Syncfusion.Data.WinForms The ColumnGroupDescription class introduced to set the comparer value in the GrupColumnDesription. While we can add the comparer into the view through the ColumnGroupDescription. Describes the Grouping of Items using the ColumnName, Comparer and Converter as Criteria. Initializes a new instance of the ColumnGroupDescription class. The property name which is to be grouped. The keySelector for custom grouping. Gets or sets the value that indicates whether to sort the inner records of group while using custom grouping. The default value is false. By default, grouped columns records are not sorted as the values of all the records in one group will be same. So, only groups will be sorted based on group key. In custom grouping cases, grouped columns records value may differ. So in this case, you can sort the records of group by setting SortGroupRecords property to true. Get or set the KeySeletor for custom grouping. The KeySeletor for custom grouping. The class that maintains the collection view of the SfDataGrid and provides functionalities of current record management, custom sorting, filtering, and grouping. Enables collections to have the functionalities of current record management, custom sorting, filtering, and grouping. Defines methods that support initialization in the view. Signals the object that initialization is starting and so suspends all the data operations in view. The flag IsProgrammatic helps to resume the UI update while IsInDeferRefresh is true. Signals the object that initialization is complete and hence resumes the data operations and reinitialize the view. Defines the method that handles the property change. Handles the PropertyChanged event. The original sender. A that contains the event data. Defines methods and properties that a System.Windows.Data.CollectionView implements to provide editing capabilities to a collection. Adds a new item to the collection. The new item that is added to the collection. Ends the edit transaction and, if possible, restores the original value to the item. Ends the add transaction and discards the pending new item. Ends the edit transaction and saves the pending changes. Ends the add transaction and saves the pending new item. Begins an edit transaction of the specified item. The item to edit. Removes the item at the specified position from the collection. The position of the item to remove. Index is less than 0 or greater than the number of items in the collection view. Gets a value that indicates whether a new item can be added to the collection. True if a new item can be added to the collection, otherwisefalse. Gets a value that indicates whether the collection view can discard pending changes and restore the original values of an edited object. True if the collection view can discard pending changes and restore the original values of an edited object; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether an item can be removed from the collection. True if an item can be removed from the collection, otherwise false. Gets the item that is being added during the current add transaction. The item that is being added if is true, otherwise null. Gets the item in the collection that is being edited. The item in the collection that is being edited if is true, otherwise null. Gets a value that indicates whether an add transaction is in progress. True if an add transaction is in progress, otherwise false. Gets a value that indicates whether an edit transaction is in progress. True if an edit transaction is in progress, otherwise false. Gets or sets the position of the new item placeholder in the collection view. One of the enumeration values of that specifies the position of the new item placeholder in the collection view. Creates the for associated data object. The data object to create . The for the specified data object. Gets the which handles the reflection for . Returns the which handles the reflection for . Gets the collection of item properties, that contains the property and its information. The collection of item properties, that contains the property and its information. Filters the record in the collection for the specified record condition. The record to be filtered in the collection. True if the filter condition is satisfied, otherwise false. Refreshes the view when the filtering is applied through delegate. A boolean value indicating whether filtering is done programmatically. Gets the at the specified index. The index to get the record. Returns the for the specified index. Method that handles the event with the provided arguments. A that contains the event data. Gets the selected records to calculate the summaries. Returns the selected records Get a disposable DeferHelper to suspends the all data operations in View. Returns disposable DeferHelper to do the bulk changes Refreshes the view. Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the data object is dynamic. True if the data object is dynamic, otherwise false. Gets the records collection of the collection view, which includes the records displayed in the view. The of records which includes the records displayed in the view. When the are added, the groups are maintained in . Gets the of the collection view, which maintains the group information when the is added into collection. Top-level group will be the first-level group. All groups will have the root group which is the top-level group. The which maintains the group information of the collection view, which maintains the group information when the is added into collection. Gets or sets the which maintains the group caption summary information of the collection view. The which maintains the group caption summary information of the collection view. Gets the collection of which maintains the summary rows information of the collection view. The collection of which maintains the summary rows information of the collection view. Gets the collection of which maintains the table summary rows information. The collection of which maintains table summary rows information. Gets the SortComparers to sort the data using custom logic. The SortComparers which contains the custom logic for sorting. Occurs when the property is changed for the data objects on the collection. The data object should implement the interface. Occurs when the underlying source collection is changed. The data object should implement the interface. Gets a value that indicates whether the underlying data object is . True if the underlying data object is DataTable, otherwise false. Gets or sets the collection of to maintain the filtering information. The collection of to maintain the filtering information. Gets or sets the to control data manipulation operations during data updates. One of the that indicates how data manipulation operations are handled during data updates. The default value is . Gets or sets a value that denotes the mode of calculation for caption and group summaries for improved performance. One of the CalculationMode that indicates when to perform the summary calculation. The default value is . Gets or sets the value that specifies the mode for calculating summaries. One of the that indicates which rows summaries are to be calculated. The default value is . Gets the collection of group descriptions, that contains the columns that represent grouping in the collection view. The collection of group descriptions, that contains the columns that represent grouping in the collection view. Gets the collection of sort descriptions, that contains the columns that represent sorting in the collection view. The collection of sort descriptions, that contains the columns that represent sorting in the collection view. Gets the IEnumerable source collection of the collection view. The IEnumerable source collection of the collection view. Gets or sets the of the collection view. The of the collection view. Gets or sets the predicate to apply custom filter on source. The predicate to apply custom filter on source. Gets sets a boolean value indicating whether filtering can be performed. A boolean value indicating whether to filtering can be performed. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the group caption is expanded automatically during grouping. True if the group caption is expanded automatically, otherwise false. Gets a value that indicates whether the in action. True if the in action, otherwise false. Interface that defines the methods for getting the func for the Unbound column. Gets the custom function to enable runtime customized objects over default operations other than LINQ queries. The custom function to enable runtime customized objects over default operations other than LINQ queries. Get the custom expression function to enable runtime customized objects into LINQ queries. The data operation. The property name. The reflection mode. The custom expression function to enable runtime customized objects into LINQ queries. Interface that handles the methods relating to the grid view. Detach the grid instance present in the view while disposing the view and reusing. Sets grid in the view. The reference of the SfDataGrid. Gets the dataGrid present in the view. Backing field that contains the old data table for runtime source collection changes. Gets the current item of the collection view. Gets the position of the current item in the collection vew. Gets the value indicating whether view is suspended from updates. Gets the value indicating whether the collection view is in end deferal, which denotes whether the refreshing in the collection view is end. Gets a value indicating whether the property change is in progress. Gets a value indicating whether the data in the underlying collection view is grouped. Initializes a new instance of the CollectionViewAdv class. The IEnumerable source of the collection view. Initializes a new instance of the CollectionViewAdv class. The IEnumerable source of the collection view. The source type. Returns first item from SourceCollection by enumeration. Returns first item from SourceCollection by enumeration. If the source is IQueryable returns the first item by querying the SourceCollection. Creates the for associated data object. The data object to create . The for the specified data object. Sets the source type from bound control. The sourceType. Gets the collection of item properties, that contains the property and its information. The collection of item properties, that contains the property and its information. Gets the which handles the reflection for . Gets the which handles the reflection for . Returns the which handles the reflection for . Creates the ItemPropertiesProvider, to get or set value on the underlying object of the collection view. Returns the newly created ItemPropertiesProvider. Gets a boolean value indicating whether item properties is set. Gets a boolean value indicating whether type of item properties is set. Sets ItemProperties from specified dataSource. The bound dataSource. Gets the list which internally stores the data in on-demand. Returns the list of records in view. Returns the underlying collection from the SfDataGrid.ItemsSource. The underlying collection from the SfDataGrid.ItemsSource. Returns the SourceCollection as IList to handle the CRUD operations. Returns the SourceCollection as list to handle the CRUD operations. Gets a disposable defer helper to suspends the all data operations in view. Returns disposable defer helper to do the bulk changes. Gets a disposable defer helper to suspends the all data operations in view. True to handle the UI update when do data operation programmtically. Returns disposable defer helper to do the bulk changes. Refreshes the view. Refreshes the view. True to handle the UI update when do data operation programmtically. Determines whether the contains the given item. The object to locate in the . True if is found in the , otherwise false. This method fires when the underlying collection is changed. The containing the data for the event. Refreshes the view when the underlying collection is changed. The that contains the event data. Raises the exception thrown event. The data for the event which contains the exception details. Raises the event of the collection view. The data for the event Raises the source collection changed event. The that contains the event data. The value that specifies the mode for calculating the summaries. Indicates whether the new item is committed in the collection view. Move to the given item. Move CurrentItem to this item. True if points to an item within the view. Move to the first item. True if points to an item within the view. Move to the last item. True if points to an item within the view. Move to the next item. True if points to an item within the view. Move to the item at the given index. Move CurrentItem to this index True if points to an item within the view. Sets the given item at the given index. The item to be added at the given position. The index at which the item is to be added. Sets the given item at the given index. The item to be added at the given position. The index at which the item is to be added. The number of records count in the view. Raises the event. Move to the previous item. True if points to an item within the view. Gets the index of the given item. The item whose index is to be obtained. The index of the given item. Inserts the given item at the given index. The index at which the item is to be added. The item to be added. Removes the item at the specified position from the collection. The position of the item to remove. Index is less than 0 or greater than the number of items in the collection view. Returns the item at specified index. The index to get the object. Returns the item from records or display elements at specified index Adds the given item to the records. The item to be added. Clears all the items in the record. Copies the record to the array from the given index. The array to which the record is to be copied. The index of the array from which the item is to be copied. Removes the given item from the collection. The item to be removed. Gets the enumerator for the collection of objects in the record. The enumerator for the collection of objects in the record. Signals the object that initialization is starting and so suspends all the data operations in view. The flag IsProgrammatic helps to resume the UI update while IsInDeferRefresh is true. Signals the object that initialization is complete and hence resumes the data operations and reinitialize the view. Ensures sorting, grouping and filtering by refreshing the view with updated collection. Resets the Filter. Creates the records for the items in the source of the collection view. The list of records created for the items in the source of the collection view. Represents a method which creates record entry for and dispose old records. Adds the notify listener to the given record. The record for which the notifier is to be added. Removes the notify listener from the record. The record for which the notifier is to be removed. Initializes the collection view, which initializes the sort descriptions, summary rows, table summary rows and filter predicates of the collection view. Sets the source of the collection view. The source to be set. Ensures the source list of the collection view. Call this method in the derived CollectionView once the constructor is called. Sets the flag to the collection view. The indicating the flag to be set. The value indicating whether the flag can be set. Unwires all the events in the collection view. This method fires when the sort description is changed. The that contains the event data. Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the collection change is currently in progress. Handles the event. The original sender of the event. The that contains the event data. This method fires when the record collection is changed. The sender of the event. The that contains the event data. This method handles the source collection changed event. The sender of the event. The that contains the event data. This method handle the adjusted index for source collection. The item to be added at the given position. The index at which the item is to be added. Returns Records index for the given item. This method handle the adjusted index for source collection when view.filter applied the records Creates a top-level group. The top-level group created. Gets the IEnumerable collection of group result for the array of group-by. The array of groups The IEnumerable collection of group result for the array of group-by. This method fires when the top-level group is populated. The instance of top-level group. Refreshes the top-level group. Raises the event. The representing the data for the event. This method fires when the top-level group collection is changed. The sender of the event. The that contains the event data. Filters the record for the specified record condition. The record to filter the data. True if the filter condition is satisfied, otherwise false. Refreshes the view when the filtering is applied through delegate. A boolean value indicating whether filtering is done programmatically. This method fires when the property is changed. The original sender of the event. The representing the data for the event. This method fires when the property is changed. The sender of the event. The that contains the event for the data. Checks whether the summary can be updated for the given row and property. The summary row which is to be updated. The summary column's property which is to be updated. True if the summary can be updated for the given row and property; otherwise false. This method fires when the record property is changed. The original sender of the event. The that contains the event data. Removes the given record from the record collection. The record to be removed. Sets the active sort comparer of the collection view based on the sort descriptions, sort comparers and the culture of the collection. Gets the active sort comparer of the collection view. The active sort comparer of the collection view. Refreshes the sorting in the collection view. Compares the given index and the index corresponding to the given record. Call this method when you need to find the compared index of item based on sorting The record whose index is to be compared with the given index. The index which is to be compared Gets the comparer index based on the given index and the index corresponding to the given record. Update Table Summary for property changed cases. Gets the selected records to calculate the summaries. Returns the selected records Update Table summary for Add / Remove cases. Update group summaries for replace case Update Caption summary for replace case Update Group Summaries for Add / Remove case. Gets the selected records from the group. The group. Maintains the selected records in group. Maintains the group records. Returns the selected records from the group. Update caption summary for Add / Remove case. Update Summary for Group by Adjustable aggregate. Update Table Summary for Adjustable aggregate. Returns Records count for the given group. The Group that has Records.Count The count has the value of total record in group. Returns the records count in a specified group. Calculate and aggregate summary value for given summary record entry. Calculate the table summaries based on SummaryCalculationUnit. The which summary value need to be calculate. The which contains the summary values of summary row. The SummaruCalculationUnit Returns The func for corresponding property name, data operation and the reflection mode. The property name. The data operation. The data reflection mode. The func for corresponding property name, data operation and the reflection mode. Returns the expression func for corresponding property name, data operation and reflection mode. The property name. The data operation. The data reflection mode. The expression func for corresponding property name, data operation and reflection mode. Raises the property changed event. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the view has been disposed of. Disposes all the resources used by the class. Disposes the unmanaged and optionally disposes the managed resources used by the class. Indicates whether the call is from Dispose method or from a finalizer. Need to detach the grid instance present in the view while disposing the view. Sets grid in the view. The reference of the SfDataGrid. Gets the dataGrid present in the view. Gets the current edit item of the collection view. Ends the edit transaction and, if possible, restores the original value to the item. EditItem is null to CancelEdit Gets the at the specified index. The index to get the record. Returns the for the specified index. Ends editing in the current item. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the view is in commit edit. Ends the edit transaction and saves the pending changes. Begins an edit transaction of the specified item. The item to edit. Adds a new item to the collection. The new item that is added to the collection. Ends the add transaction and discards the pending new item. Ends the add transaction and saves the pending new item. Gets or sets the value that indicates the number of records to be fetched. The value that indicates the number of records to be fetched.The default value is 50. In CustomDataVirtualization, creates records based on default fetchsize value when source list is set as null Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the data object is dynamic. True if the data object is dynamic, otherwise false. Gets the records collection of the collection view, which includes the records displayed in the view. The of records which includes the records displayed in the view. When the are added, the groups are maintained in . Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to enable optimistic summary calculation on real time updates. A boolean value that indicates whether to enable optimistic summary calculation on real time updates. The calculates the summary optimistically when the data objects implement the and . Gets a value that indicates whether the in action. True if the in action, otherwise false. Gets a boolean value that indicates whether the source have grouped. A boolean value that indicates whether the source have grouped. Gets the TopLevelGroup as IGroupList to handle the add/remove operations. The TopLevelGroup as IGroupList to handle the add/remove operations. Gets the of the collection view, which maintains the group information when the is added into collection. Top-level group will be the first-level group. All groups will have the root group which is the top-level group. The which maintains the group information of the collection view, which maintains the group information when the is added into collection. Gets or sets the which maintains the group caption summary information of the collection view. The which maintains the group caption summary information of the collection view. Gets the collection of which maintains the summary rows information of the collection view. The collection of which maintains the summary rows information of the collection view. Gets the collection of which maintains the table summary rows information. The collection of which maintains table summary rows information. Gets the SortComparers to sort the data using custom logic. The SortComparers which contains the custom logic for sorting. Occurs when the record property changes. Gets the value that indicates the source type of bound source. The value that indicates the source type of bound source. Gets a value that indicates whether the underlying data object is . True if the underlying data object is DataTable, otherwise false. Gets the collection of item properties, that contains the property and its information. The collection of item properties, that contains the property and its information. Gets or sets the of the collection view. The of the collection view. Gets or sets the predicate to apply custom filter on source. The predicate to apply custom filter on source. Gets or sets the collection of to maintain the filtering information. The collection of to maintain the filtering information. Gets the collection of group descriptions, that contains the columns that represent grouping in the collection view. The collection of group descriptions, that contains the columns that represent grouping in the collection view. Gets the collection of sort descriptions, that contains the columns that represent sorting in the collection view. The collection of sort descriptions, that contains the columns that represent sorting in the collection view. Gets the IEnumerable source collection of the collection view. The IEnumerable source collection of the collection view. Occurs when the underlying collection changed. Occurs when the underlying source collection changed. Occurs when the top level group collection changed. Gets or sets the to control data manipulation operations during data updates. One of the that indicates how data manipulation operations are handled during data updates. The default value is . Gets or sets a value that denotes the mode of calculation for caption and group summaries for improved performance. One of the CalculationMode that indicates when to perform the summary calculation. The default value is . Gets or sets the value that specifies the mode for calculating the summaries. The default value is . Gets the read only observable collection of the groups. The read only observable collection of the groups. Gets a boolean value indicating whether the collection view is empty. A boolean value indicating whether the collection view is empty. Occurs when the current item is changed. Gets a boolean value indicating whether the is beyond the end (End-Of-File). Returns true if is beyond the end (End-Of-File). Gets a boolean value indicating whether the is before the beginning (Beginning-Of-File). Returns true if is before the beginning (Beginning-Of-File). Gets the current item in the view. The current item in the view. Gets the ordinal position of the within the (optionally sorted and filtered) view. The ordinal position of the within the (optionally sorted and filtered) view. Gets a boolean value indicating whether the current item is in sync. A boolean value indicating whether the current item is in sync. Gets the record at the given index. The record at the given index. The record at the given index. Gets the number of records in the view. The number of records in the view. Gets a boolean value indicating whether the view can only be read. A boolean value indicating whether the view can only be read. Occurs when the property is changed. Gets a boolean value indicating whether filtering can be performed in the view. A boolean value indicating whether filtering can be performed in the view. Gets a boolean value indicating whether grouping can be performed in the view. A boolean value indicating whether grouping can be performed in the view. Gets a boolean value indicating whether sorting can be performed in the view. A boolean value indicating whether sorting can be performed in the view. Gets or sets a value that indicate whether source collection items can listen the NotifyPropertyChanging/Changed events. The representing a value that indicate whether source collection items can listen the NotifyPropertyChanging/Changed events. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the group caption is expanded automatically during grouping. True if the group caption is expanded automatically, otherwise false. Gets a value that indicates whether the collection view can discard pending changes and restore the original values of an edited object. True if the collection view can discard pending changes and restore the original values of an edited object; otherwise, false. Gets the item in the collection that is being edited. The item in the collection that is being edited if is true, otherwise null. Gets a value that indicates whether an edit transaction is in progress. True if an edit transaction is in progress, otherwise false. Gets a value that indicates whether a new item can be added to the collection. True if a new item can be added to the collection, otherwisefalse. Gets a value that indicates whether an item can be removed from the collection. True if an item can be removed from the collection, otherwise false. Gets the item that is being added during the current add transaction. The item that is being added if is true, otherwise null. Gets a value that indicates whether an add transaction is in progress. True if an add transaction is in progress, otherwise false. Gets or sets the position of the new item placeholder in the collection view. One of the enumeration values of that specifies the position of the new item placeholder in the collection view. Initializes a new instance of the DeferHelper class. The collection view. Initializes a new instance of the DeferHelper class. The collection view. A boolean value indicating whether programmatically accessed. Disposes all the resources used by the class. Disposes the unmanaged and optionally releases the managed resources used by the class. Indicates whether the call is from Dispose method or from a finalizer. Compares the given two objects. The object 1. The object 2. The value indicating the comparison of the given two objects. Defines the constants that indicate the various operations in the collection view. Specifies whether entries should be recreated for the records in the collection view. Gets the groups collection that are expanded. Checks the equality of the current instance and the given instance. The other object to compare with. Returns a boolean value indicating the equality of the current object and the given object. Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Compares the current instance with the given instance. The other instance of object to compare with. Returns a value indicating the comparison of the current and the given instance. Get or sets the key of the groups. The key of the groups. Gets or sets the level of the expand key. The level of expand key. Class that represents the with IsProgrammatic flag to decide the selection and UI update. Initializes a instance of the NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgsExt class. The representing the collection changed action. Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether the refresh processing internally or not. A boolean value that indicates whether the refresh processing internally or not. Defines the extension methods for getting the expression for the filter extensions. Gets the predicate expression for the given source and parameter expression. The IQueryable source The parameter expression. The predicate expression for the given source and parameter expression. Gets the predicate expression for the given values. The IQueryable source. The parameter expression. The column name. A boolean value indicating whether to return the column expression. The predicate expression for the given values. Defines the constants for specifying different data operations performed in the collection view. Denotes the data operation other than sorting, grouping, filtering and summary calculation. Denotes the sorting operation is being performed. Denotes the grouping operation is being performed. Denotes the filtering operation is being performed. Denotes the summary calculation operation is being performed. Defines the constants for specifying different data mode performed in view. Data operations are based on Mapping Name. Data operations are based on formatted display value. Data operations are based on mapped property value. Defines the constants that specify whether need to listen the and events of data object and event of source collection. Denotes , and events will not be listened. Denotes view listens the event of SoureCollection. Denotes view listens the and events of data object. Represents the class that maintains the collection view of type data table collection view, when the SfDataGrid is bind to the data table collection view. Initializes a new instance of DataTableCollectionView class. Initializes a new instance of DataTableCollectionView class. The IEnumerable source for the collection view. Gets the source of the collection view. The source of the collection view. Sets the source for the collection view. The source to be set for the collection view. Creates the records for the items in the source of the collection view. The list of records created for the items in the source of the collection view. This method fires when the sort description is changed. The that contains the event data. Filters the record for the specified record condition. The record to filter the data. True if the filter condition is satisfied, otherwise false. Refreshes the sorting. Gets the IEnumerable collection of group result for the array of group-by. The array of groups The IEnumerable collection of group result for the array of group-by. Refreshes the view when the filtering is applied through delegate. A boolean value indicating whether filtering is done programmatically. Refreshes the filtering. Refreshes the sorting order with filters for the bottom-level groups. The list of groups in the bottom level. The previous filter applied. The level of the group. This method fires when the collection is changed. The original sender of the event. The which represents the collection changed action. Ends the edit transaction and saves the pending changes. Adds a new item to the collection. The new item that is added to the collection. Ends the add transaction and discards the pending new item. Ends the add transaction and saves the pending new item. Gets the view source of the collection view. The view source of the collection view. Gets or sets the expression used to filter which rows are viewed in the DataView. The expression used to filter which rows are viewed in the DataView. Class that defines the extension methods for the data table collection view. Gets the filter string from the given view. The collection view. The filter string from the given collection view. Gets the filter string from the given view. The collection view. The column name. A boolean value indicating whether to return the column expression. The filter string from the given view. Gets the cloned source from the given view. The collection view. The cloned source from the given view. Interface that exposes method to the TopLevelGroup for Add / Remove / Contains / IndexOf methods with the underlying bound object. This interface will only interact with the underlying bound object that can be found in . Adds the specified record to the Top-level group. The record to be added. A boolean value indicating whether the source collection change is currently in progress. Inserts the given record at the specified index in the Top-level group. The record to be inserted. The index at which the record is to be inserted. A boolean value indicating whether the source collection change is currently in progress. Removes the specified record from the Top-level group. The record to be removed. A boolean value indicating whether the source collection change is currently in progress. Returns a boolean value indicating whether the given record is removed. Determines whether the given record is found in the display elements of the TopLevelGroup. The record to be found. True if the specified record is found in the Top-level group, otherwise false. Finds the index of the given record in the top-level group. The record whose index is to be obtained. The index of the given record in the top-level group. Represents a class which contains the information of the group and its records. Initializes a new instance of the GroupDisplayElements class. The corresponding group whose display elements are initialized. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Indicates whether the call is from dispose method or from a finalizer. Gets the node entry of the item at the given index. The index at which the node entry is to be obtained. The item at the given index. Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the given node entry is in view. The node entry which is to be queried in the view. A boolean value indicating whether the given node entry is in view. Determines the index of a specific item in the list of items in view of the top-level group. The object to locate in the list of items in view of the top-level group. The index of if found in the list; otherwise, -1. Gets the index of given item in the list of items in the top-level group. The item whose index is to be obtained. Returns the index of given item in the top-level group. Gets the corresponding node entry of the given item. The item whose node entry is to be obtained. Returns the corresponding node entry of the given item. Inserts the given item at the specified index to the list of items in the group. The zero-based index at which should be inserted. The object to be inserted. is not a valid index in the . The is read-only. Removes the corresponding item at the specified index from the list of items in the group. The zero-based index of the item to remove. is not a valid index in the . The is read-only. Adds the given item to the list of node entry in the top-level group. The item to be added. Adds an item to the . The object to add to the . A boolean value indicating whether the source collection change is currently in progress. The is read-only. Item has to be of type RecordEntry Inserts the given item at the specified index in the group. The item to be inserted. The index at which the item is to be inserted. A boolean value indicating whether the source collection change is currently in progress. Gets the sorted index of the new group. The base group. The new group. Returns the sorted index of the new group. Clears all the items in the group. Determines whether the specific item is found in the list of items in the group. The object to locate in the list of items in the group. True if is found in the list of items in the group, otherwise false. Copies the elements of the to an , starting at a particular index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. is null. is less than 0. is multidimensional. -or- is equal to or greater than the length of . -or- The number of elements in the source is greater than the available space from to the end of the destination . Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the list of items in the group. The object to be removed. True if was successfully removed from the list, otherwise false. This method also returns false if is not found in the list of items. The is read-only. Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the list of items in the group. The object to be removed. A boolean value indicating whether the source collection change is currently in progress. Gets the index at which the item is removed. Denotes whether to remove the group or not. If it is the only record/group (including non visible) then can remove is true Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection of items in the group. A that can be used to iterate through the collection of items in the group. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets the top-level group of the current group's display elements. The top-level group of the current group's display elements. Gets or sets the at the specified index. The at the specified index. Gets the total number of display elements contained in the top-level group. The total number of display elements contained in the top-level group. Gets a boolean value indicating whether the list of node entry in the top-level group is read-only. True if the list of node entry in the top-level group is read-only, otherwise false. Provides classes and interface to process the data related operation like sorting, grouping and filtering for different IEnumerable collections. Class that represents the group in SfDataGrid. GroupEntry contains the list of groups for each sub-groups populated in the class. NodeEntry is the base class for the Grouping data structure used by interface. It exposes some base level details for the derived constructs to use. Initializes a new instance of the NodeEntry class. The parent node entry for the new node entry initialized. The level of the node entry initialized. Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the is reclaimed by garbage collection. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources True to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Gets or sets the level of the node entry. The level of the node entry. Gets or sets the parent node of the node entry. The parent node of the node entry. Gets or protectedly sets a value indicating whether the current node entry is a group. True if this instance is group; otherwise, false. Gets or protectedly sets a value indicating whether the current node entry is a record. True if this instance is records; otherwise, false. Initializes a new instance of the GroupEntry class. The parent (group) of the group. The level of the group. Returns an array of summary details of each sub-group in the group. An array of summary details of each sub-group in the group. Gets the list of sub-groups in the group. The list of sub-groups in the group. Initializes a new instance of the Group class. The parent (group) of the new group being initialized. The level of the newly initialized group. Releases the unmanaged resources and optionally releases the managed resources. A boolean value indicating whether to release both managed and unmanaged resources. True to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. This method fires when the current group is expanded. This method fires when the current group is collapsed. Populates the given groups to the current group in the data grid. The enumerable collection of groups to be populated. Returns the total number of entries in top-Level group, which contains the sum of the number of records in each group added. Populates the given groups to the current group in the data grid. The enumerable collection of groups to be populated. The list of groups in the current group. The parent (group) of the group to be added. The level of the group to be added. Returns the total number of entries in top-Level group, which contains the sum of the number of records in each group added. Creates the new group based on the given credentials. The parent (group) of the newly created group. The group result which contains the information of the groups. The level at which the group is to be added. Returns the newly created group. Maintains a new Instance of Gets the summary value for the given column name. The column name for which the summary value is to be obtained. The summary value for the given column name. Gets the summary value for the given column name and its aggregate type. The column name for which the summary value is to be obtained. The aggregate type of the column which is grouped. The summary value for the given column name and its aggregate type. Creates the new group within the given parent group, with the given key and level. The group which is to be the parent of the new group. The key of the group to be added. The level in which the group is to be added. Returns the newly created group. Creates the details for the records in the group at the given level in the given parent group. The parent group of the records, which is the bottom-level group. The level of the group for which the details is to be created. Creates the details for the records in the group at the given level in the given parent group. The parent group of the records, which is the bottom-level group. The level of the group for which the details is to be created. The enumerable collection of source which contains the info of the details for records. Creates details for the groups at the given level. The level of the group for which details is to be added. Maintains a value that Indicates whether the group is dirty or not. Sets the group as dirty. When this is set to true, the YAmountCache will be re-computed for the whole group structure. By calling this method, the height of the top-level group will be computed. Maintains a value Indicates whether the Y amount cache is dirty or not. Gets the Y amount cache of the group. Each group knows the exact height of its child nodes. The YAmountCache returns the y height of each group based on its inner node levels and their expanded states. The Y amount cache which contains the y height of each group based on its inner node levels and their expanded states. Gets the Y amount cache of the group. Each group knows the exact height of its child nodes. The YAmountCache returns the y height of each group based on its inner node levels and their expanded states. The Y amount cache which contains the y height of each group based on its inner node levels and their expanded states. Gets the Y amount cache of the parent, which contains the sum of the y height of each sub-groups (if any) based on its inner node levels and their expanded states. The Y amount cache of the parent, which contains the sum of the y height of each sub-groups (if any) based on its inner node levels and their expanded states. Resets the Y amount cache of the group. Resets the Y amount cache of the group. Recalculates the Y amount cache of the group. Each group knows the exact height of its child nodes. The Y amount cache returns the y height of each group based on its inner node levels and their expanded states. Recalculates the Y amount cache of the group. Each group knows the exact height of its child nodes. The Y amount cache returns the y height of each group based on its inner node levels and their expanded states. Gets the record at the given index in the group. The index at which the record is to be obtained. The record at the given index in the group. Gets the record index for the given record in the group. The record for which the index is to be obtained. The record index for the given record in the group. Gets the record index for the given record in the group. The record for which the index is to be obtained. The record index for the given record in the group. Adds the given record to the group. The record to be added to the group. A boolean value indicating whether the source collection change is currently in progress. Inserts the given record at the given index in the group. The index at which the given record is to be inserted. The record to be inserted. A boolean value indicating whether the source collection change is currently in progress. Adds the given record to the source of the group. The item added to the source of the group will not be added in the view of the group. If the user needs to add the item to the view and to the underlying collection of the group, he can achieve his requirement by using . The record to be added to the group. Removes the given record from the group. The record to be removed. A boolean value indicating whether the source collection change is currently in progress. A boolean value indicating whether the given record is removed. Removes the given record from the source of the group. If the item is not in the view, but it is contained in the collection of the source of the group, it can be removed by this method. The record to be removed. A boolean value indicating whether the given record is removed. Gets the number of records in the group, which contains the items in the group which are in view. The number of records in the group, which contains the items in the group which are in view. Gets the count of the items in the group, which contains all the items in the group. The count of the items in the group, which contains all the items in the group. Gets the relations count of the group, that link grid and allow navigation from parent grid to child grid. The relations count of the group, that link grid and allow navigation from parent grid to child grid. Gets the number of groups in the group, if it contains sub-groups. The number of groups in the group, if it contains sub-groups. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection of items in the group. A that can be used to iterate through the collection of items in the group. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets the parent (group) of the current group. The parent group of the current group. Gets or sets the key of the group. Each group will have the key, the groups can be accessed easily by its key. The key of the group. Gets the number of records in the group, if the current group is the bottom-level group. and number of groups in the group, if the current group is not the bottom-level group. The number of records in the group. Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the current group is expanded. True if the current group is expanded, otherwise false. Gets or protectedly sets a value indicating whether the current group is bottom-level group. Bottom-level group contains the list of records for the group. True if the current instance is bottom-level group, otherwise false. Gets a value indicating whether the current group is the top-level group. Top-level group will be the first-level group. All groups will have the root group which is the top-level group. True if the current group is the top level group, otherwise false. Gets or protectedly sets the details of the group which can be either sub-groups or records collection of the group. The details of the group which can be either sub-groups or records collection of the group. Gets the records of the group, if the is the list of records. The records of the group, if the is the list of records. Gets the source of the group which contains the list of all the items in the group. The source of the group which contains the list of all the items in the group. Gets the list of groups in the group, if the is the list of groups. The list of groups in the group, if the is the list of groups. Occurs when the property of the group is changed. Gets or sets the summary details of the group. The summary details of the group. Compares two groups to perform sort operation based on the keys of the groups. Initializes a new instance of the GroupComparer class. Compares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than, equal to, or greater than the other. The first object to compare. The second object to compare. Returns a value Less than zero, if is less than . Returns Zero, if equals . Returns a value Greater than zero, is greater than . Gets or sets the direction of sorting. The direction of sorting. Initializes a new instance of the class. The group. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Indicates whether the call is from Dispose method or from a finalizer. Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Gets or sets the group. The group. Gets the element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator. The element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator. Gets the element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator. The element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator. Enumerates any class and lists out all the elements in a one-dimensional array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The group. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Indicates whether the call is from Dispose method or from a finalizer. Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Gets or sets the group. The group. Gets the element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator. The element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator. Gets the element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator. The element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator. Extensions for class. Expands all groups at the specified level. The group. The level. Collapses all groups at the specified level. The group. The level. Expands all groups. The group. Collapses all groups. The group. Gets the top level group. The entry. Sets the given collection of groups as dirty. The collection of groups to be set as dirty. Contains a list of records with its related summaries and unfiltered records. The class uses GroupRecordEntry if the Group.IsBottomLevel = true;. Initializes a new instance of the GroupRecordEntry class. The parent node of the group record entry. The level of the group record entry. Initializes a new instance of the GroupRecordEntry class. The parent node of the group record entry. The level of the group record entry. The IEnumerable source of the group record entry. The filter predicate, which filters the items to be displayed in view of the group from the given source. Initializes the records in the group record entry. The parent node of the group record entry. Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources. True to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Populates the records to the group record entry from the given source and based on the given filter. The IEnumerable source of the items to be populated in the group record entry. The filter predicate, which filters the items to be displayed in view of the group from the given source. Creates the new record entry for the given data. The data for the new record entry created. Returns the record entry created for the given data. Gets the number of items displayed in view in the group record entry. Returns the number of items displayed in view in the group record entry. Gets the relations count of the group record entry, that link grid and allow navigation from parent grid to child grid. The relations count of the group record entry, that link grid and allow navigation from parent grid to child grid. Returns the records of the group record entry as the of objects. Returns the records of the group record entry in the of objects. Gets the unfiltered records, which contains all the items (both items displayed in view and underlying collection) in the group record entry. The unfiltered records which contains all the items (both items displayed in view and underlying collection) in the group record entry. Gets or protectedly sets the records, which contains only the items displayed in view in the group record entry. The records, which contains only the items displayed in view in the group record entry. Gets the list of summaries for the bottom level records in the group record entry. The list of summaries for the bottom level records in the group record entry. Contains the underlying business object bound to instance. Nested records can be specified / controlled using the method. Initializes a new instance of the RecordEntry class. The parent node of the of the record entry. The level of the record initialized. The data for the record entry initialized. Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources True to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. This method fires when the current record entry is expanded. This method fires when the current record entry is collapsed. Populates the child view with the given collection view, at the given level and the given relation. The collection view of the child of the record entry. The level at which the child is to be added. The relation name representing the relation between the child view and the record entry. Populates the child view with the given collection view, at the given level and the given relation. The collection view of the child of the record entry. The level at which the child is to be added. The relation name representing the relation between the child view and the record entry. A boolean value indicating whether the record entry is expanded. Returns a that represents the data objects in the record entry. A that represents the data objects in the record entry. Compares the current instance with the given instance. The other instance of object to compare with. Returns a value indicating the comparison of the current and the given instance. Gets or sets the data of the record entry. The data of the record entry. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current record entry is expanded. True if the current record entry is expanded, otherwise false. Gets or sets the child views of the record entry, which are the views in the details view of the record entry. The child views of the record entry, which are the views in the details view of the record entry. Contains a list of nested records for each and nested instance. Initializes a new instance of the NestedRecordEntry class. The parent node of the nested record entry. The level of the nested record entry. Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources True to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Gets or sets the nested level of the nested record entry. The nested level of the nested record entry. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the nested record entry is expanded. True if the nested record entry is expanded; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the collection view of the nested record entry. The collection view of the nested record entry. Gets the nested records of the nested record entry. The nested records of the nested record entry. Gets or sets the level up to which the nested record is expanded. The level up to which the nested record is expanded. ExpandedLevel is set while calling ExpandAllDetailsView method and reset when records are expanded/collapsed individually. Interface which declares the methods to be implemented when maintaining the list. Suspends the view updates. When the view is suspended, the change in the underlying data will not be updated in the view. Resumes the view updates. When the view is resumed, the view will be refreshed by which the change in the underlying data will be updated in the view. Returns the index of the given data in the underlying collection. The data whose index is to be obtained. Returns the index of the given data in the underlying collection. Returns the source of the record entry list. Returns the source of the record entry list. Returns the object of RecordEntry for the specified record index and data in the underlying collection. The data whose record entry is to be obtained. The index of the record whose record entry instance is to be obtained. Returns the object of RecordEntry for the specified record index and data in the underlying collection. Returns the object of RecordEntry for the specified data in the underlying collection. The data whose record entry is to be obtained. Returns the RecordEntry based on data. Gets a boolean value indicating whether the view updates is currently suspended. A boolean value indicating whether the view updates is currently suspended. Implements the list indexer, which maintains the objects in the list, and implements methods that updates the changes in the underlying list in the view. The type parameter indicating the type of objects in the list. Initializes a new instance of ListIndexer class. The source of items for the ListIndexer initialized. Disposes all the resources. Disposes the unmanaged and optionally managed resources. A boolean value indicating whether to dispose both manged and unmanaged resources. Suspends the view updates. When the view is suspended, the change in the underlying data will not be updated in the view. Resumes the view updates. When the view is resumed, the view will be refreshed by which the change in the underlying data will be updated in the view. Finds the index of the given item in the collection. The item whose index is to be obtained. The index of the given item in the collection. Returns the object of RecordEntry for the specified data in the underlying collection. The data whose record entry is to be obtained. Returns the RecordEntry based on data. Finds the index of the given item in the collection. The item whose index is to be obtained. The index of the given item in the collection. Returns the string representing the count of items in the collection. The string representing the count of items in the collection. Gets a boolean value indicating whether the view updates is suspended. A boolean value indicating whether the view updates is suspended. Initializes a new instance of the IndexObject class. The index at which the object is to be inserted. The object to be inserted. Compares the current instance with the given instance. The other instance of object to compare with. Returns a value indicating the comparison of the current and the given instance. Gets or sets the index of the object. The index of the object. Gets or sets the value of the object. The value of the object. Compares the given two objects. The object 1. The object 2. The value indicating the comparison of the given two objects. Class that maintains the collection of RecordsEntry as the list, by implementing the RecordListBase. The class that maintains the collection of records as a list, by implementing the methods declared in the IRecordEntryList. Gets the collection of records in the collection view. Gets the collection of records in the collection view in the Initializes a new instance of the RecordsListBase class. Initialize the internalList and indicesList collection. The indicesList will not be initialized in VirtualRecordsList Returns the object of RecordEntry for the specified record index. The index of the record whose record entry instance is to be obtained. Returns the object of RecordEntry for the specified record index. Returns the object of RecordEntry for the specified data in the underlying collection. The data whose record entry is to be obtained. Returns the object of RecordEntry for the specified data in the underlying collection. Suspends the view updates. When the view is suspended, the change in the underlying data will not be updated in the view. Resumes the view updates. When the view is resumed, the view will be refreshed by which the change in the underlying data will be updated in the view. Returns the index of the given data in the underlying collection. The data whose index is to be obtained. Returns the index of the given data in the underlying collection. Returns the source of the record entry collection. Returns the source of the record entry collection. Returns the object of RecordEntry for the specified record index and data in the underlying collection. The data whose record entry is to be obtained. The index of the record whose record entry instance is to be obtained. Returns the object of RecordEntry for the specified record index and data in the underlying collection. Returns the index of the given record entry in the underlying collection. The record entry whose index is to be obtained. Returns the index of the given record entry in the underlying collection. Inserts an item to the at the specified index. The zero-based index at which should be inserted. The object to insert into the . is not a valid index in the . The is read-only. Removes the item at the specified index. The zero-based index of the item to remove. is not a valid index in the . The is read-only. Adds an item to the . The object to add to the . The is read-only. Adds the specified data to the record collection. The data to be added to the record collection. Clears all the items in the record collection. Determines whether the contains the given item. The object to locate in the . True if is found in the , otherwise false. Copies the elements of the to an , starting at a particular index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. is null. is less than 0. is multidimensional. -or- is equal to or greater than the length of . -or- The number of elements in the source is greater than the available space from to the end of the destination . Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the . The object to remove from the . true if was successfully removed from the ; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if is not found in the original . The is read-only. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. A that can be used to iterate through the collection. Disposes all the resources used by the class. Releases the unmanaged and optionally releases the managed resources used by the class. A boolean value indicating whether to release both managed and unmanaged resources. This method fires when the underlying collection is changed. The sender of the event. The that contains the data for the event. Gets a boolean value indicating whether the view updates is suspended. A boolean value indicating whether the view updates is suspended. Gets the number of elements contained in the . The number of elements contained in the . Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only. True if the is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets the record entry object for the data in the given index. The index at which the record entry is to be obtained. The record entry object for the data in the given index. Occurs when the underlying collection is changed. Initializes a new instance of the RecordsEntryList class. Class that contains the methods and properties for all the aggregation calculations. It serves as the base for all the aggregators. Defines method to calculate the summary for expression fields. Defines common functionality for a custom aggregate function implementation. Calculates the custom aggregate func for the specified summary column. The custom aggregate func for the specified summary column. Calculates the aggregate expression func. The aggregate expression func. Defines method to calculate the summary in optimized way during data updates. Adjusts the summary calculation based on the given values. The current summary value. The old summary value. The new summary value. The collection changed action. The name of the property that is changed. The count of the records in the group. Returns the modified value of the summary calculation based on the given values. Calculates the aggregate func. Implement this interface to know if the Summary expressions can use PLINQ Adjusts the summary calculation based on the given values. The current summary value. The old summary value. The new summary value. The collection changed action. The name of the property that is changed. The count of the records in the group. Returns the modified value of the summary calculation based on the given values. Calculates the custom aggregate for the specified summary column. The custom aggregate for the specified summary column. Calculates the aggregate func for the group. The aggregate func for the group. Calculates the aggregate expression func for the group. The aggregate expression func for the group. Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to allow parallelize or not. A boolean value indicating whether to allow parallelize or not. Calculates the aggregate for the specified summary column. The aggregate for the specified summary column. Calculates the aggregate func for the group. The aggregate func for the group. Adjusts the summary calculation based on the given values. The current summary value. The old summary value. The new summary value. The collection changed action. The name of the property that is changed. The count of the records in the group. Returns the modified value of the summary calculation based on the given values. Gets or sets the number of the items in the group. The number of the items in the group. Adjusts the summary calculation based on the given values. The current summary value. The old summary value. The new summary value. The collection changed action. The name of the property that is changed. The count of the records in the group. Returns the modified value of the summary calculation based on the given values. Gets or sets the number of items in the group. The number of items in the group. Gets or sets the maximum value of the grouped column in the group. The maximum value of the grouped column in the group. Gets or sets the minimum value of the grouped column in the group. The minimum value of the grouped column in the group. Gets or sets the average of the values in the grouped column in the group. The average of the values in the grouped column in the group. Gets or sets the sum of the values in the grouped column in the group. The sum of the values in the grouped column in the group. Adjusts the summary calculation based on the given values. The current summary value. The old summary value. The new summary value. The collection changed action. The name of the property that is changed. The count of the records in the group. Returns the modified value of the summary calculation based on the given values. Gets or sets the number of items in the group. The number of items in the group. Gets or sets the maximum value of the grouped column in the group. The maximum value of the grouped column in the group. Gets or sets the minimum value of the grouped column in the group. The minimum value of the grouped column in the group. Gets or sets the average of the values in the grouped column in the group. The average of the values in the grouped column in the group. Gets or sets the sum of the values in the grouped column in the group. The sum of the values in the grouped column in the group. The class that contains the aggregation calculations of the group when the items source of the datagrid is DataTable. Initializes a new instance of the DataTableAggregator class. Initializes a new instance of the DataTableAggregator class. The reference of the data table which is bind as the items source of SfDataGrid. Create DataTable by cloning the given data table and populating it with the given IEnumerable items. The IEnumerable items to be populated in the data table created. The data table from which the new data table is to be cloned. The DataTable created by cloning the given data table and populating it with the given IEnumerable items. Gets the reference of the data table in the datagrid. The reference of the data table in the datagrid. To maintain cloned DataTable for summary calculation Initializes a new instance of the DataTableCountAggregate class. The reference of the data table which is bind as the items source of SfDataGrid. Calculates the custom aggregate for the specified summary column. The custom aggregate for the specified summary column. Calculates the aggregate func for the group. The aggregate func for the group. Adjusts the summary calculation based on the given values. The current summary value. The old summary value. The new summary value. The collection changed action. The name of the property that is changed. The count of the records in the group. Returns the modified value of the summary calculation based on the given values. Gets or sets the number of items in the group. The number of items in the group. Initializes a new instance of the DataTableInt32Aggregate class. The reference of the data table which is bind as the items source of SfDataGrid. Calculates the custom aggregate for the specified summary column. The custom aggregate for the specified summary column. Calculates the aggregate func for the group. The aggregate func for the group. Adjusts the summary calculation based on the given values. The current summary value. The old summary value. The new summary value. The collection changed action. The name of the property that is changed. The count of the records in the group. Returns the modified value of the summary calculation based on the given values. Gets or sets the number of items in the group. The number of items in the group. Gets or sets the maximum value of the grouped column in the group. The maximum value of the grouped column in the group. Gets or sets the minimum value of the grouped column in the group. The minimum value of the grouped column in the group. Gets or sets the average of the values in the grouped column in the group. The average of the values in the grouped column in the group. Gets or sets the sum of the values in the grouped column in the group. The sum of the values in the grouped column in the group. Initializes a new instance of the DataTableDoubleAggregate class. The reference of the data table which is bind as the items source of SfDataGrid. Calculates the custom aggregate for the specified summary column. The custom aggregate for the specified summary column. Calculates the aggregate func for the group. The aggregate func for the group. Adjusts the summary calculation based on the given values. The current summary value. The old summary value. The new summary value. The collection changed action. The name of the property that is changed. The count of the records in the group. Returns the modified value of the summary calculation based on the given values. Gets or sets the number of items in the group. The number of items in the group. Gets or sets the maximum value of the grouped column in the group. The maximum value of the grouped column in the group. Gets or sets the minimum value of the grouped column in the group. The minimum value of the grouped column in the group. Gets or sets the average of the values in the grouped column in the group. The average of the values in the grouped column in the group. Gets or sets the sum of the values in the grouped column in the group. The sum of the values in the grouped column in the group. Class that creates the summary for the grouped column in the SfDataGrid. Maintains the column name. Maintains the key. Maintains the group item count. Gets the summary display text for the summary row based on the given values. The summary record entry which contains the information of the summary values of the group. The underlying collection view of the group. The column header name of the grouped column. The summary display text for the summary row based on the given values. Gets the summary display text based on the given values. The summary record entry which contains the information of the summary values of the group. The column header name of the grouped column. The underlying collection view of the group. The summary display text based on the given values. Gets the summary display text based on the given values. The summary record entry which contains the information of the summary values of the group. The column header name of the grouped column. The underlying collection view of the group. The group for which the summary is to be obtained. The summary display text based on the given values. Gets the summary display value based on the given values. The summary record entry which contains the information of the summary values of the group. The column header name of the grouped column. The aggregate key based on which the summary is to be calculated. The summary display value based on the given values. Queries the summary aggregate based on the given values and gets the formatted summary of the summary column. The IEnumerable items of the group. The summary column of the summary row. The summaries which contains the summary values of the group. The collection view of the group. The dataTable for Table summary calculation. The formatted summary calculated for the summary column based on the queried summary aggregate and given values. Gets the summary aggregate for the given summary column and the underlying collection of the group. The summary column for which the summary aggregate is to be obtained. The underlying collection view of the group. The dataTable for TableSummary calculation The summary aggregate for the given summary column and the underlying collection of the group. Contains the list of summary aggregates computed using instance in this class. Initializes a new instance of the SummaryRecordEntry class. The parent node of the summary record entry. The level of the summary record entry being initialized. Release The Unmanaged Calculated Summary Values on the on demand Condition Releases unmanaged and optionally releases the managed resources. True to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Initialize the field for the OnDemandMode calculation operation. Gets the summary values of the summary record entry. The summary values of the summary record entry. Gets or sets the summary row of the summary record entry. The summary row of the summary record entry. Instance to cache the summary aggregate values into the instance. Initializes a new instance of the SummaryValue class. Gets or sets the name of the summary column for which the summary value is calculated. The name of the summary column for which the summary value is calculated. Gets the aggregate values of the summary column for the given aggregate type. The aggregate values of the summary column for the given aggregate type. Defines common functionality for a GridSummaryRow for displaying the summary value. Gets or sets the name of the summary row. The name of the summary row. Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to show summary in row. True if summary is shown in row, otherwise false. Gets or sets the value that specifies the mode for calculating summaries. The unit of the summary calculation default value is . Gets the collection of summary columns in the summary row. The collection of summary columns in the summary row. Gets or sets the title of the summary row, which contains the summary to be displayed in the summary row, if the is true. The title of the summary row, which contains the summary to be displayed in the summary row, if the is true. Gets or sets the value that maintains the column span of the summary title. The value that specifies the column span of the summary title. The default value is 0. Defines common functionality for GridSummaryColumn for calculating and displaying the summary value. Gets or sets the instance of to implement the custom summary. An instance of to implement the custom summary. The default value is null. Gets or sets the string that indicates how the summary value is formatted in display. A string that specifies the format of summary value.The default value is string.Empty. () { new GridSummaryColumn() { Name="ProductCount", MappingName="ProductName", SummaryType=SummaryType.CountAggregate, Format="{Count:d}" }, } }); ]]> Gets or sets the corresponding MappingName of the column based on which the aggregate values of the summary column is to be calculated. A string that specifies the corresponding MappingName of the column based on which the aggregate values of the summary column is to be calculated. The default value is string.Empty. Gets or sets the name of summary column. A string that specifies the name of the summary column. The default value is string.Empty. The name of the summary column and should be same for displaying summary value in the summary row, when the is true. () { new GridSummaryColumn() { Name="ProductCount", MappingName="ProductName", SummaryType=SummaryType.CountAggregate, Format="{Count:d}" }, } }); ]]> Gets or sets the aggregate type for summary calculation. One of the enumeration to specifies aggregate type for summary calculation. The default value is . Defines the constants that specify the types of summary aggregate supported in SfDataGrid. Specify the count aggregate for the summary column. Specify the double value aggregate for the summary column. Specify integer value aggregate for the summary column. Specify custom aggregate for the summary column which implement or interface to delegate the summary computation. Summary wrapper model class contains the logic for computing the summary values of the SfDataGrid in a optimized way. Gets or sets the number of items in the group. The number of items in the group. Gets or sets the sum of the values of the grouped column in the group. The sum of the values of the grouped column in the group. Gets or sets the average of the values in the grouped column in the group. The average of the values in the grouped column in the group. Gets or sets the maximum value of the grouped column in the group. The maximum value of the grouped column in the group. Gets or sets the minimum value of the grouped column in the group. The minimum value of the grouped column in the group. TopLevelGroup is the first-level of the Groups present in . It maintains the data structure for Grouping with . Iterate the DisplayElements property to get one-to-one mapping of the index with the TopLevelGroup items. Access all the Bottom-level and other nested level groups with the Groups property. Implement this interface to control refresh done with the class. Refreshes the sorting order of the group. Refreshes the filtering in the group. Gets a disposable defer helper to suspends the all data operations in view. Returns disposable defer helper to do the bulk changes. Initializes a new instance of the TopLevelGroup class. The underlying collection view of the group. Releases unmanaged and optionally releases the managed resources. True to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Invalidates the group of the given index. The index of the group to be invalidated. The count of the groups to be invalidated from the given index. Refreshes the sorting order. Refreshes the sorting order of the group. Refreshes the filters. Refreshes the filter of the group. Suspends the events in the group, which suspends the view updates in the group. Resumes the events in the group, which resumes the view updates in the group. Gets a disposable defer helper to suspends the all data operations in view. Returns disposable defer helper to do the bulk changes. Gets a disposable defer helper to suspends the all data operations in view. Returns disposable defer helper to do the bulk changes. Adds the given record to the group. The record to be added to the group. A boolean value indicating whether the source collection change is currently in progress. Inserts the given record at the given index in the group. The index at which the given record is to be inserted. The record to be inserted. A boolean value indicating whether the source collection change is currently in progress. Removes the given record from the group. The record to be removed. A boolean value indicating whether the source collection change is currently in progress. A boolean value indicating whether the given record is removed. Determines whether the given record is found in the display elements of the TopLevelGroup. The record to be found. True if the specified record is found in the Top-level group, otherwise false. Finds the index of the given record in the top-level group. The record whose index is to be obtained. The index of the given record in the top-level group. Resets the display elements. Gets the maximum level of the group in the top-level group. The max level of the group in the top-level group. Gets the group caption text for the specified . The group for which the caption text is to be obtained. The specifier text of the group whose caption text is to be obtained. The Column's Header Name The group caption text for the specified . Gets the key-value pair of the group caption text list, which contains the text to be displayed in the summary for the specified . The group for which the caption text is to be obtained. The specifier text of the group whose caption text is to be obtained. The Column's Header Name The key-value pair of the group caption text list, which contains the text to be displayed in the summary for the specified . Updates the caption summaries of the groups in the top-level group. Update Caption summary from given group to first parent group. Calculate the summary values for summary Columns Contains the summary column Contains the group record source Contains the summary details Group Caption Summary calculated while SummaryCalculationMode is OnDemandCaptionSummary Contains the summary details Contains the column mapping name Contains group record of column Gets the source type of the underlying collection view of the top-level group. The source type of the underlying collection view of the top-level group. Updates the summaries for the specified in the top-level group. The group for which the summaries is to be updated. Updates the summaries for the specified . The SummaryRecordEntry The group. Calculate the group summaries based on SummaryCalculationUnit. The for which the summaries is to be updated. The which contains the summary values of summary row. The which summary value need to be calculate. The SummaruCalculationUnit Calculate the group summary values Cotains the group records enumerable values Contains the summary columns Contains summary Details Get the summaries for DataTable Calculate the summary for group when OnDemandGroupSummary is Enable Cotains the summary Details Contains column name Contains the group Details Expands the given group in the top-level group. The group to be expanded. Returns the value indicating the items count in the given group. Collapses the given group in the top-level group. The group to be collapsed. Returns the value indicating the items count in the given group. Computes the number of items in the given group. The group in which the items count is to be calculated. The number of items in the given group. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is top level group. Top-Level Group will be the first-level group. True if this instance is top level group, otherwise false. Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to reset the cache. A boolean value indicating whether to reset the cache. Gets the relations count of the group, that link grid and allow navigation from parent grid to child grid. The relations count of the group, that link grid and allow navigation from parent grid to child grid. Gets the collection view of the group. The collection view of the group. Gets the collection of group descriptions in the SfDataGrid. The collection of group descriptions in the SfDataGrid. Gets the which contains the group and record information of the top level group. The which contains the group and record information of the top level group. The group and record can accessed from display elements when the data is grouped. Initializes a new instance of the DeferHelper class. The reference of the top level group of the datagrid. Disposes all the resources used by the class. Disposes the unmanaged and optionally disposes managed resources used by the class. A boolean value indicating whether to display both managed and unmanaged resources. This class pass collection change notification from to and property of the class maps the list of items changed in the collection which is of type , so no need to typecast in for performance reasons. Initializes a new instance of the NotifyGroupsChangedEventArgs class. The representing the collection changed action. Initializes a new instance of the NotifyGroupsChangedEventArgs class. The representing the collection changed action. The list of changed items in the collection. The starting index of the items changed in the collection. Gets or set the list of items affected by the collection change. The list of items affected by the collection change. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the PropertyChangingEventArgs class. The name of the property whose value is changing. Gets the name of the property whose value is changing. The name of the property whose value is changing. Represents the method that will handle the event of an interface. The source of the event. An PropertyChangingEventArgs that contains the event data. Notifies clients that a property value is changing. Occurs when a property value is changing. Moves to the first page. Returns a boolean value indicating whether moved to the first page or not. Moves to the last page. Returns a boolean value indicating whether moved to the last page or not. Moves to the next page. Returns a boolean value indicating whether moved to the next page or not. Moves to the previous page. Returns a boolean value indicating whether moved to the previous page or not. Gets the number of items in the collection view. The number of items in the collection view. Gets the page index of the current page. The page index of the current page. Gets or sets the page size, which indicates the number of rows to be displayed in the page. The page size, which indicates the number of rows to be displayed in the page. Interface that declares the methods to be implemented for accessing the properties of the column. Gets the value for the given record and property. The record for which the value is to be obtained. The name of the property. The value for the given record and property. Sets the value for the given record and property name. The record for which the value is to be set. The name of the property. The value to be set. A boolean value indicating whether the value is set. Gets the Formatted value for the given record and the property name. The record for which the value is to be obtained. The name of the property. The formatted value based on the given property and record. Gets the Formatted value for the given record and the property name. The record for which the value is to be obtained. The name of the property. The formatted value based on the given property and record. Disposes all the resources used by the . Interface that holds the information of the Filtering like Mapping Name, filter predicate, etc. Gets or sets the mapping name of the column, which should be filtered. The mapping name of the column, which should be filtered. Gets the collection of filter predicates for performing filtering in the collection view. The collection of filter predicates for performing filtering in the collection view. Gets or sets the filter behavior for the column. The for the column. Gets or sets the type of the column, which should be filtered. The type of the column, which should be filtered. Gets or sets a value that decides whether to filter based on display value or MappingName of the column. One of the enumeration that decides how the items populated for the filter control in the column. Represents a class that defines the predicate for filtering. Initializes a new instance of the FilterPredicate class. Gets or sets the type of the filter to be applied. The that represents the type of the filter to be applied. Gets or sets the filter value for the filter predicate. The filter value for the filter predicate. Gets or sets the type of the predicate. The type of the predicate. Gets or sets the behavior of filtering for the filter predicate. The for the filter predicate. Gets or sets a value indicating whether filtering should be applied considering the casing. True if casing is considered when filtering, otherwise false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether filtering should be applied based on the display text or value of the column. ColumnFilter.DisplayText if Filter is based on DisplayText, otherwise ColumnFilter.Value. Defines the various constants for Predicate type of Filters. Does an AND operation on filters. Does an OR operation on filters. Does an ANDALSO operation on filters. Does an ORELSE operation on filters. Defines the various constants for filtering operations in SfDataGrid. Does an Equals operation on filters. Does an StartsWith operation on filters. Does an Contains operation on filters. Represents the class that defines the methods to access the property, its value and etc. Initializes a new instance of PropertyAccessor class. The property info for the property accessor being initialized. Gets the value for the given object. The object for which the value is to be obtained. Get method is not defined for this property Sets the given value to the given object. The object for which the value is to be obtained. The value to be set. Gets the information of the property. The information of the property. Implements to get / set value on the underlying object which is used by . Gets the collection view of the SfDataGrid. Initializes a new instance of the ItemPropertiesProvider class. Initializes a new instance of the ItemPropertiesProvider class. The collection view of the SfDataGrid. Gets the value for the given record and property. The record for which the value is to be obtained. The name of the property. The value for the given record and property. Sets the value for the given record and property name. The record for which the value is to be set. The name of the property. The value to be set. A boolean value indicating whether the value is set. Gets the data table value for the given record and the property name. The record for which the data table value is to be obtained. The name of the property. The data table value for the given record and the property name. Gets the Formatted value for the given record and the property name. The record for which the formatted value is to be obtained. The name of the property. The formatted value based on the given property and record. Disposes all the resources used by the class. Disposes the unmanaged and optionally releases managed resources used by the class. Indicates whether the call is from Dispose method or from a finalizer. Class that serves as the provider for the dynamic properties, which implements methods for obtaining the values and setting the values for the various properties. Initializes a new instance of the DynamicPropertiesProvider class. The collection view of the SfDataGrid. Gets the value for the given record and property. The record for which the value is to be obtained. The name of the property. The value for the given record and property. Sets the value for the given record and property name. The record for which the value is to be set. The name of the property. The value to be set. A boolean value indicating whether the value is set. Gets the formatted value for the given record and the property name. The record for which the value is to be obtained. The name of the property. The formatted value based on the given property and record. Disposes the unmanaged and optionally disposes managed resources used by the class. Indicates whether the call is from Dispose method or from a finalizer. Represents the class that maintains the collection view of type paged collection view, when the SfDataGrid is bind to the paged collection view. Represents the class that maintains the collection view of type queryable collection view, when the SfDataGrid is bind to the queryable collection view. Implement this interface to instruct the QueryableCollectionView derived view for generating PLINQ query expression trees. Gets or sets the boolean value indicating whether to use PLINQ. The boolean value indicating whether to use PLINQ. Initializes a new instance of the QueryableCollectionView class. Initializes a new instance of the QueryableCollectionView class. The IEnumerable source of the collection view. Initializes a new instance of the QueryableCollectionView class. The IEnumerable source of the collection view. The source type. Creates the records for the items in the . The list of records created for the items in the . This method fires when the sort description collection is changed. The representing the data for the event. Invokes to check whether source is need to execute execute in Parallel Query. DataOperation Returns true if source is execute in parallel query Refreshes sorting in the view. Sets the given source and the sort fields as queryable. The IQueryable source of the items which has to be queried. The sort fields of the source which has to be queried. The IQueryable source of the items which is queried. Returns a boolean value indicating whether to filter underlying data from adding it to View.Records collection. The record to filter. A boolean value indicating whether to filter underlying data from adding it to View.Records collection. Refreshes the view when the filtering is applied through delegate. A boolean value indicating whether filtering is done programmatically. Creates a row filter predicate, which filters the items to be displayed in the view. Returns the IQueryable source of the collection view. The IQueryable source of the collection view. PagedCollectionView returns paged source as IQueryable. Returning query will be sorted query in the case of normal VirtualizingCollectionView. It will be sorted and filtered query in the case of PagedCollectionVeiw and OnDemand VirtualizingCollectionView. Resets the filter of the collection view. Gets the predicate expression for the given source and parameter expression. The IQueryable source The parameter expression. The predicate expression for the given source and parameter expression. The IQueryable source. The parameter expression. The column name. A boolean value indicating whether to return the column expression. The predicate expression for the given values. Refreshes the sorting order with filters on the records in the bottom-level group. The list of groups in the view. Gets the IEnumerable collection of group result for the array of group-by. The array of groups The IEnumerable collection of group result for the array of group-by. Gets the queryable collection for the source of the collection view. The queryable collection for the source of the collection view. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use PLINQ. True if PLINQ is used, otherwise false. Gets or sets the predicate for the row filter. The predicate for the row filter. Gets the on demand paged cache which contains the cache of the records in the previous page. Initializes a new instance of the PagedCollectionView class. The IEnumerable source of the SfDataGrid. Initializes a new instance of the PagedCollectionView class. Sets the given source to the collection view. The source to be set to the collection view. Creates the records for the items in the source of the collection view. The list of records created for the items in the source of the collection view. Refreshes the view when the filtering is applied through delegate. A boolean value indicating whether filtering is done programmatically. Refreshes sorting in the underlying collection of the SfDataGrid. Ensures sorting, grouping and filtering by refreshing the view with updated collection. Gets the IEnumerable collection of group result for the array of group-by. The array of groups The IEnumerable collection of group result for the array of group-by. Returns the IQueryable source of the collection view. The IQueryable source of the collection view. PagedCollectionView returns paged source as IQueryable. Returning query will be sorted query in the case of normal VirtualizingCollectionView. It will be sorted and filtered query in the case of PagedCollectionVeiw and OnDemand VirtualizingCollectionView. Removes the given item from the collection. The item to be removed. This method fires when the collection is changed. The original sender of the event. The which represents the collection changed action. Ends the edit transaction and saves the pending changes. This method fires when the property is changed. The sender of the event. The that contains the event for the data. Compares the given index and the index corresponding to the given record. Call this method when you need to find the compared index of item based on sorting The record whose index is to be compared with the given index. The index which is to be compared Gets the comparer index based on the given index and the index corresponding to the given record. Adjust the underlying collection by getting the comparer index before adding the given record at the given index in the view. The record to be added to the collection. The index at which the record is to be added. Gets the comparer index based on the given index and records in the collection. Moves to the first page. Returns a boolean value indicating whether moved to the first page or not. Moves to the last page. Returns a boolean value indicating whether moved to the last page or not. Moves to the next page. Returns a boolean value indicating whether moved to the next page or not. Moves to the given page index. The page index to move to. Returns a boolean value indicating whether moved to the given page or not. Moves to the previous page. Returns a boolean value indicating whether moved to the previous page or not. Applies filtering to the records in the underlying collection. Loads the given items starting from the given page index, dynamically to the page. The start index to load the items. The items to be loaded to the page. Clears the cache while using OnDemandPaging. While navigating between pages, records are loaded through event and the loaded records will be maintained in cache. If you navigate to already navigated page, then records are loaded from cache and the event will not fire for that corresponding page. You can clear the cache by using this method and now the event will be raised when you navigate to the same page. And the records will be loaded through event instead of loading from cache. Reset the cache to the given page index. Index of the page to reset its cache. Gets the list of underlying objects of the collection view. The list of underlying objects of the collection view. Gets the enumerable collection of the underlying objects in the given page index. The page index at which the internal list is to be obtained. The enumerable collection of the underlying objects in the given page index. Gets the number of pages in the paged collection view. The number of pages in the paged collection view. Gets or sets the collection of FilterPredicates, based on which filtering is performed in the underlying collection. The collection of FilterPredicates, based on which filtering is performed in the underlying collection. Gets or sets the maximum items count in the paged collection view. The maximum items count in the paged collection view. Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to use on demand paging, when on demand paging is enabled the items will be populated to the page only when navigated to the page. A boolean value indicating whether to use on demand paging. Gets a value that indicates whether a new item can be added to the collection. True if a new item can be added to the collection, otherwisefalse. Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to enable optimistic summary calculation on real time updates. A boolean value that indicates whether to enable optimistic summary calculation on real time updates. The calculates the summary optimistically when the data objects implement the and . Occurs when the items are loaded on demand to the page. Occurs when the page is changing. Occurs when the page is changed. Gets the number of items in the collection view. The number of items in the collection view. Gets the page index of the current page. The page index of the current page. Gets or sets the page size, which indicates the number of rows to be displayed in the page. The page size, which indicates the number of rows to be displayed in the page. Provides data for the event. Gets or sets the start index for loading the items. The start index for loading the items. Gets or sets the page size for loading the number of items in the page. The page size for loading the number of items in the page. Provides data for the event. Gets or sets the new page index for which the page is being navigated to. The new page index for which the page is being navigated to. Provides data for the event. Gets or sets the new page index for which the page is navigated to. The new page index for which the page is navigated to. Delegate for event. The original sender of the event. The representing the data for the event. Delegate for event. The original sender of the event. The representing the data for the event. Delegate for event. The original sender of the event. The representing the data for the event. Compares the given two objects. The object 1. The object 2. The value indicating the comparison of the given two objects. Implements this interface to get the value for the column. Gets or sets the name of the column. The name of the column. Gets or sets the property access provider of the column. The property access provider of the column. Class that defines the extension methods for the queryable collection view. Gets the predicate expression extension for the given values. The collection view. The IQueryable source. The parameter expression. The predicate expression for the given values. The collection view. The IQueryable source. The parameter expression. The column name. A boolean value indicating whether to return the column expression. The predicate expression for the given values. Interface that declares the properties like Table Summaries and the methods to be implemented for maintaining the list of records. Gets the item at the index specified in the SfDataGrid. Index of the record at which the item is to be obtained. Returns the item at the specified index in the SfDataGrid. Creates the for the business object. The data for which the record entry is to be created. Returns the RecordEntry for the specified object. Dispose all items from the . Gets the table summaries of the SfDataGrid. The table summaries of the SfDataGrid. Represents the class that maintains the records list when binding data table as source to the SfDataGrid. Class that serves as the base for maintaining the records in the SfDataGrid for different types of source bind to the SfDataGrid. Gets a value indicating whether the records is disposed. Gets a boolean value indicating whether hash indexing is enabled. Initializes a new instance of the RecordsList class. Initializes a new instance of the RecordsList class. The collection view of the SfDataGrid. Initializes a new instance of the RecordsList class. The IEnumerable source of the SfDataGrid. The collection view of the SfDataGrid. Initializes the internal list and the indices list of the collection view with records of the collection view. Populates the internalList by enumerating the specified source. The source. The View. The internalList will be populated with null entries in the case of VirtualRecordsList. In case of IQueryable source will be filtered by query. So, there is no need of filter each record while populating. Populates the internalList by enumerating Group.Records. The list of Groups. The internalList will be populated with null entries in the case of VirtualRecordsList. In case of IQueryable source will be filtered by query. So, there is no need of filter each record while populating. Creates the record entry for the given data object. The data for which the RecordEntry is to be created. Returns the RecordEntry created for the specified data. Dispose all items from the . Gets the item at the specified index in the records list. The recordIndex to get the object. Returns the object at specified record index. Adds the specified data to the records list. The data for which the record is created and added to the records list. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. A boolean value indicating whether both managed and unmanaged resources is to be released. Removes the notify listener for the collection view of the records list. Gets the collection view of SfDataGrid. The collection view of SfDataGrid. Gets the table summaries of SfDataGrid. The table summaries of SfDataGrid. Initializes a new instance of the DataTableRecordsList class. The IEnumerable source of the SfDataGrid. The data table collection view. Represents the class that maintains the records list when the paged collection is bind as the source to SfDataGrid. Initializes a instance of the PagedCollectionRecordsList class. The IEnumerable source of SfDataGrid. The paged collection view. Populates the records in the given collection view from the given source. The source from which the records is to be populated. The collection view in which the records has to be populated. Gets the list of source object for the collection view of the records. The list of source object for the collection view of the records. Represents the class that maintains the records list when the queryable collection is bind as the source to SfDataGrid. Initializes a new instance of the QueryableCollectionRecordsList class. The IEnumerable source. The Queryable collection view. Populates the records in the given collection view from the given source. The source from which the records is to be populated. The collection view in which the records has to be populated. Represents the class that defines the comparer by implementing the IComparer. Initializes a new instance of the Comparer class. The culture info of the comparer initialized. Compares the given two objects. The object 1. The object 2. The value indicating the comparison of the given two objects. Object should implement IComparable Gets the default comparer with the culture info as current culture. Gets the default invariant comparer with the culture info as invariant culture. Compares the given two objects. The object 1. The object 2. The value indicating the comparison of the given two objects. Defines the constants that specifies how to update the data during data manipulation operation like add, remove and property change. Specifies that data operations are not updated during data manipulation. Specifies that summaries are updated based on data manipulation changes. Specifies that data operations sorting, grouping, filtering and summaries are updated based on data manipulation changes. Specifies that child view items source gets updated when property mapped with GridViewDefinition.RelationalColumn changed. Defines the constants that specify the different modes of calculation for caption and group summary. Specifies that summary (group and caption) is calculated, while grouping takes place. Specifies that summary is calculated, when caption row comes into view and when you try to access the summary value. Specifies that summary is calculated, when group summary row comes into view and when you try to access the summary value. Defines the constants that specifies the mode for summary calculation. Specifies that summary value is calculated against all rows. Specifies that summary value is calculated against selected rows. Specifies that summary value is calculated against selected rows, if selection exists. Otherwise, summary value is calculated against all rows. Specifies where the placeholder for a new item appears in the collection. Specifies that the collection does not use a new item placeholder. The position of items that are added depends on the underlying collection. Usually, they are added at the end of the collection. Specifies that the placeholder for a new item appears at the beginning of the collection. New items are at the beginning of the collection, after the new item placeholder. Specifies that the placeholder for a new item appears at the end of the collection. New items are added at the end of the collection, before the new item placeholder. Compares two SortComparer to perform sort operation based on custom logic. Initializes a new instance of SortComparers class. Gets the sort comparer for the specified property name. The property name for which the sort comparer is to be obtained. Returns the sort comparer for the given property name. Represents the properties to sort the data based on custom logic. Initializes a new instance of SortComparer class. Gets or sets the property of the underlying collection view, for which sorting is to be applied. A string that specifies the property of the underlying collection view, for which sorting is to be applied. Gets or sets the comparer, that compares the two cell values and perform sorting based on the custom logic. The comparer that compares the two cell values and perform sorting based on the custom logic. The interface that defines the sort direction. The user can implement this interface in custom sort comparer to get the sort direction. Gets or sets the possible direction of a sort operation. The possible direction of a sort operation. Initializes a new Instances of class. Creates a new group. Creates a new group based on key. Create Details for record. Create Details for record based on filter predicate Creates the record. The Group The data to create the RecordEntry. Returns the RecordEntry for parent with specified data. Initializes a new instance of class. Constructor to filter the InternalList of VirtualGroup. Parent group level of group Grouped items Func to filter Internal list Initialize the records in the group record entry. Populates the record to group record entry from the given source and based on the given filter. Represents the class. Maintains the source list collection. Initializes the VirtualRecordEntryList class. Initialize the internalList and SourceList Collection. Gets the Object of for the specified record index and underlying data in the collection. Object of for the specified record index and underlying data in the collection.. Gets the Object of the record entry for the specified record index. The Record Index The object of Record Entry for the Specified Record Index Returns the index of record. Returns from SourceList when the data not a record entry. Override to remove the record from SourceList at specified index. Override to remove the record from SourceList. The item to be removed from SourceList and intrenalList. Returns true when the item is removed successfully. otherwise, returns false. Override to insert the record to SourceList. Adds an item to the SourceList. Gets an Enumerator that iterates through the collection. A that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets the Source of the Record Entry Collection. the Source of the Record Entry Collection. Represent the class to process the enumerator for Records in Group. Initializes a instance of VirtualRecordEntryList with specified . Disposes all the resources used by the class. Disposes all the resources used by the class. Indicates whether the call is from Dispose method or from a finalizer. Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. Gets the element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator. The element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator. Initializes new instance of class. Creates the new group based on given credentials. Creates the new group based on given credentials. Creates the new group whithin the given group,with the given and . the new group whithin the given group,with the given and . Gets the Source type of underlying collection of the top level group. the Source type of underlying collection of the top level group. Represents the class that process the ICollectionView.Records of VirtualizingCollectionView. Stores the business object source. Initializes a new instance of class with default settings. Initializes new instance of class with specified and . Initialize SourceList and internalList. Populate source list. The source to populate the internalList or SourceList. The View. Override to populate SourceList. The groups to populate the internalList or SourceList. Override to populate and return the RecordEntry by specified index. The recordIndex to get the RecordEntry. Returns the RecordEntry at specified recordIndex. Override to populate and return the RecordEntry. The data to get the RecordEntry. Returns the RecordEntry based on data. Returns the index of record. Returns from SourceList when the data not a record entry. Override to remove the record from SourceList at specified index. The index to remove the data and RecordEntry. Override to remove the record from SourceList. The item to be removed from SourceList and internalList. Returns true the item is removed. otherwise false. Override to insert the record to SourceList. The index in internalList and SourceList is filled by the specified item. The item to be inserted at the specified index. Override to add the data to SourceList. Override to add the item to SourceList and internalList. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. A that can be used to iterate through the collection. Returns the list of data from RecordEntry collection. Returns the list of data from SourceList. Clears the SourceList. Overridden to avoid unwanted enumeration while looping for dispose. Overridden to avoid unwanted enumeration while looping for dispose. Method that populates internalList and return the RecordEntry with specified index. The recordIndex to get the RecordEntry. Returns the RecordEntry at specified recordIndex or based on data. Maintains a value that indicates whether the view update is suspended. Represents the class that process the enumerator of Records in view Initializes a instance of VirtualRecordEntryEnumerator with . Disposes all the resources used by the class. Disposes all the resources used by the class. Indicates whether the call is from Dispose method or from a finalizer. Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. Gets the element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator. The element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator. Creates the filter predicate for the given string with the filter type. The filter predicate for the given string with the filter type. Creates a filter predicate for the specified string. The filter predicate for the specified string. Creates a filter predicate for the specified string. The filter predicate for the specified string. Formats the filter string for option. The name of the column that is being filtered. The filter string. Returns the formatted filter string for option. Formats the filter string for option. The name of the column that is being filtered. The filter string. Returns the formatted filter string for option. Formats the filter string for option. The name of the column that is being filtered. The filter string. Returns the formatted filter string for option. Sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order according to a . An whose elements are sorted in ascending order according to a key. Sorts the elements of a sequence in descending order according to a . An whose elements are sorted in descending order according to a key. Performs a subsequent ordering of the elements in a sequence in ascending order according to a . An whose elements are sorted according to a key. Performs a subsequent ordering of the elements in a sequence in descending order according to a . An whose elements are sorted in descending order according to a key. Insert [ wildcard ] in LIKE Queries. Provides classes that simplify programming by providing ready-made solution to process the IEnumerable and IQueryable operations. This class responsible to reflect dynamic and expando object. Also maintains cache for faster reflection. Initializes a new Instance of class. Disposes all the resources used by the class. Disposes all the resources used by the class. Indicates whether the call is from Dispose method or from a finalizer. Checks whether the given type is dynamic object or not. true if the given type is dynamic object,otherwise false. Validates the given property with specified dynamic meta object. true if it is valid,otherwise false. Checks whether the given property in the dynamic meta object is complex collection or not. true if it is complex collection,otherwise false Checks whether the given property name is in python type or not. true if the property name is in python type,otherwise false. Gets the value for the specified . value if property is valid, otherwise null. Sets the value for the specified . true if the property is valid,Otherwise false Creates a for the specified . The specified Source. The func that ensures the criteria to create a . The for the specified . Gets the average of all values from the specified using . The specified source for which the average to be calculated The function that retrieves all values from the specified The average of all values from the specified using . Gets the average of all values from the specified using . The specified source for which the average to be calculated The function that retrieves all values from the specified The average of all values from the specified using . Gets the average of all values from the specified . The specified source for which the average to be calculated The average of all values from the specified . Gets the average of all ? values from the specified using . The specified source for which the average to be calculated. The function that retrieves all ? values from the specified . The average of all ? values from the specified using . Gets the average of all ? values from the specified using . The specified source for which the average to be calculated. The function that retrieves all ? values from the specified . The average of all ? values from the specified using . Gets the average of all ? values from the specified . The specified for which the average to be calculated. The average of all ? values from the specified . Gets the sum of all values from the specified using . The specified source for which the sum to be calculated. The function that retrieves values from the specified . The sum of all values from the specified using . Gets the sum of all values from the specified using . The specified source for which the sum to be calculated. The function that retrieves values from the specified . The sum of all values from the specified using . Gets the sum of all values from the specified . The specified source for which the sum to be calculated. The sum of all values from the specified . Gets the sum of all ? values from the specified using . The specified source for which the sum to be calculated. The function that retrieves ? values from the specified . The sum of all ? values from the specified using . Gets the sum of all ? values from the specified using . The specified source for which the sum to be calculated. The function that retrieves ? values from the specified . The sum of all ? values from the specified using . Gets the sum of all ? values from the specified The specified source for which the sum to be calculated. the sum of all ? values from the specified Gets the maximum value of from the specified using . The specified source from which the maximum value to be found. The function that retrieves all values from the specified . The maximum value of from the specified using . Gets the maximum value of from the specified using . The specified source from which the maximum value to be found. The function that retrieves all values from the specified . The maximum value of from the specified using . Gets the maximum value of from the specified . The specified source from which the maximum value to be found. The maximum value of from the specified . Gets the maximum value of ? from the specified using . The specified source from which the maximum value to be found. The function that retrieves all ? values from the specified . The maximum value of ? from the specified using . Gets the maximum value of ? from the specified using . The specified source from which the maximum value to be found. The function that retrieves all ? values from the specified . The maximum value of ? from the specified using . Gets the maximum value of ? from the specified . The specified source from which the maximum value to be found. The maximum value of ? from the specified . Gets the minimum value of from the specified source using . The specified source from which the minimum value to be found. The function that retrieves all values from the specified . The minimum value of from the specified source using . Gets the minimum value of from the specified using . The specified source from which the minimum value to be found. The function that retrieves all values from the specified . The minimum value of from the specified using . Gets the minimum of value from the specified . The specified source from which the minimum value to be found. The minimum of value from the specified . Gets the minimum value of ? from the specified using . The specified source from which the minimum value to be found. The function that retrieves all ? values from the specified . The minimum value of ? from the specified using . Gets the minimum value of ? from the specified using . The specified source from which the minimum value to be found. The function that retrieves all ? values from the specified . The minimum of value ? from the specified using . Gets the minimum value of ? from the specified . The specified source from which the minimum value to be found. The minimum value of ? from the specified . Sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order. The source. The property name. The get func. An whose elements are sorted in ascending order according to a key. Sorts the elements of a sequence in descending order. The source. The property name. The get func. An whose elements are sorted in descending order according to a key. Performs a subsequent ordering of the elements in a sequence in ascending order. The source. The property name. The get func. An whose elements are sorted in ascending order according to a key. Performs a subsequent ordering of the elements in a sequence in descending order. The source. The property name. The get func. An whose elements are sorted in descending order according to a key. Sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order by using specified comparer. The source. The property name. The get func. The comparer. An whose elements are sorted in ascending order according to a key. Sorts the elements of a sequence in descending order by using specified comparer. The source. The property name. The get func. The comparer. An whose elements are sorted in descending order according to a key. Performs a subsequent ordering of the elements in a sequence in ascending order by using specified comparer. The source. The property name. The get func. The comparer. An whose elements are sorted in ascending order according to a key. Performs a subsequent ordering of the elements in a sequence in descending by using specified comparer. The source. The property name. The get func. The comparer. An whose elements are sorted in descending order according to a key. Gets the parallel query of the specified . The parallel query of the specified . Gets the parallel sequence of the specified . the parallel sequence of the specified . Gets the Element type of the specified source. The Element type of the specified source. Gets the Item property informaation of the specified . The Item property informaation of the specified . Gets the generic source type of the specified source. The generic source type of the specified source. Gets the item type of the source. The item type of the source. Gets the index of the specified in the . the index of the specified in the . Functional method extensions Creates a instance of object for the specified . The type. The instance of object for the specified . Creates a instance of dynamic object for the specified . The type. The instance of dynamic object for the specified . Iterates over an IEnumerable instance to a delegated function The items. The action. Iterates over a generic IEnumerable instance to a delegated function The items. The action. Creates a new from the specified . The items. A new from the specified . Iterates the index. The items. The action. Iterates the index. The items. The action. Iterates the index The items. The action. The index. Applies a specified function to the corresponding elements of two enumerable collection, producing a sequence of the results. The first collection. The second collection. The function that retrieves the result from the and collections. Trues this instance. Falses this instance. Ors the specified expr1. The expr1. The expr2. Ands the specified expr1. The expr1. The expr2. Folds the specified list. The list. The func. The acc. Folds the left. The list. The func. The acc. Folds the right. The list. The func. The acc. Moves to. The list. The SRC. The dest. Gets the new from the specified . The items. The new from the specified . Specifies the filter type to be used in LINQ methods. Performs LessThan operation. Performs LessThan or Equal operation. Checks Equals on the operands. Checks for NotEquals on the operands. Checks for GreaterThan or Equal on the operands. Checks for GreaterThan on the operands. Checks for StartsWith on the string operands. Checks the string operand which does not start with the given filter criteria. Checks for EndsWith on the string operands. Checks the string operand which does not end with the given filter criteria. Checks for Contains on the string operands. Checks for NotContains on the string operands. Returns invalid type. Checks for Between two date on the operands. Specifies the filter behavior for the filter predicates. Parses only StronglyTyped values. Parses all values by converting them as string. Specifies the constants for the column filter. Parses only StronglyTyped values. Parses all values by converting them as string. Representing the class that contains the columns that represents sorting, which contains the column name that is sorted and sort direction. Initializes a new instance of the SortColumn class. Gets or sets the name of the column that represents sorting. The name of the column that represents sorting. Gets or sets the direction of sorting applied. The direction of sorting applied. Class that creates the dynamic classes for the given properties and gets the dynamic class for the given dynamic properties, generate properties for the given dynamic class, etc , this class as the factory for the classes. Gets the dynamic class for the given enumerable collection of dynamic properties. The IEnumerable collection of the dynamic properties for which the dynamic class is to be obtained. The type of the dynamic class obtained for the given properties. Gets the new instance of the ClassFactory class. Defines the dynamic class. Returns the string that contains the properties and their values in the class. The string that contains the properties and their values in the class. Class that creates the dynamic property for the given name and type. Initializes a new instance of DynamicProperty class. The name of the property. The type of the property. Gets the name of the property. The name of the property. Gets the type of the property. The type of the property. Gets the array of dynamic properties of the signature. Initializes a new instance of the Signature class. The enumerable collection of the dynamic property. Checks the equality of the current instance and the given instance. The other object to compare with. Returns a boolean value indicating the equality of the current object and the given object. Checks the equality of the current instance and the given instance. The other object to compare with. Returns a boolean value indicating the equality of the current object and the given object. Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Class that contains the information of the group like child groups, items count, key, details of the group, etc. Initializes a new instance of the GroupContext class. Gets or sets the child groups of the group. The child groups of the group. Gets or sets the count of the sub-groups in the group. The count of the sub-groups in the group. Gets or sets the details of the group. The details of the group. Gets the key of the group. The key of the group. A framework independent utility class for the new Nullable type in .NET Framework 2.0 Indicates whether the specified PropertyDescriptor has nested properties. The PropertyDescriptor to be checked. True if nested properties are found; False otherwise. Indicates whether the specified Type has nested properties. The Type to be checked. True if nested properties are found; False otherwise. Checks whether the specified property's type is IEnumerableType or not. The property information. true if the specified property's type is IEnumerableType, otherwise false. Use this method instead of Convert.ChangeType. Makes Convert.ChangeType work with Nullable types. Use this method instead of Convert.ChangeType. Makes Convert.ChangeType work with Nullable types. Checks whether the specified type is nullable type or not. The type. true if the specified type is nullable type, otherwise false. Gets the nullable types of the specified . The type. The nullable types of the specified . Returns null if value is DBNull and specified type is a Nullable type. Otherwise the value is returned unchanged. The object. The type. Returns null if value is DBNull and specified type is a Nullable type. Otherwise the value is returned unchanged. Returns the underlying type of a Nullable type. For .NET 1.0 and 1.1 this method will always return null. provides conversion routines for values to convert them to another type and routines for formatting values. Converts value from one type to another using an optional . Converts value from one type to another using an optional . The original value. The target type. A used to format or parse the value. The new value in the target type. Converts value from one type to another using an optional . The original value. The target type. A used to format or parse the value. Indicates whether exceptions should be avoided or catched and return value should be DBNull if it cannot be converted to the target type. The new value in the target type. Converts value from one type to another using an optional . The original value. The target type. A used to format or parse the value. Format string. Indicates whether exceptions should be avoided or catched and return value should be DBNull if it cannot be converted to the target type. The new value in the target type. Overloaded. Parses the given text using the resultTypes "Parse" method or using a type converter. The text to parse. The requested result type. A used to format or parse the value. Can be NULL. The new value in the target type. Parses the given text using the resultTypes "Parse" method or using a type converter. The text to parse. The requested result type. A used to format or parse the value. Can be NULL. A format string used in a call. Right now format is only interpreted to enable roundtripping for formatted dates. The new value in the target type. Parse the given text using the resultTypes "Parse" method or using a type converter. The text to parse. The requested result type. A used to format or parse the value. Can be NULL. A format string used in a call. Right now format is only interpreted to enable roundtripping for formatted dates. Indicates whether DbNull should be returned if value cannot be parsed. Otherwise an exception is thrown. The new value in the target type. Parse the given text using the resultTypes "Parse" method or using a type converter. The text to parse. The requested result type. A used to format or parse the value. Can be NULL. A string array holding permissible formats used in a call. Right now formats is only interpreted to enable roundtripping for formatted dates. Indicates whether DbNull should be returned if value cannot be parsed. Otherwise an exception is thrown. The new value in the target type. Generates display text using the specified format, culture info and number format. The value to format. The value type on which formatting is based. The original value will first be converted to this type. The format like in ToString(string format). The for formatting the value. The for formatting the value. The string with the formatted text for the value. Returns a representative value for any given type. The . A value with the specified type. Overloaded. Parses the given string including type information. String can be in format %lt;type> 'value' Parses the given string including type information. String can be in format %lt;type> 'value' Indicates whether TypeConverter should be checked whether the type to be parsed supports conversion to/from byte array (e.g. an Image) Overloaded. Formats the given value as string including type information. String will be in format %lt;type> 'value' Formats the given value as string including type information. String will be in format %lt;type> 'value' Indicates whether TypeConverter should be checked whether the type to be parsed supports conversion to/from byte array (e.g. an Image) Returns the type name. If type is not in mscorlib, the assembly name is appended. Returns the type from the specified name. If an assembly name is appended the list of currently loaded assemblies in the current AppDomain are checked. Indicates whether string is null or empty. Indicates whether should trim whitespace characters from the end of the formatted text. Provides classes that simplify programming by providing ready-made solution to convert and check the type of value. Return the value of the given record and complex property column. Sets the value for the corresponding object available in the PropertyDescriptorCollection ItemProperties Record Value Mapping name of the column(Including complex property mapping names) Set the value to complex property column with the given record. Generate the Property Descriptor for corresponding Property it may be simple or complex property Generate the Property Descriptor for corresponding Complexer/Indexer Property. propertyDescriptor ComplexPropertyCount List of PropertyNames index to process through propertyNameList Name of columns Method to skip Special characters from given string. Method to check the given string contains special characters or not. Provides extension methods for the Queryable source. We would normally write Expressions as, This would sort the names based on alphabetical order. Like so, the Queryable extensions are a set of extension methods that define functions which will generate expressions based on the supplied values to the functions. Returns the queryable which iterates over the given collection of items. The enumerable collection of the items, which should be queried. The queryable which iterates over the given collection of items. Returns the queryable which iterates over the given collection of items. The enumerable collection of the items. The source type of the items. The queryable which iterates over the given collection of items. Generates an AND binary expression for the given expressions. The expression 1. The expression 2. An AND binary expression for the given expressions. Generates an ANDAlso binary expression for the given expressions. The expression 1. The expression 2. An ANDAlso binary expression for the given expressions. Generates an OrElse binary expression for the given expressions. The expression 1. The expression 2. An OrElse binary expression for the given expressions. Gets the execution times count of the given queryable source. The source which is to be queried. The count of the execution times of the given queryable source. Gets the element at the given index and the source. The IQueryable source. The index at which the element is to be obtained. The type of the source. The element at the given index and the source. Gets the element at the given index and the source. The IQueryable source. The index at which the element is to be obtained. The element at the given index and the source. Gets the element at or default of the given index and the source. The IQueryable source. The index at which the element is to be obtained. The type of the source. The element at or default of the given index and the type of source. Gets the element at or default of the given index and the source. The IQueryable source. The index at which the element is to be obtained. The element at the given index and the source. Gets the GroupBy query expression for the given source and enumerable collection of the sort columns. The IQueryable source. The enumerable collection of the sort columns group by names. The type of the source. The GroupBy query expression for the given source and enumerable collection of the sort columns. Gets the GroupBy query expression for the given source and enumerable collection of the sort columns. The IQueryable source. The enumerable collection of the sort columns group by names. The GroupBy query expression for the given source and enumerable collection of the sort columns. Gets the GroupBy query expression for the given source, group by name, source type and sort action. The IQueryable source. The group by name which is the property name. The source type. The sort action. The GroupBy query expression for the given source, group names and source type. Gets the GroupBy query expression for the given source, group name and sort action. The IQueryable source. The group by name which is the property name. The sort action. The GroupBy query expression for the given source, group name and sort action. Gets the queryable expression OfType for the given source and its type. The IQueryable source. The type of the source. The queryable expression OfType for the given source and its type. Gets the collection of the type parameter for the given collection of type parameter . The target type parameter. The given type parameter. The collection of items. The collection of the type parameter for the given collection of type parameter . Generates a OrderBy query for the queryable source, its type and the property name. The IQueryable source. The property name for which the OrderBy query is to be generated. The type of the source. A OrderBy query for the queryable source, its type and the property name. Generates lambda expression for the complex properties Generates a OrderBy query for the queryable source and the property name. The IQueryable source. The property name for which the OrderBy query is to be generated. A OrderBy query for the queryable source and the property name. Generates a OrderBy query for the queryable source, property name and the expression func. The IQueryable source. The property name for which the OrderBy query is to be generated. The expression func based on which the query is to be generated. A OrderBy query for the queryable source, property name and the expression func. Generates a OrderBy query for the queryable source, property name, expression func and the comparer. The IQueryable source. The property name for which the OrderBy query is to be generated. The expression func based on which the query is to be generated. The comparer based on which the query is to be generated. A OrderBy query for the queryable source, property name, expression func and the comparer. Generates a OrderBy query for the queryable source and the expressions. The IQueryable source. The parameter expression which are the objects to populate to the parameter collection of the lambda expression. The expression to set the lambda expression body property equals to. A OrderBy query for the queryable source and the expressions. Generates an OrderBy query for the IComparer defined, source and its type. The type parameter for which the queryable expression is to be obtained. The IQueryable source. The comparer defined for the queryable expression. The type of the source. An OrderBy query for the IComparer defined, source and its type. Generates an OrderBy query for the IComparer defined and its source. The type parameter for which the queryable expression is to be obtained. The IQueryable source. The comparer defined for the queryable expression. An OrderBy query for the IComparer defined and its source. Generates an OrderBy query for the given source, property and the comparer defined. The IQueryable source. The property name for which the OrderBy query is to be generated. The comparer defined for the queryable expression. The source type. An OrderBy query for the given source, property and the comparer defined. Generates an OrderByDescending query of the given type parameter for the given source and comparer defined. The type parameter for which the queryable expression is to be obtained. The IQueryable source. The comparer defined for the queryable expression. The type of the source. An OrderByDescending query of the given type parameter for the given source and comparer defined. Generates an OrderByDescending query for the given source, property and the comparer defined. The IQueryable source. The property name for which the query is to be generated. The comparer defined for the queryable expression. The type of the source. An OrderByDescending query for the given source, property and the comparer defined. Generates an OrderByDescending query for the given source and the comparer defined. The type parameter for which the queryable expression is to be obtained. The IQueryable source. The comparer defined for the queryable expression. An OrderByDescending query for the given source and the comparer defined. Generates a OrderByDescending query for the given source and the property. The IQueryable source. The property name for which the query is to be generated. The type of the source. An OrderByDescending query for the given source and the property. Gets the expression for the given property and the parameter expression. The parameter expression based on which the expression is generated. The property name for which the expression is to be generated. The expression for the given property and the parameter expression. Generates the value expression for the given property, source type and the parameter expression. The property name for which the expression is to be generated. The type of the source. The parameter expression based on which the expression is generated. The value expression for the given property, source type and the parameter expression. Generates the OrderByDescending query for the given source and the property. The IQueryable source. The property name for which the query is to be generated. The OrderByDescending query for the given source and the property. Generates the OrderByDescending query for the given source, property, expression func and the comparer defined. The IQueryable source. The property name for which the query is to be generated. The comparer defined for the query. The expression func based on which the query is to be generated. The OrderByDescending query for the given source, property, expression func and the comparer defined. Generates the OrderByDescending query for the given source, property and the expression func. The IQueryable source. The property name for which the query is to be generated. The expression func based on which the query is to be generated. The OrderByDescending query for the given source, property and the expression func. Generates the OrderByDescending query for the given source and expressions. The IQueryable source. The parameter expression which are the objects to populate to the parameter collection of the lambda expression. The expression to set the lambda expression body property equals to. The OrderByDescending query for the given source and expressions. Generates an OR binary expression for the given expressions. The expression 1. The expression 2. An OR binary expression for the given expressions. Creates a ParameterExpression that is required when building a series of predicates for the WHERE filter. Use this same parameter passed to generate different predicates and finally to generate the Lambda. If we specify a parameter for every predicate, then the Lambda expression scope will be out of the WHERE query that gets generated. The IQueryable source. A ParameterExpression that is required when building a series of predicates for the WHERE filter. Generates the parameter expression for the given source type. The source type. The parameter expression for the given source type. Generates the equal expression for the given parameter expression, property and value. The parameter expression based on which the expression is generated. The property name for which the expression is to be generated. The object. The equal expression for the given parameter expression, property and value. Generates an equal binary expression for the given expression and the property name. The parameter expression for generating the binary expression. The property name 1. The property name 2. An equal binary expression for the given expression and the property name. Generates an equal expression for the given values. The parameter expression. The property name for which the expression is generated. The object. The type of the element. The expression func. An equal expression for the given values. Generates a NotEqual expression for the given values. The parameter expression. The property name for which the expression is generated. The object. The element type. The expression func. A NotEqual expression for the given values. Generates a NotEqual binary expression for the given parameter expression, property and the value. The parameter expression. The property name for which the expression is to be generated. The object. A NotEqual binary expression for the given parameter expression, property and the value. Generates an NotEqual binary expression for the given expression and property. The parameter expression. The property name 1. The property name 2. An NotEqual binary expression for the given expression and property. Generates a GreaterThanOrEqual binary expression for the given expression, property and the value. The parameter expression. The property name. The object. A GreaterThanOrEqual binary expression for the given expression, property and the value. Generates a GreaterThanOrEqual binary expression for the given expressions and the property. The parameter expression. The property name 1. The property name 2. A GreaterThanOrEqual binary expression for the given expressions and the property. Generates a GreaterThanOrEqual binary expression for the given values. The parameter expression. The property name. The object. The element type. The expression func. A GreaterThanOrEqual binary expression for the given values. Generates a GreaterThan binary expression for the given parameter expression, property and the value. The parameter expression. The property name. The object. A GreaterThan binary expression for the given parameter expression, property and the value. Generates a GreaterThan binary expression for the given expression and the property. The parameter expression. The property name 1. The property name 2. A GreaterThan binary expression for the given values. Generates a GreaterThan expression for the given values. The parameter expression. The property name. The object. The element type. The expression func. A GreaterThan expression for the given values. Generates a LessThan binary expression for the given expression, property and the values. The parameter expression. The property name. The object. A LessThan binary expression for the given expression, property and the values. Generates a LessThan binary expression for the given expression and the property. The parameter expression. The property name 1. The property name 2. A LessThan binary expression for the given expression and the property. Generates a LessThan expression for the given values. The parameter expression. The property name. The object. The element type. The expression func. A LessThan expression for the given values. Generates a LessThanOrEqual binary expression for the given expression, property and the value. The parameter expression. The property name. The object. A LessThanOrEqual binary expression for the given expression, property and the value. Generates a LessThanOrEqual binary expression for the given expression and property. The parameter expression. The property name 1. The property name 2. A LessThanOrEqual binary expression for the given expression and property. Generates a LessThanOrEqual expression for the given values. The parameter expression. The property name. The object. The element type. The expression func. A LessThanOrEqual expression for the given values. Generates a predicate expression for the given values. Predicate is a Binary expression that needs to be built for a single or a series of values that needs to be passed on to the WHERE expression. First create a ParameterExpression using the Parameter extension function, then use the same ParameterExpression to generate the predicates. The IQueryable source. The parameter expression. The property name. The object. The filter type. The filter behavior. A boolean values indicating whether to consider the expression with case sensitive. The type of the source A predicate expression for the given values. Generates a predicate expression for the given values. The IQueryable source. The parameter expression. The property name. The object. The filter type. The filter behavior. A boolean values indicating whether to consider the expression with case sensitive. The type of the source. The expression func. The member type. A predicate expression for the given values. Generates a predicate expression for the given values. The IQueryable source. The parameter expression. The property name. The object. The member type. The filter type. The filter behavior. A boolean values indicating whether to consider the expression with case sensitive. The type of the source The expression func. A predicate binary expression for the given values. Generates a predicate expression for the given values. The IQueryable source. The parameter expression. The property name. The object. The filter type. The filter behavior. A boolean values indicating whether to consider the expression with case sensitive. The type of the source The format. A predicate expression for the given values. Generates a Select query based on the given source and property. The IQueryable source. The property name for which the query is generated. The source type. A Select query based on the given source and property. Generates a Select query for the given source and property. The IQueryable source. The property name for which the query is generated. A Select query for the given source and property. Generates a Select query based on the given source and properties passed. The IQueryable source. The array of properties based on which the query is to be generated. The select query based on the given source and properties passed. Generates a Select query based on the source and the properties passed. It returns a dynamic class generated through ReflectionEmit, Use reflection to identify the properties and values. The IQueryable source. The enumerable collection of properties. The type of the source. A Select query based on the source and the properties passed. Generates a Select query based on the given source and the properties passed. The IQueryable source. The enumerable collection of properties. A Select query based on the given source and the properties passed. Generates a SKIP expression for the given IQueryable source. The IQueryable source. The constant value. The type of the source. A SKIP expression for the given IQueryable source. Generates a SKIP expression for the given IQueryable source and the constant value. The IQueryable source. The constant value. A SKIP expression for the given IQueryable source and the constant value. Use this method with a cached delegate, this improves performance when using complex Expressions. Calculates the result by executing the expression obtained from the queryable sum method based on the given source type and property name. The IQueryable source. The property name. The type of the source. The result by executing the expression obtained from the queryable sum method based on the given source type and property name. Calculates the result by executing the expression obtained from the queryable sum method based on the given source and property name. The IQueryable source. The property name. The result by executing the expression obtained from the queryable sum method based on the given source and property name. Calculates the result by executing the expression obtained from the queryable sum method based on the given source, property and the expression func. The IQueryable source. The property name. The expression func. The result by executing the expression obtained from the queryable sum method based on the given source, property and the expression func. Get the exact Sum method from Queryable based on body type. exact method info Get the exact Average method from Queryable based on body type exact method info Calculates the average by executing the expression obtained from the queryable average method based on the given source and the property name. The IQueryable source. The property name. The average by executing the expression obtained from the queryable average method based on the given source and the property name. Calculates the average by executing the expression obtained from the queryable average method based on the given source and the property name. The IQueryable source. The property name. The source type. The average by executing the expression obtained from the queryable average method based on the given source and the property name. Calculates the average by executing the expression obtained from the queryable average method based on the given source, property name and the expression func. The IQueryable source. The property name. The expression func. The average by executing the expression obtained from the queryable average method based on the given source, property name and the expression func. Calculates the max object by executing the expression obtained from the queryable max method based on the given source and the property name. The IQueryable source. The property name. The max object by executing the expression obtained from the queryable max method based on the given source and the property name. Calculates the max object by executing the expression obtained from the queryable max method based on the given source and the property name. The IQueryable source. The property name. The source type. The max object by executing the expression obtained from the queryable max method based on the given source and the property name. Calculates the max object by executing the expression obtained from the queryable max method based on the given values. The IQueryable source. The property name. The expression func. The max object by executing the expression obtained from the queryable max method based on the given values. Calculates the min object by executing the expression obtained from the queryable min method based on the given source and the property. The IQueryable source. The property name. The min object by executing the expression obtained from the queryable min method based on the given source and the property. Calculates the min object by executing the expression obtained from the queryable min method based on the given source and the property. The IQueryable source. The property name. The source type. The min object by executing the expression obtained from the queryable min method based on the given source and the property. Calculates the min object by executing the expression obtained from the queryable min method based on the given values. The IQueryable source. The property name. The expression func. The min object by executing the expression obtained from the queryable min method based on the given values. Generates a TAKE expression in the IQueryable source for the given source and constant value. The IQueryable source. The constant value. The type of the source. A TAKE expression in the IQueryable source for the given source and constant value. Generates a TAKE expression for the given IQueryable source and the constant value. The IQueryable source. The constant value. A TAKE expression for the given IQueryable source and the constant value. Generates a ThenBy query expression for the given queryable source, its property name and the type of source. The source. The property name. The source type. A ThenBy query expression for the queryable source, its property name and the type of source. Generates a ThenBy query expression for the given queryable source and property name. The IQueryable source. The property name. A ThenBy query expression for the queryable source and property name. Generates a ThenBy query expression for the given values. The IQueryable source. The property name. The comparer. The expression func. A ThenBy query expression for the given values. Generates a ThenBy query expression for the given source, property and the expression func. The IQueryable source. The property name. The expression func. A ThenBy query expression for the given source, property and the expression func. Generates a ThenBy query expression for the given source and the expressions. The IQueryable source. The parameter expression. The expression. A ThenBy query expression for the given source and the expressions. Generates an ThenBy query expression of the given type parameter for the given comparer and the source. The type parameter for which the query is to be generated. The IQueryable source. The comparer defined. The type of the source. An ThenBy query expression of the given type parameter for the given comparer and the source. Generates an ThenBy query expression for the given values. The IQueryable source. The property name. The comparer. The type of the source. An ThenBy query expression for the given values. Generates an ThenBy query expression for the given source and the comparer for the given type. The type parameter. The IQueryable source. The comparer. An ThenBy query expression for the given source and the comparer for the given type. Generates a ThenByDescending query of the given type parameter for the given source and the comparer defined. The type parameter. The IQueryable source. The comparer. The source type. A ThenByDescending query of the given type parameter for the given source and the comparer defined. Generates an ThenByDescending query expression for the given values. The IQueryable source. The property name. The comparer. The type of the source. An ThenByDescending query expression for the given values. Generates an ThenByDescending query expression for the given source and the comparer for the given type. The type parameter. The IQueryable source. The comparer. An ThenByDescending query expression for the given source and the comparer for the given type. Generates a ThenByDescending query expression for the given values. The IQueryable source. The property name. The comparer. The expression func. A ThenByDescending query expression for the given values. Generates a ThenByDescending query expression for the given values. The IQueryable source. The property name. The expression func. A ThenByDescending query expression for the given values. Generates a ThenByDescending query expression for the given source and the expressions. The IQueryable source. The parameter expression. The expression. A ThenByDescending query expression for the given source and the expressions. Generates a ThenByDescending query for the given values. The IQueryable source The property name. The source type. A ThenByDescending query for the given values. Generates a ThenByDescending query for the given source and the property. The IQueryable source The property name. A ThenByDescending query for the given source and the property. Generates the where expression for the given values. The IQueryable source. The name of the property. The object. The filter type. A boolean value indicating whether the expression should be considered as case sensitive or not. The type of the source. The where expression for the given values. Generates the where expression for the given values. The IQueryable source. The name of the property. The object. The filter type. A boolean value indicating whether the expression should be considered as case sensitive or not. The where expression for the given values. Generates the page expression for the given source, page index and page size. The IQueryable source. The index of the page. The size of the page. The page expression for the given source, page index and page size. Generates the Where query expression based on the given values. Use this function to generate WHERE expression based on Predicates. The AndPredicate and OrPredicate should be used in combination to build the predicate expression which is finally passed on to this function for creating a Lambda. The IQueryable source. The parameter expression. The predicate expression. The Where query expression based on the given values. Generates the GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. The type of the elements. The enumerable collection of the elements. The list of sort descriptions. The enumerable collection of the func for the group selectors. The GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. Generates the GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. The type of the elements. The enumerable collection of the elements. The list of sort descriptions. The sort comparers collection. The array of properties. The enumerable collection of the func for the group selectors. The GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. Generates the GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. The type parameter. The enumerable collection of the elements. The list of sort descriptions. The sort comparers collection. The array of properties. The func for the group selectors. The GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. Generates the GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. The type of the elements. The enumerable collection of the elements. The list of sort descriptions. The func for the group selectors. The GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. Generates the GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. The type of the elements. The enumerable collection of the elements. The func for the group selectors. The GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. Generates the GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. The type parameter. The enumerable collection of the elements. The enumerable collection of func for the group selectors. The GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. Generates the GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given source and the properties passed. The IQueryable source The enumerable collection of properties. The GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given source and the properties passed. Generates the GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given source and the properties. The IQueryable source The type of the source. The array of properties. The GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given source and the properties. Generates the GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. The IQueryable source. The dictionary of format collection. The type of the source. The array of properties. The GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. Generates the GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. The IQueryable source. The type of the source. The list of sort descriptions. The array of properties. The GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. Generates the GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. The IQueryable source. The type of the source. The expression func. The array of properties. The GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. Generates the groups for the DataTable. The DataView source. The type of the source. The expression func. The array of properties. The groups for the DataTable. Generates the GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. The IEnumerable source. The type of the source. The list of sort descriptions. The dictionary of sort comparers. The expression func. The array of properties. The GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. Generates the GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. The IEnumerable source. The type of the source. The list of sort descriptions. The expression func. The array of properties. The GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. Generates the GroupResult enumerable collection for the given source and the properties passed. The IQueryable source. The array of properties. The GroupResult enumerable collection for the given source and the properties passed. Generates the GroupResult enumerable collection based on the given values. The IQueryable source. The dictionary of format collection. The array of properties. The GroupResult enumerable collection for the given values. Gets the type of the given source. The source, whose type is to be obtained. The type of the given object. Class that holds the information of the group like key, count, items and etc. Returns the result of the group, which contains the key and the items count in the group. The result of the group, which contains the key and the items count in the group. Gets or sets the key of the group. The key of the group. Gets or sets the total number of items in the group. The total number of items in the group. Gets or sets the enumerable collection of items in the group. The enumerable collection of items in the group. Gets or sets the enumerable collection of the sub-groups in the group, if the group contains any sub-groups. The enumerable collection of the sub-groups in the group. Class that defines the sort description index and the sort description. Gets or sets the index of the sort description. The index of the sort description. Gets or sets the sort descriptions, which contains the information of the column that represents sorting. The sort descriptions, which contains the information of the column that represents sorting. Gets the type from which the current directly inherits. The type. The from which the current directly inherits, or null if the current represents the object class or an interface. Checks whether the specified is one of the primitive types or not. The type. true if the is one of the primitive types; otherwise false. Checks Whether the specified is generic type or not. The type. true if the specified is generic, otherwise false. Checks whether the specified is an interface; that is, not a class or a value type. The type. true if the is an interface; otherwise false. Checks whether the specified is abstract or not. The type. true if the specified is abstract, otherwise false. Checks whether the specified is value type or not. The type. true if the specified is value type, otherwise false. Checks whether the specified represents an enumeration or not. The type. true if the specified represents an enumeration, otherwise false. Checks whether the specifed type is generic type definition or not. The type. true if the object represents a generic type definition, otherwise false. Gets the boolean value indicating whether the specified is Dynamic Bound or Not. True if the is dynamic bound,otherwise false. Gets the item properties for the specified . The item properties of the specified . Formats the given string values. The formatted string values. Formats the given string values using format provider. Formats the given string values using format provider. The string formatted according to . Parses the format of the given string. Represents a collection of sorting column description that raises notification for both collection and item changes. You can add many instance to perform sorting. Initializes a new instance of class. Describes a sorting criterion.