Syncfusion.PdfViewer.Windows Internal variable that holds cff glyphs Takes in the encoded text, identifies the type of encoding used, decodes the encoded text, returns the decoded text. Encoded string from the PDF document. Decoded string, human readable. Decodes the octal text in the encoded text. The text encoded from the PDF document Decoded text with replaced octal texts Decodes the HEX encoded string. HEX encoded string. Decoded string. Extracts the font name associated with the string. Font name. Extracts the font style associated with the text string Font style. Extracts the font encoding associated with the text string Font style. Parsing the stream from the Adobe-Japan1-6.cidmap resource to create CIDMapTable CID map table resource Adobe Japan CID map table Parse the Japanese character where the value is reference to another key in the Adobe Japan Cid Map Table mapped value which is a reference to another key Mapped Character present in the Adobe Japan Cid Map table Decodes the ASCII85 encoded stream Encoded stream Decoded Stream Decodes the Flate encoded stream Encoded stream Decoded Stream Builds the mapping table that is used to map the decoded text to get the expected text. A dictionary with key as the encoded element and value as the value to be mapped to. Builds the mapping table that is used to map the decoded text to get the expected text. Gets Latin Character The decodedCharacter. decodedCharacter Gets Latin Character The decodedCharacter. decodedCharacter Takes in the decoded text and maps it with its corresponding entry in the CharacterMapTable decoded text Expected text string Takes in the decoded text and maps it with its corresponding entry in the CharacterMapTable encoded text Expected text string Method to remove the new line character Text with new line character Text without new line character Organizes the hex string enclosed within the hexa brackets Mapping string in the map table of the document list of HEX entries in the string Checks whether the specified character is Non-Printable character or not. The character to be verified as either Non-Printable or not Returns true, if the specified character is Non-Printable character. Otherwise it returns false Gets or sets the value indicating whether the encoded text is hexa decimal string Holds the font name associated with the text element Holds the font style of the text to be decoded. Gets and sets whether same font is denoted in more than one XObject. Holds the font encoding associated with the text element Decodes the image stream in the PDF document into an image Sets the fields associated with the TIFF image Number of fields Value of the field Name of the TIFF tag Type of the tag value Writes the header to the TIFF image Specifies the header of the TIFF image Writes the list of fields associated with the TIFF image List of TIFF fields Writes short value into the TIFF stream Short value to be written Writes integer value into the TIFF stream Integer value to be written Structure of the TIFF header Size of the byte order of the tiff image TIFF version number byte offset to first directory Tag entry to the TIFF stream Represents the TIFF tag Represents the type of the TIFF tag number of items; length in spec byte offset to field data Width of the image in pixels Height of the image in pixels Bits per channel (sample). Compression technique Photometric interpretation. Offsets to data strips. Samples per pixel. Bytes counts for strips. 16-bit unsigned integer. 32-bit unsigned integer. Collects all the ExtendedGraphicsSatate elements in the pdf document containing all the resources of the document dictionary of ExtGState elements Collects all the fonts in the page in a dictionary dictionary containing all the resources in the Xobjects dictionary containing font name and the font Extracts the text from the page given page from which text is extracted font used in the text text in the page to be decoded decoded text Collects all the fonts in the page in a dictionary dictionary containing all the resources in the page page in which text is to be extracted dictionary containing font name and the font Collects all the images in the pdf document containing all the resources of the document dictionary of images Updates the resources in the page Existing page resources Dictionary items to the updated Updated page resource The class provides methods and properties to access the PDF page resources. Returns if the FontCollection has same font face. if font present true, else false Initializes the new instance of the class Adds the resource with the specified name. Name of the resource Resource to add Returns if the key already exists. if key present true,else false Gets the PDF page resources. Gets or sets the value associated with the key. Gets or sets the value that indicating the extracting of text data. Gets or sets the value that indicating the extracting of text data. Gets or sets the value that indicating the extracting of text data. Local variable to store the whitepoint value of CalGray colorspace. Local variable to store the blackpoint value of CalGray colorspace. Local variable to store the gamma value of CalGray colorspace. Gets the number of components for the CalGray Colorspace. Gets or sets the Whitepoint value for the CalGray Colorspace. Gets or sets the Blackpoint value for the CalGray Colorspace. Gets or sets the Gamma value for the CalGray Colorspace. Local variable to store the whitepoint value of CalRgb colorspace. Local variable to store the blackpoint value of CalRgb colorspace. Local variable to store the gamma value of CalRgb colorspace. Local variable to store the matrix value of CalRgb colorspace. Gets the number of components for the CalRgb Colorspace. Gets or sets the Whitepoint value for the CalRgb Colorspace. Gets or sets the Blackpoint value for the CalRgb Colorspace. Gets or sets the Gamma value for the CalRgb Colorspace. Gets or sets the Matrix value for the CalRgb Colorspace. Gets the number of components for the DeviceCMYK Colorspace. Gets the number of components for the DeviceGray Colorspace. Local variable to store the AlternateColorspace value of DeviceN colorspace. Local variable to store the function value of DeviceN colorspace. Set the Colorspace value to local variable from Pdfarray ColorspaceArray Get the Colorspace value from Pdfarray ColorspaceArray Colorspace Gets the number of components for the DeviceN Colorspace. Gets or set the AlternateColorspace value for DeviceN colorspace Gets or set the Function value for DeviceN colorspace Gets the number of components for the DeviceRgb Colorspace. Local variable to store the IccProfile value of ICCBased colorspace. Gets or sets the IccProfile value for the ICCBased Colorspace. Gets the Components for the IccBased Alternate Colorspace. Local variable to store the N value of IccProfile. Local variable to store the alternate colorspace. Local variable to store the IccProfile value of IccBased colorspace. Local variable to store the matrix value of CalRgb colorspace. Gets the Alternate colorspace of IccBased colorspace. Gets or sets the N value for the ICCBased Colorspace. Local variable to store the BaseColorspace value of Indexed colorspace. Local variable to store the Maximum valid index value of Indexed colorspace. Local variable to store the Lookup parameter value of Indexed colorspace. Get the color value of Indexed colorspace Index value for color Color Set the Indexed colorspace data to local variable Index value Array Get the Color Color component Color Get the Base colorspace of Indexed color space Index value Array Colorspace Get the Lookup data of Indexed colorspace Index value Array Get the colorspace of Base colorspace Colorspace Get the Decoded stream of Type0 data Type0 stream Decoded Byte Decode the FlateDecode stream Type0 encoded stream Memory stream Gets the number of components for the Indexed Colorspace. Gets the DefaultBrush value for the Indexed BaseColorspace. Gets or sets the BaseColorspace value for the Indexed Colorspace. Gets or sets the Maximum valid index value for the Indexed Colorspace. Gets or sets the Lookup parameter value for the Indexed Colorspace. Local variable to store the whitepoint value of Labcolorspace. Local variable to store the blackpoint value of Labcolorspace. Local variable to store the range value of Labcolorspace. Gets the number of components for the Labcolorspace. Gets or sets the Whitepoint value for the Labcolorspace. Gets or sets the Blackpoint value for the Labcolorspace. Gets or sets the Range value for the Labcolorspace. Local variable to store the Lookup Data of Indexed colorspace Load the Lookup stream data of Indexed color space Lookup stream data Load the Lookup byte string data of Indexed colorspace Byte string Load the Lookup data reference of Indexed color space Reference of Lookup data Gets the Lookup Data of Indexed colorspace Local variable to store the PatternType value of Pattern colorspace. Local variable to store the AlternateColorspace value of Pattern colorspace. Local variable to store the PatternMatrix value of Pattern colorspace. Local variable to store the Pattern value of Pattern colorspace. Gets or sets the AlternateColorspace value for the Pattern Colorspace. Gets or sets the PatternMatrix value for the Pattern Colorspace. Gets or sets the PatternType value for the Pattern Colorspace. Local variable to store the Alternate colorspace value of Seperation colorspace. Local variable to store the Function value of Seperation colorspace founction. Get the color value from string value string Array Color Convert the string array to double array string Array Double array Get the color value from bytes string Array Offset Value Color Set the Seperation colorspace data to local variable seperation value Array Get the Seperation colorspace Alternate colorspace from array value seperation value Array Alternate colorspace Gets the number of components for the Seperation Colorspace. Gets or sets the Alternate colorspace value for the Seperation Colorspace. Gets or sets the Function value for the Seperation Colorspace. Gets or sets a value of the StrokingColorspace Gets or sets a value of the NonStrokingColorspace Gets or sets a value of the StrokingBrush Gets or sets a value of the NonStrokingBrush Set the Stroking colorspace of current graphics state current colorspace value Set the Non Stroking colorspace of current graphics state current colorspace value Set the Non Stroking RGB color of current graphics state brush color value of RGB Set the Non Stroking CMYK color of current graphics state brush color value of CMYK Set the Non Stroking Gray color of current graphics state brush color value of Gray Set the Stroking RGB color of current graphics state brush color value of RGB Set the Stroking CMYK color of current graphics state brush color value of CMYK Set the Stroking Gray color of current graphics state brush color value of Gray Set the Stroking of current graphics state brush color value Set the Non Stroking of current graphics state brush color value Determining valid email address email address to validate true is valid, false if not valid Calculates the height of text. Cleared the collections Gets or sets the value that indicating the extracting of text data. Renders the Text to the panel graphics element location in which the graphics is to be drawn Renders the Text to the panel graphics element location in which the graphics is to be drawn Removes the escape sequence characters in the given text text with the escape sequence Text without escape sequence Gets or sets the value that indicating the extracting of text data. Local variable to store the Domain value of Function Local variable to store the Range value of Function Local variable to store the dictionary of Function Create the function type from dictionary Array Function Color transfer function Input color component value Double array Extract the Input Data Input data Double array Extract the Output Data Output data Double array Perform Interpolate function result Clip the Data result Gets or sets the Domain value of Function. Gets or sets the Range value of Function. Local variable to store the BitsPerSample of Type0 Local variable to store the Order of Type0 Local variable to store the Size of Type0 Local variable to store the Encode value of Type0 Local variable to store the Decode value of Type0 Local variable to store the sample value of Type0 Local variable to store the Output value count of Type0 Local variable to store the Filter of Type0 Data Load the Type0 function stream to local variable Type0 Data Execute the Type0 function Input Data Color values Encode the input data of Type0 EncodedData Decode the input data of Type0 DecodedData Get the index of data Data Index Get the Decoded stream of Type0 data Type0 stream Decoded Byte Decode the FlateDecode stream Type0 encoded stream Memory stream Gets or sets the BitsPerSample value of Type0 function. Gets or sets the Filter value of Type0 function. Gets or sets the Order value of Type0 function. Gets or sets the Decode value of Type0 function. Gets or sets the Encode value of Type0 function. Gets or sets the Size value of Type0 function. Local variable to store the C0 value of Type2 function Local variable to store the C1 value of Type2 function Local variable to store the N value of Type2 function Local variable to store the Functions resources value of Type2 function Perform the Type0 function Input Data Color values Perform the Type0 function of Single input data Single input data outputData Perform the ExponentialInterpolation function value value value result Gets or sets the Function resource value of Type2 function. Gets or sets the C0 value of Type2 function. Gets or sets the C1 value of Type2 function. Gets or sets the N value of Type2 function. Gets the output element length Local variable to store the Encode value of Type3 function Local variable to store the Bounds value of Type3 function Local variable to store the Functions value of Type3 function Perform the Type4 function Input Data Color values Gets or sets the Encode value of Type3 function. Gets or sets the Bounds value of Type3 function. Gets or sets the Function value of Type4 function. Local variable to store the Post Script Stream Local variable to store the Filter type of Post Script Stack pointer List of Post Script Operator Stack value of Post Script Data Operator type array of Post Script Operator Current operator type value Load the Type4 function stream to local variable Type4 Data Get the Decoded stream of Type4 function Type0 Data Perform the Type4 function Input Data Color values Decodes the ASCII85 encoded stream Encoded stream Decoded Stream Gets the output element value length Gets or sets the Filter value of Type4 function stream. Contains definition for sorting the enumerator in ascending order Type of return value Delegate Used to compare two object If it is set to true, enumerator is sorted in descending order other it is sorted in ascending order Gets or sets the embeded font family. Gets the updated font size from text matrix. Base viewer interface for all PdfViewers. Zooms the document to the specified value. Value in Percentage Displays the first page. Displays the last page. Displays the previous page. Displays the next page. Displays the page specified by the index. Index of the page Returns the number of pages. Returns the current displayed page index. Returns if first page can be displayed. Returns if previous page can be displayed. Returns if next page can be displayed. Returns if last page can be displayed. Specifies ZoomMode. Displays with detault. Fits the entire page in the viewer. Fits the width of the page in the viewer. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required designer variable. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Gets or sets the font of the text displayed by the control. Reference on parent control Initializes new instance of ControlsCollectionBase class Reference on parent control. Can not be NULL. Initializes new instance of ControlsCollectionBase class Reference on parent control. Can not be NULL. Attach event handler to ConfigureControl event on initialize. Occurs when collection changed. Add Control object to collection. Removes control from collection. Insert control in position with index value is index. Includes/exclude controls from parent controls collection. If true - excludes, else includes controls in parent controls collection. Reference on parent control/container. Typed version of indexer. Message class that contains reference on control that required configuration. Storage of control reference. Default constructor. Get reference on Control. Represents a standard Windows horizontal scroll bar. Most controls that need scroll bars already provide them and do not require this control. This is true of a multi-line control, a and a , for example. You can use this control to implement scrolling in containers that do not provide their own scroll bars, such as a or for user input of numeric data. The numeric data may be displayed in a control or utilized in code. The and properties determine the range of values the user can select. The property determines the effect of clicking within the scroll bar but outside the scroll box. The property determines the effect of clicking the scroll arrows at each end of the control. Implements the basic functionality of a scroll bar control. To adjust the value range of the scroll bar control, set the and properties. To adjust the distance the scroll box moves, set the and properties. To adjust the starting point of the scroll box, set the property when the control is initially displayed. The scroll box is sometimes referred to as the "thumb". Defines an interface that provides all properties to configure a scrollbar. Updates the scrollbar with latest changes to current position and scrollable range. Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a large distance. Gets or sets the upper limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets or sets the lower limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets or sets the value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a small distance. Gets or sets a numeric value that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Gets or sets a number that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Enables or disables thumbtrack feature for the scrollbar. Indicates whether the scrollbar is in thumb drag mode. Indicates whether ScrollTips should be shown for the scrollbar. Creates the handler. Overridden to help set up scrollbar information. Resets the backcolor of the scroll bar. Indicates whether the associated control should scroll while the user is dragging a scrollbar thumb. Indicates whether the parent control should show ScrollTips while the user is dragging a scrollbar thumb. checks this property to determine if ScrollTips should be displayed. Indicates whether the scroll bar is currently in thumb drag mode. Gets / sets the effect of clicking within the scroll bar but outside the scroll box. Gets / sets the maximum range of the scroll bar. Default is 100. Gets / sets the minimum range of the scroll bar. Default is zero. Gets / sets the effect of clicking the scroll arrows at each end of the control. Gets / sets the starting value of the scroll bar. Gets / sets the background color of this scrollbar. Gets / sets the scroll bar style. Default is Flat style. Constructor. Returns the parameters needed to create the handler. Inheriting classes can override this to provide extra functionality. They should not, however, forget to call base.getCreateParams() first to get the structure filled up with the basic info. Represents a standard Windows vertical scroll bar. Most controls that need scroll bars already provide them and do not require this control. This is true of a multi-line control, a and a , for example. You can use this control to implement scrolling in containers that do not provide their own scroll bars, such as a or for user input of numeric data. The numeric data may be displayed in a control or utilized in code. The and properties determine the range of values the user can select. The property determines the effect of clicking within the scroll bar but outside the scroll box. The property determines the effect of clicking the scroll arrows at each end of the control. Constructor. Returns the parameters needed to create the handler. Inheriting classes can override this to provide extra functionality. They should not, however, forget to call base.getCreateParams() first to get the structure filled up with the basic info. Empty attributes array for optimization. Hide default constructor. Allow to see it only inheritors. This is a base class for Disposable. It implements the IDisposable interface as suggested in the .NET documentation using the Disposable pattern but it does not implement a finalizer. If you need finalization you need to derive from Disposable or add a finalizer to your derived class and manually call Dispose from the Finalizer. Releases all resources used by the Component. Releases all resources used by the Component. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. See the documentation for the class and its Dispose member. This class provides a base class that implements the IDisposable interface as suggested in the .NET documentation using the Disposable pattern. If you derive from this class, you only need to override the protected Dispose method and check the disposing parameter. . In C# and C++, finalizers are expressed using destructor syntax. This is a base class for DisposableWithDisposedProp. It implements the IDisposable interface as suggested in the .NET documentation using the Disposable pattern but it does not implement a finalizer. If you need finalization you need to derive from Disposable or add a finalizer to your derived class and manually call Dispose from the Finalizer. Storage for IsDisposed property. True - object is disposed, otherwise object is still alive and available for user use. Releases all resources used by the Component. Releases all resources used by the Component. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. See the documentation for the class and its Dispose member. Allows to detect if object is disposed or not. True indicates object is disposed, otherwise indicates object is still alive and ready for use. This class provides a base class that implements the IDisposable interface as suggested in the .NET documentation using the Disposable pattern. If you derive from this class, you only need to override the protected Dispose method and check the disposing parameter. . In C# and C++, finalizers are expressed using destructor syntax. Specifies whether a property should be shown in the ToString result. Specifies that a property should be shown in the ToString result. This field is Read-only. Specifies that a property should not be shown in the ToString result. This field is Read-only. The default value for TracePropertyAttribute. (No) Initializes a new instance of the class. if a property should be shown in ToString result; otherwise. The default is . Overridden. See . Indicates whether a property is shown in the ToString result. Helper class for creating a string concatenating the string representation of all properties in an object. The static method of this helper class will loop through any property in a given object and check if the has been set. If it has been set, the string representation of the property will be appended to the resulting string. Indicates whether the has been set for the property. A . True if property has a ; False otherwise. This method will loop through any property in a given object and append the string representation of the property if the has been set. This is a base class for events of the Syncfusion libraries. It supports writing properties in its ToString() method. This method will loop through all properties in a derived class and append the string representation of the property if the has been set. Provides data for a cancellable event. Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the SyncfusionCancelEventArgs class. Initializes a new instance of the SyncfusionCancelEventArgs class with the Cancel property set to the given value. Provides data for an event that indicates success or failure. Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the SyncfusionSuccessEventArgs class with the Success property set to True. Initializes a new instance of the SyncfusionSuccessEventArgs class with the Success property set to the given value. Indicates whether an operation was successful. Indicates whether an operation was successful. Provides data for a event that can be handled by a subscriber and overrides the event's default behavior. Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the SyncfusionHandledEventArgs class with the Handled property set to False. Initializes a new instance of the SyncfusionHandledEventArgs class with the Handled property set to the given value. Indicates whether the event has been handled and no further processing of the event should happen. Provides predefined switches for enabling / disabling trace output or code instrumentation in the Syncfusion shared library. General switch for Shared Library. Enable Tracing for the Styles. Enable Tracing for the Shared Serialization. Enable Tracing for the ScrollControl. Enable Tracing for Timer Start and Stop Enable Tracing for Timer Start and Stop. Enable Tracing for BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods calls Enable Tracing for MouseController. Enable Tracing for OperationFeedback. Enable Tracing for BrushPaint drawing methods. Enable Tracing for ArrowButtonBar events. Enable Tracing for ButtonBar events. Enable Tracing for RecordNavigationBar events. Enable Tracing for RecordNavigationControl events. Enable Tracing for SplitterControl events. Enable Tracing for TabBar events. Enable Tracing for TabBarSplitterControl events. Enable Tracing for MouseControllerDispatcher events. Enable Tracing for ScrollControl events. Enable Tracing for Focus events. Returns the General Tracing level for the Grid Library. Provides various diagnostic utilities for tracing methods, exception and more. Writes a trace log with information about current class and method name and string representations of any method arguments. An array of method arguments. Writes a trace log of the current stack. The number of method on the stack to trace. Writes a trace log for the given exception together with information where the exception was caught. An Exception. Insert this before a code block that should be measured. Ends the code block that should be measured and increments the associated performance counter. Prints all performance counters into a string and sorts it by ids. All counters will be reset afterwards. Returns the time since Reset in microseconds. MouseControllerDispatcher coordinates mouse events among competing mouse controllers. Based on the position of the mouse and context of the control every registered controller's HitTest method is called to determine the best controller for the following mouse action. This controller will then receive mouse events. Any Mouse Controller needs to implement the IMouseController interface. In its implementation of MouseController.HitTest, the mouse controller should determine whether your controller wants to handle the mouse events based current context. MouseControllerDispatcher will call HitTest for each Mouse Controller that has been registered with Add(IMouseController). The Mouse Controller that wins the vote will receive all Mouse hovering events like MouseHoverEnter, MouseHover and MouseHoverLeave as long as its HitTest method indicates that it wants to handle the mouse event. A MouseHoverLeave notification is guaranteed after MouseHoverEnter has been called. When the user presses the mouse, a MouseDown will be sent to the controller. All subsequent mouse events will then go to that specific controller until the user releases the mouse or the mouse operations is cancelled. A call to either MouseUp or CancelMode is guaranteed after a controller MouseDown method was called. Mouse controllers are registered by calling the Add method. If the control that MouseControllerDispatcher should be associated with is derived from ScrollControl, you should use ScrollControllMouseControllerDispatcher because it will automatically hook itself up with mouse events from ScrollControl. Otherwise if you want to attach MouseControllerDispatcher to a different type of Control, you need to delegate mouse events to MouseControllerDispatcher. MouseControllerDispatcher provides ProcessXYZ methods for every mouse event that should be forwarded. Simply call these methods from your mouse event handlers in your control. Initializes a new MouseControllerDispatcher object and associates it with the parent control. Resets the dispatcher and calls Dispose for any registered mouse controller and unregisters all mouse controllers. Registers a mouse controller. Removes a mouse controller. Indicates whether a mouse controller has previously been registered. Search a mouse controller by comparing with the name returned from IMouseController.Name. Changes the active controller and raises an ActiveControllerChanged event. Sets the controller that will receive mouse hovering messages. If the controller is changed, MouseHoverLeave and MouseHoverEnter calls are made. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. HitTest loops through all controllers and calls HitTest on each of them. Only one mouse controller can get voted to receive mouse messages. HitTest loops through all controllers and call HitTest on each of them. Only one mouse controller can get voted to receive mouse messages. The point in client coordinates to be hit tested. The result identifying the hit-test context. The current result of the vote gets passed to the next mouse controller. If a controller wants to handle mouse events, it can decide based on the existing vote if it has higher priority for it to handle mouse messages than the existing vote. HitTest loops through all controllers and call HitTest on each of them. Only one mouse controller can get voted to receive mouse messages. The point in client coordinates to be hit tested. The mouse button that is pressed. The result identifying the hit-test context. HitTest loops through all controllers and call HitTest on each of them. Only one mouse controller can get voted to receive mouse messages. The point in client coordinates to be hit tested. The mouse button that is pressed. A placeholder where a reference to the winning is returned. The result identifying the hit-test context. HitTest loops through all controllers and call HitTest on each of them. Only one mouse controller can get voted to receive mouse messages. The point in client coordinates to be hit tested. The mouse button that is pressed. 1 for single-click; 2 for double click. A placeholder where a reference to the winning is returned. The result identifying the hit-test context. Call this method from your control's MouseMove handler. Call this method from your control MouseDown handler. Call this method from your control's MouseUp handler. Call this method from your control's CancelMode handler. Resets support for mouse tracking. Call this method after a user interaction that should switch the control back into normal mouse behavior. For example, when the control gets the focus or when the user clicks a scrollbar. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Indicates that the active controller has changed. Active controller is the controller that is receiving MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseUp messages when the user has pressed a mouse button. Returns a reference to the active mouse controller that is receiving MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseUp messages when the user has pressed a mouse button. Returns the controller that currently receives mouse hovering messages. Returns the last HitTest value returned that was non-zero. Check this property if you need to make decision on your mouse controller's HitTest. Property AllowDoubleClickTimer (bool). Returns the cursor to be displayed. Returns a reference to the associated control. Enables support for mouse tracking. Specify the bounds where the mouse tracking should start. As soon as the user moves the mouse over the specified region, MouseControllerDispatcher will simulate a mouse down event. When the user presses any mouse button MouseControllerDispatcher will simulate a mouse up and resets the mouse tracking mode. After the initial click on a mouse button, mouse processing will work as usual. Mouse tracking lets you easily simulate the behavior of windows combo boxes. Indicates that the value of the TrackMouse property has changed. ScrollControllMouseControllerDispatcher is a specialized version of MouseControllerDispatcher that automatically wires itself up with a ScrollControl. If the control that MouseControllerDispatcher should be associated with is derived from ScrollControl, you should use ScrollControllMouseControllerDispatcher because it will automatically hook itself up with mouse events from ScrollControl. No initialization is necessary. You can register MouseControllers with: resizeCellsController = new GridResizeCellsMouseController(this); MouseControllerDispatcher.Add(resizeCellsController); See ScrollControl.MouseControllerDispatcher property. Initializes a object and associates it with a . The this object is associated with. Provides data for a cancelable mouse event. Initializes a new with data from a . The data for this event. The data for this event. Handles a cancelable mouse event. ICancelModeProvider provides an interface for the CancelMode event. Occurs when the window receives a WM_CANCELMODE message. WM_CANCELMODE is sent to cancel certain modes, such as mouse capture. For example, the system sends this message to the active window when a dialog box or message box is displayed. Certain functions also send this message explicitly to the specified window regardless of whether it is the active window. For example, the EnableWindow function sends this message when disabling the specified window. Specifies the expected effect of the change in property of an object / Control. Used by the class. The Control needs a repaint due to change in property's value. The Control needs to be laid out due to change in a property's value. No effect when there is change in a property's value. Provides data for the delegate. Creates an instance of the SyncfusionPropertyChangedEventArgs class. A PropertyChangeEffect value. The name of the property. The old value cast into an object. The new value cast into an object. Gets / sets the of this change in property value. The . The old value of the property before it changes. The object representing the old value. This can be cast to the type of the property. The new value of the property after it changes. The object representing the new value. This can be cast to the type of the property. Represents the method that will handle the PropertyChanged event of certain classes. The source of the event. A object that contains the event data. A class implements this interface to let it be known that it provides a event. The class makes use of this interface when the items in its list implement it. The listens to this event and forwards the event args using its own event. Occurs when one of the object's property changes. This event provides a generic way of notifying changes in an object's property, along with the old value, new value and the PropertyChangeEffect. Used internally to expose the DesignMode property of certain component-derived classes. Indicates whether the component is in design-mode. IMouseController defines the interface for mouse controllers to be used with MouseControllerDispatcher. Any mouse controller needs to implement the IMouseController interface. In its implementation of MouseController.HitTest, the mouse controller should determine whether your controller wants to handle the mouse events based current context. See MouseControllerDispatcher for further discussion. MouseHoverEnter is called when this controller signaled in HitTest that it wants to handle mouse events. MouseHoverEnter is called before the MouseHover is called for the first time. MouseHover is called when this controller signaled in HitTest that it wants to handle mouse events. MouseHover is called after MouseHoverEnter. MouseHoverLeave is called when hovering ends either because user dragged mouse out of the hit-test area or when context changes (e.g. user pressed the mouse button). MouseDown is called when this controller signaled in HitTest that it wants to handle mouse events and the user pressed the mouse button. MouseDown is called and this controller will become the active controller and receive all subsequent mouse messages until the mouse button is released or the mouse operation is cancelled. MouseMove is called for the active controller after a MouseDown message when the user moves the mouse pointer. MouseUp is called for the active controller after a MouseDown message when the user releases the mouse button. CancelMode is called for the active controller after a MouseDown message when the mouse operation is cancelled. HitTest is called to determine whether your controller wants to handle the mouse events based current context. The current winner of the vote is specified through the controller parameter. Your implementation of HitTest can decide if it wants to override the existing vote or leave it. Returns the name of this mouse controller. Returns the cursor to be displayed. Defines an interface for classes that support a BeginUpdate / EndUpdate pattern. Suspends updating the component. An internal counter will be increased if called multiple times. Resumes updating the component. If was called multiple times, an internal counter is decreased. Indicates whether was called. Creates a new instance of the context menu object managed by this provider. If the provider contains a previously initialized context menu, then the existing menu will be disposed before creating the new menu. Gets the Menu items count. Indicates whether "Add or Remove buttons" is needed. Sets the visual style for the context menu. A value. Creates a new top-level menu item. A value representing the menu item. The that will handle the menu item Click event. Creates a new menu item and adds it to the specified parent menu item. A value representing the parent menu item. A value representing the menu item. The that will handle the menu item Click event. Sets the menu item image. A value representing the menu item. The containing the image. The zero-based image index. Sets a shortcut key for the menu item. A value representing the menu item. The key for the menu item. Returns the menu item's shortcut key. A value representing the menu item. A key value. Sets the menu item's Checked property to the specified value. A value representing the menu item. The boolean value to be set. Gets the menu item's Checked property. A value representing the menu item. A boolean value. Sets the menu item's Enabled property to the specified value. A value representing the menu item. The boolean value to be set. Indicates the state of the menu item's Enabled property. A value representing the menu item. A boolean value. Inserts or removes a separator before the specified menu item's position. A value representing the menu item. True to insert a new separator; False to remove an existing separator. Removes the specified context menu item. A value representing the menu item. Displays the context menu at the specified position. A object that specifies the control with which this context menu is associated. A object that specifies the coordinates at which to display the menu. Disposes the context menu associated with this provider. Clears all menu items. Occurs when menu is popped up. Occurs when menu is collapsed. Creates an instance of the class. A instance representing the menu provider. A value representing the context menu item. Returns the menu provider instance. A instance. Returns the text representing the context menu item. A value. Workaround for incident 35141. When calling Timer.Stop in GridGroupDropArea this ends up calling MdiSysMenuProvider.MsgHook Provides some utility methods regarding the runtime. Returns the major runtime version. Returns the minor runtime version. This class will provide more information that the .Net equivalent ignored. Indicates whether menu access keys are always underlined. Indicates whether the current application is a .Net application. True if .Net; false otherwise. By default, this method will automatically determine whether or not the current active app is a .Net app or a native app. However, to speed up performance (by a fraction of a second), you can set this value appropriately at the beginning of your app. Note that an incorrect setting would cause unforeseen behavior. Indicates whether the component is used inside developer studio. Sets the advanced graphics mode. Handler to device context. New graphics mode. If the function succeeds, the return value is the old graphics mode. If the function fails, the return value is zero. Changes the world transformation for a device context using the specified mode. Handler to device context. Transformation data. Modification mode. If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. Sets a two-dimensional linear transformation between world space and page space for the specified device context. Handler to the device context. Pointer to an XFORM structure that contains the transformation data. TRUE if success; false otherwise. For the scroll bar itself, indicates the specified vertical or horizontal scroll bar does not exist. For the page up or page down regions, indicates the thumb is positioned such that the region does not exist. For the scroll bar itself, indicates the window is sized such that the specified vertical or horizontal scroll bar is not currently displayed. The arrow button or page region is pressed. The component is disabled. Computes the string size that should be passed to a typical Win32 call. This will be the character count under NT and the ubyte count for Win95. The string whose size to compute. The count of characters or bytes, depending on what the pinvoke all wants Native Matrix Object. The NativeMethodsHelper class is a wrapper over some Interop calls that are exposed using static methods in this class. Keeps track of the number of times Suspend and Resume redraw window is called for a particular window. Sends the WM_SETREDRAW to the handle of the Control to prevent drawing of the control. The handle of the control that is to be suspended. Resumes redrawing of the window. Resumes redrawing of the window. Sends the WM_SETREDRAW message to a window to allow changes in that window to be redrawn or to prevent changes in that window from being redrawn. Handle to the native window. Indicates the redraw state. If this parameter is true, the content can be redrawn after a change. If this parameter is false, the content cannot be redrawn after a change. Forces redraw of the window using . Works only if bRedraw is true. Overload of Forcefully redraws window if redraw is enabled. Subclass window that allowing attaching of message filters classes into Message processing. Value that represent invalid window handle. Reference on message filter instance. Default constructor that subclass window by it handle automatically. Window Handle. Override of WndProc function. Reference on message processed by Window. Gets and Sets reference on message filter instance. A structure that represents a location in the registry. This is a simple structure that refers to a Registry location through the root RegistryKey and the subkey. Creates a new instance of the RegistryEntry class and initializes it with the root RegistryKey and subkey. The root RegistryKey. The subkey string. Gets / sets the root RegistryKey. A RegistryKey value. Gets /sets the subkey under the root RegistryKey. A string value representing the subkey. SR provides localized access to string resources specific from the assembly manifest Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Localization.SR.resources Specifies the category in which the property or event will be displayed in a visual designer. This is a localized version of CategoryAttribute. The localized string will be loaded from the assembly manifest Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Localization.SR.resources Specifies a description for a property or event. This is a localized version of DescriptionAttribute. The localized string will be loaded from the assembly manifest Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Localization.SR.resources Defines a interface. Provides static methods and properties to localize the UI. ResourceIdentifiers contains resource Ids specific to the Syncfusion.Shared.Base assembly. Base class for scrollers control that support visual styles. Key for LargeChangeChanged event. Key for MaximumChanged event. Key for MinimumChanged event. Key for SmallChangeChanged event. Key for ValueChanged event. Key for VisualStyleChanged event. Key for ColorSchemeChanged event. Key for ThemeEnabledChanged event. Used by threading timer. A value to be added to or subtracted from the System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBar.Value property when the scroll box is moved a large distance. Cached m_largeChange The upper limit of values of the scrollable range. The lower limit of values of the scrollable range. A value to be added to or subtracted from the Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ScrollBarCustomDraw.Value property when the scroll box is moved a small distance. A numeric value that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Visual style of the ScrollBarCustomDraw. Indicates whether to use visual styles. Indicates whether thumb is disabled. Indicates whether minimum arrow is disabled. Indicates whether maximum arrow is disabled. Collection of controls that locates above the minimum arrow. Collection of controls that locates under the maximum arrow. True - say control to keep System settings instead of user defined, otherwise False. Renderer which draws the control. Array of rectangles that represents regions of the ScrollBarCustomDraw. Used when user holds the arrow button clicked. Position where was last click. Zone where was last click . Zone where mouse is over. Cached m_selectedZone. Zone where is mouse position. False if all states is default? in other case value is false. Color scheme that used in Rendering. Color scheme that used in Rendering. Color scheme for Office2016 that used in Rendering. Color scheme for Office2010 that used in Rendering. Instance of ContextMenu provider. To avoid compile error CS0197 in VS2002. Indicates whether scrollbar should be refreshed on each value change. If set to false, scrollbar is invalidated only and therefore is visually refreshed after processing all scrolling messages. Scroll bar's owner. Metro color table for metro visual style. Office2016 black color table for Office2016 visual style. Office2016 white color table for Office2016 visual style. Office2016 darkgray color table for Office2016 visual style. Office2016 colorful color table for Office2016 visual style. Apply Office2016Black color settings for scrollbar. Apply Office2016DarkGray color settings for scrollbar. Apply Office2016White color settings for scrollbar. Apply Office2016Colorful color settings for scrollbar. Initializes a new instance of the class. The owner. Initializes a new instance of the class. Override. Force recalculation of Scroller elements. Layout arguments. Forces the laying out of combobox elements. Advanced method. You do not have to call this directly. If outside code will work with collection instead of our collections and , then this method will help us in synchronization. If outside code will work with collection instead of our collections and , then this method will help us in synchronization. Overridden. See . Occurs when control size changed. The event data. Reset control Width or Heigh to system settings Raises the OnLargeChangeChanged event. The event data. Raises the OnSmallChangeChanged event. The event data. Raises the OnMaximumChanged event. The event data. Raises the OnMinimumChanged event. The event data. Raises the OnVisualStyleChanged event. The event data. Raises the OnMinimumChanged event. The event data. Raises the OnValueChanged event. The event data. Used for validating visibility of the ControlsAfter and ControlsBefore Overridden. See . Redraws scroll control when RightToLeft is changed. Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Overridden. See . Occurs when mouse down and cursor change position. Gets min button. Possible variants: Left or Down. Gets max button. Possible variants: Right or Up. Defines pressed zone. Recalculates bounds of the ScrollBarCustomDraw. Recalculates bounds of the arrow buttons. Recalculates bounds of the thumb. If scroll contain all controls than controls is visible, in other case value is false. Gets DockStyle of afterControls. Gets DockStyle of beforeControls. used for calculates thumb offset. Utility API that open to user opportunity to destroy handle in runtime. Very usefull for runtime resource cleanup. Sets small change if value is less than large change; otherwise sets small change to large change. Value to set. Method accumulate width and height of the controls in specified collection. Method accumulate width and height of the controls in specified collection. collection of controls. Accumulated values. Excludes/includes controls in collection. If true - excludes, else includes controls in collection. X coordinate of mouse. Y coordinate of mouse. Sets value, but OnValueChanged don't raise. Dispose controls of ScrollBarCustomDraw. Collection of controls to be disposed. Used to raise the mouse event The args contains the MouseEventArgs data Used to raise the mouse event The args contains the MouseEventArgs data Used to raise the mouse event The args contains the MouseEventArgs data Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBar.Value property when the scroll box is moved a large distance. Gets or sets the upper limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets or sets the lower limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ScrollBarCustomDraw.Value property when the scroll box is moved a small distance. Gets or sets a numeric value that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Gets or sets the text associated with this control. Visual style of the ScrollBarCustomDraw. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use visual styles. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether thumb is disabled. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether minimum arrow is disabled. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether maximum arrow is disabled. Collection of controls that locates above the minimum arrow. Collection of controls that locates under the maximum arrow. True - say control to keep System settings instead of user defined, otherwise False. Gets or sets the renderer which draws the control. Returns the value that indicates whether RightToLeft is RightToLeft.Yes Hide Controls collection from CodeDom serialization. Gets or sets the metro color table. Gets or sets the color table for Office2016 Black theme scrollbar. Gets or sets the color table for Office2016 white theme scrollbar. Gets or sets the color table for Office2016 dark gray theme scrollbar. Gets or sets the color table for Office2016 colorful theme scrollbar. Gets or sets whether the Office color scheme should be Silver or Blue or Black. Gets or sets whether the Metro color scheme should be user defined color. Gets or sets whether the Office2010 color scheme should be Silver or Blue or Black. Gets or sets whether the Office2016 color scheme should be Black or White or DarkGray or Colorful. This is applicable for both the horizontal and vertical scrollbar. Gets / sets the menu provider object that will implement the 's contextmenu. The ScrollBarCustomDraw control automatically initializes this property depending on the presence of the Syncfusion Essential Tools library. If Essential Tools is available, then the menu provider object will be an instance of the type. If not, the class is used for implementing the standard .NET context menu.

The ScrollersFrame's automatic initialization should suffice for most applications and you should explicitly set this property only when you want to override the default menu provider assignment.

A implementation; the default is .
Gets or sets value indicating whether scrollbar should be refreshed on each value change. If set to false, scrollbar is invalidated only and therefore is visually refreshed after processing all scrolling messages. Flag, if true than controls visivble in other case not visible. Default size of the horizontal scroolbar. Initializes a new instance of the class. The owner. Initializes a new instance of the class. Occurs when control size changed. Used for validating visibility of the ControlsAfter and ControlsBefore TODO: place correct comment here Reset horizontal scrollbar to default height. Gets dockStyle for controls which situated before scroll. Gets dockStyle for controls which situated after scroll. Gets value by cursor position Calculates bounds of thumb for scroll control. Calculating bounds for leftThumb and rightThumb zones for scroll. Provides a property that lets you toggle support for Intelli-Mouse panning. Toggles support for Intelli-Mouse panning. When the user presses the middle mouse button and drags the mouse, the window will scroll. The latest Intelli-Mouse drivers have also built-in . Implements support for Intelli-Mouse panning. When the user presses the middle mouse button and drags the mouse, the window will scroll. has built-in support for this call. You only have to enable . Initializes the object. The control to add this functionality to. Initializes the object. The control to add this functionality to. True if should listen for MouseDown event; False if dragging should be started manually by calling StartDrag. Starts the IntelliMouse dragging at the given screen coordinates. Screen coordinates, e.g. Control.MousePosition. Stops the Intelli-Mouse dragging. Returns the bitmap from manifest. Red background in bitmap will be made transparent. Occurs when the user has dragged the mouse outside the scrolling bitmap. Returns the active object, if any. Gets / sets the scrolling direction. Indicates whether the user is dragging. Indicates whether to toggle the Intelli-Mouse feature on or off. Returns the cursor to be displayed. Parent control supporting Drag operation. Indicates whether shift value is calculated. Handles the WM_SETCURSOR message. Gets / sets the parent control supporting drag operation. Interface for implementing by parent control supporting Drag operation. Methods of this interface invoke corresponding drag methods of parent control. Handles the DragScroll event of an IntelliMouseDragScroll object. Provides data for the DragScroll event of an IntelliMouseDragScroll object. Initializes a new instance of the IntelliMouseDragScrollEventArgs class. The distance in pixels the mouse pointer has been moved horizontally. The distance in pixels the mouse pointer has been moved vertically. Gets / sets the distance in pixels the mouse pointer has been moved horizontally. Gets / sets the distance in pixels the mouse pointer has been moved vertically. Set this to True if you scrolled and do not want default scrolling behavior. Implement this interface if you want to add support for shared scrollbars. Returns a scrollbar object that implements a horizontal scrollbar. Returns a scrollbar object that implements a vertical scrollbar. Indicates whether the specified control is activated. Handles the MouseWheelZoom events. Provides data for the MouseWheelZoom event. Initializes a with a given delta. The number of rows or columns to scroll. Returns the number of rows or columns to scroll. Handles the NcPaint event of an ScrollControl object. Provides data for the NCPaint event of an ScrollControl object. Initializes a new instance of the NCPaintEventArgs class. Bounds an ScrollControl. Bounds of an ScrollControl in screen coordinates. Clipping region of an ScrollControl. Gets or sets bounds an ScrollControl. Gets or sets bounds of an ScrollControl in screen coordinates. Gets or sets clipping region of an ScrollControl. True if scroll bar is currently in thumb drag mode. Indicates whether the associated control should scroll while the user is dragging a scrollbar thumb. Indicates whether the parent control should show ScrollTips while the user is dragging a scrollbar thumb. Checks this property to determine if ScrollTips should be displayed. Gets / sets a value to be added to or subtracted from to the Value property when the scroll box is moved a large distance. Gets / sets the upper limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets / sets the lower limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets / sets a value to be added to or subtracted from to the Value property when the scroll box is moved a small distance. Gets / sets a numeric value that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Indicates whether scroll is vertical or horizontal Indicates whether scrollBar is vertical or horizontal. Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws thumb for scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Right office arrow. Left office arrow. Down office arrow. Up office arrow. Retrieves color table according to style and scheme. Office2007 style. Office2007 color scheme. Color table. Registers color table within internal collection. Office2007 style. Office2007 scheme. Color table itself. Applies colors for managed scheme. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Registered color tables. Interface to create an Office 2010 color table. Color table for Office 2010 like scroll bars. Constructor for Office2010 color table which is used to register the color style of each theme. Used internally Get the Alpha blended color. Source color destination color alpha color returns the alpha blended color Retrieves color table according to style and scheme. Office2010 style. Office2010 color scheme. Color table. Registers color table within internal collection. Office2010 style. Office2010 scheme. Color table itself. Updates the styles of the scrollbars related to Office2010 colors. base color. Updates the Office2010 scrollbar color schemes. Custom scrollbar draw style. Office2010 color scheme. Applies colors for managed scheme. Custom scrollbar draw style. Base color for the managed theme. Applies scheme for managed theme. Container form. Custom scrollbar draw style. Office2010 color scheme. Applies managed colors Initialize scroll bar color fields. Scroll bar color references. Office 2010 color array. Registered color tables. Interface to create a Office2010 color table. returns office2010 color table Specifies the ScrollerGradientBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ScrollerGradientEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonGradientBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonGradientEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonGradientSelectedBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonGradientSelectedEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonGradientPressedBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonGradientPressedEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonBorderDark color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonBorderLight color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonBorderSelectedDark color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonBorderSelectedLight color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonBorderPressedDark color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowButtonBorderPressedLight color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowGradientBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowGradientEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowGradientNormalBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ArrowGradientNormalEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ThumbLinesGradientBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ThumbLinesGradientEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ThumbPressedBackgroundGradientBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ThumbPressedBackgroundGradientEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ScrollerBorderBegin color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ScrollerBorderEnd color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ScrollerGripDark color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ScrollerGripLight color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the ScrollerGripBackGround color of the Office2010 scroll bars Specifies the color of the Office2010 scroll bars Color references for Office2010. Constructor for color Table key. Custom scrollbar draw style. Office2010 color scheme. Compare the color table keys through . Object of the ColorTableKey. Returns 1 if color key is less. Otherwise returns 0. Compares the color table keys. A color table key. returns true if passed one is less. Otherwise return false Provides attributes and methods for Office2010 blue color table. Used internally Interface to create an office2010 blue color table. returns office2010 blue color table. Provides attributes and methods for Office2010 Silver color table. Used internally Initialize scroll bar color fields for silver color. Scroll bar color references. Interface to create an office2010 Silver color table. returns office2010 silver color table Provides attributes and methods for Office2010 Black color table. Used internally Initialize scroll bar color fields for black color. Scroll bar color references. Interface to create an office2010 Black color table. returns Office2010 black color table The metro renderer for scrollbar Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent control Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent control. The metro color table. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. The graphics. The bounds of background. The scroll button state. Draws pushed background. The graphics. The bounds of background. Draws scroll background. The graphics. The scroll bounds. Draws scroll thumb. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws scroll thumb background. The graphics. The bounds of thumb. The scroll button state. Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. The graphics. The bounds of arrow. The scroll button type. The scroll button state. Draws arrow background. The graphics. The arrow backgroud bounds. The scroll button type. The scroll button state. Draws scrollbar arrow The graphics. The bounds of the arrow. The scroll button type. The scroll button state. Returns the pushed or checked state right arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state right arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state left arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state left arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state down arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state down arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state up arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state up arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the normal right arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the normal left arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the normal down arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the normal up arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Indicates whether scrollBar style is EnableOffice2013Style Metro color table. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the scroll bar background color. Gets or sets the normal state thumb color. Gets or sets the checked state thumb color. Gets or sets the pushed state thumb color. Gets or sets the Thumb Normal Border color Gets or sets the Thumb Checked Border color Gets or sets the pushed state Thumb Pushed Border. Gets or sets the pushed state Thumb Pushed Border. Gets or sets the Arrow Normal Border color Gets or sets the Arrow Checked Border color Gets or sets the Arrow Pushed Border color Gets or sets the inactive state thumb color. Gets or sets the normal state arrow color. Gets or sets the checked state arrow color. Gets or sets the pushed state arrow color. Gets or sets the normal state Arrow Background Color. Gets or sets the pushed state Arrow Pushed Background color. Gets or sets the inactive state arrow color. Initialize new instance of Office2007Renderer Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws thumb for scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Right office arrow. Left office arrow. Down office arrow. Up office arrow. Right Normal office arrow. Left Normal office arrow. Down Normal office arrow. Up Normal office arrow. Vertical thumb lines. Horizontal thumb lines. Provides renderer for Office2010 theme. Scroll Bar min thumb length for lines. Scroll thumb line length. Office2010 color table. Blended background color. Blended background black color. Blended arrow button. Blended selected arrow button. Blended arrow button silver and black selected colors. Blend for thumb background. Bitmap for scroll images Constructor for Office2010 renderers. Initialize new instance of Office2010Renderer custom scrollbar. Color Table. Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. graphics for arrow buttons. Arrow bounds. type of the scroll button. Scroll button state. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. graphics for arrow buttons background. arrow button background bounds Button state. Draws thumb for scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. graphics for scroll thumb. scroll thimb bounds. Button state. Draw scroll bar background. graphics for scroll bar backgrounds. scroll background bounds. Draw pushed scroll background. Graphics for pushed scroll background Scroll bounds. Draw scroll bar arrow background. Graphics for Arrow background. Arrow bounds. type of the scroll button. Button state. Draw scroll thumb background. Graphics for thumb background. Scroll thumb bounds. Button state. Draw scroll arrow. Graphics for scroll arrow. Arrow bounds. type of scroll button. Button state. Draw scroll lines Graphics. Scroll bounds. true if the scroll bar is vertical scrollbar. Get the horizontal scroll background brush. ScrollBar width. scroll begin color. scroll bar end color. Returns the gradient brush. Get the Vertical scroll background brush. ScrollBar height. scroll begin color. scroll bar end color. Returns the gradient brush. gets the vertical scroll brush. bounds. Gradient top color. Gradient bottom color. Returns the Linear gradient brush. gets the vertical scroll brush. top of the scroll bar rectangle Height of the scroll bar rectangle Gradient top color. Gradient bottom color. Returns the Linear gradient brush. gets the horizontal scroll brush. bounds. Gradient top color. Gradient bottom color. the Linear gradient brush. gets the rounded polygon. Bounds. Radius of the polygon. the edge points. Right office arrow. the bitmap. Arrow width. Arrow height. Left office arrow. the bitmap. Arrow width. Arrow height. Down office arrow. the bitmap. Arrow width. Arrow height. Up office arrow. the bitmap. Arrow width. Arrow height. Right Normal office arrow. the bitmap. Arrow width. Arrow height. Left Normal office arrow. the bitmap. Arrow width. Arrow height. Down Normal office arrow. the bitmap. Arrow width. Arrow height. Up Normal office arrow. the bitmap. Arrow width. Arrow height. Vertical thumb lines. the bitmap of the scroll thumb. Horizontal thumb lines. the horizontal thumb lines' Bitmap. Enumeration for scroll bar fields. WindowsXP Blue Style renderer implementation. Angle for horizontal gradient brush. Angle for vertical gradient brush. Angle for vertical gradient brush. Width for brush. Height for brush. Default radius truncation corners. Count of lines on the thumb. Height of lines on the thumb. The color scheme that the renderer will render. Initialize new instance of WindowsXPRenderer Initialize new instance of WindowsXPRenderer Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws thumb for scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Sets WindowsXP color scheme for the control. Sets the color scheme for the button based on the current XP Scheme. Initializes edges of specified rectangle. Bounds of the rectangle. Gets rounded path with specified radius for the rectangle. Gets vertical gradient brush. Gets horizontal gradient brush. Gets gradient brush with 53 angle. Draws background lines. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the background. Color of the lines. Draws shadow for the arrow button. The graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws shadow for the thumb. The graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws middle lines on the thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Fill Rectangle with ControlLightLight color. Graphics objects to use. Bounds of the rectangle. Draws disabled arrowButton. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the button. Type of the button. Draws disabled background. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the button. Draws disabled thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws up arrow on the button. The graphics object to use. Bounds of the button. Draws two lines in specified points. Rotate shape on specified angle around center p. Array of points that represents shape to rotate. Angle in radians to rotate. Point to rotate around. The color scheme that the renderer will render. Blend for the default and selected arrow button. Blend for the pushed arrow button. Blend for the thumb. Blend for the thumb with height < 17. Blend for the border of arrow button. Blend for the background. Initialize new instance of WindowsXPRenderer Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws thumb for scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Gets path that represents left and top lines. Gets path that represents bottom and right lines. Fills background with specified colors and gradient. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the background. Start color of the gradient. End color of the gradient. Draws default background. Graphics object to use. Bounds of background. Draws pushed background. Graphics object to use. Bounds of background. Draws default arrow button. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws selected arrow button. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws pushed arrow button. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws default thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws selected thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws pushed thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws rounded path for the rectangle of thumb with specified color. The graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Color to draw. Color to draw. Draws rounded path for the rectangle of arrow button with specified color. The graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Color to draw. Color to draw. WindowsXP OliveGreen Style renderer implementation. Blend for the default and selected arrow button. Blend for the default and selected arrow button. Blend for the thumb. Blend for the background. Initialize new instance of WindowsXPRenderer Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws thumb for scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Fills background with specified colors and gradient. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the background. Start color of the gradient. End color of the gradient. Draws default background. Graphics object to use. Bounds of background. Draws pushed background. Graphics object to use. Bounds of background. Draws default arrow button. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws selected arrow button. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws pushed arrow button. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws default thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws selected thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws pushed thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws rounded path for the rectangle of arrow button with specified color. The graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Color to draw. WindowsXP Silver Style renderer implementation. Blend for the default and selected arrow button. Blend for the pushed arrow button. Blend for the thumb. Blend for the pushed thumb. Blend for the background. Initialize new instance of WindowsXPRenderer Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws thumb for scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Fills background with specified colors and gradient. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the background. Start color of the gradient. End color of the gradient. Draws default background. Graphics object to use. Bounds of background. Draws pushed background. Graphics object to use. Bounds of background. Draws default arrow button. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws pushed arrow button. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws default thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws pushed thumb. Graphics object to use. Bounds of the thumb. Draws borders for the arrow buttons and thumbs. The graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Draws internal borders for the arrow buttons and thumbs. The graphics object to use. Bounds of the arrow button. Design time helper class. Do not allow resizing of scrollers when set KeepSystmeMetrics property to TRUE value. Typed version of control reference extracting. Override selection rule only in case of KeepSystemMetrics value set to True. Defines an interface that provides all properties to configure a scrollbar. Gets / sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a large distance. Gets / sets the upper limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets / sets the lower limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets / sets the value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a small distance. Gets / sets a numeric value that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Gets / sets a number that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Gets / sets a number that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Returns a reference to a scrollbar contained in a user control. Splittercontrol and Workbookcontrol check for the IScrollBarContainer to get the scrollbar. This enables you to replace the shared scrollbar with any user control that also has a scrollbar. An example is the . Gets / sets the contained scrollbar in a user control. ScrollbarWrapper manages scrollbars for a control and hides details about the scrollbar from the control that utilizes ScrollBarWrapper. This allows you to replace the concrete ScrollBar with , , or any custom scrollbar implementation. Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent control. The scrollbar type: horizontal or vertical. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent control. The scrollbar type: horizontal or vertical. The scrollbar object to be managed by this instance. Implements the method and releases all managed resource for this object. Copies all information to another object. The to receive all copied information. Raises the event. . An that contains the event data. Suspends updating the scrollbar until is called. Resumes updating the scrollbar after a call. Fetches scrollbar information from the managed scrollbar object and updates the information in the object. Applies scrollbar information to the managed scrollbar object based on the information in the current object. Call this for reflected scrollbars from your parent control's method if you want to support reflected scrollbars (those window scrollbars that you enable with WS_VSCROLL and WS_HSCROLL window styles). The that was passed as argument to . Sends or emulates a scroll event. Occurs when the scroll box has been moved by either a mouse or keyboard action. Occurs when the property has changed, either by a event or programmatically. Indicates whether the control should scroll while the user is dragging a scrollbar's thumb. Indicates whether the parent control should show ScrollTips while the user is dragging a scrollbar thumb. Checks this property to determine if ScrollTips should be displayed. Gets / sets a reference to the scrollbar that is contained in this wrapper class. True if this is a Reflecting scrollbar; False if it is a simple scrollbar. True if this is a flat scrollbar; False if it is a simple scrollbar. True if scroll bar is currently in thumb drag mode. True if this is a Reflecting scrollbar; False if it is a simple scrollbar. Indicates whether updating is locked. See . Gets / sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a large distance. Gets / sets the upper limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets / sets the lower limit of values of the scrollable range. Gets / sets the value to be added to or subtracted from the value of the property when the scroll box is moved a small distance. Gets / sets a numeric value that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Gets / sets a number that represents the current position of the scroll box on the scroll bar control. Returns a reference to the parent control. Manages the theme handle given a control and exposes some basic themed Drawing methods. The bound to this class can either implement the interface or pass on the WM_THEMECHANGED message to this class with a call to the method. Creates a new instance of the class. Pointer to a string that contains a semicolon-separated list of classes, as expected in the OpenThemeData API. The bound to this class can either implement the interface or pass on the WM_THEMECHANGED message to this class with a call to the method. This is necessary in order that this class can refresh its handles when themes settings are updated. You can get the part and state ids required for the DrawXXX methods from the tmschema.h file (that comes with Platform SDK) or refer to the undocumented and incomplete ThemeParts and ThemeStates classes in our shared library (in the ThemeDefines.cs file). Creates a new instance of the class. Pointer to a string that contains a semicolon-separated list of classes, as expected in the OpenThemeData API. Owning component. The bound to this class can either implement the interface or pass on the WM_THEMECHANGED message to this class with a call to the method. This is necessary in order that this class can refresh its handles when themes settings are updated. You can get the part and state ids required for the DrawXXX methods from the tmschema.h file (that comes with Platform SDK) or refer to the undocumented and incomplete ThemeParts and ThemeStates classes in our shared library (in the ThemeDefines.cs file). If owning component is not null, automatically unregisters itself from on component disposing. Overridden. See . Called to create a theme handle, given the specified control and classList. Closes the currently open theme handle. Closes the current theme handle. Closes the current theme handle and tries to open a new one. Overloaded. Draws the specified theme background. A object. An integer specifying the part. An integer specifying the state. The background . See for information on how to get the part and state IDs. This method uses the VisibleClipRegion in the Graphics object to obtain the clip rect. Draws the specified theme background. A object. An integer specifying the part. An integer specifying the state. The background . The clip rect to be used. See for information on how to get the part and state IDs. Use this function to provide custom clip bounds. Overloaded. Draws the specified theme text. A object. An integer specifying the part. An integer specifying the state. The text to be drawn. The layout bounds within which to draw. Refers to the DrawThemeText function in the Windows API. Refers to the DrawThemeText function in the Windows API. Draws the specified theme text. A object. An integer specifying the part. An integer specifying the state. The text to be drawn. The layout bounds within which to draw. Refers to the DrawThemeText function in the Windows API. Refers to the DrawThemeText function in the Windows API. Returns the size for the specified part. A object. An integer specifying the part. An integer specifying the state. The size type. The requested size. Calculates the size and location of the specified text when rendered in the theme font. A object. An integer specifying the part. An integer specifying the state. The text to draw. The layout bounds. See GetThemeTextExtent method documentation in Windows API. The rectangle representing the extent. Returns the current theme handle used to render the parts. A implementing the interface. Implement this interface in a derived class to start supporting themes. Indicates whether themes are enabled. Raises the ThemeChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. The OnThemeChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Note to Inheritors: When overriding OnThemeChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnThemeChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event. Fired when the ThemesEnabled property changes. Indicates whether themes are enabled for this control. Gets / sets ScrollButton highlighted state. Gets / sets for correctly GradientBrush creation, so that background is same as Parent's background. This interface provides properties for accessing a vertical and horizontal and an method. Updates scrollbars to reflect recent changes in scroll position, minimum and maximum scroll position values. Returns a reference to an object with vertical scrollbar settings of the control. Returns a reference to an object with horizontal scrollbar settings of the control. Provides support for method. Indicates whether this control contains focus. Override this method if you want to show drop-down windows and indicate the control has not lost focus when the drop-down is shown. True if the control or any child control has focus; false otherwise. A ScrollTip window is a top-level window that gives feedback about the current scroll position when the user grabs a scrollbar thumb and drags it. A form-derived class that can be derived to create custom top-level windows like ToolTips, a splash window, etc. Creates a new instance of the TopLevelWindow class. Shows the window as the top-level window without activating it. Overridden to ignore Win32Exception. Initializes a new . Raises the event and refreshes the contents of the window. The with event data. Returns the optimal size for the window to fit the given text. The text that should fit into the window. A with the window size of the ScrollTip. Gets / sets the border style of the control. Gets / sets the text layout information for the text in the ScrollTip. Specifies the current ScrollTip state when a event was raised. The user has grabbed the thumb. The ScrollTip should be shown. The user has released the thumb. The ScrollTip should be hidden. The user is dragging the thumb. The ScrollTip text should be updated. Handles the event. Provides data for the event. Constructs a object. The exception that was cached. Returns the exception that was cached. Handles the ScrollTip event. Provides data for the event. Returns the scrollbar that is the source of this event. Returns a value that specifies the user action that led to this event. Returns the new scroll position. Gets / sets the text to display in the ScrollTip. You can change this text in your event handler during a Scroll action. Gets / sets the size of the ScrollTip window. You can adjust the scroll window size in your event handler when handling a ThumbTrack action. Gets / sets the location of the ScrollTip window. You can adjust the scroll window size in your event handler when handling a ThumbTrack action. Gets / sets the font to be used for the ScrollTip text. You can adjust the scroll window size in your event handler when handling a ThumbTrack or Scroll action. Gets / sets the text color to be used for the ScrollTip text. You can adjust the scroll window size in your event handler when handling a ThumbTrack or Scroll action. Gets / sets the backcolor to be used for the ScrollTip text. You can adjust the scroll window size in your event handler when handling a ThumbTrack or Scroll action. Gets / sets the border style to be used for the ScrollTip text. You can adjust the scroll window size in your event handler when handling a ThumbTrack action. Gets / sets the text layout information for the text in the ScrollTip. BeginUpdateOptions details which drawing operations should be performed during a batch of updates. The control suspends any drawing and invalidation and will do a complete refresh when EndUpdate is called. Regions that need to be redrawn afterward should be marked invalid by calling the controls Invalidate method. ScrollWindow will scroll the window. Scrollbars should be synchronized with the current scroll position. Allows invalidating regions, scrolling and synchronizes the scrollbar thumb. Contains data for the WindowScrolling and WindowScrolled event. ScrollWindow will raise a WindowScrolling event before it scrolls the window and a WindowScrolled event after the scrolling. Initializes a new . The horizontal scroll distance in pixel. The vertical scroll distance in pixel. The bounds of the rectangle that is scrolled. Clipping rectangle. The rectangle that was scrolled into view. Returns the horizontal scroll distance in pixels. Returns the vertical scroll distance in pixels. Returns the bounds of the rectangle that is scrolled. Returns the Clipping rectangle. Returns the rectangle that was scrolled into view. Handles the scroll window event. Provides a global hook for exceptions that have been cached inside the framework and gives you the option to provide specialized handling of the exception. You can also temporarily suspend and resume caching exceptions. The Syncfusion framework notifies about exceptions that are cached by calling or . The method will raise the event. By handling the event, your code can analyze the exception that was cached and optionally let it bubble up by rethrowing the exception. Your code can also temporarily suspend and resume caching exceptions. This is useful if you want to provide your own exception handling. Just call to disable handling exceptions and to resume caching exceptions. You also have the options to disable caching exceptions altogether by setting to True. Note: All static settings for this class are thread local. Temporarily suspends caching exceptions. Temporarily resumes caching exceptions. Indicates whether exceptions should be cached or if they should bubble up. calls this method. Raises the event. Raises the event. If caching exceptions has been disabled by a call or if has been set to True, the exception is rethrown. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. If caching exceptions has been disabled by a call or if has been set to True, the exception is rethrown. A that was cached. Occurs when an exception was cached within the framework and was notified. Lets you disable caching exceptions altogether by setting to True. Specifies the acceleration behavior for scrollbars. Disable scrollbar acceleration. Default, moderate acceleration after the user scrolled 60 increments. Acceleration after the user scrolled 20 increments. Immediate acceleration after the user scrolled 4 increments. Specifies the type of autoscrolling, either scrollbar acceleration or mouse dragging outside window bounds. The user held down a scrollbar button. The user has dragged the mouse outside the autoscroll bounds. The user is moving the mouse over the control during OLE drag-and-drop operation. Handles the event. Provides data for the event which is called when accelerated scrollbar scrolling or mouse drag-scrolling starts. Returns the type of autoscrolling, either scrollbar acceleration or mouse dragging outside window bounds. Returns the scroll bar direction: vertical, horizontal, or both. Gets / sets the interval that is initially assigned to the timer for recurring scrolling. Gets / sets the interval step that the timer should be decreased from time to time. Gets / sets the minimum interval for the fastest scroll speed. Defines a base class for custom controls that support scrolling behavior. The ScrollControl class acts as a base class for controls that require the ability to scroll. To allow a control to display scrollbars as needed, set the AutoScroll property to True. To select which scrollbars should be visible, set the VScroll and HScroll properties. You can also associate stand-alone scrollbars with the ScrollControl. The VertScrollBar and HorizScrollBar properties allow you to associate external scrollbars. This is of benefit if you want to share one scrollbar with a parent control. For example, if the ScrollControl is a view inside a workbook or dynamic splitter frame. ScrollControl supports automatic scrolling when the user drags the mouse. In a grid when the user starts selecting cells the user can drag the mouse outside the grid area and the grid will automatically scroll. To enable auto scrolling, override the OnMouseDown event in your derived control and initialize the AutoScrolling, AutoScrollBounds and InsideScrollBounds properties. When the user scrolls your control and holds down the mouse on the down or up arrow of the scrollbar, the scrolling speed will accelerate. The FixRenderOrigin method will ensure correct initialization of the rendering origin for brushes and patterns. You can call FixRenderOrigin from your control's OnPaint method. ScrollControl supports scrolling with the mouse wheel and also cooperates fine with with the IntelliMouseDragScroll class. If you want to provide context information about your control and change the cursor on the fly while the user moves the mouse, set the OverrideCursor property to the cursor you want to show. Instead, you can also implement IMouseController and add the object to MouseControllerDispatcher. Provides a property support for using the control inside a dynamic splitter window and sharing scrollbars with the parent window. Indicates that the splitter control is closing the pane with this control. Indicates that the splitter control has closed the pane with this control. Toggles support for using the control inside a dynamic splitter window and sharing scrollbars with the parent window. Indicates whether the splitter control is closing the pane with this control. Indicates whether the splitter control has closed the pane with this control. Implement this method and draw your NonClient area using the passed in parameters. The PaintEventArgs using this to draw the non client area. The control's window bounds into which to draw. Left and Top are usually zero. The control's bounds in screen co-ordinates. HRgn (as IntPtr) that excludes the region you just drew in the displayRect. Interface for SkinManager Internal only. Internal only. Indicates the shared behavior of the vertical scrollbar Indicate the shared behavior of the horizontal scrollbar The SizeGripStyle behavior has been changed after version 6.1. For old behavior set this to true. Default value is false. Initializes a new instance of . Disposes the control. Raises a CancelMode for the active mouse controller for this control. holds a collection of mouse controllers. Indicates whether serialize property value or not. Offsets the point. Returns PointToClient(LastMousePosition). Returns a value indicating the context at a given mouse position. Returns a value indicating the context at a given mouse position. The mouse position in client coordinates. A value indicating the context at a given mouse position; zero if no context found. Any Mouse Controller needs to implement the IMouseController interface. In its implementation of MouseController.HitTest the mouse controller determines whether it wants to handle the mouse events for the current mouse position. MouseControllerDispatcher will call HitTest for each Mouse Controller that has been registered with Add(IMouseController). The Mouse Controller that wins the vote will be returned together with the context value its HitTest implementation returned. Returns a value indicating the context at a given mouse position. The mouse position in client coordinates. Indicates which mouse button was pressed. A value indicating the context at a given mouse position; 0 if no context found. Returns a value indicating the context at a given mouse position. The mouse position in client coordinates. Indicates which mouse button was pressed. A place holder where the controller is returned that won the vote. A value indicating the context at a given mouse position; 0 if no context found. Returns a value indicating the context at a given mouse position. The mouse position in client coordinates. Indicates which mouse button was pressed. Specifies the number of times the mouse button was pressed and released. A place holder where the controller is returned that won the vote. A value indicating the context at a given mouse position; 0 if no context found. Handles the WM_SETCURSOR message Initialize the last vertical scroll value. Initialize the last horizontal scroll value. Used to save the touch start position. Used to check the touch mode is enabled or not. Used to check touch on the Horizontal scroll bar or not. Used to check touch on the Vertical scroll bar or not. Used to save the object for MultiTouch to configure the touch. Used to disable the Gesture. Decode the touch messages to do corresponding operations windows touch messages return true when the message properly handled otherwise it will be false Applies the color table for scrollbars. Apply the color settings for Office2016 scrollbar. Scrollbar visual styles Apply Office2016Black color settings for scrollbar. Apply Office2016DarkGray color settings for scrollbar. Apply Office2016White color settings for scrollbar. Apply Office2016Colorful color settings for scrollbar. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Get or Set of Skin Manager Interface Raises the event. Event data. Raises the event. Event data. Raises the event. Event data. Raises the event Office scrollbar type Apply the color scheme for Office2016 scrollbar. Handles mouse wheel processing for our scrollbars. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Fires the ScrollbarsVisibleChanged event. A that contains the event data. Override this method to implement zooming in your derived control. The event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Initially save the current scrollbar values when begin the panning operation Touch begin position return true Adjust the HScrollBar and VScrollBar values based on current touch position Current touch position Used to decide the doing swipe operation or pan operation After panning operation completes save the current scroll bar values touch end position return true Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Handles the of the horizontal scrollbar. The source of the event. An that contains the event data. Handles the of the vertical scrollbar. The source of the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Listens for the horizontal scrollbar's scroll event. A that contains data about the control. A that contains the event data. Listens for the vertical scrollbar's scroll event. A that contains data about the control. A that contains the event data. Raises the ShowContextMenu event when the user right-clicks inside the control. You can cancel showing a content menu when you assign True to . Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. Method calculate new client area size. If you want to increase Non-Client area for control and draw on it then this is method especially for you. Rectangle of the control client area. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Factory method that creates a for displaying ScrollTips. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. The event handler for this event can check to determine if or was called. Overridden. See the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. This method is called when the control or any child control gets focus and this control did not have focus before. Inheriting classes should override this method instead of overriding because is also called when child controls get focus and it is not called when focus is moved within child controls of this control. Raises the event. This method is called when the control or any child control loses focus and the new focused control is not a child of this control. Inheriting classes should override this method instead of overriding because is also called when child controls lose focus and it is not called when focus is moved within child controls of this control. This method is called if the control's notification occurs while handling a event. This typically occurs if a message box is displayed from a event handler. Minimizes the time the first time the control is drawn. Calling OnPaint before the control is made visible ensures that all relevant code for drawing has been jitted. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Given a component, this retrieves the that it is parented to; NULL if it is not parented to any . The component to check. A that the component is parented to; NULL if no such interface exists. This will return the component if it is an instance of . Given a component, this retrieves the that it is parented to; NULL if it is not parented to any . The component to check. An that the component is parented to; NULL if no such interface exists. This will return the component if it is an instance of . Delegates the MouseWheelEvent from a child control. A MouseEventArgs that holds event data. internal class GridTextBox: RichTextBox { private GridTextBoxCell parent; protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e) { parent.Grid.ProcessMouseWheel(e); } } Invalidate the vertical scrollbar Invalidate the horizontal scrollbar The scrollbar height and width will be increased, when the DPI of system is increased. ScrollBarCustomDraw Displays / hides the horizontal and vertical autoscrollbars. This will also adjust the values of formState to reflect the new state. True if the horizontal scrollbar should be displayed. True if the vertical scrollbar should be displayed. True if the form needs to be layed out again. Raises the specified mouse event and catches any exception. If an exception is caught, NotifyCancelMode is called. Returns False if event should be ignored by the grid. A that contains the event data. A delegate that handles the event. False if CancelMouseEventArgs.Cancel is True; True otherwise Method force to invalidate Non Client area of control. Invalidate specified rectangle in Non Client area. Rectangle to Invalidate. Invalidate and wait till area update on Non Client area. Method draws non-client area of an ScrollControl. EventArgs with Non-client info for drawing. Raises a event. Increases small change of the ScrollBar. Resets the property to its default value. Starts the AutoScroll timer. The scrollbar to be automatically scrolled. The event to be sent to this scrollbar. Starts the AutoScroll timer. Starts the AutoScroll timer. The message to be sent to the current control. Starts the AutoScroll timer. The message to be sent to the current control. The initial interval for sending messages. Call this method from your control's OnPaint method to ensure correct rendering origin for brushes and patterns. The graphics object. Updates scrollbars to reflect recent changes in scroll position, minimum and maximum scroll position values. Call this method to check if you should do any update calculations for the view in your control and to notify scroll control that the control's content needs to be updated. True if you should invalidate areas that need to be redrawn; False if a complete Refresh for the control is pending and therefore invalidating the view is not necessary. Call this method to check if you should do any update calculations for the view in your control and to notify scroll control that the control's content needs to be updated. If markPaintPending is True, ScrollControl will assume the control needs to be repainted in a subsequent EndUpdate call. True if you should Invalidate regions to be repainted in your control. It will return False if a complete Refresh of the control is pending and you don't need to invalidate individual regions of your control. Suspends the painting of the control until the method is called. When many paints are made to the appearance of a control, you should invoke the BeginUpdate method to temporarily freeze the drawing of the control. This results in less distraction to the user and a performance gain. After all updates have been made, invoke the EndUpdate method to resume drawing of the control. Suspends the painting of the control until the method is called. Specifies the painting support during the BeginUpdate, EndUpdate batch. When many paints are made to the appearance of a control, you should invoke the BeginUpdate method to temporarily freeze the drawing of the control. This results in less distraction to the user and a performance gain. After all updates have been made, invoke the EndUpdate method to resume drawing of the control. Pass BeginUpdateOptions if you do not want to do a complete Refresh of the control and instead want to have certain regions of your control be invalidated or scroll the contents of control. If you call BeginUpdate() and then later EndUpdate(), the control will know if a paint is pending and only refresh the control if a paint is pending. Calling ShouldPrepareUpdate, Invalidate or a WM_PAINT message during the BeginUpdate EndUpdate block will signal the control that a paint is pending. Calls for both scrollbars. Calls for both scrollbars. Resumes the painting of the control suspended by calling the BeginUpdate method. When many paints are made to the appearance of a control, you should invoke the BeginUpdate method to temporarily freeze the drawing of the control. This results in less distraction to the user and a performance gain. After all updates have been made, invoke the EndUpdate method to resume drawing of the control. Cancels any prior calls. Resumes the painting of the control suspended by calling the BeginUpdate method. When many paint are made to the appearance of a control you should invoke the BeginUpdate method to temporarily freeze the drawing of the control. This results in less distraction to the user, and a performance gain. After all updates have been made, invoke the EndUpdate method to resume drawing of the control. Scrolls the contents of the control similar to the ScrollWindow Windows API. The method will raise a WindowScrolling event before the contents are scrolled and a WindowScrolled event after the contents have been scrolled. If DisableScrollWindow is True, any calls to the ScrollWindow method will simply invalidate the affect region. The rendering origin will still be recorded correctly and WindowScrolling and WindowScrolled events will be raised.If DisableScrollWindow is False, ScrollWindow will scroll the contents of the control. Discards paint messages. Indicates whether this control contains focus. Override this method if you want to show drop-down windows and indicate the control has not lost focus when the drop-down is shown. True if the control or any child control has focus; false otherwise. Checks if the control is visible and a window handle has been created. If it has not been drawn before, it calls . Set this True if you want to force a call to even if the control is not visible and / or no window handle has been created. Enables the DoubleBufferSurface for this control. The DoubleBufferSurface buffering is different from the automatic .NET double buffering and also a bit slower but it reduces flicker if lots of scrolling is used and gdi drawing for individual cells in a grid. Forces the assigned styles to be reapplied to the control. Indicates whether the time the first time the control is drawn should be optimized by calling OnPaint before the control is made visible and so that all relevant code for drawing has been jitted (Just in Time) Disables or specifies the direction for automatic scrolling when the user drags the mouse cursor out of the scrolling area. ScrollBars.None will disable scrolling.ScrollBars.Horizontal will enable horizontal scrolling.ScrollBars.Vertical will enable vertical scrolling.ScrollBars.Horizontal|ScrollBars.Vertical will enable both horizontal and vertical scrolling. Lets you check or specify the setting if the window should be scrolled when ScrollWindow is called. If DisableScrollWindow is True, any calls to the ScrollWindow method will simply invalidate the affect region. The rendering origin will still be recorded correctly and WindowScrolling and WindowScrolled events will be raised.If DisableScrollWindow is False, the ScrollWindow will scroll the contents of the control. DisableScrollWindow will return True if BeginUpdate was called without the BeginUpdateOptions.ScrollWindow option. Indicates whether the control should scroll while the user is dragging a scrollbar thumb. Indicates whether the control should scroll while the user is dragging a vertical scrollbar thumb. Indicates whether the control should scroll while the user is dragging a horizontal scrollbar thumb. Indicates whether the control should show ScrollTips while the user is dragging a vertical scrollbar thumb. Indicates whether the control should show ScrollTips while the user is dragging a horizontal scrollbar thumb. Gets or sets a size grip that should be drawn at the bottom-right corner if both scrollbars are visible. Indicates whether a size grip can be drawn inside the SizeBox and if the of the parent form is allowed to be changed. Indicates whether the size box should always be drawn when both scrollbars are visible. This property differs from such that the control will not check the docking state and parent form to determine whether to show the size box. Note: Another better solution is drawing NonClientArea ourselves. See SizeGripStyle which implements this newer solution. Showing the size box works around a problem with .NET controls because by default the area at the bottom right is not drawn and that can cause drawing glitches. Note: Another better solution is drawing the NonClientArea ourselves. See SizeGripStyle which implements this newer solution. Indicates whether the size box should be drawn when both scrollbars are visible and the control is not a docked window in an MDIChild window. Note: Another better solution is drawing the NonClientArea ourselves. See SizeGripStyle which implements this newer solution. Showing the size box works around a problem with .NET controls because by default the the area at the bottom right is not drawn and that can cause drawing glitches. Note: Another better solution is drawing NonClientArea ourselves. See SizeGripStyle which implements this newer solution. Indicates whether the control is currently scrolling and the user drags the mouse outside the inner scrolling area. Returns a reference to an object with vertical scrollbar settings of the control. Returns a reference to an object with horizontal scrollbar settings of the control. Internal only. Toggles thumb track mode. See ScrollBarWrapper.IsThumbTracking for a internal getter for this state. Indicates whether the scroll control can increase the property while doing accelerated scrolling. If this is True, the will be set to 3 after 40 rows and to 5 after 80 rows. By default the scroll control will increase the scrolling step after a while. Set this to False if you want to enforce scrolling only one row at a time even with accelerated scrolling. Gets or sets the outer scrolling area. Typically the client area of the control. Returns the inside scrolling area. The control will scroll if the user drags the mouse outside this area. Gets or sets the default margins for the scrolling area when the user moves the mouse to the margin between InsideScrollBounds and AutoScrollBounds. Returns a reference to the for this control. Can be NULL. Gets or sets the text to be displayed in the ScrollTip window with a place holder for scroll position . For example, " Position {0} " Immediately changes the shown cursor. Indicates whether the control is handling a event. Indicates whether the method has been called. and resets this flag. Indicates whether the method has been called. and resets this flag. Indicates whether has been called. resets this flag. Indicates whether has been called. resets this flag. Indicates whether has been called. resets this flag. ScrollControlMouseController checks this to see if it should cancel existing mouse operation and call ScrollControlMouseController.CancelMode when a UICuesChanged event is sent. That can happen when user activates another application or simply when styles for a child window have changed. Returns the Pane information. Lets you override the scroll behavior for rolling the mouse wheel. Default is SystemInformation.MouseWheelScrollLines. Indicates whether the control should perform one scroll command (faster) or if it should perform multiple scroll commands with smaller increments (smoother) when user rolls mouse wheel. Gets or sets the multiplier for mouse wheel scrolling. Gets or sets the multiplier for mouse wheel scrolling. Enables shared scrollbars. Use this if the control is not embedded in a container control that implements IScrollBarFrame and you want to provide your own scrollbars. Gets / sets the border style of the control. Indicates whether the horizontal scroll bar is visible. if the horizontal scroll bar is visible; otherwise. Indicates whether the vertical scroll bar is visible. if the vertical scroll bar is visible; otherwise. Indicates whether the splitter control has closed the pane with this control. MouseControllerDispatcher coordinates mouse events among competing mouse controllers. Based on the position of the mouse and context of the control every registered controller's HitTest method is called to determine the best controller for the following mouse action. This controller will then receive mouse events. See for more information. Returns a reference to the active mouse controller that is receiving MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp messages when the user has pressed a mouse button. Toggles support for using the control inside a dynamic splitter window and sharing scrollbars with the parent window. Indicates whether the splitter control is closing the pane with this control. Toggles support for Intelli-Mouse panning. When the user presses the middle mouse button and drags the mouse, the window will scroll. When you call BeginUpdate(), the control by default does not handle WM_PAINT messages. Only once you call EndUpdate they will be processed. If this causes problems in your application, you can set this static property to True. In such cases, WM_PAINT messages will be simply discarded and any invalid regions will be validated. There is a problem with the default implementation of BeginUpdate. If a screen region is marked invalid, the WndProc will be repeatedly called with WM_PAINT at the the top of the WndProc until EndUpdate is called. This can cause your application to freeze if another window gets created or if you make a web service call and WndProc messages need to be processed. Setting DiscardPaintMessagesAfterBeginUpdate to True will help avoid these scenarios. Returns true if object is executing method call. Property MousePosition (Point) - cached Control.MousePosition. The variable is set before any WM_MOUSE* messages being processed. Gets or sets the acceleration behavior for scrollbars. Indicates whether OnMouseMove should be called from OnDragOver. Gets or sets the control's size. Size is overridden here to prevent Code Generation in Designer. Gets or sets the control's bounds. Size is overridden here to prevent Code Generation in Designer. Gets or sets the TabIndex. TabIndex is overridden here to prevent Code Generation in Designer. Returns the settings for the current BeginUpdate option. Indicates whether BeginUpdate() has been called and the painting for a control is suspended. Indicates whether there are updates pending for the control when painting is suspended by BeginUpdate. Determines if EnableDoubleBufferSurface method was called and double buffering using the DoubleBufferSurface is enabled. The DoubleBufferSurface buffering is different from the automatic .NET double buffering and also a bit slower but it reduces flicker if lots of scrolling is used and gdi drawing for individual cells in a grid. Returns the DoubleBufferSurface if EnableDoubleBufferSurface() was called. Otherwise the method returns null. Indicates whether is internally called. Occurs when both and occur. Occurs when the property has been changed. Occurs when vertical scrollbar is moved. Occurs when horizontal scrollbar is moved. Occurs when the user presses the mouse wheel and drags the mouse. Set of to True if you provide customized scrolling in your event handler. The ShowContextMenu event occurs when the user right-clicks inside the control. You can cancel showing a content menu when you assign True to . Occurs when accelerated scrollbar scrolling or mouse drag-scrolling starts. Occurs when the splitter control has closed the pane with this control. Occurs when the splitter control is closing the pane with this control. Occurs when the user is dragging the scrollbar thumb. Occurs when scrollbars are hidden or shown. Occurs when the user holds the Control Key and rolls the mouse wheel. Occurs when the value has changed. Occurs when has been called the first time or has been called the last time. Occurs after the window has been scrolled. Occurs while the window is being scrolled. Occurs before a is raised and allows you to cancel the mouse event. Occurs after a is raised. Occurs before a is raised and allows you to cancel the mouse event. Occurs after a event is raised and after auto-scrolling. Occurs before a is raised and allows you to cancel the mouse event. Occurs after a event is raised. Occurs when the window receives a WM_CANCELMODE message. WM_CANCELMODE is sent to cancel certain modes, such as mouse capture. For example, the system sends this message to the active window when a dialog box or message box is displayed. Certain functions also send this message explicitly to the specified window regardless of whether it is the active window. For example, the EnableWindow function sends this message when disabling the specified window. Occurs when the AutoScrolling property is changed. If you want to prevent autoscrolling, you should handle this event and reset the AutoScrolling property to ScrollBars.None. Overridden. Changes to show or hide scrollbars and also consider the control's setting. Gets or sets the touch mode. Gets or sets the color table for Office2016 Black theme scrollbar. Gets or sets the color table for Office2016 white theme scrollbar. Gets or sets the color table for Office2016 Dark gray theme scrollbar. Gets or sets the color table for Office2016 colorful theme scrollbar. Gets or sets the Office2016 Scrollbars Toggles between standard and Office2007 scrollbars. Gets or sets the style of Office2007 scroll bars. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the property has changed. Gets the rectangle that represents the client area of the control. If custom scroll bars (ScrollBarCustomDraw, Office2007 style) are shown in the client area, then this method will remove the area occupied by the scrollbars. Gets or sets the height and width of the client area of the control. If custom scroll bars (ScrollBarCustomDraw, Office2007 style) are shown the client area, then this method will remove the area occupied by the scrollbars. Gets or sets the Office like scrollbars. Gets or sets the style of MS Office2010 scroll bars. Gets or sets the style of Office2016 theme for scrollbars. This is applicable for both the horizontal and vertical scrollbar. Gets or sets the boolean value for enhanching the apperance settings for DpiAware enabled Application. Provides the data about event of a . Initializes a new . The record index. Gets or sets the Office scroll bars Delegate for ScrollControlMouseDown, OnBeforeMouseMove and ScrollControlMouseUp methods. Internal Variable for ScrollControl Apply the scrollbar background color for scroll control. Graphics for scroll control Bacground color for scroller background. Border color for scroll control Handles a cancellable event. The source of the event. An that contains the event data. Provides data about the cancellable event. ShowContextMenuEventArgs is a custom event argument class used by the event when the user right-clicks inside the control. You can cancel showing a context menu when you assign True to . Initializes a new object. The mouse location in screen coordinates. Returns the mouse location in screen coordinates. Gets the for the specified font. A graphics object to use when detecting the Panose family. The font to check. The Panose font family type. Enumeration of Panose Font Family Types. These can be used for determining the similarity of two fonts or for detecting non-character fonts like WingDings. Any No Fit Text and Display Script Decorative Pictorial Indicates whether the rows were split at the given y coordinate. The vertical position in percentages of the splitter control's height. True if rows were split successfully; False if they were already split or the operation aborted. Indicates whether the columns were split horizontally at the specified x coordinate. The horizontal position in percentages of the splitter control's width. True if columns were split successfully; False if they were already split or the operation aborted. Deletes the splitter panes at the specified row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. Deletes the splitter panes at the specified column. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. Returns the splitter pane at the specified row and column. The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. The control at the pane. Returns the row and column index for a child pane. The control to search for. A placeholder where the row is returned. A placeholder where the column is returned. True if the control is a pane; False if the control was not a child pane. Sets the active pane in the splitter control specified by row and column. The zero-based index for the splitter pane row. The zero-based index for the splitter pane column. Indicates whether there is a next or previous pane that can be activated. True if previous pane should be activated; False if next pane should be activated. True if activating next or previous pane is good; False if already at last or first pane. Activates the next or previous pane. True if previous pane should be activated; False if next pane should be activated. Gets / sets a value indicating what split behavior is supported. Rows, Columns or Both. Returns the number of visible row panes. Returns the number of visible column panes. Gets / sets the active pane in the splitter control. Occurs when the property has changed. Occurs when the vertical splitter position has changed. Occurs when the horizontal splitter position has changed. Occurs when the splitter layout has changed. Defines split behavior for a . No dynamic splitter. Split rows vertically. Split columns horizontally. Allow both splitting the view vertically and horizontally. Specifies the style with which some controls will appear and behave. Every control that incorporates these styles will define the styles differently, so take a look at the individual control for more information. Classic appearance. Office XP-like appearance. Office 2003-like appearance. Visual Studio 2005-like appearance. Office 2007-like appearance. Office 2007 Outlook-like appearance. Office 2010-like appearance. Visual Studio 2010-like appearance. Metro-like appearance. Office2016 Colorful Office2016 White Office2016 Black Office2016 DarkGray Represents a class that provides support to get the current DPI value and calculate the values based on the current DPI values. The which is used to calculate the DPI value. Gets the image file from given assembly based on the DPI scaling factor. If the DPI scaling is greater than 175 then returns the high DPI image, otherwise returns the default image. The used to read the image file. The string contains the folder path. The string value represents the name of the image file. The imageName must contains the extension like AddNewRowIcon.png or AddNewRowIcon.bmp Returns the image file from specified folder path. Gets an equivalent value based on the current DPI value. The float value. Returns the value based on DPI value. Gets the current DPI value of the device. Returns the current DPI value of the device. Gets the used to calculate the DPI value of the device. Represents the arguments associated with a `DocumentLoading` event. Gets the value of currently loading page. Gets the page count. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the event should be canceled. Event arguments for the event Gets the error message Gets the Exception details. Provides data for the event Provides data for the and events Gets the index of the page in which mouse action is performed Gets the position of the mouse pointer relative to the page Provides data for the event Provides the settings for message box Enable or disable the message box notifications. The default value is true Gets or sets Visual Styles of the PDF viewer. Default appearance. Office2016 Colorful Office2016 White Office2016 Black Office2016 DarkGray Defines the constants that specify color schemes for the Office 2016 theme. Office2016 white. Office2016 black. Office2016 dark gray. Office2016 colorful color. Provides static properties to access the colors used by different components in the XPMenus framework. The primary objective of this class is to let you specify custom colors for the different regions of the XPMenus components. When no colors are provided, this class returns the default colors usually synthesized from the System Colors. If you have to reset a property that you set before, simply set it to be Color.Empty; the next time the property is queried, it will return the default color. If you are a consumer of the colors in this class, then note that the colors returned by properties in this class need to be reinitialized when the system color changes. This class doesn't listen to the system color change event, instead it expects the consumer to notify it when the system color changes. To avoid redundant updates by multiple consumers, a unique notification pattern is recommended. To notify system color changes, you should listen to the event and call the method. The SysColorsChanged method will let you specify whether to update the colors immediately or later with a call to . You should choose to update immediately if you will use the new colors to update certain properties in your control (Backcolor, for example). On the other hand, if you use the colors within and only within your Paint event, then update the colors later in the beginning of your Paint method with a call to UpdateMenuColors. Note that the UpdateMenuColors method will actually update the colors only if necessary, letting you call it multiple times without performance hit. There is also a event that gets fired whenever colors are updated, either due to change in System Colors (notified using the above pattern) or when a custom color is set on any of the properties. Initializes default colors based on SystemColors. Calling this will not affect the custom colors set using the properties. Initializes the default colors. Call this method to indicate that the system colors have changed. Indicates whether to update colors immediately or later with a call to . Take a look at the MenuColors class reference for the recommended system color change notification pattern. Fired when the colors have changed either because of change in system colors or when a custom color is specified using one of the properties. Take a look at the class reference for this class for information on how to notify this class regarding system color changes. Gets / sets the selected color for a menu item in a toolbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the selected text color for an item in a toolbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the background color of a drop-down menu. The default value is derived from a System Color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the color for the left aligned strip in a drop-down menu where images and check boxes are shown. The default value is derived from a System Color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the selected-pressed color for a menu item in a toolbar. The default value is derived from a System Color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the selected color for a checked menu item in a toolbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the border color for a selected menu item in a toolbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the border color for a drop-down menu. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the background color for a toolbar / commandbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the background color for the main-menu bar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the background color for the Status Bar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the Caption background color for a floating toolbar / commandbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the Backcolor for the expanded, left-aligned menu strip region. This is the region you see when a partial menu gets expanded to show all the menu items. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the alpha-blend factor to use to shade the inactive menu item's icons. (255 for no alpha-blending; 0 will completely hide the item) A value in the range 1 to 255; -1 will reset to default value. Default is 175. 255 will draw the icon without any alpha blending; 1 will almost hide the icons. This setting will be ignored when XPThemes is turned on. Gets / sets the text color base for the text in the disabled menu items. The default value is derived from a system color. When you specify a custom color, ControlPaint.LightLight will be applied on it before using that color. Gets / sets the text color base for the text in the disabled toolbar items. The default value is derived from a system color. Gets / sets the text color of the menu and toolbar items. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color, the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the active text color of the menu and toolbar items. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Initializes default colors based on SystemColors. Calling this will not affect the custom colors set using the properties. Initializes the default colors. Fired when the colors have changed either because of change in system colors or when a custom color is specified using one of the properties. Take a look at the class reference for this class for information on how to notify this class regarding system color changes. Initializes default colors based on SystemColors. Calling this will not affect the custom colors set using the properties. Gets a value indicating whether themed colors are used. true if themed colors are used, false otherwise. gets/sets color of right auto hide panel. Gets/sets color of left AH panel. Gets or sets the color of the panel. Gets or sets the color of the border. Gets or sets the color of the inner border. Gets or sets the color of the tab item. Gets or sets the color for border of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the light color of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the dark color of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the color for border of the menu. Gets or sets the color for separator of the menu. Gets or sets the color for border selected item of the menu. Gets or sets the color for selected item of the menu. Gets or sets the dark color for column of the menu. Gets or sets the light color for column of the menu. Gets or sets the color for check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the color for selected check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the background color of the menu. Gets or sets border color of the BarItem. Gets or sets border color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets border color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets color of the separator BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the DockBar. Gets or sets dark color of the DockBar. Gets or sets light color for dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color of the CommandBar. Gets or sets color for border of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets color for pressed dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets border color for pressed dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets light color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for light border of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets background color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for border of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for caption text of the floating CommandBar. Fired when the colors have changed either because of change in system colors or when a custom color is specified using one of the properties. Take a look at the class reference for this class for information on how to notify this class regarding system color changes. Call this method to indicate that the system colors have changed. Indicates whether to update colors immediately or later with a call to . Follow the same system color change notification pattern as explained in the class reference. Fired when the colors have changed either because of change in system colors or when a custom color is specified using one of the properties. Take a look at the class reference for this class for information on how to notify this class regarding system color changes. Gets / sets the selected color for a menu item in a drop-down menu. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the pressed-selected color for a menu item in a toolbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the background color of a selected check box in the drop-down menu margin or a checked item in the toolbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the background color of a check box in the drop-down menu margin or a checked item in the toolbar. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the border color of a menu item selection in the drop-down menus and toolbars. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the border color of a drop-down menu. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the left-gradient color of the drop-down menu margin. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the right-gradient color of the drop-down menu margin. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the left-gradient color of the drop-down menu margin of the expanded menu items. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the right-gradient color of the drop-down menu margin of the expanded menu items. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the right-gradient color of docked bars. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the left-gradient color of docked bars. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the color of the gripper. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the light-gradient border color of bars. Gets or sets the dark-gradient border color of bars. Gets or sets the light-gradient color of menu item for hot-tracking. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the dark-gradient color of menu item for hot-tracking. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the light-gradient color of quick customize button when it is pressed. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the dark-gradient color of quick customize button when it is pressed. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the caption background color of floating bars. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the color for the floating command bar item which is pressed. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the light-gradient color of quick customize dropdown button. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the dark-gradient color of quick customize dropdown button. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the light-gradient highlight color of groupBarItem. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the dark-gradient highlight color of groupBarItem. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the light-gradient color of selected groupBarItem. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the dark-gradient color of selected groupBarItem. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the light-gradient highlight color of selected groupBarItem. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the dark-gradient highlight color of selected groupBarItem. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the light-gradient color of groupBar header. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets or sets the dark-gradient color of groupBar header. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Gets / sets the color of the text in a GroupBar item. Gets / sets the highlight color to be used for the selected text of the GroupBar item. Gets / sets the color of the separator line between the bar items. The default value is derived from a system color. Setting this property to Color.Empty will actually reset the previous set color and make this property return the default color the next time it is queried. Initializes colors based on Windows XP color scheme. Used for drawing the tabControlAdv tabPanel background. Used for drawing the active tabPage. Used for drawing the active tabPage. Used for drawing the inactive tabPage. Used for drawing the inactive tabPage. Used for drawing the highlighted tabPage. Used for drawing the highlighted tabPage. Used for drawing the borders of tabPages. Used for drawing the borders of tabPages. Used for drawing the borders of tabPages. Provides colors for Office2007 visual style. Colors for blue colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Colors for silver colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Colors for black colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Default colorscheme for office2007 visual style. Base color for managed scheme. Gets color table for Office2007 visual style. Applies colors for managed scheme. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Initialize colors general for all colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Gets or sets default colors for Office2007 visual style. Gets or sets default colorscheme for office2007 visual style. Gets or sets border color for date time picker control. Gets or sets highlighted border color for date time picker control. Gets or sets selected border color for date time picker control>. Gets or sets a dropdown arrow color for date time picker control. Gets or sets a dropdown gradient light color for date time picker control. Gets or sets a dropdown gradient dark color for date time picker control. Gets or sets a dropdown highlighted gradient light color for date time picker control. Gets or sets a dropdown highlighted gradient dark color for date time picker control. Gets or sets a dropdown selected gradient light color for date time picker control. Gets or sets a dropdown selected gradient dark color for date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox color for date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox selected color for date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox pushed border color for date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox border color for date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox inner rectangle border color for date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox inner rectangle selected border color for date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox inner rectangle pushed border color for date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox inner rectangle filling color for date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox inner rectangle filling selected color for date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox inner rectangle filling pushed color for date time picker control. Gets or sets highlighted fore color for date time picker control. Gets or sets border color for numeric up down control. Gets or sets highlighted border color for numeric updown control. Gets or sets selected border color for numeric updown control. Gets or sets dropdown arrow gradient light color for numeric updown control. Gets or sets dropdown arrow gradient dark color for numeric updown control. Gets or sets gradient start color for month calendar control. Gets or sets gradient end color for month calendar control. Gets or sets fore color for month calendar control. Gets or sets border color for group bar control. Gets or sets gradient dark color for group bar item control. Gets or sets gradient light color for group bar item control. Gets or sets group bar control's header gradient color dark. Gets or sets group bar control's header gradient color light. Gets or sets gradient highlight light color for group bar control. Gets or sets gradient highlight dark color for group bar control. Gets or sets gradient selected dark color for group bar control. Gets or sets gradient selected light color for group bar control. Gets or sets gradient selected dark color for the upper part of group bar item control. Gets or sets gradient selected light color for the upper part of group bar item control. Gets or sets gradient highlighted and selected dark color for group bar control. Gets or sets gradient highlighted and selected light color for group bar control. Gets or sets text color for group bar item control. Gets or sets group bar control's header text color. Gets or sets gradient dark color for splitter of group bar control. Gets or sets gradient light color for splitter of group bar control. Gets or sets the client area background color of group bar control. Gets or sets the color for the internal border of XP task panel. Gets or sets the color for the border of XP task panel. Gets or sets the back color for XP task page. Gets or sets the color for border of the menu. Gets or sets the color for separator of the menu. Gets or sets the dark color for highlighted item of the menu. Gets or sets the light color for highlighted item of the menu. Gets or sets the border color for highlighted item of the menu. Gets or sets the dark color for column of the menu. Gets or sets the separator color for column of the menu. Gets or sets the light color for arrow of the menu item. Gets or sets the dark color for arrow of the menu item. Gets or sets the color for check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the background color for check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the color for border check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the border color for TextBox item of the menu. Gets or sets the background color for TextBox item of the menu. Gets or sets the color for ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the color for ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the color for ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the color for ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the light color for highlighted ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the dark color for highlighted ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the color for arrow ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the background color of the menu. Gets or sets light color for dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color of the CommandBar. Gets or sets color for border of the CommandBar. Gets or sets background color of the DockBar. Gets or sets light color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets color for highlighted dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets border color for highlighted dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for pressed dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets border color for pressed dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets border color for pressed close button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for pressed close button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets light color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for light border of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets background color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for border of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for caption text of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for separator line of the CommandBar. Gets or sets color for pressed border of the BarItem. Gets or sets color for highlighted border of the BarItem. Gets or sets light color for background of the BarItem. Gets or sets dark color for background of the BarItem. Gets or sets light color for background of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets dark color for background of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets color for border of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets light color for background of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets dark color for background of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets color for border of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets color for flash of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets color for flash of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets color for flash of the selected BarItem. Gets or sets back color for the TextBoxBarItem. Gets or sets color for border of the TextBoxBarItem. Gets or sets color for border of the highlight TextBoxBarItem. Gets or sets light color for ComboButton of the ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets dark color for ComboButton of the ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets light color for ComboButton of the pressed ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets dark color for ComboButton of the pressed ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets light color for ComboButton of the highlighted ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets dark color for ComboButton of the highlighted ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets border color for ComboButton of the ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets border color for ComboButton of the pressed ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets border color for ComboButton of the highlighted ComboBoxBarItem. Gets the arrow start color for UpDownButtons. Gets the arrow end color for UpDownButtons. Gets the border color for UpDownButtons in normal state. Gets the background color for UpDownButtons in normal state. Gets the background start color for UpDownButtons in normal state. Gets the background end color for UpDownButtons in normal state. Gets the border color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the inner border start color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the inner border end color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the border color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the inner border start color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the inner border end color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the background start color for UpDownButtons in disabled state. Gets the background end color for UpDownButtons in disabled state. Gets the border color for UpDownButtons in disabled state. Gets the background top start color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the background top end color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the background bottom start color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the background bottom end color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the background top start color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the background top end color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the background bottom start color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the background bottom end color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets or sets the back color for ComboBox control. Gets or sets the back color for the selected ComboBox control. Gets or sets the border color for ComboBox control. Gets or sets the border color for the selected ComboBox control. Gets or sets the border color for the pushed ComboBox control. Gets or sets the color for upper line of the dropdown button of ComboBox control. Gets or sets the color for the arrow of ComboBox control. Gets or sets the color for lower line of the arrow of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the hot background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the hot background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the hot background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the hot background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the normal background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the normal background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the normal background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the normal background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the normal border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the selected border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the normal internal border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the selected internal border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed internal border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the normal internal rectangle border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the selected internal rectangle border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed internal rectangle border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the normal internal rectangle of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the selected internal rectangle of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed internal rectangle of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the normal tick of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the selected tick of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed tick of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the disabled tick of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the indeterminate rectangle of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the disabled back color CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the disabled border CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the disabled internal border CheckBox control. Used in drawing of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the internal border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the internal border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the internal border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the border of check mark of Radio button control. Used in drawing of check mark of Radio button control. Used in drawing of check mark of Radio button control. Used in drawing of check mark of Radio button control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of XP taskbar. Used in drawing of XP taskbar. Used in drawing of XP taskbar. Used in drawing of XP taskbar. Used in drawing of XP taskbar. Used in drawing of XP taskbar. Used in drawing of XP taskbar. Used in drawing of XP taskbar. Used in drawing of Color UI control. Used in drawing of Color UI control. Used in drawing of Color UI control. Used in drawing of Color UI control. Used in drawing of Color UI control. Used in drawing of Color UI control. Used in drawing of Color UI control. Used in drawing of Rating control. Used in drawing of Rating control. Used in drawing of Rating control. Used in drawing of Rating control. Used in drawing of Rating control. Used in drawing of Rating control. Used in drawing of Rating control. Used in drawing of Rating control. Arguments class for event. Initializes instance. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Provides colors for blue colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Initialize colors for Blue colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Provides colors for silver colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Initialize colors for Silver colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Provides colors for black colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Initialize colors for Black colorscheme of the Office2007 visual style. Gets a value indicating whether themed colors are used. true if themed colors are used, false otherwise. gets/sets color of right auto hide panel. Gets/sets color of left AH panel. Gets or sets the color of the panel. Gets or sets the color of the border. Gets or sets the color of the inner border. Gets or sets the color of the tab item. Gets or sets the color for border of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the light color of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the dark color of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the color for border of the menu. Gets or sets the color for separator of the menu. Gets or sets the color for border selected item of the menu. Gets or sets the color for selected item of the menu. Gets or sets the color for column of the menu. Gets or sets the color for check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the color for selected check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the color for check mark border of the menu. Gets or sets the color for selected check mark border of the menu. Gets or sets the background color of the menu. Gets or sets border color of the BarItem. Gets or sets border color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets border color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets light color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color for CombobBox button. Gets or sets dark color for CombobBox button. Gets a value indicating whether themed colors are used. true if themed colors are used, false otherwise. gets/sets color of right auto hide panel. Gets/sets color of left AH panel. Gets or sets the color of the panel. Gets or sets the color of the border. Gets or sets the color of the inner border. Gets or sets the color of the tab item. Gets or sets the color for border of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the light color of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the dark color of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets the color for border of the menu. Gets or sets the color for separator of the menu. Gets or sets the color for border selected item of the menu. Gets or sets the color for selected item of the menu. Gets or sets the color for column of the menu. Gets or sets the color for check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the color for selected check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the color for check mark border of the menu. Gets or sets the color for selected check mark border of the menu. Gets or sets the background color of the menu. Gets or sets border color of the BarItem. Gets or sets border color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets border color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the BarItem. Gets or sets light color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets dark color of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets light color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color for CombobBox button. Gets or sets dark color for CombobBox button. Provides colors for blue colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Provides colors for Office2010 visual style. Colors for blue colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Colors for silver colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Colors for black colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Default colorscheme for office2010 visual style. Base color for managed scheme. Gets color table for Office2010 visual style. Applies colors for managed scheme. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Initialize colors general for all colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Gets or sets default colors for Office2010 visual style. Gets or sets default colorscheme for office2010 visual style. Gets or sets border color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets highlighted border color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets selected border color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a dropdown arrow color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a dropdown gradient light color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a dropdown gradient dark color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a dropdown highlighted gradient light color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a dropdown highlighted gradient dark color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a dropdown selected gradient light color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a dropdown selected gradient dark color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox selected color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox pushed border color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox border color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox inner rectangle border color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox inner rectangle selected border color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox inner rectangle pushed border color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox inner rectangle filling color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox inner rectangle filling selected color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets a checkbox inner rectangle filling pushed color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets highlighted fore color for Date time picker control. Gets or sets border color for numeric updown control. Gets or sets highlighted border color for numeric updown control. Gets or sets selected border color for numeric updown control. Gets or sets dropdown arrow gradient light color for numeric updown control. Gets or sets dropdown arrow gradient dark color for numeric updown control. Gets or sets gradient start color for month calendar control. Gets or sets gradient end color for month calendar control. Gets or sets gradient end color for month calendar control. Gets or sets fore color for month calendar control. Gets or sets border color for group bar control. Gets or sets gradient dark color for group bar item control. Gets or sets gradient light color for group bar item control. Gets or sets group bar control's header gradient color dark. Gets or sets group bar control's header gradient color light. Gets or sets gradient highlight light color for group bar control. Gets or sets gradient highlight dark color for group bar control. Gets or sets gradient selected dark color for group bar control. Gets or sets gradient selected light color for group bar control. Gets or sets gradient selected dark color for the upper part of group bar item control. Gets or sets gradient selected light color for the upper part of group bar item control. Gets or sets gradient highlighted and selected dark color for group bar control. Gets or sets gradient highlighted and selected light color for group bar control. Gets or sets text color for group bar item control. Gets or sets Back color for group bar item control. Gets or sets group bar control's header text color. Gets or sets gradient dark color for splitter of group bar control. Gets or sets gradient light color for splitter of group bar control. Gets or sets the client area background color of group bar control. Gets or sets the color for the internal border of XP task panel. Gets or sets the color for the border of XP task panel. Gets or sets the back color for XP task page. Gets or sets the color for border of the menu. Gets or sets the color for separator of the menu. Gets or sets the dark color for highlighted item of the menu. Gets or sets the light color for highlighted item of the menu. Gets or sets the border color for highlighted item of the menu. Gets or sets the dark color for column of the menu. Gets or sets the separator color for column of the menu. Gets or sets the light color for arrow of the menu item. Gets or sets the dark color for arrow of the menu item. Gets or sets the color for check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the background color for check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the color for border check mark of the menu. Gets or sets the border color for TextBox item of the menu. Gets or sets the background color for TextBox item of the menu. Gets or sets the color for ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the color for ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the color for ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the color for ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the light color for highlighted ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the dark color for highlighted ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the color for arrow ComboButton of the menu. Gets or sets the background color of the menu. Gets or sets light color for dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color of the CommandBar. Gets or sets color for border of the CommandBar. Gets or sets background color of the DockBar. Gets or sets light color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for highlight dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets light color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color for pressed dropdown button of the CommandBar. Gets or sets color for highlighted dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets border color for highlighted dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for pressed dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets border color for pressed dropdown button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets border color for pressed close button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for pressed close button of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets light color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets dark color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for light border of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets background color of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for border of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for caption text of the floating CommandBar. Gets or sets color for separator line of the CommandBar. Gets or sets color for pressed border of the BarItem. Gets or sets color for highlighted border of the BarItem. Gets or sets light color for background of the BarItem. Gets or sets dark color for background of the BarItem. Gets or sets light color for background of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets dark color for background of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets color for border of the DropDownBarItem. Gets or sets light color for background of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets dark color for background of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets color for border of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets color for flash of the checked BarItem. Gets or sets color for flash of the pressed BarItem. Gets or sets color for flash of the selected BarItem. Gets or sets back color for the TextBoxBarItem. Gets or sets color for border of the TextBoxBarItem. Gets or sets color for border of the highlight TextBoxBarItem. Gets or sets light color for ComboButton of the ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets dark color for ComboButton of the ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets light color for ComboButton of the pressed ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets dark color for ComboButton of the pressed ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets light color for ComboButton of the highlighted ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets dark color for ComboButton of the highlighted ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets border color for ComboButton of the ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets border color for ComboButton of the pressed ComboBoxBarItem. Gets or sets border color for ComboButton of the highlighted ComboBoxBarItem. Gets the arrow start color for UpDownButtons. Gets the arrow end color for UpDownButtons. Gets the border color for UpDownButtons in normal state. Gets the background color for UpDownButtons in normal state. Gets the background start color for UpDownButtons in normal state. Gets the background end color for UpDownButtons in normal state. Gets the border color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the inner border start color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the inner border end color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the border color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the inner border start color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the inner border end color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the background start color for UpDownButtons in disabled state. Gets the background end color for UpDownButtons in disabled state. Gets the border color for UpDownButtons in disabled state. Gets the background top start color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the background top end color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the background bottom start color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the background bottom end color for UpDownButtons in hot state. Gets the background top start color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the background top end color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the background bottom start color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets the background bottom end color for UpDownButtons in pressed state. Gets or sets the back color for ComboBox control. Gets or sets the back color for the selected ComboBox control. Gets or sets the border color for ComboBox control. Gets or sets the border color for the selected ComboBox control. Gets or sets the border color for the pushed ComboBox control. Gets or sets the color for upper line of the dropdown button of ComboBox control. Gets or sets the color for the arrow of ComboBox control. Gets or sets the color for lower line of the arrow of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the hot background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the hot background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the hot background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the hot background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the normal background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the normal background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the normal background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the normal background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the normal border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the selected border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the normal internal border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the selected internal border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed internal border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the normal internal rectangle border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the selected internal rectangle border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed internal rectangle border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the normal internal rectangle of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the selected internal rectangle of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed internal rectangle of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the normal tick of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the selected tick of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed tick of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the disabled tick of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the indeterminate rectangle of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the disabled back color CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the disabled border CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the disabled internal border CheckBox control. Used in drawing of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the internal border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the internal border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the internal border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the border of check mark of Radio button control. Used in drawing of check mark of Radio button control. Used in drawing of check mark of Radio button control. Used in drawing of check mark of Radio button control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of Tab bar splitter control. Used in drawing of XP taskbar. Used in drawing of XP taskbar. Used in drawing of XP taskbar. Used in drawing of XP taskbar. Used in drawing of XP taskbar. Used in drawing of XP taskbar. Used in drawing of XP taskbar. Used in drawing of XP taskbar. Used in drawing of Color UI control. Used in drawing of Color UI control. Used in drawing of Color UI control. Used in drawing of Color UI control. Used in drawing of Color UI control. Used in drawing of Color UI control. Used in drawing of Color UI control. Used in drawing of Rating control. Used in drawing of Rating control. Used in drawing of Rating control. Used in drawing of Rating control. Used in drawing of Rating control. Used in drawing of Rating control. Used in drawing of Rating control. Used in drawing of Rating control. Arguments class for event. Initializes instance. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Initialize colors for Blue colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Provides colors for silver colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Initialize colors for Silver colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Provides colors for black colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Initialize colors for Black colorscheme of the Office2010 visual style. Colors for silver colorscheme of the metro visual style. Colors for black colorscheme of the metro visual style. Colors for blue colorscheme of the metro visual style. Colors for blue colorscheme of the metro visual style. /// Colors for blue colorscheme of the metro visual style. Colors for blue colorscheme of the metro visual style. Colors for blue colorscheme of the metro visual style. Colors for blue colorscheme of the metro visual style. Colors for blue colorscheme of the metro visual style. Colors for managed colorscheme of the metro visual style. Default colorscheme for metro visual style. Base color for managed scheme. Gets color table for Metro Color. Applies colors for managed scheme. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Initialize colors general for all colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Gets or sets default colors for metro visual style. Gets or sets default colorscheme for metro visual style. Gets or sets the back color for ComboBox control. Gets or sets the back color for the selected ComboBox control. Gets or sets the border color for ComboBox control. Gets or sets the border color for the selected ComboBox control. Gets or sets the border color for the pushed ComboBox control. Gets or sets the color for upper line of the dropdown button of ComboBox control. Gets or sets the color for the arrow of ComboBox control. Gets or sets the color for lower line of the arrow of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the hot background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the hot background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the hot background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the hot background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the normal background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the normal background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the normal background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the normal background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed background of dropdown button of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the background of dropdown list item of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the background of dropdown list item Top of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the background of dropdown list item of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the background of dropdown list item of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the background of dropdown list item of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the background of dropdown list item of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of the background of dropdown list item of ComboBox control. Used in drawing of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the normal border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the selected border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the normal internal border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the selected internal border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed internal border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the normal internal rectangle border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the selected internal rectangle border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed internal rectangle border of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the normal internal rectangle of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the selected internal rectangle of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed internal rectangle of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the normal tick of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the selected tick of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the pushed tick of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the disabled tick of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the indeterminate rectangle of CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the disabled back color CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the disabled border CheckBox control. Used in drawing of the disabled internal border CheckBox control. Used in drawing of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the internal border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the internal border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the internal border of Radio button control. Used in drawing of the border of check mark of Radio button control. Used in drawing of check mark of Radio button control. Used in drawing of check mark of Radio button control. Used in drawing of check mark of Radio button control. Arguments class for event. Initializes instance. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Container form. Base color for the managed theme. Provides colors for Magenta colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Magenta colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Orange colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Blue colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Teal colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Teal colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Brown colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Brown colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Lime colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Lime colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Purple colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Purple colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Pink colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Pink colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Blue colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Blue colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Red colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Red colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Provides colors for Green colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Initialize colors for Green colorscheme of the Metro visual style. Specifies that this object supports . Enables rendering with . Specifies to use. Specifies that this object supports . Enables rendering with . Specifies to use. Specifies that this object supports . Enables rendering with . Specifies to use. Draws a themed button. Value for reduce ClientRectangle. Value for shift image rectangle. Image for draw foreground. Indicate wether the image for button is stretched or shrunk to fit the size of the button. Indicates whether mouse positionin is over control. Initializes a new object. Draws the text. The graphics object. Draws the button themed. Graphics object. The button state. The checked state. Draws the button without themes. Graphics object. The button state. The checked state. Draws the styled button without themes. Graphics object. The button state. The checked state. Gets or sets image for draw foreground. Indicates whether mouse positionin is over control. Indicate wether the image for button is stretched or shrunk to fit the size of the button. Occurs when is changed. Occurs when is changed. Gets / sets the flatcolor of the themed button. Gets or sets the visual style of the themed button. Indicates the Office2007 theme used for drawing the control. Indicates the Office2010 theme used for drawing the control. Indicates whether to draw the button text. Gets / sets the text alignment. Gets / sets the checked state. Gets / sets the default button state. Inflate offset for drawing selection rectangle. Methods recalculate top left and right bottom points using Graphics matrix settings. This method required when we will draw on Graphics created from HDC that does not have applied transformations. Very useful when used ControlPaint class for drawing. reference on Graphics rectangle to recalculate. Transformed rectangle. Methods will work fine only in limited cases. If on graphics applied rotations then in most cases will be wrong calculated rectangle. Methods recalculate point using Graphics matrix settings. This method required when we will draw on Graphics created from HDC that does not have applied transformations. Very useful when used ControlPaint class for drawing. reference on Graphics Point to recalculate. Transformed point. Method allow to draw borders according to specified styles. Reference on Graphics. Output rectangle. border style. 3D border style. border style in single mode. border color in single mode. sides that have to be drawn by methods. True - fix known bug in method, otherwise leave old code (for compatibility only). Returns the width required to draw the text specified using the font specified. A object. The text that is to be drawn. The using which to draw. True - we use RTL, otherwise normal drawing. Width required. Measure string with limit by width. -1 - apply single line mode for measuring, values greater zero enables multiline measuring mode. Call this method to help you prepare for non client painting. This method will in turn call your INonClientPaintingSupport.NonClientPaint implementation. The control in which we will be drawing. The INonClientPaintingSupport implementation to which we will delegate the final non client drawing. The WM_NCPAINT message. Adjusts the specified forecolor's brightness based on the specified backcolor and preferred contrast. The forecolor to adjust. The backcolor for reference. Preferred contrast level. This method checks if the current contrast in brightness between the 2 colors is less than the specified contrast level. If so, it brightens or darkens the forecolor appropriately. Draws an image using the ImageList, taking into account the Graphics.ClipBounds. The Graphics object into which to draw. The ImageList containing the image. The index of the image. The rectangle into which to draw. This method will use ImageList_DrawEx to draw the image (to use the transparency info in the embedded images). We use the PInvoke rather than ImageList.Draw because, the Draw method uses the PaintEventArgs.ClipRectangle rather than g.ClipBounds (both can be different) and here we force the ClipBounds on the DC.

Also, you do not have to use this method if your images will never be drawn clipped (in that case just use ImageList.Draw).

Draws specified image to graphics context. If image size is less than maxWidth, maxHeight parameters, it will be drawn without any changes, otherwise - it will be scaled proportionally to those values. Graphics context. Image object which must be drawing. X coordinate of the destination location. Y coordinate of the destination location. Maximum width of the image. Maximum height of the image. Converts the HSB value to RGB. Hue. Saturation. Brightness. Red. Green. Blue. This does not seem to yield accurate results, but very close. Value of advanced graphics state. Mode of transformation matrix multiplication. Graphics object for target context. Temporary virtual Graphics object. Temporary bitmap object. Target rectangle. Rectangle of virtual temporary area. Target graphics path. Indicates whether image must be mirrored. Indicates whether OS supports needed API functions. Holds old value of source graphics mode. Holds old value of source graphics transformation. Handle wrapper of graphics object. Handle of graphics object. Private constructor. Overloaded. Creates a new mirror object for drawing mirrored images. Source graphics object. Source graphics path object. If True mirror output; False otherwise. Creates a new mirror object for drawing mirrored images. Source graphics object. Source rectangle structure. If True mirror output; False otherwise. Overloaded ctor.. as a workaround for Themed Mirrored rendering issue. Creates a new mirror object for drawing mirrored images. Source graphics object. Source rectangle structure. If True mirror output; False otherwise. False as a workaround when drawing themed mirrored graphics. Disposes all resources, but first paints all data from the buffer to source device context. Initializes an object. Source graphics object. Source rectangle structure. If True mirror output; False otherwise. Checks OS Version for API functions support. Need NT 3.1 or later. True if current OS is NT 3.1 or later; False otherwise. Transforms graphics. Restores graphics to its previous state. Flushes all drawing data to destination if needed. Returns virtual graphics context object. Returns virtual rectangle. Returns virtual Graphics path object. Indicates whether additional bitmap is needed. Cached version of themed controls instances. Class will return NULL instead of instance if OS does not support XP Themes. Thread synchronization object. Used for instance clear and create operations locks. Edit control. Button control. Tree control. Reset static class cache. All internal static resources will be released. Operation is thread safe. Requesting the minimum size. Requesting the size of the theme part that will best fit the available space. Requesting the size that the theme manager uses to draw a part. Draws a themed scroll button. Initializes a new object. Disposes all resources being used. Returns the color for paint control background. Gets / sets the type of scroll arrow. Provides some information regarding themes support and state in the OS. Used to unwire the ThemeChangeListenerForm class. Returns the theme file name with the path. Returns the current theme color scheme name. Indicates whether the default blue theme is on. Indicates whether the Olive Green theme is on. Indicates whether the Silver theme is on. Indicates whether this OS has themes support built-in. True if themes are supported; False otherwise. This property returns True for Windows XP and later versions. Indicates whether themes are enabled in the current OS. Indicates whether the current application is themed. Specifies that this object subscribes to event. Class for automatic subscription management of event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The target. Handles theme change. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Gets or sets the object (the target) referenced by the current object. null if the object referenced by the current object has been garbage collected; otherwise, a reference to the object referenced by the current object. The reference to the target object is invalid. This exception can be thrown while setting this property if the value is a null reference or if the object has been finalized during the set operation. Distance from thumb Y position to mouse down Y position. Flag, if true than controls visivble in other case not visible. Default size of the vertical scroolbar. Initializes a new instance of the class. The owner. Initializes a new instance of the class. Occurs when control size changed. Used for validating visibility of the ControlsAfter and ControlsBefore Reset vertical scrollbar to default width. Gets dockStyle for controls which situated before scroll. Gets dockStyle for controls which situated after scroll. Gets value by cursor position Calculating bounds for leftThumb and rightThumb zones for scroll. Retrieves Office2010 scroll bars Office2016 style Metro style Characterize zone which contain mouse down position. Order of enum's elements can not be changed, because ScrollBarCustomDraw uses enum's indexes. Characterize Office2010 scroll bar color scheme. Office2010 blue. Office2010 silver. Office2010 black. Office2010 default color. Defines the constants that specify color schemes for the Office 2016 theme. Office2016 black. Office2016 white. Office2016 dark gray. Office2016 colorful color. Characterize MS-Office scroll bars. Office2007 Scrollbars. Office2010 Scrollbars. Metro Scrollbars. Office2016 Scrollbars Ordinary Scrollbars. Characterize zone which contain mouse position. Order of enum's elements can not be changed, because ScrollBarCustomDraw uses enum's indexes. Specifies the layout and colors for scrollbars. Specifies behaviour of size gripper for scrollable frame controls. Gripper is visible when both horizontal and vertical scrollbars are visible. Gripper is always visible. Gripper is always hidden. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Renderer for VisualStyle based theme Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent control Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent control. The metro color table. Draws background of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. The graphics. The bounds of background. The scroll button state. Draws pushed background. The graphics. The bounds of background. Draws scroll background. The graphics. The scroll bounds. Draws arrow button of scroll. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. The graphics. The bounds of arrow. The scroll button type. The scroll button state. Draws arrow background. The graphics. The arrow backgroud bounds. The scroll button type. The scroll button state. Draws scrollbar arrow The graphics. The bounds of the arrow. The scroll button type. The scroll button state. Returns the pushed or checked state right arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state right arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state left arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state left arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state down arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state down arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state up arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the pushed or checked state up arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the normal right arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Returns the normal left arrow. The width of the arrow. The height of the arrow. The bitmap. Draws scroll thumb. If theme is disabled than draw classic scroll. Draws scroll thumb background. The graphics. The bounds of thumb. The scroll button state. Method to calculate the center point to place the Thumb exactly at the center position inside the Scrollbar. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents BookmarkCloseButtonStyleInfo class. Represents the constructor of BookmarkCloseButtonStyleInfo . Represents the constructor of BookmarkCloseButtonStyleInfo. Represents the identity. Constructor of BookmarkCloseButtonStyleInfo. Represents the identity. Represents the store. Represents the default style of BookmarkCloseButtonStyle. Gets or sets the BackColor. Gets or sets the HoverBackColor. Gets or sets the PressedBackColor. Gets or sets the DisabledBackColor. Gets or sets the ForeColor. Gets or sets the HoverForeColor. Gets or sets the PressedForeColor. Gets or sets the DisabledForeColor. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. PdfDocumentView helps to view and print PDF files. PdfDocumentView helps to view and print PDF files. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. It contains the value of the property. Gets the active theme name of the control. Returns the active theme name. Occurs when a page is clicked in Occurs when the mouse pointer moves over the page in Initializes PdfDocumentView class. To wire up all the Mouse events Control to which the events should be wired Represents the method that will handle the mouse move event.  The sender the contains a PdfViewer. The that contains the event data. Represents the method that will handle the mouse up event.  The sender the contains a PdfViewer. The that contains the event data. Represents the method that will handle the mouse down event.  The sender the contains a PdfViewer. The that contains the event data. Calculates the selected text bounds Opens the weblink in browser Shows tooltip while the mouse is over an URL Loads a Pdf document in the Pdf viewer The path for the Pdf document to display in the pdf viewer Loads a Pdf document in the Pdf viewer The path for the Pdf document to display in the pdf viewer The password for opening the document. Loads a Pdf document in the Pdf viewer from the specified stream. A stream that contains the data for the Pdf document Loads a pdf document in the Pdf viewer from the specified PdfLoadedDocuemnt. The PdfLoadedDocument to be viewed in the PdfViewer Prints the document on the specified printer. The name of the destination printer to print the PDF document. Unloads the Pdf document Unloads the PDF document. Setting this parameter to true will dispose the loaded document completely. By default this parameter is set to true Resets the ScrollBar Clean up any resources being used. Exports the specified page as Image The page index to be converted into image Returns the specified page as Image Exports the specified page as Image The page index to be converted into image The horizontal DPI of the resultant image. The vertical DPI of the resultant image. Returns the specified page as Image with custom resolution Exports the specified page as Image The page index to be converted into image The custom size of the converted image Whether need to keep the aspect ratio of the page Returns the image with custom size Exports the specified page as Image The page index to be converted into image The custom size of the converted image The horizontal DPI of the resultant image. The vertical DPI of the resultant image. Whether need to keep the aspect ratio of the page Returns the specified page as image with custom size and resolution> Exports the specified pages as Images The starting page index The ending page index Returns the specified pages as Images Exports the specified pages as Images with respect to dpi specified. The starting page index The ending page index The horizontal DPI of the resultant image. The vertical DPI of the resultant image. Returns the specified pages as Images with custom resolution Exports the specified pages as Images The starting page index The ending page index The custom size of the converted image Whether need to keep the aspect raio of the page Returns the specified pages as images with custom size Exports the specified pages as Images The starting page index The ending page index The custom size of the converted image The horizontal DPI of the resultant image. The vertical DPI of the resultant image. Whether need to keep the aspect ratio of the page Returns the specified pages as images with custom size and resolution Exports the specified page as System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile The index of the PDF page. Metafile Exports the specified pages as System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile The start index of the PDF page The end index of the PDF page Array of Metafile Search the next occurrence of the text. The text to be searched Search the previous occurrence of the text. The text to be searched Searches the text The text to be searched Searches and highlights all occurrences of the given text in the PDF document. Navigates to the specified page. The page index Returns the rectangle postions of the text matches The text which is to be searched size of GESTURECONFIG structure size of GESTUREINFO structure Handler of gestures Message object Custom Mousewheel event for auto scrolling during text selection Invoked when the attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for event. The that contains the event data. Invoked when the attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for event. The that contains the event data. Draws the page using PrintPageEventArgs Metafile to be printed Provides data for the PrintPage event Magnifies the page of the document to the provided zoom percentage. Zoom percentage Magnifies the page of the document to the provided zoom mode. zoom mode Navigates to the first page of the document. Navigates to the last page of the document Navigates to the previous page of the document. Navigates to the next page of the document. Navigates to the specified location. Navigates to the location of the bookmark. The object that contains the details of the bookmark to which the viewer has to navigate. 0) pdfDocumentView1.GoToBookmark(bookmark[0]);]]> Navigates to the specified page. The page index Returns the page number and rectangle positions of the text matchs The text to be searched Holds the page number and rectangle positions of the text matches Extracts text along with its format from the PDF Page. Provides the text data collection Returns the extracted text. Extracts text from the page of PDF document with lines and words collection. The page index. Holds the lines with bounds in the page. The Extracted Text. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Occurs when theme name of the control has changed. Gets or sets the theme name of the control. The default value is null. This ThemeStyle settings will be applied only when the VisualStyleBased theme has been applied to the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether control elements styles can be overridden by theme style settings. Default value is false. By default, the control's element styles will not be overridden by theme style settings if the style is set in sample level. If this property is enabled, element style will be overridden by theme style settings event if it is set in sample level. This property should be enabled or disabled before calling the ThemeName property of the control. Gets or sets the Base Theme name of the theme Gets or sets a value indicating whether a theme settings can be applied to the control. The default value is true. This property must be initialized before applying the VisualTheme /> Gets the name of the control. Gets or sets the VisualTheme of the control. Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . Gets a value indicating whether the visual style based theme is applied to the control and also indicates whether the theme files are referred from external assemblies or not. Return true, if the visual style based theme is applied to the control. Otherwise returns false. Occurs when the error occurred in PdfViewerControl Occurs when state of the navigation button is changed. Occurs when current page is changed. Occurs when the PDF document is loading. Occurs when scroll is changed. Occurs when a key is pressed Occurs when the Pdf document is loaded Occurs when the Hyperlink is clicked in a page of Occurs when the mouse is moved over the hyperlink. Occurs when zoom value is changed. Event triggered once the text selection was completed Occurs when the PDF document is unloaded Occurs to provide information on how much of printing content were submitted to printing subsystem Occurs when the print is called and before the first page of the document prints. Occurs when the last page of the document has printed. This event also occurs if the printing process is canceled or an exception occurs during the printing process. Occurs when the text search is initiated. Occurs when a match for the searched text found. Occurs when a text search operation is completed. Specifies the renderingMode for PdfViewer. Gets or sets a value indicating whether text selection is enabled. Default value is true. Gets or sets a value indicating whether text search is enabled. Default value is true. Gets and sets the minimum zoom percentage. The value should be in between 10 and 400. The default value is 50. Returns the loaded document of the PdfDocumentView Specifes the Pdfium path in PDF Viewer control Disposes the document completely Visual style of the PdfViewerControl. Returns true, if the PDF document is loaded in PDF viewer control. Default value is false. Gets and Sets the background image for Get or set thickness of the page border. Default value is 1. Gets the information of the PDF document loaded Represents printer settings for the document to be printed. Gets and sets the message box settings. Defines the textsearch settings when searching the text in the document Gets the print document Enables or disables the context menu. Defines the page gap between the pages. The minimum value of ‘SpaceBetweenPages’ is 0. Default value is 8. The unit of ‘SpaceBetweenPages’ is pixel. Gets or sets the displacement value for scrolling. Gets and sets the boolean value to show and hide the vertical scrollbar in Gets and sets the Cursor Mode Gets and sets the boolean value to show and hide horizontal scrollbar in Gets or sets the horizontal scroll offset of the control. Gets or sets the vertical scroll offset of the control. Gets the page count. Gets the current zoom percentage. Gets the current page index which is currently in view. Gets/Sets the Zoom mode. Gets a boolean value indicating whether the control can navigate to the first page. Gets a boolean value indicating whether the control can navigate to the previous page. Gets a boolean value indicating whether the control can navigate to the next page. Gets a boolean value indicating whether the control can navigate to the last page. Delegate for KeyPressed event. Delegate for NavigationButtonStateChanged event. Delegate for the CurrentPageChanged event. Delegate for DocumentLoaded event. Delegate for ZoomChanged event. Delegate for ZoomModeChanged event. Delegate for TextselectionCompleted event PdfViewerControl helps to view and print PDF files. The DocumentToolbar helps to navigate easily anywhere inside the document and also provides direct access to open, save and print documents. PdfViewerControl helps to view and print PDF files. The DocumentToolbar helps to navigate easily anywhere inside the document and also provides direct access to open, save and print documents. PdfViewerControl helps to view and print PDF files. The DocumentToolbar helps to navigate easily anywhere inside the document and also provides direct access to open, save and print documents. It contains the value of the property. Notifies when a theme name is changed. Represents the theme name. Initializes PdfViewerControl. To wire up all the Mouse events Control to which the events should be wired Represents the toolbar button click Represents the method that will handle the mouse click event.  The sender the contains a PdfViewer. The that contains the event data. Represents the method that will handle the mouse move event.  The sender the contains a PdfViewer. The that contains the event data. Represents the method that will handle the mouse down event.  The sender the contains a PdfViewer. The that contains the event data. Represents the method that will handle the mouse up event.  The sender the contains a PdfViewer. The that contains the event data. Magnifies the page of the document to the provided zoom percentage. Zoom percentage Occurs when a page is clicked in Occurs when the mouse pointer moves over the page in Loads a Pdf document in the Pdf viewer The path for the Pdf document to display in the pdf viewer Loads a Pdf document in the Pdf viewer The path for the Pdf document to display in the pdf viewer The password for opening the document. Loads a pdf document in the Pdf viewer from the specified PdfLoadedDocuemnt. The PdfLoadedDocument to be viewed in the PdfViewer Loads a Pdf document in the Pdf viewer from the specified stream. A stream that contains the data for the Pdf document Unloads the Pdf document Clean up any resources being used. Exports the specified page as Image The page index to be converted into image Returns the specified page as Image Returns the page number and rectangle positions of the text matchs The text to be searched Holds the page number and rectangle positions of the text matches Searches the text The text to be searched Search the next occurrence of the text. The text to be searched Search the previous occurrence of the text. The text to be searched Exports the specified page as Image with respect to dpi specified. The page index to be converted into image The horizontal DPI of the resultant image. The vertical DPI of the resultant image. Returns the specified page as Image with custom resolution Exports the specified pages as Images with respect to dpi specified. The starting page index The ending page index The horizontal DPI of the resultant image. The vertical DPI of the resultant image. Returns the specified pages as Images with custom resolution Exports the specified pages as Images The starting page index The ending page index Returns the specified pages as Images Exports the specified pages as Images The starting page index The ending page index The custom size of the converted image Whether need to maintain the pdf page size Returns the specified pages as images with custom size Exports the specified pages as Images The starting page index The ending page index The custom size of the converted image The horizontal DPI of the resultant image. The vertical DPI of the resultant image. Whether need to maintain the pdf page size Returns the specified pages as images with custom size and resolution Exports the specified page as System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile The index of the PDF page. Metafile Exports the specified pages as System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile The start index of the PDF page The end index of the PDF page Array of Metafile Exports the specified page as Image The page index to be converted into image The custom size of the converted image Whether need to maintain the pdf page size Returns the specified page as image with custom size Exports the specified page as Image The page index to be converted into image The custom size of the converted image The horizontal DPI of the resultant image. The vertical DPI of the resultant image. Whether need to maintain the pdf page size Returns the specified page as image with custom size and resolution Navigates to the specified page. The page index Navigates to the location of the bookmark. The object that contains the details of the bookmark to which the viewer has to navigate. 0) pdfViewerControl1.GoToBookmark(bookmark[0]);]]> Display text search bar for search text in viewer. Prints the document loaded in the viewer. If set to true, displays the PrintDialog box. Prints in silent mode when set to false. Prints the document loaded in the viewer. If set to true, displays the PrintDialog box. Prints in silent mode when set to false. If set to true, text elements are printed as selectable text. Otherwise it is printed as non selectable text Prints the document on the specified printer. The name of the destination printer to print the PDF document. Invoked when the attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for event. The that contains the event data. Invoked when the attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for event. The that contains the event data. Extracts text along with its format from the PDF Page. Provides the text data collection Returns the extracted text. Extracts text from the page of PDF document with lines and words collection. The page index. Holds the lines with bounds in the page. The Extracted Text. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Gets or sets the value used to customize the appearance of the . Specifies the rendering mode for PdfViewer. Gets or sets a value indicating whether text selection is enabled. Default value is true. Gets or sets a value indicating whether text search is enabled. Default value is true. Gets the print document Gets and sets the minimum zoom percentage. The value should be in between 10 and 400. The default value is 50. Gets the LoadedDocument of Gets the information of the PDF document loaded Specifes the Pdfium path in PDF Viewer control Visual style of the PdfViewerControl. Gets the page count Get or set the thickness of the page border. Default value is 1. Enables or disables the bookmark feature. Returns true, if the PDF document is loaded in PDF viewer control. Default value is false. Represents printer settings for the document to be printed. Gets and sets the message box settings. Defines the textsearch settings when searching the text in the document Represents document toolbar settings for PdfViewer. Gets and sets the visibility of the toolbar Gets and sets the boolean value to show and hide the vertical scrollbar in Gets and sets the boolean value to show and hide the horizontal scrollbar in Gets and sets the Cursor Mode Enables or disables the context menu. Defines the page gap between the pages. The minimum value of ‘SpaceBetweenPages’ is 0. Default value is 8. The unit of ‘SpaceBetweenPages’ is pixel. Gets or sets the horizontal scroll offset of the control. Gets or sets the vertical scroll offset of the control. Returns the index of the current page displayed in the Viewer Enables the display of Notification bar on setting true. Gets and sets the Zoom Mode Gets or sets the displacement value for scrolling. Gets the current zoom percentage. Occurs when the error occurred in PdfViewerControl Occurs when the PDF document is loading. Occurs when button clicked. Occurs when scroll is changed. Occurs when a key is pressed Occurs when the pdf document is loaded Occurs when the Hyperlink is clicked in a page of Occurs when the mouse is moved over the hyperlink. Occurs prior to the rendering of every image in the document Occurs when current page is changed. Event triggered once the text selection was completed Occurs when the PDF document is unloaded Occurs before initiating the save operation of the PDF document. Occurs after the completion of the save operation. Occurs to provide information on how much of printing content were submitted to printing subsystem Occurs when the print is called and before the first page of the document prints. Occurs when the last page of the document has printed. This event also occurs if the printing process is canceled or an exception occurs during the printing process. Occurs when the text search is initiated. Occurs when a match for the searched text found. Occurs when a text search operation is completed. Delegate used for button clicked event. Delegate used for KeyPressed event. Delegate used for DocumentLoaded event. Delegate used for ImagePreRender event. Delegate used for TextSelectionCompleted event. Represents bookmark button style info. Constructor of bookmark button style info. Constructor of bookmark button style info. Represents the identity. Constructor of bookmark button style info. Represents the identity. Repesents the store. Gets the default style. Gets or sets the fore color. Gets or sets the hover fore color. Gets or sets the pressed fore color. Gets or sets the disabled fore color. Gets or sets the back color. Gets or sets the hover back color. Gets or sets the pressed back color. Gets or sets the disabled back color. Represents the bookmark button style info store. Constructor of BookmarkButtonStyleInfoStore class. Represents the BookmarkButtonStyleInfoIdentity. Constructor of the BookmarkButtonStyleInfoIdentity. Returns the base styles. Represents the style info. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Occurs when a property in the Button Style info has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Represents the class to define the style for control. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Gets the default style value of the DefaultStyle Returns the default style value. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the PdfDocumentViewControl for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Provides storage for the object. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents a class that provides style identity information for nested objects Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Represents the class to define the style for control. It contains the value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Holds instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Initializes a new instance of the class. A that holds the identity for this . Holds instance of a class Gets the default style value of the DefaultStyle. Returns the default style value. Implements the class that provide the identity information of using . Maintains the PdfViewerControl for create the identity. Initializes a new instance of the class. to create an identity. Loops through all base styles until it finds a style that has a specific property initialized. A instance of Returns the . Occurs when a property in the has changed. The instance that has changed. A that identifies the property to operate on. Provides storage for the object. It contains the value of the property value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from a serialization stream. An object that holds all the data needed to serialize or deserialize this instance. Describes the source and destination of the serialized stream specified by info. Initializes the , if is null. Gets the static data value of the class. Represents a class that provides style identity information for nested objects Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this sub-object. The descriptor for this expandable sub-object. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required designer variable. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. No flags. Render for printing. Set if annotations are to be rendered. Set if using text rendering optimized for LCD display. Don't use the native text output available on some platforms. Grayscale output. Limit image cache size. Always use halftone for image stretching. Render with a transparent background. Correct height/width for DPI. Parse the annotation properties within a page Annotation properties The specific page in which annotations needs to be added Zoom factor need to be considered while drawing the annotation rectangle Calculates the annotation rectangle according to the zoom values. Represents the annotation rectangle Include the URL annotation rectangles with the specific page properties Represents the annotation properties such as rectangle,location and URI Calculates the annotation rectangle according to the zoom values. The specific page in which annotations needs to be added Represents the annotation rectangle Zoom factor need to be considered Drawing panel is true or false is need to be considered Represents the annotation with associated within a page. Provides data for the event. Changes the URL. Gets the URI (Unifrom Resource Identifer) of the hyperlink. Gets or sets the value to handle the event. If true, the event will be handled and disables the default processing of hyperlink navigation. Its default value is false. Provides data for the event. Changes the URL. Gets the URI (Unifrom Resource Identifer) of the hyperlink. Represents the URLS within a page. Represents the URLS within a page. Represents the Rectangle position of the matching text. Represents printer settings for the document to be printed. Scale percentage of the content. This value is applicable only if PageSizings is CustomScale. Default value is 100. Gets or sets the value indicating to hide the status window while printing the document. Default value is true. Specifies information about page orientation Specifies information about page size To print the document content from the given location Defines the constants that specify the page orientations for printing. Default value is Auto Prints the document in auto orientation. Prints the document in portrait rotation. Prints the document in landscape rotation. Defines the constants that specify the page sizings for printing. Default value is ActualSize Prints the document in actual size. Prints the document after fitting the content. Prints the document with custom scaling. Represents a text information Gets the bounds of the text Gets the text Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required designer variable. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required designer variable. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Toolbar for the PdfViewerControl. Creates an instance DocumentToolbar. Initializes DocumentToolbar for the document loaded in PdfDocumentView. Sets the visibility of the toolbar item Represents the toolbar item in the document toolbar Represents visiblity of toolbar item Sets enable property of the toolbar items Represents the toolbar item in the document toolbar Represents enable property of the toolbar item This applies FontHelper font to the toolbar controls Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required designer variable. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. label that acts as a separator for current page index and total page count Gets or sets the PdfDocumentView associated with this instance of DocumentToolbar. NotificationBar for the PdfViewerControl. Boundary of the notification bar to draw the border Graphics of the notification bar Instance of the PdfViewerExceptions class to collect the exceptions thrown Corresponding viewer to add the notification bar control To specify the visibility of the notification bar Initializes NotificationBar Displays error in NotificationBar. The Message The Exception Displays error in NotificationBar. The Exception Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required designer variable. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Get and set the visibility of the notification bar Gets or sets the font of the text displayed by the control. Gets or sets the font of the text displayed in the link. Represent the cursor modes This tool is used for selecting texts. This tool is used for dragging and scrolling the pages in any direction (pan). Class to show the tooltip Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Defines the constants that specify the rendering modes for PDF viewer. Default value is Pdfium. Speficies the PDFium rendering engine. It is the recommended PDF rendering engine and it provides accurate and robust PDF rendering. . Specifies the Syncfusion PDF rendering engine. Provides classes to create PDF viewer control and various operations in Windows Forms application Gets the information about the currently loaded PDF document Gets the file path of the loaded PDF document Gets the file name of the loaded PDF document Represents document toolbar settings for PdfViewer. Initializes the ToolbarItem Represents open button in document toolbar Represents save button in document toolbar Represents print button in document toolbar Represents goto first page button in document toolbar Represents goto previous page button in document toolbar Represents goto next page button in document toolbar Represents goto last page button in document toolbar Represents zoom in button in document toolbar Represents zoom out button in document toolbar Represents fitwidth button in document toolbar Represents fitpage button in document toolbar Represents current zoom level button in document toolbar Represents current page index button in document toolbar Represents total page count button in document toolbar Represents pan button in document toolbar Represents selection button in document toolbar Represents document toolbar items Initializes a new instance of the of the specified . The control with which the toolbar item belongs to. Gets and sets the visibility of items in the document toolbar Gets or sets the enable property of items in the document toolbar. Represents the arguments associated with a scroll changed event. Represents the old vertical scroll value Represents the new vertical scroll value Represents the maximum vertical scroll value Provides the data for a button clicked events. The name of the button which is clicked. Cancel the default action of the button. Custom event argument class used to notify when a key is pressed. Returns the message. Returns the key data. Represents the arguments associated with a TextSelectionCompleted event. Represents the current page number, selected text and text bounds. Represents the selected text. Defines the textsearch settings when searching the text in the document Sets the color to highlight all the occurrence of the searched text. Sets the color to highlight current occurrence of searched text. Sets the value to enable or disable highlight all the occurrence of the searched text. Provides data for `Beginsave` event. Gets and sets a value indicating whether the save operation should be canceled. Provides data for `EndSave` event. Gets a value indicating whether the save process is canceled. Provides data for `DocumentUnloaded` events. Provides data for `Beginprint` events. Provides data for 'PrintProgress' event. Gets the count of total number of pages to be printed. Get the current printing page index. Provides data for `EndPrint` events. Provides data for `TextSearchInitiated` events. Gets the text being searched. A string that holds the text that is being searched in the PDF document. Default value is Provides data for `TextMatchFound` events. Gets the text being searched. A string that holds the text that is being searched in the PDF document. Default value is Gets the match founded page number. A integer value that holds the match founded page number. Provides data for `TextSearchCompleted` events. Gets a message that describes the results of text search completion. Gets the text being searched. A string that holds the text that is being searched in the PDF document. Default value is Gets a value indicating whether there are no more occurrences of the text being searched. A boolean value which when set to true, represents that no more match of the searched text is found in the document and vice versa. Gets a value indicating whether there is no match to the text found. A boolean value which when set to true, represents no match of the searched text is found in the document and vice versa. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required designer variable. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. Looks up a localized resource of type System.Byte[]. Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Icon similar to (Icon). Looks up a localized resource of type System.Byte[]. Class for the PasswordToolBox Initializes PasswordToolBox class. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. Holds the resource manager of the Instance of Initializes new instance of . Gets the localized ResourceManager. The assembly from where the resource needs to be looked up. The namespace of the control. Returns the resource manager. Gets the localized text. String that has to be localized. Control object The localized string. Gets the localized text. String that has to be localized. The localized string. Gets the localized text. Current UI culture. String that has to be localized. Control name. The localized string Sets the resource manager based on the assembly and namespace. It can be used to get the values from the application resource files when the assembly name and the namespace of the control or application is different. The control assembly. The namespace of the control. Represents a localization resource manager class which manages localization resources to provide convenient access to culture-specific resources at run time. Sets lookup assembly and namespace for localization resource manager. This can be used to set lookup assembly and namespace to locate localization resx files when assembly name and default namespace of application differs. The assembly where the resx file located. The default namespace of the assembly where resx file located. Gets the localized string for the current culture. The string that need to be localized. Returns the localized string. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.