Used internally Get the Alpha blended color. Source color destination color alpha color returns the alpha blended color Retrieves color table according to style and scheme. Office2010 style. Office2010 color scheme. Color table. Registers color table within internal collection. Office2010 style. Office2010 scheme. Color table itself. Updates the styles of the scrollbars related to Office2010 colors. base color. Updates the Office2010 scrollbar color schemes. Custom scrollbar draw style. Office2010 color scheme. Applies colors for managed scheme. Custom scrollbar draw style. Base color for the managed theme. Applies scheme for managed theme. Container form. Custom scrollbar draw style. Office2010 color scheme. Applies managed colors base color . Called when is risen. base color for managed theme. Initialize scroll bar color fields. Scroll bar color references. Office 2010 color array. Registered color tables. Interface to create a Office2010 color table. returns office2010 color table Specifies the ScrollerGradientBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ScrollerGradientEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonGradientBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonGradientEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonGradientSelectedBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonGradientSelectedEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonGradientPressedBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonGradientPressedEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonBorderDark color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonBorderLight color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonBorderSelectedDark color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonBorderSelectedLight color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonBorderPressedDark color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonBorderPressedLight color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowGradientBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowGradientEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowGradientNormalBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowGradientNormalEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ThumbLinesGradientBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ThumbLinesGradientEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ThumbPressedBackgroundGradientBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ThumbPressedBackgroundGradientEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ScrollerBorderBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ScrollerBorderEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ScrollerGripDark color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ScrollerGripLight color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ScrollerGripBackGround color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the color of the Office2010 scroll bars Color references for Office2010. Constructor for color Table key. Custom scrollbar draw style. Office2010 color scheme. Compare the color table keys through . Object of the ColorTableKey. Returns 1 if color key is less. Otherwise returns 0. Compares the color table keys. A color table key. returns true if passed one is less. Otherwise return false Provides attributes and methods for Office2010 blue color table. Used internally Interface to create an office2010 blue color table. returns office2010 blue color table. Provides attributes and methods for Office2010 Silver color table. Used internally Initialize scroll bar color fields for silver color. Scroll bar color references. Interface to create an office2010 Silver color table. returns office2010 silver color table Provides attributes and methods for Office2010 Black color table. Used internally Initialize scroll bar color fields for black color. Scroll bar color references. Interface to create an office2010 Black color table. returns Office2010 black color table Provides renderer for Office2010 theme. Indicates whether scroll is vertical or horizontal Indicates whether scrollBar is vertical or horizontal. Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws thumb for scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Right office arrow. Left office arrow. Down office arrow. Up office arrow. Scroll Bar min thumb length for lines. Scroll thumb line length. Office2010 color table. Blended background color. Blended background black color. Blended arrow button. Blended selected arrow button. Blended arrow button silver and black selected colors. Blend for thumb background. Bitmap for scroll images Constructor for Office2010 renderers. Initialize new instance of Office2010Renderer custom scrollbar. Color Table. Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. graphics for arrow buttons. Arrow bounds. type of the scroll button. Scroll button state. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. graphics for arrow buttons background. arrow button background bounds Button state. Draws thumb for scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. graphics for scroll thumb. scroll thimb bounds. Button state. Draw scroll bar background. graphics for scroll bar backgrounds. scroll background bounds. Draw pushed scroll background. Graphics for pushed scroll background Scroll bounds. Draw scroll bar arrow background. Graphics for Arrow background. Arrow bounds. type of the scroll button. Button state. Draw scroll thumb background. Graphics for thumb background. Scroll thumb bounds. Button state. Draw scroll arrow. Graphics for scroll arrow. Arrow bounds. type of scroll button. Button state. Draw scroll lines Graphics. Scroll bounds. true if the scroll bar is vertical scrollbar. Get the horizontal scroll background brush. ScrollBar width. scroll begin color. scroll bar end color. Returns the gradient brush. Get the Vertical scroll background brush. ScrollBar height. scroll begin color. scroll bar end color. Returns the gradient brush. gets the vertical scroll brush. bounds. Gradient top color. Gradient bottom color. Returns the Linear gradient brush. gets the vertical scroll brush. top of the scroll bar rectangle Height of the scroll bar rectangle Gradient top color. Gradient bottom color. Returns the Linear gradient brush. gets the horizontal scroll brush. bounds. Gradient top color. Gradient bottom color. the Linear gradient brush. gets the rounded polygon. Bounds. Radius of the polygon. the edge points. Right office arrow. the bitmap. Arrow width. Arrow height. Left office arrow. the bitmap. Arrow width. Arrow height. Down office arrow. the bitmap. Arrow width. Arrow height. Up office arrow. the bitmap. Arrow width. Arrow height. Right Normal office arrow. the bitmap. Arrow width. Arrow height. Left Normal office arrow. the bitmap. Arrow width. Arrow height. Down Normal office arrow. the bitmap. Arrow width. Arrow height. Up Normal office arrow. the bitmap. Arrow width. Arrow height. Vertical thumb lines. the bitmap of the scroll thumb. Horizontal thumb lines. the horizontal thumb lines' Bitmap. Enumeration for scroll bar fields. Renderer for VisualStyle based theme The metro renderer for scrollbar Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent control Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent control. The metro color table. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. The graphics. The bounds of background. The scroll button state. Draws pushed background. The graphics. The bounds of background. Draws scroll background. The graphics. The scroll bounds. Draws scroll thumb. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws scroll thumb background. The graphics. The bounds of thumb. The scroll button state. Method to calculate the center point to place the Thumb exactly at the center position inside the Scrollbar. Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. The graphics. The bounds of arrow. The scroll button type. The scroll button state. Draws arrow background. The graphics. The arrow backgroud bounds. The scroll button type. The scroll button state. Draws scrollbar arrow The graphics. The bounds of the arrow. The scroll button type. The scroll button state. Returns the pushed or checked state right arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state right arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state left arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state left arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state down arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state down arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state up arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state up arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the normal right arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the normal left arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the normal down arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the normal up arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Indicates whether scrollBar style is EnableOffice2013Style Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent control Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent control. The metro color table. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. The graphics. The bounds of background. The scroll button state. Draws pushed background. The graphics. The bounds of background. Draws scroll background. The graphics. The scroll bounds. Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. The graphics. The bounds of arrow. The scroll button type. The scroll button state. Draws arrow background. The graphics. The arrow backgroud bounds. The scroll button type. The scroll button state. Draws scrollbar arrow The graphics. The bounds of the arrow. The scroll button type. The scroll button state. Draws scroll thumb. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws scroll thumb background. The graphics. The bounds of thumb. The scroll button state. Method to calculate the center point to place the Thumb exactly at the center position inside the Scrollbar. RadioButtonAdvActionList Class. Initializes a new instance of the RadioButtonAdvActionList class. Represents component InitializeActionList method Gets or sets thumb color. Implements the functionalities that provides a StyleInfoBase object for ScrollBarStyleInfo properties in a ScrollBar. Holds the default style info of the scrollbar. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Gets the default value for the ScrollBarStyleInfo. Returns the default value for the ScrollBarStyleInfo object. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style for the ScrollBarStyleInfo object. Gets or sets the background color for the arrow button. This is applicable for both the Min and Max buttons. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the background color for the arrow button in hovering state. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the background color for the arrow button in pressed state. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the foreground color for the arrow button. This will set the background color for the arrow which is shown in the arrow button. This is applicable for both the Min and Max buttons. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the foreground color for the arrow button in hovering state. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the foreground color for the arrow button in pressed state. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the background color for the scrollbar. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the background color for the thumb. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the background color for the thumb in hovering state. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the background color for the thumb in pressed state. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the border background color for the arrow button. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the border background color for the arrow button in hover state. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the border background color for the arrow button in pressed state. Gets or sets the border background color for the arrow button in disabled state. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets a value for ThumbBorderColor. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets a value for ThumbBorderColor in hover state. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets a value for ThumbBorderColor in pressed state. Gets or sets a value for ThumbBorderColor in disabled state. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets a value for ThumbDisabledColor. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the value for ArrowButtonDisabledForeColor. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Gets or sets the value for ArrowButtonDisabledBackColor. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been modified for the current object. Contains the collection of properties. Gets the value for the ArrowButton BackColor property. Gets the value for the ArrowButton hover BackColor property. Gets the value for the ArrowButton pressed BackColor properly. Gets the value for the ArrowButton ForeColor property. Gets the value for the ArrowButton hover ForeColor property. Gets the value for the ArrowButton pressed ForeColor property. Gets the value for the ScrollBarBackColor property. Gets the value for the ThumbColor property. Gets the value for the ThumbHoverColor property. Gets the value for the ThumbPressedColor property. Gets the value for the ThumbWidth property. Gets the value for the ArrowButtonBorderColor property. Gets the value for the ArrowButtonHoverBorderColor property. Gets the value for the ArrowButtonDisabledBorderColor property. Gets the value for the ArrowButtonPressedBorderColor property. Gets the value for the ThumbBorderColor property. Gets the value for the ThumbHoverBorderColor property. Gets the value for the ThumbPressedBorderColor property. Gets the value for the ThumbDisabledBorderColor property. Gets the value for ThumbDisabledColor property. Gets the value for ArrowButtonDisabledForeColor property. Gets the value for ArrowButtonDisabledBackColor property. Holds the static data for the Scrollbar style info store. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Creates an exact copy of the current object. Copied object. Initializes the , if is null. Provides the static data of the ScrollBarStyleInfo. Contains the list of properties that are used to customize the appearance of the scroll control. This contains the elements that are available in the scroll control. i.e. Horizontal scrollbar, Vertical scrol bar and SizeGripper. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new instance of the class. A to create the identity for ScrollBars. Determines whether HorizontalScrollBar has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether VerticalScrollBar has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Override this method to create a product-specific identity object for a sub object. An identity object for a sub object of this style. The following code is an example how scroll bar creates ScrollerVisualStyleInfoSubObjectIdentity: public override StyleInfoSubObjectIdentity CreateSubObjectIdentity(StyleInfoProperty sip) { return new ScrollerVisualStyleInfoSubObjectIdentity(this, sip); } The . Provide the default style of the . Default style object. Disposes the unused resources. Specifies whether to dispose both managed and unmanaged resources or only the unmanaged resources. Determines whether SizeGrip has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets the default style of the . Gets or sets the for the horizontal scrollbar of the scroll control. Gets or sets the for the vertical scrollbar of the scroll control. Gets or sets the for the size grip of the scroll control. Defines a class that provides style identity information for nested objects of the VisualStyleInfo class of the control. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with a specified. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Contains the static data of the SizeGripStyleInfo class. Gets the value of BackColor property. Holds the static data of the size grip style info. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Creates an exact copy of the current object. Copied object. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data for the SizeGripStyleInfo. Implements the class that provide an identity information of using . Maintains the SfScrollContol for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. Control to create an identity for ScrollBars(HorizontalScrollBar/VerticalScrollBar). Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Implements the functionalities that holds all information stored for a SizeGrip of the scroll control. ScrollBarSizeGripStyleInfo provides user-friendly access to all properties stored in ScrollBarSizeGripStyleInfoStore. Holds the default style info of the Scrollbar size grip. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Gets the default style of the SizeGrip. Returns the default style. Gets the default value for the SizeGripStyleInfo. Gets or sets the BackColor for the SizeGrip. Gets a value indicating whether the BackColor property has been modified or not. Holds the option for the VisualTheme Managed visual theme. Office 2007 style blue theme. Office 2007 style silver theme. Office 2007 style black theme. Office 2010 style blue theme. Office 2010 style silver theme. Office 2010 style black theme. Metro theme. Office 2016 style colorful theme. Office 2016 style black theme. Office 2016 style white theme. Office 2016 style dark gray theme. Office 2019 style colorful theme. High contrast tyle black theme. Applies and manages the themes for the controls and components which are derived from the and It stores the value of the property. It stores the value of the property. It helps to notify the Theme changes to all controls, when is modified. It stores the value of the property. This property helps to know, if the is loaded in Form. It stores the VisualStyle settings applied in . Constructor Loads the assembly to register the theme XML configured files. An assembly that has the theme XML configuration file. Sets the theme to given control and its inner controls which are derived from The to set the theme. to be applied to the control This method will set the theme to controls which is derived from Sets the theme to given control and its inner controls which are derived from the and The to set the theme. A name of the theme to be set to control. This method will set the theme to controls which is derived from and Sets the theme to given component and its inner controls which are derived from the The to set the theme. A name of the visualTheme to be set to control. This method will set the theme to controls which is derived from Sets the theme to given controls and its inner controls which are derived from the and The to set the theme. A name of the theme to be set to control. This method will set the theme to controls which is derived from the Iterates the Forms loaded in Application and sets the theme to its inner controls which are derived from the and Sets the theme to given Component which are derived from the and The to set the theme. A name of the theme to be set to control. This method will set the theme to controls which is derived from and Sets the theme to given Control which are derived from the and The to set the theme. A name of the theme to be set to control. This method will set the theme to controls which is derived from and Sets the theme to given Component and its inner controls which are derived from the and The to set the theme. A name of the theme to be set to control. This method will set the theme to controls which is derived from and Occurs when new control is added to the control which has the theme settings that is set by the . The sender. A that contains events data. Occurs when new control is added to the control which has the theme settings that is set by the . The sender. A that contains events data. Occurs when any control is removed from the control which has the theme settings that is set by the . The sender. A contains events data. Wires the and events of the given control and its child controls. The control. Unwires the and events of the given controls. The control. Releases all resources used by the class. True to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Gets or sets the to apply the theme settings Gets or sets a name of the theme to be applied to . Gets / sets the VisualTheme to be applied to controls and components loaded in Application. Helper class for handling corner radius of control region. Initializes a new instance of the class. The owner control. Gets the graphics path for region border. Updates and sets control's region. Retrieves the minimal size of the owner control. Current minimal size. Gets or sets corner radius. Radius has to be not less than zero or half of minimum dimension (width or height) of control. If radius is zero, region has rectangular appearance. IconPaint is a helper class for drawing and caching bitmaps from a resource manifest with a given forecolor. The bitmaps are loaded from the manifest and cached. The PaintIcon routine will substitute black pixels of the original bitmap and draw them with a specified forecolor. The bitmap cache. The manifest to load from. The bitmaps should be saved in the Resources tree in the Visual Studio project with the build action set to "Embedded Resource". The assembly to load from. The bitmaps should be saved in the Resources tree in Visual Studio project with the build action set to "Embedded Resource". Initializes a new object with manifestPrefix and a reference to the assembly to load bitmaps from. You should save this object in a static variable. The manifest to load from. The bitmaps should be saved in the Resources tree in the Visual Studio project with the build action set to "Embedded Resource". The assembly to load from. The bitmaps should be saved in the Resources tree in Visual Studio project with the build action set to "Embedded Resource". Loads bitmap from manifest. The bitmap name. Reference to bitmap; NULL if bitmap failed to load. Returns bitmap from cache or loads bitmap from manifest on first use. The bitmap name. Reference to bitmap; NULL if bitmap failed to load. Calculates coordinates for a centered rectangle. The existing bounds. The size of the rectangle to be centered. A rectangle inside the specified bounds. Paints the specified bitmap substituting black pixels with a new color. A Graphics object used to draw the bitmap. A Rectangle which contains the boundary data of the rectangle. A Point that specifies pixels to offset the bitmap from its origin point. The bitmap to be drawn on the screen. The new color used to substitute black pixels. A Rectangle which contains the boundary data of the drawn bitmap. The PaintIcon routine will substitute black pixels of the original bitmap and draw them with the specified forecolor. The bitmap is centered inside the specified bounds. Use the offset if you want to display a "pressed button" state. If the button is pressed, specify offset = new Point(1, 1). Loads the bitmap from the manifest and paints it substituting black pixels with a new color. A Graphics object used to draw the bitmap. A Rectangle which contains the boundary data of the rectangle. A Point that specifies pixel to offset the bitmap from its origin point. The name of the bitmap. The new color used to substitute black pixels. A Rectangle which contains the boundary data of the drawn bitmap. The PaintIcon routine will substitute black pixels of the original bitmap and draw them with the specified forecolor. The bitmap is centered inside the specified bounds. Use the offset if you want to display a "pressed button" state. If the button is pressed, specify offset = new Point(1, 1). Specifies the pattern style used in None. A pattern of horizontal lines. A pattern of vertical lines. A pattern of lines on a diagonal from top-left to bottom-right. A pattern of lines on a diagonal from top-right to bottom-left. A pattern of criss-cross horizontal and vertical lines. A pattern of criss-cross diagonal lines. Specifies a 5-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 5:100. Specifies a 10-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 10:100. Specifies a 20-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 20:100. Specifies a 25-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 25:100. Specifies a 30-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 30:100. Specifies a 40-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 40:100. Specifies a 50-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 50:100. Specifies a 60-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 60:100. Specifies a 70-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 70:100. Specifies a 75-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 75:100. Specifies a 80-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 80:100. Specifies a 90-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 90:100. Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the right from top points to bottom points and are spaced 50 percent closer together than BackwardDiagonal, but they are not antialiased. Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the left from top points to bottom points and are spaced 50 percent closer together than BackwardDiagonal, but they are not antialiased. Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the right from top points to bottom points, are spaced 50 percent closer together than, and are twice the width of ForwardDiagonal. This hatch pattern is not antialiased. Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the left from top points to bottom points, are spaced 50 percent closer together than BackwardDiagonal and are twice its width, but the lines are not antialiased. Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the right from top points to bottom points, have the same spacing as hatch style ForwardDiagonal and are triple its width, but are not antialiased. Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the left from top points to bottom points, have the same spacing as hatch style BackwardDiagonal and are triple its width, but are not antialiased. Specifies light vertical lines. Specifies light horizontal lines. Specifies narrow vertical lines . Specifies narrow horizontal lines Specifies vertical lines that are spaced 50 percent closer together than Vertical and are twice its width. Specifies horizontal lines that are spaced 50 percent closer together than Horizontal and are twice the width of HatchStyleHorizontal. Specifies dashed diagonal lines, that slant to the right from top points to bottom points. Specifies dashed diagonal lines, that slant to the left from top points to bottom points. Specifies dashed horizontal lines. Specifies dashed vertical lines. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of confetti. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of confetti and is composed of larger pieces than SmallConfetti. Specifies horizontal lines that are composed of zigzags. Specifies horizontal lines that are composed of tildes. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of layered bricks that slant to the left from top points to bottom points. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of horizontally layered bricks. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a woven material. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a plaid material. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of divots. Specifies horizontal and vertical lines, each of which is composed of dots, that cross. Specifies forward diagonal and backward diagonal lines, each of which is composed of dots, that cross. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of diagonally-layered shingles that slant to the right from top points to bottom points. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a trellis. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of spheres laid adjacent to one another. Specifies horizontal and vertical lines that cross and are spaced 50 percent closer together than hatch style Cross. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a checkerboard. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a checkerboard with squares that are twice the size of SmallCheckerBoard. Specifies forward diagonal and backward diagonal lines that cross but are not antialiased. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a checkerboard placed diagonally. Provides a for the enumeration. Convert between inches and twips (1/1440 inch, used by Win32 API calls). Value in inches. Value in twips. Helper routines for drawing rotated text. Specifies the relative alignment of a popup child about its parent. The child will be aligned to the parent's top-left corner and drawn upwards and to the right of the parent's left border. The child will be aligned to the parent's top-right corner and drawn upwards and to the left of the parent's right border. The child will be aligned to the parent's top-right corner and drawn downwards and to the right of the parent. The child will be aligned to the parent's bottom-right corner and drawn upwards and to the right of the parent. The child will be aligned to the parent's bottom-left corner and drawn downwards and to the right of the parent's left border. The child will be aligned to the parent's bottom-right corner and drawn downwards and to the left of the parent's right border. The child will be aligned to the parent's top-left corner and drawn downwards and to the left of the parent. The child will be aligned to the parent's bottom-left corner and drawn downwards and to the right of the parent. Does not indicate any of the above alignments. Specifies the way in which a popup was closed. This information is usually provided in a PopupControlContainer's event. You can use it to determine, in some cases, whether or not to use the updated data in a popup. The user wants the changes made in the popup to be applied. The user canceled the popup and expects the changes, if any, to be ignored. The popup was deactivated due to the user clicking in some other window, a different application getting focus, etc. Represents the method that will handle the event. The source of the event. A PopupClosedEventArgs that contains the event data. Provides data for the event. Creates an instance of the PopupClosedEventArgs class. A PopupCloseType value. Returns the PopupCloseType value indicating the way in which the popup was closed. Implement this interface to provide context menu location in your control when the context menu is invoked by a keyboard key. Used by the XPMenus framework (when using PopupMenus in Essential Tools) to determine the context menu location for a control. Returns a point in client coordinates of the control. This method will be called when the context menu is being invoked due to a key like Shift + F10. The control that implements this interface should then return a point in client coordinates of the control where the context menus should be shown. If the control were a TreeView for example, it should then return a location beside the current selected node. Summary description for MessageFilterEntryHelperWeakContainer. HookProc used for catch mouse messages. HookProc used for catch mouse messages. HookProc used for catch mouse messages. HookProc used for catch mouse messages. Provides information, whether popup is ignoring working area of the display before showing. This interface should be implemented by classes, that contain ot use popups. Indicates whether derived class ignores working area of the display before showing popup windows. Provides a FindParentForm method that returns the parent form. Use this interface instead of Control.FindForm when you want to support nested windowless grid as used in GridGroupingControl. See also of the class. Returns the parent form of the control. Use this instead of Control.FindForm when you want to support nested windowless grid as used in GridGroupingControl. See also of the class. The parent form. Provides a FindFormHelper.FindForm(Control) method that supports the IFindParentForm interface. Use this instead of calling Control.FindForm. Provides a FindFormHelper.FindForm(Control) method that you can use instead of calling Control.FindForm. A generic window that can be used for drop-down behavior, with WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW and CS_SAVEBITS styles. Internally used by the PopupHost class. A form-derived class that can be derived to create custom top-level windows like ToolTips, a splash window, etc. Creates a new instance of the TopLevelWindow class. Shows the window as the top-level window without activating it. Overridden to ignore Win32Exception. The top level form-derived class that hosts a when it is dropped-down. You will normally not have to use this class or refer to an instance of this class. An instance of this class will be automatically generated by the which will then set this as its parent when is called on it. However, you can for example access an instance of this class from the PopupControlContainer and change certain properties. You can include a shadow in your popups by setting the NeedShadow property. Creates a new instance of the PopupHost class. Overridden. See . Ignore working area when menu begin popup. Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Shows the popup. Updates popup host visibility and z-order. Computes size and position of popup. Hides the popup. Indicates whether a shadow should be drawn around the popup window. True if a shadow is needed; False otherwise. Gets / sets the PopupControlContainer that this PopupHost will host. An implementation of the interface. Returns a value indicating the current alignment of the popup window. A value. Gets / sets the overlap border color with which this top-level form should be drawn. A color value. This color will be used by this form only when the is set to None. The form will draw a custom single-line border with this color and also draw the overlapped look, if overlapped borders are available. Gets or sets ignore working area when menu begin popup. Accessibility class to provide Coded UI support. Variable for PopupControlContainer. Constructor. PopupControlContainer Retrieves the object that has the focus. Retrieves the currently selected child. Child Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. The horizontal screen coordinate The vertical screen coordinate An System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject that represents the child object at the given screen coordinates. Bounds of the Control Gets the role for the PopupControlContainer. This is used by accessibility programs. Gets or sets the accessible object name Gets the description of the Control.ControlAccessibleObject Gets the state of the accessible object. Gets the description of what the object does or how the object is used. Gets the parent of an accessible object. Gets or sets the value of an accessible object. Suspends applying filters by tag. Resumes applying filters by tag. Utility to help you filter messages in both a .NET and Native app. The interface that will receive messages for filtering in a .NET app. Specifies whether or not this filter should be inserted on top (with highest priority). Gets/sets whether to disable release hook or not Modified PopupControlContainer that takes a child control and adds a sizable grip so that the window can be sized. The child control that is to be embedded. Indicates whether the container has already been initialized. Indicates whether size is dependant of child control size. Creates an object of type SizablePopupControlContainer. Displays the popup control. The location at which the popup's left top position will appear. Initializes the container control. Adjusts bounds of the popupHost. Indicates whether size is dependant of child control size. Holds the theme name of it's parent control. Derives from the PopupHost class and adds a gripper label and makes the form sizable. Used when ShowGripper or ShowCloseButton property is set to true; Label for the gripper. The close button. The embedded child control. The current size - used when resizing. Indicates whether the window is being resized. The host rectangle. Internal initialization state of drop-down window. The last size of the window. Indicates whether to show gripper. Indicates whether to show close bytton. Create an object of type SizablePopupHost. Hides the popup. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Overrides PopupHost.ComputeMySize. Handles the MouseDown event of the gripper label. The gripper label. The event data. Handles the MouseUp event of the gripper label. The gripper label. The event data. Handler for the MouseMove event of the gripper label. The gripper label. The event data. Handler for the MouseEnter event of the Close Button. The close button. The event data. Handler for the MouseLeave event of the Close Button. The close button. The event data. Handler for the Click event of the close button. Closes the popup window. The close button. The event data. Last size property. For AutoComplete DropDownSize persistance Returns/sets the visibility of the close button Indicates whether a gripper will be shown that can used for resizing The close button used in SizablePopupHost. Override OnPaint. The event data. Gets / sets the text property. Implement this interface in a class if the class embeds one or more edit controls (text boxes, combo boxes). Implementing this interface provides a way for external classes to access the embedded edit control(s). Returns the active edit control (text box, combo box). The IEditControlsEmbedListener based auto complete control. The implementation of this method will let the AutoComplete control provide a link back to it so that it can be informed of any changes in the active edit control. This is used when there are more than one edit controls on one composite control. In this case, the AutoComplete control will be informed when there is a change in focus between the different edit controls. This is assuming that the AutoComplete control is not able to sense the change in focus. The BorderPanel is a control that can be used to wrap other controls inside improving its visual appearance. Required designer variable. Cleans up any resources being used. Required method for designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Gets / sets the background information of the border. Gets / sets the color of the background of the inner surface. Gets / sets the sizes of the sides of the border. Gets / sets the control to be displayed inside the panel. Gets / sets the round corner radii of the inner surface. Gets / sets the width of the border of the inner surface. Gets / sets the width of the border. Gets / sets the round corner radii of the outer shape. Gets / sets the height state of the inner surface. Gets / sets the height state of the outer surface. Indicates the states of the two borders of the BorderPanel. Holds information about the rounded corners of the BorderPanel. The default settings of the panel. Gets / sets the BottomRight round corner radius. Gets / sets the BottomLeft round corner radius. Gets / sets the TopRight round corner radius. Gets / sets the TopLeft round corner radius. Gets / sets all the other values to the specified value. Holds information about the sides of the borders of the BorderPanel. The default dimension settings. Gets / sets all the other members to the specified value. Gets / sets the bottom border side's width. Gets / sets the right border side's width. Gets / sets the left border side's width. Gets / sets the top border side's width. Summary description for GradienPanelExtPrimitivesEditorForm. Reference to owner control. Collection of the primitives when added. Collection of the primitives when removed. Fills ListBox of primitives. Fills cbPrimitives of types prmitive. Creates primitive. Accessibility class to provide Coded UI support. Variable for GradientPanel. Constructor. GradientPanel Retrieves the object that has the focus. Retrieves the currently selected child. Child Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. The horizontal screen coordinate The vertical screen coordinate An System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject that represents the child object at the given screen coordinates. Bounds of the Control Gets the role for the GradientPanel. This is used by accessibility programs. Gets or sets the accessible object name Gets the description of the Control.ControlAccessibleObject Gets the state of the accessible object. Gets the description of what the object does or how the object is used. Gets the parent of an accessible object. Gets or sets the value of an accessible object. Represent line. Start point of the line. End point of the line. Represents a null Line. Gets size of the line. Gets or sets start point of the line. Gets or set end point of the line. Summary description for GradientPanelExtCollectionEditor. Summary description for GradientPanelExtDesigner. Selected primitive. Distance from a mouse and bounds of the primitive. Gets rectangle where can location primitives. Sets alignment of primitive. Sets position of primitive. Gets draged primitive. Gets or sets selected primitive. Gets owner control. Represents primitive that can be displayed in . In order to display the Primitive, you must add it to the property of . This is normally achieved using simple drag-and-drop during design-time. The Primitive class provides properties that enable you to configure the appearance, behavior abd layoutof a primitive. For selecting a primitive you must click on it. You can change , and . You can define of the Primitive in , inside . Offset for select rectangle. Offset for redraw primitive. Start position for primitive. Color which uses for drawing border selected primitive. Default size for primitive. Size of the primitive. Reprecent position of the primitive. Border color for primitive. Background color for primitive. Border style for primitive. Control which contains this primitive. Size and location of the primitive. Rectangle which drawing primitive. Rectangle which drew primitive on previous position. Uses for redraw previous position of the primitives. Alignment primitive. A value indicating whether the primitive is displayed. Indicate that primitive is selectes. Draws primitive. Redraws primitive. Draws border for primitive. Draws primitive. Draws border for selected primitive in the designer. Gets rectangle for selected primitive. Gets rectangle which drawing primitive. Gets center of the primitive. Gets count position of the primitive. Gets correctly position of the primitive. Gets or sets value indicate that primitive is selected. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the primitive is displayed. Gets or set alignment of the primitive. Gets or sets size of the primitive. Gets or sets border color for primitive. Gets or sets background color for primitive. Gets or sets border style for primitive. Gets or sets position of the primitive. Gets control which contains this primitive. Gets or sets the size and location of the primitive. Gets rectangle of drawing primitive. Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Represents a collapse/expand primitive. Indicate that primitive is collapse. Image for collapsed primitive. Image for expanded primitive. Sets collapse state. Don't raise event. Draws plus/minus primitive. Gets or sets image for collapsed primitive. Gets or sets image for expanded primitive. Gets or sets value which indicate that primitive is collapse. Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Represents a text primitive. Angle of rotation for text primitive. Displayed text. Font for displayed text. Color of the displayed text. Gets or sets displayed text. Gets or sets font for displayed text. Gets or sets color of the displayed text. Raise by method. Raise by method. Raise by method. Represents an image primitive. Displayed image. Rotated image. A value indicating whether the primitive is rotated. Gets or set displayed image. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the primitive is rotated. Raise by method. Raise by method. Represents a primitive which contain any control. Control which displaying. Refresh location and size for host control. Determines if a primitive contains control. Gets or set control which displaying inside the primitive. Raise by method. Border style for Primitive. Alignment primitive within control. Types of the Primitives. A collection that stores objects. Initializes a new instance of 'PrimitiveCollection'. Adds primitive to collection. Adds primitives to collection. Removes primitive from collection. Raise by method. Indexer. Class helps to apply Office2016 Theme colors Constructor Holds Visual style Holds Splitter Dot Color Holds Splitter Backcolor Holds the Collapsed Panel Backcolor in Normal state Holds the Collapsed Panel Backcolor in Hover state Holds the Collapsed DropDown button Backcolor on Selected state Holds the Collapsed DropDown button Backcolor on Hover state Holds the Collapsed DropDown button ForeColor Holds the Header Border color Holds the Header BackColor Holds the Default Forecolor Holds Header Backcolor in pressed state Holds the Header Forecolor in pressed state Holds the Header Backcolor in hovered state Holds the Header Fore color Holds the Colapsed panel text color Holds the Overflow button hover color Holds the Group bar boder color Holds the Overflow Icon Color Holds the TootTip backcolor Holds the TootTip backcolor GroupBar Visual Style Gets Splitter Dot Color Gets the Splitter Color Gets the Collapsed panel Backcolor in Normal state Gets the Collapsed panel Backcolor in Hover state Gets the Collapsed Dropdown Button Selected Backcolor Gets the Collapsed Dropdown Button Hover Backcolor Gets the Collapsed Dropdown Button ForeColor Gets the Header Border color Gets the Header BackColor Gets the Header Forecolor Gets the Header Backcolor in pressed state Gets the Header Forecolor in pressed state Gets the Header Backcolor in Hovered state Gets the Header Forecolor in hovered state Gets the Colapsed panel text color Gets the Overflow button hover color Gets the Group bar boder color Gets the Overflow Icon Color Gets the TootTip backcolor Gets the TootTip backcolor Specifies the colors used for drawing the control's client rectangle borders. The BorderColors structure is used by the objects in a to specify the set of colors used for drawing the borders around the client control. The BorderColors value is set through the property. Creates a new instance of the class with the specified colors. Left border color. Top border color. Right border color. Bottom border color. Gets / sets the color used to draw the left border. A value. Gets / sets the color used to draw the top border. A value. Gets / sets the color used to draw the right border. A value. Gets / sets the color used to draw the bottom border. A value. Represents a instance with empty color values. Represents a instance with the default color values. Represents an item in the control. The GroupBar control is composed of a number of selectable groups or items each of which is associated with a client control. Each of these items is an instance of the GroupBarItem type. The collection of items present in the GroupBar can be accessed through the control's property. Gets or sets a value indicating whether background color of GroupBarItem is changed or not. The image representing the item in the GroupBar's navigation pane. Padding provides spacing between the icons (images) and the text in the . Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Creates an instance of the class. Overridden. See . Gets/Sets the Control Bounds Indicates whether all types of images can be used or not Gets / sets the text displayed on the . A String value. Gets or sets padding for . Gets / sets the client control associated with the . A instance. Gets / sets the image displayed on the . An value. Gets / sets the icon displayed on the . An value. Indicates whether the is enabled / disabled. False if the item is disabled. The default is True. Indicates whether the is visible. False if the item is hidden. The default is True. Gets / sets the font used for drawing the text. A value. Gets / sets the foreground color used to paint the text in the . A value. Gets / sets the color used to fill the background. A value. Gets / sets the brush used for painting the background. A value. Gets / sets the colors used to draw the borders around the 's client control. A value. Gets / sets the object that contains data about the . A value that contains data about the control. The default is a NULL reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). Any type derived from the Object class can be assigned to this property. If the Tag property is set through the Windows Forms designer, only text may be assigned. Returns the GroupBar control that the item is assigned to. A that represents the parent GroupBar control that the is assigned to. Indicates whether the should be added to the navigation pane. This property is valid only when the control is in the stacked mode. TRUE if the item should be added to the navigation pane. The default is FALSE. Gets / sets the icon representing the in the navigation pane. This property is valid only when the control is in the stacked mode. An value. Gets / sets image representing the item in the GroupBar's navigation pane. Specifies an alignment value for the text. The TextAlignment enum is used for specifying a value for the control's property. The text is aligned to the left. The text is horizontally centered. The text is aligned to the right. Provides data for the event. The control uses the event to obtain a custom brush from the application to draw the background region of a . Creates an instance of the ProvideBrushEventArgs class. The bounds for which a brush is requested. Returns the index of the being drawn. An Integer value. Returns the bounds for which a brush is requested. The Rectangle specifying the bounds. Gets / sets the brush that will be used to draw the specified bounds. A brush object. The event handler should set this property for it to be used while drawing the specified bounds. Represents the method that will handle the event in the control. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Provides data for the and events. The control uses the and events to notify users of a change in its collection. Creates a new instance of the class. The to store in this event. Returns the GroupBarItem used by this event. The object used by the event. Represents the method that will handle the and events in the control. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Provides data for the event. The control uses the event to allow users to cancel or change the context menu displayed when the drop-down button is clicked. Creates a new instance of the class. The implementing the context menu. Returns the menu provider object used by for creating its context menu. The object. Represents the method that will handle the event in the control. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Provides data for the event. The control uses the event to allow users to cancel bar item selection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The newly selected item index. The old selected item index. Returns the newly selected index. Returns the previously selected index. Represents the method that will handle the event in the control. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. ControlAccessibleObject derived class that implements the Accessibility object for the GroupBar control. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Provides data about the and events. See , , and . Creates a new instance of the GroupItemRenamedEventArgs class. The zero-based index of the renamed item. The old item text. The new item text. Returns the zero-based index of the renamed item. An integer representing the item index. Returns the new text of the item. A String value. Returns the old text of the item. A String value. Delegate representing the method that will handle the and events. The source of the event. A value that contains the event data. Resize is not allowed. Horizontal resize is allowed. Vertical resize is allowed. Both horizontal and vertical resize are allowed. Owner control of the popup. CallWnd hook. Popup visibility. Indicates whether popup is shown to the left of . Indicates whether popup is shown to the top of Processes Windows messages. The Windows to process. Shows the popup. if set to true shows the popup; hides overwise. The instance containing the event data. Hides the popup. Hides the popup. Allows to determine whether to clsoe popup in event handler. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the popup is displayed. true if the popup is displayed; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets the required creation parameters when the control handle is created. A that contains the required creation parameters when the handle to the control is created. Specifies whether OnLoad was called. Specifies whether form is visible. Indicates whether form must be inactive. Gets or sets bool specifying whether form is visible. Class for subclassing parent form and prevent it from blinking. Catches WM_NCACTIVATE message if needed. Represents an item in the control. Each item in a GroupView control is an instance of the GroupViewItem type. The collection of GroupViewItems in the control can be accessed through the property. Gets or Sets the value to change the Text Position of the GroupViewItem Serializes the ItemXSpacing property value. Resets the ItemXSpacing property to its default value. Gets / sets the height between adjacent GroupViewItems. Indicates whether the is visible. Item bounds. Overloaded. Creates an instance of the class. Creates an instance of the class with the specified attributes. A String value representing the GroupViewItem text. An integer value representing a zero-based index into the control's small and large imagelists. Creates an instance of the class with the specified attributes. A String value representing the GroupViewItem text. An integer value representing a zero-based index into the control's small and large imagelists. A boolean value representing the item's enabled / disabled state. Creates an instance of the class with the specified attributes. A String value representing the GroupViewItem text. An integer value representing a zero-based index into the control's small and large imagelists. An Object value that contains data about the GroupViewItem. Creates an instance of the class with the specified attributes. A String value representing the GroupViewItem text. An integer value representing a zero-based index into the control's small and large imagelists. A boolean value representing the item's enabled / disabled state. An Object value that contains data about the GroupViewItem. Creates an instance of the class with the specified attributes. A String value representing the GroupViewItem text. An integer value representing a zero-based index into the control's small and large imagelists. A boolean value representing the item's enabled / disabled state. An Object value that contains data about the GroupViewItem. A String value representing the GroupViewItem tooltiptext. Creates an instance of the class with the specified attributes. A String value representing the GroupViewItem text. An integer value representing a zero-based index into the control's small and large imagelists. An Object value that contains data about the GroupViewItem. A boolean value representing the item's show/hide the GroupViewItems. Gets / sets the 's tooltiptext. A string value. Gets or Sets the value to change the Text Position of the GroupViewItem Gets / sets the height between adjacent s. An integer value. Gets or sets item bounds. Indicates whether the is visible. False if the item is hidden. The default is True. Gets / sets the 's text. A String value. Gets / sets the 's image index. An integer value. A zero-based index into the control's and property values. Indicates whether the is enabled / disabled. False if the item is disabled. The default is True. Gets / sets an object that contains data about the . An value that contains data about the GroupViewItem. The default is a NULL reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). Any type derived from the Object class can be assigned to this property. If the Tag property is set through the Windows Forms designer, only text may be assigned. Returns the GroupView control that the item is assigned to. A that represents the parent GroupView control that the is assigned to. Event handler for Double click event for GroupViewItem. Sender as GroupView GroupViewItemDoubleClickEventArgs Event args for Double click in GroupViewItem. GroupView Item Constructor GroupView Item Gets/ Sets the currently selected item. ControlAccessibleObject derived class that implements the Accessibility object for the GroupView control. This class represents renderer class for office2016 theme Holds the backcolor Holds the forecolor Holds the border color Holds the item selected border color Holds the item highlighted border color Holds the item pressed border color Holds the item highlighted backcolor Holds the item selected backcolor Holds the item selected and highlighted backcolor Holds the item pressed backcolor Holds the item highlighted text color Holds the item selected text color Holds the selected and highlighted text color Holds the item pressed color Holds the disabled backcolor Holds the disabled border color Holds the disabled forecolor Holds the scrollbutton backcolor Holds the scrollbutton pressed backcolor Holds the scrollbutton forecolor Holds the scrollbutton border color Holds the dragdrap line color Constructor for renderer class Theme of GroupView Gets the backcolor Gets the forecolor Gets the item selected border color Gets the item highlighted border color Gets the item pressed border color Gets the border color Gets the item highlighted backcolor Gets the item selected backcolor Gets the item selected and highlighted backcolor Gets the item pressed backcolor Gets the item highlighted text color Gets the item selected text color Gets the item selected and highlighted text color Gets the item pressed text color Gets the disabled backcolor Gets the disabled forecolor Gets the disabled border Color Gets the scrollbutton backcolor Gets the scrollbutton pressed backcolor Gets the scrollbutton forecolor Gets the scrollbutton border color Gets the dragdrop line color This class represents renderer class for office2016 white theme Holds the backcolor Holds the forecolor Holds the border color Holds the item selected border color Holds the item highlight border color Holds the item pressed border color Holds the item highlighted backcolor Holds the selected item backcolor Holds the selected and highlighted backcolor Holds the pressed item backcolor Holds the item highlight text color Holds the item selected text color Holds the item selected and highlighted text color Holds the item pressed text color Holds the disabled backcolor Holds the disabled border color Holds the disabled forecolor Holds the scrollbutton backcolor Holds the scrollbutton pressed backcolor Holds the scrollbutton forecolor Holds the scrollbutton border color Holds the dragdrap line color Gets the backcolor Gets the forecolor Gets the border color Gets the selected item border color Gets the item highlighted border color Gets the item pressed border color Gets the item highlighted backcolor Gets the item selected backcolor Gets the item selected and highlighted backcolor Gets the item pressed backcolor Gets the item highlighted text color Gets the item selected text color Gets the selected and highlighted item color Gets the item pressed text color Gets the disabled backcolor Gets the disabled forecolor Gets the disabled border color Gets the scrollbutton backcolor Gets the scrollbutton pressed backcolor Gets the scrollbutton forecolor Gets the scrollbutton border color Gets the dragdrop line color This class represents rendered class for office2016 darkgray theme Holds the backcolor Holds the forecolor Holds the border color Holds the selected Border color Holds the highlighted border color Holds the pressed border color Holds the item highlighted backcolor Holds the item selected backcolor Holds the item highlighted backcolor Holds the pressed item backcolor Holds the highlighted item text color Holds the selected item text color Holds the selected and highlighted item text color Holds the pressed item text color Holds the disabled backcolor Holds the disabled border color Holds the disabled forecolor Holds the scrollbutton backcolor Holds the scrollbutton pressed backcolor Holds the scrollbutton forecolor Holds the scrollbutton border color Holds the dragdrap line color Gets the backcolor Gets the forecolor Gets the border color Gets the selected item border color Gets the item highlighted border color Gets the item pressed border color Gets the item highlighted backcolor Gets the item selected backcolor Gets the item selected and highlighted backcolor Gets the item pressed backcolor Gets the item highlighting text color Gets the item selected text color Gets the selected and highlighted item text color Gets the item pressed text color Gets the disabled backcolor Gets the disabled forecolor Gets the disabled border color Gets the scrollbutton backcolor Gets the scrollbutton pressed backcolor Gets the scrollbutton forecolor Gets the scrollbutton border color Gets the dragdrop line color This class represents rendered class for office2016 black theme Holds the backcolor Holds the forecolor Holds the border color Holds the item selected border color Holds the item highlighted border color Holds the item pressed border color Holds the item highlighted backcolor Holds the item selected backcolor Holds the item selected and highlighted backcolor Holds the item pressed backcolor Holds the highlighted item text color Holds the selected item text color Holds the selected and highlighted item text color Holds the pressed item text color Holds the disabled backcolor Holds the disabled border color Holds the disabled forecolor Holds the scrollbutton backcolor Holds the scrollbutton pressed backcolor Holds the scrollbutton forecolor Holds the scrollbutton border color Holds the dragdrap line color Gets the backcolor Gets the forecolor Gets the border color Gets the selected item border color Gets the item highlighted border color Gets the item pressed border color Gets the item highlighted backcolor Gets the item selected backcolor Gets the item selected and highlighted backcolor Gets the item pressed backcolor Gets the item highlighted text color Gets the item selected text color Gets the selected and highlighted item text color Gets the item pressed text color Gets the disabled backcolor Gets the disabled forecolor Gets the disabled border color Gets the scrollbutton backcolor Gets the scrollbutton pressed backcolor Gets the scrollbutton forecolor Gets the scrollbutton border color Gets the dragdrop line color This enum represents the color schemes of office2016 style This option represents the colorful theme of office2016 style This option represents the white theme of office2016 style This option represents the darkgray theme of office2016 style This option represents the black theme of office2016 style Collection of images for ImageListAdv. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds the ImageListAdv Gets the image based on the current DPI Image Index Returns image based on the current DPI Adds icon to the collection. Icon to add. Adds image to the collection. Image to add. Checks whether collection contains given image. Image to be checked. True if collection contains given image; otherwise false. Gets index of given image. Image to get index of. Index of given image or -1 if image doesn't exist in collection. Removes given image from collection. Image to remove. Adds icon with specified key to collection. Key of the icon. Icon to add. Adds image with specified key to collection. Key of the image. Image to add. Adds array of images to collection. Array of images to add. Checks whether given key exists in collection. Key to be checked. True if given key exists in collection; otherwise false. Gets enumerator for collection. Enumerator for collection. Gets index of given key. Key to get index of. Index if given key or -1 if key doesn't exist in collection. Removes image with specified key. Key of image to remove. Sets new name to specified key. Index of key to set new name to. New name of specified key. Copies the elements of the ICollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. The one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the elements copied from ICollection. The Array must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. Adds an item to the IList. The Object to add to the IList. The position into which the new element was inserted. Determines whether the IList contains a specific value. The Object to locate in the IList. True if the Object is found in the IList; otherwise, false. Determines the index of a specific item in the IList. The Object to locate in the IList. The index of value if found in the list; otherwise, -1. Inserts an item to the IList at the specified position. The zero-based index at which value should be inserted. The Object to insert into the IList. Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the IList. The Object to remove from the IList. Gets value indicating whether collection is empty. Added for compatibility reasons. Gets or sets image at specified index. Index of image. Image at specified index Gets or sets image with specified key. Key of image. Image with specified key. Gets collection of keys. Gets or sets the element at the specified index. The zero-based index of the element to get or set. The element at the specified index. Custom type descriptor for class. Filters our property Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent custom type descriptor. Returns a collection of property descriptors for the object represented by this type descriptor. A containing the property descriptions for the object represented by this type descriptor. The default is . Returns a filtered collection of property descriptors for the object represented by this type descriptor. An array of attributes to use as a filter. This can be null. A containing the property descriptions for the object represented by this type descriptor. The default is . Filters the properties. The initial collection of property descriptors. The filtered collection of property descriptors. Custom rpovider of custom type descriptor for class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a custom type descriptor for the given type and object. The type of object for which to retrieve the type descriptor. An instance of the type. Can be null if no instance was passed to the . An that can provide metadata for the type. Editor for ImageCollection. Static instance of . Static instance of custom for s. Initializes the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type of the collection for this editor to edit. Creates the instance. The type. Returns a list containing the given object An returned as an object. An which contains the individual objects to be created. Destroys the specified instance of the object. The object to destroy. Edits the value of the specified object using the specified service provider and context. An that can be used to gain additional context information. A service provider object through which editing services can be obtained. The object to edit the value of. The new value of the object. If the value of the object has not changed, this should return the same object it was passed. An attempt to check out a file that is checked into a source code management program did not succeed. Editor for images in ImageListAdv. FileDialog for selecting images. Array of image editors of different types. Used in building string of file extensions. Initializes static members. Edits the specified object value using the edit style provided by GetEditStyle. An ITypeDescriptorContext that can be used to gain additional context information. A service provider object through which editing services can be obtained. An instance of the value being edited. The new value of the object. If the value of the object has not changed, this method should return the same object passed to it. Class containing info about image: the image itself and string key. Image. Key. Creates new ImageInfo. Image. Key. Gets or sets image. Gets or sets key. ImageList with support for images of different sizes and transparency. Default image size. Collection of images. Collections images based on DPI Size of images. Used in drawing and for compatibility reasons. Indicates whether images should be drawn using ImageSize property. Tag object. Creates and initializes new ImageListAdv. Creates and initializes new ImageListAdv. Container to add component to. Draws selected image to specified Graphics. If UseImageSize property is set to true, image is drawn using ImageSize property; otherwise it's drawn using original size. Graphics to draw to. Point to draw image at. Index of image to draw. Draws selected image to specified Graphics. If UseImageSize property is set to true, image is drawn using ImageSize property; otherwise it's drawn using original size. Graphics to draw to. X coordinate of point to draw image at. Y coordinate of point to draw image at. Index of image to draw. Draws selected image to specified Graphics using given size. Graphics to draw to. X coordinate of point to draw image at. Y coordinate of point to draw image at. Width of rectangle to draw image to. Height of rectangle to draw image to. Index of image to draw. Explicitly converts ImageList to ImageListAdv. ImageList to convert. ImageListAdv with images from given ImageList. Explicitly converts ImageListAdv to ImageList. ImageListAdv to convert. ImageList with images from given ImageListAdv. Converts ImageListAdv to ImageList. ImageList with images from ImageListAdv. creates ImageListAdv from ImageList. ImageList to create ImageListAdv from. Created ImageListAdv. Converts Icon to Image with correction of alpha channel. Icon to convert. Resulting Image. Checks whether Bitmap has alpha channel. BitmapData to check. True if bitmap has alpha channel; otherwise false. Creates string with info about ImageListAdv. String with info about ImageListAdv Gets collection of images. Gets or sets the DPI based images Gets or sets size of images. Used in drawing. Gets or sets value indicating whether images should be drawn using ImageSize property. Gets or sets tag object. ImageListAdv Designer Designer ActionList collection Initializes a new instance of the CheckBoxAdvDesigner class Gets a value indication the designer action Workaround for incident 35141. When calling Timer.Stop in GridGroupDropArea this ends up calling MdiSysMenuProvider.MsgHook Provides some utility methods regarding the runtime. Returns the major runtime version. Returns the minor runtime version. This class will provide more information that the .Net equivalent ignored. Indicates whether menu access keys are always underlined. Indicates whether the current application is a .Net application. True if .Net; false otherwise. By default, this method will automatically determine whether or not the current active app is a .Net app or a native app. However, to speed up performance (by a fraction of a second), you can set this value appropriately at the beginning of your app. Note that an incorrect setting would cause unforeseen behavior. Indicates whether the component is used inside developer studio. Interop call to get the LCID of the current culture. Sets the advanced graphics mode. Handler to device context. New graphics mode. If the function succeeds, the return value is the old graphics mode. If the function fails, the return value is zero. Changes the world transformation for a device context using the specified mode. Handler to device context. Transformation data. Modification mode. If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. Sets a two-dimensional linear transformation between world space and page space for the specified device context. Handler to the device context. Pointer to an XFORM structure that contains the transformation data. TRUE if success; false otherwise. For the scroll bar itself, indicates the specified vertical or horizontal scroll bar does not exist. For the page up or page down regions, indicates the thumb is positioned such that the region does not exist. For the scroll bar itself, indicates the window is sized such that the specified vertical or horizontal scroll bar is not currently displayed. The arrow button or page region is pressed. The component is disabled. Computes the string size that should be passed to a typical Win32 call. This will be the character count under NT and the ubyte count for Win95. The string whose size to compute. The count of characters or bytes, depending on what the pinvoke all wants Native Matrix Object. The NativeMethodsHelper class is a wrapper over some Interop calls that are exposed using static methods in this class. Keeps track of the number of times Suspend and Resume redraw window is called for a particular window. Sends the WM_SETREDRAW to the handle of the Control to prevent drawing of the control. The handle of the control that is to be suspended. Resumes redrawing of the window. Resumes redrawing of the window. Sends the WM_SETREDRAW message to a window to allow changes in that window to be redrawn or to prevent changes in that window from being redrawn. Handle to the native window. Indicates the redraw state. If this parameter is true, the content can be redrawn after a change. If this parameter is false, the content cannot be redrawn after a change. Forces redraw of the window using . Works only if bRedraw is true. Overload of Forcefully redraws window if redraw is enabled. Subclass window that allowing attaching of message filters classes into Message processing. Value that represent invalid window handle. Reference on message filter instance. Default constructor that subclass window by it handle automatically. Window Handle. Override of WndProc function. Reference on message processed by Window. Gets and Sets reference on message filter instance. A structure that represents a location in the registry. This is a simple structure that refers to a Registry location through the root RegistryKey and the subkey. Creates a new instance of the RegistryEntry class and initializes it with the root RegistryKey and subkey. The root RegistryKey. The subkey string. Gets / sets the root RegistryKey. A RegistryKey value. Gets /sets the subkey under the root RegistryKey. A string value representing the subkey. Specifies the relative position of an control to that of the control it labels. The relative AutoLabel position can be set manually. Left has been replaced with side, to take into account RightToLeft configs. Please use side instead. The AutoLabel is always positioned to the top of the labeled control. The AutoLabel is always positioned to the left (or right if the parent control is RTL enabled) of the labeled control. Replaces Left. Specifies the style with which some controls will appear and behave. Classic appearance. Office2016 Colorful Office2016 White Office2016 Black Office2016 DarkGray Represents the that lays out the children along the borders and at the center, very similar to the Windows Form's control docking behavior. This will dock up to five controls along the four borders and the center. This is very similar to the control docking behavior exhibited by the setting of a control. The and methods let you specify a for a child control and also act as an extended property during design-time for the child controls. Here are some of the differences between Windows Forms style docking and the . When using , there can be only a single control that can be docked to a border. When using and the setting, the bounds for layout can be customized to be something different from the control's client rectangle. Just like our other s, you can layout non-control based items when using the . Here is some sample code that tells you how to initialize a manager. // Binding a control to the manager programmatically. this.borderLayout1 = new BorderLayout(); this.borderLayout1.ContainerControl = this; // Set the border-position of the button. this.borderLayout1.SetPosition(this.btnNorth, BorderPosition.North); this.borderLayout1.SetPosition(this.btnSouth, BorderPosition.South); this.borderLayout1.SetPosition(this.btnCenter, BorderPosition.Center); this.borderLayout1.SetPosition(this.btnEast, BorderPosition.East); this.borderLayout1.SetPosition(this.btnWest, BorderPosition.West); Also, take a look at the project in Tools/Samples/Layout Manager Package/ for an example. Defines the base class for Layout Managers. The , , , and classes derive from this base class. Use one of the above classes to include layout management support in your forms / controls. The layout manager can be configured to operate in different modes. By default, mode layout will be automatically triggered when the fires a event. If not in this mode, then you can call the method to trigger a layout. By default, the ContainerControl's ClientRectangle will be used as the bounds for the layout. But, if the property is set to a value other than Rectangle.Empty then that rectangle area will be used as the layout bounds. You can also lay out non-control based components as long as they derive from the class. The LayoutItemBase derived object can be used in any method call that expects a control instance because the LayoutItemBase has an implicit type-conversion operator that can convert itself to a control (use the method in VB). You can also specify / provide preferred and minimum sizes for the child components. The default layout logic uses the component's preferred size to lay them out. The LayoutManager also has the and methods that will let you query for the corresponding sizes. There are different ways in which you can provide the preferred and minimum sizes for a component. The manager will first look for the interface in your child component, which if found, will be used to obtain the sizes. Second, the manager will throw a event for a specific child component, which if handled will then be used to obtain the sizes, if provided. Third, the sizes provided using the / method will be used to obtain the sizes. However if SetPreferredSize / SetMinimumSize was never called, the framework will call them with the current size of the component as the preferred / minimum size. Take a look at the class documentation for sample code on how to create non-control based classes that can participate in Layout management. Raises the ContainerControlChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. The OnContainerControlChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnContainerControlChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnContainerControlChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Sets the CustomLayoutBounds property to Rectangle.Empty. Indicates whether the CustomLayoutBounds property is a value other than Rectangle.Empty. Constructor to be called by derived classes. Starts designer initialization. Ends designer initialization. Retrieves the preferred size associated with the specified control. The control for which to retrieve the preferred size. The preferred size for the specified control. Take a look at the LayoutManager class documentation for information on the different ways in which the manager obtains and you can specify the preferred and minimum size information for a child component. Returns the preferred size provided with a call to SetPreferredSize. The control whose preferred size is to be known. The size, if any, provided or the current control size. Unlike GetPreferredSize, this does not throw an event or look for IProvideLayoutInformation in the child controls. Calling this will in turn call SetPreferredSize with the current control size, if there is no size available. Associates a preferred size with the specified control. The control to associate the preferred size with. The preferred size of the control. Take a look at the LayoutManager class documentation for information on the different ways in which the manager obtains and you can specify the preferred and minimum size information for a child component. Makes the current sizes of the child controls their minimum and preferred sizes. Indicates whether the PreferredSize property is a value other than Rectangle.Empty. Removes any custom preferred size set for the specified control. Retrieves the minimum size associated with the specified control. The control for which to retrieve the minimum size. The minimum size for the specified control. Take a look at the LayoutManager class documentation for information on the different ways in which the manager obtains and you can specify the preferred and minimum size information for a child component. Returns the minimum size provided with a call to SetMinimumSize. The control whose minimum size is to be known. The size, if any provided, or the current control size. Unlike GetMinimumSize, this does not throw an event or look for IProvideLayoutInformation in the child controls. Calling this will in turn call SetMinimumSize with the current control size, if there is no size available. Associates a minimum size with the specified control. The control to associate the minimum size with. The minimum size of the control. Take a look at the LayoutManager class documentation for information on the different ways in which the manager obtains, and you can specify, the preferred and minimum size information for a child component. Indicates whether the MinimumSize property is a value other than Rectangle.Empty. Removes any custom minimum size set for the specified control. Returns the dynamic preferred or minimum size of a child component. The child control. The type of size required, preferred or minimum. A reference value through which the size should be returned to the caller. True to indicate a dynamic size was found and that the size argument has a valid value. False otherwise. This function will first check if the child control has an interface and if so returns the size provided by that interface. If not, it throws a to obtain the dynamic size. The handlers, if any, for that event may provide the dynamic size which will be returned. If none of the above cases succeeds then False will be returned. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. The OnProvideLayoutInformation method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnProvideLayoutInformation in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnProvideLayoutInformation method so that registered delegates receive the event. The handler for the container's ControlAdded event. The container into which a control was added. An ControlEventArgs that contains the event data. This is an easy way for the derived classes to know when a child gets added to the ContainerControl. The handler for the container's ControlRemoved event. The container into which a control was added. An ControlEventArgs that contains the event data. This is an easy way for the derived classes to know when a child gets removed from the ContainerControl. Adds a child component to the layout list with the specified constraints. The control to add to the list. The associated constraints. The type of constraints to be passed varies based on the layout manager. The for example expects a string type while the expects a type. The and the do not expect anything which means you can specify NULL. Take a look at the individual layout manager's documentation for the type of constraints expected. The individual managers also provide custom type safe methods to let you specify the appropriate constraints. You can also pass a derived class as the first argument because it has an implicit type-conversion operator that will provide its corresponding control object (a place-holder control that allows the LayoutItemBase to seamlessly participate in the layout framework). In VB, use the method. Removes a child component from the layout list. The control to be removed. You can also pass a LayoutItemBase derived class as the first argument because it has an implicit type-conversion operator that will provide its corresponding control object (a place-holder control that allows the LayoutItemBase to participate in the layout framework seemlessly). In VB, use the LayoutItemBase.ToControl method. Removes any references to the container control and handlers for events in that control. Will also remove references to the child control. Will be called when the user sets the ContainerControl to NULL and from Dispose. Make sure to call the base class to perform normal operations when you override this method. Returns the minimum size for the ContainerControl. A size value representing the minimum size required. This value is calculated based on the minimum size requirement for the child controls. Returns the preferred size for the ContainerControl. A size value representing the preferred size. This value is calculated based on the preferred size requirement for the child controls. Triggers a layout of the child components. Use this when you want to manually trigger a layout. This will automatically be called by the framework when is True and a Layout event occurs on the . Returns the child components that participate in the layout. The child control list. The order of child controls in the returned list will take into account the property value. Returns the layout bounds within which to perform layout. The Rectangle specifying the layout bounds. This takes into account the value, if not empty. If empty, the bounds are calculated based on the Container Control's ClientRectangle and the margins specified. Indicates the Visible state of the child control or LayoutItemBase. The control whose visibility is to be determined. The visibility state. Use this instead of checking the Visible property of the control directly, because if this control is a place-holder control for a LayoutItemBase, the Visibility state will be stored elsewhere. Indicates whether the layout manager is in a state where it can start laying out components. True indicates its ready for layout; False otherwise. This will return True if it has a valid ContainerControl and at least one child component to be laid out. If you override this method, make sure to call the base class. This event is triggered when the ContainerControl property is changed. This event is triggered to obtain preferred size information for a child control during layout. Gets or sets the designer host. Gets or sets the component designer. Gets or sets the container control that this manager will lay out. A control object. Changing this property will raise the ContainerControlChanged event. Gets or sets the custom layout bounds, if any, to be used for layout calculation instead of the container control's ClientRectangle. A Rectangle specifying the custom bounds. Default is Rectangle.Empty. If this value is Rectangle.Empty, then the manager will use the container control's ClientRectangle. If other than Rectangle.Empty, then that value will be used. When using CustomLayoutBounds, you might have to disable in most cases and instead manually reset CustomLayoutBounds and call in the container control's Layout event handler. Indicates whether the container control's should be used as the order for laying out the child controls. True to use the ControlCollection order; False to use the order in which the child components were added to the manager. Default value is true. This property matters only when the corresponding layout manager relies on the order of children in the child list in its layout logic. The FlowLayout, CardLayout and the GridLayout managers rely on the order, while the GridBagLayout managers do not. Note that if you have both control-based and -based child components participating in the layout and this property is True, then the LayoutItemBase based child components will always be at the bottom of the list when layout is performed. In this case, if you want more control on the child order, set this property to False and use the LayoutControls list to modify the exisiting order. Returns the list of child components participating in layout. An ArrayList containing the child components. There are very specific cases when you have to access this list. You should access this list to modify the position of the children in the child components list only when property is False and you are laying out both control-based and LayoutItemBase-based components in the manager. Take a look at the UseControlCollectionPosition property documentation for information on this issue. However, you should only use this property to change the position of child components, but never to effectively add or remove components (use the methods provided by the respective managers). Indicates whether the manager should lay out automatically on Layout event. True indicates auto layout; False otherwise. Default is True. If True, the manager will listen to the ContainerControl control's Layout event and perform layout automatically. If False, you should call the manager's method to trigger layout. This method has been replaced by HorzNearMargin. Please use that instead. Gets or sets the left margin between the client rectangle and the layout rectangle. An integer value in pixels. Default is 4 pixels. This method has been replaced by HorzFarMargin. Please use that instead. Gets or sets the right margin between the client rectangle and the layout rectangle. An integer value in pixels. Default is 4 pixels. Gets or sets the top margin between the client rectangle and the layout rectangle. An integer value in pixels. Default is 4 pixels. Gets or sets the bottom margin between the client rectangle and the layout rectangle. An integer value in pixels. Default is 4 pixels. Hashtable to maintain constraint to control mapping. Overloaded. Creates an instance of the class and sets its defaults. Creates an instance of the class and sets its . Creates an instance of the class and sets its Control. Creates an instance of the class and sets its Control, and . Sets the for a child component. The child component whose position is to be set. The . Removes a child component from the layout list. The childcontrol which is need to remove from layout Adds a child component to the layout list with the specified constraints. The childcontrol which is added to the layout The Returns the of a child component. The child component whose position is to be retrieved. The . Retrieves the preferred size associated with the specified control. The control whose perferred size is to be retrieved Returns the PreferredSize of the control Retrieves the minimum size associated with the specified control. The control whose minimum size is to be retrieved Returns the MinimumSize of the control Returns the preferred size for the ContainerControl. Returns the minimum size for the ContainerControl. Triggers a layout of the child components. Gets or sets the vertical spacing between the layout border and the components. The vertical space in pixels. Gets or sets the horizontal spacing between the layout border and the components. The horizontal space in pixels. Specifies the position and the manner in which the control will be laid out by the . The control is not laid out. The control's top edge is docked to the top of its containing control. The control's bottom edge is docked to the bottom of its containing control. The control's right edge is docked to the right edge of its containing control. The control's left edge is docked to the left edge of its containing control. The control is resized to fit the area between the controls laid out in the other borders. Convert the card names into String type. Gets the Cards name as Specifies how the children will be laid out. In Default mode, the manager will center the control within the layout rectangle based on its preferred size, when there is enough space available. When the space available is less than the preferred size, it will simply show the child from the top / left of the layout rectangle, shrinking the size to fit the layout rectangle, not going below the minimum size. In Fill mode, the preferred size of the control will be ignored and it will be made to fill the entire client area of the parent, taking into consideration the parent's DockPading parent(if the parent is a ScrollableControl). The child control is laid out based on its preferred size. The child control is laid out to fill the parent. Represents the that lays out the children as "Cards". Each child component is a "Card" with a name attached to it. The will display only one Card at a time, allowing you to flip through it. Use the , , , , and methods to do so. The property lets you specify whether to lay out the children based on their preferred size or make them fill the parent's client rectangle. The method will expect you to pass a string value indicating the name of the Card as the constraint. Setting the same Card name for more than one component will result in unforseen conflicts. During design-time, you can change the order of the child controls being laid out by moving them around using the "Bring to Front" and "Send to Back" verbs provided by the control designer. Take a look at the class documentation for more information on in general. Here is some sample code that tells you how to initialize a manager: // Binding a Control to the manager programmatically. this.cardLayout1 = new CardLayout(); // Set the container control; all the child controls of this container control are // automatically registered as children with the manager and get default card names. this.cardLayout1.ContainerControl = this.panel1; // Set custom card names to replace default card names. this.cardLayout1.SetCardName(this.label1, "MyCard1"); // To select a card manually, use the SelectedCard property. this.cardLayout1.SelectedCard = "MyCard1"; // Or move through the cards like this: this.cardLayout1.Next(); this.cardLayout1.Previous(); Also, take a look at the project in Tools/Samples/Quick Start/ for an example. Indicates the Base Name of the card. Overloaded. Creates a new instance of the class and sets its defaults. Creates a new instance of the class and adds itself to the specified container. The logical parent into which to add itself. This constructor is used by the design-time to add a component to the form's field so that it gets Disposed when the form gets Disposed. Note that this is not the same as the 's container control. Creates a new instance of the class and sets its . Ends designer initialization. Returns the Card name of a child component. The child component whose Card name is to be retrieved. The Card name as string. Sets the Card name for a child component. The child component whose Card name is to be set. The Card name as string. Use this method to change the card name of a component once set using . Setting a NULL or empty string will also remove the component from the layout list. Returns the value for maintaining aspect ratio based on the control's PreferredSize. The control whose aspect ratio setting is to be known. True if the aspect ratio should be maintained; false otherwise. Sets the value for maintaining aspect ratio based on the control's PreferredSize. The control to associate the aspect ratio setting. True to maintain aspect ratio. False otherwise. Use this method to specify whether or not the control will be drawn maintaining its aspect ratio based on the control's PreferredSize. Applicable only when the property is set to .Default. Overridden. See . Generates a new unique name for a card that could be added to this . A card name unique within this . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . The child control which is added to the Layout The Card Name as string Overridden. See . The child control which is need to remove from layout Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Validates hidden states. Overridden. See . Returns the current active Card. The control representing the card. Shows the first Card. Shows the next Card in the list. Shows the previous Card in the list. Shows the last Card in the list. Shows a Card by name. The Card's name. Returns an array containing the Card names as strings. An ArrayList of Card names. Returns an associated control given a Card name. The card name whose control to retrieve. A control associated with the card name. Gets or sets the . The current . Default is .Default. Gets or sets the selected control. Returns the index of the next card that will be shown when the method gets called. A valid index into the list returned by the method; -1 if a next card is not available. This property will return the first card if the currently selected card is the last card. Returns the index of the previous card that will be shown when the method gets called. A valid index into the list returned by the method; -1 if a previous card is not available. This property will return the last card if the currently selected card is the first card. Gets or sets the current Card's name. The current Card's name. This event is raised in method before applying new bounds. Represents the method that will handle the event of the . The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Specifies the alignment of layout components in the direction of flow. Center the components within the parent's width (if vertical layout) or height (if horizontal layout). Dock the components to the left border (if vertical layout) or top border (if horizontal layout). Dock the components to the right border (if vertical layout) or bottom border (if horizontal layout). Refer to the child's to determine the alignment and layout. Specifies whether the children should be laid out horizontally or vertically. Children will be laid out horizontally, left to right. Children will be laid out vertically, top to bottom. Specifies how child components will be positioned inside a container managed by the manager. are a set of properties that determine how a child component will be horizontally and vertically aligned when laid out in rows or columns. Returns a default object (that is not empty). The default object. Overloaded. Creates a new instance of the class and sets its defaults. Creates a new instance of the class with the specified values. True indicates this child should participate in layout; False otherwise. The mode in which child should be laid out (when in horizontal flow mode). The mode in which child should be laid out (when in vertical flow mode). True indicates a line break when this child is encountered while laying out. True indicates that the width of the column the corresponding child control occupies should be proportional to the laid out column's preferred width (when laid out vertically). True indicates that the height of the row the corresponding child control occupies should be proportional to the laid out row's preferred height (when laid out horizontally). Creates an exact copy of this object. The cloned object. Overridden. See Check the object equals with current object and properties. True, If the object equals with . Otherwise false. Default is false. The object bool The basic == operator. The left-hand side of the operator. The right-hand side of the operator. Boolean value. The basic != operator. The left-hand side of the operator. The right-hand side of the operator. bool Indicates whether the child should participate in layout. True to indicate this child should participate in layout; False otherwise. Default is True. Specifies the mode in which the child should be laid out within a row. A value. Default is .Justify. Specifies the mode in which the child should be laid out within a column. A value. Default is .Center. Indicates whether this child should always be moved to the beginning of a new line when laid out. True to move to a new line; False otherwise. Default is False. Indicates whether the effective height of the row the corresponding child control occupies should be proportional to the laid out rows' preferred heights, for horizontal layout mode. True for proportional height; False otherwise. Default is False. This property is in effect only when the layout mode is horizontal. When this property is on, the row this control occupies will be deemed to take proportional height. Then the remaining vertical space available will be split proportionally between such rows wanting proportional-height based on their preferred height. Indicates whether the effective width of the column the corresponding child control occupies should be proportional to the laid out columns' preferred widths, for vertical layout mode. True for proportional width; False otherwise. Default is False. This property is in effect only when the layout mode is vertical. When this property is on, the column this control occupies will be deemed to take proportional width. Then the remaining horizontal space available will be split proportionally between such columns wanting proportional-width based on their preferred width. Gets or sets the structure with its properties left uninitialized. Convert the properties values into . Overridden. See Binds the assembly name and type to the assembly. Binds the assembly type to the same type in a different assembly. Overridden. See Overridden. See Overridden. See Specifies the alignment of child components within a row when horizontally laid out. The child component is left aligned within the row. The child component is right aligned within the row. The child component is centered within the row. The child component will be expanded (or shrunk up to the MinimumSize) to fill any available extra width. Justified components are positioned after the centered ones. Specifies the alignment of child components within a column when vertically laid out. The child component is top aligned within the column. The child component is bottom aligned within the column. The child component is center aligned within the column. The child component will be expanded to fill any available extra height. Justified components are positioned after the centered ones. Represents the that does a left to right or top to bottom layout. Arranges components horizontally (left to right) or vertically (top to bottom) (As specified in the property). When there is no more space in a line, it moves the components to the next line. By default, each line is centered. You can change this justification using the property. You can also set on each component for more control over the component's alignment and spacing within a row / column. You can control the component spacing, in pixels, through the and properties. When the 's changes, it automatically assigns default to the children, for convenience sake, so that you don't have to call for each child component. Take a look at the class documentation for more information on in general. The following example shows you how to initialize a manager with a container control: // Binding a control to the manager programmatically: this.flowLayout1 = new FlowLayout(); // Set the container control; all the child controls of this container control are // automatically registered as children with the manager: this.flowLayout1.ContainerControl = this.panel1; // Set some properties on the manager: this.flowLayout1.HGap = 20; this.flowLayout1.Alignment = FlowAlignment.Near; // You can prevent one or more child controls from being laid out, like this (the first argument for should be False). // This will have the same effect as calling RemoveLayoutComponent: this.flowLayout1.SetConstraints(this.label10, new FlowLayoutConstraints(false, HorzFlowAlign.Left, VertFlowAlign.Center, false, false, false)); // You can prevent automatic layout during the layout event. // If you decide to do so, make sure to call flowLayout.LayoutContainer manually: // this.flowLayout1.AutoLayout = false; Also take a look at the project in Tools/Samples/Quick Start/ for an example. Overloaded. Creates a new instance of the component and sets its defaults. Creates a new instance of the class and adds itself to the specified container. The logical parent into which to add itself. This constructor is used by the design-time to add a component to the form's IContainer field so that it gets Disposed when the form gets Disposed. Note that this is not the same as the 's container control. Creates a new instance of the component and sets its . The logical parent into which to add itself. Specifies the constraints associated with the specified control. The control for which to set the constraints. The constraints of the control. NULL to remove the control from the layout list. Passing a NULL value will actually remove the component from the layout list. Adds or removes the specified control from the layout list. The control to be added or removed. True means the control will be added; False will remove it. This method will be removed in a future version. Instead, use the method passing in a instance with its property set to the appropriate value. Indicates whether the component is in the layout list. The control whose participation needs to be verified. True if it is in the layout list; False otherwise. This method will be removed in a future version. Use the method to get hold of the associated with this control and then check its property instead. Returns a reference to the constraints associated with the specified control. The control with constraints to retrieve. A reference to the actual constraints object. This is the actual object where the manager stores the constraints for the control. Hence, making changes to the returned object will affect the layout logic. Returns the constraints associated with the specified control. The control with constraints to retrieve. A clone of the stored constraints object. The returned value is a clone which can be used independently by itself. The changes made to the returned instance will not have any effect on the stored constraints. Use to get hold of the actual constraints object that is used by the manager. Overridden. See . The control to associate the preferred size with. The preferred size of the control. Overridden. See . Overridden. See . The control which PreferredSize to be reset. Indicates whether to serialize the PreferredSize property. Overridden. See . The Control which MinimumSize to be reset. Indicates whether to serialize the MinimumSize property. Overridden. See . An EventArgs that contains the event data. Removes a child component from the layout list. The control to be removed. You can also pass a LayoutItemBase derived class as the first argument because it has an implicit type-conversion operator that will provide its corresponding control object (a place-holder control that allows the LayoutItemBase to participate in the layout framework seemlessly). In VB, use the LayoutItemBase.ToControl method. Overridden. See . Returns the size with the preferred height (when laying out Horizontal) or size with the preferred width (when laying out Vertical). Overridden. See . Arrange the layout components horizontally in the layout container. Arranged the layout components vertically in the layout container. Overridden. See . Gets or sets the alignment of layout components in the direction of flow. A FlowAlignment value specifying the justification. Default is FlowAlignment.Center. FlowAlignment.Near will be either left justified or top justified based on whether the layout mode is vertical or horizontal. And similarly, FlowAlignment.Far will be either right justified or bottom justified. FlowAlignment.ChildConstraints will make the manager refer to the child's constraints. Gets or sets the layout mode. The current FlowLayoutMode. Default is FlowLayoutMode.Horizontal. Indicates whether to lay out rows in the opposite direction (right to left or bottom to top). False for regular layout; True for reverse layout. Default is False. Gets or sets the horizontal spacing between the components. The horizontal space in pixels. Indicates whether the container control should automatically grow in height when there is not enough space when in horizontal alignment mode. True to automatically increase the height; False otherwise. This applies only in horizontal alignment mode. Gets or sets the vertical spacing between the layout border and the components. The vertical space in pixels. Occurs when property is changed. Occurs when property is changed. Create the labeledcontrol with Autolabel which is presented in layout container. Create the new instance for add added its controls bounds. Childcontrol's bounds values for the layout. Create the new instance for add added its controls bounds. AutoLabel's bounds values for the layout Position for AutoLable Horizontal space between the left of AutoLable and its labledcontrol. Vertical space between the top ofthe AutoLable andIts labledcontrol. Childcontrol's bounds values for the layout. Suspends updating the until is called. Resumes updating the after a call. Gets or sets the Location of the childcomponent. Gets or sets the height of the childcomponent. Gets or sets the width of the childcomponent. InsetsCoverter sets the layout components left,right,top and bottom margins. Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Specifies the inset padding, in pixels, for a component. Used by the manager. This is the extra space that the manager adds around a component's preferred bounds before laying out the component. Creates an instance on the Insets class. Number of pixels added to the left of the component. Number of pixels added to the top of the component. Number of pixels added to the right of the component. Number of pixels added to the bottom of the component. Overriden.See . Overriden.See . Overriden. See . The basic == operator. The left-hand side of the operator. The right-hand side of the operator. Boolean value. The basic != operator. The left-hand side of the operator. The right-hand side of the operator. Boolean value. Gets or sets the insets to the left of the component. Gets or sets the insets to the right of the component. Gets or sets the insets to the top of the component. Gets or sets the insets to the bottom of the component. Serialize and Deserialize the objects. Convert the properties values into . Binds the assembly name and type to the assembly. Binds the assembly type to the same type in a different assembly. Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Specifies how to resize a component when the component's layout bounds are larger than its preferred size. The component is not resized. The component's width and height are both changed to fill the entire available layout bounds. The component's width is changed to fill its layout bounds horizontally. The component's height is changed to fill its layout bounds vertically. Specifies how a layout component anchors to the edges of its layout bounds when managed by a . A child component usually gets more space than its preferred size when being laid out. These values specify how to align such components within the layout bounds. The child component is anchored to the center of its layout bounds. The child component is anchored to the North of its layout bounds. The child component is anchored to the NorthEast of its layout bounds. The child component is anchored to the East of its layout bounds. The child component is anchored to the SouthEast of its layout bounds. The child component is anchored to the South of its layout bounds. The child component is anchored to the SouthWest of its layout bounds. The child component is anchored to the West of its layout bounds. The child component is anchored to the NorthWest of its layout bounds. Specifies how components will be positioned inside a container managed by the manager. are a set of properties that determine how a component will grow, shrink or reposition itself when its container is resized. Each component has its own which means that there is potential for unforseen size and boundary conflicts. Make sure to manually test the layout design to determine that it behaves appropriately. Relative positioning preference. Makes the child component occupy the remainder of the row / column. Returns a default object that is also empty. The default object. Overloaded. Creates a new instance of the class and sets its defaults. Creates a new instance of the class with the specified values. Grid column beggining position. Grid row beggining position. The number of columns this component should span in the virtual grid. The number of rows this component should span in the virtual grid. The weight of the component to obtain the extra horizontal space. The weight of the component to obtain the extra vertical space. The justification of a component within its available layout bounds. The filltype to resize the components in layout bounds. Adding the extra space arround the components preferred bounds. The amount of pixels to add to the component size while calculating the overall width. The amount of pixels to add to the component size while calculating the overall height. Represents the structure with its properties left uninitialized. Creates an exact copy of this object. The cloned object. Overridden. See Overridden. See . The object. The basic == operator. The left-hand side of the operator. The right-hand side of the operator. Boolean value. The basic != operator. The left-hand side of the operator. The right-hand side of the operator. Boolean value. Gets or sets the column in the virtual grid where the component's layout bounds begin. A value specifying the beginning column. Can be -1. Default is -1. When -1, the positioning is relative, which means the component will be positioned immediately to the right of the component that was most recently added to the container. Gets or sets the row in the virtual grid where the component's layout bounds begin. A value specifying the beginning row. Can be -1. Default is -1(.Relative). When -1, the positioning is relative, which means the component will be positioned immediately to the bottom of the component that was most recently added to the container. Gets or sets the number of columns this component should span in the virtual grid. The number of columns to span, default is 1. Can be zero (.Remainder). When value is zero, the component will be the last one in its row. Gets or sets the number of rows this component should span in the virtual grid. The number of rows to span, default is 1. Can be zero (.Remainder). When value is zero, the component will be the last one in its column. Gets or sets the weight of this component in obtaining the extra horizontal space. A double value representing the weight. Default is zero. Specifies how to distribute extra horizontal space for a column. The weight of a column is calculated as the maximum WeightX of all the components in that column. When there is extra horizontal space it is distributed to each column based on its weight. A component that has zero weight receives no extra space. Gets or sets the weight of this component in obtaining the extra vertical space. A double value representing the weight. Default is zero. Specifies how to distribute extra vertical space for a row. The weight of a row is calculated as the maximum WeightY of all the components in that row. When there is extra vertical space it is distributed to each row based on its weight. A component that has zero weight receives no extra space. Gets or sets the justification of a component within its available layout bounds (a cell in the virtual grid). One of the AnchorTypes values. Default is center. Gets or sets the fill type to resize a component when the component's layout bounds are larger than its preferred size. One of the FillType values. The default is none. Gets or sets the extra space that the manager adds around a component's preferred bounds before laying out the component. An Inset's instance. Default is zero inset padding on all sides. Gets or sets the amount in pixels to add to the size of the component when determining its overall width. The integer value representing the padding in pixels. Default is zero. Gets or sets the amount in pixels to add to the size of the component when determining its overall height. The integer value representing the padding in pixels. Default is zero. Gets or sets the structure with its properties left uninitialized. Raises when properties changed. Initialize the layout bounds. Represents the that performs . The manager creates and manages a grid within the container's layout bounds. Each column and row in this grid can be of different sizes and a component can span more than one cell. Each component can be assigned weights to determine how to distribute extra space between components. A component can also be anchored to a border / corner of its virtual grid cell. It can also fill its cell. Note that if you want the child components to be laid out purely based on their weights, set their preferred sizes to be (0,0), specify a non-zero weightX and weigthY, and set their Fill mode to FillMode.Both. The structure specifies all the above constraints associated with a component. Use the SetConstraints method to set the constraints for each component. To exclude a component from layout, call SetConstraints with NULL constraints. Each component has a constraint, which means that there is potential for conflicts in size and boundaries between components. Make sure to manually test the layout design to determine that it behaves appropriately. The following example shows you how to initialize a manager with a container control and its children: // Binding a control to the manager programmatically: this.gridBagLayout1 = new GridBagLayout(); // Set the container control; all the child controls of this container control are // automatically registered as children with the manager: this.gridBagLayout1.ContainerControl = this.panel1; this.gridBagLayout1.SetConstraints( this.button1, new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0.2, AnchorTypes.Center, FillType.Both, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, false) ); this.gridBagLayout1.SetConstraints( this.button2, new GridBagConstraints(0, 1, 1, 3, 0.2, 0.6, AnchorTypes.Center, FillType.Both, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, false) ); // Exclude button3 from layout: this.gridBagLayout1.SetConstraints(this.button3, GridBagConstraints.Empty); // Modify an exisiting constraint: GridBagConstraints constraints1 = this.gridBagLayout1.GetConstraintsRef(this.button1); constraints1.Fill = FillType.Horizontal; // You can prevent automatic layout during the layout event. // If you decide to do so, make sure to call gridBagLayout1.LayoutContainer manually: // this.gridBagLayout1.AutoLayout = false; Also take a look at the project in Tools/Samples/Quick Start/ for an example. Largest minimum width in each column. Largest minimum height in each row. Largest weight in each column. Largest weight in each row. Overloaded. Creates a new instance of the class and sets its defaults. Creates a new instance of the class and adds itself to the specified container. The logical ContainerControl parent into which to add itself. This constructor is used by the design-time to add a component to the form's IContainer field so that it gets Disposed when the form gets Disposed. Note that this is not the same as the 's ContainerControl. Creates a new instance of the class and sets its ContainerControl. The logical ContainerControl parent into which to add itself. Overridden. See . The control which PreferredSize to be reset. Indicates whether to serialize the PreferredSize property. Overridden. See . The Control which MinimumSize to be reset. Indicates whether to serialize the MinimumSize property. Specifies the constraints associated with the specified control. The control for which to set the constraints. The constraints of the control. Or NULL to remove the control from the layout list. Passing a NULL value will actually remove the component from the layout list. Overridden. See . The control to associate the preferred size with. The preferred size of the control. Returns the constraints associated with the specified control. The control whose constraints to retrieve. A clone of the stored constraints object. The returned value is a clone which can be used independently by itself. The changes made to the returned instance will not have any effect on the stored constraints. Use to get hold of the actual constraints object that is used by the manager. Returns a reference to the constraints associated with the specified control. The control with constraints to retrieve. A reference to the actual constraints object. This is the actual object where the manager stores the constraints for the control. Hence, making changes to the returned object will affect the layout logic. Returns the top-left origin of the virtual grid in the current layout. A point representing the top-left position. Returns the row and column dimensions of the current layout. A 2D integer array containing the dimensions. Returns the row and column weights of the current layout. A 2D integer array containing the weights. Returns the cell in the virtual grid (as a point) given a location. The x coordinate of the location. The y coordinate of the location. A Point representing the virtual grid cell. Adds a component to the child layout list. The control to add to the layout list. The associated with this component. If the second argument is not a , an exception will be thrown. Overridden. See . The control to be removed. Overridden. See . Reutrns the preferred size of the Container control. Overridden. See . Returns the MinimumSize of the ContainerControl. Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Represents the that lays out the child components as a grid consisting of rows and columns. The divides the layout space into rows and columns based on the Rows and Columns properties and assigns each similar sized cell to a child component. You can control the component spacing, in pixels, through the and properties. You can remove or add child controls through the SetParticipateInLayout method. When the 's ContainerControl changes, it automatically includes all of its children in the layout component list, for convenience sake, so that you don't have to call SetParticipateInLayout for each child component. The PreferredSize and MinimimumSize settings for the children are ignored by the during layout, however the and methods do refer to the above settings to determine the sizes. Take a look at the class documentation for more information on in general. The following example shows you how to initialize a manager with a container control: // Binding a Control to the manager programmatically: this.gridLayout1 = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.GridLayout(); // Set the container control; all the child controls of this container control are // automatically registered as children with the manager: this.gridLayout1.ContainerControl = this.innerPanel; // Set some properties on the manager: this.gridLayout1.Columns = 4; this.gridLayout1.Rows = 5; this.gridLayout1.HGap = 4; this.gridLayout1.VGap = 4; // You can ignore one or more child Control from being laid out, like this. // This will have the same effect as calling RemoveLayoutComponent: //this.gridLayout1.SetParticipateInLayout(this.button1, false); // You can prevent automatic layout during the layout event: // If you decide to do so, make sure to call gridLayout1.LayoutContainer manually: // this.gridLayout1.AutoLayout = false; Also take a look at the project in Tools/Samples/Quick Start/ for an example. Overloaded. Creates an instance of the class and sets its defaults. Creates a new instance of the class and adds itself to the specified container. The logical parent into which to add itself. This constructor is used by the design-time to add a component to the form's IContainer field so that it gets Disposed when the form gets Disposed. Note that this is not the same as the 's ContainerControl. Creates an instance of the class and sets its ContainerControl. The logical parent into which to add itself. Creates an instance of the class and sets its ContainerControl, rows and columns. The logical parent into which to add itself. Number of rows to be displayed in the Number of columns to be displayed in the Creates an instance of the class and sets its ContainerControl, rows, columns, horizontal gap and vertical gap. The logical parent into which to add itself. Number of rows to be displayed in the . Number of columns to be displayed in the . The horizontal space between the child controls. The vertical space between the child controls. Indicates whether the component is in the layout list. The control whose participation needs to be verified. True if it is in the layout list; False otherwise. Adds or removes the specified control from the layout list. The control to be added or removed. True means the control will be added; False will remove it. Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Retrieves the preferred size associated with the specified control. Retrieves the minimum size associated with the specified control. Overridden. See . Returns the preferred layout size. Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Calculate the rows count when column count is zero. Number of columns Number of rows Number of controls Calculate the columns count when row count is zero. Number of columns Number of rows Number of controls Gets / sets the number of rows to be displayed in the . The number of rows. Default is 1. At least one Row or Column property should be greater than zero. If they are both set to zero, then the Rows property will be changed to 1. If you try to set a negative value, this will instead be set to zero. Gets / sets the number of columns to be displayed in the . The number of columns. Default is 1. At least one Row or Column property should be greater than zero. If they are both set to zero, then the Row property will be changed to 1. If you try to set a negative value, this will instead be set to zero. Gets / sets the horizontal spacing between the layout border and the components. The horizontal space in pixels. Gets / sets the vertical spacing between the layout border and the components. The vertical space in pixels. Defines a mechanism through which dynamic size information can be provided. When a layout component implements this interface, the layout manager will obtain the size information through this interface whenever layout is performed. This allows you to provide dynamic layout information. Returns the preferred size of the component. Returns the minimum size of the component. Represents a non-control based layout component. Derive your non-control based components from this class if you want them to participate in the layout management. You can add such components to the manager using the same methods as the control derived classes. You can pass a LayoutItemBase derived class to any method that expects a control type argument since the LayoutItemBase has an implicit type-conversion operator that can convert itself to a control. In VB, use the method to convert this instance to a control. In your derived class, you can find out the size set by the layout manager through the property and the visibility through the Visible property (listening for the event should also help). You should also provide the preferred size and minimum size of your component through the and overrides. This first example shows a sample LayoutItemBase derived class: public class MyRectangle : LayoutItemBase { public static Size PrefSize = new Size(0, 0); protected Control parent; protected Color color; protected string text; public MyRectangle(Control parent, Color color, string text) { this.parent = parent; this.color = color; this.text = text; } public void OnPaint( PaintEventArgs e) { e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(color), this.Bounds); StringFormat sf = new StringFormat(); sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; RectangleF r = new RectangleF(Bounds.Left, Bounds.Top, Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height); e.Graphics.DrawString(text, Control.DefaultFont, SystemBrushes.ControlText, r, sf); } // This override is a good place to repaint. // Or you can listen to BoundsChanged event in LayoutItemBase. protected override void OnBoundsChanged() { parent.Invalidate(new Rectangle(0, 0, this.parent.Width, this.parent.Height)); } public override System.Drawing.Size MinimumSize { get { return MyRectangle.PrefSize; } } public override System.Drawing.Size PreferredSize { get { return MyRectangle.PrefSize; } } } The above class can then participate in layout as follows. The example assumes that there is a GridBagLayout manager that is already bound to a container. private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { this.SuspendLayout(); // Current layout manager (Update every time you change the manager) // Layout Component 1: this.myRect1 = new MyRectangle(this.gridBagLayout1.ContainerControl, Color.FromArgb(133, 191, 117), "Paint Area 1"); this.myRect1.Bounds = new Rectangle(10, 10, 80, 20); this.myRect1.Visible = true; // Layout Component 2: this.myRect2 = new MyRectangle(this.gridBagLayout1.ContainerControl, Color.FromArgb(222, 100, 19), "Paint Area 2"); this.myRect2.Bounds = new Rectangle(10, 40, 80, 20); this.myRect2.Visible = true; // Layout Component 3: this.myRect3 = new MyRectangle(this.gridBagLayout1.ContainerControl, Color.FromArgb(196, 214, 233), "Paint Area 3"); this.myRect3.Bounds = new Rectangle(10, 70, 80, 20); this.myRect3.Visible = true; // Sample GridBagConstraints: GridBagConstraints gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints(); GridBagConstraints gbc2 = new GridBagConstraints(); GridBagConstraints gbc3 = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc1.Fill = FillType.Both; gbc1.WeightX = 0.2; gbc1.WeightY = 0.5; gbc1.GridPosX = 0; gbc1.GridPosY = 0; gbc2.Fill = FillType.Both; gbc2.WeightX = 0.2; gbc2.WeightY = 0.5; gbc2.GridPosX = 1; gbc2.GridPosY = 0; gbc3.Fill = FillType.Both; gbc3.WeightX = 0.4; gbc3.WeightY = 0.5; gbc3.GridPosX = 0; gbc3.GridPosY = 1; gbc3.CellSpanX = 2; // Add all the components that are to participate in Layout Management. // For GridBagLayouts pass gbcs for GridBagLayouts: this.gridBagLayout1.SetConstraints(this.myRect1.ToControl(), gbc1); this.gridBagLayout1.SetConstraints(this.myRect2.ToControl(), gbc2); this.gridBagLayout1.SetConstraints(this.myRect3.ToControl(), gbc3); this.ResumeLayout(true); } Creates an instance of the LayoutItemBase. Returns the place holder control corresponding to the LayoutItemBase that lets the LayoutItemBase participate in the LayoutManager framework. The LayoutItemBase object. The corresponding place holder control. Returns the place holder control corresponding to this LayoutItemBase that lets the LayoutItemBase participate in the LayoutManager framework. The corresponding place holder control. Called when the Bounds property changes. Returns the preferred size of the component. Returns the minimum size of the component. Indicates whether the component should be drawn visible. True for visible; False for hidden. Gets / sets the bounds of the component in the corresponding layout manager's ContainerControl's client co-ordinates. The rectangle within the parent control, in client co-ordinates. Specifies the type of size information requested. The preferred size of the component. The minimum size of the component. Represents the method that will handle the event of the LayoutManager. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Provides data for the event. Creates a new instance of the ProvideLayoutInformationEventArgs class. The control for which the layout information is requested. The type of information requested. Returns the type of information requested. A enum. Returns the control for which the layout information is requested. A control instance. Gets / sets the size to be returned. A size value. Indicates whether this event was handled and a value provided. True to indicate a value was provided; False otherwise. Helps transform points from LTR to RTL co-ordinates and vice versa. SR provides localized access to string resources specific from the assembly manifest Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Localization.SR.resources Gets the localized text. Current UI culture. String that has to be localized. Control name. The localized string Gets the localized text. String that has to be localized. The localized string Gets the localized text. String that has to be localized. Control name. The localized string Gets the localized text. String that has to be localized. Control name. The localized string Gets the localized text. Current UI culture. String that has to be localized. The localized string Gets the localized object. Current UI culture. String that has to be localized. The localized object Gets the localized object. String that has to be localized. The localized object Gets the localized boolean object. Current UI culture. String that has to be localized. The localized boolean object Gets the localized boolean object. String that has to be localized. The localized boolean object Gets the localized byte object. Current UI culture. String that has to be localized. The localized byte object Gets the localized byte object. String that has to be localized. The localized byte object Gets the localized char object. Current UI culture. String that has to be localized. The localized char object Gets the localized char object. String that has to be localized. The localized char object Gets the localized double object. Current UI culture. String that has to be localized. The localized double object Gets the localized double object. String that has to be localized. The localized double object Gets the localized float object. Current UI culture. String that has to be localized. The localized float object Gets the localized float object. String that has to be localized. The localized float object Gets the localized int object. String that has to be localized. The localized int object Gets the localized int object. Current UI culture. String that has to be localized. The localized int object Gets the localized long object. String that has to be localized. The localized long object Gets the localized long object. Current UI culture. String that has to be localized. The localized long object Gets the localized short object. Current UI culture. String that has to be localized. The localized short object Gets the localized short object. String that has to be localized. The localized short object Specifies the category in which the property or event will be displayed in a visual designer. This is a localized version of CategoryAttribute. The localized string will be loaded from the assembly manifest Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Localization.SR.resources Specifies a description for a property or event. This is a localized version of DescriptionAttribute. The localized string will be loaded from the assembly manifest Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Localization.SR.resources Defines a interface. Provides static methods and properties to localize the UI. ResourceIdentifiers contains resource Ids specific to the Syncfusion.Shared.Base assembly. The MaskedEditBox control provides restricted data input as well as formatted data output. This control supplies visual cues about the type of data being entered or displayed. The MaskedEditBox is derived from and is fully compatible with the textbox control. The MaskedEditBox control generally behaves as a textbox control with enhancements for optional masked input and formatted output. If you do not use an input mask, the MaskedEditBox control behaves much like a textbox. If you define an input mask using the Mask property, each character position in the MaskedEditBox control maps to either a placeholder of a specified type or a literal character. Literal characters, or literals, can give visual cues about the type of data being used. For example, the parentheses surrounding the area code of a telephone number are literals: (919). If you attempt to enter a character that conflicts with the input mask, the control generates a ValidationError event. The input mask prevents you from entering invalid characters into the control. The MaskedEditBox control provides full support for the Windows Forms designer and you can just drag-and-drop the control and set the properties. The MaskedEditBox control provides full support for data binding. The property has to be set to when the MaskedEditBox's property is bound to a DataColumn that only accepts numerical data. The property provides the ability to break down the MaskedEditBox's content into different data groups. The data groups can be defined through the designer and is defined by the length of the data group. For example, a mask of type (###) ### - #### Ext 9999 representing a telephone number can be broken down into 3 data groups with the names "AreaCode", "PhoneNumber" and "Extension" by setting the group lengths to be 5, 11, 9. You can access the DataGroups and the values they hold through an index based accessor or name based accessor. // InitializeComponent // Create the Masked edit box control: this.maskedEditBox1 = new MaskedEditBox(); // Specifies if the prompt character can be entered: this.maskedEditBox1.AllowPrompt = false; // The mask string: this.maskedEditBox1.Mask = ">?<????????????"; // The max length is set based on the mask: this.maskedEditBox1.MaxLength = 13; // The clip mode specifies if the literals are included: this.maskedEditBox1.ClipMode = ClipModes.IncludeLiterals; // The date time format: this.maskedEditBox1.TimeSeparator = ':'; this.maskedEditBox1.DateSeparator = '-'; // The number format: this.maskedEditBox1.DecimalSeparator = '.'; this.maskedEditBox1.ThousandSeparator = ','; // Add the MaskedEditBox control to the form: this.Controls.Add(this.maskedEditBox1); Indicates whether TextBox content is modified, when Mask is used. The mask string that specifies the mask behavior. The mask string to be displayed in the masked edit textbox. The display string with the masks replaced. The prompt character. The prompt character when the control is in passive mode. The padding character. String for holding undo buffer. String for holding redo buffer. The insert mode. Indicates whether the prompt character can input in a mask. position The static internal list of mask characters. Used internally for holding the special masks that don't take up a mask position in the string. How to apply case sensitivity. NumberFormatInfo object for handling globalization. DateFormatInfo object for handling globalization. The usage mode for the MaskedEditBox. Indicaqtes whether the control has been clicked. The maximum value that the control can take. The minimum value that the control can take. Internal variable to track if the control is setting the Text property to a different value internally. In this case, the TextChanged event will not be raised. This solves the problem with the TextChanged event being fired even when the user has not made any changes. The text that will be used to initailize the MaskedEdit. The mask string for initialization. The MaxLength for initialization. Date separator value set during initialization. Used to differentiate when the actual display string is different from the internal display string (primarily because the prompt character can be set to NULL). SortedList with mappings of literal and mask characters between display and internal strings. Indicating whether the control use sequentially display mask's characters. Used whenever the NULL character is the PromptCharacter. Used whenever the NULL character is the PromptCharacter. Internally holds the last used prompt character. Manages the state of the MaskedEditBox. The ClipMode to use when returning the contents of the textbox (with or without literals). The integer value to offset the mask characters by. The context menu for the textbox. Menu items. Menu items. Menu items. Menu items. Menu items. Menu items. Indicates whether the locale default values have to be used for the NumberFormatInfo object. The data groups collection. The internal data groups collection. The currently selected culture. Modifier for the culture. List of cultures that we consider to be RightToLeft. Indicates whether the UseUserOverride value is to be set when creating the CultureInfo. Use this to check that the Focused property doesn't get set when we handle OnEnter. Internal bool to tell the FormattedText method to return just the Text without any padding. This is used when there is a NULL prompt as the base.Text call fails when the Text property returns a value longer (?) than the one being set. Indicates whether the cursor is to be positioned near the decimal when the control receives focus. Hashtable to hold positions. To enable KeyPress and KeyDown events to be handled normally. Pulls the Character on the next data position on delete, pays caution to the mask. Input mode. Support for culture initialization. This method raises the ValidationError event. The text that was input. The start position of the error. See the method for more information. This method raises the MaskSatisfied event. See the method for more information. Invokes the ValidationError event. A ValidationErrorEventArgs that contains the event data. The OnValidationError method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Inheritors: When overriding OnValidationError in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnValidationError method so that registered delegates receive the event. Invokes the MaskSatisfied event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. The OnMaskSatisfied method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Inheritors: When overriding OnMaskSatisfied in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnMaskSatisfied method so that registered delegates receive the event. Creates an object of type MaskedEditBox and initializes it. The default Mask is initialized to an empty string and this will result in the MaskedEditBox acting the same as a text box initially. Signals the object that the initialization is completed. Static constructor for initialization. Initializes the context menu. Sets the internal state of the control. The new state of the control. Sets the internal state of the control. The new state of the control. Indicates whether the display is to be updated. Handles the popup menu. The context menu. The event information. Sets the Mask for the MaskedEditBox with the given mask string Masked String Handles the Undo menu click. The undo menu. The event data. Handles the Cut menu. Cut menu. The event data. Handles the Copy menu. Copy menu. The event data. Handles the Paste menu. Paste menu. The event data. Handles the Delete menu. Delete menu. The event data. Handles the Select All menu. Select All menu. The event data. Invoke to initialize the masked edit control after setting its properties. Internal helper function for getting mask characters that rely on globalized settings. The MaskCharType value. Char representing the globalized value. Cleans up any resources being used. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Returns the last mask character. Internal helper function to set the maximum length. The new mask length. Raises the PropertyChanged event. The argument for the PropertyChanged event. Overrides and prevents the event from being raised if the control is being initialized. The event args. Returns the clip text. The starting position for the selection. The end position for the selection. Returns the clip text. Overloaded. Returns the value of a DataGroup as a string. Returns the value of a DataGroup as a string. Returns the value for the DataGroup. The current data group collection. The index of the DataGroup. The current clipmode. A string with the value of the DataGroup. Returns the text for the DataGroup. The current data group collection. The index of the DataGroup. The full text. The text for the DataGroup. Returns the offset for the DataGroup from the beginning of the string. The current data group collection. The index of the DataGroup. The offset for the current DataGroup. Indicates whether the ThousandSeparator should not be serialized if the UseLocaleDefault property is set. True if the Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the DateSeparator should not be serialized if the UseLocaleDefault property is set. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the TimeSeparator should not be serialized if the UseLocaleDefault property is set. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the DecimalSeparator should not be serialized if the UseLocaleDefault property is set. True if the Resets the value to the culture specific value. If the mask string is empty, we do not apply any rules. This helper function checks whether the mask is active. True if the mask is active; False otherwise. Indicates whether the MaxValue property should be serialized. True if the value is not equal to . Resets the value to the default. Resets BackColor of the control to its default value. Indicates whether the MinValue property should be serialized. True if the value is not equal to . Resets the value to the default. Resets the MaskedEditBox control to its initial position. Invoke this method when you need to reinitialize the MaskededitBox. The Mask property will not be lost because of calling this method. Refreshes the display based on the current display characteristics. Changes made to the Mask property or any other property that affects the display of the formatted string will be picked up by invoking this method. Returns the valid mapped position. The index in the full string. The valid mapped position. Handles character deletion as MS MaskedTextBox. Returns the adjusted position when there is a NULL prompt. The current position. The adjusted position. Indicates whether the in parameter is a literal character. The character to check. True if the input character is a mask character. All characters that are accepted as input are subjected to this check. Looks up the mask character in the mask list and returns the index so that the masking logic knows what to do with it. The character to be identified. The index to the mask in the MaskedEditBox.maskList collection. This is a helper method that takes a character and looks up the character in the list of recognized mask characters and returns the result. Overrides the method. The event data. This method is overriden in order to refresh the display between the passive and active prompt characters. Helps to apply the ControlName settings in control. Name of the Control. Overrides the OnClick method. Position the cursor when the user clicks inside the control. The event data. Overrides the method. The event data. This method is overriden in order to refresh the display between the passive and active prompt characters. Applies RightToLeft based on the current culture. Extracts the mask values from the mask string that was input by the user and initializes the internal variables that will be used in applying the mask logic. The mask string input by the user. The extracted mask string.] The mask string is split up into three different types of characters for applying the masking logic - they are literals, special masks (> and <) and other masks. > and < are treated as special masks because they do not occupy a position by themselves but dictate the formatting of other adjoining characters. Refreshes the display with the current prompt character. This method changes the display based on the new prompt character by replacing the old prompt character with the new prompt character. Applies the masking rules and prepares the display string based on the mask string. The mask string. The display string. You will not need to call this method directly. It is invoked by by methods that need to refresh the display. Moves the cursor position depending on the action. The current position of the cursor. The direction which the cursor needs to be moved. Boolean value specifying if there is selected text. The position of the cursor after setting it. The MaskedEditBox control automatically adjusts its cursor position when there is a change in the content of the text box. This method is a helper method for getting the next available data entry position. The current position. Checks from here onward. Returns the next available position. Returns the index of the first empty position before the current position. Index of the first empty position. This method is a helper method for getting the next available data entry position(backward). The current position. Checks from here backward. The next available position(backward). Returns the previous data entry position. The current position. Indicates whether the new position has to be unfilled. The new position. Sets the cursor and also selects text for the specified length based on the parameters passed in. The beginning position for the selection. The length of the selection. Returns the current PromptCharacter. The current prompt character. Inserts a new character into the displayed text. The start position to insert the character. The new character to be inserted. Indicates whether the display is to be updated. The changed text. Inserts a new character into the displayed text. The current display text. The start position to insert the character. The new character to be inserted. Indicates whether the display is to be updated. The changed text. Applies the special masks to the current character - this is for the upper case and lower case masks that are not part of the mask string. This method is invoked when the decimal key is pressed. True if the key is handled; False otherwise. The defined behavior for this key is to jump to the position immediately after the decimal position. Applies group alignment. Applies the alignment logic and moves characters within the group if possible. In the case that there is a NULL PromptCharacter, the DisplayString should be adjusted before invoking this method for aligning. This method will assume that the number of characters in the MaskString will be equal to the number of characters in the DisplayString. SpecialMasks will have to be considered separately in the case that they exist within a group. The current data groups collection. The index of the group. Returns the first empty position. The start position. The first empty position. Intercepts the Key messages. The message data. True if the key is handled; False otherwise. Overrides to suppress KeyPress. Only the KeyPress event is raised - no other processing is done. The message. True if the message is a KeyPress; otherwise the base class handles this. Removes the text selected or specified by the parameters. The current string to be modified. The start position of the selection. The end position of the selection. The modified string. Removes the text selected or specified by the parameters within a group. In this case, a group is defined as an area separated by a DecimalSeparator, Date Separator or Time Separator. The current string to be modified. The start position of the selection. The end position of the selection. The modified string. Removes the selected text. The start position of the selection. The end position of the selection. The modified string. Indicates whether the backspace key has been pressed. Adjusts the DisplayString for internal manipulations when the PromptCharacter/ PassivePromptCharacter is NULL. Indicates whether the delete key has been pressed. Handles a character input. The character that was input. True if the character was successfully inserted. Changes the character case according to the casingType passed in and returns the character with the correct casing. Use with the special masks for upper case and lower case. The current character. The casing change to be applied. Positions the cursor next to a decimal separator if present. Positions the cursor at the first data position. Applies the current CharacterCasing settings in effect for this textbox. The current character. The casing change to be applied. The changed character. Raises the MaskCustomValidate event. The event data. Indicates whether the character is valid for this position based on the mask. The current position. The current character. True if the character is acceptable; False otherwise. Returns the decimal value of the displayed text. The currently displayed text. The decimal value. Returns the numeric text. The current text. The numeric text. Sets external text from the clipboard to the MaskedEditBox. The text to be pasted. The beginning position. Indicates whether the text is to be inserted. Indicates whether to ignore prompt characters. True if the text was set successfully; False otherwise. Internal helper for getting the PromptCharacter. The prompt character. Internal helper for getting the PassivePromptCharacter. The passive prompt character. This method will Undo the previous operation. The MaskedEditBox maintains its own undo mechanism. Copies the content of the MaskEditBox to the clipboard. The ClipMode property dictates what gets copied. For example, if the content of MaskedEditBox is (919)481 1974, the following will be the strings copied to the clipboard depending on the ClipMode property: ClipModes.IncludeLiterals - (919)481 1974 ClipModes.ExcludeLiterals - 9194811974 Handles the pasting of data from the clipboard into the MaskededitBox control. The method takes into account the nature of the text in the clipboard and tries to normalize the text. It will accomodate as much as possible depending on the current length of the text and the total length allowed. If text with acceptable and unacceptable characters are found in the clipboard, the unacceptable data is omitted when the data is inserted. Cuts data from the MaskedEditBox and pastes it into the clipboard. The MaskedEditBox deletes the selected text in this case and then copies the deleted text to the clipboard. The ClipMode property dictates whether the literal characters are copied to the clipboard or not. Clears the mask edit back to its initial state. Sets the text property of the MaskedEditBox without raising the TextChanged event. The new text string. This method is provided as an alternative to being able to set the Text property through the designer. Internal helper function to directly set the base control Text property. The new value. Overrides method. The event data. Raises the event when there is unacceptable text in the control. Validates the control. Specifies if the validation error is to be raised. Returns the display string when the current prompt character is NULL. The internal text. The new display string. Gets length of the clean text, text without , and characters. ValidationError event will be raised when an unacceptable character is encountered as input. This event can be handled and you can do your processing based on the information provided. The ValidationErrorEventArgs object will provide the invalid text that was input and also the position within that text where the error occurred. MaskSatisfied event will be raised when the required fields in a mask have been satisfied after new text has been entered / the text changes. This event will be raised only when there are entries that require input have been filled. This even can be used to move to another control after the mask rules have been satisfied. Handle this event to provide custom behavior to any of the mask characters. This event is raised for each valid mask position that is being filled. In the event that the event is not handled (by setting the Handled property of the event information), the normal logic will be used for validating input. Property changed event handler. Indicates whether TextBox content is modified, when Mask is used. Use this property to define the mask string for the MaskedEditBox control. The control can distinguish between numeric and alphabetic characters for validation, but cannot check for valid content, such as the correct month or time of day. MaskDescription Empty String(Default) No mask. Acts like a text box. ##-???-##Medium date (US). Example: 17-Apr-02 ##-##-##Short date (US). Example: 04-17-02 ##:## ??Medium time. Example: 10:14 PM ##:##Short time. Example: 22:14 The input mask can consist of the following characters. Mask characterDescription #Digit placeholder. .Decimal placeholder. The actual character used is the one specified as the decimal placeholder in your international settings. This character is treated as a literal for masking purposes. ,Thousands separator. The actual character used is the one specified as the thousands separator in your international settings. This character is treated as a literal for masking purposes. :Time separator. The actual character used is the one specified as the time separator in your international settings. This character is treated as a literal for masking purposes. /Date separator. The actual character used is the one specified as the date separator in your international settings. This character is treated as a literal for masking purposes. \Treat the next character in the mask string as a literal. This allows you to include the '#', &, 'A', and '?' characters in the mask. This character is treated as a literal for masking purposes. &Character placeholder. Valid values for this placeholder are ANSI characters in the following ranges: 32-126 and 128-255. >Convert all the characters that follow to uppercase. <Convert all the characters that follow to lowercase. AAlphanumeric character placeholder (entry required). For example: a, z, A Z, 0, or 9. aAlphanumeric character placeholder (entry optional). 9Digit placeholder (entry optional). For example: 0, 9. CCharacter or space placeholder (entry optional). This operates exactly like the & placeholder, and ensures compatibility with Microsoft Access. ?Letter placeholder. For example: a z or A Z. LiteralAll other symbols are displayed as literals; that is, as themselves. Indicates whether the cursor is to be positioned at the decimal separator (if any) when the control receives focus. The value will be False by default. Adjusts the MaxLength property based on the Mask string. Gets / sets the display string. Gets / sets the character that will be used instead of mask characters when the mask position has not been filled. The default value for the prompt character is set to '-'. Gets / sets the integer version of the PromptCharacter. This will not be visible through the designer. Can be set through code. This will be persisted by the designer. Gets / sets the character that will be used instead of mask characters when the mask position has not been filled when the Text property is accessed. The default value for the prompt character is set to '-'. Gets / sets the integer version of the PaddingCharacter. This will not be visible through the designer. Can be set through code. This will be persisted by the designer. Gets / sets the usage mode for the MaskedEditBox. The UsageMode defines the behavior of the MaskedEditBox to accomodate specialized input for numbers. Gets / sets the input mode of the control. The InputMode defines the behavior of the MaskedEditBox to accommodate specialized input for numbers etc. Pulls the next data position on delete, pays attention to the mask. Gets / sets the culture that is to be used for formatting the currency display. Gets / sets the mode for the cultures. Gets / sets the character that will be used instead of mask characters when the mask position has not been filled (when the control does not have the focus). The default value for the prompt character is set to '\0'. Gets / sets the integer version of the PassivePromptCharacter. This will not be visible through the designer. Can be set through code. This will be persisted by the designer. Returns the text in the MaskedEditBox control, excluding literal characters of the input mask. For example if the content of the MaskedEditBox is 99-222-9999, the mask is ##-###-###, the ClipText will return 992229999. The MaskedEditBox can be defined to hold multiple data groups. The DataGroups can be added through the designer. DataGroups are defined by the length of the group. The value of the group can be accessed by the index of the group or through the name of the group. A MaskedEditBox with a mask (###) ###-#### Ext 9999 representing a US phone number and extension can be defined to have 3 groups - representing the AreaCode, PhoneNumber, and Extension. The groups would have lengths of 5, 11 and 9 in that order. The DataGroup's value is affected by the property. Returns the formatted text with the formatting. For example, if the text in the MaskedEditBox is (999)999-9999, the FormattedText property will give (999)999-9999. Gets / sets the format of the text that will be returned by the MaskedEditBox control. The nature of the formatting is set through the type. See the type for the possible values and more information. Gets / sets the character to use when a thousands separator position is specified. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. Gets / sets the character to use when a date separator position is specified. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. Gets / sets the character to use when a time separator position is specified. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. Indicates whether the individual globalization property changes are to be ignored. If set to True, the individual values will be ignored and the locale default will be used. Gets / sets the character to use when a decimal separator position is specified. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. Gets / sets the provides the necessary globalization information for the properties that rely on these settings. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements. Gets / sets the provides the necessary globalization information for the properties that rely on the datetime settings. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements. Indicates whether the prompt character can be allowed to be entered as an input character. Set the value to True if the prompt character can be entered by user. Indicates whether the Undo operation is possible at this time. The MaskedEditBox maintains its own undo mechanism and hence needs to implement this method to be compatible with the Undo mechanism. Gets / sets the Maximum Value that can be set through the MaskedEditBox. This value is enforced only if the property is set to . The mask string should be set to contain numeric characters. All literal characters will be ignored while computing the value of the contents of the MaskedEditBox. The default value is set to . Gets / sets the Minimum Value that can be set through the MaskedEditBox. This value is enforced only if the property is set to . The mask string should be set to contain numeric characters. All literal characters will be ignored while computing the value of the contents of the MaskedEditBox. The default value is set to . Gets / sets the adjusted SelectionStart when the PromptCharacter or PassivePromptCharacter is NULL. Gets / sets the adjusted SelectionLength when the PromptCharacter or PassivePromptCharacter is NULL. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control use sequentially display mask's characters. Use this everywhere except in RefreshPromptCharacter. Overrides the property. This method is overriden in order to intercept and normalize external text that is not in a format acceptable to the MaskedEditBox. This property value will not be persisted in the designer. Set the Text property after initialization through code or use the SetInitialText method to set the value without raising the TextChanged event. The UseUserOverride parameter for CultureInfo. See property. The MaskedEditBox does not support multiline controls. See property. The MaskedEditBox does not support multiline controls. See property. The MaskedEditBox does not support multiline controls. See property. The MaskedEditBox does not support multiline controls. Provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. MaskedEditBox Constructor The RibbonControlAdv instance. Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. The horizontal screen coordinate. The vertical screen coordinate. An RibbonControlAdvAccessibility that represents the child object at the given screen coordinates. This method returns the calling object if the object itself is at the location specified. Returns null if no object is at the tested location. Bounds of the Control The accessible object bounds. Gets the role for the RibbonControlAdv. This is used by accessibility programs. Gets or sets the accessible object name The accessible object name. Gets the description of the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility A string describing the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility. This class is used to send event data for a event. The required pieces of information for the event are the invalid text and the position of the error text within the invalid text. The invalid text. The start position of the error. Creates an object of type ValidationErrorArgs. The invalid text that would have resulted if this error had not been intercepted. The index position with the invalid text where the change occurred. Returns the invalid text as it would have been if the error had not intercepted it. Returns the location of the invalid input within the invalid text. The DataGroup that will specify the behavior and formatting of a DataGroup within the MaskedEditBox control. The text of the column header. The minimum width for the column header. The name of the Datagroup. The string value of the DataGroup. Collection of datagroups. Overloaded. Initializes an object of type MaskedEditDataGroupInfo. The MaskedEditDataGroupInfo class holds the information needed to intialize a data group for the control. Initializes an object of type MaskedEditDataGroupInfo. The name of the DataGroup. The DataGroup size. The DataGroup alignment. Raises the PropertyChanged event. Gets / sets the collection of datagroups. PropertyChanged event handler. Gets / sets the size of the DataGroup. Returns the value of the DataGroup. Gets / sets the name of the DataGroup. Gets / sets the alignment of the DataGroup. Collection of objects. Used in the property of the control. The MaskedEditDataGroupInfoCollection is a set of objects each of which hold information required to create a data group in a . Returns the index based on the name. The name of the data group. Index value. Inserts the into the collection at the specified index. The zero-based index at which the item is to be inserted. The to be inserted. Overrides OnInsert. Overrides OnInsertComplete. Overloaded. Creates an instance of the MaskedEditDataGroupInfoCollection class. The control that contains this collection. Creates an instance of the MaskedEditDataGroupInfoCollection class. Adds one object to the collection. The object to be added. The count of the list items. Removes objects from the collection. The MaskedEditDataGroupInfo object to remove. Indicates whether the collection contains a specific MaskedEditDataGroupInfo entry. The MaskedEditDataGroupInfo to locate in the DataGroups. True if the MaskedEditDataGroupInfo entry is found in the collection; false otherwise. Copies all the elements of the current one-dimensional array to the specified one-dimensional array starting at the specified destination array index. The array. The index. Returns the value of the DataGroup. String value of the DataGroup. Gets / sets the owner of this collection. Gets / sets the Indexer property for the MaskedEditDataGroupInfoCollection class. Get the object based on the index in the collection. Gets / sets the Indexer property for the MaskedEditDataGroupInfoCollection class. Get the object based on the index in the collection. Provides data for an event that can be handled by a subscriber and overrides the events default behavior. Feedback. Values based on which event handler can set return values. Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the MaskCustomValidationArgs class with the Handled property set to False. Initializes a new instance of the SyncfusionHandledEventArgs class with the Handled and Accepted properties set to the given value. Indicates whether the event has been handled and no further processing of the event should happen. Indicates whether the event has been handled and no further processing of the event should happen. Returns the current position. It will be a valid mask position. Returns the current character. Returns the current Mask Character. Represents a method that handles a event of a . Specifies the internal state of the MaskedEditBox. Normal State. Edit State. Initial State. The clipping mode to be used by the control when returning the text content of the control. Include all literals in the data that is returned. Exclude all literals in the data that is returned. Specifies different modes of input for the MaskedEditBox control. In this input mode, all input is entered in Overtype mode. The INSERT key will not have any effect in this mode. Operates in Insert mode and when the INSERT key is pressed, changes to Overtype mode. The clipping mode to be used by the control when returning the text content of the control. Treat as a normal masked edit that does not have any special constraints with respect to the content. Treat the contents of the MaskedEditBox as numeric. Enumeration for the kind of case sensitivity to be applied at a particular point of data input. Convert to lower case or upper case depending on the mask. Change to lower case only. Change to upper case only. The various valid masks supported by the control. Digit placeholder '#'. Numeric and white space Decimal placeholder '.' The actual character used is the one specified as the decimal placeholder in your international settings. This character is treated as a literal for masking purposes. Thousands separator ',' The actual character used is the one specified as the thousands separator in your international settings. This character is treated as a literal for masking purposes. Time separator ':' The actual character used is the one specified as the time separator in your international settings. This character is treated as a literal for masking purposes. Date separator '/' The actual character used is the one specified as the date separator in your international settings. This character is treated as a literal for masking purposes. Escape '\' Treat the next character in the mask string as a literal. This allows you to include the '#', &, 'A', and '?' characters in the mask. This character is treated as a literal for masking purposes. Character placeholder & Valid values for this placeholder are ANSI characters in the following ranges: 32-126 and 128-255. Uppercase > Convert all the characters that follow to uppercase. Lowercase < Convert all the characters that follow to lowercase. Alphanumeric character placeholder 'A' (entry required). For example: a z, A Z, or 0 9. Alphanumeric character placeholder (entry optional)'a' Digit placeholder (entry optional). For example: 0 9. '9' Character or space placeholder (entry optional) 'C' This operates exactly like the & placeholder, and ensures compatibility with Microsoft Access. Letter placeholder. For example: a z or A Z '?' Letter placeholder. For example: a z or A Z 'y' Hexadecimal placeholder. For example: A9 EF Hexadecimal placeholder. For example: A9EF Provides the list of modes in which the MaskedEditBox can operate when it does not have the focus. Include all literals in the data that is returned. Exclude the literal characters. The clipping mode to be used by the control when returning the text content of the control. Do not apply any alignment. Left aligned. Right aligned. Center aligned. The delegate for handling the ValidationError event. Refer to the event for more information. The ValidationErrorEventArgs class is used to send event data for a event. The required pieces of information for the event are the invalid text and the position of the error text within the invalid text. The invalid text. The start position of the error. The error message. Overloaded. Creates an object of type ValidationErrorArgs. The invalid text that would have resulted if this error had not been intercepted. The index position with the invalid text where the change occurred. Creates an object of type ValidationErrorArgs. The invalid text that would have resulted if this error had not been intercepted. The index position with the invalid text where the change occurred. The error message. Returns the invalid text as it would have been if the error had not intercepted it. Returns the location of the invalid input within the invalid text. Returns the error message. Color table to customize the buttons,captions and text color in MessageBoxAdv Default constructor for MetroStyleColorTable Variable for CaptionBarColor Variable for CaptionForeColor Variable for closeButtonColor Variable for closeButtonHoverColor Variable for BackColor variable for ForeColor Variable for BorderColor Variable for OKButtonBackColor Variable for OKButtonForeColor Variable for Details Button ForeColor Variable for Details Button BackColor Variable for YesButtonBackColor Variable for YesButtonForeColor Variable for AbortButtonBackColor Variable for AbortButtonForeColor Variable for RetryButtonBackColor Variable for RetryButtonForeColor Variable for IgnoreButtonBackColor Variable for IgnoreButtonForeColor Variable for NoButtonBackColor Variable for NoButtonForeColor Variable for CancelButtonBackColor Variable for CancelButtonForeColor To serialize CaptionBarColor captionBarColor Reset CaptionBarColor To serialize CaptionForeColor captionForeColor Reset CaptionForeColor To serialize CloseButtonColor closeButtonColor Reset CloseButtonColor To serialize CloseButtonHoverColor closeButtonHoverColor Reset CloseButtonHoverColor To serialize BackColor backColor Reset BackColor To serialize ForeColor foreColor Reset ForeColor To serialize BorderColor borderColor Reset BorderColor To serialize OKButtonBackColor okbuttonbackcolor Reset OKButtonBackColor To serialize OKButtonForeColor okbuttonforecolor Reset OKButtonForeColor To serialize YesButtonBackColor yesbuttonbackcolor Reset YesButtonBackColor To serialize YesButtonForeColor yesbuttonforecolor Reset YesButtonForeColor To serialize AbortButtonBackColor abortbuttonbackcolor Reset AbortButtonBackColor To serialize AbortButtonForeColor abortbuttonforecolor Reset AbortButtonForeColor To serialize IgnoreButtonBackColor ignorebuttonbackcolor Reset IgnoreButtonBackColor To serialize IgnoreButtonForeColor ignorebuttonforecolor Reset IgnoreButtonForeColor To serialize RetryButtonBackColor retrybuttonbackcolor Reset RetryButtonBackColor To serialize RetryButtonForeColor retrybuttonforecolor Reset RetryButtonForeColor To serialize NoButtonBackColor nobuttonbackcolor Reset NoButtonBackColor To serialize NoButtonForeColor nobuttonforecolor Reset NoButtonForeColor To serialize CancelButtonBackColor cancelbuttonbackcolor Reset CancelButtonBackColor To serialize CancelButtonForeColor cancelbuttonforecolor Reset CancelButtonForeColor Gets/sets the captionbarcolor Gets/sets the captionforecolor. Gets/sets the CloseButton color of MessageBoxAdv. Gets/sets the CloseButtonHoverColor. Gets/sets the backcolor. Gets/sets the forecolor. Gets/sets the bordercolor Gets/sets the OKButtonBackColor Gets/sets the OKButtonForeColor Gets/sets the Details Button ForeColor Gets/sets the Details Button BackColor Gets/sets the YesButtonBackColor. Gets/sets the YesButtonForeColor. Gets/sets the AbortButtonBackColor. Gets/sets the AbortButtonForeColor. Gets/sets the RetryButtonBackColor Gets/sets the RetryButtonForeColor Gets/sets the IgnoreButtonBackColor. Gets/sets the IgnoreButtonForeColor. Gets/sets the NoButtonBackColor. Gets/sets the NoButtonForeColor. Gets/sets the CancelButtonBackColor Gets/sets the CancelButtonForeColor Normal font weight Maintains the value indicating whether the caption height should retain or not. Constructor for Office2007form with empty arguments Variable to Gets or Set Value to Drop Shadow to the form. Gets or sets the managed color table value. Indicates whether to enable dpiaware or not. Value to store the title padding. Reset the value of the DropShadow Serializing the value of the DropShadow To Hold the CaptionButtons visibility Hold to apply the Multi Monitor appearance Gets/Sets touch enabled applies the scaling Updates the title padding. Updates to retain the title bar height in maximized state. applies the scaling Gets the closebox To define whether the customization needs to be applied Occurs when Form Location is changed pt - coordinates of the cursor. The coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. To customize the image size Gets Image for a button by specific ID. Button ID that indicates Image. Gets system command by specific buttonID. Button ID that indicates system command. Invalidates client area if Office2007Scheme back color is used. Occurs when property is changed. Resets the CaptionBarHeight back to its default value. Selected system button. (SB__MAX - no button is selected) Pressed system button. (SB__MAX - no button is pressed) Holds the value for Caption Height CaptionText Color Gets or sets a value indicating whether dpi aware should be enabled or not. Gets or Sets whether to enable Drop Shadow to the Office2007form Gets the CreateParams for the Office2007 form. Gets/sets if to disable Office2007 look and feel. Gets/sets if to Force the OS Aero theme look and feel when Office2007Visual style is enabled. If DisableOffice2007Style is set to true then the ordinary form drawn will still have the aero theme applied as the default frame is drawn in the base. Gets or Sets the AutoScroll value Gets or sets the Office2007 ColorScheme Gets or Sets the CaptionBar Height. Gets or sets the font of the form's title. Don't rename this property. Name is important for CodeDomSerialization order. Gets or sets the color for caption in titlebar Gets or sets the alignment of of the form's title. Gets the ColorTable for Office2007 Gets whether right to left has been set Gets or Sets the Selected button Gets or Sets the pressed button Gets or Sets the highlighted button Gets / Sets whether to hide the CaptionButtons, when displayed in Secondary Monitor Gets / Sets whether to apply the Multi Monitor appearance Gets the Maximize button Gets the Minimize button Gets the layout Gets the caption height value Gets/Sets touch enabled Gets the value indicating whether the current operating system is windows7 or not. Gets the value of title height Gets whether the form is minimized Gets whether the form is maximized Gets whether the form is sizable Gets the screen rectangle Gets the area to be painted Gets the value of Isvisible property Specifies whether current selected Office2007 scheme background color is used to fill form's backround is used. If false is used. Gets the caption font Gets the system font Gets the closebox value DPI Scaling Defines whether the DPI setting is enabled. Defines the dpi scaling To retrieve DPI Value Border width of the Office2007Form instance. Gets border width of the Office2007Form instance. DeviceCap Constructor for CaptionManager Provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. Office2007Form Constructor The RibbonControlAdv instance. Retrieves the number of children in the accessible object. Number of Child. Retrieves the accessible child corresponding to the index. Index Child specified to the index Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. The horizontal screen coordinate. The vertical screen coordinate. An RibbonControlAdvAccessibility that represents the child object at the given screen coordinates. This method returns the calling object if the object itself is at the location specified. Returns null if no object is at the tested location. Bounds of the Control The accessible object bounds. Gets the role for the RibbonControlAdv. This is used by accessibility programs. Gets or sets the accessible object name The accessible object name. Gets the description of the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility A string describing the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility. Holds the height of the before the detail view is collapsed. Holds the height of the before the detail view expand. Holds the Button height Custom Button Collection Variable which indicates whether custom buttons are already initialized or not detailButtonSpace control using for increase the space in flow layout panel inbetween the detail button and message box buttons in while resizing. Method to set same width for all Buttons in the MessageBoxAdv Collection of buttons Greater width Method to calculate the height of the panel of MessageBoxAdv Panel height Initializes the new instance for MessageBoxMetroStyleFormAdv class. owner window text form caption buttons form icon default button options to show helpbutton click event data image sizing image Custom Button Initialization Click Event for Custom Buttons Custom Button Size initialization Returns the Button width Helps to apply the Font Settings to Custom Buttons Helps to apply the Font Settings to built buttons Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Validate the messagebox height in while initialize the control Handle the size of the message box while closing and expanding the details view. Provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. DoubleTextBox Constructor The RibbonControlAdv instance. Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. The horizontal screen coordinate. The vertical screen coordinate. An RibbonControlAdvAccessibility that represents the child object at the given screen coordinates. This method returns the calling object if the object itself is at the location specified. Returns null if no object is at the tested location. Bounds of the Control The accessible object bounds. Gets the role for the RibbonControlAdv. This is used by accessibility programs. Gets or sets the accessible object name The accessible object name. Gets the description of the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility A string describing the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility. Provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. IntegerTextBox Constructor The RibbonControlAdv instance. Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. The horizontal screen coordinate. The vertical screen coordinate. An RibbonControlAdvAccessibility that represents the child object at the given screen coordinates. This method returns the calling object if the object itself is at the location specified. Returns null if no object is at the tested location. Bounds of the Control The accessible object bounds. Gets the role for the RibbonControlAdv. This is used by accessibility programs. Gets or sets the accessible object name The accessible object name. Gets the description of the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility A string describing the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility. Summary description for SpecialCultureValues. Modifier for the currently selected culture. No modifier for the selected culture. Use the current culture on the system. Use the current UI culture. Use the current InstalledCulture. Summary description for NumberClipModes. The clipping mode to be used by the control when returning the text content of the control. Include all literals in the data that is returned. Exclude all literals in the data that is returned. Summary description for CurrencyClipModes. The clipping mode to be used by the control when returning the text content of the control. Include all literals in the data that is returned. Exclude all literals in the data that is returned. The delegate for handling the SetNULL event. Refer to the event for more information. Provides data about a and events of a , , , or . Initializes a new with event data. The NULL value. Returns the NULL value. The delegate for handling the KeyValidate event. Refer to the event for more information. Cancellable event for of , , , or . Returns the character key that was input by the user. Returns the changed string that will be set as the text of the text box if this event is not cancelled. Returns the unformatted changed string that will be set as the text of the text box if this event is not cancelled. provides new value and old value after the validation. Initializes a new instance of the class. The new value. The old value. Gets the new value. The new value. Gets the old value. The old value. Used to pass state between PrepareXXX and CompleteXXX methods during key processing. This allows for raising the KeyValidate event to cancel any key. Keeps the focus on the control if the validation fails Sets NullString to the the control if the validation fails Sets MinValue if Value is less than MinValue or MaxValue if greater thas MaxValue if the Validation fails Extends the class to handle percentage input and validation. The PercentTextBox is derived from the textbox and provides all the functionality of a textbox and adds additional functionality of its own. Collecting percentage input in a consistent format requires validation that needs to be built into the application when using the Windows Forms textbox control. The PercentTextBox includes all this logic into its methods and properties and makes it easy for the developer and the end user to collect and enter percentage data. The PercentTextBox is also closely tied to the globalization settings of the operating system for pecentage-related properties. Please refer to the class for a detailed explanation of globalization and percent-related attributes. The PercentTextBox has full support for the Windows Forms designer and you can just drag-and-drop and set properties on the control just as you would with the Windows Forms textbox. The PercentTextBox also raises a event when inappropriate data is entered into the control. All clipboard functions such as copy, paste, and cut are also supported with special accomodations for percent-related issues. Represents the class to apply the theme for control. Specifies the control is in edit mode. The minimum value. The maximum value. The internal value string. Indicates whether the mode has to be automatically switched when the control receives focus. The initial double value set in InitializeComponent. The double value when the control gets the focus. Used when validating. The double value that is set through the DoubleValue property. For initialization of culture-related values. Needed when SpecialCultureValue is not the default value. Since the base class will reset the culture property during ISupportInitialize.EndInit, we will have to hold these values and set them on the correct cultureinfo / numberformatinfo. The negative patterns. Overloaded. Creates an object of type PercentTextBox. The PercentTextBox object will be initialized with the default values for the display and data properties. You need to set any specific values. Clean up any resources being used. Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.EnabledChanged event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Overrides . Indicates whether the PercentSymbol should not be serialized if the value is the same as the one for the current culture. True if the value is different from the value for the current culture. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the PercentPositivePattern should not be serialized if the UseLocaleDefault property is set. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the PercentDecimalDigits should not be serialized if the UseLocaleDefault property is set. True if the Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the PercentDecimalSeparator should not be serialized if the UseLocaleDefault property is set. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether PercentGroupSeparator should not be serialized if the UseLocaleDefault property is set. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the PercentGroupPattern should not be serialized if the UseLocaleDefault property is set. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Indicates whether the PercentNegativePattern should not be serialized if the UseLocaleDefault property is set. Resets the value to the culture specific value. Overrides the method. The event data. Saves the current DoubleValue so that it can be compared during validation. The DoubleValueChanged and TextChanged event will only be raised if the value is different during validation. Also switches mode if the property is set. Overrides the method. Formats the given text according to the current setting. Override this to return PercentDecimalSeparator in PercentTextBox. Override this to return PercentGroupSeparator in PercentTextBox. Overrides . The text to be parsed. True if the value is negative; false otherwise. Indicates whether the MaxValue property should be serialized. True if the value is not equal to . Resets the value to the default. Indicates whether the MinValue property should be serialized. True if the value is not equal to . Resets the value to the default. Validates the control. Indicates whether the validation error is to be raised. Overrides the base behavior to implement support for NumberMode. In this mode, the base behavior of formatting each key is not followed. The key is validated internally to check for Max and Min conditions and then displayed as is without the formatting. The key will be ignored if the supressKeyPress value is not set to False. This is set to False when a valid key press is encountered. Invoked when the negative key is pressed. True if the key is handled; false otherwise. The defined behavior for this key is to toggle the sign (negativity) of the content of the CurrencyTextBox. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Indicates whether to serialize the Text property if it is null or quals NullString Restores the CurrencyNumberDigits to the MaximumLength. Returns the formatted text with the formatting. For example, if the Text in the CurrencyTextBox is $45,000.00, the FormattedText property will give $45,000.00. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Overrides OnTextChanged. The event data. Pastes the data in the clipboard into the PercentTextBox control. The data will be formatted before being pasted into the text box. It contains the value of the property. Helps to apply the ThemeName settings in control ThemeName Helps to override the ThemeName property settings ThemeName Helps to override the OnGotFocus events An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Helps to draw text border of control Occurs when the property is changed. Gets / sets the percent symbol to be used in the PercentTextBox. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. Gets / sets the pattern to use when the value is positive. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. Gets / sets the maximum number of digits for the decimal portion of the percentage. If there is a need to have a different value based on the locale, it will be automatically changed if the property is True. Gets / sets the decimal separator character that will be used for the display. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. Gets / sets the separator to be used for grouping digits. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. Gets / sets the grouping of PercentDigits in the PercentTextBox. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. Gets / sets the pattern to use when the value is negative. This value is initially set from the and can be changed based on your requirements or based on the locale. The negative patterns. Indicates whether the PercentTextBox should allow editing in numeric mode when it receives focus. Gets / sets the maximum value that can be set through the PercentTextBox. Gets / sets the minimum value that can be set through the PercentTextBox. Gets / sets the double value of the control. This will be formatted and displayed. Gets / sets the percent value of the control. This will be formatted and displayed. Wrapper property around the selected value. Use this property if you want to be able to set the value of the control to NULL. Occurs when the property is changed. Overrides the Text property of . This property is overriden in order to normalize the data that is set to the Text property and format it as needed. The method is used to format the data. Gets or sets the NULL string to be displayed. Returns the clipped text without the formatting. For example, if the Text in the CurrencyTextBox is $45,000.00, the ClipText property will give 45000.00. values are edited as percentage values. values are edited as double values and then displayed using percentage formatting. Provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. PercentTextBox Constructor The RibbonControlAdv instance. Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. The horizontal screen coordinate. The vertical screen coordinate. An RibbonControlAdvAccessibility that represents the child object at the given screen coordinates. This method returns the calling object if the object itself is at the location specified. Returns null if no object is at the tested location. Bounds of the Control The accessible object bounds. Gets the role for the RibbonControlAdv. This is used by accessibility programs. Gets or sets the accessible object name The accessible object name. Gets the description of the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility A string describing the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility. Represents a class to define the style for the control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the value used to draw the fore color of the control when text value is negative. The value is used to fill the fore color of the textbox. Gets or sets the value used to draw the fore color of the control when text value is zero. The value is used to fill the fore color of the textbox. Gets or sets the value used to draw the back color of the control when text value is read only. The value is used to fill the back color of the textbox. Implements a class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the PercentTextBox for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents a class that provides style identity information for nested objects of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Text is changed in ValueChanged event Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ValueChanged event was handled. Interface used to customize the appearance and ProgressStyle of the ProgressBarAdv. Draws the background of the ProgressBar. The object to draw the background. Indicates whether the background is segmented. Draws the border of the ProgressBar. The object to draw the border. The of the border. Draws the foreground of the ProgressBar. The object to draw background of the Progress. The provide the control bounds. The provides the progress rectangle. Draws the specified text string at the specified location. The object to draw the text. The to draw in. Update the Renderer. Provides data for the Paint event. The is helps to draw the progress. Default ProgressBarAdv Renderer Initialize the ProgressBarAdv Constructor of the Renderer class ProgressBarAdv Update the Renderer. Provides data for the Paint event. The used to draw the progress Draws the background of the ProgressBar. The object to draw the background. Indicates whether the background is segmented. Draws the foreground of the ProgressBar. The object to draw the progress. The to draw the progress. The used to draw the background of the progress Draws the border of the ProgressBar. The object to the border. The of the border. Draws the specified text string at the specified location. The object to the text. The of the ProgressBarAdv Gets the ProgressBarAdv Gets or sets a value indicating whether the DrawWaitingCustomRender event was handled. Gets the bounding rectangle. Gets the Graphics used to paint. The ProgressBarEx type will soon be replaced with the ProgressBarAdv for consistency in control naming in our library. Please replace all occurrences of ProgressBarEx with ProgressBarAdv in your application. ProgressBarAdv Designer Designer ActionList collection Initializes a new instance of the CheckBoxAdvDesigner class Gets a value indication the designer action ProgressBar Coded UI Accessiblity Variable to hold ProgressBarAdv instance Constructor Gets the AccessibleRole Gets the Description Gets the name Gets the Value This class represents renderer class for Office2016 color support Constructor for renderer class Gets the ProgressBarAdv back color Gets the ProgressBarAdv fore color Gets the ProgressBarAdv border color Gets the ProgressBarAdv font color Gets the ProgressBarAdv progress font color This class represents the rendered class for Office2016Colorful theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv back color for Office2016 colorful theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv fore color for Office2016 colorful theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv border color for Office2016 colorful theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv font color for Office2016 colorful theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv progress font color for office2016colorful theme This class represents the rendered class for Office2016Black theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv back color for Office2016 Black theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv fore start color for Office2016 Black theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv border color for Office2016 Black theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv font color for Office2016 Black theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv progress font color for Office2016 Black theme This class represents the rendered class for Office2016White theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv back color for Office2016 White theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv fore start color for Office2016 White theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv border color for Office2016 White theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv font color for Office2016 White theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv progress font color for Office2016 White theme This class represents the rendered class for Office2016DarKGray theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv back color for Office2016 DarkGray theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv fore start color for Office2016 DarkGray theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv border color for Office2016 DarkGray theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv font color for Office2016 DarkGray theme Gets the ProgressBarAdv progress font color for Office2016 DarkGray theme This enum represents the ProgressBarAdv foreground style The foreground of the ProgressBar will be drawn with a constant color. The foreground of the ProgressBar will be drawn with a gradient brush. The foreground of the ProgressBar will be drawn with a multiple gradient brush. The foreground of the ProgressBar will be drawn with a vertical tube-like gradient brush. The foreground of the ProgressBar will be drawn with an image. The foreground of the ProgressBar will be drawn by the system. The foreground of the ProgressBar will be drawn with a moving gradient line. The foreground of the ProgressBar will be drawn by Metro. The foreground of the ProgressBar will be drawn by using the CustomRender class which is inherited from "IProgressBarRenderer" interface. This option represents the Office2016Colorful foreground style This option represents the Office2016White foreground style This option represents the Office2016Black foreground style This option represents the Office2016DarkGray foreground style This enum represents the ProgressBarAdv text styles The text of the ProgressBar will be a percentage value. Ex: 75% The text of the ProgressBar will be the value of the format: ProgressBar / the maximum value. Ex 75/200 The text of the ProgressBar will be asked through the ValueChanged event. This enum represents the ProgressBarAdv background styles The background is drawn with an image. The background is drawn with a gradient brush. The background is drawn with a vertical gradient brush. The background is drawn with a vertical tube-like gradient brush. The background is drawn with a multiple gradient brush. The background is drawn by the system. This option represents the Office2016Colorful background style This option represents the Office2016Black background style This option represents the Office2016White background style This option represents the Office2016DarkGray background style The background is drawn with the Backcolor. Specifies the arrow button that should be shown in an arrow bar. Don't show buttons. Show up and down buttons. Show up, down, move first and move last buttons. This control is used by and to display arrow buttons. ButtonBar is a base class for displaying several buttons in one bar. It is used by and . Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Initializes a new button bar. Suspends updating the bar. Resumes updating the bar. Resumes updating the bar and refreshes it. Resumes updating the bar and optionally refreshes it. Indicates whether button bar should be refreshed; if False button will only be refreshed when it is marked dirty. Raises the event. Event data. Forces the control to invalidate its client area and immediately redraw itself and any child controls. Returns the bounds for the button bar. A indicating where the bar should be drawn. Creates an instance of the and initializes it with the layout information. The initialized . Reinitializes and hides ToolTips. Raises the event. Event data. Occurs when a WM_CANCELMODE is received. Occurs when is changed. Occurs before the event is raised. Indicates whether was called. Returns the default size of the control. Gets or sets a that holds an array of buttons. Indicates whether ToolTips are being shown for tabs that have ToolTips set on them. Gets or sets the button look for the arrow buttons. An interface for hosting objects and receiving clicks from these buttons. Gets / sets the color of arrows in enabled buttons. Gets / sets the color of arrows in disabled buttons. An interface for hosting objects and receiving clicks from these buttons. Occurs when the specified button is clicked or the mouse is pressed down on the button. The source of the event. Initializes a new . Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the ThemeChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. The OnThemeChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnThemeChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnThemeChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Occurs when the specified button was clicked or the mouse is pressed down on the button. The source of the event. Initializes the the arrow bar. Resets to default. Resets to default. Occurs when the user clicks on an arrow button. Occurs when Arrow button is changed. Indicates whether themes are enabled for this control. Fired when the ThemesEnabled property changes. Gets or sets the number of Milliseconds to wait before firing scroll event. Gets or sets the Shortest interval for firing scroll event. Gets or sets the arrow buttons to be shown in an arrow bar. Gets or sets the buttons to show enabled. Other buttons are disabled. Gets or sets the color of arrows in enabled buttons. Gets or sets the color of arrows in disabled buttons. Returns an array with buttons to show when is . Returns an array with buttons to show when is . Returns an array with buttons to show when is . An identifier for various arrow buttons in a . None. The "previous item" button. The "next item" button. The "first item" button. The "last item" button. The "AddNew item" button for items in a table. All buttons. Helper routines for drawing arrow buttons. Calculates coordinates for a centered rectangle. The existing bounds. The size of the rectangle to be centered. A rectangle inside the specified bounds. Paints the specified bitmap substituting black pixels with a new color. A Graphics object used to draw the bitmap. A Rectangle which contains the boundary data of the rectangle. A Point that specifies pixel to offset the bitmap from its origin point. The Bitmap to be drawn on the screen. The new color used to substitute black pixels. A Rectangle which contains the boundary data of the drawn bitmap. The PaintIcon routine will substitute black pixels of the original bitmap and draw them with the specified forecolor. The bitmap is centered inside the specified bounds. Use the offset if you want to display a "pressed button" state. If the button is pressed, specify offset = new Point(1, 1). Loads the bitmap from manifest and paints it substituting black pixels with a new color. A Graphics object used to draw the bitmap. A Rectangle which contains the boundary data of the rectangle. The type of button to draw. A Point that specifies pixels to offset the bitmap from its origin point. The new color used to substitute black pixels. A Rectangle which contains the boundary data of the drawn bitmap. The DrawArrow routine will substitute black pixels of the original bitmap and draw them with the specified forecolor. The bitmap is centered inside the specified bounds. Use the offset if you want to display a "pressed button" state. If the button is pressed, specify offset = new Point(1, 1). Draw the arrows in VisualStyle based theme. Loads the bitmap from manifest and paints it substituting black pixels with a new color. A Graphics object used to draw the bitmap. A Rectangle which contains the boundary data of the rectangle. The type of button to draw. A Point that specifies pixels to offset the bitmap from its origin point. The new color used to substitute black pixels. A Rectangle which contains the boundary data of the drawn bitmap. The DrawArrow routine will substitute black pixels of the original bitmap and draw them with the specified forecolor. The bitmap is centered inside the specified bounds. Use the offset if you want to display a "pressed button" state. If the button is pressed, specify offset = new Point(1, 1). This is a specialized version of the that draws an arrow. Used by in and . InternalButton are buttons that are displayed inside a . Style of the control. Color table for Office2007 visual style. Specifies office 2007 color scheme. Initializes a new . Initializes a new . Initializes a new with a specified size. The initial size of the button. Initializes a new with a cookie. The cookie for the button. Initializes a new with an owner and cookie. The owner of the button. The cookie for the button. Initializes a new with a owner, cookie and ToolTip text. The owner of the button. The cookie for the button. The ToolTip text. Initializes a new with a owner, cookie, ToolTip text and size. The owner of the button. The cookie for the button. The ToolTip text. The initial size of the button. Initializes a new with a owner, cookie, ToolTip text, size and a value that indicates whether this control should look like a button or if just a centered text should be drawn. The owner of the button. The cookie for the button. The ToolTip text. The initial size of the button A value indicating if this should look like a button or if just a centered text should be drawn. Returns the preferred size of button. The maximum allowed size. The preferred size based on text, button type. Recalculates the best size for the button and resizes it. The for this button. True if flat button; False if normal button. The . Reinitializes and hides the ToolTip. Initializes ToolTip area at the specified bounds. Calculates coordinates for a centered rectangle. The existing bounds. The size of the rectangle to be centered. A rectangle inside the specified bounds. Paints the button. A Graphics object used to draw the bitmap. A Rectangle which contains the boundary data of the rectangle. True if flat looking button; False if normal. A Rectangle which contains the boundary data of the parent bar rectangle. Called when is changed. Called when is changed. Called when state is changed. Called when is changed. Gets or sets the visual style of the control. Gets or sets the visual style of the control. Gets or sets office 2007 color scheme. Gets color table for Office2007 visual style. Gets / sets the owner of this button. Some external state (e.g. button type or command id). Gets / sets the ToolTip text for this button. Gets / sets the bounds of this button. Gets / sets the size of this button. Indicates whether button is hidden. Indicates whether this button supports repeated clicking when the user holds down the mouse button. Indicates whether it is a Dirty flag. Indicates the Enabled state. Indicates the Hovered state. Indicates the Pushed state. Indicates the Checked state. Indicates the DragTarget state. Initializes a new . Initializes a new and specifies the for the button. Specifies the arrow to be drawn in the button. Initializes a new and specifies the for the button and owner. The owner of this button. Specifies the arrow to be drawn in the button. Initializes a new and specifies the for the button, owner, and ToolTip. The owner of this button. Specifies the arrow to be drawn in the button. The ToolTip for this button. Returns the arrow to draw. Provides event data for the event of a , or object. Initializes a new object with event data. Specifies the arrow button that was clicked. Gets / sets the arrow button that was clicked. Handles the event. Returns the values of a record navigation bar. Returns the minimum record. Returns the maximum record. Indicates whether adding new records is enabled. To capture the ESC key. The record navigation bar displays arrow buttons and current record fields. Initializes a new . Initializes the record field textbox. True if focus should be set to the textbox. Forces the control to invalidate its client area and immediately redraw itself and any child controls. Sets the current record position to first record. Sets the current record position to the next record. Sets the current record position to the previous record. Sets the current record position to the last record. Occurs when the specified button was clicked or the mouse is pressed down on the button. The source of the event. Sets the current record position. Sets the current record position. The new record index. Indicates whether record should be applied to text box even if is not changed. Sets the current record position and lets you specify if and events should be raised. The new record index. Indicates whether record should be applied to text box even if is not changed. Specifies if and events should be raised. Thread safe method that applies all settings at once. The minimum record position. The maximum record position. The label to be displayed before the record field text box. Indicates whether adding new records is enabled. The current record position. Raises the event. The new record index. Raises the event. The new record index. Calculates corrected Y location of numbers. Grapchics object. Output text. Corrected Y coordinate. Occurs when the current record is changing. Occurs when the current record is changed. Gets or sets the value for the control. Indicates whether the step for increasing the record position should be increased when the user holds down the mouse on a record navigation button for a longer period. Gets or sets the current record position. Gets or sets the minimum record position. Gets or sets the maximum record position. Indicates whether adding new records is enabled. Gets or sets . Gets or sets the label to be displayed before the record field textbox. Gets or sets an optional maximum label (e.g. "of 1000"). Gets or sets the textbox where users can enter record indexes manually. RecordNavigationBar Action List class for SmartTag. Initializes the action list to be added. Gets/Sets the name of the control Label to be displayed before the record field textbox Specifies arrow button to be shown in an arrow bar Designer class for RecordNavigation bar Collection of designer action list object. Collection of designer action list object. Provides data about a and events of a . Initializes a new . The record index. Gets / sets the record index. Handles a event of a . Handles a event of a . A RecordNavigationControl is a splitter frame with a on the bottom left scrollbar. A splitter control provides support for dynamic splitting of the viewable area. The controls shown inside the splitter control must implement the interface. Additionally, these controls need to have built-in logic that allows displaying one set of data in different views. The interface should be implemented if scrollbars of the child pane should be shared with the parent splitter frame. The controls in the pane should also implement . This allows the control to create new panes and initialize them when an additional row or column is opened in the splitter control. If a control does not implement , the splitter control will call the of the . Essential Grid's GridControlBase is a control that provides all of this logic and can be dropped into a splitter control and be dynamically split by an end user. also provides part of the logic to be used inside a splitter frame, but you still need to implement the logic for displaying one set of data in different views in your derived controls. See the SplitterControlDemo and TabBarSplitterControlDemo samples for examples on how to use in a form. Provides notification methods when the user drags the vertical or horizontal splitter bar. Occurs when the user drags the splitter bar. The source of the event. The current horizontal position in pixels. The current vertical position in pixels. Occurs after the user moves the splitter bar. The source of the event. Repaints the splitter bar. The source of the event. Gets / sets the cursor to display. Implement this interface if you want to add support for shared scrollbars. Returns a scrollbar object that implements a horizontal scrollbar. Returns a scrollbar object that implements a vertical scrollbar. Indicates whether the specified control is activated. Defines an interface for a control that supports splitting the view into several row panes and column panes. Both and implement this interface. This gives client controls a one stop interface to get all splitter functionality no matter if they are embedded inside a or inside a . Indicates whether the rows were split at the given y coordinate. The vertical position in percentages of the splitter control's height. True if rows were split successfully; False if they were already split or the operation aborted. Indicates whether the columns were split horizontally at the specified x coordinate. The horizontal position in percentages of the splitter control's width. True if columns were split successfully; False if they were already split or the operation aborted. Deletes the splitter panes at the specified row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. Deletes the splitter panes at the specified column. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. Returns the splitter pane at the specified row and column. The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. The control at the pane. Returns the row and column index for a child pane. The control to search for. A placeholder where the row is returned. A placeholder where the column is returned. True if the control is a pane; False if the control was not a child pane. Sets the active pane in the splitter control specified by row and column. The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. Indicates whether there is a next or previous pane that can be activated. True if previous pane should be activated; False if next pane should be activated. True if activating next or previous pane is good; False if already at last or first pane. Activates the next or previous pane. True if previous pane should be activated; False if next pane should be activated. Gets / sets a value indicating what split behavior is supported. Rows, Columns or Both. Returns the number of visible row panes. Returns the number of visible column panes. Gets / sets the active pane in the splitter control. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the vertical splitter position has changed. Occurs when the horizontal splitter position has changed. Occurs when the splitter layout has changed. Default size of the control Return the bool value if BaseThemeName is Office2019Colorful or HighContrastBlack. Initializes a new splitter control. Scale the control based on the scale factor passed in the argument. value to scale the factor based upon. Font changed Indicates whether the rows were split at the given y coordinate. The vertical position in percentages of the splitter control's height. True if rows were split successfully; False if they were already split or the operation aborted. Indicates whether the columns were split horizontally at the specified x coordinate. The horizontal position in in percentages of the splitter control's width. True if columns were split successfully; False if they were already split or the operation aborted. Deletes the splitter panes at the specified row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. Deletes the splitter panes at the specified column. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. Returns the splitter pane at the specified row and column. If there is no pane found at the specified row and column a pane will be created on demand with a call to . The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. The control at the pane. Returns the splitter pane at the specified row and column. If there is no pane found at the specified row and column a null reference will be returned. The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. The control at the pane. Disposes the specified pane. The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. Creates a new control for the specified splitter pane. The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. The control in the first splitter pane. A new instance of the control. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Returns the row and column indices for a child pane. The control to search for. A placeholder where the row is returned. A placeholder where the column is returned. True if the control is a pane; False if the control was not a child pane. Sets the active pane in the splitter control specified by row and column. The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. Indicates whether there is a next or previous pane that can be activated. True if previous pane should be activated; False if next pane should be activated. True if activating next or previous pane is good; False if already at last or first pane. Activates the next or previous pane. True if previous pane should be activated; False if next pane should be activated. Overridden method. Returns the scrollbar for the specified control. The control for which you want to get the scrollbar. Indicates whether the scrollbar belongs to the active pane. The control associated with the scrollbar. Specifies the vertical or horizontal scrollbar. True if active; False otherwise. ScrollControl checks IsActive to find out if it is the target of a HScroll event. protected virtual void OnHScroll(object sender, ScrollEventArgs se) { try { IScrollBarFrame sbf = GetScrollBarFrameOfComponent(this); if (sbf != null && !sbf.IsActive(this, ScrollBars.Horizontal)) return; }} Returns the horizontal scrollbar associated with the control. A child pane. The scrollbar for the pane. Returns the vertical scrollbar associated with the control. A child pane. The scrollbar for the pane. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Handles the WM_SETCURSOR message. Raises the ThemeChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. The OnThemeChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnThemeChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnThemeChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the event. Event Data. Reinitializes and hides ToolTips. Raises the event. Event data. Returns either an that has a reference to a scrollbar or creates a scrollbar. Indicates horizontal or vertical scrollbar. The zero-based row or column index of the scrollbar. A control that is derived from or implements . Creates a scrollbar for the specified row or column index. Indicates horizontal or vertical scrollbar. The zero-based row or column index of the scrollbar. A . Indicates whether the specified control is activated . The to be activated. True if the control is successfully activated; false otherwise. The control must be a child of the container control. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Indicates whether this control contains focus. If implements , the method is called on the . True if the control or any child control has focus; False otherwise. Raises the event. This method is called when the control or any child control gets focus and this control did not have focus before. Inheriting classes should override this method instead of overriding because is also called when child controls gets focus and it is not called when focus is moved within child controls of this control. Cancels any prior calls for child controls that implement . Raises the event. This method is called when the control or any child control loses focus and the new focused control is not a child of this control. Inheriting classes should override this method instead of overriding because is also called when child controls lose focus and it is not called when focus is moved within child controls of this control. This method is called if the control's notification occurs while handling a event. This typically occurs if a message box is displayed from a event handler. Resets the property to its default value. Raises the event. Event data. Raises the event. Event data. Raises the event. Forces the control to invalidate its client area and immediately redraw itself and any child controls. Raises the event. Event data. Occurs when the user drags the splitter bar. The source of the event. The current horizontal position in pixels. The current vertical position in pixels. Occurs after the user moves the splitter bar. The source of the event. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. Event data. Raises the event. Resets the to default. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Get or Set of Skin Manager Interface Raises the event. Event data. Raises the event. Event data. Raises the event. Event data. Raises the event Office scrollbar type Reset the GridOfficeScrollBars Serializes the GridOfficeScrollBars Reset the Style of the Splitter control Serializes the Style of the Splitter control Occurs when the style changes Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Gets the active theme of control. Raises the event when theme name changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Occurs when the window receives a WM_CANCELMODE message. WM_CANCELMODE is sent to cancel certain modes, such as mouse capture. For example, the system sends this message to the active window when a dialog box or message box is displayed. Certain functions also send this message explicitly to the specified window regardless of whether it is the active window. For example, the EnableWindow function sends this message when disabling the specified window. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the vertical splitter position has changed. Occurs when the horizontal splitter position has changed. Occurs when the splitter layout has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the ThemesEnabled property changes. Gets/Sets Control size before touch enabled Gets or sets value to enable or disable the Touchmode to the controls. Scale factor will be updated automatically if scalefactor is equal to 1 Returns the number of visible row panes. Returns the number of visible column panes. Occurs after the control to be displayed in a new pane has been created. Use this event to implement additional initialization for the new control. PaneCreated is an ideal hook to add handler for events in the new control. Occurs after a row or column is hidden and before the control that is displayed in the pane is disposed. Use this event to implement additional clean up for the control before is called. PaneClosing is an ideal hook to unwire event handlers from the control. Gets or sets the active pane in the splitter control. Returns the default size of the control. Gets or sets the border style of the Splitter Control. Indicates whether themes are enabled for this control. Indicates whether ToolTips are being shown for tabs that have ToolTips set on them. Gets or sets the button look for the arrow buttons. holds information about the current vertical and horizontal split positions. Gets or sets the Active control. Indicates whether the method has been called. and resets this flag. Indicates whether the method has been called. and resets this flag. Indicates whether has been called. resets this flag. Indicates whether has been called. resets this flag. Indicates whether has been called. resets this flag. Occurs when both and occur. Gets or sets a value indicating what split behavior is supported. Rows, Columns or Both. Gets or sets the horizontal splitter position in percentages of the splitter control's width. Gets or sets the vertical splitter position in percentages of the splitter control's height. Gets or sets the that holds information about current vertical and horizontal split positions. Gets or sets the border style of the RecordNavigationControl. Occurs when property has changed. Toggles between standard and flat scrollbars. Gets or sets the style of flat scrollbars. Gets or sets the size factor of this tab bar Gets or sets the Backcolor for flat scrollbars. Gets or sets the Office2016Scrollbar. Toggles between standard and Office2007 scrollbars. Gets or sets the style of Office2007 scroll bars Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Gets or sets the Office like scrollbars. Gets or sets the style of Office2010 scroll bars. Gets or sets the style of Office2016 scroll bars. Gets/Sets the Style of the Splitter control Toggles support for using the control inside a dynamic splitter window and sharing scrollbars with the parent window. Toggles visibility of the vertical scrollbar. Toggles visibility of the Horizontal scrollbar. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Gets or sets the BaseTheme name of the theme Gets or sets a value indicating whether a theme settings can be applied to the control. The default value is true. This property must be initialized before applying the VisualTheme /> Gets or sets a value indicating whether control elements styles can be overridden by theme style settings. Default value is false. By default, the control's element styles will not be overridden by theme style settings if the style is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, element style will be overridden by theme style settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before calling the ThemeName property of the control. Gets the name of the control. Gets or sets the theme name of the control. The default value is null. This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Gets a value indicating whether the visual style based theme is applied to the control and also indicates whether the theme files are referred from external assemblies or not. Return true, if the visual style based theme is applied to the control. Otherwise returns false. Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Occurs when theme name of the control has changed. Provides the data about event of a . Initializes a new . The record index. Gets or sets the Office scroll bars Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Initializes a new . Forces the control to invalidate its client area and immediately redraw itself and any child controls. Resets to default. Resets to default. Resets to default. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property to its default value. Occurs when the user drags the splitter bar. The source of the event. The current horizontal position in pixels. The current vertical position in pixels. Provides the control name. Occurs when the current record is changed. Occurs when the current record is changing. Occurs when the user clicks an arrow button. Returns the with record information and scroll buttons. Gets / sets the current record position. Gets or sets the minimum record position. Gets or sets the maximum record position. Indicates whether adding new records is enabled. Gets or sets the label to be displayed before the record field textbox. Gets or sets an optional maximum label (e.g. "of 1000"). Gets / sets the number of Milliseconds to wait before repeatedly firing scroll event. Gets / sets the shortest interval for firing scroll event. Gets or sets the arrow button that should be shown in an arrow bar. Gets or sets the backcolor of the navigation bar. Gets or sets the width of the navigation bar. Gets or sets the color of arrows in enabled buttons. Gets or sets the color of arrows in disabled buttons. Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. RecordNavigationControl Action List class for SmartTag. Initializes the action list to be added. Gets/Sets the name of the control Specifies the style for the RecordNavigationControl Specifies arrow button to be shown in an arrow bar Specifies the splitter behavior of the control Sets the Office like scroll bars A designer for the . Initializes a new . Collection of designer action list object. Collection of designer action list object. RecordNavigationScrollBar is a with a scrollbar contained in one control. displays this control in the bottom left corner of the frame. Returns a reference to a scrollbar contained in a user control. Splittercontrol and Workbookcontrol check for the IScrollBarContainer to get the scrollbar. This enables you to replace the shared scrollbar with any user control that also has a scrollbar. An example is the . Gets / sets the contained scrollbar in a user control. Initializes a new with a shared scroll bar control. The control that either hosts a scrollbar (a ) or is itself a scrollbar. Gets / sets the preferred width of this control. Encapsulates a type's name and exposes it to the class. Initializes a new . Creates a new TypeName class with empty type name. Creates a new TypeName class and sets its type name. The full name of the type. Occurs when the TypeFullName property has changed. Gets / sets the type's full name. Lets you specify a list of s and invoke a member in those types. This class is used in Essential Tools to load certain types in memory. Once you add the types to load into this list, you can call the method to specify a member in those types to invoke and then also call later to repeat the invoke. Returns the argument at the specified index, that will be used during invoking. The argument index. The argument at the specified index. NULL if index is out of range. Call this method to provide information for the member invoke. Take a look at method for information on these parameters. This method will also call . Invokes the member specified using on the specified types in this list. Invokes the member specified using on the specified types in this list. Invokes the member on each type. The on which to invoke. Gets / sets the indexer for this list. Specifies the object at this index. Returns the number of arguments to be used in the method call when invoked. This will be zero if invoking a property. Call to reset this property. Returns the static member name to invoke. Fired when a type to invoke is not found. Handles the event. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Provides data for the event. Creates a new instance of the TypeNotFoundEventArgs. The that was not found. Returns the that was not found. This component lets you load custom types into the design time. You can specify the static member name you want invoked through the InvokeMemberName property. This will load the types and invoke the specified member every time you load the designer. Initializes a new . Creates a new instance of the TypeLoader class. Creates a new instance of the TypeLoader class and adds itself to the container specified. The container to add to. Handler for the event. The sender of this event. Data for this event. If in design mode, this method shows a message box with appropriate information. Returns the static member name to invoke. Call to reset this property. Specifies the containing the list of s to load. Handles the NcPaint event of an ScrollControl object. Provides data for the NCPaint event of an ScrollControl object. Initializes a new instance of the NCPaintEventArgs class. Bounds an ScrollControl. Bounds of an ScrollControl in screen coordinates. Clipping region of an ScrollControl. Gets or sets bounds an ScrollControl. Gets or sets bounds of an ScrollControl in screen coordinates. Gets or sets clipping region of an ScrollControl. Retrieves Office2010 scroll bars Office2016 style Metro style Characterize zone which contain mouse down position. Order of enum's elements can not be changed, because ScrollBarCustomDraw uses enum's indexes. Characterize Office2010 scroll bar color scheme. Office2010 blue. Office2010 silver. Office2010 black. Office2010 default color. Defines the constants that specify color schemes for the Office 2016 theme. Office2016 black. Office2016 white. Office2016 dark gray. Office2016 colorful color. Characterize MS-Office scroll bars. Office2007 Scrollbars. Office2010 Scrollbars. Metro Scrollbars. Office2016 Scrollbars Ordinary Scrollbars. Characterize zone which contain mouse position. Order of enum's elements can not be changed, because ScrollBarCustomDraw uses enum's indexes. Specifies the layout and colors for scrollbars. Specifies behaviour of size gripper for scrollable frame controls. Gripper is visible when both horizontal and vertical scrollbars are visible. Gripper is always visible. Gripper is always hidden. Reference on parent control Initializes new instance of ControlsCollectionBase class Reference on parent control. Can not be NULL. Initializes new instance of ControlsCollectionBase class Reference on parent control. Can not be NULL. Attach event handler to ConfigureControl event on initialize. Occurs when collection changed. Add Control object to collection. Removes control from collection. Insert control in position with index value is index. Includes/exclude controls from parent controls collection. If true - excludes, else includes controls in parent controls collection. Reference on parent control/container. Typed version of indexer. Message class that contains reference on control that required configuration. Storage of control reference. Default constructor. Get reference on Control. We specify that only buttons can be created in design time in collection. In runtime developer will have more freedom. Default constructor. Allow creation only of buttons in designe time. Allowed types for creation. Represents a standard Windows horizontal scroll bar. Most controls that need scroll bars already provide them and do not require this control. This is true of a multi-line control, a and a , for example. You can use this control to implement scrolling in containers that do not provide their own scroll bars, such as a or for user input of numeric data. The numeric data may be displayed in a control or utilized in code. The and properties determine the range of values the user can select. The property determines the effect of clicking within the scroll bar but outside the scroll box. The property determines the effect of clicking the scroll arrows at each end of the control. Implements the basic functionality of a scroll bar control. To adjust the value range of the scroll bar control, set the and properties. To adjust the distance the scroll box moves, set the and properties. To adjust the starting point of the scroll box, set the property when the control is initially displayed. The scroll box is sometimes referred to as the "thumb". Defines an interface that provides all properties to configure a scrollbar. Updates the scrollbar with latest changes to current position and scrollable range. Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a large distance. Gets or sets the upper limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets or sets the lower limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets or sets the value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a small distance. Gets or sets a numeric value that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Gets or sets a number that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Enables or disables thumbtrack feature for the scrollbar. Indicates whether the scrollbar is in thumb drag mode. Indicates whether ScrollTips should be shown for the scrollbar. Creates the handler. Overridden to help set up scrollbar information. Resets the backcolor of the scroll bar. Indicates whether the associated control should scroll while the user is dragging a scrollbar thumb. Indicates whether the parent control should show ScrollTips while the user is dragging a scrollbar thumb. checks this property to determine if ScrollTips should be displayed. Indicates whether the scroll bar is currently in thumb drag mode. Gets / sets the effect of clicking within the scroll bar but outside the scroll box. Gets / sets the maximum range of the scroll bar. Default is 100. Gets / sets the minimum range of the scroll bar. Default is zero. Gets / sets the effect of clicking the scroll arrows at each end of the control. Gets / sets the starting value of the scroll bar. Gets / sets the background color of this scrollbar. Gets / sets the scroll bar style. Default is Flat style. Constructor. Returns the parameters needed to create the handler. Inheriting classes can override this to provide extra functionality. They should not, however, forget to call base.getCreateParams() first to get the structure filled up with the basic info. Represents a standard Windows vertical scroll bar. Most controls that need scroll bars already provide them and do not require this control. This is true of a multi-line control, a and a , for example. You can use this control to implement scrolling in containers that do not provide their own scroll bars, such as a or for user input of numeric data. The numeric data may be displayed in a control or utilized in code. The and properties determine the range of values the user can select. The property determines the effect of clicking within the scroll bar but outside the scroll box. The property determines the effect of clicking the scroll arrows at each end of the control. Constructor. Returns the parameters needed to create the handler. Inheriting classes can override this to provide extra functionality. They should not, however, forget to call base.getCreateParams() first to get the structure filled up with the basic info. Base class for scrollers control that support visual styles. Key for LargeChangeChanged event. Key for MaximumChanged event. Key for MinimumChanged event. Key for SmallChangeChanged event. Key for ValueChanged event. Key for VisualStyleChanged event. Key for ColorSchemeChanged event. Key for ThemeEnabledChanged event. Used by threading timer. A value to be added to or subtracted from the System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBar.Value property when the scroll box is moved a large distance. Cached m_largeChange The upper limit of values of the scrollable range. The lower limit of values of the scrollable range. A value to be added to or subtracted from the Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ScrollBarCustomDraw.Value property when the scroll box is moved a small distance. A numeric value that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Visual style of the ScrollBarCustomDraw. Indicates whether to use visual styles. Indicates whether thumb is disabled. Indicates whether minimum arrow is disabled. Indicates whether maximum arrow is disabled. Collection of controls that locates above the minimum arrow. Collection of controls that locates under the maximum arrow. True - say control to keep System settings instead of user defined, otherwise False. Renderer which draws the control. Array of rectangles that represents regions of the ScrollBarCustomDraw. Used when user holds the arrow button clicked. Position where was last click. Zone where was last click . Zone where mouse is over. Cached m_selectedZone. Zone where is mouse position. False if all states is default? in other case value is false. Color scheme that used in Rendering. Color scheme that used in Rendering. Color scheme for Office2016 that used in Rendering. Color scheme for Office2010 that used in Rendering. Instance of ContextMenu provider. To avoid compile error CS0197 in VS2002. To prevent validation controls visibility in and in . Indicates whether scrollbar should be refreshed on each value change. If set to false, scrollbar is invalidated only and therefore is visually refreshed after processing all scrolling messages. Scroll bar's owner. Metro color table for metro visual style. Office2016 black color table for Office2016 visual style. Office2016 white color table for Office2016 visual style. Office2016 darkgray color table for Office2016 visual style. Office2016 colorful color table for Office2016 visual style. Apply Office2016Black color settings for scrollbar. Apply Office2016DarkGray color settings for scrollbar. Apply Office2016White color settings for scrollbar. Apply Office2016Colorful color settings for scrollbar. Initializes a new instance of the class. The owner. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initialize the context menu. Override. Force recalculation of Scroller elements. Layout arguments. To force Layout logic call . Forces the laying out of combobox elements. Advanced method. You do not have to call this directly. If outside code will work with collection instead of our collections and , then this method will help us in synchronization. If outside code will work with collection instead of our collections and , then this method will help us in synchronization. Overridden. See . Occurs when control size changed. The event data. Reset control Width or Heigh to system settings Raises the OnLargeChangeChanged event. The event data. Raises the OnSmallChangeChanged event. The event data. Raises the OnMaximumChanged event. The event data. Raises the OnMinimumChanged event. The event data. Raises the OnVisualStyleChanged event. The event data. Raises the OnMinimumChanged event. The event data. Raises the OnValueChanged event. The event data. Used for validating visibility of the ControlsAfter and ControlsBefore Overridden. See . Redraws scroll control when RightToLeft is changed. Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Occurs when mouse down and cursor change position. Gets min button. Possible variants: Left or Down. Gets max button. Possible variants: Right or Up. Defines pressed zone. Recalculates bounds of the ScrollBarCustomDraw. Recalculates bounds of the arrow buttons. Recalculates bounds of the thumb. If scroll contain all controls than controls is visible, in other case value is false. Gets DockStyle of afterControls. Gets DockStyle of beforeControls. used for calculates thumb offset. Utility API that open to user opportunity to destroy handle in runtime. Very usefull for runtime resource cleanup. Sets small change if value is less than large change; otherwise sets small change to large change. Value to set. Method accumulate width and height of the controls in specified collection. Method accumulate width and height of the controls in specified collection. collection of controls. Accumulated values. Excludes/includes controls in collection. If true - excludes, else includes controls in collection. X coordinate of mouse. Y coordinate of mouse. Sets value, but OnValueChanged don't raise. Dispose controls of ScrollBarCustomDraw. Collection of controls to be disposed. Creates and displays the context menu for the control. Used to raise the mouse event The args contains the MouseEventArgs data Used to raise the mouse event The args contains the MouseEventArgs data Used to raise the mouse event The args contains the MouseEventArgs data Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBar.Value property when the scroll box is moved a large distance. Gets or sets the upper limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets or sets the lower limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ScrollBarCustomDraw.Value property when the scroll box is moved a small distance. Gets or sets a numeric value that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Gets or sets the text associated with this control. Visual style of the ScrollBarCustomDraw. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use visual styles. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether thumb is disabled. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether minimum arrow is disabled. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether maximum arrow is disabled. Collection of controls that locates above the minimum arrow. Collection of controls that locates under the maximum arrow. True - say control to keep System settings instead of user defined, otherwise False. Gets or sets the renderer which draws the control. Returns the value that indicates whether RightToLeft is RightToLeft.Yes Hide Controls collection from CodeDom serialization. Gets or sets the metro color table. Gets or sets the color table for Office2016 Black theme scrollbar. Gets or sets the color table for Office2016 white theme scrollbar. Gets or sets the color table for Office2016 dark gray theme scrollbar. Gets or sets the color table for Office2016 colorful theme scrollbar. Gets or sets whether the Office color scheme should be Silver or Blue or Black. Gets or sets whether the Metro color scheme should be user defined color. Gets or sets whether the Office2010 color scheme should be Silver or Blue or Black. Gets or sets whether the Office2016 color scheme should be Black or White or DarkGray or Colorful. This is applicable for both the horizontal and vertical scrollbar. Gets / sets the menu provider object that will implement the 's contextmenu. The ScrollBarCustomDraw control automatically initializes this property depending on the presence of the Syncfusion Essential Tools library. If Essential Tools is available, then the menu provider object will be an instance of the type. If not, the class is used for implementing the standard .NET context menu.

The ScrollersFrame's automatic initialization should suffice for most applications and you should explicitly set this property only when you want to override the default menu provider assignment.

A implementation; the default is .
Gets or sets value indicating whether scrollbar should be refreshed on each value change. If set to false, scrollbar is invalidated only and therefore is visually refreshed after processing all scrolling messages. Flag, if true than controls visivble in other case not visible. Default size of the horizontal scroolbar. Initializes a new instance of the class. The owner. Initializes a new instance of the class. Occurs when control size changed. Used for validating visibility of the ControlsAfter and ControlsBefore TODO: place correct comment here Reset horizontal scrollbar to default height. Gets dockStyle for controls which situated before scroll. Gets dockStyle for controls which situated after scroll. Gets value by cursor position Calculates bounds of thumb for scroll control. Calculating bounds for leftThumb and rightThumb zones for scroll. Implements support for Intelli-Mouse panning. When the user presses the middle mouse button and drags the mouse, the window will scroll. has built-in support for this call. You only have to enable . The following code enables support for IntelliMouseDragScroll: public bool EnableIntelliMouse { get { return imm != null and imm.Enabled; } set { if (value != EnableIntelliMouse) { if (imm == null) { imm = new IntelliMouseDragScroll(this, true); imm.AllowScrolling = ScrollBars.Both; imm.DragScroll += new IntelliMouseDragScrollEventHandler(IntelliMouseDragScrollEvent); } imm.Enabled = value; } } } void IntelliMouseDragScrollEvent(object sender, IntelliMouseDragScrollEventArgs e) { int dy = e.Dy; int dx = e.Dx; this.disableAutoScroll = true; if (Math.Abs(dy) > Math.Abs(dx)) { VScrollBar.SendScrollMessage(dy > 0 ? ScrollEventType.SmallIncrement : ScrollEventType.SmallDecrement); } else { HScrollBar.SendScrollMessage(dx > 0 ? ScrollEventType.SmallIncrement : ScrollEventType.SmallDecrement); } this.disableAutoScroll = false; } Initializes the object. The control to add this functionality to. Initializes the object. The control to add this functionality to. True if should listen for MouseDown event; False if dragging should be started manually by calling StartDrag. Starts the IntelliMouse dragging at the given screen coordinates. Screen coordinates, e.g. Control.MousePosition. Stops the Intelli-Mouse dragging. Returns the bitmap from manifest. Red background in bitmap will be made transparent. Occurs when the user has dragged the mouse outside the scrolling bitmap. Returns the active object, if any. Gets / sets the scrolling direction. Indicates whether the user is dragging. Indicates whether to toggle the Intelli-Mouse feature on or off. Returns the cursor to be displayed. Handles the DragScroll event of an IntelliMouseDragScroll object. Provides data for the DragScroll event of an IntelliMouseDragScroll object. Initializes a new instance of the IntelliMouseDragScrollEventArgs class. The distance in pixels the mouse pointer has been moved horizontally. The distance in pixels the mouse pointer has been moved vertically. Gets / sets the distance in pixels the mouse pointer has been moved horizontally. Gets / sets the distance in pixels the mouse pointer has been moved vertically. Set this to True if you scrolled and do not want default scrolling behavior. Handles the MouseWheelZoom events. Provides data for the MouseWheelZoom event. Initializes a with a given delta. The number of rows or columns to scroll. Returns the number of rows or columns to scroll. True if scroll bar is currently in thumb drag mode. Indicates whether the associated control should scroll while the user is dragging a scrollbar thumb. Indicates whether the parent control should show ScrollTips while the user is dragging a scrollbar thumb. Checks this property to determine if ScrollTips should be displayed. Gets / sets a value to be added to or subtracted from to the Value property when the scroll box is moved a large distance. Gets / sets the upper limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets / sets the lower limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets / sets a value to be added to or subtracted from to the Value property when the scroll box is moved a small distance. Gets / sets a numeric value that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Design time helper class. Do not allow resizing of scrollers when set KeepSystmeMetrics property to TRUE value. Typed version of control reference extracting. Override selection rule only in case of KeepSystemMetrics value set to True. Defines an interface that provides all properties to configure a scrollbar. Gets / sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a large distance. Gets / sets the upper limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets / sets the lower limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets / sets the value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a small distance. Gets / sets a numeric value that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Gets / sets a number that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Gets / sets a number that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. ScrollbarWrapper manages scrollbars for a control and hides details about the scrollbar from the control that utilizes ScrollBarWrapper. This allows you to replace the concrete ScrollBar with , , or any custom scrollbar implementation. Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent control. The scrollbar type: horizontal or vertical. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent control. The scrollbar type: horizontal or vertical. The scrollbar object to be managed by this instance. The style info of the scrollbar. Implements the method and releases all managed resource for this object. Copies all information to another object. The to receive all copied information. Raises the event. . An that contains the event data. Suspends updating the scrollbar until is called. Resumes updating the scrollbar after a call. Fetches scrollbar information from the managed scrollbar object and updates the information in the object. Applies scrollbar information to the managed scrollbar object based on the information in the current object. Call this for reflected scrollbars from your parent control's method if you want to support reflected scrollbars (those window scrollbars that you enable with WS_VSCROLL and WS_HSCROLL window styles). The that was passed as argument to . Sends or emulates a scroll event. Occurs when the scroll box has been moved by either a mouse or keyboard action. Occurs when the property has changed, either by a event or programmatically. Gets or sets the with settings that control the appearance of the scroll bar. Indicates whether the control should scroll while the user is dragging a scrollbar's thumb. Indicates whether the parent control should show ScrollTips while the user is dragging a scrollbar thumb. Checks this property to determine if ScrollTips should be displayed. Gets / sets a reference to the scrollbar that is contained in this wrapper class. True if this is a Reflecting scrollbar; False if it is a simple scrollbar. True if this is a flat scrollbar; False if it is a simple scrollbar. True if scroll bar is currently in thumb drag mode. True if this is a Reflecting scrollbar; False if it is a simple scrollbar. Indicates whether updating is locked. See . Gets / sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a large distance. Gets / sets the upper limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets / sets the lower limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets / sets the value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a small distance. Gets / sets a numeric value that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Gets / sets a number that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Returns a reference to the parent control. Manages the theme handle given a control and exposes some basic themed Drawing methods. The bound to this class can either implement the interface or pass on the WM_THEMECHANGED message to this class with a call to the method. Creates a new instance of the class. Pointer to a string that contains a semicolon-separated list of classes, as expected in the OpenThemeData API. The bound to this class can either implement the interface or pass on the WM_THEMECHANGED message to this class with a call to the method. This is necessary in order that this class can refresh its handles when themes settings are updated. You can get the part and state ids required for the DrawXXX methods from the tmschema.h file (that comes with Platform SDK) or refer to the undocumented and incomplete ThemeParts and ThemeStates classes in our shared library (in the ThemeDefines.cs file). Creates a new instance of the class. Pointer to a string that contains a semicolon-separated list of classes, as expected in the OpenThemeData API. Owning component. The bound to this class can either implement the interface or pass on the WM_THEMECHANGED message to this class with a call to the method. This is necessary in order that this class can refresh its handles when themes settings are updated. You can get the part and state ids required for the DrawXXX methods from the tmschema.h file (that comes with Platform SDK) or refer to the undocumented and incomplete ThemeParts and ThemeStates classes in our shared library (in the ThemeDefines.cs file). If owning component is not null, automatically unregisters itself from on component disposing. Overridden. See . Called to create a theme handle, given the specified control and classList. Closes the currently open theme handle. Closes the current theme handle. Closes the current theme handle and tries to open a new one. Overloaded. Draws the specified theme background. A object. An integer specifying the part. An integer specifying the state. The background . See for information on how to get the part and state IDs. This method uses the VisibleClipRegion in the Graphics object to obtain the clip rect. Draws the specified theme background. A object. An integer specifying the part. An integer specifying the state. The background . The clip rect to be used. See for information on how to get the part and state IDs. Use this function to provide custom clip bounds. Overloaded. Draws the specified theme text. A object. An integer specifying the part. An integer specifying the state. The text to be drawn. The layout bounds within which to draw. Refers to the DrawThemeText function in the Windows API. Refers to the DrawThemeText function in the Windows API. Draws the specified theme text. A object. An integer specifying the part. An integer specifying the state. The text to be drawn. The layout bounds within which to draw. Refers to the DrawThemeText function in the Windows API. Refers to the DrawThemeText function in the Windows API. Returns the size for the specified part. A object. An integer specifying the part. An integer specifying the state. The size type. The requested size. Calculates the size and location of the specified text when rendered in the theme font. A object. An integer specifying the part. An integer specifying the state. The text to draw. The layout bounds. See GetThemeTextExtent method documentation in Windows API. The rectangle representing the extent. Returns the current theme handle used to render the parts. Blend 30% of menu selection color. It contains the value of the property. Helps to apply the ControlName settings in control ThemeName Helps to apply the CanOverriderStyle settings in control CanOverriderStyle Helps to apply the CanApplyTheme settings in control CanApplyTheme Helps to apply the ThemeName settings in control ThemeName Gets / sets ScrollButton highlighted state. Gets / sets for correctly GradientBrush creation, so that background is same as Parent's background. Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Represents the class to define the style of control. Maintains the default style of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Provide the default style of the . Default style object. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default ScrollButtonsStyleInfo value. Represents the class holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Maintains the static data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Populates the SerializationInfo store with the name, type, and value of each piece of information it wants to serialize Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Overridden to get the static data source. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the ScrollButtons for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. A ScrollTip window is a top-level window that gives feedback about the current scroll position when the user grabs a scrollbar thumb and drags it. Initializes a new . Raises the event and refreshes the contents of the window. The with event data. Returns the optimal size for the window to fit the given text. The text that should fit into the window. A with the window size of the ScrollTip. Gets / sets the border style of the control. Gets / sets the text layout information for the text in the ScrollTip. Specifies the current ScrollTip state when a event was raised. The user has grabbed the thumb. The ScrollTip should be shown. The user has released the thumb. The ScrollTip should be hidden. The user is dragging the thumb. The ScrollTip text should be updated. Handles the event. Provides data for the event. Constructs a object. The exception that was cached. Returns the exception that was cached. Handles the ScrollTip event. Provides data for the event. Returns the scrollbar that is the source of this event. Returns a value that specifies the user action that led to this event. Returns the new scroll position. Gets / sets the text to display in the ScrollTip. You can change this text in your event handler during a Scroll action. Gets / sets the size of the ScrollTip window. You can adjust the scroll window size in your event handler when handling a ThumbTrack action. Gets / sets the location of the ScrollTip window. You can adjust the scroll window size in your event handler when handling a ThumbTrack action. Gets / sets the font to be used for the ScrollTip text. You can adjust the scroll window size in your event handler when handling a ThumbTrack or Scroll action. Gets / sets the text color to be used for the ScrollTip text. You can adjust the scroll window size in your event handler when handling a ThumbTrack or Scroll action. Gets / sets the backcolor to be used for the ScrollTip text. You can adjust the scroll window size in your event handler when handling a ThumbTrack or Scroll action. Gets / sets the border style to be used for the ScrollTip text. You can adjust the scroll window size in your event handler when handling a ThumbTrack action. Gets / sets the text layout information for the text in the ScrollTip. BeginUpdateOptions details which drawing operations should be performed during a batch of updates. The control suspends any drawing and invalidation and will do a complete refresh when EndUpdate is called. Regions that need to be redrawn afterward should be marked invalid by calling the controls Invalidate method. ScrollWindow will scroll the window. Scrollbars should be synchronized with the current scroll position. Allows invalidating regions, scrolling and synchronizes the scrollbar thumb. Contains data for the WindowScrolling and WindowScrolled event. ScrollWindow will raise a WindowScrolling event before it scrolls the window and a WindowScrolled event after the scrolling. Initializes a new . The horizontal scroll distance in pixel. The vertical scroll distance in pixel. The bounds of the rectangle that is scrolled. Clipping rectangle. The rectangle that was scrolled into view. Returns the horizontal scroll distance in pixels. Returns the vertical scroll distance in pixels. Returns the bounds of the rectangle that is scrolled. Returns the Clipping rectangle. Returns the rectangle that was scrolled into view. Handles the scroll window event. Provides a global hook for exceptions that have been cached inside the framework and gives you the option to provide specialized handling of the exception. You can also temporarily suspend and resume caching exceptions. The Syncfusion framework notifies about exceptions that are cached by calling or . The method will raise the event. By handling the event, your code can analyze the exception that was cached and optionally let it bubble up by rethrowing the exception. Your code can also temporarily suspend and resume caching exceptions. This is useful if you want to provide your own exception handling. Just call to disable handling exceptions and to resume caching exceptions. You also have the options to disable caching exceptions altogether by setting to True. Note: All static settings for this class are thread local. // The following example demonstrates temporarily suspending exception caching when calling a base class version // of a method. protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { ExceptionManager.SuspendCatchExceptions(); try { base.OnMouseDown(e); ExceptionManager.ResumeCatchExceptions(); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionManager.ResumeCatchExceptions(); // Notify exception manager about the catched exception and // give it a chance to optionally rethrow the exception if necessary // (e.g. if this OnMouseDown was called from another class that // wants to provide its own exception handling). if (!ExceptionManager.RaiseExceptionCatched(this, ex)) throw ex; // handle exception here MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } // This code sample shows how exceptions are handled within the framework: try { CurrentCell.Refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { TraceUtil.TraceExceptionCatched(ex); if (!ExceptionManager.RaiseExceptionCatched(this, ex)) throw ex; } Temporarily suspends caching exceptions. Temporarily resumes caching exceptions. Indicates whether exceptions should be cached or if they should bubble up. calls this method. Raises the event. Raises the event. If caching exceptions has been disabled by a call or if has been set to True, the exception is rethrown. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. If caching exceptions has been disabled by a call or if has been set to True, the exception is rethrown. A that was cached. Occurs when an exception was cached within the framework and was notified. Lets you disable caching exceptions altogether by setting to True. Specifies the acceleration behavior for scrollbars. Disable scrollbar acceleration. Default, moderate acceleration after the user scrolled 60 increments. Acceleration after the user scrolled 20 increments. Immediate acceleration after the user scrolled 4 increments. Specifies the type of autoscrolling, either scrollbar acceleration or mouse dragging outside window bounds. The user held down a scrollbar button. The user has dragged the mouse outside the autoscroll bounds. The user is moving the mouse over the control during OLE drag-and-drop operation. Handles the event. Provides data for the event which is called when accelerated scrollbar scrolling or mouse drag-scrolling starts. Returns the type of autoscrolling, either scrollbar acceleration or mouse dragging outside window bounds. Returns the scroll bar direction: vertical, horizontal, or both. Gets / sets the interval that is initially assigned to the timer for recurring scrolling. Gets / sets the interval step that the timer should be decreased from time to time. Gets / sets the minimum interval for the fastest scroll speed. Internal Variable for ScrollControl Apply the scrollbar background color for scroll control. Graphics for scroll control Bacground color for scroller background. Border color for scroll control Handles a cancellable event. The source of the event. An that contains the event data. Provides data about the cancellable event. ShowContextMenuEventArgs is a custom event argument class used by the event when the user right-clicks inside the control. You can cancel showing a context menu when you assign True to . Initializes a new object. The mouse location in screen coordinates. Returns the mouse location in screen coordinates. Custom scrollbars with various VisualStyles and provision to add buttons to it. To check whether the ScrollersFrame is applied properly, when parent is DockHost Subclasser that helps us to monitor control changes. Reference on control to which we attach scrollers. Color scheme that used in Rendering. Color scheme that used in Rendering. Color scheme that used in Rendering. Office2016 color scheme that used in Rendering. Gripper visibility behavior. win8 style scroll behavior Indicates if a Parent control is in dragging mode. Indicates if left mouse button is pressed. Enables delayed scrollbar updates. Default value is true. Collection of all attached controls and corresponding components. LargeIcon View Scroller Increment Value SmallIcon View Scroller Increment Value Tile View Scroller Increment Value Details View Scroller Increment Value List View Scroller Increment Value Specifies the visual style for the ScrollerFrame. Holds Metro thumb size Holds whether to show Metro Arrow Button Applies the color table based on the scrollbar styles. Get the scroll control details Get the scrollbar styles. Apply Office2016 black color settings for scrollbar. Apply Office2016DarkGray color settings for scrollbar. Apply Office2016White color settings for scrollbar. Apply Office2016Colorful color settings for scrollbar. Get or Set of Skin Manager Interface Horizontal scroller instance. Vertical scroller instance. Size gripper control instance. Required designer variable. Default constructor. Component oriented constructor. Mostly used by Windows Forms designer. reference on container that will control class life time. Clean up any resources being used. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Indicates whether the current value of the OfficeColorScheme property is to be serialized. Resets the office color scheme. Indicates whether the current value of the OfficeColorScheme property is to be serialized. Indicates whether the current value of the Office2010ColorScheme property is to be serialized. a boolean value. Resets the office color scheme. Resets the office2010 color scheme. Method called when parent control create own window handle. reference on parent control. Event arguments. Method called when control destroy own window handle. reference on parent control. Event arguments. Method called when detected parent RightToLeft property value changes. reference on parent control. Event arguments. To check whether the ScrollersFrame is applied properly, when parent is DockHost Method called when detected changes in parent-child hierarchy. reference on parent control. Event arguments. Method attach scroller frame to the specified control. Previously attaches to the controls will be released. Reference on windows forms control. Can not be NULL. Occurs when the theme name is changed. The theme name. Overridden to gets the control name of the scroll frame. The control name. Returns the name of the control. To update the Small Increment speed when ScrollersFrame is attached with ListView control Detach scrollers frame from previously attached control. Refresh scroller frames internal settings and repaint. Internal scrollers attaching algorithm. Internal scrollers detaching algorithm. Reflect Right to Left settings from parent control with respect to internal logic. change RTL before SetParent calls. RTL force re-creation of the scroller handle!!! Method reassign parents for scrollers when needed. Method synchronize settings with parent wihdow and scrollers. If parent is being dragged, scrollers get invisible. Method synchronize our scrollers with parent scollers. By parameter specified source of data. True - source is window, otherwise False. Method updates enable states from structs specified by user. Horizontal scroller struct. Vertical scroller struct. Utility method. Copy settings value to scrollbar control. reference on scroller instance. Window WIN32 API struct settings of which we reflect. Vise versa operation to method. Destination of settings reflection. ScrollBra instance which settings we reflect. Method create special container windows that will host attached control. NOT implemented. Reserved for future enhancements. But can be overrided and implemented by user. Method process WM_NSCALCSIZE message. Method process WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message. Method process WM_STYLECHANGED message. Method process a WM_MOVE message. Method process a WM_MOUSEMOVE message. Method filter parent control messages and according to them set scroller frame settings. Windows message. True - allow forward of message, otherwise False. Updates visibility of gripper. Gets visibility of the size gripper. true if gripper should be shown; otherwise false. Verifies if is owned by attched to control. Control to verify. Reference on control to which we assign our custom scrollers. Reference on configurable Horizontal Scroller control. Reference on configurable Vertical Scroller control. Gets or sets visibility of size gripper. Gets/Sets the size of Metro Scroller Thumb Gets or sets a style of the ScrollFrame components. Gets/Sets whether to display Metro scroller buttons Gets or Sets whether to set the win 8 style scroll behavior True - horizontal scroller is visible to user, otherwise False. True - vertical scroller is visible to user, otherwise False. Specifies the style of appearance. Gets or sets custom color to MetroScroller. Gets or sets the custom color for Office2016 black scrollbar. Gets or sets the custom color for Office2016 white scrollbar. Gets or sets the custom color for Office2016 colorful scrollbar. Gets or sets the custom color for Office2016 dark gray scrollbar. Gets or sets whether the Metro color scheme should be User defined colors. Gets or sets Office2016 color scheme for horizontal and vertical scrollbars. Gets or sets whether the Office color scheme should be Silver or Blue or Black. Gets or sets whether the Office color scheme should be Silver or Blue or Black. Gets or sets the value to be added to or subtracted from the Value property when the horizontal scroll box is moved a small distance. Gets or sets the value to be added to or subtracted from the Value property when the vertical scroll box is moved a small distance. Gets or sets whether delayed scrollbar updates must be updated. Gets or sets value indicating whether scrollbar should be refreshed on each value change. If set to false, scrollbar is invalidated only and therefore is visually refreshed after processing all scrolling messages. Gets or Sets custom renderer to customize the scroll bars The scroll bar itself. The top or right arrow button. The page up or page right region. The scroll box (thumb). The page down or page left region. The bottom or left arrow button. Special Size Gripper class that supports RTL. Publish for user Handle destroy functionality. Usefull for resource cleanup in runtime. Size gripper advanced. Instance of ScrollersFrame. Indicates whether grip marking should be drawn. If set to false, just background is filled. Default constructor. reference on scroller frame. Can not be NULL. Implemented visual styles support. Paint event arguments. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the and its child controls and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Gets or sets value indicating whether grip marking should be drawn. If set to false, just background is filled. Design time change of property visibility. Office 2007 visual style support. Show/Hide OfficeColorScheme property for user in runtime. Class Attaching better design time support for FM2.0 and higher. In older version class have no influences on design time. Designer helper lass. Do not allow attaching of root components by . Default constructor. Method filter that chech is attaching allowed or not. filter context. property value that requesting check operation. True - if attaching allowed, otherwise False. ProgressBarAdv Designer Designer ActionList collection Initializes a new instance of the CheckBoxAdvDesigner class Gets a value indication the designer action Distance from thumb Y position to mouse down Y position. Flag, if true than controls visivble in other case not visible. Default size of the vertical scroolbar. Initializes a new instance of the class. The owner. Initializes a new instance of the class. Occurs when control size changed. Used for validating visibility of the ControlsAfter and ControlsBefore Reset vertical scrollbar to default width. Gets dockStyle for controls which situated before scroll. Gets dockStyle for controls which situated after scroll. Gets value by cursor position Calculating bounds for leftThumb and rightThumb zones for scroll. Retrieves color table according to style and scheme. Office2007 style. Office2007 color scheme. Color table. Registers color table within internal collection. Office2007 style. Office2007 scheme. Color table itself. Applies colors for managed scheme. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Called when is risen. Registered color tables. Initialize new instance of Office2007Renderer Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws thumb for scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Right office arrow. Left office arrow. Down office arrow. Up office arrow. Right Normal office arrow. Left Normal office arrow. Down Normal office arrow. Up Normal office arrow. Vertical thumb lines. Horizontal thumb lines. WindowsXP Blue Style renderer implementation. Angle for horizontal gradient brush. Angle for vertical gradient brush. Angle for vertical gradient brush. Width for brush. Height for brush. Default radius truncation corners. Count of lines on the thumb. Height of lines on the thumb. The color scheme that the renderer will render. Initialize new instance of WindowsXPRenderer Initialize new instance of WindowsXPRenderer Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws thumb for scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Sets WindowsXP color scheme for the control. Sets the color scheme for the button based on the current XP Scheme. Initializes edges of specified rectangle. Bounds of the rectangle. Gets rounded path with specified radius for the rectangle. Gets vertical gradient brush. Gets horizontal gradient brush. Gets gradient brush with 53 angle. Draws background lines. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the background. Color of the lines. Draws shadow for the arrow button. The graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws shadow for the thumb. The graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws middle lines on the thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Fill Rectangle with ControlLightLight color. Graphics objects to use. Bounds of the rectangle. Draws disabled arrowButton. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the button. Type of the button. Draws disabled background. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the button. Draws disabled thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws up arrow on the button. The graphics object to use. Bounds of the button. Draws two lines in specified points. Rotate shape on specified angle around center p. Array of points that represents shape to rotate. Angle in radians to rotate. Point to rotate around. The color scheme that the renderer will render. Blend for the default and selected arrow button. Blend for the pushed arrow button. Blend for the thumb. Blend for the thumb with height < 17. Blend for the border of arrow button. Blend for the background. Initialize new instance of WindowsXPRenderer Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws thumb for scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Gets path that represents left and top lines. Gets path that represents bottom and right lines. Fills background with specified colors and gradient. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the background. Start color of the gradient. End color of the gradient. Draws default background. Graphics object to use. Bounds of background. Draws pushed background. Graphics object to use. Bounds of background. Draws default arrow button. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws selected arrow button. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws pushed arrow button. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws default thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws selected thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws pushed thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws rounded path for the rectangle of thumb with specified color. The graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Color to draw. Color to draw. Draws rounded path for the rectangle of arrow button with specified color. The graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Color to draw. Color to draw. WindowsXP OliveGreen Style renderer implementation. Blend for the default and selected arrow button. Blend for the default and selected arrow button. Blend for the thumb. Blend for the background. Initialize new instance of WindowsXPRenderer Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws thumb for scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Fills background with specified colors and gradient. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the background. Start color of the gradient. End color of the gradient. Draws default background. Graphics object to use. Bounds of background. Draws pushed background. Graphics object to use. Bounds of background. Draws default arrow button. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws selected arrow button. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws pushed arrow button. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws default thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws selected thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws pushed thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws rounded path for the rectangle of arrow button with specified color. The graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Color to draw. WindowsXP Silver Style renderer implementation. Blend for the default and selected arrow button. Blend for the pushed arrow button. Blend for the thumb. Blend for the pushed thumb. Blend for the background. Initialize new instance of WindowsXPRenderer Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws thumb for scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Fills background with specified colors and gradient. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the background. Start color of the gradient. End color of the gradient. Draws default background. Graphics object to use. Bounds of background. Draws pushed background. Graphics object to use. Bounds of background. Draws default arrow button. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws pushed arrow button. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws default thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws pushed thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws borders for the arrow buttons and thumbs. The graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws internal borders for the arrow buttons and thumbs. The graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Metro color table. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the scroll bar background color. Gets or sets the normal state thumb color. Gets or sets the checked state thumb color. Gets or sets the pushed state thumb color. Gets or sets the Thumb Normal Border color Gets or sets the Thumb Checked Border color Gets or sets the pushed state Thumb Pushed Border. Gets or sets the pushed state Thumb Pushed Border. Gets or sets the Arrow Normal Border color Gets or sets the Arrow Checked Border color Gets or sets the Arrow Pushed Border color Gets or sets the inactive state thumb color. Gets or sets the normal state arrow color. Gets or sets the checked state arrow color. Gets or sets the pushed state arrow color. Gets or sets the normal state Arrow Background Color. Gets or sets the pushed state Arrow Pushed Background color. Gets or sets the inactive state arrow color. Defines constants for specifying the persistence medium to be used for serialization. The SerializeMode enumeration defines constants for specifying the persistence medium. This enum is used by the class as well as by several other Syncfusion components. The IsolatedStorage is used for reading / writing the state information. A Binary file is used for reading / writing the state information. A .XML file is used for reading / writing the state information. The Win32 WindowsRegistry is used for reading / writing the state information. An externally provided Stream is used for reading / writing the state information in an XML format. An externally provided Stream is used for reading / writing the state information in a binary format. Provides a mechanism for coordinating the serialization behavior of multiple components. The AppStateSerializer class is a serialization utility that allows multiple components in an application to access a common disk I/O medium for state persistence. Using the same storage medium for persisting the state information across components, without overtly tying them together, helps avoid the file clutter that is bound to occur by components using distinct files. Though primarily developed for use by Syncfusion products, the AppStateSerializer is generic enough to be availed of by other components as well. The AppStateSerializer supports serializing into the system's Isolated Storage, Windows Registry, an XML file, a binary file or to an externally provided Stream. Take a look at the enumeration for more information on these different supported modes. To use the services of this class, you can create a new instance or use the global Singleton instance. These two usage patterns are explained below: 1) Using the Singleton: The AppStateSerializer class provides you a singleton instance (through the ) using which you can persist all your app. info into a single medium. This singleton, by default, is configured to persist in the Isolated Storage (with the scope IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly|IsolatedStorageScope.Domain|IsolatedStorageScope.User). This usage pattern is akin to creating an instance of this class and using the same instance to persist all your app information. But, note that this Singleton is also used by the Controls and Components in Essential Tools to persist their information. The default Storage medium of this Singleton instance can also be customized using the static method. In short, use the Singleton whenever you want all your persistence information to be stored in a single medium (along with the persistence information of the Controls and Components in Essential Tools). 2) Using an instance: As an alternative you could create a custom instance of this class, configuring it to use one of the above storage mediums and persist one or more information into it. You can use this in tandem with the above Singleton instance if you wish. Make sure to call method when you are done writing into the serializer. In both the above cases use the method's and to persist or depersist from the storage medium set for that instance. Note that the AppStateSerializer class uses "Simple" type names (not strongly typed) to serialize types. This is necessary to enable usage of persisted information across different but compatible versions of an assembly. This will however cause the deserialization process to convert the serialized data to the type from the latest version of the assembly installed in the GAC, instead of the version that your app is linking to. You can overcome this by using the method. Serializing using an instance: // To Save AppStateSerializer serializer = new AppStateSerializer(SerializeMode.XMLFile, "myfile"); serializer.SerializeObject("MyLabel", mydata); serializer.PersistNow(); // To Load AppStateSerializer serializer = new AppStateSerializer(SerializeMode.XMLFile, "myfile"); object loadedObj = serializer.DeserializeObject("MyLabel"); if(loadedObj != null && loadedObj is MyData) { MyData myData = (MyData)loadedObj; } Serializing using Singleton: // To Save AppStateSerializer.GetSingleton().SerializeObject("MyLabel", mydata, true); // To Load object loadedObj = AppStateSerializer.GetSingleton().DeserializeObject("MyLabel"); Gets or sets the value to serialize or deserialize the properties based on either current UI culture or invariant culture. Default value is null. This is applicable only for Grid Control. Overloaded. Creates an instance of the AppStateSerializer class. The in which to create. The persistence path to be used for this mode. See remarks for more info. The persistpath argument should be based on the property, as follows: SerializeMode.XMLFileA string representing the file name (an .XML suffix will be added) in which to store. SerializeMode.BinaryFileA string representing the file name (a .bin suffix will be added) in which to store. SerializeMode.WindowsRegistryA under which to persist. SerializeMode.IsolatedStorageA string representing the file name (a .bin suffix will be added) in which to store within the Isolated Storage. SerializeMode.ExternalStreamAn instance of a derived class with Read, Write, and Seek capability. If using the IsolatedStorage mode, then the default isolated storage scope (Domain | Assembly | User) will be used. Use the three argument constructor to specify a custom scope. Creates an instance of the AppStateSerializer class. The in which to create. The persistence path to be used for this mode. See remarks for more info. The to be used if the mode is set to SerializeMode.IsolatedStorage. The persistpath argument should be based on the property, as follows: SerializeMode.XMLFileA string representing the file name (an .XML suffix will be added) in which to store. SerializeMode.BinaryFileA string representing the file name (a .bin suffix will be added) in which to store. SerializeMode.WindowsRegistryA under which to persist. SerializeMode.IsolatedStorageA string representing the file name (a .bin suffix will be added) in which to store within the Isolated Storage. SerializeMode.ExternalStreamAn instance of a derived class with Read, Write, and Seek capability. The scope parameter will be referred to if using the IsolatedStorage mode. Returns a reference to the unique instance. The AppStateSerializer instance. This method will be removed in a future version. Please use the GetSingleton method instead. Returns a reference to the unique instance. The AppStateSerializer instance. Controls the binding of an assembly name to a specific . The assembly name string. The corresponding Assembly to bind to. The AppStateSerializer class, by default, uses "Simple" assembly names (not strongly typed) to serialize types. This renders the deserialization process unpredictable because the resultant type of an object after deserialization is dependent upon the latest version of that assembly installed in the GAC, if any. This will usually result in casting errors during the deserialization process when the app is linking to an older version of the assembly and when a newer version of the assembly is installed in the GAC. This method allows you to overcome this limitation by associating a "Simple" assembly name with a specific . This example will bind the assembly that the app is linking to, to the "Simple" assembly name. Do this from the static constructor of the class that uses the AppStateSerializer class: static MyType() { AppStateSerializer.SetBindingInfo("MyNameSpace.MyType", typeof(MyType).Assembly); } Binds a type in the specified assembly to the same type in a different assembly. Typically useful in supporting backward compatibility. The assembly name string. The type name string. The corresponding Assembly to bind to. This method is useful when you renamed your assembly and you want to map the old types to the new types in the new assembly. If you didn't rename the assembly, then just consider using the method. Binds the oldtypename type to the newtypename type. This method comes in handy when serialized types have undergone a name change and backward compatibility is to be retained. The old name of the type. The new name of the type. Sets the persistence mode and persistence path for the singleton instance of . The singleton's parameters can only be changed before it gets created. It gets created in the first call to the method. You can force the serializer to clear its serialization map by using the method. This method will be removed in a future version. Please use the InitializeSingleton method instead. A value. An object that represents the persistence medium. The IsolatedStorageScope to be used. Overloaded. Sets the persistence mode and persistence path for the singleton instance of . The singleton's parameters can only be changed before it gets created. It gets created in the first call to method. You can force the serializer to clear its serialization map by using the method. A value. An object that represents the persistence medium. The IsolatedStorageScope to be used. Referred only when the mode is IsolatedStorage. Sets the persistence mode and persistence path for the singleton instance of . The singleton's parameters can only be changed before it gets created. It gets created in the first call to the method. You can force the serializer to clear its serialization map by using the method. If the mode is set to Isolated Storage, then the default isolated storage scope will be used. The persistpath argument should be based on the property, as follows: SerializeMode.XMLFileA string representing the file name (an .XML suffix will be added) in which to store. SerializeMode.BinaryFileA string representing the file name (a .bin suffix will be added) in which to store. SerializeMode.WindowsRegistryA under which to persist. SerializeMode.IsolatedStorageA string representing the file name (a .bin suffix will be added) in which to store within the Isolated Storage. SerializeMode.ExternalStreamAn instance of a derived class with Read, Write and Seek capability. public Form1() { // To make the singleton use an XML file: AppStateSerializer.InitializeSingleton(SerializeMode.XMLFile, "GlobalState"); InitializeComponent(); } A value. An object that represents the persistence medium. Clears the serialization map and deletes the persistent store. If the persistent store is an external stream, then FlushSerializer just clears the serialization map and returns without affecting the stream. Overloaded. Writes the object to persistent storage under the specified tag. A descriptor tag for the object. The object to be persisted. If NULL, an existing object is removed from the serialization map. If the is False, then this method will not serialize. Writes the object to persistent storage under the specified tag. A descriptor tag for the object. The object to be persisted. Use NULL to remove an existing object from the serialization map. When this parameter is True, the object is serialized only at the point when it is being written to the persistent storage medium. This usually happens only when the serializer is being finalized. If the is False, then this method will not serialize. Deserializes the object from the persistent store. The object descriptor. The deserialized object. If the is False, then this method will not deserialize. Overloaded. Serializes the object to the specified persistence medium. A value describing the persistence medium. Represents the persistence medium. A string descriptor for the object. The object to be serialized. Use NULL to delete the object's store. If is False, then this method will not serialize. This method has been replaced and will be removed form a future version. Instead, create a new instance of the AppStateSerializer class (with the mode and persist path) and then use the and methods to persist information. Make sure to call when done persisting. Serializes the object to Isolated Storage. The name of the IsolatedStorageFile. The IsolatedStorageScope to be used. A string descriptor for the object. The object to be serialized. Use NULL to delete the object's store. If is False, then this method will not serialize. This method has been replaced and will be removed form a future version. Instead, create a new instance of the AppStateSerializer class (with the mode and persist path) and then use the and methods to persist information. Make sure to call when done persisting. Overloaded. Deserializes an object from the specified persistent store. A value describing the persistence medium. Represents the persistence medium. A string descriptor for the object. The deserialized object. If is False, then this method will not deserialize. This method has been replaced and will be removed form a future version. Instead, create a new instance of the AppStateSerializer class (with the mode and persist path) and then use the and . Deserializes an object from Isolated Storage. The name of the IsolatedStorageFile. The IsolatedStorageScope to be used. A string descriptor for the object. The deserialized object. If is False, then this method will not deserialize. This method has been replaced and will be removed form a future version. Instead, create a new instance of the AppStateSerializer class (with the mode and persist path) and then use the and . Writes the 's contents to the persistent storage. If is False, then this method will not persist. Gets or sets a bool value to indicate whether the exception should throw while reading the file from stream or not. true if it should throw the exception to handle it while reading the file stream; otherwise, false. Returns the persistence mode set for the . A value. Returns the persistence path set for the . The persistence path is contextual and is interpreted based on the property value. An object of type varying based on the the SerializationMode. Returns the IsolatedStorageScope used by the . An value. This property is used only if the mode is set to SerializeMode.IsolatedStorage. Indicates whether serialization and deserialization is enabled. True to enable serialization; false otherwise. This property is set to True by default. This property allows you to temporarily enable / disable serialization. Returns the version of the application (got through the Application.ProductVersion property) whose state has now been deserialized. The version as string if available. String.Empty otherwise. This gives you some information about the state of the deserialized information - as to which version of the application it belonged to. Occurs just before the contents of the are persisted. Provides event data for the various ProvidePersistenceID events. Gets / sets a unique ID. Represents a method that lets you specify a unique ID usually distinguishing different instances of a control type. Specifies the look of the arrow buttons should be drawn. Draw normal buttons. Draw flat buttons. Used by the to allow its content to create a control if it implements this interface. Creates a new . A new instance. Provides a method to create a copy of an existing splitter pane or window. Creates a copy of an existing splitter pane or window. The row in a . The column in a . A reference to the parent control, e.g a splitter frame. A new instance of a control. Defines split behavior for a . No dynamic splitter. Split rows vertically. Split columns horizontally. Allow both splitting the view vertically and horizontally. Specifies the current state of the button. Button is in normal state. Button is disabled. Mouse is hovering over button. Button is pushed. Button is checked. Button is considered a drop target of a drag-and-drop operation. A mask for the drawing state of the button without behavioral options (without Checked, DropTarget). Helper class for . Manages items. Initializes an and attaches it to a control. The parent control. Called when a button is clicked. The that was clicked. Called by OnMouseDownEvent. Called from parent control to draw this bar. A Graphics object. Checks if mouse is over a button and returns the zero-based button index or -1. X-coordinate of mouse pointer. Y-coordinate of mouse pointer. Zero-based button index; -1 if not over a button. Initializes ToolTips boundaries. Reinitializes and hides ToolTips. Recalculates boundaries of child buttons. True if ToolTips should be initialized too. Cancels current action. Repaints only if marked dirty. Resets hovered state for all buttons. Resets pushed state for all buttons. Gets / sets the button array. Indicates whether a button is currently pressed. Gets / sets the boundaries of this bar. Gets / sets the default size for buttons in this bar. Indicates whether it is flat look for buttons. Indicates whether any button is dirty or sets all buttons dirty. Indicates whether any button is enabled or sets all buttons enabled / disabled. Indicates whether any button is in hovered state. Indicates whether any button is in pushed state. Gets / sets the delay until the button starts firing click events when the user holds down the mouse button. Gets / sets the minimum delay between clicks when scrolling is accelerated. Draw the AddNewSymbol and Ellipsis in VisualStyle based theme. Gets/Sets whether AddNewButton needs to drawn in TabBar Specifies office 2007 color scheme. Style of the control. Color table for Office2007 visual style. Default splitter value. Draw splitterBar in VisualStyle based theme. Improve the Tabbarsplittersontrol appearance to draw the dotted icon in splitterbar. To handle the graphics objects. Position to draw the dottedrectangle. Vertical splitter bar position value in percentage. Horizontal splitter bar position value in percentage. Draw the Dotted icon on Horizontal splitter button. To handle the graphic objects. Position of the dotted rectangle. Dotted rectangle fore color. Draw the Dotted icon on Vertical splitter button. To handle the graphic objects. Position of the dotted rectangle. Dotted rectangle fore color. Gets or sets the visual style of the tabBarSplitterControl. Gets or sets the style for Splitter. Gets or sets office 2007 color scheme. Gets color table for Office2007 visual style. Interface for Spreadsheet Tabpage Gets the bool value Handles the or the events. Provides event data for the or the event. Returns the control inside the specified pane. Returns the zero-based row number of the pane. Returns the zero-based column number of the pane. Returns a reference to the control at the top-left pane. Defines an interface that provides methods for creating and hiding controls for a splitter pane inside a . Creates a new control for the specified splitter pane. A parent control. Can be a . The row in a . The column in a . The control in the first splitter pane. A new instance of a control. Hides / disposes the control for the specified splitter pane. A parent control. Can be a . The row in a . The column in a . The control in the splitter pane that should be hidden. This is the default implementation of the and manages creating and hiding of controls for a splitter pane inside a . You can get or replace this object with the property of a control. Creates a new control for the specified splitter pane. A parent control. Can be a . The row in a . The column in a . The control in the first splitter pane. A new instance of a control. Hides / disposes the control for the specified splitter pane. A parent control. Can be a . The row in a . The column in a . The control in the splitter pane that should be hidden. Specifies the style Control Specifies the Default style of the control Specifies the Metro style of the Control Specifies the Office2016 style of the Control holds information about the current vertical and horizontal split positions. Gets / sets the horizontal splitter position in pixels. Gets / sets the vertical splitter position in pixels. Looks for an entry that contains the given key, null is returned if the key is not found. A routine used by enumerators that need a sorted map A routine used by enumerators to iterate through the map A routine used to iterate through all the entries in the map Promotes the key/value pairs in the current collection to the next larger and more complex storage model. Size of this data store A simple class to handle a single key/value pair A simple class to handle a single object with 3 key/value pairs. The pairs are stored unsorted and uses a linear search. Perf analysis showed that this yielded better memory locality and perf than an object and an array. This map inserts at the last position. Any time we add to the map we set _sorted to false. If you need to iterate through the map in sorted order you must call Sort before using GetKeyValuePair. A simple class to handle a single object with 6 key/value pairs. The pairs are stored unsorted and uses a linear search. Perf analysis showed that this yielded better memory locality and perf than an object and an array. This map inserts at the last position. Any time we add to the map we set _sorted to false. If you need to iterate through the map in sorted order you must call Sort before using GetKeyValuePair. A simple class to handle an array of between 6 and 12 key/value pairs. It is unsorted and uses a linear search. Perf analysis showed that this was the optimal size for both memory and perf. The values may need to be adjusted as the CLR and Avalon evolve. FrugalMapIterationCallback Allows you to specify a custom name for the StaticData field in a . Specifies the default field name as "staticDataStore". Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns the field name in the class that identifies the static data store. Provides data for the event. Initializes the object with the property that has changed. Identifies the property that has changed. Returns the property that has changed. Handles the event. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Specifies whether a property should be serialized. Specifies that a property should be serialized. This field is Read-only. Specifies that a property should not be serialized. This field is Read-only. The default setting for this attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class. if a property should be serialized; otherwise. The default is . Indicates whether the has been set for the property. A True if property has a ; False otherwise. Indicates whether a property is shown in the ToString result. Specifies whether a property should be cloned. Specifies that a property should be cloned if the assigned object implements ICloneable. This field is Read-only. Specifies that a property should never be cloned even if the assigned object implements ICloneable This field is Read-only. The default setting for this attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class. if a property should be should be cloned if the assigned object implements ICloneable; otherwise. The default is Indicates whether the has been set for the property. A True if property has a ; false otherwise. Indicates whether a property should be cloned if the assigned object implements ICloneable. Specifies whether a property should be disposed. Specifies that a property should be disposed if the assigned object implements IDisposeable. This field is Read-only. Specifies that a property should never be disposed even if the assigned object implements IDisposeable This field is Read-only. The default setting for this attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class. if a property should be should be disposed if the assigned object implements IDisposeable; otherwise. The default is Indicates whether the has been set for the property. A . True if property has a ; false otherwise. Indicates whether the has been set for the property. A . True if property has a ; false otherwise. Indicates whether a property should be disposed if the assigned object implements IDisposeable. Implement this interface if you want to assign this class to a object's property and you need to control whether the object should be cloned. This interface is only considered if the of of the is True. (This is the default.) Clones this object. A reference to a clone of this object. Disposes this object. Returns True if this object should be cloned if you assign it to a object's property; false otherwise. True if this object should be cloned if you assign it to a object's property; false otherwise. Returns True if this object should be disposed if it is reset in a object's property; false otherwise. True if this object should be disposed if it is reset in a object's property; false otherwise. Implements the method which is called from of a if the object is in collection. Called from of a object. The instance containing the event data. Provides a type converter to convert expandable objects to and from various other representations. Indicates whether this object supports properties using the specified context. Indicates whether this converter can convert an object to the given destination type using the specified context. Converts the given value object to the specified destination type using the specified context and arguments. Returns a collection of properties for the type of array specified by the value parameter using the specified context and attributes. A form that displays a with Apply and OK buttons. Initializes a new with an object whose properties should be displayed. The object for which properties should be displayed. Cleans up any resources being used. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Returns the apply button. You should set up a listener for a Click event. Clears the style objects from the storage. Provides a unique identifier for a property in a style object and stores information about the associated property. is allocated once on the global heap for each property in a style object. Type safe wrappers make use of StyleInfoProperty to query, set or reset specific properties. Holds information about the property: PropertyType, Name, how to load and save its state in StyleInfoStore, attributes, etc. The type of the component this property is bound to. The type of the property. The name of the property. Represents a method that creates a Subobject of this type and associates it with a parent style object. Indicates whether this is an object derived from . Indicates whether this object supports being serialized. The value can be set with a in your class implementation. Indicates whether this object should call ICloneable.Clone when an assigned object implements the ICloneable or interface. The value can be set with a in your class implementation. Indicates whether this object should call ICloneable.Clone when an assigned object implements the IDisposable or interface. The value can be set also with a in your class implementation. If property is marked with Browsable(true), custom attribute of this flag allows you to specify whether the property should appear in PropertyGrid. If property is marked with Browsable(false), then this setting will have no effect. Default is true. Indicates whether type information should be included when is called. Use this if PropertyType is System.Obbject and you want to be able to parse written values. An example is GridStyleInfo.CellValue. Default is false. Indicates whether type information should be converted to Base64 if associated Type converter supports converting value to and from Base64. An example is a bitmap assigned to GridStyleInfo.CellValue. If IsConvertibleToBase64String is true, then the grid will convert the bitmap to a Base64 string and write out the information in the GridStyleInfo.ToString() method and also in the WriteXml method. Default is false. Defines how to serialize property when style data is serialized to or from an XML stream with . Returns the of this property. Property info of this property. Method to dispose StyleInfoProperty object Initializes a new StyleInfoProperty. Formats a given value that is of the same type as the . The value to be formatted. A string with formatted text. calls this method. The event lets you customize the formatting of this property but care should be taken that the formatted text can be consumed by the method. Overloaded. Parses a given value that is of the same type as the . The string to be parsed. An object of the same type as the created from the parsed string information. calls this method. The event lets you customize the parsing of this property. Parses a given value and converts it to a requested . The string to be parsed. The for the resulting object. A format provider. An object of type "resultType" created from the parsed string information. The event lets you customize the parsing of this property. Handles parse requests for this property. Handles formatting requests for this property. Handles requests to serialize this property to an XML stream during an operation of the class. This event allows you to implement a different serialization mechanism if many style objects reference and share the same object, (e.g. if you assign a DataSet to several objects DataSource property). With such a scenario, you could write out an identifier and when the property is deserialized from an XML stream, you could reconstruct a reference to a datasource object based on the identifier. Handles requests to deserialize this property from an XML stream during an operation of the class. This event allows you to implement a different serialization mechanism if many style objects reference and share the same object, (e.g. if you assign a DataSet to several objects DataSource property). With such a scenario, you could write out an identifier and when the property is deserialized from an XML stream you could reconstruct a reference to a datasource object based on the identifier. Defines how to serialize property when style data is serialized to or from an XML stream. with . Default. Serialize as string when type is simple. Using XmlSerializer for complex types or properties where the actual type is not known at compile-time (e.g. CellValue). Skip this property. Do not serialize. Serialize this property as string using and . Serialize this property using . Provides data for the and events. The is used to format and unformat values represented by a property in a object. The Format event occurs whenever a property is written out as string and the Parse event occurs whenever the value is read back in from a string. If you handle this event, store the resulting value into and set to True. Initializes a new instance of the class. An Object that contains the value of the current property. The Type of the value. Gets / sets the value of the object. Returns the data type of the desired value. The DesiredType property enables you to check the type of the property that the value is being converted to. Handles the or event. Handles the event of . Provides data for the event. The is used to serialize a property of a object. The WriteXml event occurs whenever a property is serialized to an XML stream during an operation of the class. If you handle this event, you set to True. Handling this event allows you to customize the way the object is serialized or skip serialization. This event allows you to implement a different serialization mechanism if many style objects reference and share the same object, (e.g. if you assign a DataSet to several objects' DataSource property). With such a scenario, you could write out a identifier and when the property is deserialized from an XML stream, you could reconstruct a reference to a datasource object based on the identifier. Initializes a new object. The for the XML stream. The style object that is being serialized. The property that is being serialized. Returns the for the XML stream. Returns the style object that is being serialized. Returns the property that is being serialized. Call of the to get the value for this property. Handles the event of . Provides data for the event. The is used to deserialize a property of a object. The ReadXml event occurs whenever a property is deserialized from an XML stream during an operation of the class. If you handle this event, you set to True. Call of the to save the value for this property into the style object. Handling this event allows you to customize the way the object is deserialized or skip serialization. This event allows you to implement a different serialization mechanism if many style objects reference and share the same object, (e.g. if you assign a DataSet to several objects DataSource property). With such a scenario, you could write out an identifier and when the property is deserialized from an XML stream you could reconstruct a reference to a datasource object based on the identifier. Initializes a new object. The for the XML stream. The style object that is deserialized. The property that is being deserialized. Returns the for the XML stream. Returns the style object that is deserialized. Returns the property that is being deserialized. Call of the to save the value for this property into the style object. Indicates whether the component will allow its value to be reset. The component to reset. True if the component supports resetting of its value. Retrieves the value of the property for the given component. This will throw an exception if the component does not have this property. The component. The value of the property. This can be cast to the property type. Resets the value of this property on the specified component to the default value. The component whose property is to be reset. Sets the value of this property on the specified component. The component whose property is to be set. The new value of the property. Indicates whether this property should be persisted. A property is to be persisted if it is marked as persistable through a PersistableAttribute and if the property contains something other than the default value. Note, however, that this method will return True for design-time properties as well, so callers should also check to see if a property is design-time only before persisting to run-time storage. The component on which the property resides. True if the property should be persisted to either design-time or run-time storage. Retrieves the type of the component this PropertyDescriptor is bound to. The type of component. Retrieves the display name of the property. This is the name that will be displayed in a property browser. This will be the same as the property name for most properties. A string containing the name to display in the property browser. Indicates whether the property can be written to. True if the property can be written to. Retrieves the data type of the property. A class representing the data type of the property. provides conversion routines for values to convert them to another type and routines for formatting values. Converts value from one type to another using an optional . Converts value from one type to another using an optional . The original value. The target type. A used to format or parse the value. The new value in the target type. Converts value from one type to another using an optional . The original value. The target type. A used to format or parse the value. Indicates whether exceptions should be avoided or catched and return value should be DBNull if it cannot be converted to the target type. The new value in the target type. Converts value from one type to another using an optional . The original value. The target type. A used to format or parse the value. Format string. Indicates whether exceptions should be avoided or catched and return value should be DBNull if it cannot be converted to the target type. The new value in the target type. Overloaded. Parses the given text using the resultTypes "Parse" method or using a type converter. The text to parse. The requested result type. A used to format or parse the value. Can be NULL. The new value in the target type. Parses the given text using the resultTypes "Parse" method or using a type converter. The text to parse. The requested result type. A used to format or parse the value. Can be NULL. A format string used in a call. Right now format is only interpreted to enable roundtripping for formatted dates. The new value in the target type. Parse the given text using the resultTypes "Parse" method or using a type converter. The text to parse. The requested result type. A used to format or parse the value. Can be NULL. A format string used in a call. Right now format is only interpreted to enable roundtripping for formatted dates. Indicates whether DbNull should be returned if value cannot be parsed. Otherwise an exception is thrown. The new value in the target type. Parse the given text using the resultTypes "Parse" method or using a type converter. The text to parse. The requested result type. A used to format or parse the value. Can be NULL. A string array holding permissible formats used in a call. Right now formats is only interpreted to enable roundtripping for formatted dates. Indicates whether DbNull should be returned if value cannot be parsed. Otherwise an exception is thrown. The new value in the target type. Generates display text using the specified format, culture info and number format. The value to format. The value type on which formatting is based. The original value will first be converted to this type. The format like in ToString(string format). The for formatting the value. The for formatting the value. The string with the formatted text for the value. Returns a representative value for any given type. Is useful to preview the result of a format in . See The . A value with the specified type. Overloaded. Parses the given string including type information. String can be in format %lt;type> 'value' Parses the given string including type information. String can be in format %lt;type> 'value' Indicates whether TypeConverter should be checked whether the type to be parsed supports conversion to/from byte array (e.g. an Image) Indicates whether the TypeConverter associated with the type supports conversion to/from a byte array (e.g. an Image). If that is the case the string is converted to a byte array from a base64 string. Overloaded. Formats the given value as string including type information. String will be in format %lt;type> 'value' Formats the given value as string including type information. String will be in format %lt;type> 'value' Indicates whether TypeConverter should be checked whether the type to be parsed supports conversion to/from byte array (e.g. an Image) Indicates whether the TypeConverter associated with the type supports conversion to/from a byte array (e.g. an Image). If that is the case the string is converted to a base64 string from a byte array. Returns the type name. If type is not in mscorlib, the assembly name is appended. Returns the type from the specified name. If an assembly name is appended the list of currently loaded assemblies in the current AppDomain are checked. Indicates whether string is null or empty. Indicates whether should trim whitespace characters from the end of the formatted text. StyleInfoPropertyGrid is a that will reset a specific property when the user right-clicks on the item. Holds all StyleInfoProperties used by derived classes. This should go in a product specific StaticData. The concrete Style class could provide a static memory StaticData that belongs to the process and library. Method to dispose static data object internally for disposing Chart styles. Initializes a new object with information about the parent style class. Will be used to access the PropertyInfo and its custom attributes for a property. Registers a for the specified property. Registers a for the specified property. The type of the property. The name of the property. The StyleInfoProperty with information about the property. Registers a for the specified property. The type of the property. The name of the property. Specifies options for the property. The StyleInfoProperty with information about the property. Registers a for the specified property. The type of the property. The name of the property. The maximal possible Int16 value for the property. The StyleInfoProperty with information about the property. Registers a for the specified property. The type of the property. The name of the property. The maximal possible Int16 value for the property. Indicates whether this StyleInfoProperty should be registered as a member of the BitArray and not to allocate an object reference. The StyleInfoProperty with information about the property. Registers a for the specified property. The type of the property. The name of the property. The maximal possible Int16 value for the property. Indicates whether this StyleInfoProperty should be registered as a member of the BitArray and not to allocate an object reference. Specifies options for the property. The StyleInfoProperty with information about the property. Registers a for the specified property. The type of the property. The name of the property. The maximal possible Int16 value for the property. Indicates whether this StyleInfoProperty should be registered as a member of the BitArray and not to allocate an object reference. Specifies options for the property. The component type that hosts the property. The StyleInfoProperty with information about the property. Gets type of StyleInfo which is parent of store with current staticdata Returns a collection with objects. Indicates whether properties have been registered. Returns True if not registered; False otherwise. Specifies the options for style properties. None. The property supports serialization. The property should be cloned when the parent style object is copied. The property should be disposed when the parent style object is disposed. The property should be disposed when the parent style object is disposed and cloned when the parent style object is copied. All of the above. StyleModifyType defines style operations for . Copies all initialized properties. Copies only properties that have not been initialized in the target style object. Copies all properties and resets properties in the target style. Resets properties in the target style that have been marked as initialized in the source style. Clears out all properties. Copies and resets all properties in the target style when the property has been marked as changed in the source style. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required designer variable. Gets or sets the assiciated with this dialog. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required designer variable. Gets or sets the assiciated with this dialog. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Gets or sets the assiciated with this dialog. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Gets or sets the assiciated with this dialog. Cannot create default instance of SpellCheckerDialog. Handles this event to change the text while double clicking the item in LBox_Suggestions. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Cannot create default instance of SpellCheckerDialog. Handles this event to change the text while double clicking the item in LBox_Suggestions. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Utility class for performing soundex algorithm. Initializing the soundex object. Return the soundex code for a given string. Transform the A-Z alphabetic characters to the appropriate soundex code. . String Soundex code for the given word. Compute Levenshtein distance. String 1 String 2 Distance between the two strings. The larger the number, the bigger the difference. Gets the next word from the alphabet list. Specifies the path of the dictionary. Specifies the path of the custom dictionary. ArrayList to hold the wrong words. Specifies whether to ignore internet address during spell check. Specifies to ignore email address during spell check. Specifies to ignore html tags during spell check. Specifies to ignore file names during spell check. Specifies to ignore words in mixed case during spell check. Specifies to ignore words in upper case during spell check. Specifies to ignore words with number during spell check. Specifies to ignore words repeated words during spell check. Allows to customize the number of suggestions to be displayed in the suggestion list. Specifies to ignore special symbols during spell check. Stream that contains the dictionary. Get or Set of Skin Manager Interface Serializing the ChangeAllText property Serializing the IsSpreadsheetLikeSpellChecker property Serializing the CloseReason property Determines whether VisualStyle has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if VisualStyle were changed; False otherwise. Resets the VisualStyle back to its default value. Determines whether MetroColor has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if MetroColor were changed; False otherwise. Resets the MetroColor back to its default value. Reset the ChangeAllText property ChangeAllText Serializing the Reset property IsSpreadsheetLikeSpellChecker Performs the spell check operation. Converts the dictionary entries to array list. Converts the dictionary entries to array list. Gets the items from the dictionary list. Gets the items from the dictionary list. Gets the Soundex code. Checks for the Upper case. Checks for the First letter captial. Finds the casing for the given word. Generates the word list by deleting a single alphabet and interchanging the adjacent alphabets every time Splits the retrieved sentence into words. Checks whether the word is present in the dictionary. Checks the dictinary, to identify the misspelled words. ArrayList wrongWords Checks the dictionary to generate the suggestion list. ArrayList String suggest_list Chnages the string in the suggestion list as per the casing in the Error word Gets the suggestion list generated using the Soundex Alogrithm. ArrayList String To customize the number of suggestions to be displayed. ArrayList errror_string Raises the events. Checks the text of the for misspellings with . IEditor whose text is to be checked for misspellings. Shows the . Form that owns this dialog. Shows the . Form that owns this dialog. Deletes the contents of the dictionary file by overwritting. File path whose content to be deleted. Deletes the specified word from the customdictionary. Specifies the path of the dictionay file. Specifies the word to be deleted. Writes the specified word to the dictionary. Specifies the path of the dictionay file. Specifies the word to be added to the dictionary. Overwrites the specified wordlist to the dictionary. Specifies the path of the dictionay file. List of words to overrite the dictionary. SpellCheckerDialog. Gets/Sets the status of the dialog window Gets or Sets a value specifying whether to ignore repeated words during spell check. Gets or Sets a value specifying whether to ignore words in mixed case during spell check. Gets or Sets a value specifying whether to ignore words in upper case during spell check. Gets or Sets a value specifying whether to ignore words with number during spell check. Gets or Sets a value specifying the number of suggestions to be displayed in the suggestion list. Gets or Sets a value specifying whether to ignore special symbols during spell check. Gets or Sets a value specifying whether to ignore file names during spell check. Gets or Sets a value specifying whether to ignore internet address during spell check. Gets or Sets a value specifying the path of the dictionary. Gets or Sets a value specifying the path of the custom dictionary. Gets or Sets a value specifying whether to ignore email address during spell check. Gets or Sets a value specifying whether to ignore html tags during spell check. Holds the list of misspelled words. Gets/Sets the value to indendify the type of the SpellChecker. Holds the string of the change all. Gets or sets the stream that contains the dictionary. Checks for the Upper case. Checks for the First letter captial. Raised when there is an exception in the . Defines a interface that provides methods to interact with the editor. Selects the word specified by the index. Zero based index of the word on the Text. length of the word to be selected. Gets or sets the whose is to be spell checked. Gets or sets the current misspelled word. Gets or sets the Text to be spell checked by the Implements interface to interact with instance of . Initializes a new instance of class that hosts the control. Selects the word specified by the index. Zero based index of the word on the Text. length of the word to be selected. Gets or sets the whose is to be spell checked. Gets or sets the current misspelled word. Gets or sets the Text to be spell checked by the Initializes a new instance of the class. The instance subclasses . Invokes the default window procedure associated with this window. A that is associated with the current Windows message. Instance of TextBoxExt Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes the designer with the specified component. The to associate the designer with. This component must always be an instance of, or derive from, . Releases the unmanaged resources used by the and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Returns a representing the bounds of this control. A value that specifies the selection state. A . Raises the TextAlignChanged event. The TextBox control that sends the event. The event data. Raises the TextChanged event. The TextBox control that sends the event. The event data. Raises the ForeColorChanged event. The TextBox control that sends the event. The event data. Raises the CharacterCasingChanged event. The TextBox control that sends the event. The event data. Raises the BackColorChanged event. The TextBox control that sends the event. The event data. Gets the design-time action lists supported by the component associated with the designer. The design-time action lists supported by the component associated with the designer. Gets the selection rules that indicate the movement capabilities of a component. A bitwise combination of values. Glyph for representation. Initializes a new instance of the class. The bounds. The cursor. The related component. The designer. Indicates whether a mouse click at the specified point should be handled by the . A point to hit test. A if the is associated with ; otherwise, null. Provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. TextBoxExt Constructor The RibbonControlAdv instance. Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. The horizontal screen coordinate. The vertical screen coordinate. An RibbonControlAdvAccessibility that represents the child object at the given screen coordinates. This method returns the calling object if the object itself is at the location specified. Returns null if no object is at the tested location. Bounds of the Control The accessible object bounds. Gets the role for the RibbonControlAdv. This is used by accessibility programs. Gets or sets the accessible object name The accessible object name. Gets the description of the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility A string describing the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility. Specifies the style with which some controls will appear and behave. Every control that incorporates these styles will define the styles differently, so take a look at the individual control for more information. Classic appearance. Office XP-like appearance. Office 2003-like appearance. Visual Studio 2005-like appearance. Office 2007-like appearance. Office 2007 Outlook-like appearance. Office 2010-like appearance. Visual Studio 2010-like appearance. Metro-like appearance. Office2016 Colorful Office2016 White Office2016 Black Office2016 DarkGray Provides static properties to access the colors used by different components in the XPMenus framework. The primary objective of this class is to let you specify custom colors for the different regions of the XPMenus components. When no colors are provided, this class returns the default colors usually synthesized from the System Colors. If you have to reset a property that you set before, simply set it to be Color.Empty; the next time the property is queried, it will return the default color. If you are a consumer of the colors in this class, then note that the colors returned by properties in this class need to be reinitialized when the system color changes. This class doesn't listen to the system color change event, instead it expects the consumer to notify it when the system color changes. To avoid redundant updates by multiple consumers, a unique notification pattern is recommended. To notify system color changes, you should listen to the event and call the method. The SysColorsChanged method will let you specify whether to update the colors immediately or later with a call to . You should choose to update immediately if you will use the new colors to update certain properties in your control (Backcolor, for example). On the other hand, if you use the colors within and only within your Paint event, then update the colors later in the beginning of your Paint method with a call to UpdateMenuColors. Note that the UpdateMenuColors method will actually update the colors only if necessary, letting you call it multiple times without performance hit. There is also a event that gets fired whenever colors are updated, either due to change in System Colors (notified using the above pattern) or when a custom color is set on any of the properties. Initializes default colors based on SystemColors. Calling this will not affect the custom colors set using the properties. Initializes the default colors. Call this method to indicate that the system colors have changed. Indicates whether to update colors immediately or later with a call to . Take a look at the MenuColors class reference for the recommended system color change notification pattern. Fired when the colors have changed either because of change in system colors or when a custom color is specified using one of the properties. Take a look at the class reference for this class for information on how to notify this class regarding system color changes. Gets / sets the selected color for a menu item in a toolbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the selected text color for an item in a toolbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the background color of a drop-down menu. The default value is derived from a System Color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the color for the left aligned strip in a drop-down menu where images and check boxes are shown. The default value is derived from a System Color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the selected-pressed color for a menu item in a toolbar. The default value is derived from a System Color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the selected color for a checked menu item in a toolbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the border color for a selected menu item in a toolbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the border color for a drop-down menu. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the background color for a toolbar / commandbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the background color for the main-menu bar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the background color for the Status Bar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the Caption background color for a floating toolbar / commandbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the Backcolor for the expanded, left-aligned menu strip region. This is the region you see when a partial menu gets expanded to show all the menu items. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the alpha-blend factor to use to shade the inactive menu item's icons. (255 for no alpha-blending; 0 will completely hide the item) A value in the range 1 to 255; -1 will reset to default value. Default is 175. 255 will draw the icon without any alpha blending; 1 will almost hide the icons. This setting will be ignored when XPThemes is turned on. Gets / sets the text color base for the text in the disabled menu items. The default value is derived from a system color. When you specify a custom color, ControlPaint.LightLight will be applied on it before using that color. Gets / sets the text color base for the text in the disabled toolbar items. The default value is derived from a system color. Gets / sets the text color of the menu and toolbar items. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color, the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the active text color of the menu and toolbar items. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Initializes default colors based on SystemColors. Calling this will not affect the custom colors set using the properties. Initializes the default colors. Fired when the colors have changed either because of change in system colors or when a custom color is specified using one of the properties. Take a look at the class reference for this class for information on how to notify this class regarding system color changes. Initializes default colors based on SystemColors. Calling this will not affect the custom colors set using the properties. Gets a value indicating whether themed colors are used. true if themed colors are used, false otherwise. gets/sets color of right auto hide panel. Gets/sets color of left AH panel. Gets or sets the color of the panel. Gets or sets the color of the border. Gets or sets the color of the inner border. Gets or sets the color of the tab item. Gets or sets the color for border of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the light color of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the dark color of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the color for border of the menu. Gets or sets the color for separator of the menu. Gets or sets the color for border selected item of the menu. Gets or sets the color for selected item of the menu. Gets or sets the dark color for column of the menu. Gets or sets the light color for column of the menu. Gets or sets the color for check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the color for selected check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the background color of the menu. Gets or sets border color of the BarItem. Gets or sets border color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets border color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets color of the separator BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the DockBar. Gets or sets dark color of the DockBar. Gets or sets light color for dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color of the CommandBar. Gets or sets color for border of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets color for pressed dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets border color for pressed dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets light color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for light border of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets background color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for border of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for caption text of the floating CommandBar. Fired when the colors have changed either because of change in system colors or when a custom color is specified using one of the properties. Take a look at the class reference for this class for information on how to notify this class regarding system color changes. Call this method to indicate that the system colors have changed. Indicates whether to update colors immediately or later with a call to . Follow the same system color change notification pattern as explained in the class reference. Fired when the colors have changed either because of change in system colors or when a custom color is specified using one of the properties. Take a look at the class reference for this class for information on how to notify this class regarding system color changes. Gets / sets the selected color for a menu item in a drop-down menu. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the pressed-selected color for a menu item in a toolbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the background color of a selected check box in the drop-down menu margin or a checked item in the toolbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the background color of a check box in the drop-down menu margin or a checked item in the toolbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the border color of a menu item selection in the drop-down menus and toolbars. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the border color of a drop-down menu. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the left-gradient color of the drop-down menu margin. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the right-gradient color of the drop-down menu margin. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the left-gradient color of the drop-down menu margin of the expanded menu items. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the right-gradient color of the drop-down menu margin of the expanded menu items. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the right-gradient color of docked bars. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the left-gradient color of docked bars. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the color of the gripper. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the light-gradient border color of bars. Gets or sets the dark-gradient border color of bars. Gets or sets the light-gradient color of menu item for hot-tracking. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the dark-gradient color of menu item for hot-tracking. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the light-gradient color of quick customize button when it is pressed. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the dark-gradient color of quick customize button when it is pressed. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the caption background color of floating bars. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the color for the floating command bar item which is pressed. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the light-gradient color of quick customize dropdown button. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the dark-gradient color of quick customize dropdown button. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the light-gradient highlight color of groupBarItem. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the dark-gradient highlight color of groupBarItem. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the light-gradient color of selected groupBarItem. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the dark-gradient color of selected groupBarItem. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the light-gradient highlight color of selected groupBarItem. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the dark-gradient highlight color of selected groupBarItem. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the light-gradient color of groupBar header. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the dark-gradient color of groupBar header. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the color of the text in a GroupBar item. Gets / sets the highlight color to be used for the selected text of the GroupBar item. Gets / sets the color of the separator line between the bar items. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Initializes colors based on Windows XP color scheme. Used for drawing the tabControlAdv tabPanel background. Used for drawing the active tabPage. Used for drawing the active tabPage. Used for drawing the inactive tabPage. Used for drawing the inactive tabPage. Used for drawing the highlighted tabPage. Used for drawing the highlighted tabPage. Used for drawing the borders of tabPages. Used for drawing the borders of tabPages. Used for drawing the borders of tabPages. Provides colors for Office2007 visual style. Colors for blue colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Colors for silver colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Colors for black colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Default colorscheme for office2007 visual style. Base color for managed scheme. Gets or sets a value indicating whether managed color is alive or not. Gets color table for Office2007 visual style. Applies colors for managed scheme. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Initialize colors general for all colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Gets or sets default colors for Office2007 visual style. Gets or sets default colorscheme for office2007 visual style. Gets or sets the color for border of the menu. Gets or sets the color for separator of the menu. Gets or sets the dark color for highlighted item of the menu. Gets or sets the light color for highlighted item of the menu. Gets or sets the border color for highlighted item of the menu. Gets or sets the dark color for column of the menu. Gets or sets the separator color for column of the menu. Gets or sets the light color for arrow of the menu item. Gets or sets the dark color for arrow of the menu item. Gets or sets the color for check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the background color for check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the color for border check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the border color for TextBox item of the menu. Gets or sets the background color for TextBox item of the menu. Gets or sets the color for ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the color for ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the color for ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the color for ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the light color for highlighted ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the dark color for highlighted ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the color for arrow ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the background color of the menu. Gets or sets light color for dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color of the CommandBar. Gets or sets color for border of the CommandBar. Gets or sets background color of the DockBar. Gets or sets light color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets color for highlighted dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets border color for highlighted dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for pressed dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets border color for pressed dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets border color for pressed close button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for pressed close button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets light color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for light border of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets background color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for border of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for caption text of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for separator line of the CommandBar. Gets or sets color for pressed border of the BarItem. Gets or sets color for highlighted border of the BarItem. Gets or sets light color for background of the BarItem. Gets or sets dark color for background of the BarItem. Gets or sets light color for background of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets dark color for background of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets color for border of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets light color for background of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets dark color for background of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets color for border of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets color for flash of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets color for flash of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets color for flash of the selected BarItem. Gets or sets back color for the TextBoxBarItem. Gets or sets color for border of the TextBoxBarItem. Gets or sets color for border of the highlight TextBoxBarItem. Gets or sets light color for ComboButton of the ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets dark color for ComboButton of the ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets light color for ComboButton of the pressed ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets dark color for ComboButton of the pressed ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets light color for ComboButton of the highlighted ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets dark color for ComboButton of the highlighted ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets border color for ComboButton of the ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets border color for ComboButton of the pressed ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets border color for ComboButton of the highlighted ComboBoxBarItem. Gets the arrow start color for UpDownButtons. Gets the arrow end color for UpDownButtons. Gets the border color for UpDownButtons in normal state. Gets the background color for UpDownButtons in normal state. Gets the background start color for UpDownButtons in normal state. Gets the background end color for UpDownButtons in normal state. Gets the border color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the inner border start color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the inner border end color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the border color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the inner border start color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the inner border end color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the background start color for UpDownButtons in disabled state. Gets the background end color for UpDownButtons in disabled state. Gets the border color for UpDownButtons in disabled state. Gets the background top start color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the background top end color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the background bottom start color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the background bottom end color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the background top start color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the background top end color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the background bottom start color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the background bottom end color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Arguments class for event. Initializes instance. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Provides colors for blue colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Initialize colors for Blue colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Provides colors for silver colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Initialize colors for Silver colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Provides colors for black colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Initialize colors for Black colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Gets a value indicating whether themed colors are used. true if themed colors are used, false otherwise. gets/sets color of right auto hide panel. Gets/sets color of left AH panel. Gets or sets the color of the panel. Gets or sets the color of the border. Gets or sets the color of the inner border. Gets or sets the color of the tab item. Gets or sets the color for border of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the light color of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the dark color of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the color for border of the menu. Gets or sets the color for separator of the menu. Gets or sets the color for border selected item of the menu. Gets or sets the color for selected item of the menu. Gets or sets the color for column of the menu. Gets or sets the color for check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the color for selected check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the color for check mark border of the menu. Gets or sets the color for selected check mark border of the menu. Gets or sets the background color of the menu. Gets or sets border color of the BarItem. Gets or sets border color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets border color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets light color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color for CombobBox button. Gets or sets dark color for CombobBox button. Gets a value indicating whether themed colors are used. true if themed colors are used, false otherwise. gets/sets color of right auto hide panel. Gets/sets color of left AH panel. Gets or sets the color of the panel. Gets or sets the color of the border. Gets or sets the color of the inner border. Gets or sets the color of the tab item. Gets or sets the color for border of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the light color of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the dark color of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the color for border of the menu. Gets or sets the color for separator of the menu. Gets or sets the color for border selected item of the menu. Gets or sets the color for selected item of the menu. Gets or sets the color for column of the menu. Gets or sets the color for check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the color for selected check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the color for check mark border of the menu. Gets or sets the color for selected check mark border of the menu. Gets or sets the background color of the menu. Gets or sets border color of the BarItem. Gets or sets border color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets border color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets light color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color for CombobBox button. Gets or sets dark color for CombobBox button. Provides colors for blue colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Provides colors for Office2010 visual style. Colors for blue colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Colors for silver colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Colors for black colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Gets or sets a value indicating whether managed color is alive or not. Default colorscheme for office2010 visual style. Base color for managed scheme. Gets color table for Office2010 visual style. Applies colors for managed scheme. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Initialize colors general for all colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Gets or sets default colors for Office2010 visual style. Gets or sets default colorscheme for office2010 visual style. Gets or sets the color for border of the menu. Gets or sets the color for separator of the menu. Gets or sets the dark color for highlighted item of the menu. Gets or sets the light color for highlighted item of the menu. Gets or sets the border color for highlighted item of the menu. Gets or sets the dark color for column of the menu. Gets or sets the separator color for column of the menu. Gets or sets the light color for arrow of the menu item. Gets or sets the dark color for arrow of the menu item. Gets or sets the color for check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the background color for check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the color for border check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the border color for TextBox item of the menu. Gets or sets the background color for TextBox item of the menu. Gets or sets the color for ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the color for ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the color for ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the color for ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the light color for highlighted ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the dark color for highlighted ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the color for arrow ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the background color of the menu. Gets or sets light color for dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color of the CommandBar. Gets or sets color for border of the CommandBar. Gets or sets background color of the DockBar. Gets or sets light color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets color for highlighted dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets border color for highlighted dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for pressed dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets border color for pressed dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets border color for pressed close button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for pressed close button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets light color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for light border of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets background color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for border of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for caption text of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for separator line of the CommandBar. Gets or sets color for pressed border of the BarItem. Gets or sets color for highlighted border of the BarItem. Gets or sets light color for background of the BarItem. Gets or sets dark color for background of the BarItem. Gets or sets light color for background of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets dark color for background of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets color for border of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets light color for background of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets dark color for background of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets color for border of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets color for flash of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets color for flash of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets color for flash of the selected BarItem. Gets or sets back color for the TextBoxBarItem. Gets or sets color for border of the TextBoxBarItem. Gets or sets color for border of the highlight TextBoxBarItem. Gets or sets light color for ComboButton of the ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets dark color for ComboButton of the ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets light color for ComboButton of the pressed ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets dark color for ComboButton of the pressed ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets light color for ComboButton of the highlighted ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets dark color for ComboButton of the highlighted ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets border color for ComboButton of the ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets border color for ComboButton of the pressed ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets border color for ComboButton of the highlighted ComboBoxBarItem. Gets the arrow start color for UpDownButtons. Gets the arrow end color for UpDownButtons. Gets the border color for UpDownButtons in normal state. Gets the background color for UpDownButtons in normal state. Gets the background start color for UpDownButtons in normal state. Gets the background end color for UpDownButtons in normal state. Gets the border color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the inner border start color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the inner border end color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the border color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the inner border start color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the inner border end color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the background start color for UpDownButtons in disabled state. Gets the background end color for UpDownButtons in disabled state. Gets the border color for UpDownButtons in disabled state. Gets the background top start color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the background top end color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the background bottom start color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the background bottom end color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the background top start color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the background top end color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the background bottom start color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the background bottom end color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Arguments class for event. Initializes instance. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Initialize colors for Blue colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Provides colors for silver colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Initialize colors for Silver colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Provides colors for black colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Initialize colors for Black colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Colors for silver colorscheme of the metro visual style. Colors for black colorscheme of the metro visual style. Colors for blue colorscheme of the metro visual style. Colors for blue colorscheme of the metro visual style. /// Colors for blue colorscheme of the metro visual style. Colors for blue colorscheme of the metro visual style. Colors for blue colorscheme of the metro visual style. Colors for blue colorscheme of the metro visual style. Colors for blue colorscheme of the metro visual style. Base color for managed scheme. Gets color table for Metro Color. Applies colors for managed scheme. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Initialize colors general for all colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Gets or sets default colors for metro visual style. Gets or sets default colorscheme for metro visual style. Arguments class for event. Initializes instance. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Provides colors for Magenta colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Magenta colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Orange colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Blue colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Teal colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Teal colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Brown colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Brown colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Lime colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Lime colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Purple colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Purple colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Pink colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Pink colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Blue colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Blue colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Red colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Red colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Green colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Green colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Specifies that this object supports . Enables rendering with . Specifies to use. Specifies that this object supports . Enables rendering with . Specifies to use. Draws a themed button. Value for reduce ClientRectangle. Value for shift image rectangle. Image for draw foreground. Indicate wether the image for button is stretched or shrunk to fit the size of the button. Indicates whether mouse positionin is over control. Initializes a new object. Draws the text. The graphics object. Draws the button themed. Graphics object. The button state. The checked state. Draws the button without themes. Graphics object. The button state. The checked state. Draws the styled button without themes. Graphics object. The button state. The checked state. Gets or sets image for draw foreground. Indicates whether mouse positionin is over control. Indicate wether the image for button is stretched or shrunk to fit the size of the button. Occurs when is changed. Occurs when is changed. Gets / sets the flatcolor of the themed button. Gets or sets the visual style of the themed button. Indicates the Office2007 theme used for drawing the control. Indicates the Office2010 theme used for drawing the control. Indicates whether to draw the button text. Gets / sets the text alignment. Gets / sets the checked state. Gets / sets the default button state. Draws a themed check button. MetroColor Disposes all resources. Initializes a new object. Indicates the checked state of the button. Gets or setsthe metrocolor. Cached version of themed controls instances. Class will return NULL instead of instance if OS does not support XP Themes. Thread synchronization object. Used for instance clear and create operations locks. Edit control. Button control. Tree control. Reset static class cache. All internal static resources will be released. Operation is thread safe. Specifies the theme size type requested using . Requesting the minimum size. Requesting the size of the theme part that will best fit the available space. Requesting the size that the theme manager uses to draw a part. Draws a themed scroll button. Initializes a new object. Disposes all resources being used. Returns the color for paint control background. Gets / sets the type of scroll arrow. Implement this interface to support skins across the Grid. Exposes some themed drawing methods. Draws the Header skins. A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the header. Returns the Header Border Colors. The bottom border color The right border color The gradient start color for the header interior The gradient end color for the header interior Returns the SortIcon interior The brush used to fill the sort icon The pen used to draw the sort icon Returns the backcolor and header interior for GroupDropArea. The back color for GroupDropArea The top border color for GroupDropArea header The left border color for GroupDropArea header Draws the PushButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the button. Draws the ComboBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the combo button. Draws the SpinButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. An integer that represents the type of the button. The current state of the spin button. Draws the CheckBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the checkbox Specifies whether the button is tri-stated. Draws the CheckBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the checkbox Specifies whether the button is tri-stated. Specifies whether the button is intermediate state Draws the RadioButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the radio button Gets the current VisualStyles. Gets the current theme name. Returns the Header Border styles. The bottom border color of header. The bottom border weight. returns the weight and color of bottom border. Header style color of Grid Header color hover color pressed color true header style text color Normal text color hover text color pressed text color true Gets the current VisualStyles. Implements the Metro look and feel Creates a new instance of class. The current visual style. Creates a new instance of class. The current theme name. Draws the header skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the header. Returns the Header Border Colors. The bottom border color The right border color The gradient start color for the header interior The gradient end color for the header interior Returns the Header Border styles. The bottom border color of header. The bottom border weight. returns the weight and color of bottom border. Returns the SortIcon interior The brush used to fill the sort icon The pen used to draw the sort icon Returns the backcolor and header interior for GroupDropArea. The back color for GroupDropArea The top border color for GroupDropArea header The left border color for GroupDropArea header Header style color of Grid Header color hover color pressed color Draws the PushButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the button. Draws the ComboBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the combo button. Draws the SpinButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. An integer that represents the type of the button. The current state of the spin button. Draws the CheckBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the checkbox Specifies whether the button is tri-stated. Draws the CheckBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the checkbox Specifies whether the button is tri-stated. Specifies Whether the button is Intermediate state Draws the RadioButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the radio button Gets the current VisualStyles. Gets the current theme name. Implements the skin collection for ofice2016 theme(Black, White, DarkGray and Colorful). Initialize a new instance of class. Draws the ComboBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the combo button. Draws the SpinButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. An integer that represents the type of the button. The current state of the spin button. Draws the ComboBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the combo button. Intialize the skin collection based on the grid visual styles. Describes the Office2016 theme colors. Implement the SkinCollection for GridMetroColors Collecction initialize get / set Header color collection get / set Header text color collection get /set grop drop area color get / set sort icon color collection get / set collection of check box color get/ set combo box color collection get / set spin button color collection get /set push button color collection get or set radio button color collection gets or sets header botom border color Gets/Sets the header botom border weight. Initialize a new instance of the class. Represents a class that holds the default colors for the Office 2016 Colorful theme. Initialize a new instance of the class. Represents a class that holds the default colors for the Office 2016 Black theme. Initialize a new instance of the class. Represents a class that holds the default colors for the Office 2016 White theme. Initialize a new instance of the class. Represents a class that holds the default colors for the Office 2016 DarkGray theme. Initialize a new instance of the class. Specifies the weight of a header bottom border class. None option is used to Show / hide the bottom border. A line with 0.25 point. A line with 0.5 point. A line with 1 point. A line with 1.5 points. A line with 2.0 points. A line with 3.0 points. This hide the header bottom border. Collectionn of Header color Get / set the Header Color in normal mode Get / set the Header Color in mouse Hover Get / set the header Color in mouse pressed Collection of Header text color grt /set normal header text color get / set hover text color of header get /set header pressed color Collection of sort icon color Get / set the sort icon Color in normal Get / set the sort icon Color in hover Collection of Check box Color Get / set the border color of checkbox Get / set the back color of check box Get / set the check marker color Collection of GridCombobox color Get / set the combobox Get / set the combobox NormalBorderColor Get / set the hoverBackColor Get / set the HoverBorderColor Get / set the pressedBackColor Get / set the presedBorderColor Collection of Grid spin button colors Get / set spin button normal back color Get / set spin button normal border color Get / set spin button hover back color Get / set spin button hover border color Get / set spin button pressed back color Get / set spin button pressed border color Collection of grid push button colors Get / set normal push button color Get / set bush button hover color Get / set push button back color Collection of radio button color Get / set radio button color Get / set radio button checked color collection of Group drop area color Get / set group srop area back color Get / set grid gropu drop are border top color Get / set group drop area border left color Implements the Office 2010 look and feel Creates a new instance of class. The current visual style. Draws the header skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the header. Returns the Header Border Colors. The bottom border color The right border color The gradient start color for the header interior The gradient end color for the header interior Returns the Header Border styles. The bottom border color of header. The bottom border weight. returns the weight and color of bottom border. Returns the SortIcon interior The brush used to fill the sort icon The pen used to draw the sort icon Returns the backcolor and header interior for GroupDropArea. The back color for GroupDropArea The top border color for GroupDropArea header The left border color for GroupDropArea header Header style color of Grid Header color hover color pressed color Draws the PushButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the button. Draws the ComboBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the combo button. Draws the SpinButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. An integer that represents the type of the button. The current state of the spin button. Draws the CheckBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the checkbox Specifies whether the button is tri-stated. Draws the CheckBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the checkbox Specifies whether the button is tri-stated. Specifies whether the button is intermediate state Draws the RadioButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the radio button Gets the current VisualStyles. Gets the current theme name. Implements the Office 2007 Blue look and feel. Creates a new instance of class. The current visual style. Draws the header skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the header. Returns the Header Border Colors. The bottom border color The right border color The gradient start color for the header interior The gradient end color for the header interior Returns the SortIcon interior The brush used to fill the sort icon The pen used to draw the sort icon Returns the backcolor and header interior for GroupDropArea. The back color for GroupDropArea The top border color for GroupDropArea header The left border color for GroupDropArea header Draws the PushButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the button. Draws the ComboBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the combo button. Draws the SpinButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. An integer that represents the type of the button. The current state of the spin button. Draws the CheckBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the checkbox Specifies whether the button is tri-stated. Draws the CheckBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the checkbox Specifies whether the button is tri-stated. Specifies whether the button is intermediate state Draws the RadioButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the radio button Gets the current VisualStyles. Gets the current theme name. Implements the Office 2007 Black look and feel Creates a new instance of class. The current visual style. Draws the header skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the header. Returns the Header Border Colors. The bottom border color The right border color The gradient start color for the header interior The gradient end color for the header interior Returns the SortIcon interior The brush used to fill the sort icon The pen used to draw the sort icon Returns the backcolor and header interior for GroupDropArea. The back color for GroupDropArea The top border color for GroupDropArea header The left border color for GroupDropArea header Draws the PushButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the button. Draws the ComboBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the combo button. Draws the SpinButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. An integer that represents the type of the button. The current state of the spin button. Draws the CheckBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the checkbox Specifies whether the button is tri-stated. Draws the CheckBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the checkbox Specifies whether the button is tri-stated. Specifies whether the button is intermediate state Draws the RadioButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the radio button Gets the current visual style. Gets the current theme name. Implements the Office 2007 Silver look and feel Creates a new instance of class. The current visual style. Draws the header skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the header. Returns the Header Border Colors. The bottom border color The right border color The gradient start color for the header interior The gradient end color for the header interior Returns the SortIcon interior The brush used to fill the sort icon The pen used to draw the sort icon Returns the backcolor and header interior for GroupDropArea. The back color for GroupDropArea The top border color for GroupDropArea header The left border color for GroupDropArea header Draws the PushButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the button. Draws the ComboBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the combo button. Draws the SpinButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. An integer that represents the type of the button. The current state of the spin button. Draws the CheckBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the checkbox Specifies whether the button is tri-stated. A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the checkbox Specifies whether the button is tri-stated. Specifies whether the button is in intermediate state Draws the RadioButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the radio button Gets the current visual style. Gets the current theme name. Implements the Office 2003 look and feel Creates a new instance of class. The current visual style. Dispose the resources being used. Draws the header skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the header. Returns the Header Border Colors. The bottom border color The right border color The gradient start color for the header interior The gradient end color for the header interior Returns the SortIcon interior The brush used to fill the sort icon The pen used to draw the sort icon Returns the backcolor and header interior for GroupDropArea. The back color for GroupDropArea The top border color for GroupDropArea header The left border color for GroupDropArea header Draws the PushButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the button. Draws the ComboBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the combo button. Draws the SpinButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. An integer that represents the type of the button. The current state of the spin button. Draws the CheckBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the checkbox Specifies whether the button is tri-stated. Draws the CheckBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the checkbox Specifies whether the button is tri-stated. Specifies whether the button is intermediate state Draws the RadioButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the radio button Gets the current VisualStyle. Gets the current theme name. Implements the SystemTheme for grid components. Disposes all resources being used. Creates a new instance of class. The current visual style. Draws the header skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the header. Returns the Header Border Colors. The bottom border color The right border color The gradient start color for the header interior The gradient end color for the header interior Returns the SortIcon interior The brush used to fill the sort icon The pen used to draw the sort icon Returns the backcolor and header interior for GroupDropArea. The back color for GroupDropArea The top border color for GroupDropArea header The left border color for GroupDropArea header Draws the PushButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the button. Draws the ComboBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the combo button. Draws the SpinButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. An integer that represents the type of the button. The current state of the spin button. Draws the CheckBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the checkbox Specifies whether the button is tri-stated. Draws the CheckBox skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the checkbox Specifies whether the button is tri-stated. Specifies whether the button is intermediate state Draws the RadioButton skins A object. A object that represents the drawing area. The current state of the radio button Gets the current VisualStyle. Gets the current theme name. Specifies the VisualStyle with which various components across the grid will appear and behave. Represents the colors for Office2003 style. Provides static members to access the colors used by different grid elements. Represents the colors for Office2007 style. Provides static members to access the colors used by different grid elements. Gets an array of colors used for Office2007Blue style. Gets an array of colors used to represent Hot State color. Gets an array of colors used to represent Pressed State color. Represents the colors for Office2010style. Provides static members to access the colors used by different grid elements. Gets an array of colors used to represent Hot State color. Gets an array of colors used to represent Pressed State color. Specifies the VisualStyle with which various components across the grid will appear and behave. Provides some information regarding themes support and state in the OS. Used to unwire the ThemeChangeListenerForm class. Returns the theme file name with the path. Returns the current theme color scheme name. Indicates whether the default blue theme is on. Indicates whether the Olive Green theme is on. Indicates whether the Silver theme is on. Indicates whether this OS has themes support built-in. True if themes are supported; False otherwise. This property returns True for Windows XP and later versions. Indicates whether themes are enabled in the current OS. Indicates whether the current application is themed. Class for automatic subscription management of event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The target. Handles theme change. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Gets or sets the object (the target) referenced by the current object. null if the object referenced by the current object has been garbage collected; otherwise, a reference to the object referenced by the current object. The reference to the target object is invalid. This exception can be thrown while setting this property if the value is a null reference or if the object has been finalized during the set operation. Specifies the information required by the class to enable auto appending in a control. Take a look at for a usage example. Creates a new instance of this class and initializes it with these values. Indicates whether to turn on AutoAppend; False if not. The Category to which the contents in this control belong to. The reference to an IList which will get the new items entered by the user. The maximum number of items in the list. Indicates whether to turn on AutoAppend. True to turn on auto appending; False to turn off. Take a look at for a usage example. Gets / sets the Category Name to which the contents of the list belong to. The category name. Take a look at for a usage example. Gets / sets the IList into which new entries will be appended. A reference to an IList instance. Take a look at for a usage example. Gets / sets the desired maximum number of items in the list. The maximum count. If the count exceeds the maximum count, then AutoAppend will keep discarding the older entries. Take a look at for a usage example. The AutoAppend class provides choice-list auto-append capabilities for editable combo boxes, etc. Often editable combo boxes in your applications can benefit from reusing previously user supplied entries in their choice-list, as in IE's address bar combo box and in the "Find" combo box in VS.NET. The AutoAppend class will easily enable this functionality in an associated combo box. In fact, this class is more abstract in that it can take any control and an IList reference and enable "AutoAppend" logic on them as described below. Associate your control with this class through the structure. The structure will let you associate a control with an IList reference and a Category string to an AutoAppend instance. Once you set up this association, the AutoAppend instance listens to the Validated event thrown by the control and inserts the new entry on top of the supplied IList or if already in the list, moves the entry to top of the list. When the control gets disposed, it persists these entries in the registry in a key based on the corresponding Category string. The next time the control is created and associated, the AutoAppend instance will pick up the persisted information corresponding to the Category and apply that information to the IList instance. Persistance is done in the registry under the HKLU key making the entries specific to the user and global to the machine (usable across applications). Due to the previous behavior, the very first instantiation of the above control will set the control's text and the IList to be empty. Note: Also make sure your control's Dispose() gets called before the ApplicationExit event thrown by the Application object. Otherwise, the control's state will not be persisted. This would normally be the case, unless the control gets "orphaned" (detached from the parent control) and the Dispose method never gets called until it is garbage collected. You can make any number of associations with one AutoAppend instance. This is how you would associate a combo box with an instance of the AutoAppend class: this.autoAppend = new AutoAppend(); this.autoAppend.SetAutoAppend(this.comboBox1, new AutoAppendInfo(true, "HttpAddress", this.comboBox1.Items, 30)); // To disassociate call this: this.autoAppend.SetAutoAppend(this.comboBox1, new AutoAppendInfo(false, String.Empty, null, 30)); Creates a new instance of the AutoAppend class. This member overrides Object.Finalize. Releases all setup associations. This will also persist the exisiting information before releasing the associations. Override this to release the unmanaged resources used by the control and optionally releases the managed resources. True to release both managed and unmanaged resources; False to release only unmanaged resources. Returns the AutoAppendInfo associated with a control. The control whose AutoAppend info is required. The corresponding AutoAppendInfo value. If this control is not associated yet, then an AutoAppendInfo with its AutoAppend value set to False will be returned. Associates a control with this instance by providing its AutoAppendInfo. The control in which to AutoAppend. The AutoAppendInfo. Calling this will enable behavior in the control. Take a look at the AutoAppend class reference for detailed information on this behavior. To disassociate a control from the AutoAppend instance, call this method with the AutoAppendInfo's AutoAppend value set to False. Forces an entry into the control's AutoAppend list. The control whose AutoAppend list is to be updated. The value that is to be appended to the list. The AutoAppend instance automatically inserts entries into the list when the user enters a new value and leaves the control (when Validated will be fired). However, you might want new entries to be added when, for example, the user hits the Enter key. You do so by calling this method with the new value which will insert the new value into the list. Provides data for a cancelable mouse event. Initializes a new with data from a . The data for this event. The data for this event. Handles a cancelable mouse event. An advanced combo box control. This advanced combo box control provides a lot of improvements over the standard control. The improvements are as follows: Plug in any derived class as the list for the list portion of the combo box using the property. Provides a mode for regular, flat or themed drawing. Written using native .NET controls, this control lets you customize everything in the combo box from the textbox to the drop-down window. This control requires the plugged in ListControl to implement the Items property returning a valid instance. The ListControl can optionally implement an IndexFromPoint method that will take a single argument of type and a TopIndex property of type int. The semantics of these above properties and methods are similar to that of a 's implementation. Implementing IndexFromPoint and TopIndex will enable QuickSelection capability for the combo box, wherein the user can click on the drop-down button and start selecting items in the list, all this without releasing the mouse. Default windows message for gesture support. Default windows message for Mouse captured. Default size of the control User Size changed Default font style of the control Font which stored after changed in design Indicates whether to perform case sensitive search. The width of the drop-down button. Collects the boolean value if Control is selected by Touch or Mouse control. Indicates whether theme BackColor is painted or ignored and BackColor of control is painted. Cached BackColor of ComboBox. Cached BackColor of ComboBox. Indicates whether to suppress the DropDown Event Used to draw office 2007 scroller. Used to draw office 2007 backcolors in ActiveMode when DropDownList style set. Used to draw metro backcolors in ActiveMode when DropDownList style set. Office 2007 color scheme. Office 2010 color scheme. Metro color scheme. Variable to detect whether the event has been hooked. Variable to detect whether the click event has been hooked. Creates a new instance of the ComboDropDown class. To show/display the touch keyboard To hide the touch keyboad. Overridden. See . Called once to create a that will host the drop-down list. A new instance of a . Override this method to provide a custom implementation of the PopupControlContainer. Called to initialize the drop-down container. This method is called once to initialize the drop-down container that hosts the drop-down list. Use the property to get a reference to the from inside an override of this method. Make sure to call the base class when you override this method for default initialization. Called once to create a for the editable text portion of the combo. A new instance of a . Override this method to provide a custom implementation of a text box. Called once to create a for the drop-down button portion of the combo. A new instance of a . Override this method to provide a custom implementation of a DropDownButton. Called to initialize the used in the drop-down button portion of the combo. This method is called once to initialize the DropDownButton used to draw the drop-down portion of the combo. Make sure to call the base class when you override this method for default initialization. Called to initialize the used in the editable text portion. This method is called once to initialize the text box used to draw the editable portion of the combo. Use the property to get a reference to the text box from inside a override of this method. Make sure to call the base class when you override this method for default initialization. Releases all resources used by the control. Updates the attached 's parent-child relationship. If in ComboBoxStyle.Simple mode, the base class implementation parents the Popup Control to the combo itself. Otherwise, it parents the to the Popup Control. Resets the property to its default value. Resets the property's value to its default. Indicates whether the property's value is the default. True if the value is not the default; false otherwise. Get or Set of Skin Manager Interface Metrocolor. Serialize metrocolor. Resets the metrocolor. Updates the property based on the PopupControl's selected value. Indicates whether the event should be fired if the text is changed. True if the event was fired; False otherwise. You normally do not have to call this method. However when you programmatically update the SelectedValue of a plug in the list control, you might have to call this method to update the combo's text based on that new value. Indicates whether another change was made except text changing in control. True if changes were detected; false otherwise. Raises the BorderSidesChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The OnBorderSidesChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OmBorderSidesChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnBorderSidesChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the Border3DStyleChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The OnBorder3DStyleChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnBorder3DStyleChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnBorder3DStyleChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the Drop-Down event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The OnDropDown method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnDropDown in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnDropDown method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the SelectionChangeCommitted event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The OnSelectionChangeCommitted method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnSelectionChangeCommitted in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnSelectionChangeCommitted method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the event. The event will be fired usually when the user commits selection change. You could use this method to raise an event manually for a custom scenario. Raises the DropDownStyleChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see "Raising an Event". The DropDownStyleChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnDropDownStyleChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnDropDownStyleChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the ReadOnlyChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see "Raising an Event". The ReadOnlyChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnReadOnlyChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnReadOnlyChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Performs auto complete in the text area. The arguments of the KeyPress event. Check whether the ComboBox is ComboDropDown or ComboBoxAdv Event will be triggered when TextBox lost its Focus Event will be triggered while clicking on the TextBox control of the ComboBox. Verifies whether new text is allowed to be entered from native message. The message. True if the message is handled. Forwards the key message to the attached . The message id. The first message parameter. The second message parameter. Called when the popup is closed. Updates the attached popup control based on the current property. Call this method to update the popup list box, for example, with the latest text value that the user might have entered. This is useful when you enable auto completion in the text area and force the list box's SelectedValue to be updated to the latest text value in this control's Validated event. Called before the popup gets dropped down. Shows the drop-down. Hides the drop-down list box. Forces laying out of the combo elements within the next Paint Message handler. True to force; False to prevent layout. Determines the heights of certain portions of this control. A object. A reference variable through which to return the height for the text area. Make sure to call the base class when you override this method. This method expects you to return a height for the text area through the reference variable, set the height of this control (if not in ComboBoxStyle.Simple mode) and the height of the drop-down button (). Updates the internal textbox's bounds and visibility based on the . The height of the text area. Returns the width for the combo box drop-down button. The button width. Returns the width for the combo box drop-down button when office style is on. The button width. Updates the bounds of the drop-down button bounds. Sets the bounds based on the value returned by the method. Updates the attached 's bounds. The base class updates the PopupControl's bounds and visibility based on the settings. Overloaded. The bounds for the control that is associated with this popup when in DropDownStyle.Simple mode. The height of the combo control. The bounds for the embedded control. The bounds for the control that is associated with this popup when in DropDownStyle.Simple mode. The bounds for the embedded control. Called from the Paint event handler to draw the text portion. The from the Paint event. This method calls the method to draw the edit portion only when in ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList mode or when in design-mode. Called from to draw the text area when in ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList mode. The from the Paint event. The background color for the highlight. The text color for the highlight. Indicates whether to draw a focus rectangle. Called from the Paint event handler to draw the drop-down button. The from the Paint event. Called from the Paint event handler to draw the edit portion's border and background. The from the Paint event. This method calls the method with the appropriate dimension to draw the border around the text portion. Draws the border and background of the control. The context. The within which to draw. This method is used to draw the border around the text area (when called from method) and around the list box area (when in ComboBoxStyle.Simple mode and called from the method). This method uses themes to draw if necessary or calls and to draw the background and border. Draws the unthemed border of this control. The context. The within which to draw. Called by to draw the border when not in themes mode. Serialize MetroBorderColor. Reset the MetroBorderColor. Draws the unthemed background of this control. The context. The within which to draw. Called by to draw the background when not in themes mode. Called from the Paint event handler to draw the list portion. The from the Paint event. This method draws the list portion when in ComboBoxStyle.Simple mode. Refreshes the BackColor of the control after changing 'IgnoreThemeBackground' property. Value of 'IgnoreThemeBackground' property. Creates new instance of the scrollersFrame. Attaches scrollersFrame to the PopupControl. Detaches scrollersFrame from the PopupControl. Inits the scrollers frame. Processes mouse moves on the combo-box and textbox area. The event args of the MouseMove event. Indicates whether this was called due to mouse move in the text area or combo. Gets the Isactive state Sends the specified message to the default windows procedure. Moves the current selection in the attached . Indicates whether to move up. Called while form is deactivated Raises the ThemeChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. The OnThemeChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnThemeChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnThemeChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Scale the control based on the scale factor passed in the argument. value to scale the factor based upon. Font chnaged Fired when an IMe message is received. Event sender. Event data. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is initializing. Indicates whether to suppress the DropDown Event Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use office2007 colors in active mode]. true if [use office2007 colors in active mode]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use metro colors in active mode]. true if [use metro colors in active mode]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the value for the control. Indicates whether the search in autocomplete is case-sensitive. Specifies whether the control is focused. (overridden property) Gets or sets a value indicating whether control's elements are aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. This property defines the autocomplete behavior in DropDownList mode. This property is used when the DropDownStyle is set to DropDownList only. The that will be used in the drop-down portion. A derived instance. Gets or sets the back color. (overridden property) Indicates whether users should be forced to enter numbers. True to force numbers; False otherwise. Indicates whether the text in the edit portion can be changed. If True, the edit portion is not editable by the user; False otherwise. Specifies the ComboBoxBase control modifies the case of characters as they are typed. One of the enumeration values that specifies whether the ComboBoxBase control modifies the case of characters. The default is CharacterCasing.Normal. Indicates whether the control will ignore the theme`s background color and draw the BackColor instead. Gets or sets the alignment of text in this control. One of the enumeration values that specifies how text is aligned in the control. The default is HorizontalAlignment.Left. You can use this property to align the text within a ComboBoxBase to match the layout of text on your form. For example, if your controls are all located on the right side of the form, you can set the TextAlign property to HorizontalAlignment.Right and the text will be aligned along the right side of the control instead of the default left alignment. Gets or sets the ContextMenu. (overridden property) Gets or sets the ForeColor. (overridden property) Gets or sets the 3D border style for the control. This property is used only when BorderStyle is Fixed3D. Gets or sets the border sides for which you want the 3D border style applied. This property is used only when BorderStyle is Fixed3D. Gets or sets the flat style appearance of the combo box control. One of the values. The default value is Standard. When you specify and the application is run in Windows XP, themes will be used to draw this control. Use and to determine if themes are on during run-time. Gets or sets an advanced appearance and behavior for this control. One of the values. Default is VisualStyle.Default. When a non-default style is specified here, it will override the other settings of the control such as and . The is used to draw the borders for the office styles, when the control is not active. The Office2003 style behaves the same as OfficeXP in non-XP systems. Indicates whether the combo box is displaying its drop-down portion. True if the drop-down portion is displayed; False otherwise. The default is False. Returns the used to host the drop-down list. Returns the used to draw the editable text portion of the combo. Returns the used to draw the drop-down portion of the combo. Gets or sets the height of the drop-down button. Gets or sets the height of the edit portion. Indicates whether the Height property of the control can be changed. True to prevent height change; False otherwise . Note that this property will be frequently set and reset within the control layout. You can use this temporarily to force a particular height on the control. Gets or sets the text associated with this control. When in DropDownList mode, setting this property will also validate the new value against the attached popup control. Gets or sets the maximum number of characters allowed in the editable portion of a combo box. The maximum number of characters the user can enter. Default value is 32767. Gets or sets the drop-down's width. The value provided here will be used to determine the width of the drop-down portion. If you do not set a value explicitly, the width of this control will be used as the preferred width. To reset your settings on this property, call the method. Gets or sets the style of the combo box. One of the values. The default is . The DropDownStyle property controls the interface that is presented to the user. You can enter a value that allows for a simple drop-down list box, where the list always displays a drop-down list box, where the text portion is not editable and you must select an arrow to view the drop-down, or the default drop-down list box where the text portion is editable and the user must press the arrow key to view the list. Gets or sets the color with which the flat border should be drawn. A color value. Default is SystemColors.ControlDark. This is also the color used to draw the border when the property is set to OfficeXP or Office2003. Specifies the BackgroundImage.(overridden property) Gets or sets background image layout. Gets or sets a value indicating if quick selection on mouse move is on. Gets or sets a value indicating to show the Gray BackColor on ReadOnly is set. Gets or sets a value to have effect of BackColor Gets or sets office 2007 color theme. Gets or sets office 2010 color theme. Gets or sets the metrocolor. Gets color table for Office2007 visual style. Gets color table for Office2010 visual style. Update the renderer for Office2016 style. Gets or sets a value indicating whether selection changing can be done using mouse wheel rotation. true if seelction can be changed using mouse wheel; otherwise, false. Instead of handling mouse wheel event and handling it, user can set this bool property as per the needs. This property is used to work when the dropdown is not shown and changing selection through mouse wheel. Fired when BorderSides are changed. Occurs when border's 3D style is changed. Occurs before the drop-down portion is shown. Occurs when the user selects a new text for the combo in one of many possible ways. This event will be fired for the following cases: When the user selects a new item in the list box by clicking or pressing Enter. When the user Tabs out of the combo after changing the current text and Validation was successful. Occurs when the of the combo changes. Occurs when the property of the combo changes. Check whether the ComboBox is ComboDropDown or ComboBoxAdv Indicates whether the layout method needs to be called to layout the combo elements. Internal method. You will not have to call this property explicitly. Gets or sets the BorderColor for metro style Fired when the ThemesEnabled property changes. Indicates whether themes are enabled for this control. Gets/Sets Control size before touch enabled Gets or sets value to enable or disable the Touchmode to the controls. Scale factor will be updated automatically if scalefactor is equal to 1 Indicating whether the control uses AutoComplete. Creates a new instance of the ComboBoxBase class. Initializing this ComboBoxBase also requires you to set the property of this combo box. Raises the DropDownCloseOnClick event. A that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The OnDropDownCloseOnClick method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnDropDownCloseOnClick in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnDropDownCloseOnClick method so that registered delegates receive the event. Fires event. Returns the text representation of the specified item in PopUpControl. The index. Indicate whether ListControl contains item with such index. The index. True - if there is such item, otherwise - false. Called to find a matching item in the attached given the prefix of the item. The prefix string. Indicates whether to change the selection in the list when a match occurs. The index within each list item-string, where the search begins. Indicates whether to ignore case. The index of the matching item; -1 otherwise. Returns the interface representing the item's collection of the attached . An IList interface. The base class version looks for the "Items" property in the attached ListControl. Moves the current selection in the attached . Indicates whether to move up. Raises the Validating event. Called to update selection before validate. This is useful when you enable auto completion in the text area and force the list box's SelectedValue to be updated to the latest text value in this control's Validated event. Called before the popup gets dropped down. Sets the popup text. The value. Compares the new PopUpText and resets if a match is not found. Handles the PopupCloseType of PopUpContainer based on SelectedIndex. Indicates whether the attached ListControl has an "IndexFromPoint" method. True if such a method is available; False otherwise. This control relies on the attached ListControl providing this method to support quick-selection mode. This is the mode where the user can click on the drop-down arrow and start selecting in the drop-down list even before mouse up. Returns the index of the item at the specified point. A in screen coordinates. The zero based index; -1 if the point is not over an item. Called when a new gets attached to this ComboBoxBase using the property. When you override this method, make sure to call the base class for proper initialization. Called when an attached is being detached from this combo. Indicates whether this method is called from Dispose. Called when the user clicks on the associated list box. The MouseEventArgs from the list box's MouseUp event. Processes the mouse move over the PopupControl. Processes mouse move over the list. The control source of the MouseMove event. The event args of the MouseMove event. This method moves the selection of the attached in some cases when the mouse moves over it and also to change the Top Index of the list control appropriately when QuickSelection is on. Indicates whether the supplied text is a valid entry in the attached . The text to validate. True if valid; False otherwise. Correct popup control location. Gets or sets the that will be used in the drop-down portion. A derived instance. Take a look at the class description for more information on requirements and usage of this list control. This will be used in the drop-down portion. Indicates whether the selection in the list control should be updated with the new text entered by the user when the control loses focus. This property is typically used only when the list mode is set to editable (DropDown). Gets a value indicating whether the control uses AutoComplete. Occurs when the user clicks in the list box in the drop-down to let you cancel the subsequent drop-down close. Occurs when the selected Index of list is about to be changed. Can be canceled to avoid selection of the specific item. Risen by method. Provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. ComboBoxBase Constructor The RibbonControlAdv instance. Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. The horizontal screen coordinate. The vertical screen coordinate. An RibbonControlAdvAccessibility that represents the child object at the given screen coordinates. This method returns the calling object if the object itself is at the location specified. Returns null if no object is at the tested location. Bounds of the Control The accessible object bounds. Gets the role for the RibbonControlAdv. This is used by accessibility programs. Gets or sets the accessible object name The accessible object name. Gets the description of the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility A string describing the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility. Handles a cancelable mouse-click event. Provides data for a cancelable mouse click event. Creates a new instance of the MouseClickCancelEventArgs. The point in screen coordinates where the click occurred. True to cancel the event; False otherwise. Returns the point in screen coordinates where the click occurred. ComboDropDown Designer Designer ActionList collection Initializes a new instance of the CheckBoxAdvDesigner class Gets a value indication the designer action The ComboBoxExt type will soon be replaced with the ComboBoxBase for consistency in control naming in our library. Please replace all occurrences of ComboBoxExt with ComboBoxBase in your application. CheckBoxAdvActionList class. Initializes a new instance of the CheckBoxAdvActionList class. Represents component Overrridden InitializeActionList. Gets or sets Name. Gets or sets Readonly. Gets or sets Readonly. Gets or sets the Text Gets or sets the visual style. The style. Gets or sets the Office2007 color scheme. The Office2007 color scheme. Gets or sets the Office2010 color scheme. The Office2010 color scheme. Gets or sets the Border style. The style. Gets or sets the Dropdown style. The style. Specifies the appearance of the control. This enumeration is used by the property. Use and to determine if Themes are on during run-time. The control and the button appear flat. The control and the button appear three-dimensional. The appearance is determined by the user's operating system. If XP, then themes will be used to draw this control. For other operating systems, the behavior will be that of the style. This setting will also use XP Themes to draw the combo when an XP Theme is loaded in the OS. This class used for additional handling messages, that are sent to DropDown's child controls. ComboDropDown control, listen to messages for. Default Constructor. Fired when IME messages are received Provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. ComboDropDown Constructor The RibbonControlAdv instance. Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. The horizontal screen coordinate. The vertical screen coordinate. An RibbonControlAdvAccessibility that represents the child object at the given screen coordinates. This method returns the calling object if the object itself is at the location specified. Returns null if no object is at the tested location. Bounds of the Control The accessible object bounds. Gets the role for the RibbonControlAdv. This is used by accessibility programs. Gets or sets the accessible object name The accessible object name. Gets the description of the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility A string describing the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility. Class that represents the drop-down portion of a . Creates an instance of the DropDownButton class. The control that is using this class to draw the drop-down portion. Reset MetroArrowColor To serialize MetroArrowColor Gets the touchmode value. Raises the MouseDown event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The MouseDown method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnMouseDown in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnMouseDown method so that registered delegates receive the event. Invalidates the specified portion in the underlying control. The area to invalidate. Call this method from the control's OnPaint method. The Graphics context using which to draw the button. Cancels any mouse tracking. Call this method from the control's OnMouseMove to inform this class of mouse move events. The MouseEventArsg in the OnMouseMove method. Indicates whether the full control bounds should be considered part of the button. Useful in a combo in list mode. Call this method from the control's OnMouseLeave to inform this class of mouse leave events. The EventArsg in the OnMouseLeave method. Call this method from the control's OnMouseDown to inform this class of mouse down events. The MouseEventArsg in the OnMouseDown method. Indicates whether the full control bounds should be considered part of the button. Useful in a combo in list mode. Call this method from the control's OnMouseUp to inform this class of mouse up events. The MouseEventArsg in the OnMouseUp method. Gets/Sets Metro Arrow Color Fired when the user performs a mouse down in the drop-down area. Indicates whether themes is currently enabled for this control. This property doesn't check whether themes are currently enabled in the OS. Indicates whether owner control is active. true if this instance is control active; otherwise, false. Set the bounds for the dropdown button. You typically should do this from the control's Layout event / method. Indicates whether the button is active. Will be referred to when drawn hot with office style. Indicates whether the drop-down is showing. Will be referred to when drawn hot with office style. Indicates whether the button should be drawn hot. Gets or sets the ComboFlatStyle with which to draw. Gets or sets the VisualStyle with which to draw. Gets color table for Office2007 visual style. Gets color table for Office2007 visual style. Gets color table for Metro visual style. Indicates whether the buttons should be drawn enabled. Indicates whether the button is currently pushed. Gets or sets a value indicating whether invalidating of owner control is suspended. The Class that represents the TextBox placed inside the ComboBox Constructor Gets or sets a value indicating whether the height of the TextBoxExt automatically adjusts when the font assigned to the control is changed. true if the height of the control automatically adjusts when the font is changed; otherwise, false. The default is true. Provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. ComboText Constructor The RibbonControlAdv instance. Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. The horizontal screen coordinate. The vertical screen coordinate. An RibbonControlAdvAccessibility that represents the child object at the given screen coordinates. This method returns the calling object if the object itself is at the location specified. Returns null if no object is at the tested location. Bounds of the Control The accessible object bounds. Gets the role for the RibbonControlAdv. This is used by accessibility programs. Gets or sets the accessible object name The accessible object name. Gets the description of the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility A string describing the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility. ComboDropDown Designer Designer ActionList collection Initializes a new instance of the CheckBoxAdvDesigner class Gets a value indication the designer action CheckBoxAdvActionList class. Initializes a new instance of the CheckBoxAdvActionList class. Represents component Overrridden InitializeActionList. Gets or sets Name. Gets or sets Readonly. Gets or sets Readonly. Gets or sets the Text Gets or sets the visual style. The style. Gets or sets the Office2007 color scheme. The Office2007 color scheme. Gets or sets the Office2010 color scheme. The Office2010 color scheme. Gets or sets the Border style. The style. Gets or sets the Dropdown style. The style. Summary description for ComboDropDownWeakContainer. DelayedWaitCursor listens to OperationFeedback events and changes the cursor if a certain number of ticks have elapsed since the start of the operation. Overloaded. Initializes a new instance. Initializes a new instance. An object that implements the interface. Adds an that this object will listen to and provide user feedback for. Overriden. Displays a wait cursor. An that contains the event data. DelayedStatusDialog listens to OperationFeedback events and displays a modeless status dialog if a certain number of ticks have elapsed since the start of the operation. Overloaded. Initializes a new instance. Initializes a new instance. An object that implements the interface. Adds an that this object will listen to and provide user feedback for. Overriden. Displays a dialog or wait cursor during progress and closes the dialog when operation is finished. An that contains the event data. The progress percentage value to be used for displaying a dialog bar. A dialog bar is displayed when the operation's progress in percentage is less than the specified value at the time progress should be displayed. Typical values are 25 for and 75 for . In this example, if the operation takes longer than two seconds and after two seconds only 10% of the operation have completed, a dialog is displayed. If on the other side after two seconds more than 25% have been completed and less than 75%, a wait cursor is displayed. If more than 75% have been completed, no visual feedback at all will be given. The progress percentage value to be used for displaying a wait cursor. A wait cursor is shown when the operation's progress in percentage is less than the specified value at the time progress should be displayed. is ignored if is false. Typical values are 25 for and 75 for . In this example, if the operation takes longer than two seconds and after two seconds only 10% of the operation have completed, a dialog is displayed. If on the other side after two seconds more than 25% have been completed and less than 75%, a wait cursor is displayed. If more than 75% have been completed, no visual feedback at all will be given. Indicates whether wait cursors should be shown. is ignored if is False. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Cursor of the parent object. Parent control supporting Drag operation. Indicates whether shift value is calculated. Handles the WM_SETCURSOR message. Gets / sets the parent control supporting drag operation. Interface for implementing by parent control supporting Drag operation. Methods of this interface invoke corresponding drag methods of parent control. Provides data for the event. The last selected index for the edited row in the list. Creates a new instance of the ListBoxTextChangingEventArgs class. The new text after the change. Last selected index. Creates a new instance of the ListBoxTextChangingEventArgs class. The new text after the change. Returns the new text for the edited row in the list. Gets the last selected index for the edited row in the list. Handles the event. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. A that provides you an editable with a and on the current row. During design-time (and in code) you can access the list box, text box and button components of this control using the , and properties. You can add certain items to the list and set some properties on the textbox and button. The event is thrown when the user clicks the button and event is thrown when the user completes editing an item. Holds ScrollerFrame for ListBox Holds MetroColorTable for ScrollerFrame The used by the control. The used by the control. The used by the control. Index of the item, that is being edited. Required designer variable. Default size of the control Default height of the ListBoxItem Default height of the ListBoxItem Creates a new instance of the control. Scale the control based on the scale factor passed in the argument. value to scale the factor based upon. Holds the Visual Style of EditableList Gets or sets the Visual Style for the EditableList Represents the Variable assiged with the default value. Reset the Style Serializes the Style Represents the Variable with Bool Contraint. Gets or sets an advanced appearance for the EditableList. Indicates, whether property value should be serialized. Resets the property to the default value. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Called just before a row goes into editing mode. Called just after a row comes out of editing mode. Raises the ItemChanging event. A that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The OnItemChanging method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnItemChanging in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnItemChanging method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the BeforeListItemEdit event. An that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The OnBeforeListItemEdit method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnBeforeListItemEdit in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnBeforeListItemEdit method so that registered delegates receive the event. Raises the ButtonClick event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The OnButtonClick method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnButtonClick in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnButtonClick method so that registered delegates receive the event. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Gets the active theme name of the CheckBoxAdv control. Returns the active theme name. Raises the event when themename changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Updates the Style renderers of EditableList Control based on applied Theme. Draws the ListBox and Button colors Draws the Background Color using renderer file Draws the text. The instance containing the event data. Fired when the user clicks on the button. Fired when the user completes editing a row. Raised before a list item is edited. Raised when a list item is to be drawn. Gets/Sets Control size before touch enabled Gets or sets value to enable or disable the Touchmode to the controls. Scale factor will be updated automatically if scalefactor is equal to 1 Returns the associated with this control. To access the list box to add items to it. Returns the associated with this control. Represents the textbox used in the editable current row. Returns the associated with this control. Represents the button drawn at the right of the current row. Indicates whether you want the button to be shown to the right while editing. True if button should be shown; False otherwise. Default is True. Gets the theme colors for the Visual style. Gets or Sets the colorschemes for the EditableList. Represents the property to set the Style. Gets or Sets whether to draw focus when item is selected. Indicates whether the current row is being edited. True to indicate its being edited; False otherwise. Gets or sets the list box text alignment. Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Gets or sets the theme name of the EditableList control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a theme style has been applied to the control. The default value is true. Gets or sets a value indicating whether control elements styles can be overridden by theme style settings. Default value is false. By default, the control's element styles will not be overridden by theme style settings if the style is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, element style will be overridden by theme style settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before calling the ThemeName property of the control. Gets or sets the BaseTheme name of the theme Gets a value indicating whether the visual style based theme is applied to the control and also indicates whether the theme files are referred from external assemblies or not. Return true, if the visual style based theme is applied to the control. Otherwise returns false. Gets the name of the control. Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. EditableList Constructor The RibbonControlAdv instance. Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. The horizontal screen coordinate. The vertical screen coordinate. An RibbonControlAdvAccessibility that represents the child object at the given screen coordinates. This method returns the calling object if the object itself is at the location specified. Returns null if no object is at the tested location. Bounds of the Control The accessible object bounds. Gets the role for the RibbonControlAdv. This is used by accessibility programs. Gets or sets the accessible object name The accessible object name. Gets the description of the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility A string describing the RibbonControlAdvAccessibility. FolderBrowser Designer Designer ActionList collection Initializes a new instance of the CheckBoxAdvDesigner class Gets a value indication the designer action Draws the Background Color using renderer file Draws the text. The instance containing the event data. Represents the variable to store the Back color. Represents the variable to store Style change state. represents if stylechanged is true. Method to Draw Item. Overrides the font property. Gets/Sets whether to draw focus when item is selected. Represents the class to define the style of ListItems. Maintains the default style of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default value. Gets or sets the item background color of the ListItem. Gets or sets the pressed item background color of the ListItem. Gets or sets the hover item background color of the ListItem. Gets or sets the disabled item background color of the ListItem. Gets or sets the item forecolor of the ListItem. Gets or sets the pressed item forecolor of the ListItem. Gets or sets the hover item forecolor of the ListItem. Gets or sets the disabled item forecolor of the ListItem. Represents the class holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. Provides information about the control's ItemBackColor property. Provides information about the control's PressedItemBackColor property. Provides information about the control's HoverItemBackColor property. Provides information about the control's DisabledItemBackColor property. Provides information about the control's ItemForeColor property. Provides information about the PressedItemForeColor property. Provides information about the control's HoverItemForeColor property. Provides information about the control's DisabledItemForeColor property. Maintains the static data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Populates the SerializationInfo store with the name, type, and value of each piece of information it wants to serialize Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Overridden to get the static data source. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Initializes a new instance of the class. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. CheckBoxAdvActionList class. Initializes a new instance of the CheckBoxAdvActionList class. Represents component Gets or sets Name. Gets or sets the Text Gets or sets the border style. The style. Gets or sets the auoscroll. The style. Gets or sets listbox text alignment The style. Editablelistrenderer Class contains all the color properties which are required for Office 2016 Colorful theme. Represents the Color values for Back color during Normal state in Office 2016 Colorful Represents the Color values for Fore color during Normal state in Office 2016 Colorful Represents the Color values for Back color during Selected state in Office 2016 Colorful Represents the Color values for Back color during Normal state in Office 2016 Colorful Represents the Color values for Back color for Button in Office 2016 Colorful Gets the color table according to the theme. Gets the value of Back color in normal state Gets the value of Text color in normal state Gets the value of Back color when selected Gets the value of Text color when selected Gets the value of Back color for want button Office2016 Black EditableRenderer class is inherited from the Editablelistrenderer class Represents the Color values for Back color during Normal state in Office 2016 Black Represents the Color values for Fore color during Normal state in Office 2016 Black Represents the Color values for Back color during Selected state in Office 2016 Black Represents the Color values for Back color during Normal state in Office 2016 Black Represents the Color values for Back color for Button in Office 2016 Black Gets the value of Back color in normal state Gets the value of Text color in normal state Gets the value of Back color when selected Gets the value of Text color when selected Gets the value of Back color for want button Office2016 White EditableRenderer class is inherited from the Editablelistrenderer class Represents the Color values for Back color during Normal state in Office 2016 White Represents the Color values for Fore color during Normal state in Office 2016 White Represents the Color values for Back color during Selected state in Office 2016 White Represents the Color values for Back color during Normal state in Office 2016 White Represents the Color values for Back color for Button in Office 2016 White Gets the value of Back color in normal state Gets the value of Text color in normal state Gets the value of Back color when selected Gets the value of Text color when selected Gets the value of Back color for want button Office2016 DarkGray EditableRenderer class is inherited from the Editablelistrenderer class Represents the Color values for Fore color during Normal state in Office 2016 DarkGray Represents the Color values for Fore color during Normal state in Office 2016 DarkGray Represents the Color values for Back color during Selected state in Office 2016 DarkGray Represents the Color values for Back color during Normal state in Office 2016 DarkGray Represents the Color values for Back color for Button in Office 2016 DarkGray Gets the value of Back color in normal state Gets the value of Text color in normal state Gets the value of Back color when selected Gets the value of Text color when selected Gets the value of Back color for want button Represents the class to define the style of control. Maintains the default style of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default value. Gets or sets the border color of the textbox. Gets or sets the background color of the . Gets or sets style for ListItems of the control. Gets or sets the disabled background color of the . Gets or sets the button background color of the . Gets or sets the button forecolor of the . Gets or sets the button border color of the . Gets or sets the value used to draw the button border of the . Gets or sets the value used to draw the pressed button border of the . Gets or sets the pressed button forecolor of the . Gets or sets the hover button forecolor of the . Represents the class holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. Provides information about the BorderColor property. Provides information about the BackColor property. Provides information about the ButtonBackColor property. Provides information about the ButtonForeColor property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the DisabledBackColor property. Provides information about the ButtonBorderColor property. Provides information about the ButtonBorderThickness property. Provides information about the PressedButtonBorderThickness property. Provides information about the SelectedButtonForeColor property. Provides information about the HoverButtonForeColor property. Maintains the static data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Populates the SerializationInfo store with the name, type, and value of each piece of information it wants to serialize Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Overridden to get the static data source. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the EditableList for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. The FolderBrowser component provides a convenient and easy to use object oriented wrapper for the Win32 Shell folder browser API. The FolderBrowser class completely abstracts the various complex Shell API functions, structures and callback routines required for invoking the folder selection dialog and allows you to work with a more .NET-centric programming model consisting of aptly named properties, methods and events. Most convenient of all, you no longer need to allocate PIDLs as specifying the location of the rootfolder; browsing is now a simple task of setting the FolderBrowser.StartLocation property from one of the values provided in the FolderBrowserFolder enumeration. Using the FolderBrowser class to browse the Shell folders is simple and to the .NET developer a completely familiar issue of instantiating the FolderBrowser component, setting the appropriate properties and events on it and invoking the method. For more detailed information on the Shell APIs refer to the Platform SDK documentation on the SHBrowseForFolder method. The following code creates an instance of the FolderBrowser component, sets the folder dialog start location and styles and invokes the FolderBrowser.ShowDialog() method: private void ShowFolderBrowserDialog() { // Create the FolderBrowser component: this.folderBrowser1 = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowser(); // Initialize the FolderBrowser component: this.folderBrowser1.Description = "Syncfusion FolderBrowser"; this.folderBrowser1.StartLocation = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserFolder.Desktop; this.folderBrowser1.Style = ( Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserStyles.RestrictToFilesystem | Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserStyles.BrowseForComputer ); // Provide a handler for the FolderBrowserCallback validation event: this.folderBrowser1.FolderBrowserCallback += new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserCallbackEventHandler(this.folderBrowser1_BrowseCallback); // Display the folderbrowser dialog: if (this.folderBrowser1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) this.selectedFolder = this.folderBrowser1.DirectoryPath; } // Event handler for the FolderBrowser.FolderBrowserCallback validation event. // This handler is functionally equivalent of the Win32 BrowseCallbackProc callback function: private void folderBrowser1_BrowseCallback(object sender, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserCallbackEventArgs e) { this.label1.Text = String.Format("Event: {0}, Path: {1}", e.FolderBrowserMessage, e.Path); if (e.FolderBrowserMessage == FolderBrowserMessage.ValidateFailed) { e.Dismiss = e.Path != "NONE"; } } Overloaded. Creates a new instance of the component. Creates a new instance of the and initializes it with the container. An object implementing IContainer that will host this instance of the FolderBrowser component. Validates the procedure. Raises the event. A value that contains the event data. Overloaded. Displays the folder browser dialog with a default owner. DialogResult.OK if the user clicks OK in the folder dialog; DialogResult.Cancel otherwise. Displays the folder browser dialog with the specified owner. A top-level window that will serve as the owner for the dialog. DialogResult.OK if the user clicks OK in the folder dialog; DialogResult.Cancel otherwise. Occurs when an event within the folder browser dialog triggers a call to the validation callback. Gets or sets the options for the folder browser dialog. A value. Retrieves the location of the selected folder. A String value. Gets or sets the start location for the folder browser dialog. The StartLocation property is the functional equivalent of the Win32 PIDLs. A value. Gets or sets custom start location for showing dialog. Gets or sets selected location for showing dialog. Gets or sets the text displayed above the tree control in the folder browser dialog. A String value. Defines constants used by the component. The FolderBrowserMessage enumeration specifies constants that define the event that triggered the event to occur. Indicates that the browse dialog box has finished initializing. Indicates that the selection has changed. Indicates that the user typed an invalid name into the edit box. Handles the component's event. The source of the event. A value that contains the event data. Specifies constants that defines the folderbrowser dialog state. Enumeration used for setting the folderbrowser dialog's state from the event handler. For detailed information on the folder browser callback function, refer to the Platform SDK documentation on the BrowseCallbackProc function. Default State. Enables the OK button. Disables the OK button. Specifies a path to expand in the Browse dialog box. The path can be set through the FolderBrowserCallbackEventArgs.BrowseCallbackText property. Sets the text to be displayed on the OK button. The text can be set through the FolderBrowserCallbackEventArgs.BrowseCallbackText property. Selects the specified folder. The folder's path can be set through the FolderBrowserCallbackEventArgs.BrowseCallbackText property. Sets the text to be displayed on the OK button. The text can be set through the FolderBrowserCallbackEventArgs.BrowseCallbackText property. This state is inapplicable with the new dialog style. FolderBrowser Designer Designer ActionList collection Initializes a new instance of the CheckBoxAdvDesigner class Gets a value indication the designer action Provides data for the component's FolderBrowserCallback event. The event occurs when an event within the folder browser dialog triggers a call to the validation callback. Handling this event allows you to implement the functional equivalent of the BrowseCallbackProc application-defined callback function. The FolderBrowserCallbackEventArgs properties provide information specific to the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. A NativeWindow value that represents the window handle of the folderbrowser dialog. A value that identifies the event. A String value that specifies the valid / invalid folder name. Returns the window handle of the browse dialog box. A NativeWindow value. Returns the valid / invalid folder name. A String value. Returns a value identifying the event. A value. Indicates whether the dialog is either dismissed or retained depending on this value. Gets / sets the folder browser dialog's state. A value. Gets / sets the contextual string depending upon the value of the property. A String value. Specifies constants that define the location of the root folder in the folder browser dialog. The FolderBrowserFolder enumeration specifies the location of the root folder from which the component will start browsing. Only the specified folder and folders beneath it in the namespace hierarchy will appear in the dialog. This enumerator provides a simple way to set the ITEMIDLIST structure (PIDL) for the folder browser dialog. For more information on the functional significance of these values please refer to the Platform SDK documentation on the Shell API and the CSIDL Values. Windows desktop virtual folder that is the root of the name space. Virtual folder that represents the Internet. File system directory that contains the user's program groups. Virtual folder that contains icons for Control Panel applications. Virtual folder that contains installed printers. File system directory that serves as a common repository for documents. File system directory that serves as a common repository for the user's favorite items. File system directory that corresponds to the user's Startup program group. File system directory that contains the user's most recently used documents. File system directory that contains Send To menu items. Virtual folder that contains the objects in the user's Recycle Bin. File system directory that contains Start Menu items. Virtual folder that contains the objects in the user's My Documents folder. File system directory that serves as a common repository for music files. File system directory that serves as a common repository for video files. File system directory used to physically store file objects on the desktop. My Computer virtual folder that contains everything on the local computer: storage devices, printers and Control Panel. Network Neighborhood virtual folder that represents the root of the network namespace hierarchy. A file system folder that contains the link objects that can exist in the My Network Places virtual folder. Virtual folder that contains fonts. File system directory that serves as a common repository for document templates. My Pictures folder. Program files folder File system directory that contains documents that are common to all users. File system directory that contains administrative tools for all users. File system directory used to store administrative tools for an individual user. Virtual folder that contains network and dial-up connections. My Music folder for all users. My Pictures folder for all users. My Video folder for all users. System resource directory. Localized resource directory. Folder containing links to OEM specific applications for all users. File system folder used to hold data for burning to a CD. Computers Near Me folder. Use custom start folder (). Combine this flag with the desired CSIDL_ value to indicate per-user initialization. Combine this flag with the desired CSIDL_ value to force a non-alias version of the PIDL. Combine this flag with the desired CSIDL_ value to return an unverified folder path. Combine this flag with the desired CSIDL_ value to force the creation of the associated folder. Mask for all possible CSIDL flag values. Specifies constants that define the styles for the folder browser dialog. The enumeration specifies the options for the folder browser dialog. For more detailed information, refer to the Platform SDK documentation on the Win32 BROWSEINFO structure. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values. Restricts selection to file system directories. Excludes network folders below the domain level. Includes a status area in the dialog box. The status text can be specified in the FolderBrowserCallback event handler. This style does not apply to the new style dialog. Returns only file system ancestors. Displays a textbox control in the folder browser dialog. Typing an invalid name in the textbox will trigger the FolderBrowser's FolderBrowserCallback event. Uses the new resizable folder selection dialog. Adds a usage hint to the folder dialog. Valid only with the NewDialogStyle flag. Displays URLs. The NewDialogStyle and BrowseForEverything values must be set along with this flag. Displays only computers. Displays only printers. Displays files as well as folders. Displays shareable resources existing on remote systems. Displays administrative shares existing on remote systems. CheckBoxAdvActionList class. Initializes a new instance of the CheckBoxAdvActionList class. Represents component Gets or sets the options style. The style. Gets or sets the start location The style. Implements a list box that can be displayed in a drop-down window for a combo box or dropdown menus. It lets you select items and scroll the listbox without setting the focus to the listbox. Initializes a new control. Handles the event of an internal timer that is started when the user has pressed the mouse down. The source of the event.> The with event data. Sends WM_SETREDRAW message to the window. Implements the list box that can be displayed in a drop-down window for a combo box. Handles autoscrolling and resize to fit contents. Initializes a new control. Handles the event of an internal timer that is started when the user has pressed the mouse down. The source of the event.> The with event data. Overloaded. Calculates optimal width for this list box based on current items. The width in pixels large enough so that no item text needs to be clipped. Calculates optimal width for this list box based on current items using a provided object. The width in pixels large enough so that no item text needs to be clipped. Gets / sets the preferred number of visible rows. IMouseController defines the interface for mouse controllers to be used with MouseControllerDispatcher. Any mouse controller needs to implement the IMouseController interface. In its implementation of MouseController.HitTest, the mouse controller should determine whether your controller wants to handle the mouse events based current context. See MouseControllerDispatcher for further discussion. MouseHoverEnter is called when this controller signaled in HitTest that it wants to handle mouse events. MouseHoverEnter is called before the MouseHover is called for the first time. MouseHover is called when this controller signaled in HitTest that it wants to handle mouse events. MouseHover is called after MouseHoverEnter. MouseHoverLeave is called when hovering ends either because user dragged mouse out of the hit-test area or when context changes (e.g. user pressed the mouse button). MouseDown is called when this controller signaled in HitTest that it wants to handle mouse events and the user pressed the mouse button. MouseDown is called and this controller will become the active controller and receive all subsequent mouse messages until the mouse button is released or the mouse operation is cancelled. MouseMove is called for the active controller after a MouseDown message when the user moves the mouse pointer. MouseUp is called for the active controller after a MouseDown message when the user releases the mouse button. CancelMode is called for the active controller after a MouseDown message when the mouse operation is cancelled. HitTest is called to determine whether your controller wants to handle the mouse events based current context. The current winner of the vote is specified through the controller parameter. Your implementation of HitTest can decide if it wants to override the existing vote or leave it. Returns the name of this mouse controller. Returns the cursor to be displayed. The IContextMenuProvider interface provides Essential Studio controls with a high-level API for creating and working with context menus. Subscribing to this interface allows the Essential Studio controls to seamlessly switch between the standard .NET and the classes depending on whether the Essential Tools library is available or not. Creates a new instance of the context menu object managed by this provider. If the provider contains a previously initialized context menu, then the existing menu will be disposed before creating the new menu. Gets the Menu items count. Indicates whether "Add or Remove buttons" is needed. Sets the visual style for the context menu. A value. Creates a new top-level menu item. A value representing the menu item. The that will handle the menu item Click event. Creates a new menu item and adds it to the specified parent menu item. A value representing the parent menu item. A value representing the menu item. The that will handle the menu item Click event. Sets the menu item image. A value representing the menu item. The containing the image. The zero-based image index. Sets a shortcut key for the menu item. A value representing the menu item. The key for the menu item. Returns the menu item's shortcut key. A value representing the menu item. A key value. Sets the menu item's Checked property to the specified value. A value representing the menu item. The boolean value to be set. Gets the menu item's Checked property. A value representing the menu item. A boolean value. Sets the menu item's Enabled property to the specified value. A value representing the menu item. The boolean value to be set. Indicates the state of the menu item's Enabled property. A value representing the menu item. A boolean value. Inserts or removes a separator before the specified menu item's position. A value representing the menu item. True to insert a new separator; False to remove an existing separator. Removes the specified context menu item. A value representing the menu item. Displays the context menu at the specified position. A object that specifies the control with which this context menu is associated. A object that specifies the coordinates at which to display the menu. Disposes the context menu associated with this provider. Clears all menu items. Occurs when menu is popped up. Occurs when menu is collapsed. The ContextMenuItem class is used by the Essential Studio menu providers - classes implementing the interface - for providing information to the context menu command handler about the menu item that triggered the Click event. Creates an instance of the class. A instance representing the menu provider. A value representing the context menu item. Returns the menu provider instance. A instance. Returns the text representing the context menu item. A value. Factory class for creating the context menu provider. If the Syncfusion Essential Tools library is present, the MenuProviderFactory will create an instance of the type and if not it returns an instance of the class. Creates the standard or XPMenus context menu provider. A instance. The StandardMenusProvider class implements the interface and serves as the menu provider for the standard .NET context menus. Controls that have a object set as their menu provider will display a instance. Creates an instance of the class. Gets the ContextMenu items Count. Indicates whether "Add or Remove buttons" is needed. Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Clears all menu items. Gets context menu instance. Occurs when menu is popped up. Occurs when menu is collapsed. MouseControllerDispatcher coordinates mouse events among competing mouse controllers. Based on the position of the mouse and context of the control every registered controller's HitTest method is called to determine the best controller for the following mouse action. This controller will then receive mouse events. Any Mouse Controller needs to implement the IMouseController interface. In its implementation of MouseController.HitTest, the mouse controller should determine whether your controller wants to handle the mouse events based current context. MouseControllerDispatcher will call HitTest for each Mouse Controller that has been registered with Add(IMouseController). The Mouse Controller that wins the vote will receive all Mouse hovering events like MouseHoverEnter, MouseHover and MouseHoverLeave as long as its HitTest method indicates that it wants to handle the mouse event. A MouseHoverLeave notification is guaranteed after MouseHoverEnter has been called. When the user presses the mouse, a MouseDown will be sent to the controller. All subsequent mouse events will then go to that specific controller until the user releases the mouse or the mouse operations is cancelled. A call to either MouseUp or CancelMode is guaranteed after a controller MouseDown method was called. Mouse controllers are registered by calling the Add method. If the control that MouseControllerDispatcher should be associated with is derived from ScrollControl, you should use ScrollControllMouseControllerDispatcher because it will automatically hook itself up with mouse events from ScrollControl. Otherwise if you want to attach MouseControllerDispatcher to a different type of Control, you need to delegate mouse events to MouseControllerDispatcher. MouseControllerDispatcher provides ProcessXYZ methods for every mouse event that should be forwarded. Simply call these methods from your mouse event handlers in your control. Initializes a new MouseControllerDispatcher object and associates it with the parent control. Resets the dispatcher and calls Dispose for any registered mouse controller and unregisters all mouse controllers. Registers a mouse controller. Removes a mouse controller. Indicates whether a mouse controller has previously been registered. Search a mouse controller by comparing with the name returned from IMouseController.Name. Changes the active controller and raises an ActiveControllerChanged event. Sets the controller that will receive mouse hovering messages. If the controller is changed, MouseHoverLeave and MouseHoverEnter calls are made. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. HitTest loops through all controllers and calls HitTest on each of them. Only one mouse controller can get voted to receive mouse messages. HitTest loops through all controllers and call HitTest on each of them. Only one mouse controller can get voted to receive mouse messages. The point in client coordinates to be hit tested. The result identifying the hit-test context. The current result of the vote gets passed to the next mouse controller. If a controller wants to handle mouse events, it can decide based on the existing vote if it has higher priority for it to handle mouse messages than the existing vote. HitTest loops through all controllers and call HitTest on each of them. Only one mouse controller can get voted to receive mouse messages. The point in client coordinates to be hit tested. The mouse button that is pressed. The result identifying the hit-test context. HitTest loops through all controllers and call HitTest on each of them. Only one mouse controller can get voted to receive mouse messages. The point in client coordinates to be hit tested. The mouse button that is pressed. A placeholder where a reference to the winning is returned. The result identifying the hit-test context. HitTest loops through all controllers and call HitTest on each of them. Only one mouse controller can get voted to receive mouse messages. The point in client coordinates to be hit tested. The mouse button that is pressed. 1 for single-click; 2 for double click. A placeholder where a reference to the winning is returned. The result identifying the hit-test context. Call this method from your control's MouseMove handler. Call this method from your control MouseDown handler. Call this method from your control's MouseUp handler. Call this method from your control's CancelMode handler. Resets support for mouse tracking. Call this method after a user interaction that should switch the control back into normal mouse behavior. For example, when the control gets the focus or when the user clicks a scrollbar. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Indicates that the active controller has changed. Active controller is the controller that is receiving MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseUp messages when the user has pressed a mouse button. Returns a reference to the active mouse controller that is receiving MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseUp messages when the user has pressed a mouse button. Returns the controller that currently receives mouse hovering messages. Returns the last HitTest value returned that was non-zero. Check this property if you need to make decision on your mouse controller's HitTest. Property AllowDoubleClickTimer (bool). Returns the cursor to be displayed. Returns a reference to the associated control. Enables support for mouse tracking. Specify the bounds where the mouse tracking should start. As soon as the user moves the mouse over the specified region, MouseControllerDispatcher will simulate a mouse down event. When the user presses any mouse button MouseControllerDispatcher will simulate a mouse up and resets the mouse tracking mode. After the initial click on a mouse button, mouse processing will work as usual. Mouse tracking lets you easily simulate the behavior of windows combo boxes. This example enables Mouse Tracking after the drop-down has been shown. public override void DropDownContainerShowedDropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.ListControlPart.grid.MouseControllerDispatcher.TrackMouse = this.ListControlPart.grid.RangeInfoToRectangle(GridRangeInfo.Rows( this.ListControlPart.grid.TopRowIndex, this.ListControlPart.grid.RowCount)); } Indicates that the value of the TrackMouse property has changed. ScrollControllMouseControllerDispatcher is a specialized version of MouseControllerDispatcher that automatically wires itself up with a ScrollControl. If the control that MouseControllerDispatcher should be associated with is derived from ScrollControl, you should use ScrollControllMouseControllerDispatcher because it will automatically hook itself up with mouse events from ScrollControl. No initialization is necessary. You can register MouseControllers with: resizeCellsController = new GridResizeCellsMouseController(this); MouseControllerDispatcher.Add(resizeCellsController); See ScrollControl.MouseControllerDispatcher property. Initializes a object and associates it with a . The this object is associated with. Provides designer-like context menu support for the PropertyGrid during run-time.

This derived menu has a "Reset" menu item, which automatically provides the property-resetting service with the ContextMenu of a during run-time. It also includes a "Description" menu item to let you show / hide the description portion of the property grid. Just as in the VS.NET property grid.

To use this component, just create it passing the PropertyGrid in the constructor. The context menu will then start appearing for that PropertyGrid. There is no design-time support for this component.

Creates a new instance of the PropertyGridContextMenu. The to which this will be made a context menu. Sets / resets the specified styles on the control. The control on which to set / reset the styles. The style to set / reset. Indicates whether to set / reset the style. True to set, False to reset. This method uses reflection to call the protected SetStyle method on the specified control. Makes the specified control and all its parent controls the ActiveControl of its parent container. The control that needs to be made the ActiveControl of its parent. Returns the first PropertyGrid encountered in the container control's controls collection. Will recur. The instance to a ContainerControl. A PropertyGrid instance, if found; NULL otherwise. Updates the designer generated datasource full path to a different one based on the provided info. The Connection object whose ConnectionString will be updated. The directory name that will be sought after up in the exe's hierarchy (typically the "Data" dir). A file in the above directory (typically an .mdb file). The designer generated path to the "Data" directory could have been changed if the user installed the product to a non-default directory. This routine will parse up the dir hierarchy from the exe file and try to find the "Data" dir and use it instead. Finds a file of the given name in the current directory or sibling "Data" directory. If file is not found, the parent folder is checked until the file is found. This method is used by our samples when they load data from a separate "Data" folder. The name of the "Data" folder. The filename to be searched. The full path of the file that was found; an empty string is returned if file is not found. Returns the preferred size to be used for an empty cell. The context of the canvas. The to be used. The of the string "Wg;". Gets / sets the string used when doing a resize to fit for cells with empty text. Defines a mechanism for letting others know that you let others cancel your operation. The class relies on this interface. To let you know that any current operation should be cancelled. A listener class that will listen to and notify Escape key press. As soon as you create this class, it starts listening for the Esc key press using Application.AddMessageFilter. As soon as it encounters the Escape key, it notifies the source (ICanCancel implementor) and stops listening to further Escape presses. The Release method will make it stop listening at any point. Creates a new instance of the CancelListener class. The instance that will be notified on Escape key press. Makes this instance stop listening for Escape key press. Wrapper class for setting the current 's . Handles the CultureChanged event raised by the settings form. The settings form. The event data. Sets the current thread's CurrentCulture. The culture to be set. Raises the CultureChanged event. The previous culture's LCID. The new culture's LCID. Raises the event. Object raising the event. The event data. Event raised when the ThreadCulture is changed or the system settings changed the culture. The form used for listening to the WM_SETTINGCHANGE messages. Static constructor for ThreadCultureSystem class. Form derived class that is registered to receive WM_SETTINGCHANGE messages. Overrides to handle the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message. The message. Overrides to always set the location to be outside the screen bounds. Raises the event. The event data. Event raised when the form senses that the culture has been changed. Handles the locale changed event. Provides data for the event. Returns the LCID of the new culture that has been applied. Returns the LCID of the previous culture. Returns the reason for the CultureChange. CultureChangedReason is used by the to denote what action initiated the culture change. A System level setting change resulted in the culture change. Thread level culture change resulted in the culture change. Specifies information about the originating action of SheetMoved event. None specified. Sheet was moved. Sheet was inserted. Sheet was removed. All sheets were removed. Handles a event of a . Provides data about a event of a . Initializes a SheetMovedEventArgs with event data. The sheet index. The destination sheet index. The originating action for this event. Returns the sheet index. Returns the destination sheet index. Returns the originating action for this event. Handles a and events of a . Provides data about a and events of a . Initializes a new with event data. The selected index. The tab associated with the index. Returns the selected index. Returns the tab associated with the index. An interface for hosting objects and receiving clicks from these buttons. Returns Graphics object, font and delta between tabs. Graphics object. Font. Delta between tabs. Returns , brush, text color, font and delta between tabs. Tab object. Brush for drawing the tab background. Text color. Font used to draw text. Delta between tabs. Disposes any temporary drawing object. Returns the image list that these tabs get images from. Indicates the visual style of the tabBar. Indicates the visual style of the tabBar. InternalTab draws tabs inside a in a . Renderer used to draw the tab. Initializes a new . Initializes a new . Gets or sets the visibility of the control. Initializes a new with a label. The label to display in the tab. Initializes a new with a cookie. The cookie associated with this tab. Initializes a new with a cookie and a label. The cookie associated with this tab. The owner of this tab. Recalculates the best size for the button and resizes it. Recalculates the best size for the button and resizes it. Graphics object. Font. Delta between tabs. Creates and initializes a bitmap for this tab. The size of the bitmap. Indicates the flat look status. The bitmap where the button is drawn into. When you drag a tab, this function is called to create the dragging button image. Gets or sets the visibility of the control. Gets / sets the label to display in the tab. Gets / sets the index of the image to display in this tab. Gets the region that contains the tab bounds. Gets the renderer that renders the tab. An interface for hosting objects. Indicates whether the specified tab is being dragged. The tab index. Current target. True if tab can be dropped; False otherwise. Indicates that a tab has been dragged. The tab index. Current target Indicates whether the scroll button has been pressed. Indicates which type of arrow button. The number of pixels to scroll. True if scrolled; False otherwise. Scrolling finished. Gets / sets the cursor to display. Provides data about a or events of a . Initializes a . The original tab index. The destination tab index. Gets / sets the original tab index. Gets / sets the destination tab index. Class to Draw the AddNewPage rectangle in TabBar Gets/Sets the Hover color for AddButton. Resets the PlusHoverColor ShouldSerialize the AddButtonHoverColor. To Draw Add symbol in TabBarPage. Draws the AddNewSymbol in VisualStyle based theme. Handles the or events of an Specifies scroll behavior for a tab bar. Scroll pixels. Scroll tabs. Helper class for . Manages items. Holds the MouseHover value To check whether the tab is double clicked. To draw the Plus symbol near the Tab Bounds To Get the bounds of the AddNewPage button. Initializes an and attaches it to a control. The parent control. Called from parent control to draw this bar. A Graphics object. The delta in pixels between tabs. Called when a button is clicked. The that was clicked. Called by OnMouseDownEvent. Checks if mouse is over a button and returns the zero-based button index or -1. X-coordinate of mouse pointer. Y-coordinate of mouse pointer. Zero-based button index; -1 if not over a button. Repaints only if marked dirty. Returns the index for the specified button. The button to search. Returns the index for a button with the specified cookie. The cookie to search for. Cancels current action. Scrolls a specified tab into view. Scrolls a specified tab into view. The tab that should be made visible. Scrolls a specified tab into view. The index of the tab that should be made visible. Scrolls the tabs in the specified direction. Scrolls the tabs in the specified direction. The direction to scroll. Overloaded. Scrolls the tabs in the specified direction with the specified number of pixels. The direction to scroll. The pixels to scroll. Scrolls the tabs in the specified direction with the number of pixels. The direction to scroll. The pixels to scroll. Indicates whether scrolling should abort when last button is visible and you scroll further. Initializes ToolTips boundaries. Reinitializes and hides ToolTips. Resets hovered state for all buttons. Resets pushed state for all buttons. Resets checked state for all buttons. Resets DragTarget state for all buttons. Refreshes the current tab and optionally scrolls it into view. True if current tab should be scrolled into view. Occurs when a tab has been moved. Occurs before a tab is moved. Indicates whether a button is currently pressed. Returns a value that indicates which buttons to show enabled. Other buttons are disabled. Gets / sets the button list. Gets / sets the boundaries of this bar. Indicates the flat look status for buttons. Indicates whether any button is dirty or sets all buttons dirty. Indicates whether any button is enabled or sets all buttons enabled / disabled. Indicates whether any button is in hovered state. Indicates whether any button is in pushed state. Indicates whether any button is in checked state. Indicates whether any button is in DragTarget state or sets DragTarget state for the specified index. Gets / sets the scroll behavior of this tab bar: pixel or tabs. Gets / sets the current tab. Gets / sets the total logical width of this button bar including all buttons. If the logical width is greater than the actual width, the tab bar lets the user scroll it. Gets / sets the current scroll position. Indicates whether the user is in the process of dragging a tab. A collection OF items. Initializes a and associates it with an owner. The owner. Adds an array of InternalTab into the list. An InternalTab array. Available to enable serialization using AddRange in designer. Adds an to the list. The to be added. The index of the added value. Inserts an at the specified index. The to be added. The index of the added value. Returns the index of the specific tab. The tab to search for. The index of the tab; -1 if not found. Indicates whether the specified object is a member of this collection. The object to search for. True if is a member; False otherwise. Removes an from the collection. The to be removed. Copies the collection objects to a one-dimensional instance beginning at the specified index. Copies the collection objects to a one-dimensional instance beginning at the specified index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the values copied from the collection. The index of the array at which to begin inserting. Copies the collection objects to a one-dimensional instance beginning at the specified index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the values copied from the collection. The index of the array at which to begin inserting. Gets / sets the at the specified index. Special graphics for text measuring. Default tab font. Indent from borders to the text. Gets tab preferred size. Returns the overlapped size of the tabs. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. See the documentation for the class and its Dispose member. Measures the text. The text to be measured. The font of the text. Size of the text. Draws the text. Draw text by native GDI API. Returns the parent. Bounds of the tab. Gets the region which contains tab bounds. Gets the tab. Text of the tab. Font of the active tab. Font of the active tab. Color used to draw the text of the tab. Get special measure graphics that allowing measuring without control creation. Gets metro highight color Gets metronormal color. Gets or sets metrohighlight color Gets or sets metro normal color. Office2016Colorful Renderer Holds the Visualstyle Constructor Gets highight color Gets normal color. Override Override Static method has VisualStyles Gets the correcsponding render for Office2016 themes. Gets or sets highlight color Gets or sets normal color. Gets the color of PushedTabBackColor Gets the color of NormalTabBackColor Gets the border color of PushedTab Gets the bottom line color of PushedTab Gets the border color of PushedTab Gets the SeparatorLine Color Gets the Background Color Gets the ThumbNormal Color Gets the ThumbHoverColor Gets the ThumbPushedColor Gets the ThumbNormal Border Color Gets the Scrollers Background Color Gets the Arrow Color Gets the NormalTabFore Color Gets the HoverTabFore Color Gets the PushedTabFore Color Gets the InternalArrow Color Gets the InternalArrow HoverColor Gets the InternalArrowHover BackColor Gets the AddTabButtonColor Gets the AddTabButtonHoverColor Gets the DottedIconColor Office2016WhiteTabsRenderer Constructor Gets normal color. Gets or sets normal color. Gets the color of PushedTabBackColor Gets the color of NormalTabBackColor Gets the border color of PushedTab Gets the bottom line color of PushedTab Gets the border color of PushedTab Gets the SeparatorLine Color Gets the Background Color Gets the ThumbNormal Color Gets the ThumbHoverColor Gets the ThumbPushedColor Gets the ThumbNormal Border Color Gets the Scrollers Background Color Gets the Arrow Color Gets the NormalTabFore Color Gets the HoverTabFore Color Gets the PushedTabFore Color Gets the InternalArrow Color Gets the InternalArrow HoverColor Gets the InternalArrowHover BackColor Gets the AddTabButtonColor Gets the AddTabButtonHoverColor Gets the DottedIconColor Office2016DarkGrayTabsRenderer Contructor Gets normal color. Gets or sets normal color. Gets the color of PushedTabBackColor Gets the color of NormalTabBackColor Gets the border color of PushedTab Gets the bottom line color of PushedTab Gets the border color of PushedTab Gets the SeparatorLine Color Gets the Background Color Gets the ThumbNormal Color Gets the ThumbHoverColor Gets the ThumbPushedColor Gets the ThumbNormal Border Color Gets the Scrollers Background Color Gets the Arrow Color Gets the NormalTabFore Color Gets the HoverTabFore Color Gets the PushedTabFore Color Gets the InternalArrow Color Gets the InternalArrow HoverColor Gets the InternalArrowHover BackColor Gets the AddTabButtonColor Gets the AddTabButtonHoverColor Gets the DottedIconColor Office2016DarkGrayTabsRenderer Constructor Gets normal color. Gets or sets normal color. Gets the color of PushedTabBackColor Gets the color of NormalTabBackColor Gets the border color of PushedTab Gets the bottom line color of PushedTab Gets the border color of PushedTab Gets the SeparatorLine Color Gets the Background Color Gets the ThumbNormal Color Gets the ThumbHoverColor Gets the ThumbPushedColor Gets the ThumbNormal Border Color Gets the Scrollers Background Color Gets the Arrow Color Gets the NormalTabFore Color Gets the HoverTabFore Color Gets the PushedTabFore Color Gets the InternalArrow Color Gets the InternalArrow HoverColor Gets the InternalArrowHover BackColor Gets the AddTabButtonColor Gets the AddTabButtonHoverColor Gets the DottedIconColor Blend used to draw the tab. Blend used to draw the tab. Blend used to draw the tab. A control for creating Tabbed Dialogs or Excel workbook type windows. This control provides a row of tabs that the user can select from one at a time. After each selection, a notification is provided that allows for changing of UI. The tab bar can share the row with an associated scrollbar. The user can adjust the width of the tab bar and increase the scrollbar's size by dragging a splitter found in the middle of the row. Default size of the control Indicates whether TabBar is mouse pointed or not Specifies AddNewPageButton Image rendering bound Holds the TabBarSplitter Visualastyle Creates the ToolTip. Creates the text box during edit Specifies office 2007 color scheme. Style of the control. Color table for Office2007 visual style. To get the Bounds of the AddNewButton. Initializes a new . Initializes a new . Initializes a new with a scrollbar. The scrollbar to be displayed to the right of the tab bar. Indicates whether edit custom control lost its focus. Scale the control based on the scale factor passed in the argument. value to scale the factor based upon. Assign the text to the TabBar To Specify EditOnTabPage to be serialized or not Occurs when the user clicks on a tab. The tab that was clicked. Sets the . Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Occurs when the users drags the splitbar. The source of the event. The current horizontal position in pixels. The current vertical position in pixels. Occurs after the user moved the splitter bar. The source of the event. Raises the event. Event data. Repaints the splitter bar. The source of the event. Handles the WM_SETCURSOR message. Resets the AddButtonHoverColor ShouldSerialize the AddButtonHoverColor. Calculates the boundaries of the tab bar (both tabs and arrows) within the current control. The boundaries of the tab bar. Will return unless overriden in derived class. Calculates the boundaries of the tab bar child (without arrow bar) within the current control. The size of the tab bar. The boundaries of the inner tab bar. Calculates the boundaries of the arrow bar within the current control. The boundaries of the arrow bar. Creates the inner tab bar that displays the tabs. The for the inner tabs. Creates an instance of the and initializes it with the layout information. The initialized . Finds and returns the tab that holds the specified item as cookie. Removes the tab that holds the specified item as cookie. Removes all tabs. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. The new tab index. The object for the tab. False if cancelled; True if successful. Raises the event. The new tab index. The object for the tab. Occurs after the selected tab index has changed. Occurs before the selected tab index is changing. Gets or sets value to enable or disable the Touchmode to the controls. Scale factor will be updated automatically if scalefactor is equal to 1 Enable the edit mode in TabBarPage Occurs when a tab is dragged by the user. You can set e.Cancel = True to prevent dragging a tab. public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); this.tabControl1.Bar.DraggingTab += new TabMovedEventHandler(Bar_DraggingTab); } private void Bar_DraggingTab(object sender, TabMovedEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Bar_DraggingTab {0}, {1}", e.Tab, e.DestTab); e.Cancel = true; // Do not allow dragging the tab } Occurs when the property has changed. Gets/Sets whether to show/hide AddNewButton Image Gets/Sets the Hover color for AddButton. Gets/Sets AddNewTabBarOption Image in TabBarSplitterControl Gets/Sets TabBarPage which is being mouse pointed Gets / sets the delta used for drawing the tabs. Gets / sets the scroll behavior of this tab bar: pixel or tabs. Gets / sets the inner tab bar that displays the tabs. Gets or sets a that holds an array of buttons. Gets or sets a that holds an array of buttons. Gets / sets the width of the tab bar relative to the width of the client bounds. Gets / sets the index of the currently selected tab in the strip, if there is one. If the value is -1, there is currently no selection. If the value is 0 or greater, then the value is the index of the currently selected tab. Enables / disables the resizing of tab bar. Returns the list of tabs displayed in the tab bar. Gets or sets the visual style of the tabBar. Gets or sets the visual style of the tabBar. Gets or sets office 2007 color scheme. Gets color table for Office2007 visual style. Returns the imageList the control points at. This is where tabs that have imageIndex set will get their images from. An image list control. Occurs when the has changed. Gets / sets the cookie of the current selected tab or sets the tab with the specified cookie. Indicates whether ToolTips are being shown for tabs that have ToolTips set on them. Returns the number of tabs in the strip. Class to derive the TextBox to Edit Provides design-time functionality for the . provides a way to add and remove tabs at design-time, as well as tab hit testing logic at design-time. Called when the current selection changes. Here we check to see if the newly selected component is one of our tabs. If it is, we make sure that the tab is the currently visible tab. Called when the tab property changes. We just set a flag here to indicate to the later index changed event that the change was the result of a property change, so there is no need to update the selection. Called when the selected tab changes. This accesses the design time selection service to surface the new tab as the current selection. Accessor method for the property on . The selected index. This property is shadowed at design-time. TabPage implements a single page of a tab bar control. It is essentially a panel that can host other child controls. The TabBarSplitterControl will display the text property of this control as a label in the associated tab. The size of the GESTURECONFIG. The size of the GESTUREINFO. The starting Gesture points The ending gesture point. Initialize the last vertical scroll value. Initialize the last horizontal scroll value. Handles the gesture information. The Messagge Back color for TabBarPage Tab. Holds TabBar back color To Reset TabBarColor Indicate whether to serialize TabBarColor Indicates whether we can split the rows at the given y coordinate. The vertical position in percentages of the splitter control's height. True if rows were split successfully; False if they were already split or the operation aborted. Indicates whether we can split the columns horizontally at the specified x coordinate. The horizontal position in percentages of the splitter control's width. True if columns were split successfully; False if they were already split or the operation aborted. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Closes the specified pane. The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. Closes the splitter panes at the specified row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. Closes the splitter panes at the specified column. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. Indicates whether the scrollbar belongs to the active pane. The control associated with the scrollbar. Specifies the vertical or horizontal scrollbar. True if active; False otherwise. ScrollControl checks IsActive to find out if it is target of a HScroll event protected virtual void OnHScroll(object sender, ScrollEventArgs se) { try { IScrollBarFrame sbf = GetScrollBarFrameOfComponent(this); if (sbf != null && !sbf.IsActive(this, ScrollBars.Horizontal)) return; }} Returns the splitter pane at the specified row and column. If there is no pane found at the specified row and column a pane will be created on demand with a call to . The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. The control at the pane. Returns the splitter pane at the specified row and column. If there is no pane found at the specified row and column a null reference will be returned. The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. The control at the pane. Returns the row and column index for a child pane. The control to search for. A placeholder where the row is returned. A placeholder where the column is returned. True if the control is a pane; False if the control was not a child pane. Sets the active pane in the splitter control specified by the row and column indices. The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. Indicates whether there is a next or previous pane that can be activated. True if previous pane should be activated; False if next pane should be activated. True if activating next or previous pane is good; False if already at last or first pane. Activates the next or previous pane. True if previous pane should be activated; False if next pane should be activated. Occurs when the user drags the splitterbar. The source of the event. The current horizontal position in pixels. The current vertical position in pixels. Occurs after the user has moved the splitter bar. The source of the event. Repaints the splitter bar. The source of the event. Handles the WM_SETCURSOR message. Initializes a new TabBarPage. Constructs a TabBarPage with text for the tab. The text for this tab. Initializes a new TabBarPage. Given a component, this retrieves the tab page that it is parented to or NULL if it is not parented to any tab page. The component to check. A TabBarPage that the component is parented to or NULL if no such page exists. This will return the component if it is an instance of TabBarPage. Raises the event. Event data. Gets or sets the visibility of the control. Raises the event. Event data. Raises the event. Event data. Raises the event. Raises the event. Event data. Raises the ThemeChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. The OnThemeChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnThemeChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnThemeChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Activates a specified control. The being activated. True if the control is successfully activated; False otherwise. The control must be a child of the container control. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Indicates whether this control contains focus. If implements , the method is called on the . True if the control or any child control has focus; False otherwise. Raises the event. This method is called when the control or any child control gets focus and this control did not have focus before. Inheriting classes should override this method instead of overriding because is also called when child controls get focus and it is not called when focus is moved within child controls of this control. Raises the event. This method is called when the control or any child control loses focus and the newly focused control is not a child of this control. Inheriting classed should override this method instead of overriding because is also called when child controls lose focus and it is not called when focus is moved within child controls of this control. This method is called if the control's notification occurs while handling a event. This typically occurs if a message box is displayed from a event handler. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the vertical splitter position has changed. Occurs when the horizontal splitter position has changed. Occurs when the splitter layout has changed. Returns the parent splitter frame. Returns the number of visible row panes. Returns the number of visible column panes. Occurs after the control to be displayed in a new pane has been created. Use this event to implement additional initialization for the new control. PaneCreated is an ideal hook to add handler for events in the new control. Occurs after a row or column is hidden and before the control that is displayed in the pane is disposed. Use this event to implement additional clean up for the control before is called. PaneClosing is an ideal hook to unwire event handlers from the control. Gets / sets the active pane in the splitter control. Enables / disables this page in a . Gets or set the value indicating whether the TabBarPage is enabled or not Gets / sets the ToolTip text for the tab that will appear when the mouse hovers over the tab and the TabBarSplitterControl's showToolTips property is True. Sets the Maximum width for the TabBarPage Gets or sets the visibility of the control. Gets / sets a value indicating what split behavior is supported. Rows, columns or both. Gets / sets the horizontal splitter position in percentages of the splitter control's width. Gets / sets the vertical splitter position in percentages of the splitter control's height. Gets / sets the that holds information about current vertical and horizontal split positions. Indicates whether themes are enabled for this control. Fired when the ThemesEnabled property changes. Indicates whether the method has been called. and resets this flag. Indicates whether the method has been called. and resets this flag. Indicates whether the has been called. resets this flag. Indicates whether both has been called. resets this flag. Indicates whether both has been called. resets this flag. Occurs when both and occurs. Gets / sets the icon displayed on the tab. An Icon value. Gets or sets back color for TabBarPage Tab. Creates a new TabBarPageControlCollection. The owner of this collection. This is the control whose child controls we are to represent. Adds a child control to this control. The control becomes the last control in the child control list. If the control is already a child of another control, it is first removed from that control. The tab page overrides this method to ensure that child tab pages are not added to it, as these are illegal. The child control to be added. If the specified control is a toplevel control or if a circular control reference would result. Provides design-time functionality for controls. TabBarPageAdding Event DelegateHandler TabBarPageAdding event arguement class TabBarPageAdding event arguement class initializer LabelEditing Event DelegateHandler LabelEditing event arguement class LabelEdit ends event arguement class initializer Cancel args Gets the TabBarText Cancel the selection LabelEditing Event DelegateHandler LabelEditing event arguement class LabelEdit ends event arguement class initializer Gets the TabBarText TabBarMouseEventArgs event delegate handler TabBarMouseEventArgs class Holds button instances. Holds TabBarPage which is selected. Holds bar location. TabBarSelectionArgs class initializer Gets the Mouse Button Gets the selected TabBarPage. Gets the TabBounds bounds. Gets Mouse Pointer Location Provides functionality for displaying several controls in an Excel-like workbook control. Each might optionally support splitting its view with a dynamic splitter frame. Variable for TabBar page is in EditMode Reset the Office2013Style on StyleChange Lock Window On style Change Default size of the control Specifies office 2007 color scheme. Style of the control. Color table for Office2007 visual style. Used to move the TabBarPage in TabBarSplitterControl Initializes a new . Scale the control based on the scale factor passed in the argument. value to scale the factor based upon. Overridden method of refresh. Overridden method of Tostring() Called when the user is dragging a tab. The source of the event. Event data. Called when the user finishes dragging a tab. The source of the event. Event data. Get or Set of Skin Manager Interface To raise TabBarPageAdding Event To raise LabelEditEnds Event Cancels the editable state of the Tabpage. To raise LabelEditBegin Event To raise TabBarMouseDown Event Indicates whether to Serialize ActivePageBorderColor API Resets the ActivePageBorderColor. Indicates whether to Serialize ShowMetroSeperator Resets the ShowMetroSeperator. Indicates whether to Serialize EnableOffice2013Style API Resets the EnableOffice2013Style. Raises the event. Event data. Raises the event. Event data. Resets to default. Resets to default. Creates the . The new . Move the Tabbarpage with respect to given pages. Move Tabbarpage with respect to given index. Hides the . Activates the next or previous page. True if previous pane should be activated; False if next pane should be activated. To reset LabelEdit To Specify LabelEdit to be serialized or not To reset EditOnTab To Specify EditOnTab to be serialized or not Resets the AddButtonHoverColor ShouldSerialize the AddButtonHoverColor. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Provides the control name. Apply the theme settings. Current theme name Occurs after the active page has changed. Occurs before the active page is changed. Occurs when the TabBarPage is show or Hide or Add or Remove. Occurs when Mouse pointer rest on TabBarPage bounds Occurs when Mouse pointer leave TabBarPage bounds Occurs when Mouse pointer leave TabBarPage bounds Occurs after edting the TabBarPage. Occurs before edting the TabBarPage. Triggers mouse down occurs on TabBar Gets or sets value to enable or disable the Touchmode to the controls. Scale factor will be updated automatically if scalefactor is equal to 1 Returns the tab bar. Indicates whether Icons should be displayed in the tabs. Gets the Office16themes Colors Gets or sets the visual style of the tabBarSplitterControl. Gets or sets office 2007 color scheme. Gets color table for Office2007 visual style. Gets or sets office 2007 style scroll bars. (overridden property) Gets or sets office 2007 scroll bars colorScheme. (overridden property) Gets or sets the index of the active page. Specifies the color with which the ActivePageBorder bottom border should be drawn. Gets or sets whether to show/hide the Seperator in MetroStyle Gets or sets value to enable or disable the EnableOffice2013Style in MetroStyle Gets or sets the currently visible TabBarPage. Gets or sets the number of milliseconds to wait before repeatedly firing scroll event. Gets or sets the color of the arrows in the enabled buttons. Gets or sets the color of the arrows in the disabled buttons. Returns the list of TabBarPages displayed in the TabBar. Each TabBarPage will have a tab associated with it. Gets or sets the delta used for drawing the tabs. Gets or sets the scroll behavior of this tab bar: pixel or tabs. Gets or sets the size factor with that TabBar size to be increased Gets/Sets whether to display AddNewPageTabBarPage Option or not Enable the edit mode when Double Click on TabBarPage Enable the edit mode in Selected TabBar Gets/Sets background image for AddNewTabBarPageButton Gets/Sets the Hover color for AddButton. Gets or sets the width of the tab bar relative to the width of the client bounds. Enables or disables the resizing of tab bar. Gets or sets the arrow buttons to be shown in an arrow bar. Gets or sets the theme name of the control. The default value is null. This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Gets a value indicating whether the visual style based theme is applied to the control and also indicates whether the theme files are referred from external assemblies or not. Return true, if the visual style based theme is applied to the control. Otherwise returns false. Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. A collection of objects. You can access this collection with the of a . Initializes a new and associates it with a . The that manages this collection. Returns an enumerator that lets you enumerate through the list of items. An enumerator. Removes an item at the specified index. The item index. Clears all entries from the list. Inserts a at the specified index. The index where the page should be inserted. The page to be inserted. Adds a to the collection. The page to be added. Adds an array of to this collection. The pages to be added. Indicates whether the specified belongs to this collection. The page to be tested. True if page belongs to collection; False otherwise. Returns the index of the specified page to be queried. The page to look up. The zero-based index of the page; -1 if not found. Removes a page from the collection. The page to remove. Copies the collection objects to a one-dimensional instance beginning at the specified index. Copies the collection objects to a one-dimensional instance beginning at the specified index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the values copied from the collection. The index of the array at which to begin inserting. Returns the number of pages. Returns False. Gets / sets the at the specified index. Specifies the style with which tabBarSplitterControl will appear. Default appearance. Office 2007-like appearance. Metro like appearance. Office2016Colorful like appearance. Office2016White like appearance. Office2016DarkGray like appearance. Provides design-time functionality for the . provides a way to add and remove tabs at design-time, as well as tab hit testing logic at design-time. Initializes a new TabBarSplitterControlDesigner. Indicates whether the specified point was within the bounds of the component. Given a component, this retrieves the tab page that it is parented to or NULL if it is not parented to any tab page. The component to check. A TabPage that the component is parented to or NULL if no such page exists. This will return the component if it is an instance of TabPage. Initializes the designer using the specified component. The component to associate this designer with. This must always be an instance of the control. Called in response to a verb to add a tab. This adds a new tab with a default name. This is called in response to a verb to remove a tab. It removes the current tab. Called when the current selection changes. Here we check to see if the newly selected component is one of our tabs. If it is, we make sure that the tab is the currently visible tab. Called when the tab property changes. We just set a flag here to indicate to the later index changed event that the change was the result of a property change, so there is no need to update the selection. Called when the selected tab changes. This accesses the design time selection service to surface the new tab as the current selection. Gets / sets the persisted active page index. Indicates whether to draw a grid for the control. if a grid should be drawn; otherwise. Gets / sets the design-time verbs supported by the component associated with the designer. An array of objects. The verbs returned by this method are typically displayed in a right-click menu by the design-time environment. The return value may be NULL if the component has no design-time verbs. When a user selects one of the verbs, the performVerb() method is invoked with the the corresponding DesignerVerb object. NOTE: A design-time environment will typically provide a "Properties..." entry on a component's right-click menu. The getVerbs() method should therefore not include such an entry in the returned list of verbs. This class fully encapsulates the painting logic for a tab in a TabBarSplitterControl. Draws text by native GDI API. Graphics object which ised for drawing. Font of the text. Color of the text. Bounds of tge text. Text which has to be drawn. Implements the methods to draw the navigate buttons in RecordNavigationControl. Initializes the instance for class. ThemeStyle Represents the class to define the style for arrow buttons in . Represents the class to define the style for navigate buttons. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default values of instance. Gets or sets the fore color of the arrow in normal state. Gets or sets the fore color of the arrow in hover state. Gets or sets the fore color of the arrow in pushed state. Gets or sets the fore color of the arrow in disabled state. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default values of instance. Gets or sets the background color of the arrow in normal state. Gets or sets the background color of the arrow in hover state. Gets or sets the background color of the arrow in pushed state. Represents the class to define the style for . Represents the class to define the style for . It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines whether HorizontalScrollBar has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether VerticalScrollBar has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the for the horizontal scrollbar of the scroll control. Gets or sets the for the vertical scrollbar of the scroll control. Gets or sets the value for styles. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the for tabs. Gets or sets the font style of RecordNavigationBar. Gets or sets the back color of RecordNavigationBar. Gets or sets the fore color of RecordNavigationBar. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Represents a class that provides style identity information for nested objects of the class. Maintains the GridControl for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. instance to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Maintains the GridControl for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. instance to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents a class that provides style identity information for nested objects of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Represents the class to define the style for control. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default values of instance. Gets or sets the cell background color. Gets or sets the splitter forecolor. Provides information about the property. Provide the information about the spitter forecolor property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents the class to define the style for . It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default style value for the control. Gets or sets the for tabs. Gets or sets the for tabs. Gets or sets the back color of the tab bar. Provides information about the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Maintains the GridControl for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. instance to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Represents the class to define the style for control. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . The store. Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Overridden to create a product-specific identity object for the sub object. StyleInfoProperty descriptor for this sub object. Identity for the sub object. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. True if the property was modified; Otherwise False. Gets the default values of instance. Gets or sets the font style of the active tab. Gets or sets the font style of the active tab. Gets or sets the fore color of the DottedIcon. Gets or sets the back color of the tab in normal state. Gets or sets the back color of the tab in pushed state. Gets or sets the border color of the tab. Gets or sets the bottom line color of the active tab. Gets or sets the seperator line color of the tabs. Gets or sets the fore color of the tab in normal state. Gets or sets the fore color of the tab in hover state. Gets or sets the fore color of the tab in pushed state. Gets or sets the back color of the AddTab button. Gets or sets the back color of the tab in normal state. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Constructor Override method to draw the TabPage border. The Graphics object. Override Gets the color of PushedTabBackColor Gets the border color of PushedTab Gets the HoverTabFore Color Gets the PushedTabFore Color Gets the AddTabButtonHoverColor Gets the DottedIconColor A form that hosts a . The fills the whole form. public class NewWorkbookFile : BasicAction { int windowCount = 0; WorkbookModel workbook; public override void InvokeAction(object sender, EventArgs e) { windowCount++; workbook = new WorkbookModel("Workbook"); GridModel sheet1 = new GridModel(); SampleGrid.SetupGridModel(sheet1); GridModel sheet2 = new GridModel(); SampleGrid.SetupGridModel(sheet2); workbook.Worksheets.Add(new WorksheetModel(workbook, "Sheet 1", sheet1)); workbook.Worksheets.Add(new WorksheetModel(workbook, "Sheet 2", sheet2)); WorkbookForm doc = new WorkbookForm(workbook); doc.Text = workbook.Name + windowCount; doc.MdiParent = MainWindow; doc.Show(); } } Overloaded. Initializes a new and associates it with a . The view to be displayed in the form. Initializes a new and associates it with a new default that is created for the specified . The model for the workbook view to be displayed in the form. Initializes a new . Cleans up any resources being used. Raises the ThemeChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. The OnThemeChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnThemeChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnThemeChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Gets / sets the view that is displayed in the form. Indicates whether themes are enabled for this control. Fired when the ThemesEnabled property changes. Provides the data / model part for an Excel-like Workbook display. A has a with multiple s to display in the workbook. This class can be serialized into a serialization stream. Multiple controls can share the same . Each that is displayed in a is associated with a from the collection in this object. Initializes a new . Initializes a new and sets a name for the workbook. The name of this workbook. Initializes a new from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Raises the event. Event data. Raises the event. Event data. Occurs when the has changed. Occurs when the has changed. Returns the collection with items. Gets / sets the active for this model. Gets / sets the name for this workbook. Provides functionality for displaying several controls in an Excel-like workbook. A is associated with a . The has a collection. For each of the objects in the collection of the , a is created and displayed in this . public class NewWorkbookFile : BasicAction { int windowCount = 0; WorkbookModel workbook; public override void InvokeAction(object sender, EventArgs e) { windowCount++; workbook = new WorkbookModel("Workbook"); GridModel sheet1 = new GridModel(); SampleGrid.SetupGridModel(sheet1); GridModel sheet2 = new GridModel(); SampleGrid.SetupGridModel(sheet2); workbook.Worksheets.Add(new WorksheetModel(workbook, "Sheet 1", sheet1)); workbook.Worksheets.Add(new WorksheetModel(workbook, "Sheet 2", sheet2)); WorkbookForm doc = new WorkbookForm(workbook); doc.Text = workbook.Name + windowCount; doc.MdiParent = MainWindow; doc.Show(); } } Initializes a new for the specified . The which holds data to be displayed in this view. Creates the . The new . Occurs when the view is activated. Returns the which holds data to be displayed in this view. A collection of items. You access this collection with the property of a . Initializes a new and associates it with a . The that manages this collection. Provides the data / model part for a worksheet in an Excel-like Workbook display. A is a member of the collection of a . This class can be serialized into a serialization stream. Multiple controls can share the same . Each that is displayed in a is associated with a from the collection in a . Initializes a new . Initializes a new and associates it with a . The this sheet belongs to. The name of this sheet. Initializes a new and associates it with a . The this sheet belongs to. The name of this sheet. The object with data to be displayed in this control, e.g. a Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridModel with grid data. The object should implement the interface and be able to create a object to be displayed as pane in a . will create a for example. Initializes a new from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Creates the that knows how to display the in a form. The to be displayed in the The object should implement interface and be able to create a object to be displayed as pane in a . will create a for example. Raises the event. EventArgs.Empty. Occurs when the property is changed. EventArgs.Empty. Raises the event. Raises the event. EventArgs.Empty. Occurs when the is changed. Occurs when the is changed. Occurs when the property is changed. Occurs when the property is changed. Gets / sets the name of this worksheet. Gets / sets the object with data to be displayed in this control, e.g. a Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridModel with grid data. The object should implement interface and be able to create a object to be displayed as pane in a . will create a for example. Gets / sets the ToolTip text for the tab that will appear when the mouse hovers over the tab and the TabBarSplitterControl's showToolTips property is True. Indicates whether this worksheet is visible in the parent workbook. Returns the this sheet is associated with. Represents a collection of objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Releases any resources used. Initializes a new instance of the class containing the elements of the specified source collection. A with which to initialize the collection. Initializes a new instance of the class containing the specified array of objects. An array of objects with which to initialize the collection. Returns the index of a sheet with the specified name. The name of the sheet to find. The index of the sheet with the specified name; -1 if not found. Adds the specified to the collection. The to add. The index at which the new element was inserted. Overloaded. Copies the elements of the specified array to the end of the collection. An array of type containing the objects to add to the collection. Adds the contents of another to the end of the collection. A containing the objects to add to the collection. Indicates whether the collection contains the specified . The to search for in the collection. if the collection contains the specified object; otherwise. Copies the collection objects to a one-dimensional instance beginning at the specified index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the values copied from the collection. The index of the array at which to begin inserting. Returns the index in the collection of the specified , if it exists in the collection. The to locate in the collection. The index in the collection of the specified object, if found; -1 otherwise. Inserts the specified into the collection at the specified index. The zero-based index where the specified object should be inserted. The to insert. Removes the specified from the collection. The to remove from the collection. Moves a worksheet from one position to another. The original index of the worksheet. The new index of the worksheet. Called when the order of the worksheet has changed. The original index of an affected worksheet. The new index of an affected worksheet The reason for the change. Suspend updating the display. Resumes updating the display. Creates a new empty and names it "Sheet #". The this new sheet is added to. The new . Occurs when the order of sheets has been changed. Gets / sets the at the specified index. Indicates whether was called. WorksheetView implements a single page in a . It is essentially a panel that hosts a child control that is created from the of a . Multiple controls can share the same . Each that is displayed in a is associated with a from the collection in a object. Initializes a new for an existing and a that displays this sheet. The that manages the data for this view. The that displays this sheet as a page. Returns the that displays this sheet as a page. Returns the that manages the data for this view. Interface for XmlSerializationReader children. Returns deserialized object. Deserialized object. Interface for XmlSerializationWriter children. Serializes given object. Inherits XmlSerializer and uses manual Xml reader and writer. Serialization reader. Used in overriden CreateReader() method. Serialization writer. Used in overriden CreateWriter() method. Creates new instance of SerialiserWrapper. Serialization reader. Serialization writer. Forces using of manual reader. Xml serialization reader to use. Forces using of manual writer. Xml serialization writer to use. Serialization. Deserialization. Class for managing custom Xml serializers. Gets serializer for given type. Type to get serializer for. Custom serializer instance or standard XmlSerializer instance if it canot be found. Creates files with code of XmlSerializationReader and XmlSerializationWriter derived classes for manual serialization of sepcified types. Temporary subdirectory for storing temporary files. Mask for searching .cs files. String that should be removed from created code. Initial namespace. Place in code where writer base type is defined. Place in code where reader base type is defined. Expression for implementing IXmlSerializationWriter. Expression for implementing IXmlSerializationReader. Name of Xml reading method in reader class. Name of Xml writing method in reader class. Initial name of reader class. Initial name of writer class. Ouput path to store .cs files. Namespace of output classes. List of names of types to create serializer classes for. XmlSerializer.tempAssembly field info. XmlSerializer.methodIndex field info. TempAssembly.methods field info. TempAssembly.TempMethod.readMethod field info. TempAssembly.TempMethod.writeMethod field info. Creates new instance of XmlSerializersCreator. Ouput path to store .cs files. Namespace of output classes. List of names of types to create serializer classes for. Static constructor. Initializes data for reflexion. API function for setting value to environment variable. Name of variable. New value. True if succeeded, otherwise false. Creates needed files with required classes. Gets names of Xml reading and writing methods from given Xml serializer. Xml serializer instance to extract data from. Array of two strings with required names. Changes classes names and saves code to files. Generated text with code. Name of type to create serializers for. Path to the directory where result files should be stored. Adds interfaces implementation to code. String with code to modifie. String with corrected code. Start gradient color. End gradient color. Gradient style. Draw control background. Graphics for paint. Rectangle it sketch. Draw control background. Graphics for paint. Rectangle it sketch. Create gradient brush. Rectangle it sketch. Gradient brush. Occurs when start color changed. Occurs when end color changed. Occurs when gradient mode changed. Get or set start gradient color. Get or set end gradient color. Get or set gradient style. Occurs when this class changed. Occurs when start color changed. Occurs when end color changed. Occurs when gradient mode changed. String format outputing text. This component style. Skip all evants if QuietMode runing. User icon size thumbnail. User icon as default mode. User icon as select mode. Order of the drawing button. User name. User help. Active mode as mouse overhead component. Select mode as user password enter. GraphicsPath for rectangle in user icon. GraphicsPath for rectangle in user TextBox. Images List. image can be choosed from this list and be displayed as menu item icon. Image index from image list. Image index from image list. Regions user icon. Neeeded recalculate layout graphics element. Regions for user name. Regions for user help. Collection of Buttons Button to enter password. TextBox for password enter. TextBox layout. Icon button password enter. Text Rendering Hint. Auto hide text box as control lost focus. Auto reset password as text box show. Constructor this component. Begin initialize. Begin initialize. Occurs when quiet mode changed. Occurs when thumbnail size changed. Occurs when default icon changed. Occurs when select icon changed. Occurs when user name changed. Occurs when help string changed. Occurs when image list changed. Occurs when default image index changed. Occurs when password box changed. Occurs when button enter icon changed. Occurs when user enter password. Occurs when component style changed. Occurs when text rendering hint changed. Occurs when text box create. Occurs when text box initialize. Text box constructor. Occurs when auto hide text box changed. Occurs when auto reset password changed. Draw rounded rectangle. X - coordinate of rectangle. Y - coordinate of rectangle. Width rectangle. Heigth rectangle. Radius evening-out. GraphicsPath rounded rectangle. Calculate layout graphics element. Calculate user name layout. Calculate user help layout. Calculate text box layout. Calculate buttons layout. Draw icon shadow. Graphics for paint. Retrieves object at the specified screen coordinates. The horizontal screen coordinate. The vertical screen coordinate. Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. Retrieves object at the specified screen coordinates. Screen coordinate Retrieves object at the specified screen coordinates. Mirror RectangleF for RigthToLeft representation. RectangleF as mirror. Mirror Region for RigthToLeft representation. Region as mirror. Mirror GraphicsPath for RigthToLeft representation. GraphicsPath as mirror. Mirror all graphics element for RigthToLeft representation. Get or set component style. Get or set user icon size. Get or set image list user icons. Get or set user icon index from image list. Get or set user icon index from image list. Get or set default user icon. Get or set select user icon. Get or set user icon as select mode. Get or set user name. Get or set user help. True - do not raise any events, otherwise False. Get active mode as mouse overhead component. Get select mode. Get password box. Get or set Text Rendering Hint. Get or set auto hide text box as control lost focus. Get or set auto reset password as text box show. Collection of buttons. Occurs when quiet mode changed. Occurs when thumbnail size changed. Occurs when default icon changed. Occurs when select icon changed. Occurs when user name changed. Occurs when help string changed. Occurs when image list changed. Occurs when default image index changed. Occurs when password box changed. Occurs when button enter icon changed. Occurs when when user enter password. Occurs when text rendering hint changed. Occurs when auto hide text box changed. Occurs when auto reset password changed. Get user icon for drawing this time. Button name. Backgroundcolor color of the highlighted button. Backgroundcolor color of the pressed button. Represent bounds of the button. Transparent color of the button's image. Index of the button. Shows type of the button. Indicate whether the button is enabled. Default value is true. Indicate whether the button is Visible. Default value is true. Name of the button. Represent button's image. Default value is null. Indicate button's state. Draws grayed image. Gets or set button bounds. Gets or sets transparent image color. Gets or sets index of the button. Gets or sets type of the button. Gets or sets if button is enabled. Gets or sets if button is Visible. Gets or sets button's name. Gets or sets image of the button. Gets or sets button' state. Class component style. Skip events for quiet mode. User name text font for active mode. User name text color for default mode. User name text color for active mode. User name text font for default mode. Background gradient style. Gradient style rectangle in user icon for default mode. Gradient style rectangle in user icon for active mode. User name text font for active mode. User help text font for default mode. User name text color for active mode. User name text color for default mode. Radius rounded rectangle in icon. Radius rounded icons. Draw shadow rectangle in icon. Shadow size at pixel. Constructor this class. Draw image rounded rectangle. Graphics for paint. GraphicsPath rounded rectangle. Active mode. Draw control background. Graphics for paint. Rectangle it sketch. Occurs when quiet mode changed. Occurs when active font changed. Occurs when RectColorDefault �hanged. Occurs when RectColorActive �hanged. Occurs when user name color default changed. Occurs when user name color active changed. Occurs when font changed. Occurs when background start color changed. Occurs when background end color changed. Occurs when background gradient changed. Occurs when active user help font changed. Occurs when default user help font changed. Occurs when user help color active changed. Occurs when user help color default changed. Occurs when RectRadius changed. Occurs when icon radius changed. Occurs when draw shadow changed. Occurs when shadow size changed Occurs when StyleGradientObject changed. Get or set user name text font for default mode. Get or set user name text font for active mode. Get or set help name text color for active mode. Get or set help name text color for default mode. Get or set background gradient style. Get or set gradient style rectangle in user icon for default mode. Get or set gradient style rectangle in user icon for active mode. User name text font for default mode. Get or set User name text font for active mode. Get or set user name text color for active mode. Get or set user name text color for default mode. Get or set radius rounded rectangle in icon. Get or set radius rounded icons. Get or set draw shadow rectangle in icon. Get or set shadow size at pixel. True - do not raise any events, otherwise False. Occurs when quiet mode changed. Occurs when StyleGradientObject changed. Occurs when active font changed. Occurs when RectColorDefault �hanged. Occurs when RectColorActive �hanged. Occurs when user name color default changed. Occurs when user name color active changed. Occurs when font changed. Occurs when background start color changed. Occurs when background end color changed. Occurs when background gradient changed. Occurs when active user help font changed. Occurs when default user help font changed. Occurs when user help color active changed. Occurs when user help color default changed. Occurs when RectRadius changed. Occurs when icon radius changed. Occurs when draw shadow changed. Occurs when shadow size changed