using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace CDP { internal class AuditDB { // private static Lazy lazyClient = new Lazy(InitializeCosmosClient); private static CosmosClient cosmosClient => lazyClient.Value; private static string DatabaseName = "CDP"; private static string FileAuditContainer = "FileAudits"; private static string UserAuditContainer = "UserAudits"; private static string GroupAuditContainer = "GroupAudits"; private static string TenantAuditContainer = "TenantAudits"; private static CosmosClient InitializeCosmosClient() { // Perform any initialization here var uri = ""; var authKey = "VPbg8RpzyI3XwhC2o0dIUtYFs33ghxORCqZeNAyg8vg4HWUBjM41BUxP0qLFXEvFh6ewQY1uKv52ACDbsEN1AQ=="; return new CosmosClient(uri, authKey); } public static async Task UpdateAuditDocument(AuditDocument al, string containerName) { if (al.Records.Count == 0) return; List lal = await SplitAuditlog(al); Container container = cosmosClient.GetContainer(DatabaseName, containerName); foreach (AuditDocument ial in lal) { ItemResponse r = await container.UpsertItemAsync(ial, new PartitionKey(; } await UpdateMetadata(container, lal); } static async Task UpdateMetadata(Container container, List lal) { bool update = false; string pKey = GetMetaDocumentKey(lal[0].DocId); MetadataDocument md = null; try { ItemResponse response = await container.ReadItemAsync(pKey, new PartitionKey(pKey)); md = response.Resource; } catch (CosmosException ex) when (ex.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { md = new MetadataDocument() { id = lal[0].DocId + "-meta", PartitionKeys = new List() }; } catch (Exception e) { // Helpers.LogIt(e.Message); return; } if (md == null) { // Helpers.LogIt("Something ugly happened!"); return; } foreach (AuditDocument log in lal) { if (md.PartitionKeys.Contains( continue; md.PartitionKeys.Add(; update = true; } if (update) { try { ItemResponse r = await container.UpsertItemAsync(md, new PartitionKey(pKey)); } catch (Exception e) { // Helpers.LogIt(e.Message); return; } } } public static async Task GetAuditDocument(string key, string ContainerName) { try { Container container = cosmosClient.GetContainer(DatabaseName, ContainerName); ItemResponse response = await container.ReadItemAsync(key, new PartitionKey(key)); if (response == null) return null; AuditDocument t = response.Resource; return t; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } static async Task GetMetadataDocument(string id, string ContainerName) { MetadataDocument md = null; string pKey = GetMetaDocumentKey(id); PartitionKey partitionKey = new PartitionKeyBuilder() .Add(id) .Build(); Container container = cosmosClient.GetContainer(DatabaseName, ContainerName); try { ItemResponse response = await container.ReadItemAsync(pKey, partitionKey); md = response.Resource; } catch (CosmosException ex) when (ex.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { md = new MetadataDocument() { id = id, PartitionKeys = new List() }; } catch (Exception e) { // Helpers.LogIt(e.Message); return null; } if (md == null) { // Helpers.LogIt("Something ugly happened!"); return null; } return md; } public static async Task> GetAuditRecordsBetweenDates(string DocId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string ContainerName) { var results = new List(); Container container = cosmosClient.GetContainer(DatabaseName, ContainerName); // Fetch the metadata document for the customer ID var metadataDocumentId = GetMetaDocumentKey(DocId); MetadataDocument metadataDocument = null; try { var metadataDocumentResponse = await container.ReadItemAsync(metadataDocumentId, new PartitionKey(metadataDocumentId)); metadataDocument = metadataDocumentResponse.Resource; } catch (CosmosException ex) when (ex.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { } catch (Exception e) { // Helpers.LogIt(e.Message); } if (metadataDocument == null) return results; // Determine the partition keys within the date range var partitionKeysInRange = metadataDocument.PartitionKeys .Where(pk => IsPartitionKeyInRange(pk, startDate, endDate)) .ToList(); // Fetch the audit records for each partition key within the date range foreach (var partitionKey in partitionKeysInRange) { ItemResponse response = await container.ReadItemAsync(partitionKey, new PartitionKey(partitionKey)); if (response == null) continue; AuditDocument t = response.Resource; results.AddRange(t.Records); } return results; } static private bool IsPartitionKeyInRange(string partitionKey, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { var partitionKeyParts = partitionKey.Split('-'); var length = partitionKeyParts.Length; var year = int.Parse(partitionKeyParts[length - 3]); var dayOfYear = int.Parse(partitionKeyParts[length - 2]); var partitionKeyDate = new DateTime(year, 1, 1).AddDays(dayOfYear - 1); return partitionKeyDate >= startDate && partitionKeyDate <= endDate; } public static async Task AppendRecord(string id, AuditRecord rec, string ContainerName) { try { var metadataDocument = await GetMetadataDocument(id, ContainerName); if (metadataDocument == null) return false; string dayKey = metadataDocument.GetLatestKeyForDay(rec.EventTime); AuditDocument al = await GetAuditDocument(dayKey, ContainerName); if (al == null && ContainerName == FileAuditContainer) al = new AuditDocument() { DocId = rec.FileId }; else if (al == null && ContainerName == TenantAuditContainer) al = new AuditDocument() { DocId = rec.AppKey }; else if (al == null && ContainerName == UserAuditContainer) al = new AuditDocument() { DocId = rec.UserId }; else if (al == null && ContainerName == GroupAuditContainer) al = new AuditDocument() { DocId = rec.GroupId }; al.Records.Add(rec); await UpdateAuditDocument(al, ContainerName); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public static async Task AppendRecordsList(string id, List rec, string ContainerName) { try { var metadataDocument = await GetMetadataDocument(id, ContainerName); if (metadataDocument == null || rec.Count <= 0) return false; string dayKey = metadataDocument.GetLatestKeyForDay(rec[0].EventTime); AuditDocument al = await GetAuditDocument(dayKey, ContainerName); /*if (al == null && ContainerName == FileAuditContainer) al = new AuditDocument() { DocId = rec.FileId };*/ if (al == null && ContainerName == TenantAuditContainer) al = new AuditDocument() { DocId = rec[0].AppKey }; else if (al == null && ContainerName == UserAuditContainer) al = new AuditDocument() { DocId = rec[0].UserId }; rec.ForEach(record => { al.Records.Add(record); }); await UpdateAuditDocument(al, ContainerName); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public static async Task GetGroupAuditDocument(string appKey, string groupId) { Container container = cosmosClient.GetContainer(DatabaseName, GroupAuditContainer); // get the Group Container GroupAuditDocument ad = new GroupAuditDocument() { GroupId = groupId }; try { // Store the unique identifier string id = groupId; PartitionKey partitionKey = new PartitionKeyBuilder() .Add(appKey) .Add(groupId) .Build(); // Perform a point read ItemResponse r = await container.ReadItemAsync(id, partitionKey); return r; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public static async Task AddTenantAuditRecord(FileAuditRecord far) { TenantAuditRecord uar = new TenantAuditRecord() { Action = far.Action, AppKey = far.AppKey, EventTime = far.EventTime, FileId = far.FileId, GroupId = far.GroupId, Message = far.Message, UserId = far.UserId }; // cosmosClient is init'd by the static on line 21 Container container = cosmosClient.GetContainer(DatabaseName, TenantAuditContainer); // Build the full partition key path PartitionKey partitionKey = new PartitionKeyBuilder() .Add(uar.AppKey) .Build(); TenantAuditDocument ad = await GetTenantAuditDocument(uar.AppKey); if (ad == null) ad = new TenantAuditDocument() { AppKey = uar.AppKey }; ad.Records.Add(uar); try { ItemResponse r = await container.UpsertItemAsync(ad, partitionKey); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } public static async Task GetTenantAuditDocument(string appKey) { Container container = cosmosClient.GetContainer(DatabaseName, TenantAuditContainer); // get the Group Container TenantAuditDocument ad = new TenantAuditDocument() { AppKey = appKey }; try { // Store the unique identifier string id = appKey; PartitionKey partitionKey = new PartitionKeyBuilder() .Add(appKey) .Build(); // Perform a point read ItemResponse r = await container.ReadItemAsync(id, partitionKey); return r; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } static async Task> SplitAuditlog(AuditDocument al) { List lal = new List(); var sortedRecords = al.Records.OrderBy(record => record.EventTime).ToList(); var currentGroup = new List(); var currentGroupSize = 0; int MaxDocumentSizeInBytes = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2MB int index = al.Index; // start for index passed in foreach (var record in sortedRecords) { var recordSize = record.CalculateRecordSize(); if (currentGroupSize + recordSize > MaxDocumentSizeInBytes) { AuditDocument i = new AuditDocument(); i.Index = index++; i.Records = currentGroup; lal.Add(i); currentGroup = new List(); currentGroupSize = 0; } currentGroup.Add(record); currentGroupSize += recordSize; } if (currentGroup.Any()) { AuditDocument i = new AuditDocument(); i.DocId = al.DocId; i.Index = index++; i.Records = currentGroup; lal.Add(i); } return lal; } static string GetMetaDocumentKey(string id) { return $"{id}-meta"; } } }