Syncfusion.SfInput.WinForms Container for SfCalendar Control Gets the control. Initializes a new instance of the class Control. Releases all resources used by the control component. Dispose the resources used by control component. Paint event Event arguments Gets or sets the container of SfCalendar control, used for adding padding from CalendarContainer is a class that contains the grid portion of to view the Dates Holds maximum number of weeks Holds the number of rows in Year, Century and Decade view Holds the number of columns in Year, Century and Decade view Stores the gesture starting point Stores the gesture ending point Holds the highlighted cell information Holds the initial date information in Touch Gesture information Holds the Touch GestureInfo Gets or sets the control. Holds the Month information for Year view Holds the Year information for Year view Holds the Decade information for Year view Holds the cell string Format Holds whether the MinDate and MaxDate Cell is reached Holds the selected Cell Bounds Gets the gesture configuration size. Gets the gesture info size. Gets or sets the cell renderer. Holds the Calendar Popup window information Holds the Active Date in Touch gesture actions Holds last Active year information Holds last Active decade information Holds the vertical start position in Touch action Indicates whether Down Touch action is performed Gets or sets the value indicating whether the Cell Bounds for Month, Year, Decade and Century views Indicates whether mouse hover is handled in special date cell Holds the previous date information Holds the ToolTipInfo for cell Holds the ToolTipItem for ToolTipInfo of cell Indicates whether mouse/touch down or not. Indicates whether the triggered event is mouse or touch. Holds the selection start date for mouse/touch selection Holds the multiple dates selection range for mouse/touch selection Initializes a new instance of the class. Control. Round up the value to the nearest 10. Value to be rounded off. The above nearest value of 10. Round up the value to the nearest 10. Value to be rounded off. The above nearest value of 100. Round up the value to the multiple of 10. Value to be rounded off. The below nearest value of 10. Round up the value to the multiple of 10. Value to be rounded off. The below nearest value of 100. Rearrange the order of days with respect to first day of week The days names in the week The abbreviated day names in the week. First day of the week To return abbreviated collection of dayNames collection. The day names in the reordered format Helps to draw image Cell text Calendar Cell Cell text Helps to draw HorizontalSplitter horizontal SplitterColor Calendar Cell Encapsulates a GDI+ drawing surface. This class cannot be inherited. Helps to draw Cell BackColor back color of the Cell Calendar Cell Encapsulates a GDI+ drawing surface. This class cannot be inherited. Gets the week of the year for the given dateTime. DateTime value. The week of the given dateTime. Helps to reset the String Format Helps to perform the multiple dates selection using mouse/touch drag Calendar Cell Helps to Draw Dates in month view Encapsulates a GDI+ drawing surface. This class cannot be inherited. Helps to Draw Dates in month view for Touch Mode CalendarGrid Bounds Encapsulates a GDI+ drawing surface. This class cannot be inherited. Helps to Draw Year view Encapsulates a GDI+ drawing surface. This class cannot be inherited. Helps to Draw Year view CalendarGrid Bounds Encapsulates a GDI+ drawing surface. This class cannot be inherited. Helps to draw Decade view Encapsulates a GDI+ drawing surface. This class cannot be inherited. Helps to draw Decade view in Touch mode CalendarGrid Bounds Encapsulates a GDI+ drawing surface. This class cannot be inherited. Helps to draw Century view Encapsulates a GDI+ drawing surface. This class cannot be inherited. Helps to draw Special Date Calendar Cell Encapsulates a GDI+ drawing surface. This class cannot be inherited. Helps to apply Calendar Cell Customization Calendar Cell Helps to draw Cell text Cell text Cell text ForeColor Cell bounds Cell text font Encapsulates a GDI+ drawing surface. This class cannot be inherited. Helps to draw Cell Border Cell BorderColor Calendar Cell information Encapsulates a GDI+ drawing surface. This class cannot be inherited. Helps to draw VerticalSplitter Vertical SplitterColor Calendar Cell Encapsulates a GDI+ drawing surface. This class cannot be inherited. Draws the GridCell and the string. Graphics to draw the cell and the string. Draws the touch GridCell and the string. Grid cell control clip rectangle. Graphics to draw the cell and the string. This event occurs on Mouse Up action, helps to update the selected date. A System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs that contains the event data. Process when it is Calendar Month View Type. Check whether the date is Blocked. value of column. mouse Button state. location point. Process if it shift keys is pressed in grid cell. value of DateTime. Process when it is Calendar Year View Type. location point. value of calendar view type. Process the shift key combination. Specifies key codes and modifiers. Process the shift and End key combination. first selected date Process the shift and Home key combination. first selected date Process the shift key down combination. value of DateTime Update the selected date based in the Keyboard interaction. Entered keys Move to next DateTime value while perform navigation by keyboard. Move to previous DateTime value while perform navigation by keyboard. Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.SizeChanged event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Creates a new accessibility object in . A new System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject for the CalendarGrid, when AccessibilityEnabled for SfCalendar is set as true Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Paint event. A System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs that contains the event data. Processes Windows messages. The Windows System.Windows.Forms.Message to process. Raises the GridCells.MouseDown event. A System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the MouseDown event. A System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the GridCells.MouseMove event. A System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the GridCells.MouseLeave event. A System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the GridCells.MouseEnter event. A System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs that contains the event data. Releases all resources used by this Controls component. Dispose the resources used by Controls component. Sets the text and image bounds when the is TextBeforeImage. Rectangle where the text and image should be drawn. Special date Size of the date text. Sets the text and image bounds when the is ImageBeforeText. Rectangle where the text and image should be drawn. Special date Size of the date text. Sets the text and image bounds when the is TextAboveImage. Rectangle where the text and image should be drawn. Special date Size of the date text. Sets the text and image bounds when the is ImageAboveText. Rectangle where the text and image should be drawn. Special date Size of the date text. Sets the text and image bounds when the is Overlay. Rectangle where the text and image should be drawn. Special date Size of the date text. Determines which input device triggered the mouse event. Indicating whether the last mouse event was triggered by a touch, pen or the mouse. Validate to draw the month in month view based on min max date. Current cell year Current cell Month Returns DateTime Value Invokes when calendar grid lost it focus. Sender as object e as EventArgs Change the alignment of the text depends of the property. of the grid cell text. Decodes the gesture information Windows message. True if gesture is success. Update cell bounds in touch interaction Moved position Gets or sets the tooltip for calendar Gets or sets a value indicating whether to rearrange Grid view in Touch Gesture scrolling process Gets or sets a value indicating whether navigation pressed or not values. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the updated fore color when touch was ended. Gets or sets a value indicating Cell start year information Gets or sets a value indicating Cell end year information Gets or sets a value indicating Decade start year information Gets or sets a value indicating Centurion start year information Gets or sets a value indicating Centurion end year information Gets or sets a value indicating decade end year information Gets the cell renderer Gets the Cell Bounds for Month, Year, Decade and Century views in CalendarGrid. Gets the Month View information. Gets the Year information for Decade View Gets the Decade information for Century View Gets or sets the value of Popup Window if Calendar is in popup of DateTimeEdit control Gets or sets the value indicating whether the active date for touch mode is a class contains the header portion of the Gets the Up Navigation button bounds. Gets the Down Navigation button bounds. Gets or sets a value whether the mouse is hover the up navigation button bounds. Check whether the mouse hover is moved from up or down arrow bounds. Gets or sets a value whether the mouse is hover the down navigation button bounds. Gets or sets a value indicating whether is mouse hover on header text Gets the control. Gets or sets the Text bounds of the Calendar Header Text. Holds Day Names bounds Gets the default size of Navigation button in Initializes a new instance of the class. Control. Draw the font icons Graphics element IconFont from font helper Up and Down buttons rectangle Up and Down button color based on state Returns the point in which the font icon need to be drawn. The rectangle in which the font icon need to be drawn The font icon size Returns the point in which the font icon need to be drawn Calculate the rectangle region of the DayNameBounds. Draws the header region of the control. Graphics used to draw the header region of the control. Method to switch view type by keys pressed key data Update the view of the GridCell when mouse is clicked on navigation buttons. A System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs that contains the event data. validate whether ArrowUp Bounds contain Location. value of DateTime. validate test bounds of Calendar Header Text by change the ViewType. Check whether the mouse is hover the header panel Up Arrow or Down Arrow A System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs that contains the event data. Performs the work of setting the specified bounds of this control. The new System.Windows.Forms.Control.Left property value of the control. The new System.Windows.Forms.Control.Top property value of the control. The new System.Windows.Forms.Control.Width property value of the control. The new System.Windows.Forms.Control.Height property value of the control. A bitwise combination of the System.Windows.Forms.BoundsSpecified values. Raises the Paint event A System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the MouseDown event. A System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the MouseMove event. A System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the Mouse Enter event. A System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the Mouse Leave event. A System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs that contains the event data. Creates a new accessibility object in . A new System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject for the CalendarHeader, when AccessibilityEnabled for SfCalendar is set as true Paint the Day names in the Header. Encapsulates a GDI+ drawing surface. Updates the claendar header text content. control allows to display all the views. control allows to display month view. control allows to display Year view. control allows to display Decade view. control allows to display Century view. Specifies the alignment of the Navigation button in Navigation buttons are aligned at the Left side relative to header. Navigation buttons are aligned at the Right side relative to header. Up Navigation button is aligned at the Left and Down Navigation button is aligned at Right side relative to header. Represent the AnimateMode of the ScaleAnimation in Show the Animation Hide the Animation Represents the class that defines the cell style information for the control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with an existing . A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with an existing . A that holds the identity for this . Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Provide the default style of the Calendar Grid. Default style object. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets the default style value for the date cells of . Gets or sets the background color of date cells in . Gets or sets the cell background color of the previous and following months that appear in . Gets or sets the foreground color of selected date in . Gets or sets the foreground color of selected date in . Gets or sets the foreground color of date cells in . Gets or sets the cell foreground color of the previous and following months that appear in . Gets or sets the background color of today cell in . This color has filled to background of the today cell only when set the property to true. [Description("Gets or sets the background color of today cell in SfCalendar.")] Gets or sets the foreground color of today cell in . This color has used for foreground of the today cell only when set the property to true. Gets or sets the font used to draw the today cell in . This font used to draw the today cell only when set the property to true. Gets or sets the border color of date cells in hover state. Gets or sets the background color of selected date cells in . Gets or sets the border color of selected date in hover state. Gets or sets the font used for selected date cells in . Gets or sets the border color of today cell in hover state. This color used to draw border of the today cell only when set the property to true. Gets or sets the background color of date cells which are disabled by . Gets or sets foreground color of date cells which are disabled by . Gets or sets the foreground color of week numbers in in hover state. Gets or sets the background color of week numbers in . Gets or sets the font used for date cells in . Gets or sets the font used in cell of the previous and following months that appear in . Gets or sets the font used to draw week numbers in . Gets or sets the font used for date cells which are disabled by . Contains the collection of properties. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the . Gets the static data value of the class. Represents the class that defines the header style information for the control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with an existing . A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with an existing . A that holds the identity for this . Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Provide the default style of the Calendar Header. Default style object. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets the default style value for the header of . Gets or sets the background color of header in Gets or sets the value indicating DayNames Back color of Gets or sets the foreground color of header in Gets or sets the foreground color of header in hover state. Gets or sets the foreground color of Navigation button in Gets or sets the foreground color of Navigation button in hover state in Gets or sets the foreground color of Navigation button in disabled state in Gets or sets the foreground color of header in Gets or sets the font used to draw the day names in Gets or sets the font used to draw the day names in Gets or sets the image for UpArrow which used to navigate to previous view in Gets or sets the image for DownArrow which used to navigate to next view in Gets or sets the size of Navigation button in Contains the collection of properties. Provides information about the property. Gets the DayNames Back Color property of the Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents the class that defines the footer style information for the control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with an existing . A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with an existing . A that holds the identity for this . Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Provide the default style of the Footer of Calendar. Default style object. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets the default style value for . Gets or sets the background color of footer in hover state. Gets or sets the background color of footer in . Gets or sets the foreground color of footer in . Gets or sets the foreground color of footer in hover state. Contains the collection of properties. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Gets or sets the control. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Gets the border color property of the Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Defines a class that provides style identity information for sub objects of the VisualStyleInfo class of the control. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with a specified. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Provides data for the event of the control. Holds the Tooltipinfo information description, image and appearance customization details of cell. Holds DateTime Value for the date cell to show tooltip in . Holds index of the row that contains the cell Holds index of the column that contains the cell. Holds value indicating whether to enable or disable tooltip Holds whether the Cell isTrailingDate Holds whether the Cell isSpecialDate Holds whether the Cell isBlackoutDate Holds ViewType of the cell to show tooltip in SfCalendar, whether it is month, year, decade or century view. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds the ToolTipInfo information of cell Holds the dateTime Value for the cell Holds the index of the row that contains the cell Holds the index of the column that contains the cell Holds whether the Cell isSpecialDate Holds whether the Cell isBlackoutDate Holds whether the Cell isTrailingDate Holds whether to enable or disable tooltip Holds the ViewType of the cell Gets the Tooltip information that holds the description, image and appearance customization details of cell in . Gets a value indicating whether the date of cell is Trailing date for current month or year or decade or century. Gets a value indicating whether the date of cell is SpecialDate in . Gets the of the cell to show tooltip in SfCalendar, whether it is month, year, decade or century view in . Gets a value indicating whether the date of cell is BlackoutDate in . Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show tooltip in . Gets the DateTime Value for the date cell to show tooltip in . Gets the row index of cell to show tooltip in . Gets the column index of cell to show tooltip in . Represent the Calendar Transition manager holds the pending animation items Animator Thread Helps to initialize Animation Control displays in animation process holds the list of pending Animation items Gets or sets the Timer Interval Initializes a new instance of the class Shows the control. As result the control will be shown with animation. Target control Hides the control. As result the control will be hidden with animation. Target control Waits while all animations will completed. Waits while animation of the control will completed. Which are components with visual representation Adds the control to animation queue. Which are components with visual representation Animation mode Clears queue. Initialize the Timer Start the thread Invoke the Timer event based on interval Sender as object e as EventArgs Dispose the Animator class instances sender as object e as EventArgs Perform the worker thread Check result state of controls TO repair animation state control as Control mode as AnimateMode Perform the Animation item as QueueItem Completed the animation for queue item Queue Item Gets or sets a value indicating whether the show animation completed Gets or sets a value indicating whether the hide animation completed Gets or sets the TimerInterval Gets a value indicating whether IsCompleted value Gets or sets the TimerInterval holds the list of Animation Items holds whether the Animation is in process Gets or sets a value indicating whether holds the pending animation request Gets or sets a value indicating whether holds the Transition processer items Gets or sets a value indicating whether the animation helper Control Gets / Sets the animation process DateTime Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Transition mode Gets or sets a value indicating whether transition thread is in processing Class helps to display Duplicate control in Animation process Capture control as bitmap Represents the animation Initializes a new instance of the class control as Control Animation Mode Represents the Animation Represents the animation Duration Dispose the instances Helps to perform Hide Transition Helps to draw Transition as Frame by Frame Gets Bitmap For Background Animation which are components with visual representation returns a Bitmap image Helps to prepare screenshot of Control control to be animated returns a control image Helps to perform Scale Transition Stores a set of four integers that represent the location and size of a rectangle helps to render next frame Gets the animated control bounds Rectangle value Gets or sets the bitmap image as calendar view Gets the Transition time Gets or sets the TransitionMatrix Gets the Transition Control helps to animate Gets or sets the control which will be animated Gets a value indicating whether whether the transition is completed Gets the Transition Interval Gets or sets the Transition control as Image helps to display animation action of SfCalendar control Holds image of control in animation process Holds the backgroundAnimatorFrame Provides functionality for containers. Containers are objects that logically contain zero or more components. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initialize the parent for Double Bitmap Control Which are components with visual representation Represents padding or margin information associated with a user interface Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Perform paint event Paint Event Args Gets or sets the animated control Gets or sets the ControlImage Gets or sets the Background Animator Frame Helps to perform Transition Animation Initializes a new instance of the class Gets the values for ScaleAnimation Gets or sets the Scale offset for animation Gets or sets the coerce time value Gets or sets the MinTime for Transition duration Gets or sets the MaxTime for Transition duration Gets or sets the Padding Represents the button control that used for Today and None button in footer of . Gets or sets the Gets the Boolean value to specify whether CalendarButton is in hover state Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents a Windows control that enables the user to select a date using a visual monthly calendar display with easy navigation between different views. This control provide options to mark the special dates and advanced customization options to cells. Creates a new accessibility object in . A new System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject for the CalendarButton, when AccessibilityEnabled for SfCalendar is set as true Raises the System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.OnMouseMove(System.Windows.Forms.OnMouseMove) event A System.Windows.Forms.OnMouseMove that contains the event data. Raises the System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.OnMouseLeave(System.Windows.Forms.OnMouseLeave) event A System.Windows.Forms.OnMouseLeave that contains the event data. Raises the System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) event A System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs that contains the event data. Overrides the default Font property. This class helps to render calendar cell . Holds Special Dates information Holds Cell Border bounds Holds the Cell Text information Holds the Cell Bounds information Holds the DateTime information Holds the SfCalendar control Checks whether the cell is week number cell. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents a Windows control that enables the user to select a date using a visual monthly calendar display with easy navigation between different views. This control provide options to mark the special dates and advanced customization options to cells. Gets/Sets the SfCalendar control Gets or sets a value indicating whether the cell is a week number cell. Gets or sets a value indicating whether Checks whether the cell backColor. Gets or sets a value indicating whether Checks whether the cell foreColor. Gets or sets a value indicating whether Checks whether the cell font. Gets or sets a value indicating whether Checks whether the cell HoverColor. Gets or sets a value indicating whether checks whether the cell selectedHoverColor. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Border Bounds Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Special Date information Gets a value indicating whether the cell is Today cell Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Cell bounds Gets or sets a value indicating whether the DateTime Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Cell Text Gets a value indicating whether the cell date is a special date. Gets a value indicating whether the cell date is a selected date Value of the DateTime True, if the cell date is selected date. Gets a value indicating whether the cell date is a blackout date. Gets a value indicating whether the cell date is a Active date. All the information about the cell is stored in this cell renderer. All the information about the cell is stored in this cell renderer. Holds maximum number of weeks Holds the number of rows in Year, Century and Decade view Holds the number of rows in Year, Century and Decade view for Touch view Holds the number of columns in Year, Century and Decade view Gets or sets the control. Holds the bounds of Calendar Cells for Month, Year, Century and Decade View modes. Holds Current month DateTime information for DayView in CalendarGrid. Initializes a new instance of the class. control. Helps to create Bounds for Month View Width of the Grid Control. Height of the Grid Control. The rectangle to create a Grid. Helps to create Bounds for Month View in Touch. Width of the Grid Control. Height of the Grid Control. The rectangle to create a Grid. Helps to initialize the Cell bounds Row Index Column Index Calendar Cell SfCalendar ViewType SfCalendar CalendarGrid This function helps to create Month view The current day from where the grid to be filled. Create Month view in Touch Swipe actions The current day from where the grid to be filled. Helps to generates Calendar Cell bounds for Year, Century and Decade views. Width of the cell Height of the cell Calendar View bounds Helps to generates Calendar Cell bounds based on SfCalendar bounds for Touch View. Width of the Control. Height of the Control. Calendar View Bounds Gets the Date information for Day view in . Gets or sets the bounds of Calendar Cells for Month, Year, Century and Decade View modes. Provides data for the event of the control. Gets or sets the BackColor to Calendar Item. Gets or sets the ForeColor to Calendar Item. Gets the DateTime value that specify the cell which is going to draw. Gets the index of the row that contains the cell Gets or sets the text to change the date displayed in Calendar Item. Gets the index of the column that contains the cell. Gets or sets the image of the cell. Gets or sets the image bounds of the cell. Gets or sets the bounds of the cell. Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the string in the cell. Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the string in the cell. Holds whether to enable owner draw customization Holds the Graphics instance Holds whether the Cell isTrailingDate Holds whether the Cell isSpecialDate Holds whether the Cell isBlackoutDate Holds whether the Cell isWeekEnd Gets or sets the ViewType of the cell to draw in SfCalendar, whether it is month, year, decade or century view. Initializes a new instance of the class. DateTime value of the cell. Row index of the cell. Column index of the cell. Text of the cell. Cell bounds To draw the Image and text BackColor of the Cell ForeColor of the cell To handle the event or not Corresponding date is not a active month Corresponding date is special date Corresponding date is blackout date ViewType of the calendar Gets a value indicating whether the date of cell is Trailing date for current month. Gets a value indicating whether the date of cell is SpecialDate in . Gets or sets the of the cell to draw in SfCalendar, whether it is month, year, decade or century view in . Gets a value indicating whether the date of cell is BlackoutDate in . Gets or sets a value indicating whether the date of cell is Week end in . Gets the Graphics to custom draw Cell in . Gets or sets a value indicating whether to custom draw Cell in . Gets or sets the background color of date cell to draw in . Gets or sets the foreground color of date cell to draw in . Gets the DateTime Value for the date cell to draw in . Gets the row index of cell to draw in . Gets or sets the Text for the date cell to draw in . Gets the column index of cell to draw in . Gets or sets the image for the date cell to draw in . Gets or sets the image bounds of the date cell to draw in . Gets the image bounds of the date cell to draw in . Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the date text in the cell in . Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the date text in the cell in . Provides data to the CellClick event of the control. Holds the DateTime value that specify the cell. Holds the text to change the date displayed in Calendar Item. Holds whether the Cell isWeekEnd Holds whether the Cell isSpecialDate Holds whether the Cell isBlackoutDate Holds whether the Cell isWeekEnd Holds the ViewType of the cell to draw in SfCalendar, whether it is month, year, decade or century view. Initializes a new instance of the class. Date of the cell. Text of the cell. Date range of the cell. Corresponding date is special date. Corresponding date is blackout date. Corresponding date is week number. ViewType of the calendar. Gets a value indicating whether the date of cell is SpecialDate in . Gets the of the cell to draw in SfCalendar, whether it is month, year, decade or century view in . Gets a value indicating whether the date of cell is BlackoutDate in . Gets the StartDate and endDate range values of the clicked cell. Gets a value indicating whether the date of cell is Week end in . Gets the value of the clicked cell date value. Gets the value of the clicked cell text. Provides data for the event of the control. Gets the old value which hold the start and end date of the old view. Gets the new value which hold the start and end date of the new view Initializes a new instance of the class. Old collection of selection range values. New collection of selection range values. Gets the old range of . Gets the new range of . The class provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. Gets or sets the control. Initializes a new instance of the class. control. Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. Horizontal screen coordinate. Vertical screen coordinate. An System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject that represents the child object at./// the given screen coordinates.This method returns the calling object if the object./// itself is at the location specified.Returns null if no object is at the tested location./// Gets the state of the which is used by accessibility program. Gets the Value of the . Gets the bounds of the control. Gets the accessible role of the control. Gets the name of the control. Gets the Description of the control. Gets the parent control of the accessible object. Represents the class that defines the style for control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Override this method to create a product-specific identity object for a sub object. An identity object for a sub object of this style. The . Provide the default style of the calendar. Default style object. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets the default style value for . Gets or sets a value indicating whether style values for the header of . Gets or sets the style information of the Calendar Cell. Gets or sets a value indicating whether values for the footer of . Gets or sets the border color of . Gets or sets the color used draw the horizontal splitter in cell view of . Gets or sets the color used draw the vertical splitter in cell view of . Represents a class that contains the information to customize the corresponding date cell for special dates in SfCalendar. Gets or sets the BackColor for the Special Date Gets or Sets the DateTime for SpecialDate Gets or sets the Description for the Special Date. Gets or sets the ForeColor for the Special Date Gets or sets the image for the Gets or sets the Font for the Special Date. Gets or sets the value whether the Date Text will be visible and the Image will be drawn at center of cell if Value is False. Gets or sets the image bounds of the Gets or sets the text bounds of the Gets or sets the alignment of the text in Gets or sets the alignment of the image in Gets or sets the text image relationship of the Initializes a new instance of the class. Releases all resources used by this System.Drawing.Font. Releases all resources used by this System.Drawing.Font. Dispose the resources used by Font. Gets or sets the Background color for the . Gets or sets the value for . Gets or sets the foreground color for the . Gets or sets the image for the . Gets or sets the font used to draw Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Date Text will be visible in . Gets or sets the description for . Gets or sets the alignment of date text in . Gets or sets the alignment of image in . Gets or sets the alignment of date text and image relative to each other in . Gets or sets the image bounds of the Gets or sets the text bounds of the Provides data for the event of the control. Gets the old value of the Selected date Gets the new value of the Selected date. Initializes a new instance of the class. Old selected date. New selected date. Gets the old of . Gets the new for . Provides data for the event of the control. Gets the old value of the Selected date Gets the new value of the Selected date. Gets the multiple selection value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Old selected date. New selected date. AllowMultipleSelection value. Gets the old of . Gets the new for . Gets a value indicating whether for . Provides data for the event of the control. Gets the old value which hold the old calendarViewType. Gets the new value which hold the new CalendarViewType. Initializes a new instance of the class. Current CalendarViewType of New CalendarViewType of . Gets the old for on ViewChanging. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the new for on ViewChanging. Represent the CalendarPopupWindow Initializes a new instance of the class control. control. Show the popup window with the Hides the Popup Occurs when Popup is closing Provides data for the System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.Closing event. Occurs when Popup is opened opened EventArgs Occurs when Popup is Closed ToolStrip DropDownClosedEventArgs Performs the work of setting the specified bounds of this control. The new System.Windows.Forms.Control.Left property value of the control. The new System.Windows.Forms.Control.Top property value of the control. The new System.Windows.Forms.Control.Width property value of the control. The new System.Windows.Forms.Control.Height property value of the control. A bitwise combination of the System.Windows.Forms.BoundsSpecified values. Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.SizeChanged event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Disposes PopupControl true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Gets or sets the control. Gets or sets the control. This class helps to render Up down button in. Define the control Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent control Draw the font icons Graphics element IconFont from font helper Up and Down buttons rectangle Up and Down button color based on state Returns the point in which the font icon need to be drawn. The rectangle in which the font icon need to be drawn The font icon size Returns the point in which the font icon need to be drawn To render scroll button Hover Color Graphics element Creates a new accessibility object in . A new System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject for the , when AccessibilityEnabled for SfDateTimeEdit is set as true Paint Event The point event arguments Event will be triggers when the mouse down in . An event arguments Event will be triggers when the mouse down in . The mouse event arguments Event will be triggers when the mouse down in . MouseEventArgs that contains the mouse event data Event will be triggers when the mouse down in . MouseEventArgs that contains the mouse event data Event will be triggers when the size changed in . An event arguments Down Button click event Up Button click event Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsUp focus of the Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsUp focus of the Gets or sets a value indicating whether Up button bounds Gets or sets a value indicating whether down button bounds is a control which helps to popup the calendar in the . Gets or sets the control. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent control Draw the font icons Graphics element IconFont from font helper Up and Down buttons rectangle Up and Down button color based on state Returns the point in which the font icon need to be drawn. The rectangle in which the font icon need to be drawn The font icon size Returns the point in which the font icon need to be drawn Gets the color matrix for ForeColor of dropdown fore color of button Return fore color of button Paints the dropdown arrow in the . Graphics element Raises the System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) event. A System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs that contains the event data. Creates a new accessibility object in . A new System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject for the , when AccessibilityEnabled for SfDateTimeEdit is set as true is a class used to separate the date time text into separate fields. Gets the pattern of the DateTime. Gets the group names of DateTime fields. Gets or sets the regular expression of the current DateTime text. Initializes static members of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class and prevents a default instance of the class from being created. Parse the given string and returns the collection of DateTimeField values. Text that needs to be parsed. Return the FieldDefinitionCollection of the given string. Gets the field definition from the group collection. Group collection of the field. Returns DateTimeInfo from the field definition collection. Create the field type from the Group name of the field Format that has been separated Returns the DateTimeInfo of the field type when creating the field type. DropDown will open at the left side of DropDown will open at the right side of Specifies the editing mode of for . The text box will be displayed to edit the of . Mask will be displayed to edit the for . In this mode, date time values in the predefined format. Defines the constants that specifies the date time display pattern for . The control displays the date/time value in the short date format set by the user's operating system. The control displays the date/time value in the long date format set by the user's operating system. The control displays the date/time value in the short time format set by the user's operating system. The control displays the date/time value in the long time format set by the user's operating system. The control displays the date/time value in full DateTime format set by the user's operating system. The control displays the date/time value in the Month day format set by the user's operating system. The control displays the date/time value in the Rfc1123 format set by the user's operating system. The control displays the date/time value in the sortable date format set by the user's operating system. The control displays the date/time value in the Universal sortable date format set by the user's operating system. The control displays the date/time value in the year month format set by the user's operating system. pattern. The control displays the date/time value in a custom format. contains the property named Format. which helps to assign the custom format for the . We can assign the date format as DD, DDD, DDDD. DD is denotes date in numbers. DDDD denotes Date in abbreviated form of day(For E.g Wednesday as Wed) and DDDD denotes the day in string format(E.g Wednesday). Similarly, the month will be denoted as MM, MMM, MMMM. Where MM is month in numbers, MMM denotes month in abbreviated form (E.g January as Jan) and MMM denotes the month in string forma(January). Year field can be denoted as YY or YYYY. YY is two digit year field and YYYY is four digit year field. The hours, minutes and seconds and meridiem can be denotes as HH:mm:SS TT or HH:mm:SS TT. Defines the constants that specifies the date time field type for when is . Represents Day field of in Represents Hour field of in Represents Minute field of in Represents Month field of in Represents Seconds field of in Represents Meridiem field of in Represents Year field of in Represents separator field of in Defines the constants that specifies the day formats. The one or two-digit day. The two-digit day. Single digit day values are preceded by a zero. The three-character day-of-week abbreviation. The full day-of-week name. Defines the constants that specifies the hour formats. The one or two-digit hour in 12-hour format. The two-digit hour in 12-hour format. Single digit values are preceded by a zero. The one or two-digit hour in 24-hour format. The two-digit hour in 24-hour format. Single digit values are preceded by a zero. Defines the constants that specifies the minute formats. The one or two-digit minute. The two-digit minute. Single digit values are preceded by a zero. Defines the constants that specifies the month formats. The one or two-digit month number. The two-digit month number. Single digit values are preceded by a zero. The three-character month abbreviation. The full month name. Defines the constants that specifies the seconds formats. The one or two-digit seconds. The two-digit seconds. Single digit values are preceded by a zero. Defines the constants that specifies the meridiem formats. Represents AMPMFormat.t The one-letter AM/PM abbreviation ("AM" is displayed as "A"). The two-letter AM/PM abbreviation ("AM" is displayed as "AM"). Defines the constants that specifies the year formats. Represent the year format. The one-digit year (2001 is displayed as "1"). Represent the year format. The last two digits of the year (2001 is displayed as "01"). Represent the year format. Represents the method that handles a event of the The source of the event A that contains the event data. Represents the method that handles a event of the The source of the event A that contains the event data. Represents the method that will handle the event of a . The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Represents the method that will handle the event of a . The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Represents the method that will handle the event of a . The source of the event A that contains the event data. Represents the method that handles a event of the The source of the event A that contains the event data. Represents the method that will handle the event of a . The source of the event A that contains the event data. Delegate for DateTime value changed event handler. Represents a Windows control that allows the user to select a date and a time and to display the date and time with a specified format with different editing mode and also allows to set null value. DateTime value changed event arguments Represents the class that defines the dropdown style information for the control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with an existing . A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Makes an exact copy of the current object. The new owner style object for the copied object. The identifier for this object. A copy of the current object registered with the new owner style object. Provide the default style of the DropDown. Default style object. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets the default style of the DropDown. Gets or sets the background color of dropdown button in . Gets or sets the background color of dropdown button in in hover state. Gets or sets the background color of dropdown button in in pressed state. Gets or sets the Fore color of dropdown button in . Gets or sets the ForeColor of dropdown button in . in hover state Gets or sets the ForeColor of dropdown button in .in pressed state Contains the collection of properties. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the DateTimeEdit for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Provides storage for the object. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the in disabled state. Provides information about the in disabled state. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. Provides information about the property. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents the class that defines the style for control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . A that holds data for this object. All changes in this style object will be saved in the object. Override this method to create a product-specific identity object for a sub object. An identity object for a sub object of this style. The . Provide the default style of the DateTimeEdit. Default style object. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Gets the default style value for . Gets or sets a value indicating whether style values for the dropdown icon of . Gets or sets the foreground color of up down button in . Gets or sets the background color of up down button in . Gets or sets the background color of up down button in .in hover state Gets or sets the foreground color to up down button of in hover state. Gets or sets the foreground color of . Gets or sets the color to draw the Watermark Text that displays in when the Value is null. Gets or sets the background color of . Gets or sets the background color of .in disabled state Gets or sets the foreground color of .in disabled state Gets or sets the border color of . Gets or sets the border color of in hover state. Gets or sets the border color of in focused state. Defines a class that provides style identity information for sub objects of the VisualStyleInfo class of the control. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with a specified. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. DateTimeHelper class used to validate the date time fields. Checks whether the specified value is within the specified range. DateTime value to be checked. Gets the minimum value that needs to be checked with value. Gets the maximum value that needs to be checked with value. True if the value is acceptable according to the min-max range. Checks whether the BlackoutDates contains the DateTime value DateTime value to be checked. Gets the collection of Blackout dates to check with value. Returns if the value is in Blackout dates collection. Reset the date time by validating the Minimum and Maximum date value. Value of the DateTime Minimum value of the DateTime Maximum value of the DateTime Returns the date time value Validate the given text and ensure whether the given text is number. Gets the text to be validated Returns false if the given text is not a number Validate the DateTime format. Gets the date time as string Gets the string format of the date that has to be validated Gets the culture and test the string in the given format Returns whether the given date string is valid or not Gets the string pattern for the given DateTimePattern. The culture of the DateTime. The date time pattern. The custom pattern. The string format of the given DateTimePattern Increment the year field for the given DateTime value. DateTime value that year needs to be changed. Total number of years should be increased. DateTime with incremented year value. Decrement the year field for the given DateTime value. DateTime value that year needs to be changed. Total number of years should be decreased. DateTime with decremented year value. Increment the month field for the given DateTime value. DateTime value that year needs to be changed. Total number of months should be increased. DateTime with incremented month value. Decrement the month field for the given DateTime value. DateTime value that year needs to be changed. Total number of months should be decreased. DateTime with decremented month value. Increment the day field for the given DateTime value. DateTime value that year needs to be changed. Total number of days should be increased. DateTime with incremented day value. Decrement the day field for the given DateTime value. DateTime value that year needs to be changed. Total number of days should be decreased. DateTime with decremented day value. Increment the hour field for the given DateTime value. DateTime value that year needs to be changed. Total number of hours should be increased DateTime with incremented hour value. Decrement the hour field for the given DateTime value. DateTime value that year needs to be changed. Total number of hours should be decreased. DateTime with decremented hours value. Increment the minute field for the given DateTime value. DateTime value that year needs to be changed. Total number of minutes should be increased DateTime with incremented minute value. Decrement the minute field for the given DateTime value. DateTime value that year needs to be changed. Total number of minutes should be decreased. DateTime with decremented minutes value. Increment the seconds field for the given DateTime value. DateTime value that year needs to be changed. Total number of seconds should be increased DateTime with incremented seconds value. Decrement the year seconds for the given DateTime value. DateTime value that year needs to be changed. Total number of seconds should be decreased. DateTime with decremented seconds value. Change the value of the AM and PM format for the given DateTime. DateTime value that Meridiem format needs to be changed. DateTime value with modified AM or PM format. Measure the width of the text. Graphics used to measure the width of the text Text width that has to be calculated. Font that has been used to draw the text. Width of the given text. Represents a Windows control that allows the user to select a date and a time and to display the date and time with a specified format. It offers different editing mode and also allows to set null value. The control makes it easy to work with dates and times because it handles a lot of the data validation automatically. This example shows how to initialize the SfDateTimeEdit control. // Create a new SfDateTimeEdit control and initialize it. SfDateTimeEdit sfDateTimeEdit1 = new SfDateTimeEdit(); // Configure control to allow null value sfDateTimeEdit1.AllowNull = true; // Set the MinDate and MaxDate. sfDateTimeEdit1.MinDateTime = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1); sfDateTimeEdit1.MaxDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 12, 31); // Set the CustomFormat string. sfDateTimeEdit1.Format = "MMMM - dd - yyyy"; /// sfDateTimeEdit1.DateTimePattern = DateTimePattern.Custom; // Display the control as an up-down control. sfDateTimeEdit1.ShowUpDown = true; Holds the Right To Left Maximum number of months. Holds the PopupAlignment Stores the value of the VisualStyle property. Gets or sets the error provider for control. Holds the value before the value changed to null. Gets or sets the date time string format. Gets or sets the CultureInfo of the Gets the days of the week. Gets the days of the week in abbreviated form. Gets the months of the year. Gets the months of the year in abbreviated form. Gets or sets the minimum value that can be set for the . Gets or sets the fields of the Gets or sets the maxValue of the Gets or sets the DateTimeEditingMode of the Gets or sets the DateTimePattern. Gets or sets the none date text. Gets or sets the format of the DateTime. Variable for holding Key Navigation option Gets or sets a value indicating whether TextBox used to display the date time text. Local variable for up down button Variable for holding UpDown Button Variable for holding DropDown Button Gets of sets the value of the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether after the completion of a field the advances to the next field. Gets or sets a value indicating whether in is read-only. Gets or sets a value indicating whether null value can be assigned to Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should enable its Accessibility support. Gets or Sets the validation option of the . If the validation failed, resets the value property to the previous Value or MinDateTime or MaxDateTime Update the value of the on MouseWheel Gets or sets the selected field of the . Gets or sets the width of the DropDown button. Gets or sets the of the calendar. Gets or sets the control. Gets or sets the DropDownPopup Alignment. Gets or sets the Visibility of Popup Window Holds the applied ForeColor. It maintains the control graphics. Holds the dpi scaling factor Initializes a new instance of the class. Opens the DropDown to pick the date for Close the DropDown if it is already opened. Helps to apply the ThemeName settings in control The ThemeName of the Control Helps to apply the ControlName settings in control The name of the control The name of the control Helps to apply the CanApplyTheme settings in control Indicates whether ThemeName can be applied from the SkinManager control. Helps to apply the CanOverrideStyle settings in control Indicates whether the sample level customization settings can be retained or overridden with Theme settings. Resets the RightToLeft back to its default value. Determines whether Culture has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if Culture were changed; False otherwise. Resets the Culture back to its default value. Determines whether BorderColor has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if BorderColor were changed; False otherwise. Resets the BorderColor back to its default value. Determines a value indicating whether to serialize property. true if the property was modified; Otherwise false. Resets the Value back to its default value. Determines whether MinDateTime has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if MinDateTime were changed; False otherwise. Resets the MinDateTime back to its default value. True if RightToLeft were changed; False otherwise. True if RightToLeft Determines whether MaxDateTime has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if MaxDateTime were changed; False otherwise. Resets the MinDateTime back to its default value. Determines whether WatermarkText has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if WatermarkText were changed; False otherwise. Determines whether DropDownSize has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if DropDownSize were changed; False otherwise. Resets the WatermarkText back to its default value. Determines whether DateTimePattern has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if DateTimePattern were changed; False otherwise. Resets the DateTimePattern back to its default value. Determines whether DateTimeText has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if DateTimeText were changed; False otherwise. Resets the DateTimeText back to its default value. Refresh the DateTime fields. Helps to update the BackColor in Disabled and read only state. Parse the date time string and separate the string into fields. Gets the date time value as string Converts the DateTimeText into DateTime value. Used to update the value of the on validation. DateTime of the Helps to set focus on EditingMode Event will be triggered when the control got its focus. Sender object EventArgs that contains the event data. Event will be triggered when the control lost its focus. Sender object EventArgs that contains the event data. Validate the dateTime text when the control lost its focus. Sender object Gets or sets a value indicating whether the event should be canceled. Value will be updated based on the MouseWheel. Gets incremented when the mouse scroll down and decremented when mouse scrolls up. Sender object. MouseEventArgs of the Event will be triggered when the key is pressed in sender is Key event of the Gets the date field of the index. Gets the date time field upon the index DateTimeField from the field collection. Validate the DateTimeText when the is Default. True if the validation is successful, False otherwise. Validate the DateTimeText when the is mask edit mode. True if the validation is successful, False otherwise. Update the args value on validation. This methods update whether the given input is error. Also return the cause of the error in property. Validation event args of Reset the value on the validation. This reset will be done based on the Value of the Minimum date value of the Maximum date value of the The DateTime value upon the validation with minimum and maximum date time. Increase the selected field in the by 1. Decrease the selected field in the by 1. Moves the focus to the next field, when the is MaskEdit The next selectable DateTime field. Helps to display PopupCalendar Moves the focus to the previous field, when the is MaskEdit The previous selectable DateTimeField. Event will be trigged after the popup is opened. Cancel event args. Event will be trigged before opening the popup. Cancel event args. Event will be trigged before opening the popup. Cancel event args. Initialize all the controls in . Gets the height of the control based on the font Returns the control height Event will be triggered when the mouse enter in Sender object EventArgs that contains the event data. Event will be triggered when the mouse leave in Sender object EventArgs that contains the event data. Event will be triggered when the mouse down in Sender object EventArgs that contains the event data. Event will be triggers when the dropdown button mouse down in . Sender object EventArgs that contains the event data. Event will be triggers when the drop down button mouse leave in . Sender object EventArgs that contains the event data. Event will be triggers when the up down button scroll down in . Sender object EventArgs that contains the event data. Processes a command key. A System.Windows.Forms.Message, passed by reference, that represents the Win32 message to process. One of the System.Windows.Forms.Keys values that represents the key to process true if the keystroke was processed and consumed by the control; otherwise, false to allow further processing. Event will be trigged before opening the popup. Cancel event args. Raises the Mouse Hover event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Invoke when the parent has been changed Represents the base class for classes that contain event data, and provides a value to use for events that do not include event data. Raises the Mouse Leave event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data.s Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseDown event. A System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the and event when theme name changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Paints the background of the control. A System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs that contains information about the to paint. Processes a command key. A System.Windows.Forms.Message, passed by reference, that represents the Win32 message to process. One of the System.Windows.Forms.Keys values that represents the key to process true if the keystroke was processed and consumed by the control; otherwise, false to allow further processing. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the and its child controls and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Raises the GotFocus event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Layout event. A System.Windows.Forms.LayoutEventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the LostFocus event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Creates a new accessibility object in . A new System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject for the SfDateTimeEdit, when AccessibilityEnabled is set as true Raises the back color changed event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.SizeChanged event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Paints the background of the control. A System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs that contains information about the control to paint. Raises the font changed event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the enable changed event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the Parent RightToLeft changed event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the Right to left changed event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Determines whether the control Accessibility support is enabled. True if AccessibilityEnabled were changed; False otherwise. Invokes when a character, space or backspace key is pressed while the editing text box has focus. Sender as object e as EventArgs Resets the AccessibilityEnabled back to its default value. invokes when Top level control location has been changed sender as Top level control Represents the base class for classes that contain event data, and provides a value to use for events that do not include event data. Position of the calendar control based on the screen coordinates Event will be triggers when the scroll down in . Sender object EventArgs that contains the event data. Event will be triggers when the scroll up in . Sender object EventArgs that contains the event data. Event will be triggers when the mouse leave in . Sender object EventArgs that contains the event data. Event will be triggers when the mouse enter in . Sender object EventArgs that contains the event data. Event will be triggers when the value is changed in . An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the TopLevelControl load event. control. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Update the string format based on the DateTimePattern Sets the location of the field that needs to be drawn in . Event will be triggered when the selected date is changed in control. EventArgs that contains the event data Event will be triggered when the text is changed in Sender object EventArgs that contains the event data. Update the location of the editing text box with respect to size. Sender object EventArgs that contains the event data. Event will be triggered when the font is changed in Sender object EventArgs that contains the event data. Event will be triggered when is resized. Sender object EventArgs that contains the event data. Occurs when the DropDown Calendar opened. DropDown calendar get open when click on the DropDown icon in SfDateTimeEdit or by press ALT + DOWN arrow keys. Occurs before open the DropDown Calendar. DropDown calendar get open when click on the DropDown icon in SfDateTimeEdit or by press ALT + DOWN arrow keys. Occurs before close the DropDown Calendar. DropDown calendar will get close when DropDown calendar control lost its focus by press on any other control or after pick the selected date from DropDown calendar for SfDateTimeEdit. DropDown Calendar will get close even we press the below combinations. 3. ALT + Down 4. ALT + UP Occurs when the DropDown Calendar is closed. DropDown calendar will get close when DropDown calendar control lost its focus by press on any other control or after pick the selected date from DropDown calendar for SfDateTimeEdit. DropDown Calendar will get close even we press the below combinations. 1. ALT + Down 2. ALT + UP Occurs when the changed. Occurs before property change Value change occurs press Enter key after complete editing or Pick the date from the DropDown Calendar Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Overrides the base class font property. Gets or sets a size of DropDown Popup Calendar in Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can use the ARROW keys to change values and navigate between date time fields in . Set InterceptArrowKeys to false restrict Up and Down Arrow keys to change the and Right and Left Arrow keys to navigate between date time fields of Gets or sets a value indicating whether the UpDown buttons are visible. Gets or sets a side value that indicating DropDown Popup alignment relative to the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the DropDown button visible. Gets or sets the width of the DropDownButton in Gets the DropDown used to pick the date for . Gets or sets the Display Text for field of . Value will be updated based on the changes in DateTimeText. Gets or sets the foreground color of the control. Gets or sets the that represents formatting for date time in . Gets a value indicating whether the DropDown Popup is in open state or not in . Gets or sets the editing mode that decides how to insert the input values for from keyboard. Gets or sets the display pattern that decides whether Selected displayed in Short, Long or Custom pattern. Gets or sets the Watermark Text that displays in when the Value is null. Watermark text applicable when is . Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should enable Accessibility support in Gets or sets a value indicating whether allows null value. [Description("Gets or sets a value indicating whether SfDateTimeEdit allows null value.")] None Button of DropDown Calendar will be visible always when AllowNull is True Gets or sets a value indicating whether the change can occur on mouse wheel. AllowValueChangeOnMouseWheel applicable only for . Gets or sets the Format that decides how the Selected will be displayed for . Format applicable only for Gets or sets a value indicating minimum value constraint for . This restricts to set the lesser than specific DateTime. MinDateTime should be lesser than of SfDateTimeEdit. Gets or sets a value indicating maximum value constraint for . This restricts to set the greater than specific DateTime. MaxDateTime should be greater than of SfDateTimeEdit. Gets or sets the selected date time value for the . Value can be set as null when is true. Gets or Sets the to allow for setting of the value through string. Also, return a formatted Value when getting the text. Gets or sets a value indicating whether text in the DateTimeEdit is read-only. Set ReadOnly as true restricts the text editing in SfDateTimeEdit and user can change the only by clicking UpDown buttons or pick the date from the DropDown . Gets or sets a value indicating whether control's elements are aligned in right-to-left layout. Gets or sets the Validation Option that decides how the value will be changed when validation failed. Validation will take place when user press Enter key and LostFocus from the control or Pick the Date from the DropDown . If validation failed, Value will reset based on ValidationOption Gets the value used to customize the appearance of the . Gets or sets a value indicating whether selected field of the . Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Variable for holding to find parent location changes to close popup calendar Gets or sets a value indicating whether the fore color that has been changed internally. Gets or sets value indicating whether the dropdown button of the Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display highlighted dropdown button image Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display pressed dropdown button image Gets or sets a value indicating whether to draw focused border of the Gets or sets a value indicating whether calendar PopupControl has focus Gets the UpDownButton in Gets or sets a value indicating whether DropDown visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether after the completion of a field the advances to the next field. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Align of the Gets the popup window in Calendar. Gets the string format of the DateTimeEdit. Gets the months of the year. Gets currently used calendar. Gets the EditingTextBox of the Gets or sets a value indicating whether value cleared in the DateTime field in mask mode of Gets the graphics of the control. Gets the size of the control. Returns the default size Gets or sets a value indicating whether the key is pressed or not Represents the that used in the edit mode of . Initializes a new instance of the class. Control. Creates a new accessibility object in . A new System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject for the SfDateTimeEdit, when AccessibilityEnabled is set as true Gets or sets the control The class provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. Gets or sets the control. Initializes a new instance of the class. which needs to be used for accessibility application. Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. Horizontal screen coordinate. Vertical screen coordinate. An System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject that represents the child object at./// the given screen coordinates.This method returns the calling object if the object./// itself is at the location specified.Returns null if no object is at the tested location./// Gets the AccessibleRole of the control. Gets the Name of the which is used by Accessibility program Gets the Bounds of the which is used by Accessibility program Gets the Parent of the which is used by Accessibility program. Gets or sets the DateTimeText of the . Gets or sets the DateTimeText of the . The class provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. Gets or sets the control. Initializes a new instance of the class. which needs to be used for accessibility application. Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. Horizontal screen coordinate. Vertical screen coordinate. An System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject that represents the child object at./// the given screen coordinates.This method returns the calling object if the object./// itself is at the location specified.Returns null if no object is at the tested location./// Gets the AccessibleRole of the control. Gets the Name of the which is used by Accessibility program Gets the Bounds of the which is used by Accessibility program Gets the description of the ControlAccessibleObject. Gets the Parent of the which is used by Accessibility program. Gets or sets the DateTimeText of the . The class provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. Gets or sets the button. Initializes a new instance of the class. which needs to be used for accessibility application. Gets the AccessibleRole of the control. Gets the Name of the which is used by Accessibility program Gets the Bounds of the which is used by Accessibility program Gets the Parent of the which is used by Accessibility program. Gets the object shortcut key or access key for an accessible object. The class provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application. Gets or sets the button. Initializes a new instance of the class. which needs to be used for accessibility application. Gets the AccessibleRole of the control. Gets the Name of the which is used by Accessibility program Gets the Bounds of the which is used by Accessibility program Gets the Parent of the which is used by Accessibility program. Extends the design mode behavior of the control by adding smart tag. Gets the collection of DesignerActionList object. Builds the action lists in the . Use pull model to populate smart tag menu. used to define the list of items to be added in smart tag panel. Gets or sets the and assign the smart tag. Initializes a new instance of the class. will be considered as the component Add the properties in the smart tag. The collection of DesignerActionItem Get the property in the Property name of the PropertyDescriptor of the given property. Gets or sets the Display Pattern that decides whether Selected DateTime value displayed in Short, Long or Custom DateTimePattern in Gets or sets a value indicating whether the null date support is enabled in . Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value change can on mouse wheel occur in . Gets or sets the DateTimeEditingMode of . Gets or sets the WatermarkText of . Represents a class that contains the information about the date time fields which used to parse in SfDateTimeEdit. Gets the date time info of the field. Gets the control. Gets or sets the text of the field. Gets or sets the width of the text in DateTimeField. Gets or sets the height of the text in DateTimeField. Gets or sets the location of the DateTimeField. Gets the text width if the DateTimeField. Ensure whether the field has been started typing. Gets or sets the Maximum value of the DateTimeField. Gets or sets the position of the year field to insert the next number. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the date time info Gets the Event will be triggered when the Text is changed in DateTimeField. EventArgs that contains the event data. Process the given number and update the date time fields. Gets the value and update the field True if validation is success. Process the given number and update the Month fields. Gets the value and update the field True if validation is success. Process the given number and update the year field. Gets the value and update the field True is the year validation is success. Parse current value with picker and field type. returns the current value of type integer Measures the text width when the text has been changed. Event will be triggered when the Text property is changed in DateTimeField. Gets the field type of date time in Gets the date or time text for in Gets or sets the type of the field in DateTime value. Gets or sets the text of the field. Gets or sets the location of the DateTimeField. Gets or sets the Maximum value of the DateTimeField. Gets the bounds of the DateTimeField. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the field has been started typing. Gets or sets position for insert next number. Gets or sets the width of the text in DateTimeField. Gets or sets the height of the text in DateTimeField. Gets the center point location to draw the text. Gets or set the info of the DateTime field. Gets the type of the DateTimeField. Gets the index and finds the field. Gets the data of the string. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the DateTimeField. Day format. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the DateTimeField. Hour format. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the DateTimeField. Minute format. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the DateTimeField. Month format. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the DateTimeField. Seconds format. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the DateTimeField. AM PM format Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the DateTimeField. Year format. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the DateTimeField. String data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the DateTimeField. Gets the format based on the index. String data. Overrides the string of the DateTime info. The type of the date time field in string format. Gets the type of the DateTime field. Gets the day format of the DateTimeInfo. Gets the hour format of the DateTimeInfo. Gets the month format of the DateTimeInfo. Gets the format of the minutes. Gets the format of the seconds. Gets the AM and PM format of the time. Gets the format of the year. Gets the string data of the DateTime field. A collection that stores objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a with the specified value to the . The to add. The index at which the new element was inserted. Copies the elements of an array to the end of the . An array of type containing the objects to add to the collection. Adds the contents of another to the end of the collection. A containing the objects to add to the collection. Indicates whether the contains the specified . The to locate. if the is contained in the collection; otherwise. Copies the values to a one-dimensional instance at the specified index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the values copied from . The index in where copying begins. is multidimensional. -or- The number of elements in the is greater than the available space between and the end of . is . is less than 's lowbound. Returns the index of a in the . The to locate. The index of the of in the , if found; -1 otherwise. Inserts a into the at the specified index. The zero-based index where should be inserted. The to insert. Removes a specific from the . The to remove from the . is not found in the Collection. Gets / sets the field definition at the specified index of the . The zero-based index of the entry to locate in the collection. DateTimeInfo of the DateTime field Provides data for the event of the control. Gets or sets whether the given date time is error. Gets or sets the error message. Initializes a new instance of the class. Update whether the given date time is error Update the cause of the error. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the given date time is error. Gets or sets the error message to show on the validation failed in event. Provides data for the event of the control. Gets or sets old value of . Gets or sets new value of . Initializes a new instance of the class. new value of DateTime old value of DateTime Gets old value of . Gets new value of . Represents a Windows control that enables the user to select a date using a visual monthly calendar display with easy navigation between different views. This control provide options to mark the special dates and advanced customization options to cells. This example shows how to initialize the SfCalendar control. //Create the calendar. SfCalendar sfCalendar1 = new SfCalendar(); // Set the calendar location. sfCalendar1.Location = new Point(51, 123); // Change the color. sfCalendar1.VisualStyle.Header.BackColor = Color.Purple; sfCalendar1.VisualStyle.Header.ForeColor = Color.Yellow; sfCalendar1.VisualStyle.Grid.TrailingCellForeColor = Color.Gray; // Add dates to BlackoutDates array. sfCalendar1.BlackoutDates =new DateTime[] {new DateTime(2017, 12, 15),new DateTime(2017, 11, 30)}; // Add dates to SpecialDates array. sfCalendar1.SpecialDates =new SpecialDate[] {new SpecialDate() { BackColor = Color.Red, ForeColor = Color.White, Value = new DateTime(2017, 12, 13)} , new SpecialDate() { BackColor = Color.Green, ForeColor = Color.White, Value = new DateTime(2017, 11, 27) } }; // Configure the calendar to display in 7 weeks in month view. sfCalendar1.NumberOfWeeksInView = 7; // Set week to begin on Monday. sfCalendar1.FirstDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday; // Set the maximum visible date on the calendar to 12/31/2019. sfCalendar1.MaxDate = new DateTime(2019, 12, 31); // Set the minimum visible date on calendar to 01/01/2017. sfCalendar1.MinDate = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1); // Configure the calendar to allow multiple dates selection. sfCalendar1.AllowMultipleSelection = true; // Do not highlight today's date. sfCalendar1.HighlightTodayCell = false; // Show the week numbers to the left of each week. sfCalendar1.ShowWeekNumbers = true; Default LCID value of saudi arabic culture. Holds the Right To Left Gets or sets the height of the cell in Gets whether the current culture calendar is calendar Gets whether the current culture calendar is . Gets the months of the year in abbreviated format. Gets or set the Boolean value to specify whether calendar control allow multiple date selection. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should enable its Accessibility support. Number or rows in a month. Timer to start the animation when down arrow is clicked. Timer to start the animation when up arrow is clicked. Gets or set the first day of the week in calendar.. When navigating the control using up down arrows, this panel will used to hold the image of the current view, The panel will show the with next or previous view. When navigating the control using up down arrows, this second panel will hold the new calendar grid view and will be displayed in the animation. Stores the value of the VisualStyle property. The temp date to update the date in GridCell. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dates of next or previous month visible in current month. Gets or sets the collection of dates to disable that fall within the Minimum and Maximum DateTime. Gets or Sets the collection of DateTime objects that determines which days are highlight. Gets or sets the CultureInfo that represents formatting for dates and numbers in Calendar. Gets or sets the grid cells. Gets or sets the currently selected date of the . Gets or Sets the collection of DateTime objects that determines which days are highlight. stored the selected month value Gets or sets a minimum value constraint of . This restricts to set the SelectedDate lesser than specific DateTime. Gets or sets a maximum value constraint of . This restricts to set the SelectedDate greater than specific DateTime. Gets or sets the value to show the Days in abbreviated form. Gets or Sets whether to enable animation while Navigation. Holds the value indicating whether to show or hide the tooltip Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the week numbers in Get or sets whether the Up navigation is enable Get or sets whether the Down navigation is enable Get or Sets the Boolean value that helps to change the visibility of Navigation buttons in the Calendar Gets or set the Boolean value to specify whether Today cell should be highlighted even selection changed in Calendar Gets or sets how Navigation Buttons are align relative to the Calendar Header. Gets or sets the View Type of the Gets or sets the calendarViewType that has been handled internally. Checks whether the calendar view type has been changed. Gets or sets the header panel. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the days on the Calendar control are separated with HorizontalSplitter. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the days on the Calendar control are separated with VerticalSplitter. Gets the Boolean value to specify whether show the today button Gets the Boolean value to specify whether show the none button Speed of the navigation, while changing the view using UpDown arrows. Gets the days of the week. Gets or sets the header height of control. Gets or sets the header height of footer in control. Gets the days of the week in abbreviated form. Gets the Today button of the It maintains the control graphics. Gets the none button of the Base Container for Calendar control Holds the Transition Image helps in Date Navigation animation of SfCalendar. Animation manager Holds the number of Days in month Holds the First day of Month Holds the last Day of month Gets the Boolean value specifies whether the Header Height of is changed. Gets the Boolean value to specifies whether the Footer Height of is changed. Initializes a new instance of the class. Move the current view of to the date based on given value. Return value as false when the date is not fall within min max range or Blackout dates contains the date. The date where the view has to be navigate. Returns if the navigation to the date is success based on MinDate and MaxDate Validation before navigate. Navigation will be failed, if the value given for navigate to date is not within and range or contains in . Clear the selected dates and set the based on given value. The DateTime which has to be set as after clear selection. Returns if the selected dates has been cleared successfully. If value given for selected date is not within and range, it will return false. Then the selection will be cleared and the first date in the SelectedDates collection will set as . Select the Single Range of Multiple Dates while Allow Multiple selection is true, else return false. Date selection range in calendar. Ignore the selection if validation failed. The validation will be failed if the range falls in MinMaxDate or contains disabled dates Return value as false even the dates are not fall within minMax range or Blackout dates contains the date. Resets the RightToLeft back to its default value. Helps to apply the ThemeName settings in control The ThemeName of the Control Helps to apply the ControlName settings in control The name of the control The name of the control Round up the value to the multiple of 7. Value to be rounded off. The below nearest value of 7. Validate value has been reached min or max value currentDate of Add the next or previous month value Returns the Boolean value Determines whether MaxDate has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if MaxDate were changed; False otherwise. Resets the MaxDate back to its default value. Determines whether MinDate has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if MinDate were changed; False otherwise. Resets the MinDate back to its default value. Determines whether Culture has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. Returns the Boolean value Resets the Culture back to its default value. Determines whether the control Accessibility support is enabled. True if AccessibilityEnabled were changed; False otherwise. Resets the AccessibilityEnabled back to its default value. Determines whether InactiveDatesVisible has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if InactiveDatesVisible were changed; False otherwise. Resets the InactiveDatesVisible back to its default value. Determines whether ShowAbbreviatedDays has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if ShowAbbreviatedDays were changed; False otherwise. Resets the ShowAbbreviatedDays back to its default value. Determines whether FirstDayOfWeek has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if FirstDayOfWeek were changed; False otherwise. Resets the FirstDayOfWeek back to its default value. Determines whether AllowMultipleSelection has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if AllowMultipleSelection were changed; False otherwise. Resets the EnableWeekendColor back to its default value. Determines whether ShowHorizontalSplitter has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if ShowHorizontalSplitter were changed; False otherwise. Resets the ShowHorizontalSplitter back to its default value. Determines whether ShowVerticalSplitter has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if ShowVerticalSplitter were changed; False otherwise. Resets the ShowVerticalSplitter back to its default value. Determines whether HighlightTodayCell has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if HighlightTodayCell were changed; False otherwise. Resets the HighlightTodayCell back to its default value. Determines whether ShowToolTip has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if ShowToolTip were changed; False otherwise. Resets the ShowToolTip back to its default value. Determines whether SelectedDate has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if SelectedDate were changed; False otherwise. Resets the ActiveDateItemBackColor back to its default value. Determines whether RightToLeft has been modified. True if RightToLeft is changed; False otherwise. Event will be raised when the visibility of the footer is changed. control. EventArgs that contains the event data. Initialize all the controls in Visibility of None button in in A EventArgs that contains event data. Gets the height of header header height of Gets the height of footer footer height of Gets the default size of the based on font size default size of Visibility of today button in in A EventArgs that contains event data. The timer will be start while the Up arrow is clicked. It moves the control with proper animation. Up timer. EventArgs that contains the event data. The timer will be start while the down arrow is clicked. It moves the control with proper animation. Down timer. EventArgs that contains the event data. Sets the bounds of the secondView panel when the navigation button is clicked in Get the month text in the abbreviated form and added in Gets the next Enum value of CalendarViewType enum Next value of CalendarViewType enum. Gets the previous Enum value of CalendarViewType enum previous value of CalendarViewType enum. Performs the work of setting the specified bounds of this control. The new System.Windows.Forms.Control.Left property value of the control. The new System.Windows.Forms.Control.Top property value of the control. The new System.Windows.Forms.Control.Width property value of the control. The new System.Windows.Forms.Control.Height property value of the control. A bitwise combination of the System.Windows.Forms.BoundsSpecified values. Go to the today date in in A EventArgs that contains event data. Event will trigger when the mouse is scrolling An System.MouseEventArgs that contains the event Mouse pointer co-ordinates. Whether the Navigating event has been initialized in . Whether Navigating event has been invoked Raise the event when navigating from one month to another. A NavigatingEventArgs class that contains event data. Whether the ViewChanging event has been initialized in . Whether ViewChanging event has been invoked Raise the event when is changing. View changing event argument class that contains event data. Event will be triggers when drawing the cell in . An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Event will be triggers when drawing the cell in . An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Event will be triggers when mouse hover on the cell in . An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Validate the current has been blacked out date or not current date collection of black out dates Returns the valid blackout dates Helps to reset the Right To Left Layout of SfCalendar, incase of Parent Change Whether the DrawCell event has been initialized in . Whether DrawCell event has been invoked Whether the ToolTipOpening event has been initialized in . Whether ToolTipOpening event has been invoked Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Layout event. A System.Windows.Forms.LayoutEventArgs that contains the event data. Releases all resources used by this Controls component. Dispose the resources used by Controls component. Performs the work of setting the specified bounds of this control. The new System.Windows.Forms.Control.Left property value of the control. The new System.Windows.Forms.Control.Top property value of the control. The new System.Windows.Forms.Control.Width property value of the control. The new System.Windows.Forms.Control.Height property value of the control. A bitwise combination of the System.Windows.Forms.BoundsSpecified values. Raises the Parent RightToLeft changed event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the and event when theme name changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Processes a command key. A System.Windows.Forms.Message, passed by reference, that represents the window message to process. One of the System.Windows.Forms.Keys values that represents the key to process. true if the character was processed by the control; otherwise, false. Creates a new accessibility object in . A new System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject for the SfCalendar, when AccessibilityEnabled is set as true Event will trigger when the mouse is scrolling An System.MouseEventArgs that contains the event Mouse pointer co-ordinates. Event will be triggers when the SelectedDate is changed in . An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Determines whether BlackoutDates has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Resets the BlackoutDates back to its default value. Determines whether SpecialDates has been modified and its contents should be serialized at design-time. True if contents were changed; False otherwise. Resets the SpecialDates back to its default value. Clear the selected dates in in A EventArgs that contains event data. Invokes before the KeyDown event when a key is pressed while focus is on calendar grid. Sender as object e as EventArgs Invokes when a key is released while the calendar grid has focus. Sender as object e as EventArgs Invokes when a character, space or backspace key is pressed while the calendar grid has focus. Sender as object e as EventArgs Invokes when a key is pressed while the calendar grid has focus. Sender as object e as EventArgs Invokes when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over calendar control. Sender as object e as EventArgs Invokes when the user presses and releases the left mouse button twice over calendar control. Sender as object e as EventArgs Occurs when the calendar control is clicked by the mouse. Sender as object e as MouseEventArgs Occurs when the calendar control is double clicked by the mouse. Sender as object e as MouseEventArgs Occurs after the selected date changed in Calendar. Occurs before the selected date changed in Calendar. Occurs on Draw the calendar items. Occurs when clicking the calendar cell. Occurs when mouse hover the cell in calendar Occurs when navigating from one month to another in Calendar Navigating event occurs when press Navigation buttons to move or previous month, year or decade in Calendar. Occurs when calendar ViewType is changing. ViewChanging event occurs when click on the Calendar Header text to change the view from one view to another view Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Gets or sets a value indicating the possible view types for navigation through user interaction in . Gets or sets a value indicating whether control's elements are aligned in right-to-left layout or not. Gets or sets the value to indicates the number of weeks shown in the month view. Gets the value to customize the appearance of the . Gets or sets the collection of dates for blocking from selection and user interaction in . Gets or sets a value indicating whether Today cell highlighted even selected date is different than Today in . Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the week day names with abbreviated format in header of . Gets a Value indicating the BackColor of grid in when animation occurs Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show or hide the tooltip. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to animate the Calendar View while Navigate from one view to another view. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the calendar will display week numbers (1 to 52) to the left of each rows in . Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the navigation buttons which used to move between views in . Gets or sets the value indicating the selected date of the . SelectedDate cannot be set lesser than and greater than of SfCalendar. Gets or sets a value indicating minimum value constraint for . This restricts to set the SelectedDate lesser than specific DateTime. MaxDate should be lesser than of SfCalendar. Gets or sets a value indicating maximum value constraint for . This restricts to set the SelectedDate greater than specific DateTime. MaxDate should be greater than of SfCalendar. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dates of previous and following months visible in current view of . Gets or sets the side value indicating how the navigation buttons should align relative to the Calendar Header. Gets or sets the first in Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should enable Accessibility support in Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow multiple date selection in . Gets or sets the that represents formatting for date time in . Gets or sets the header height of . Gets or sets the height of the Footer in . Footer contains the Today and None button. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dates of each rows in the are separated with horizontal splitter. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dates of each columns in the are separated with vertical splitter. Gets or sets a value indicating whether visibility of today button in footer of ShowToday property will be work only when show is true Gets or sets a value indicating whether visibility of none button in footer of ShowNone property will be work only when show is true Gets or sets a value indicating whether the visibility of the footer of should be visible. Gets or sets the minimum size of of the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the day names. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the today and none button. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the days of the month in abbreviated format. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the months of the year in abbreviated format. Gets or sets Timer to start the animation when down arrow is clicked. Gets or sets Timer to start the animation when up arrow is clicked. Gets the Today button of the which used to change the to today. Gets the None button of the which used to change the to None. Gets or sets the Container for Calendar control Gets or sets a value indicating whether the touch gesture scrolling is initialized Gets or sets a value indicating whether the key is pressed or not Gets or sets the Sfcalendar ViewType Gets or sets the temporary date to arrange the date in GridCell. Gets the days string in the header. Gets or sets the value of the grid cells of control. Gets or sets the height of the cell in Gets or sets the selected month for year view Gets the current calendar based on the culture. Gets the HeaderPanel of control. Gets the graphics of the control. Gets the default size of the control. Specifies the list of items added to the Smart tag. Gets or sets the and assigns to the smart tag. Initializes a new instance of the class will be consider as component Add the properties in the smart tag. The collection of Designer action item Method used to retrieve control properties. Property name of the control PropertyDescriptor of the given property. Gets or sets the content which should be displayed when is empty and the control is not in focus. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the trailing zeros should be displayed or not. Gets or sets the fore color for when is positive. Gets or sets the fore color for when is negative. Gets or sets the fore color for when is zero. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the null value is allowed in . Gets or sets the value property, which may be vary depends on and . Gets or sets the mode type for which defines how the value needs to be formatted, where formatting is done using NumberFormatInfo. If Mode specified as Currency, then value formatted based on currency format setting of NumberFormatInfo. If Mode specified as Percent, then value formatted based on percent format setting of NumberFormatInfo. If Mode specified as Numeric, then value formatted based on numeric format setting of NumberFormatInfo. Designer for NumericTextBox control with the provision for Smart tag. Collection of designer action list Builds the action lists in the . Populate the smart tag with action list. Defines modes that indicate how get formatted. The formatted options include percent, currency and numeric. Displays numeric values. Displays the percent value with percent symbol. Displays the value in currency format with currency symbol. Defines the mode that indicate how the Value gets changed when validation fails. Assign the previous valid value. Assign the minimum value. Assign the maximum value. Specifies the mode of validation which depends on and . and validation is carried out when control lost its focus. and validation is carried out when value is entered. Defines mode that indicates when the gets changed and event get called. Validates the value on lost focus. Validate the values on Key press. Helper class which contain all operation engine for . Sets the value of the Numeric textbox by checking the MinMax validation Value of the Numeric textbox Minimum Value of the Numeric textbox Maximum Value of the Numeric textbox Previous Value of the Numeric textbox ValidationMode of the Contains information about the Lost focus validation Double value for the Numeric textBox Sets the value of the Numeric textbox by checking the MinMax validation Value of the Numeric textbox Minimum Value of the Numeric textbox Maximum Value of the Numeric textbox Double value for the Numeric textBox Check for the Maximum value Minimum Value of the Numeric textbox Maximum Value of the Numeric textbox Validates the Maximum value and returns true if the value is greater than Minimum value To remove the format of the Text Current Text Number format info Specifies the mode to be displayed Value of the control String to prepend String to append Returns the unformatted text Remove the trailing zeroes String to remove the trailing zeroes Decimal separator Trailing zeroes removed string Intermediate Text for Key press Text of the NumericTextBox Value of the NumericTextBox Number format Decimal separator Formatted string Check whether the given value is valid Given input character True, if the character is valid. Check for valid value Value for TextBox Minimum value Maximum value Returns true Increases the value by 1 and returns the value Value of the Textbox Maximum value Returns incremented value Decreases the value by 1 and returns the value Value of the Textbox Minimum value Returns incremented value Deletes the specified character Start position of the text to be deleted End position of the text to be deleted Entire text in the textbox Decimal Separator Returns the string after deleting the particular string Handles the backspace key. Text contains in the textbox Selection start of the text Selection length of the text Entered key data Decimal Separator True, if the Backspace is handled by this class Gets the formatted text using number format info. String to prepend String to append value. Number format info hide trailing zeros. Specifies the mode for displaying Formatted text. Position of the cursor after modification. Current text Previous text before editing Previous position Decimal Separator Pressed key information Returns the position of the cursor Removes the prefix and suffix string from the current string Formatted string Prefix or Suffix string Either to remove prefix or suffix Unformatted string Appends or Prepends the string to the current text. String to prepend String to append Current text Formatted text with prefix and suffix Inserts the character at the position Insert position of the text Current text Entered character Returns the text with the pressed character inserted Gets the decimal separator from and . Format mode of . NumberFormat mode of . Number format decimal separator. Gets the previous caret index of the current position Position of the caret. Text in the textbox. Length of the selection. Ensure delete key is pressed. Previous caret index of the current position Apply the number format to the given value Raw text without formatting Number format info Specifies whether trailing zeroes need to hide Specifies the mode for displaying Returns formatted text Delegate for value changed event handler. Numeric textbox Value changed event arguments Represents a text box control that to allow only numeric inputs and display the numeric values with various formats such as numeric, percent and currency. This example shows how to initialize the control. //Initializing new instance of the SfNumericTextBox. SfNumericTextBox sfNumericTextBox = new SfNumericTextBox(); //Initializing the location of the SfNumericTextBox. sfNumericTextBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(348, 71); //Initializing the name of the SfNumericTextBox. sfNumericTextBox.Name = "sfNumericTextBox"; //Initializing the size of the SfNumericTextBox. sfNumericTextBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(94, 30); //Initializing the value of the SfNumericTextBox. sfNumericTextBox.Value = 1.23; //Initializing the format mode of the SfNumericTextBox. sfNumericTextBox.FormatMode = FormatMode.Currency; Sets the size of the non client area. Creates the intersection of the two combined regions. Creates a copy of the region identified. Sets the new windows long style. Sets the new extended windows long style Client rectangle area of the control. Holds the double value of the TextBox Allows the null value in . Minimum value that can be set through the Numeric TextBox. Maximum value that can be set through the Numeric TextBox. Maximum number of digits for the decimal portion of the number. Suppress the key press Suppress the key down Specifies when the MinMax Validation Need to be performed. Specifies the cursor position Specifies the particular number format for the given input value Sets the watermark text for the NumericTextbox Inform when to call ValueChange event Type of Value entered in the TextBox If the validation fails, value need to be set based on this Stores the previous value of the textbox. stores the previous value of the Stores the intermediate text Gets the undo text Specifies whether selection has been done Prepends the string to the formatted text. Appends the string to the formatted text. Sets whether to handle up/down keys Stores the value of the VisualStyle property. Sets the internal border color for drawing the border in all states. Ensure whether the fore color has been changed internally. Indicates whether the control should enable its Accessibility support. Check whether Value is set. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the IsVisualStyleEnabled property. It maintains the entered text for minimum value validation Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the active theme name of the control. Returns the active theme name. Forces the control to invalidate its client area when updateCount value is less than or equal to zero. Handles shortcut menus Windows message Returns True, if it handles Paints the Non client area Gives the windows message Calculate the non client rectangle size. Windows Message Creates a new accessibility object for the control. A new System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject for the control. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Layout method Layout EventArgs Raises when the TextBox lost focus Events argument Lost focus Event Args Raises the enter event of the Textbox Events argument Raises the enable changed event of the Events argument Override for Paint event Paint event argument Text changed event Event argument Got Focus Event Args Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ForeColorChanged event. An System.EventArgs that contains the event data. Mouse down Mouse EventArgs Activates the mouse leave event for the control Event args Activates the mouse enter event for the control Event args This method overrides the method and handles the key messages that are of interest to the NumberTextBox. The message that is to handled. True if the key message is handled; false otherwise. Overrides to suppress KeyPress. Only the KeyPress event is raised - no other processing is done. The message. True if the message is a KeyPress; otherwise the base class handles this. Pastes the data in the clipboard into the NumberTextBox control. The data will be formatted before being pasted into the text box. Window Procedure call back function Gives the Windows message Serialize the value Returns true if the value is 0.0 Serialize the ValidationMode Returns true if the ValidationMode is set to its default value Serialize the minimum value Returns true if the minimum value is set to its default value Serialize the NumberFormatInfo property Returns true if the NumberFormatInfo value is set to its default value Serialize the maximum value Returns true if the maximum value is set to its default value Serialize the HideTrailingZeros property Returns true if the HideTrailingZeros value is set to its default value Serialize the Mode property Returns true if the Mode value is set to its default value Serialize the WaterMarkText property Returns true if the WaterMarkText value is set to its default value Serialize the LostFocusValidation property Returns true if the LostFocusValidation value is set to its default value Serialize the ValueChangeMode property Returns true if the ValueChangeMode value is set to its default value Serialize the HandleArrowKeys property Returns true if the BorderColor value is set to its default value Serialize the AccessibilityEnabled property Returns true if the AccessibilityEnabled value is set to its default value Reset the value Reset the minimum value Reset the maximum value Reset the HideTrailingZeros Reset the HandleArrowKeys Reset the Mode Reset the WaterMarkText Reset the value Reset the ValidationMode Reset the LostFocusValidation Reset the LostFocusValidation Reset the AccessibilityEnabled Raises the and event when theme name changed. The sender value. A contains the event data. Draws the text for disabled state. Paint event argument Redraws the whole control. Get the number format for the Numeric textbox Number format Get the number decimal digits for the Numeric textbox Returns Number decimal digits Gets the NumberGroupSeparator for the Returns number group separator. Gets the NumberDecimalSeparator for the Returns number decimal separator. Set the empty selection to the formatted text Sets the cursor position Set the Text property for the base text. String value for the text property Sets Intermediate Formatted Text on key press Not formatted Text Formatted Text Sets the value to the Numeric TextBox Double Value Set the double value for the TextBox The double value passed to it Increment value by 1 for Up arrow key Decrement value by 1 for down arrow key Handles the functions keys like control and shift keys Key value Selection start Handles the backspace key Current text Start selection of the text Length of the selection Entered key data Returns true,if the current text is not handled Handles the Negative sign Negative sign key value Inserts the given key value in the specified position Pressed key value Sets the Fore color of the Textbox Value of the textbox Occurs when the property has been changed. Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Occurs when theme name of the has changed. Overrides the base class font property. Gets or sets the value property, which may be vary depends on and . Gets or sets the minimum value for the . Gets or sets the maximum value for the . Gets or sets a value indicating whether the null value is allowed in . Gets or sets a value indicating whether the trailing zeros should be displayed or not. Gets or sets the formatting information for the , using this formatting and parsing the numeric values can be done. Overrides the Text property of . Gets or sets the content which should be displayed when is empty and the control is not in focus. Gets or sets the mode which define when the should be changed and event should be called. Gets or sets when the and validation need to be performed. Gets or sets the mode type for which defines how the value needs to be formatted, where formatting is done using NumberFormatInfo. If Mode specified as Currency, then value formatted based on currency format setting of NumberFormatInfo. If Mode specified as Percent, then value formatted based on percent format setting of NumberFormatInfo. If Mode specified as Numeric, then value formatted based on numeric format setting of NumberFormatInfo. Gets or sets mode which defines how the need to be reset after validation fails when is set to . Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to select values. Gets or sets the value to prepend the string to the formatted text. Gets or sets the value to append the string to the formatted text. Gets or sets the back color property of . Gets or sets the value to customize the appearance of the Textbox. Gets or sets the BaseTheme name of the theme Gets or sets the VisualTheme of the SfNumericTextBox control. Gets the name of the control. Gets or sets the theme name of the Numeric TextBox control. The default value is null. The theme will be applied only when the particular theme for this control has included the Themes assembly. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a theme style has been applied to the control. If the value is true, then the SkinManager theme will apply to the control, otherwise the SkinManager theme will not affect the control theme. The default value is true. Gets or sets a value indicating whether control elements styles can be overridden by theme style settings. Default value is false. By default, the control's element styles will not be overridden by theme style settings if the style is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, element style will be overridden by theme style settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before calling the ThemeName property of the control. Gets a value indicating whether the visual style based theme is applied to the control and also indicates whether the theme files are referred from external assemblies or not. Return true, if the visual style based theme is applied to the control. Otherwise returns false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should enable its Accessibility support. Gets or sets the BaseThemeName of the control. Gets or sets the visualTheme of the control, which holds the ThemeName applied from SkinManager Encapsulates the styles and other information while creating the control. Gets or sets the internal border color for drawing the border in all states. Gets or sets the Intermediate text of the textbox Gets or sets the previous text of the textbox. Gets or sets the previous value of the textbox. The Syncfusion.WinForms.Input namespace contains classes to create input controls such as NumericTextBox, Calendar, DateTimeEdit and etc,. that are needed for creating Windows-based applications with rich user interface. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents the class to define the style for control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Gets the default style value of the class. Returns the default style value. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Gets the default style of the . Gets or sets the font of . Gets or sets the fore color for when is negative. Gets or sets the watermark fore color for . Gets or sets the fore color for when is positive. Gets or sets the fore color for when is zero. Gets or sets the disabled state fore color for when is zero. Gets or sets the border color for . Gets or sets the disabled state border color for . Gets or sets the hover border color for . Gets or sets the focus border color for . Gets or sets the back color for . Gets or sets the disable state back color for . StyleInfoBase class provides the wrapper around the . Gets the positive fore color property of Gets the Negative fore color property of Gets the Watermark fore color property of Gets the Zero fore color property of Gets the Back color property of Gets the Border color property of Provides information about the property. Gets the Hover Border color property of Gets the Focus Border color property of Gets the Disable state Border color property of Gets the Disable state Back color property of Gets the Disable state fore color property of Gives the static data of the Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes the , if static data is null. Gets the static data of the Value changed event argument class Gets or sets old value of . Gets or sets new value of . Initializes a new instance of the class. Old value Changed new value Gets new value of . Gets old value of . Represents a class that used to specify the accessibility object of the control. Instance for class. Initializes a new instance of the class. which needs to be used for accessibility application. Retrieves the child object at the specified screen coordinates. The Horizontal screen coordinates The vertical screen coordinates An System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject that represents the child object at the given screen coordinates. This method returns the calling object if the object itself is at the location specified. Returns null if no object is at the tested location. Gets the accessible role of the control. Gets the name of the which is used by accessibility program. Gets the state of the which is used by accessibility program. Gets the parent of the which is used by accessibility program. Gets the description of the control used by the accessibility program. Gets the description of the control. Gets the Bounds of the which is used by accessibility program. Gets or sets the text of the . Represents a class which contains resource manager that provides convenient access to culture-specific resources at run time. Sets the resource manager based on the assembly and namespace. It can be used to get the values from the application resource files when the assembly name and the namespace of the control or application is different. The control assembly. The namespace of the control. Gets the localized string for the current culture. The string that need to be localized. Returns the localized string. Get localized version of the object. Name of the localized resource. Localized version of the object. Instance of A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Looks up a localized string similar to None. Looks up a localized string similar to Today.